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Moms Oral Workshop - Part 3 - Distraction

"Carol meets John while shopping, further adding fuel to the fire burning inside her. Unable to make sense of it all, she needs a distraction..."

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Author's Notes

"I enjoy writing this a bit too much I think, hope you like it."

Carol found herself pushing her cart through the aisles of the local supermarket, searching for ingredients that would make up for tonight's dinner. As she reached for a bag of spinach, she felt a familiar presence behind her.

"Mrs. Smith," John called out, his low voice identifying him immediately to her ears. Carol turned around to find him standing there with a basket in hand and Annie nowhere in sight.

Forcing a smile, Carol replied, "John, it's Carol. And I think it's about time you started calling me that.

"Yes, of course," John replied with a sheepish grin. "So, what brings you here today, Carol?" She couldn't help but notice the difference in his voice; he seemed much less shy, calling her by her first name.

Carol raised an eyebrow at his question. "I'm just doing some grocery shopping for the weekend. And where is Annie, anyway? Is she working late this week?"

John answered, looking at her. "Oh, she had to stay back at work tonight. Something came up. I'll be picking her up later."

Their conversation continued as they both walked through the store together. John was getting various items for the meal he was going to cook with Annie at his parent's place.

"So," Carol began hesitantly, "are you planning on cooking something special tonight?" She tried to keep her voice steady and focused on the task at hand, attempting to hide the turmoil in her head.

John chuckled nervously as his eyes searched the shelves. "Just spaghetti and salad–nothing too fancy."

Carol found herself suddenly taking charge as they walked down the aisle filled with pasta and sauces, her years of experience allowing her to put in a few suggestions for the dish he had planned.

"You know, John," she said gently, "if you're making spaghetti, I'd recommend using marinara sauce instead of Alfredo. It just pairs better with the noodles and has a lighter taste overall."

John nodded, appreciating her input. "That's a great idea, Mrs. - Carol," he corrected himself again with an embarrassed smile. "I am not a real good cook, but Annie showed me a few recipes."

As they continued shopping, Carol couldn't help but notice the way John looked at her - a mix of admiration and something else that was difficult to put into words. She felt herself blushing under his gaze.

Finally stopping in front of the meat counter, Carol leaned against the cold glass, watching as the butcher sliced through a slab of beef with precision.

"You know," she began softly, "when it comes to meat, you should always aim for high-quality cuts. It makes all the difference..."

John glanced at her in surprise before nodding appreciatively. "That's a good tip. So, what makes a cut 'high quality' exactly?" He asked curiously as he continued browsing through the selection of meat.

Carol stepped forward, her fingers pointing at one particular piece of beef that caught her eye - marbled with just enough fat for flavor and tenderness without being overly greasy.

"Well, for example, if you want to make a steak," she explained, "a high-quality cut usually has a bright red color, firm to the touch but not hard like bone, and it should have an even distribution of fat throughout."

John seemed to study her closely as she spoke, almost like he admired her. Carol's heart raced as she watched John's eyes linger on her hands before his attention moved back to her eyes. She couldn't deny the subtle arousal that his presence and words were causing her. As he grabbed a pack of ground beef, their hands almost touched. Carol found herself biting her lower lip, an unconscious habit she had long since given up.

She cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure, but the heat in her cheeks betrayed her. John gave her a curious look before she put the meat into her basket.

"Thanks for the tip, Mrs... Carol," he amended again with an embarrassed chuckle.

As they continued shopping, the conversation stayed on less serious topics. Despite the lighthearted banter though, Carol couldn't shake off the feeling that John's gaze held a deeper meaning behind it. Every time she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, she would catch him looking at her lips or studying the curves of her body subtly.

When they reached the dairy section, Carol decided to take matters into her own hands - quite literally. She picked up a carton of heavy cream and turned towards John with a mischievous grin on her face.

"You know what would really make that spaghetti sauce stand out?" she asked suggestively, raising an eyebrow playfully.

John chuckled nervously but didn't answer right away. His gaze locked onto her eyes as he considered her proposal. Finally, after a long moment of silence, he nodded slowly with a smile that held both excitement and trepidation.

"Yeah," he murmured softly, "that sounds like it could be just what the doctor ordered."

As they reached the checkout counter, John handed over his credit card to pay for their shared purchases.

"Thanks for the shopping lesson. Can't wait for some more," he said with a suggestive wink before heading towards the exit with a wave goodbye.

Carol's mind raced as she stared at John's retreating figure. The way he said it was clearly hinting at her giving Annie that special lesson. Or was it? Her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, making it difficult to breathe properly.

As she stood there, transfixed by what had just occurred, a few customers behind her began shifting their weight impatiently, murmuring discontented remarks amongst themselves. Carol shook herself out of her daze and moved toward the exit, feeling the cool air hit her flushed cheeks as she stepped outside.

