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My Brother's Wife, Part 2

"We plan our party to get Sherry laid, and take advantage of the arousal it stirs up."

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Author's Notes

"In this part we get our party guests lined up and feed off each other's excitement over the planned party. Plus, you know, we have various and sundry sex... I hope you'll continue to follow along (or go read Part 1, if you haven't) and will let me know if you enjoy it with a 'like', 'favorite', or comment - or better, all 3!"

The following morning, after showering the sex off ourselves, we stripped the bed and headed down for breakfast. I know Sherry realizes we have sex in their guest bed, but for some reason, I’m a little self-conscious about leaving cum-stained sheets on the bed for her to change – or worse, she could send one of their teenagers in to strip it! I left them in the laundry room on our way by.

As he often does when we visit, Tommy had run out to King Soopers, the local Kroger store, to pick up donuts, Danish, and various coffee drinks. He knows all our favorites. They have a nice coffee shop in the store and a great bakery; I wish our Kroger affiliate, City Market, did half as well! Then again, we’d probably both look like blimps if they did. Everything was good, as always, and I was very encouraged to see Sherry and Tommy both acting so happy and cheerful, assuming it meant what I thought it did – that their discussions had gone well!

That they kept touching each other and exchanging whispers and small kisses in passing also seemed like a positive sign. Later, as we were helping them get the kitchen cleaned up and getting ready to head home, I found myself alone in the kitchen with my brother.

He opened the conversation by saying, “Hey, kiddo, what the hell did you do to my wife?”

“What do you mean?”

He laughed. “She was like a woman possessed last night; I don’t even remember the last time I saw her that horny… although I’m sure it was after another talk with you.”

“Yeah, I have that effect on people.” We both laughed, and I went on, “I’m a little surprised you can even walk today, Tommy.”

“Me too! I mean, goddamn, she was so fucking hot! Four times… it’s been a while since that happened.”

I laughed. “You should probably try to catch a nap, huh?”

“I plan to, right after you leave. Even my lips and tongue are worn out.”

“See, now that’s something I didn’t need to know.”

He grinned. “Your fault. It was fun though, even if I am a little achy in the groinal region.”

 I laughed. “Always a risk. And…?”

“And what?”

“And what did you think of our idea?”

“Well, I think last night would indicate that I like it… a lot. But still, I don’t know.”

“What don’t you know?” Tom and I could always talk about almost anything without embarrassment. I wasn’t as free and forthcoming, perhaps, as I might have been with Richard or Sherry, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.

“Well, what if Sherry decides she likes it?”

“You want her to like it, right? Isn’t that sort of the point?”

“Of course, but what if she enjoys it too much?”

“I don’t think it’s possible to enjoy sex too much, Tommy.”

He punched my arm. “You know what I mean. She said a couple of the guys you’re talking about are hung; what if she decides that’s something she likes?”

I shrugged. “What if? I mean, you hope she does, right? And if so, maybe you take a walk on the wild side now and then or get her a larger toy or something. The guys I’m talking about, neither of them is in the market to steal someone’s wife. They’re both confirmed bachelors and enjoying it, and they’re both good guys, or we wouldn’t be involved with them.”

“But I’m not… you know, built like them.”

“I know, I’ve seen you, remember? First, most men are not; Jason and James are outliers, and the fact that I know both of them is another outlier, strictly chance. There are not a lot of guys like that in the general population, and that’s why average size is what it is; you’re plenty average, right?”

“I guess.”

“Ok then; and second, size matters a lot more to you guys than it does to probably ninety-nine percent of women. Other than size queens, we tend to not obsess over it, and get more involved with who the man is than what the man is packin’. It’s almost always you men that focus on size. For us – most of us, anyway – it’s about the overall experience.”

He shook his head, laughing. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.”

I smiled. “It’s OK, we’re all growed up now, Tommy. Mommy and Daddy won’t spank us for talking dirty.”

“You don’t think it’s weird?”

“Of course, it’s weird! But that’s OK. Weird isn’t necessarily bad.”


“I can’t speak to whether he cares or not.”

He laughed. “You’ve always had a weird sense of humor, speaking of weird.”

“Thank you; family trait.”

“Ok, answer me this; if size doesn’t matter, why is Sher so fucking aroused by thinking about it?”

“I didn’t say it doesn’t matter. That’s nonsense, but it’s not the main thing and it’s certainly not the only thing. As for Sherry, she’s curious. The idea of something – someone – different is very arousing to her, even if you take size out of the equation.”


“Tommy, you’re pushing forty-one, she’s almost thirty-nine, and you’re the only man she’s ever been with, the only man who has ever been inside of her. I think maybe she feels like the window of opportunity is closing and she wants to broaden her experience while she’s still young and attractive and can enjoy it.”

“I guess I can understand that.”

“I would hope – after all, you’ve had sex with other women, or girls, and she’s only had you. She loves you very much, as you know, but she might always wonder, you know, ‘what if’. Her biggest fear or hesitation about doing any of this was that she’d hurt you. Did she tell you that?”

