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Moms Oral Workshop - Part 4 - In The Shadows

"After her wild confusing night, Carol can't help but sneak a peek at the forbidden."

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Five o'clock found Carol standing in her kitchen, a hazy remnant of the wild night that had just passed. She wore nothing but a pair of panties and an oversized T-shirt that barely covered her hips; the hem hung loosely around her thighs as if trying to escape from its duty. Her body still bore the lingering scent of sex, mingling with the aromas of freshly brewed coffee.

Her hair was disheveled, strands framing her face in a chaotic pattern, giving away the night's events to anyone who might see her. Carol's eyes were heavy with sleep but alive with the afterglow of pleasure. Every step she took echoed the residual throb between her legs, reminding her of what had occupied that space just hours before.

The coffee mug clutched firmly in her hand. The steaming liquid provided warmth and comfort as she stared blankly into the distance.

Carol couldn't shake off the images of her wild night from her mind. It was as if they had become a part of her like an unwanted tattoo etched deeply into her psyche. Everywhere she looked, she saw flashes of John and Annie–their bodies tangled with her own, skin pressed against skin in a way that both repelled and attracted her simultaneously.

A soft rustle behind her interrupted her thoughts, almost making her jump. Turning around, ready to face the intruder, she spotted Annie sauntering into the room with a playful grin on her face.

"Good morning," Annie greeted cheerfully. Carol swallowed hard, trying to regain control over her racing heartbeat. She managed a strained smile and replied, "You scared me." Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, betraying the turmoil inside her.

"Sorry, Mom," she replied, closing the distance.

Carol's head started processing her daughter being there. Annie was supposed to be at John's place this morning–had she been there all night? The questions swirled in her mind like an unruly storm.

Annie approached her mother cautiously, curiosity radiating from every inch of her being.

"Mom... is he still here?" she asked boldly, referring to Frank, Carol's distraction from last night. Her voice dripped with mischief as if sharing a secret between them.

Carol hesitated for a moment before she answered, "No." The word left her lips like a whisper, her face flushing red with embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel exposed in front of her daughter–who knew far too much already.

"Is, John...?" she asked. Annie nodded quickly, satisfaction oozing from her every pore.

"He's still sleeping," she confirmed smugly.

"Oh my god," Carol murmured under her breath, covering her face with one hand. She felt like she was losing control over the situation, drowning in a sea of shame and embarrassment.

Annie's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she continued probing her mother for details, unrelenting in her pursuit of information.

"Mom, come on," she urged, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm happy for you; it was time you got laid."

Carol winced at Annie's choice of words but couldn't deny the truth behind them. She had been feeling isolated and neglected for so long, and the night before had brought a much-needed release. However, she wasn't ready to share those intimate details with her daughter, not right there at least.

"Annie, please," Carol begged, desperate to steer the conversation away from the topic of her night with Frank. She made her way towards her bedroom, the coffee mug still clutched tightly in her hand, as she tried to find some privacy and a break from her daughter's probing.

But Annie wasn't finished yet. Her voice followed Carol down the hallway, filled with unabashed excitement.

"What? It's true!" She paused for dramatic effect before adding, "So who is he? Do I know him?"

Carol rolled her eyes as she stopped in the doorway of her bedroom, a small sigh escaping her lips. With a final, dismissive wave of her hand, she stepped into her room and shut the door behind her.

From the other side of the wooden barrier, Annie's voice echoed, sounding surprisingly content. "Sounded pretty hot, nevertheless."

Carol couldn't help but smile despite herself, feeling a twinge of pride at the thought that she had managed to captivate her daughter's interest in such a way. She set the coffee mug down on the nightstand next to her bed and started gathering fresh clothes, savoring the remnants of last night's passion as they danced through her thoughts as she prepared for a much-needed shower.

The atmosphere during dinner that evening was thick with tension, each of them acutely aware of the unspoken elephant in the room. Carol could feel her cheeks flush red at the mere thought of her daughter and John hearing her pleasure-filled screams. She fidgeted with her fork, pushing it around on her plate as she forced down mouthfuls of food.

Annie, seemingly unfazed by the awkwardness, casually dove into the topic, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"So, Mom," she began playfully, "Are you seeing him again?"

Carol's heart leaped into her throat as her face grew hotter by the second. She quickly intervened, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"Annie, dear," she said hastily, "weren't you two supposed to be somewhere else last night?"

The question hung in the air like a fog, and Carol could almost see her daughter's mind working as she tried to piece together a response to keep her mother on topic. Annie simply smiled coyly before John spoke up, his voice laced with a hint of embarrassment.

"Yeah," he replied sheepishly, "we had to change plans at the last minute. My parents got some surprise guests so..."

Annie's eyes lit up as she turned to look at him, clearly relishing the opportunity to reveal more information. "And so we decided to stay over here instead," she added with a grin.

