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Identical Twins

"Part Four - The Family Embraces A Newfound Intimacy"

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“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I like having twin girls,” Mom said, as we arrived home after our nice dinner.

“We had a great time, Mom. Thanks. And thanks for letting me have my sister,” Jill happily exclaimed.

We got ready for bed. As I was about to retire, I heard a knock. “May I come in, sweetie?”

“Of course, Mom.”

She sat next to me. I had taken off my dress and was only wearing a black bra and panties. She was holding something.

“I thought you might like this,” she said as she handed me a lacy, black negligee. I stared at it and smiled. “Try it on. I don’t wear it anymore.”

I stood up and slipped it over my head.

“You look darling, Erica,” she smiled.

“I love it, Mom. Thank you. I’m going to wear it tonight.”

Mom slid closer and put her arm around me. “If you want to be a girl, it’s fine with me.”

Jill opened the door and peeked in. “I heard talking. Oh, look at you. What a cute negligee.”

“Mom gave it to me.”

Jill smiled. “That’s wonderful, Mom. She’s been wearing mine all week.”

“I figured. Well, I’m going to bed. Let’s talk in the morning.”

In the morning, I arose and went to our shared bathroom. Jill came in, sat on the toilet, and peed as I was shaving.

“It’s a shame you have to shave. Maybe you should have electrolysis. Or maybe take female hormones.”

“It’s a thought,” I responded. “I’m still adjusting to living as a girl.”

“And you are a wonderful girl,” Jill said. “Have you thought about doing more, Erica?”

“What do you mean?”

“Just a thought. Maybe breast implants.”

“I’m not ruling that out. I’d love to have breasts like yours. I need to live like this a while longer before making a decision.”

“I know you’d love them,” she said as she lifted her nightie and jiggled them.

She came over and hugged me. She slid her hand into my panties, causing me to immediately become erect.

“Oops,” she giggled. “Want to have a quickie?”

“I’d love to, Jill. But what about Mom?”

“I heard her go downstairs. I want you.” With that, Jill locked the door and pulled off her panties. She hopped up on the counter. “Hurry. I can see you want to.”

I moved up to the counter and slid my stiff cock in her. “I’m nervous, Jill.”

“Me too, but I want my sister.” It was a little awkward, but I managed to slip between her moist lips. I grabbed her ass cheeks and moved quickly, fucking her hard and much faster than normal. We kissed passionately. I gave one final thrust, letting flow my pent-up juice.

“Feel better?” Jill purred. I just smiled. We pulled our panties back on.

“What are you going to wear?” Jill inquired.

“I don’t know. What do you have that you think is appropriate?”

Jill went to her closet and grabbed a light blue, flower-print dress. “This shirt-dress would look nice on you. Simple, yet feminine. Try it on.”

I did and it looked nice. I put on lipstick, brushed my hair, and we headed downstairs.

As we entered the kitchen, Mom turned and said, “Good morning, girls. Oh, Erica, what a pretty dress. Another one of yours, Jill?”

“Yes, Mom. I think Erica looks better in it.”

“Let’s have breakfast, and then go shopping. Erica needs some of her own clothes and lingerie. Would you like that?”

“I’d love it, Mom. I’m so glad you have accepted this side of me.”

“I surprise myself. I like you like this. You seem pretty set on being a girl, at least most of the time.” Mom smiled at me.

“Well, Mom, it’s only been a little over a week, but the more I’m Erica, the more I like it.”

“Me too,” exclaimed Jill, with a broad smile.

The three of us went shopping. We had more fun than we had had in a long time. Mom had me try on many outfits. She bought me two dresses, three skirts, slacks, blouses and sweaters. I got two new pairs of heels and a pair of pink gym shoes. Mom insisted on getting me my own bras and panties as well.

I dressed and wore makeup every day. Mom would comment on how happy and close her girls were. “It’s just amazing.”

The day before the picnic, we went to a department store and Mom bought us both cute sun dresses and sandals. Mine was dark pink and Jill’s was light blue.