“No, she didn’t.”

“Well, it is.”

He was silent for a moment, pondering that. “That’s kind of a heavy cross to bear.”

“For you, or her?”

“Yes.” He laughed. “I do get very aroused by stories or porn flicks where guys’ wives fuck other men while they either watch or participate, so maybe…”

“I know; she told me.”

“Goddamn! Is there anything you two don’t talk about?”

“Let me think; is there any way I can know the answer to that question? I mean, we’ve never discussed quantum physics, Greek philosophy, or the history of Mesopotamia – not that I recall, anyway. Is that what you mean?”

“Rayney, I swear, I’m going to put you over my knee!”

“Promises, promises!”

He laughed. “You have such a great attitude about it, so open and willing to experiment. Sherry told me a lot about you two last night, you and Richie, stuff I didn’t know.”

“I know. I should have shared with you, of all people. You know how much I love and trust you, it’s just…”

“I know. How do you start a conversation like that, right?”

“Apparently, by offering to get your brother’s wife banged by a guy with a big dick; that seems to have opened the floodgates,”

He laughed. “You’re crazy, but I love you anyway. Ok, let’s do it… Fuck, just thinking about it turns me on!”

“Show me?” I poked him in the ribs to let him know I was kidding.

“I will not. Not now, anyhow. Set it up, let us know, and confirm dates and all with Sher. If anything changes, we’ll tell you.”

“Tom, you can change your mind anytime, like I told Sherry. Right up to the moment, even, everyone would understand. Now, once the cock enters the pussy… that’s like Caesar crossing the Rubicon. Well, maybe wetter, but otherwise…”

“I hope I can carry half your attitude about it when the time comes.”

“You will; we’re like twins born two years apart, remember? You’ll have fun, and you’ll be amazed by your wife if she’ll just turn it loose and enjoy – and she will if she knows she has your support. If I know you – and I do – you’ll enjoy that as much as anything.”

“Fuck…” He reached down and adjusted himself, and I knew he’d been honest about being aroused. “Me and Sherry may just fuck ourselves to death just thinking about it. Don’t wait too long!”

I laughed. “Now you’re talkin’! Just in case, what kind of flowers do you like and what do you want on your headstone?”

He shook his head, grinning, and pulled me in for a big hug and a kiss. I was very happy to see how he’d come to not only accept the idea but to be truly enthused!

We finished up at their house, said our goodbyes, and hit the road. We weren’t even to the highway before Richard had Seth on the phone, and it took all of thirty seconds to get him on board; he’s horny and loves to fuck, so knowing that me and Richie, his two favorite lovers, would be involved was enough for him. The fact that there might be several more eager participants was just icing on his cake. He gave us one weekend that he would be unavailable because he was going rock climbing with a group he belongs to but said otherwise his schedule was open.

Jason was our next call, and he seemed very enthused when we explained what we were doing. He didn’t have any times in particular tied up, and so said for us to work it out and let him know so he could put it in his calendar. He definitely didn’t want to miss out!

I had James’ number but decided to try to catch him when he delivered to our house. I had two things coming the following week, an Amazon package and dog food, so my chances of seeing him seemed pretty good. Leaving Denver, we’d taken I-70, so eventually we would be dropping south down Highway 91 over Fremont Pass to Leadville and then down Highway 24 to get home; Gina tends bar at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Leadville, so we decided to stop there for lunch and see if she was working rather than calling.

In the meanwhile, I decided to give Richard a blowjob while he drove, aroused by our plans, my horniness of the previous night still lingering. I took my time, my head in his lap, enjoying his cock, edging him a good bit and not allowing him to come until we were going through the Eisenhower Tunnel. He came, his load huge thanks to half an hour of edging him, groaning and squirting as we exited the west portal of the tunnel, filling my mouth.

As always, a cock in my mouth had me dripping, and I was doing myself with my free hand. His spurting in my mouth tipped me over the edge as well, so a good time – and a great orgasm – was had by all. I shared the mouthful of jizz with him in a long kiss, and we each downed it while we were descending the steep western slope from the tunnel into Frisco and Dillon, his cum going down as we did!

Forty-five minutes later, he was parallel parking on the street near the Silver Dollar Saloon as I tucked his limp but happy cock back into his pants. I’d left it hanging out to admire, but that just wouldn’t do for walking down the street in Leadville on a busy summer afternoon… unfortunately!

As soon as we walked in, we saw Gina bustling about behind the bar, mixing drinks and drawing beers for the almost full-house crowd. Most of what she was doing was for restaurant patrons, because the bar wasn’t nearly as busy as the dining room, and the wait staff kept stopping by to pick up drink orders. We took two seats at the bar, and she noticed us immediately and gave us a huge smile.

When she could, she came and took our drink orders and gave us menus, and on her way back from delivering beers to a nearby table she inserted herself between us, and arm around each of us. She gave Richard a big kiss and then turned and did the same to me. As always, her warm lips and soft scent made me tingle.