Carol could feel her pulse quicken and a wave of unease wash over her. The realization that they had spent the entire night together under the same roof, mere feet away from where she had been losing herself in pleasure, was an unsettling thought. Her mind raced with questions - what did they do? Did they talk about it? Did they think about her while she was...

"So, who is he?" Annie continued, "You sure hit it off." Her question snapped Carol back to the present, her cheeks flushing even redder as she realized the implications of her daughter's words.

Before she could respond, John cleared his throat, giving her daughter a look to make her stop, before changing the subject, steering it towards something less incendiary.

As Carol met John's gaze, their eyes locking for a brief moment, she felt an unexpected warmth radiating from him. It was as if they shared a secret understanding. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, and John returned it in kind before turning back to his food. The tension in the room slowly dissipated as they resumed their conversation about mundane topics - work, school, and future plans.

After clearing the table together, Annie and John excused themselves to Annie's room as Carol made herself comfortable in the living room. The familiar hum of her favorite show filled the silence that had followed dinner, a comforting blanket against the thoughts that went through her head. She sunk deeper into the sofa, relishing the warmth emanating from its cushions as she tried to relax and distance herself from all that happened.

A few hours later, Carol had almost fallen asleep, when she heard something fall to the ground, clearly coming from Annie's room. It was as if something was drawing her in, urging her to find out what was happening.

Carol couldn't help but notice the gap between the door and its frame as she prepared to knock. Her curiosity getting the best of her, she chose not to make her presence known, but instead went with the quieter approach, taking a sneaky peek through the gap in the door.

She caught a glimpse of her daughter sitting atop her desk, one leg dangling carefree over the edge as if she owned the space. John stood in front of her, their eyes locked in an intense gaze that seemed to defy all reason. The way they were staring at each other - it was almost as if they were engaged in a silent challenge, an intense mind game where only one person could come out on top.

"I don't think you can make me," Annie whispered, her voice low and confident, filled with a newfound assertiveness that left Carol feeling both proud and afraid.

John leaned forward slightly, his expression unreadable as he replied in a soft yet resolute tone, "Wanna bet?"

Carol's heart pounded in her chest, each thud resonating through her entire body like the echo of some primal drumbeat. She should have turned away then, closed the door, and retreated to the safety of her own room, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she found herself frozen in place, helplessly drawn towards the scene unfolding before her eyes.

As she watched them, a thousand thoughts raced through her mind - fear, shock, disbelief, curiosity... and an unsettling sense of excitement that threatened to consume her from within. She knew this was wrong on every level, but there was something undeniably captivating about the way they talked.

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Carol's eyes widened as she watched John move his hands up and down Annie's naked legs, the sight both erotic and deeply unsettling. The intimacy between them was undeniable, a stark reminder of what Carol had missed out on for so long. John then leaned forward, pressing a tender kiss to Annie's lips, before kissing down her body. Feasting on her belly button, he looked up at her with a burning intensity in his eyes.

Carol's gaze fixated on the shiny piercing adorning Annie's belly, glistening with a mixture of saliva and light, as John's tongue lingered on the tender flesh. A wave of memories washed over her, recollections of a heated debate with Annie a few years ago, when her daughter had begged for a piercing.

"Do you think he did this to her?" Annie whispered nervously, referring to Carol without mentioning her name explicitly. The question hung in the air like smoke, thick and choking. It was a moment of clarity for Carol - she knew that if she didn't leave now, there would be no turning back.

Without warning, John slid his hand underneath Annie's buttocks, hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, and began sliding them down. His gaze never left Annie's face as he did so, his actions calculated and deliberate.

As John continued to pull down Annie's panties, Carol felt a pang of jealousy and desire. The dim lighting in the room made it difficult for her to see clearly, but she could still make out the faint outline of Annie's shaved pussy appear.

She tried to look away, but her gaze drifted back to the crack in the door, begging her to look. The sound of Annie's voice, husky and commanding, drew her attention once more.

"Down here," Annie whispered urgently.

Carol felt a shiver run down her spine as she listened to them. She tried to move away, but her legs seemed rooted to the spot.

"Ah, yes," Annie moaned. "Oh, that feels so good."

Carol could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her body pressed against the wall beside the door, begging her to take another peek.

Her body reacted to every sound, every movement that seemed to be coming from her little girl's bedroom–it was almost as if they were playing out a private show just for her.

"Stop teasing," came Annie's husky whisper from inside. "Hmm, yes, like that," followed shortly after.

Carol's mouth went dry as she listened. She could feel her body tensing with anticipation–something about those words made her feel both excited and uncomfortable.

When her curiosity got the best of her again, Carol's eyes returned to the scene before her. At once, both shocking and arousing, her breath hitched in her throat as she took it all in. The sight of John's head nestled between her daughter's thighs was a rush to her system, the reality hitting her like a physical blow.

