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My Brother's Wife: Part 4

"Everyone finally shows up, and Sherry takes the initiative and gets the ball rolling."

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Author's Notes

"Finally, we get everyone there, and Sherry, not one to waste any time, takes the bull by the horns... or by one horn, anyway! I hope you've read and enjoyed the first 3 chapters enough to continue with us, and as always, thanks for your time and your 'Likes', 'Favorites', and comments..."

I awoke the next morning snuggled to Richard’s side. The room and the bed smelled strongly of sex, which might be unpleasant or off-putting in a different situation, but remembering why it smelled that way, and my naked skin against his, Gina plastered to his other side, made the sex scent work like an aphrodisiac. Richard was ready and able, the sheet tenting over his morning wood… impressive, given the demands we’d placed on him just hours ago!

I’ve never understood the mechanism behind morning wood, but I long ago learned to stop pondering the imponderables and simply enjoy, and my husband was dependably enjoyable. I touched myself, knowing I’d be sloppy-wet with cum, saliva, and my arousal, and figured I could probably straddle him and slide on before he awakened – I’ve done it before – but decided both of them could probably use their rest after last night. Looking forward to the day ahead, I knew they’d need it!

The house was quiet, so I figured Sherry and Tommy were still asleep upstairs. I decided to go start a pot of coffee before coming back to shower, so after just a few soft licks of Richard’s rigid cock I slipped out of bed and padded out to the kitchen – only to find my brother, Tom, reaching up into the cabinet for the coffee filters. He was as naked as I was; I debated slipping away quietly to avoid any awkwardness, but his balls, dangling there all cute and vulnerable as he reached overhead, simply made too inviting of a target.

I crept up behind him and reached between his legs and grabbed his balls. He let out a startled gasp and jumped, whacking himself in the forehead with the cabinet door he’d been holding onto. “Jesus! We need to put a collar and bell on you.”

I laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” I gave his nuts a quick squeeze before releasing him and stepping back. Our eyes ran over each other, taking in more of what we’d seen last night as I said, “Is this weird, being naked together?”

He nodded. “It is, but you’re very easy to look at. You’ve always been beautiful, and you still look just like you did when you were nineteen.”

“Thank you, Tommy, what a nice thing to say.” I felt his cock brush my tummy as I leaned in to kiss him.  “I suppose, after last night, being naked together now is not so strange, huh?”

“That was… crazy, yeah. Do you guys do this kind of stuff a lot?” He’d finished with the filter and coffee canister and was now at the sink, filling the pot with water.

“No, never. I mean, we have the occasional threesome or something…”

“You and another girl, like Gina, with Richie?” He poured the water into the coffee maker and clicked it on, placing the pot below the filter basket.

I smiled at him. “Sometimes, yes.” I hopped up and sat on the counter (cold fucking quartz!) since he’d already done what I came in to do. “More often with Richard and another guy, but not groups like this.”

“Yeah? You and two men? Seriously?”

I laughed. It was like Tommy couldn’t believe that his sweet little sister might enjoy fucking two guys… as if most women wouldn’t! “Seriously. It makes sense, right? I mean, I love fucking – duh, who doesn’t – and I can almost always keep going longer than a guy.”

“I guess. After last night, I’m thinking Sherry might like that too.”

“Probably. I don’t know how much she’s told you, but since you’re probably going to find out today anyway, Richie is bisexual.”

He looked very surprised. “No, she didn’t mention that. Wow… you too, I guess?”

I shrugged. “Sure, to some extent. I’m still a newbie to the game, and while I enjoy it - a lot – it’s a big part of who Richie is.”

“And you’re okay with that.”

“Sure. I love him just like he is. But it’s another reason that we have our threesomes with another man more often than with a woman.” I realized that I had relaxed enough, naked with my brother, that I’d let my legs drift apart. I started to correct that oversight, but then thought, No, just be cool. Let him relax too… He didn’t seem to have noticed.

“That makes sense, I guess. So, the other guys are bi too?”

I shrugged again. “Not always, but it helps. Even the guys that aren’t seem to like it a lot when we suck their cocks together, me and Richard. Seth, our best friend, is bi, very much so. He and Richie were each others’ firsts when they roomed together in college. That’s when they knew.”

“Wow. I had a lot of misgivings about this weekend, but you make it seem like it’s all good. You’re so… accepting.”

“Tommy, I don’t know that it’s all good, and the wrong attitude or failure to communicate can make things go south in a hurry, but if you approach it with an open mind…” I’d looked away, checking the coffee pot as I spoke, and when I turned back he was eyeing my pussy. When his eyes rose to my face again, I said, “What?” and he blushed.

He stammered, “Y… you. You’re just so casually sexy, so comfortable in your body. You ooze sex.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I haven’t showered yet.”

He barked a surprised laugh. “That’s not what I meant and you know it! You’re just beautiful, sexy and sensual. I guess I’d never thought of you this way.

I smiled. “Probably a good thing you hadn’t, huh? But you know what? You’re not so bad yourself.”

He smiled. “Thanks. I’m not as comfortable in my skin as you are, or as adventurous and open… and my dick could be bigger.”