Once out of sight from the supermarket windows, Carol leaned against a nearby wall for support. Her mind whirled as memories of her forbidden dream flooded back to her. Her body moved through different stages, weakening her legs by the second.

She took a deep breath, inhaling sharply as she tried to steady her racing heartbeat, and then slowly released it, allowing herself to feel the air filling her lungs once more.

While resting against the wall, Carol's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice behind her. It was Frank Kline, a logistics worker who worked under Carol at the furniture factory she was working at.

"Hey there, Carol," he greeted her warmly as he approached. "What brings you here today?"

Carol managed to muster up a smile despite feeling flustered by the encounter with John earlier in the store. "Just picking up some groceries, you know, the usual." She replied, attempting to sound casual.

Frank raised an eyebrow curiously but didn't push further. Instead, he leaned against the wall next to her and struck up a conversation about recent events at work and the latest gossip among their colleagues.

As they chatted, Carol couldn't help but notice how Frank's gaze lingered on her lips occasionally–much like John had done earlier–which only served to heighten her sense of awareness and confusion with all of it.

After a few moments, Frank surprised her by asking. "You know," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye, "we could go for a cup of coffee."

Carol hesitated briefly before shaking her head with a nervous laugh. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Frank." She replied cautiously, keeping her voice low so as not to attract attention from passersby.

Frank didn't seem deterred by her refusal though and continued undaunted. "Alright, maybe another time," he added with a genuine smile.

As Frank prepared to leave, she surprised herself by speaking up once more. "Actually," she said slowly, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks as she met his gaze directly for the first time since their conversation began, "maybe we could have dinner instead."

Frank smiled widely at this unexpected turn of events before nodding eagerly. "That sounds great!" He exclaimed before turning on his heel and walking away towards his car. "I'll text you later. I got just the place in mind."

Carol's eyes followed Frank as he left, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe she had just agreed to dinner with him. What was she thinking? She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "Carol, what are you doing?" she muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper as she got in her car.


A few hours later, Carol found herself seated across from Frank in a cozy booth at one of their city's nicer restaurants. She had made an effort to dress up for the occasion, wearing a loose-fitting but still alluring black dress that accentuated her curves without being overtly provocative.

As the evening wore on and the wine flowed freely, Carol was loosening up considerably under Frank's flirtatious advances–something she rarely allowed herself to do when it came to men. The tension between them was comfortable as they shared stories about their lives while occasionally locking eyes across the table. They had much in common, being divorced and single for so long.

Once dessert had been cleared away, Carol felt a sudden sense of urgency wash over her as she realized how close she had come to crossing a line she never thought she'd cross. Her heart raced and her palms grew sweaty under the table as she leaned in closer, their faces only inches apart.

With a sudden burst of bravery born from desperation, Carol reached up and pressed her lips against Frank's roughly. It was an impulsive move that shocked them both but served its purpose–momentarily quenching the fire burning within her while simultaneously pushing it back into hiding once more.

Frank stared at her for a long moment before slowly pulling away, his eyes filled with confusion and desire. "Carol," he whispered hoarsely, barely recognizable over the pounding of their own hearts, "what just happened?"

Carol shook her head slowly as she forced herself to meet his gaze once more. "I don't know," she replied honestly, feeling a mixture of relief and guilt wash over her all at once. "But I needed that."

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Frank nodded solemnly before reaching across the table to take her hand gently in his own. "Whatever you need, Carol," he promised softly, making them both laugh.

As they left the restaurant and began making their way back to her apartment, the surrounding air was thick with unspoken words–both those that needed saying and others best left unsaid.

Frank drove carefully, his focus split between navigating through city streets and the woman sitting beside him. Both seemed shy like teenagers on a first date all of a sudden. The tension between them crackled like electricity in the air as Carol clutched her purse tightly in one hand while absently twisting a strand of hair around her finger with the other.

When they finally pulled up outside her apartment building, Frank parked the car and turned to look at Carol with concern etched across his features.

"Do you want me to bring you all the way?" He asked hesitantly. He seemed unsure how to interpret her behavior from earlier.

Carol hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yes," she replied quietly, feeling a sudden surge of need that caught her off-guard despite herself. "I think that would be nice."

Opening the door to her apartment, Carol looked at Frank with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The moment held an undeniable intensity as their gazes locked, the unspoken desire between them crackling in the air like static electricity.

Before either could speak or act on their impulses, Frank leaned forward, his lips brushing softly against hers. It was a tender yet urgent kiss that spoke volumes without saying a word. As their mouths met, Carol felt her breath catch in her throat as an electric current seemed to surge between them.

Carol abruptly stopped kissing Frank, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she searched for a way to articulate her feelings.

"Listen," she whispered hoarsely, her voice trembling with emotion, "I... I'm not looking for a boyfriend." She stared into his eyes.

Frank pulled away slowly, the hunger still present in his eyes as he stared into hers.

