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Kelly: I Watch My Husband And Daughter Have Sex

"and I think about sex I’ve had…"

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I stood in Kelly’s bedroom doorway and watched my daughter suck my husband’s cock.

Kelly was kneeling on her bed next to her father, who lay flat on his back. He was completely naked and Kelly was naked except for a pair of white panties. She leaned over him, her hand around his hard cock, her mouth kissing the tip. It was a surprisingly touching moment from a sixteen-year-old.

I could only sort of see what was happening as her hair mostly covered his dick. Her hair was brown and fell a bit below her shoulders. It was as youthfully lustrous as you’d expect with a girl that age. Her eyes were closed.

Greg moaned happily. I felt a twinge of jealousy, a quick tightening of my tummy, but it didn’t last. I’d seen them together before, although I’d always been there, engaged one way or another in the sex. Here, I was just a voyeur, a watching mom who was vaguely proud of her daughter.

She sucked his cock and I wondered how far along they were, whether Greg was close to cumming? I thought about the blowjobs I’d given him, how he reacted, and decided that so long as his hips weren’t moving, he wasn’t that close. When he came, his hips would jerk up and he’d spurt into her mouth. Sometimes there was so little cum that I assumed he’d masturbated beforehand, but other times cum gushed as though from a fire hose. I don’t know about you, but I much preferred long bursts of cum streaking into my mouth over a lame trickle. Fuck the mess it made.

Her head bobbed up and down. I could taste him in my mind, his dick’s flavor slippery from my own saliva and magically soft-hard, the way a cock is supposed to be. The flavor was much the same as sucking on my thumb, but muskier, thicker. Her mouth slid a bit farther down his shaft and she cupped his balls. Greg groaned.

His balls were fragile, of course, even a sixteen-year-old knew that. She just held his balls. She didn’t try to manipulate them or anything, although her fingers moved slightly, as though she were weighing them. Her lips slid up Greg’s cock to the very end, then back down again. She didn’t seem to be sucking hard, but Greg moaned again. He was certainly enjoying himself.

Some of the time when I gave him a blowjob, while I’d suck harder than Kelly was at the moment, as he got close to cumming I would close my lips tighter, squeezing his dick, but sucking less. When he came, I would loosen my lips so the cum would squirt into my mouth, then flow out of it, down his cock. My tongue would press against the sensitive spot near the end of his dick. I was certain he could tell I wasn’t swallowing his cum when I did this, but he never said anything. His compliments were the same as when I did gulp it down. It was something of a mystery to me. However, I generally swallowed Greg’s cum because it seemed like the right thing to do.

“OK, honey, get on your back,” Greg said.

Kelly basically fell forward and kissed him, her small, naked breasts on his chest. The light flashed off her skin, her beautiful, impeccable young skin. She rolled onto her back, right at the very edge of her bed. Greg pulled her more to the center. His knees were between her legs and he humped over so he could kiss her nipple. His cock was very hard.

He licked her breast. He sucked at her nipples, first one, then the other. Kelly’s breasts appeared almost non-existent when she lay on her back, but I knew she was almost a B cup from the bras she wore. Both her nipples were hard. Greg’s hard dick sort of bounced in the air as he ministered to her boobs, as though it really, really wanted to fuck something. A drop of pre-cum lingered at the tip. Kelly must have tasted some of that when she sucked him.

Greg’s cock had hovered just inches above Kelly’s pussy and I’d expected Greg to simply plunge his cock into his daughter, but he surprised me. His tongue licked a trail down to Kelly’s cunt. Holding one thigh in each hand, he spread her legs and his tongue licked slowly at her clit.

For all he’d licked slowly, it must have been too soon because Kelly jumped – her ass came off the bed. His head came back and I could see him whispering to her. I’m sure he was saying nothing.

“Relax, baby. That’s a good girl. Too soon, eh?” At least, that’s what he’d said to me when he’d rushed. I knew that while he was licking me he was mostly thinking about fucking me.

A hand came off a thigh and I could tell he was inserting a finger into her pussy, although I couldn’t see it from my angle at the doorway. That initial insertion was always thrilling. It was a moment that nowadays lasted maybe a second, but it had been longer when we were younger and I expected it aroused Kelly. Perhaps in sympathy with her, I felt a tingle of excitement burst from my clit.

I reached down, inside my pajama bottoms, and touched it. I hadn’t even noticed my fingers had moved down there until I felt the wetness. I dug in with two fingers, up to the second knuckle. My fingers were curved slightly and I thought I might be touching my g-spot.

You’d think I’d be certain about my g-spot by now, almost forty years old. But I wasn’t. It felt good, for sure. It seemed like it felt better than fingers just poking around inside. But it certainly was nothing like the sensations I got from my clit. It was maybe like the sparks from a match that sought to light a fuse but always sputtered out. I got the sensation of sparks, but no explosion. Anyway, my fingers felt good inside me.