“It was, just last night, I saw it! He smiled. "I’m, sure it will be again, Tommy.” He was unquestionably small, all drawn up and in, but it was quite chilly in the house; I’d planned to run up and take a nice hot shower once I got the coffee started, the only reason I hadn’t put clothes on, and my ass on the cold countertop and my stiff nipples were lodging a protest of their own.

“You know what I mean.”

“Tommy, nobody cares about that but you. Gina seemed to enjoy herself.”

“Fuck, she’s so hot… sweet too. I like her a lot.”

“Us too, but she didn’t complain, right?”

“No, but…”

“Has Sherry ever complained that you being too small? I mean, you’re very normal, right in the average for guys as far as I know. And why worry about what you can’t change?”

“No, she’s never said anything negative.”

“Not to me either; she says you’re an amazing lover.”

“She told you that? Jeez…”

“Women always talk about that kind of stuff, you know. Probably all of her friends have heard…” He was starting to look somewhere between panicked and nauseous, and I laughed. “I’m kidding, okay? But yes, she and I have talked about stuff. But we’re family.”

He smiled weakly. “Don’t do that! But fuck, did you see Sher, last night? Oh my god, she was totally into it, Richard fucking her with his big cock, she was going crazy.”

“Well, it’s supposed to be fun, and enjoyable for everyone. Is that okay? You’re not upset with Richie… or me? Or Sherry, for that matter?”

“No… You know, it kind of made it easier. I was stressing about how I’d handle it, the jealousy, but the fact that it was Richie, who I know she loves already, and that you and him are irreversibly together… Well, it just made it easier; like you said, family. There’s a trust there. Plus... God, I was so turned on!”

I smiled at him, glad he was doing okay. “There is, and I'm glad it aroused you. But these other guys are all really good too. Seth is almost family, and you know him already. Jason was kind of an asshole when he was younger – I hated him – but he’s outgrown that and matured and is very easygoing. And James, our UPS driver and now friend, is just a laid-back guy with a big cock who loves to fuck. He’s not looking for any permanent attachments, but he’s sweet and kind and funny. You’ll like him; Sherry will really like him!”

He laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. So, he’s hung, huh?”

I nodded. “Yeah, one of those black guys that keeps the myth alive. Jason too, except a white version – like Richie said, they’re freaks.”

“I think he used the word ‘mutants’.”

I laughed. “He’s right.”

“So I’ll be the smallest guy there...”

I touched his shoulder. “Stop, okay? I know you guys obsess over that, but it’s a non-factor. It is, Tommy. You don’t think Sherry is looking to run away with some guy just because he has a cock down to his knees do you?”

“Down to his knees? Jesus!”

I laughed and poked him in the ribs. “I exaggerated for effect; they’re both still very human, not farm animals. They just happen to be well-endowed humans.”

“Thank God!”

“Speaking of which, did you meet her at the circus or something?” They’d met in college, which I knew, but I had to poke him a little.

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, did you know she was a sword swallower?”

He laughed. “God, you are such a brat! No, of course not – I mean, look at me, how would I know that? I don’t think even she had any idea, but damn, she took Richie like a champ! That was so hot.”

I laughed. “I know Richard enjoyed it. Sherry did too – she was absolutely dripping by the time she climbed aboard. Sucking cock does that to me too, so I know how she feels.”

“Just when I think this conversation can’t get any weirder…”

“Talking about it can’t be harder than seeing and doing it, right?” I’d noticed that as we talked, he was beginning to become aroused, his cock rising and lengthening as he recalled Sherry’s eager sexuality.

“I guess, but it’s still weird.”

“Did you enjoy watching her come? Richie says he loves watching me as I come with someone else, so he can just observe every detail. You’ve gotta admit, she came like gangbusters… she was so into it that when Richard paused she just kept on going, thrusting herself onto him, taking his cock. Of course, she was in the middle of a monster orgasm, so that’s understandable, but she was fucking the hell out of him, huh?”

He groaned. He was fully hard now, his soldier standing at attention, which had sort of been my goal in being so graphic. I stuck my foot out and ran my toes up the length of his erection, and he gasped. “Sure looks to me like you enjoyed seeing your horny wife take a big cock.” I slid my foot beneath his tight little cold-adjusted ballsack and nudged his testicles a couple of times before stroking that sensitive area just behind his scrotum with my big toe, and his cock strained, upright and throbbing, and I felt him press himself against my foot. “Can’t hide your true feelings, can you?”

He was blushing, and he pulled away from my foot. “Rayney, stop it!”

I laughed. “See? I told you it would get bigger, and look, it did! Just admit it, Tommy; you loved seeing how hot Sherry looked while she was fucking Richard, how hard she came.”

“Okay, yeah, she was amazing! That’s the most erotic, exciting thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I think she loved seeing how excited you were by watching her and liked seeing you and Gina having fun too… you know, to the limited extent she was aware of it.”