I was nervous on the way to the picnic, but Mom assured me I looked great. “You act as feminine as Jill. And your tone of voice has become very girlish. So, don’t worry.”

It turned out to be fun. Everyone wanted to meet Mom’s pretty twins. A few younger men flirted with us, which I, surprisingly, found to be fun. When we got home, Mom said, “You girls were the hit of the picnic. So many people came up to me and told me what beautiful and charming girls you are. I’m proud of you both.”

Weeks passed. Mom fully accepted my increasing femininity. There was no mention of Eric. We would go out as three women. Mom to me to have my nails done. Jill and I had our hair styled the same.

When Mom left for work, Jill and I would usually hop in bed. Or she would just bend over and pull down her panties. While I was Jill’s sister, she loved sliding my male part into her vagina. We loved trying new positions. Jill loved to be on top, which was fine with me. I got to play with her tits. It all seemed natural. We were sisters.

One evening when Jill had gone out, she suggested we have a glass of wine. Mom asked me if she could ask me a few personal questions. “Of course,” I replied.

“Well, Erica, while I’ve completely accepted that you are a girl, I wonder about your sexual needs. Do you still get erections?”

I blushed. “Yes, I do Mom. That part is still male,” I giggled.

“I assume that can cause a problem for a girl. Like if you’re wearing a tight dress.”

“Of course, Mom. We’ve thought of that.”

“So you and Jill have talked about this?”

“Yes, Mom. We have. I’m her sister. So we talk about everything the way sisters do. You’ve seen how close we are.”

“I have. I love that. By the way, I wanted to tell you I was doing some online research, and I came across a couple of items you might be interested in.”

“What’s that, Mom?”

“One is called a gaff. It’s specifically made for girls like you. It’s basically a reinforced pair of panties that keep your, well, clitoris in place. It makes you look like you have a vagina.”

“Wow, Mom. That sounds great.”

“The other special item is padded shapewear. You’ve probably noticed that Jill’s hips are a little wider than yours. This would give you more womanly hips, just like hers.”

“Mom, that’s so thoughtful of you.”

“I’m going to order both then. You can try them out. The shapewear will help you be more identical to your sister, especially in a tight dress.”

“Thanks, Mom. You’re wonderful.”

“I also wanted to talk to you about something Jill mentioned to me.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, if you are set on living as a woman, taking hormones, perhaps going through a program of gender reassignment, perhaps getting breast implants.”

“Yes, Jill thinks I should get real boobs. I’m thinking about it.”

“I’ve looked into transitioning and learned that hormones would have a number of effects. Your voice would most likely get higher. The best thing is you would lose bodily and facial hair. Your hips would widen, and your breasts might even grow naturally. But you probably wouldn’t be a C-cup, like your sister. I assume that’s what you would want so you’d be the same size. Unless you want double-Ds like your mother.” She laughed.

“You never know, Mom. I love your boobs. But then I wouldn’t be an identical twin. Thanks for looking into that, Mom. Do you think I should fully transition?”

“It’s completely your decision, sweetie. But you seem so happy as a girl.”

“I’m going to think about it. I think it’s a decision we should make together.”

“Whatever you decide, I support it. Being Jill’s sister has made you both so happy. I love what it has done to you two. And I feel part of that newfound closeness. I want both of you to be completely open with me. Now, I’m going to ask you something very personal. But don’t think I’m judging you or Jill.”

“Okay, Mom.”

“Are you and Jill, shall I say, intimate?”

I swallowed. I probably turned red.

“If you have been, I only want to understand. I’m not saying anything is wrong, or bad, or whatever.”

“Let me say this, Mom. We are closer than I could have ever imagined. We are truly sisters now. And part of our closeness has been some, can I say, intimacy.”

Mom smiled. “Thank you for being honest. I thought I heard you two doing more than talking late the other night.”

“It’s hard to explain, Mom.”

“You don’t have to. Whatever is going on, I’m very happy with what it’s done for you two. I don’t live by societal norms. I make my own. And rather than judge or condemn, I want to be part of this closeness you two have found. I’d like to be part of it.”