John's mouth moved against Annie with an almost hypnotic rhythm–a silent symphony that spoke volumes without making a sound. He licked at Annie's little pussy, every stroke eliciting soft cries from the girl who seemed to be on the edge of something incredible. Carol could see her daughter's hips bucking upwards, chasing after more of John's touch, while her eyes fluttered shut in ecstasy.

It was like a wild roller coaster of feelings inside Carol's chest, totally mesmerized and scared at the same time. Her heart was going a million miles an hour, thudding against her ribs like it was trying to break free. She couldn't move or look away from what was happening in front of her. It was like she had been glued to the spot, completely powerless to do anything about it.

Her hands trembled slightly, her nails digging into her palms with the force of it all. A part of her screamed at her to run–to leave this taboo moment behind and protect her daughter from whatever fallout might come their way. But another part of her, the one that had been starved for so long, craved something she couldn't quite name–a need she could not free herself from, even after last night's events.

She watched as Annie's climax approached, her cries growing louder and more desperate. John's tongue continued its relentless assault on her daughter's sensitive folds, his face buried between her thighs–an image that sent a sharp jolt of desire racing through Carol's body.

As if in slow motion, Annie cried out, her back arching off the counter as she threw her head back with pleasure. John didn't stop even as she came, continuing to lick and tease until every last tremble had faded away. When it was over, he slowly lifted his head from between Annie's legs, a satisfied grin on his face.

Carol stood back against the wall, her eyes fixed on Annie's and John's bodies as they intertwined with passion. Their fingers danced across each other's skin as John leaned up towards her daughter, his lips inches from Annie's face. Their mouths met in a kiss with an urgency that Carol couldn't deny was intoxicating.

The sight of them kissing made her hand tremble, and the wetness between her legs ached for relief. She closed her eyes, gripping the doorframe tightly as she fought back the wave of desire crashing over her. The scene played out before her like some perverse dream–one she could hardly believe was happening.

Opening her eyes again, she saw Annie lying on her back, with her legs spread wide open. John breathed something against her cheek, causing goose bumps to rise on Carol's skin. She had never seen her daughter so unguarded, so free and wild, like a creature released from her cage.

Watching as he moved down further until his mouth hovered just above Annie's neck. She gasped softly at the touch of his teeth on her flesh as he gently bit into her tender spot. Carol could feel their intensity through every pore as she watched them.

John's fingers gripped Annie firmly around the waist while she wrapped her legs around him. The sight of John's impressive cock made Carol gasp as she watched, positioning and finally plunging it into her daughter. Her own pussy throbbed in response, begging for attention as it yearned for the feeling of being filled.

Carol couldn't help but imagine what Annie must feel as John took her–how tight and warm he would find her, the pleasure that coursed through her body with each thrust. It was a sensation she had missed out on for so long, and seeing them together only served to heighten her desire further.

As she watched, Carol's hand slid lower until it found its way between her legs. She rubbed herself gently at first, exploring the wetness gathered there as if trying to catch a glimpse of what Annie was experiencing. The sensation was sending a rush of heat through her veins and making her pulse quicken with anticipation.

The sound of their bodies moving together had filled the room–slaps of flesh against flesh echoing in Carol's mind like a primal drumbeat. It was a symphony that she couldn't resist, no matter how hard she tried to turn away.

Carol's gaze heeled them as John pulled out of Annie before quickly entering again. It was an erotic sight–the way their bodies moved together in perfect synchronicity, every thrust bringing both pleasure and pain to Annie's cries of ecstasy. John continued his rhythmic pace, driving deeper with each stroke until, finally, they found a pace that suited them both.

Carol's breathing grew heavier as her fingers delved deeper into her pussy, finding the slick folds of skin and sliding between them with ease. She gasped at the sensation, her hips rocking back and forth in time with the rhythm that was playing out before her eyes. Each stroke only served to fan the flames of desire that were consuming her from within.

As she watched John continue his relentless assault on Annie's youthful body, Carol couldn't help but imagine what it would be like for him to take her instead, just as he did her daughter.

It wasn't long before the tension in the room built to a crescendo, Annie's cries of pleasure ringing out loud and clear. Carol's own climax approached swiftly, her pussy clenching around her fingers as she rubbed herself faster and harder. The orgasm hit her like a freight train–waves of pure ecstasy washing over her body from head to toe.

As the last tremors faded away, Carol slowly opened her eyes, taking one last look at them. John, still buried deep inside Annie, shared a passionate kiss, their lips moving together in perfect harmony. It was a sight that should have filled her with anger and betrayal, but instead, it left her feeling strangely content–as if she had finally found something she never knew she needed.

She pulled herself away from the doorframe and made her way back to the living room, trying...

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Written by dannig
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