I’d lost track of Greg and Kelly, but his head appeared busy between her thighs. It was moving up and down slightly, doubtless a result of his tongue lapping her clit. This was a sensation I’d experienced just last night. Greg used his tongue well – not the very best of those who’d done me, but good – holding it flat against my clit and moving it up and down, as well as flicking it like a snake against my little love bean, using it to spell words. I let my fingers begin to rub my clit. I could hear him slurping her cunt. It was a delicious sound.

“Oh, daddy, that feels so nice. But I want you to fuck me. Please!”

“OK, baby girl, I’m happy to please.”

“I so want you inside me.”

She grabbed his hair and pulled it, gently I hoped, and he eased up the bed. His cock had gotten a bit soft, but hardened right up when the tip touched her cunt. I held my breath and thought about cocks at my cunt.

I had enjoyed quite a few dicks, more in the past five years than in the whole rest of my life. Most had been the gentle kind, lined up with my cunt up and sliding in slowly, often stopping when just partway inside before going deeper with the man’s thrusting. A few had simply rammed into me and a couple of those hurt, but they’d left only small bruises and the surprise had been worth it. Also, those two guys really knew how to fuck me hard, fuck me deep. While I guess I wouldn’t recommend a hard slam to begin a fuck, they had been among the very best I’d ever had.

God, my cunt seemed to pour out juice as I thought about those hard fucks. Their cocks had been barely above average size, but they used them well. Good angles into my cunt. Something they did differently about the speed with which they screwed me just felt different. And they’d both pulled my hand down so I’d masturbate regardless of the position we were in. I truly loved masturbating while a cock did its thing inside me. My pajama bottoms were soaked. Maybe I would recommend getting rammed to start.

“Oh!” Kelly exclaimed. “Oh! That feels so nice, daddy!”

I couldn’t see it happen, all I could see was Greg’s ass and his balls between Kelly’s spread legs. Kelly seemed to talk more than I did during sex. My fingers slid back and forth across my clit.

“My god, daddy,” she said. “Your cock feels so good inside me. You love to fuck me, don’t you? Your daughter? Your cock inside my hot little cunt? I’m so hot for you!”

I was masturbating faster. Watching and listening aroused me in ways I hadn’t expected. I loved that my daughter so enjoyed being fucked by her father. Yes, I felt a little jealous, but I couldn’t get angry with my own little girl. I watched his ass moving back and forth. Kelly’s legs pulled back a little further. He seemed to push his cock all the way in.

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“Yes! Like that! Your cock touching my clitty feels so… awesome!”

Greg had moved up so his chest was about even with her shoulders. He wasn’t fucking her, moving in and out, so much as he was rocking back and forth. His ass barely moved. His dick stirred the cookie dough, it wasn’t mashing potatoes. I loved it when he did this to me, the stirring thing, although he usually only kept at it for less than a minute.

While he was higher over Kelly’s body, her legs pushed back even farther, I could easily see his cock moving around. It didn’t pump so much as it rubbed against her. It was still a great sight, my husband’s stiff dick inside his daughter. And, sure enough, he soon moved back down and began thrusting again. But now Kelly’s knees were back near her shoulders and I could watch Greg’s cock sliding in and out. His cock was thick more than long, something I considered a feature. What a lovely fuck. I could almost feel it as I watched his ball bounce.

My pajamas were as wet as I was. Wetter. They’d gotten drenched in front from the juices from my pussy. I could hear my cunt as my fingers fondled my clit. I was well on my way to an orgasm.

I wondered about Kelly. Probably not. It was hard to cum from simply fucking. I generally had to masturbate or Greg had to do something else, mainly eat my pussy. But being fucked felt wonderful, I had no complaints. Kelly would have little to compare it to.

“Cum inside me, daddy! I want you to shoot inside my pussy. Well, actually, do whatever you want. Cum wherever you want.”

Where the hell had Kelly picked that up? I guess she could have thought of it herself, but it was a sort of grown-up thought: cum wherever you want.

I’d first said that to Greg maybe fifteen years ago. He’d been fucking me missionary style, as he usually did, and I’d suddenly realized I wanted to see him cum. He’d almost never masturbated in front of me at that point and I loved watching a man cum. Seeing the thick white rope explode from his cock. I wanted to see it at that moment and I knew he was really close to cumming from how he was fucking me.

Maybe it was just the idea of cumming wherever he wanted. In any case, he replied, “I love cumming in your pussy.” And he did, seconds later. It was such a letdown, but I never forgot it, either.

A few days later he was fucking me again and getting close to cumming and I told him, “Cum wherever you want, baby.”