“I’m glad you’re not upset or angry, Mom. But I’m not sure what you mean.”

“I’m not sure I can fully explain it. But maybe I can show you.”

Mom moved next to me. She slid her hand up my leg and under my skirt. She caressed my panties. As she did, I began to get hard.

“Oh, Mom,” I whispered.

“Shhh,” she whispered in my ear.

She pulled down my panties. She gripped my now completely hard seven and a half inches.

“My goodness, Erica.”

She began sliding her hand up and down. I was incredibly aroused. Mom brought her lips to mine and kissed me. It wasn’t a motherly kiss. It was a deep kiss. Our mouths opened. She continued stroking me.

Then she did something that amazed me. She took my hand and put it on her crotch, under her skirt. “It’s okay, dear. Touch me.” I pushed aside the edge of her satin panties. I could feel her hair. I felt for her labia. She was very wet. I instinctively inserted a finger in her, while my thumb found her clitoris. Jill had taught me where to touch a woman. She moaned and kissed me deeply.

My mother was stroking my hard male part while I was playing with her vagina. Somehow, it felt right.

In another minute, I knew I was going to ejaculate. She sensed it.

“Go ahead, honey. It’s okay.”

My warm semen erupted, squirting up in an arc, and landing on my legs. The next spurt ran all over her hand. When I finished, Mom licked her hand and calmly went to the bathroom, got a facecloth, and cleaned up.

“Erica, I hope that shows I’m okay with family intimacy. How do you feel, honey?”

“A bit confused, but relieved you know about Jill and me. I appreciate what you did. And I love you more than ever. I hope the three of us can share what Jill and I have found.”

“I do too,” Mom smiled.

“Mom, may I kiss you again?”

“Of course.”

I leaned over and kissed her deeply. I felt her tongue in my mouth.

“I think what we just did was beautiful. I hope you did too,” Mom commented.

“It was, Mom. I feel so close to you. I want Jill to be part of this.”

“So do I, sweetie. Can I ask another very intimate question?”

“Yes, of course,” I responded.

“Do you have sex with Jill?”

I hesitated. My hesitation was my answer.

“I thought that’s what I heard. Like I told you, I’m not governed by societal norms. This may sound crazy, but I’m jealous of what you two have found. Do you think I can be part of your intimacy?”

“Well, Mom, I think we’ve already started that, so yes, I think so.”

Just then, we both heard Jill come in the front door.

“How should we tell Jill, Mom?”

“You two are so close. I’ll leave it up to you.”

“We better fix our lipstick before we see Jill.” We both giggled.

We went downstairs and greeted Jill. “What are you two girls up to?” Jill asked.

“Erica and I were just talking,” Mom said.

That night, I came into Jill’s room in my nightie and climbed into bed with her. I kissed her passionately.

“Erica, I think Mom is still up. What are you doing?”

“Well, Jill, Mom and I had an interesting talk while you were out. Actually, it was more than a talk.” I smiled.

“Tell me,” she demanded.

“Mom asked me if I got erections.”


“Yes, and then she told me she knew we were being intimate.”

“Oh, no. I knew we should be more careful. Was she mad?”

“That’s the thing. She wasn’t at all. You won’t believe this, but she, well.” My voice tailed off.

“Erica, what?”

“She gave me a hand job, to put it bluntly.”

Jill was wide-eyed.

“She said she wanted to show me that she wanted to be part of the intimacy and closeness we had found. That isn’t all.”

“Go on,” Jill begged.

“We kissed. I mean really kissed. And then she took my hand and placed it on her vagina. Jill, I fingered Mom.”

“Oh my god.”

“Jill, we both enjoyed it. She wants us all to be, well, intimate. She loves what it has done for us.”

Just then, there was a light tap on the door. It opened slightly.

“Girls, may I come in?”

We responded simultaneously, “Yes Mom. Come in.”

Mom walked in. She was wearing a semi-sheer negligee. I could see her breasts. She appeared unsure and nervous.