When she broke the kiss, she looked into my eyes. “Somebody’s been sucking cock.”

I giggled and blushed as Richie laughed, and she turned to him and said, “And she shared with you, you perv! You both have cum breath and you, you wanton slut, have very hot, puffy lips!” She’d no sooner said it than she re-engaged in a lip lock, this time thrusting her tongue into my mouth to wrestle with mine and to enjoy the taste of him. She did the same to him immediately after, a long, tongue-twisting kiss that I knew was going straight to his crotch and making him hard. Gina has that effect on him.

When she broke their kiss, she turned back to me and asked, “You wet?”

I replied, “Duh!”

She laughed. “Me too, now! Hey, if you have time when you’re done eating, maybe I can take a break and we can talk. Things will be quieter then, and we haven’t seen each other for a while.”

It had been less than a month since the last time we’d been together – at which time we’d seen, touched, and tasted all of each other and more - although we’d spoken on the phone since. “Perfect, Gina, because we stopped specifically to talk to you. We’ve got a plan going for which we need your sexy self.”

“Great, now I’m going to be dying of curiosity! Enjoy your meals and let me know if you need anything.”

We did, and by the time we were done, it had settled down a good bit, just as she’d predicted. She freshened our drinks and drew herself a short beer, calling a gorgeous young blond waitress over to cover for her while she took a break. We moved to a booth, still in the bar, where she slid in across from Richard and me.

I explained my idea to her, and who would be involved if everything went as planned. She’d met both Seth and Jason by then, although neither in an intimate setting, and she knew of James because I’d told her all about him. She liked the first two and was interested in getting together with either of them and us, and she’d been very intrigued and aroused by what I’d told her about James. He wouldn’t be her first black lover, as he’d been mine, but she’d gotten very aroused when I talked about him.

She knew of my brother Tom as well, and I’d told her about Sherry and that my brother had been her sole lover, by which she was as amazed as us. Now, she said, “So you plan to throw this poor, innocent woman to the wolves, horndogs like Richard and Seth, and those two hung studs? You’re not planning on easing them into it, are you?” She laughed.

I grinned. “Sometimes you just have to dive in and start swimming. It’s not like she’s a virgin, and she and Tommy do watch some porn together. Plus, she has toys.”

“What does she look like?”

Richard fielded that. “Sherry is attractive. Not like you two, but there is a definite sexiness or sensuality about her, like she’s always seething just below the surface. She’s had two kids, and is softer, an hourglass figure, I guess, a bigger butt and nice, big boobs.”

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I poked him in the ribs. “What are you doing ogling Sherry’s boobs?”

“Oh, shut up! Like you don’t ogle guys. Oh, and great nipples too, nice and big. She’s very sexy.”

“Wow, you did take a close look!”

“She was cold, they were there; of course, I looked!”

I winked at Gina. “He’s right, she does have great tits, bigger than you and way bigger than me.”

“Nice… and Tom, what does he look like?”

“I think he’s good-looking, but he’s my brother…”

Richard cut in. “You think he’s good-looking because he looks like you! You two do look a lot alike.”

Gina touched my arm. “In that case, he must be gorgeous.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you! And yeah, he’s pretty hot, I guess. He never had any problem getting girls in high school or college, and he’s aged very well. He’s two years older than us, but he’s handsome.”


I frowned. “And… he’s a nice guy?”

Richard laughed. “Gina wants to know if he’s hung, babe. I’m amazed you didn’t catch that.” They both laughed at me, and I grinned.

“He’s my brother, so it didn’t pop into my mind like it usually would. And no, Gina, he’s not. He’s average, I guess, on the smaller side of the curve, but Sherry says he’s very adventurous and does excellent tongue work.” I laughed. “Apparently, he loves to spend quality time making her very happy that way.”

Gina said, “Ooohh, that sounds fun!”

“I’m glad you think so because I’m sorta hoping you’ll take him on while Sherry is getting royally fucked. Otherwise, there’s only me, unless you know of another horny girl.”

She shrugged. “Not really, but no problem – and if he’s at all like you, I’m sure he’s super sexy. Are you trying to pair everyone up?”

“No, just you and Tommy because of the situation; otherwise, it will be pretty much free form. And you may find yourself with Tom plus one at various times, since there are more guys than women.”

“Two sexy men all to myself; however will I cope?”

We all laughed as I said, “I know, right? And I know you’re interested in Jason and James.”

“Seth and your boy toy here are no slouches either. When are you planning to do this?”

“I haven’t worked that out yet. Everyone but you and I have normal jobs, and so weekends are best, but with our tourist-type jobs in the summer, a bartender and a whitewater raft guide, not so much.”

“No.” She thought about it for a minute, then said, “How about this; Fourth of July weekend is coming up in a couple of weeks. I’ll have to work extra because there are a jillion people around on holiday weekends - you too, I guess?”

“Oh absolutely! I’ll work straight through, several days in a row.”

“So why don’t we both shoot for the following weekend off? Use our dedication...

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Written by Wet_n_willing
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