And he did. He pulled out of my pussy. He began to masturbate, his hard cock pointed at my face, but still down by my cunt. I watched his hand jerking his dick. His eyes were closed. He was obviously thinking about something or someone, maybe me but probably not, maybe my cunt but probably not. I didn’t care. I wanted to see cum shoot from his cock. I slipped my hand down to my pussy and began to masturbate, looking him in the eye, even though his were closed.

I seldom thought about him when I masturbated, either. Perhaps oddly, I usually thought about sex with a woman or women. Mouths on pussies. Breasts on breasts. Kissing. So much kissing! And licking and fingering. Seldom with a vibrator, but often fingers and sometimes whole hands, but that was just a fantasy, not anything I’d ever done or had done to me.

Back then, we’d both masturbated for maybe half a minute when he groaned loudly and arched his back, and ejaculated a long stream of cum. It almost hit my chin. By the time he finished cumming, both my boobs had cum on them, as did my arm. It was lovely.

The next time I said that, maybe a couple of weeks later, he’d cum on my face. I wasn’t sure why he did it and I wasn’t sure that I liked it, but he seemed really satisfied with himself. Maybe he’d seen it so often in porn? I don’t think he meant it in a degrading way, but maybe in an ownership kind of way? Maybe he just enjoyed watching me lick my lips. I sometimes kissed him after he’d cum on my face and he’d lick the cum from my cheeks, my first inkling that he was bisexual.

Greg continued to fuck Kelly. He hadn’t pulled out of her, but he hadn’t cum yet. I could still see his cock pumping back and forth in her cunt. God, what a sight.

I was very close to cumming. My fingers moved rapidly. My other hand pinched a nipple through my pajama top. I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

“Yes! Daddy, yes! Yes!”

I think Kelly might have climaxed after all. It certainly sounded like it. Her legs moved farther apart and then together, sort of, with Greg in the middle. Greg groaned and fucked her faster.

Kelly growled, a sound I hadn’t heard her make before. Finally, she stopped making noise, but put her hands on her dad’s ass and sort of pulled him into her.

I was within an inch of cumming myself. I could feel the tension rising, my tummy beginning to knot. My thighs, already warm, got warmer.

It’s funny how one moment you are pleasantly aroused, sexually stimulated, just buzzing along. And the next moment, an orgasm surges through you. I was like a pot of water being heated. Nothing was happening on the surface, completely flat, then it starts to bubble. Seconds after that, of course, it boils out of control.

That was me standing in Kelly’s doorway. Shortly after she climaxed, so did I. From crawling up the rising start of a roller coaster, I was on top for a split second, completely still, before screeching downward out of control. I felt my toes curl. I crunched over and my eyes went wide. It was great.

Greg stopped fucking his daughter to turn and look at me. Kelly peeked out from the side. I must have yelled or something.

After I’d finished, I felt so relaxed. I walked over to the bed and sat on it. Greg’s cock was still inside my little girl.

Looking at me, Kelly said, “Don’t stop! Fuck me, daddy. Fuck me and cum inside me.”

Such a brattish thing to do, saying that while looking at mom. I guessed she’d given up on Greg cumming anywhere he wanted. Or maybe the idea of having her daddy cum inside her with mommy right there did something for her. But he probably wanted to cum in her cunt, anyway.

He started up again, his hips moving back and forth. I leaned over, an inch from Kelly’s face.

“Kiss me, honey?” I asked.

She reached around to the back of my head and pulled me down. Our lips just touched, brushing against one another, then Kelly’s tongue came out to touch my lips and my mouth opened and my mind stopped working. I had no thoughts in my head, just the taste and feel of my daughter’s lips. Our mouths were at ninety degrees to each other and open. Our tongues mingled. I licked her lips gently. Greg fucked her harder, hard enough that I could feel her body shake every time he pushed deep into her.

I should have wondered what seeing his wife kiss his daughter did for Greg. It must have been hot. His two favorite women savoring each other. For all the shaking, Kelly persisted in kissing me back. I pressed harder and I pressed more softly. I nibbled her lips and put a hand on her breast. Our lips opened and closed on each other like hungry guppies. Our tongues played together, both our mouths open, bottom lips touching, tongues slopping against one another My daughter’s lips were the softest I could remember kissing.

Kelly’s hand slid down my breast, past my tummy, and into the swampy wetness of my cunt. I spread my legs a bit and her fingers slid easily into me. Kelly moaned and I think it was more from our kissing than her dad’s cock.

I had the better position as Kelly was pretty much stuck under her father. I kissed her neck and nibbled her ears. I would return to her mouth for more succulent kisses only to wander off to her cheeks, her chin, her neck. I couldn’t believe that Greg was still fucking her.

Suddenly, he came. I’d been completely caught up in Kelly’s mouth, but I heard that loud groan of his that generally meant, “Here it cums!” and I turned to see him squeeze deeply into Kelly’s cunt. I watched his hips jerk as he spasmed inside her. If he hadn’t gotten a vasectomy years ago...

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Written by gwena88
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