“I heard you both talking. Would you mind if I joined you?

“Of course, Mom. Come here and sit”

“Erica, have you talked to Jill? I feel like I’m a terrible mother. Oh, god. I don’t know what to say.”

Jill grabbed Mom and hugged her. “First of all; you’re a wonderful mother. Second, I think what you and Erica did was beautiful and I want the three of us to be equally intimate.”

We both hugged her. “Jill, I hope you’re okay with what we did. I want the three of us to be comfortable.”

“Mom, I love you. Of course, I’m okay. Erica certainly seems totally okay with it.” We all giggled.

I spoke. “Why don’t we touch each other? I’ll start. I reached over and fondled one of Mom’s breasts.

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“Mom, why don’t you kiss Jill?

Mom moved tentatively and Jill willingly kissed her on the lips. Jill opened her mouth. They kissed passionately.

“Now, Mom. You touched me. Would you touch Jill?”

Mom moved her hand tentatively. Jill took it and placed it inside her panties.

“Go ahead, Mom.” Mom moved her fingers, letting one slide into Jill’s vagina.

I took Jill’s hand and together, we placed our hands inside Mom’s panties.

“Did that break the ice?” I asked, smiling.

Mom and Jill both giggled.

Jill reached into my panties. I was getting hard. “Ooh, look Mom. Erica’s excited.”

Mom grabbed my clit. “Oh, she is”

“As much as I am enjoying this, maybe we should take it slowly. Thank you for making me part of this.”

“Of course, Mom. A step at a time,” Jill answered.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mom kissed us both. Deep, passionate kisses. As she went out the door, she turned and said “Don’t worry about making noise.” She smiled and winked.

Jill and I just stared at each other for a minute. Then Jill said, “I’m still getting my head around what just happened. How do you feel?”

“I think it’s wonderful, Jill. Mom wants to be part of the closeness we’ve found.”

“I think you’re right. I still can’t believe I touched Mom’s vagina and she put her fingers in me. Maybe more incredibly, I liked it.”

“Let’s make love, Jill.”

“I’d love to, but I’m on top.”

I laid back, my clit standing at attention. Jill straddled me and lowered herself. She bounced carelessly, making no attempt to be quiet. There was little question Mom could hear the squeaking box spring. I fondled her breasts as she rode me.

I lasted five minutes, but Jill was too much. I shot my warm load into my sister. She collapsed next to me. We slept together. No reason to go to my room.

The next morning, I came down before Jill, wearing just a bra and panties under a satin robe.

“Good morning, Mom.”

She turned and came to me and hugged me close. I kissed her on the lips. The kiss lingered. I started to get hard. My clit pressed against her.

“Uh oh,” Mom giggled. She rubbed it gently.

“Okay, Erica. It’s too early for this.” She smiled at me and gave me another kiss on the lips. “Now calm down, silly girl.”

Jill walked in. “Good morning, Jillian. I know we should probably talk more about last night, but I think there’s something else we need to address.”

I spoke up.”What’s that, Mom?”

“This all started when Jill came up with the plan for you to take the GRE. As a result, you have both been accepted at Michigan. But Erica, as you know, Eric was accepted, not Erica. So, given all that has happened, are you now going to go back to being Eric?”

“Jill and I have talked about it. You’re right. I don’t think I want to be Eric again. But we have an option to delay enrollment for up to a year.”

“That’s interesting,” Mom responded. “Because there is something else I need to tell you both.”

“What’s that?” Jill asked.

“I have been offered a big promotion, to a Vice President position.”

“That’s wonderful, Mom. Congratulations,” I said

“But there’s a condition. The position is in Chicago. We’d have to move.”

Jill and I were stunned.

“So, let me tell you what I think. First, this will be a family decision. Second, a major consideration is whether you want to live as a girl, Erica.”

“I’m not sure I understand, Mom. Of course, you should take the promotion.”

“It’s not that easy. But your ability to delay going to school may be important. If I take the position, and if we move, you could move as, well, Erica. But,...

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Written by RachelTG
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