He grinned. “Yeah, and she enjoyed what Gina did too her too, licking her while Richard was deep inside. She wants to take that exploration further; we talked about it during the night, between fucking.” He looked down at his very hard cock. “I’m almost surprised I can still do that after last night… God, she was fucking insatiable!”

I looked at his handsome cock, standing proud, and smiled at him. “You have a very nice cock. Are you chemically assisted?”

“What… you mean, like boner pills? No, that’s all me.”

“You are such a stud – I’m proud of you!”

“He sure is, and what a talented tongue, my God!” Gina had just joined us, sneaking quietly into the kitchen, and jumped right into the conversation. She kissed him, gave his cock a few loving strokes, and then came over and kissed me before leaning back against the counter next to me, checking out Tommy head to toe, her gaze lingering on his stiff phallus. I put one arm around her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her neck. She, too, smelled of sex and cum and healthy, horny female, and I shuddered slightly as I thought about showering with her.

She looked at his hard-on. “I can’t believe you’re hard again, after hearing you and Sherry during the night. How many times did you fuck?”

He grinned proudly. “Several… plus other stuff. I was horny as hell – and thank you for that, Gina – but Sher was insatiable. I haven’t seen her so horny since… well, maybe never!” His cock strained visibly at the memory, twitching and rising.

Gina laughed and crossed the short distance between them, bending and taking his cock into her mouth down to the base. I thought, Now, his cock, a nice normal size, that one I could do! If he wasn’t my brother, that is! Still, I wanted to try it.

Gina gave him a few full-length strokes, letting him slide in and out of her mouth before pulling away. His cock was, if it’s possible, even stiffer now, and it glistened with her saliva. He’d groaned at the sensations of her lips on him, and again when she set him free.

She licked her lips. “Let’s see… you taste like Sherry’s pussy, Richie’s cum, and, of course, your cum. Did you get yourself some sloppy seconds, you dirty boy?” I didn’t think she could tell all that just by taste but was probably just teasing him. If so, it worked because he turned red in response to her questioning – and she wasn’t done.

“Did you enjoy a hot, delicious creampie first?” When his blush turned almost purple, we both laughed, and Gina said, “Oh, you did, didn’t you? You licked up the whole mess. Such a kinkster you are, I love it!”

I did too, enjoying that Tommy, who I’d always thought of as being fairly inhibited, if not a bit of a prude, had gotten his freak on. I smiled at him. “Good for you, brother! I’ll bet Sher enjoyed that too.”

He shook his head. “Oh my God! She was a wild woman. I thought she was going to smother me for a while there, but goddamn… Well, let’s just say that wouldn’t be a bad way to go. She was so fucking sexy, so sensual and uninhibited. It was fantastic! Oh, and Richie cums buckets, by the way.”

“Don’t I know it!” I smiled and slid off the counter. Stepping close to him, I reached out and wrapped my hand around his straining cock and squeezed it. “You should probably take this back up to her, you think? Show her what a love machine you are.” He felt nice in my hand, hot and very hard, and I felt him throb and swell once before I released him.

Our eyes met, and although we’d always been close, it somehow felt like we’d drawn closer still. He smiled. “Yeah, I think I’ll do that. One more load in her won’t even be noticeable… oh, and speaking of loads, we’ll probably want to wash a load of sheets.”

Gina and I laughed at his segue, but as he turned to head back upstairs, she called him back. “If you’re hoping to dip that back in the well, you’d better not go up there with only one cup of coffee.”       

He grinned. “Good point, thanks.” He returned, and I got another mug and filled it from the pot, adding a dollop of French vanilla creamer that I knew she liked. After I’d topped him off anew, he headed off, cups in hand, and we watched him walk away, admiring his lean, sexy form and nice ass.

As he started up the steps, Gina said, “He was a lot of fun, your brother. A lot like you, sexy and open to anything – and he tastes good. I love his cock, perfect for sucking. Sherry, though, oh my God!”

That sounded ominous. “What? She say something to you?”

Gina grinned. “Nothing intelligible, just a lot of animal sounds and moans and grunts… that woman is a sexual volcano about to blow! You sure she’s never done this before?”

I shrugged. “Pretty sure, yeah. She’s kinda innocent and naive.”

“She may be inexperienced, but innocent she is not! Trust me, sweetheart, that woman wants it all, and she wants it big and hard and deep and messy. She’s decided that she’s ready to relax and let things go where they will, and she absolutely plans to be along for the ride. Sherry is one mega-horny woman ready for her sexual coming out party… and I thought you were bad!”        

I thought about that and realized Gina was probably right. As a bartender, she tends to be an excellent judge of people. “Damn, I hope I haven’t opened up a Pandora’s Box – and I hope that Tommy can handle it.”

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Gina laughed. “I think he’ll be just fine… although I am a little worried about all the guys that will be here. I hope, between the three of us, that they all survive!”

I laughed. “That’s why I ordered extras! C’mon, let’s go take a shower.”

So that’s what we did. Richard joined us and we all played and touched and fondled various things, getting quite aroused but intentionally not completing the journey; we wanted to save ourselves and our libidos to enjoy the activities planned for later! When we were done, there was more of Richard to...

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Written by Wet_n_willing
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