"I understand," he murmured softly, not needing any more words to convey what she was feeling. With a gentle hand, he cupped her cheek and traced its contour with his thumb.

He nodded at her, grabbing her ass with a firm grip as he lifted her up effortlessly, carrying her further inside. They both laughed and joked playfully as they made their way to her sanctuary. As soon as they crossed the threshold, Frank set Carol down gently on the soft mattress.

Sitting next to each other on the bed, they continued their passionate kissing session–tongues intertwining, hands roaming freely across the other's body. It wasn't long before Frank decided to take things further; he began sliding her dress up her legs slowly, exposing a glimpse of smooth skin in between the fabric.

As the black material made its way past her knees and over her hips, Carol felt a shiver run down her spine. The room grew warmer with each passing second, fueled by their growing desire for one another. When Frank finally pulled the dress over her head, he looked at her with a mixture of admiration and hunger in his eyes.

Carol swallowed hard as she stared back at him, undoing her bra, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She had always been self-conscious about her aging body - the slight sagging of her breasts, the small stretch marks on her hips–but Frank seemed to appreciate every curve and flaw that made up who she was.

"Oh wow," he murmured, tracing his fingers gently over her exposed skin. "You're gorgeous." He added as he reached for one breast with his calloused hand, cupping it lovingly while gently pinching her stiff nipple between his fingers.

Carol let out a soft moan at the sudden sensation–a mixture of pleasure and nerves coursing through her veins. It had been so long since she had been touched like this, several years in fact.

Without hesitation, Carol took control of their passion by playfully pushing Frank down onto the bed with a gentle force that left no room for argument. She crawled up his body slowly, taking her time, feeding on his lustful looks.

As she reached his chest, she began unbuttoning his shirt one by one, her fingertips lingering just slightly longer than necessary against his warm skin with each movement. Once it was open, she pressed soft kisses across his chest, taking her time to explore his body fully before moving any further.

Carol slowly kissed down the trail of hair that led from his navel to the waistband of his pants, inhaling deeply as she went. The scent of him–a mix of musk and sweat–sent shivers down her spine once again.

When she finally reached the bottom of his pants, she paused for a moment to look up at him through her eyelashes. Their eyes locked together, communicating unspoken words in the silence between them–trust, desire, and anticipation swirling like electricity in the air around them.

Without breaking eye contact, Carol started trailing kisses along his stomach until she reached his belt buckle. She undid it carefully before moving on to the zipper of his pants. As she slid her hand inside, a surge of excitement coursed through both of them.

As Carol reached for Frank's manhood, she hesitated for a moment, her fingers brushing against it tentatively. Her mind raced back to the memory of Annie's eager questions about blowjobs just days ago. Now here she was with Frank - ready to test herself and explore a desire that had lain dormant for so many years.

Frank gave her a cute little puppy-dog look, trying to get her to kiss him as he lifted his chest off the bed. But she just stayed there by his hip, staring at his now-freed manhood like she had never seen one before. The way her hand gently traced over it brought back so many memories – it had been forever since she'd felt anything like that.

With utmost care, Carol began gliding her hand up along the length of his sex, tracing the delicate tendril of veins that meandered along its contour. She paused for just a moment, her heartbeat racing wildly as she reached the bulbous head at the end.

Taking a deep breath, Carol began to close her fingers around the mushroom-shaped crown, applying her touch to the tender glans, her hand rocking gently, slowly. Slowly increasing the pressure from her palm, her first and middle fingers began manipulating the smooth, unprepossessing skin along the base.

With her fingers neatly wrapped around his hardening member, she began slowly stroking all of it. The sensation was both thrilling and familiar at once – an echo of past passion stirring within her as she relished in the act.

Frank's eyes rolled back into his head as he groaned softly, arching his hips upwards to meet Carol's touch. As her fingers danced along the contours of his sex, Carol's last resistance crumbled. She gave in to her needs, her lips parting in anticipation as she moved towards the cock in her hand.

When she started licking along it, tasting his sensitive skin, his hands gripped the sheets tightly, knuckles turning white from the strain as he fought against the overwhelming pleasure surging through him.

Feeling bold, Carol leaned forward and took Frank's cockhead into her mouth, gently sucking on it while continuing to stroke his shaft with one hand. The taste of pre-cum coated her tongue–a salty, musky flavor that sent shivers down her spine as memories of her younger days flooded back.

As Carol lost herself pleasuring Frank, time seemed to stand still. All she could focus on was the feel of his cock in her mouth and hand, the sound of his ragged breaths echoing around them, the heat radiating off his body as he writhed beneath her touch.

Looking up at him, her vision started to betray her–Frank's face had vanished and was replaced by John's, to turn back again. This sudden shift threw Carol into a state of confusion as she struggled to make sense of what was happening.

Unable to cope with the...

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Written by dannig
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