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Identical Twins

"Part Three - Mom Likes Her Twin Girls"

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We got out of bed, took off our nighties, and took a shower together. It was possibly our last chance to be intimate. We washed each other.

We dressed. I casually put on a white lace bra and slipped in my forms. I stepped into matching panties. Finally, a pair of nude pantyhose. We did our makeup together. I took out one of her pencil skirts along with a white ribbed sweater that I had worn that week.

“While you look great in that, I think we should go for a more plain look,” Jill said.

Jill brought me a flower print, A-line dress. “We don’t want to overwhelm Mom.”

I slipped it on. It came just to the knees and had a band in the waist. It was the kind of dress any girl my age might wear.

“Perfect. Feminine, but not overdone. Mom bought me that dress, so hopefully she’ll see me when she sees it on you.”

Jill helped me with my hair. She looked me over. “Okay, girl. You look great. Just be yourself.”

“I’m okay. I probably shouldn’t act as feminine as I have for the last few days.”

Jill came up and hugged me. “Be the girl you have become. You’ll be fine.” We kissed for a minute. “Now fix your lipstick.”

Jill looked at me. “This all feels so natural. I love my sister and I don’t want to lose her.”

“I agree. I love what we have found. And I love being your sister. I don’t think I can go back to being your brother.”

We kissed again. “We’ll figure this out,” Jill assured me.

As Jill went to the garage, she said she’d make up an excuse to stop and send me a text to tell me how Mom was reacting. Jill went off to get her.

Mom was intelligent, fit, and very attractive. She was attentive to her health and looks. We got our blond hair from her, but she had bigger boobs than Jill, and now me.

She was very open-minded and had always taught us to be accepting of people who were different. She had gay and lesbian friends, as well as one girlfriend who was trans. She had told us that she didn’t care if we were gay, or “whatever.”

Jill picked up Mom at the airport. After the initial, normal conversation, Jill told Mom that she and I had come up with a plan to retake the GRE. She knew Jill had not done well. “So Eric is going to retake the test for me.”

“Aside from the issue of whether that’s appropriate, how is that even possible?” She asked. “Don’t they check your IDs”

“They do Mom. But we have a plan.”

“Okay, Jill. I’m listening.”

“Well Mom, this will sound crazy, but hear me out. The plan is for Eric to take the test as me. Before you react, let me explain. I convinced him to dress as me. Initially, he was completely opposed. But after I dressed him up, and did his makeup, he realized we were virtually identical. We decided we might pull this off.”

“Mom, it’s important that we go to the same college, so I hope you understand. We decided that I should talk to you before, well, you see Eric.”

“Wow, Jill. You certainly have my interest. I’m guessing that when I walk in the house, I’m going to meet a different version of you?”

“Yes, Mom. I think you’ll be amazed.”

“Do you think Eric can not only dress like you but talk, walk, act like you?”

“Let me pull over for a minute. I came up with this plan before you left. I convinced Eric to let me dress him to show him he could look like me. He reluctantly went along. But after I had him all dressed, and did his hair and makeup, he was convinced. So we spent the week, working out the fine points of, well, being a girl.

Mom smiled. “That sounds interesting. So he’s been dressing up all week?”

“Yes, Mom. Pretty much every day.”

How did Eric like all this?”

Jill smiled back. “It’s been interesting. I’ll let her, I mean him, tell you.”

“Was that a Freudian slip?” Mom inquired with a laugh.

Jill dashed off a quick message: “Talked with Mom. Seems cool. She knows you are dressed.”

I read the text. It relieved my stress a little, but I remained nervous. When she left, I was just her son and my sister’s fraternal twin. Less than a week had passed, and she was coming home to see me, not only dressed as a girl, but as the identical twin to my sister. The week had been transformative. I loved the relationship we had developed. I guess I’ll just take it a step at a time, I thought to myself.

I saw the car pull up. There I was in a cute dress, wearing a bra, panties, and hose. My makeup was perfect. I was wearing two-inch pumps. “Maybe this is all just crazy,” I almost panicked and ran upstairs.

But the door opened. All I could say was “Hi, mom.”

Mom just stared. Then she smiled and gave me a big hug.

“Okay. While Jillian has explained your plan and why you’re dressed like this, I’m a little overwhelmed. But I think I understand why you think this might work. I’m amazed. You do look like Jill. In fact, you’re identical to her. So if your mother is convinced, I think your plan has a chance.”

We all smiled and relaxed.

“So let me look at you. My goodness, you’ve even learned to walk in heels. Jill told me you’ve been practicing.”

Jill spoke up. “Yes Mom, Eric has been wonderful. He’s been working hard at being a girl.”

“I must say, you look great in that dress. I bought it for Jill, and you do look just like her. I feel like I suddenly have identical twins.” Mom giggled. “You are very convincing, Eric.”

“Thanks, Mom. I’m glad you understand.”

“How about we have a glass of wine and you two can tell me what you did all week?”

Jill went to get a bottle and glasses. We chatted about our week and how we had become closer than ever.

“Eric, you seem to have not only gotten the look down, but I must say you are acting very feminine. Even your voice. Have you enjoyed doing this?”

I hesitated. “It was kind of a process. Every day, Jill would help me. I got accustomed to it. We even went shopping together.”

“You mean dressed as her twin?” Mom inquired.

“Yes, Mom. Honestly, it was so much fun. We went shopping, to a restaurant, even to a bar.”

Jill came back into the room and poured the wine. Mom took a big sip.

“Maybe it’s intuition, but I’m getting the feeling this has become something more than just taking the test for Jill.”

Jill and I looked at each other.

“You know I’m very open-minded. All I want is for you both to be happy. And so far, I’ve never seen you two so close and so happy. So tell me, do you like dressing as a girl, as Jill’s twin?”

I took a deep breath. “When this started, I was very reluctant. But I wanted to help Jill. As the week went on, not only did I get used to it, but it transformed me, and our relationship.”

Jill piped up. “Mom, it was like I suddenly had a sister. I know it sounds crazy, but it has brought us closer than we’ve ever been.”

“So I guess the answer is I’ve grown to like being Jill’s sister,” I continued. “I love what it’s done to our relationship.”

Mom smiled. “How could a mother not love hearing that? I’m guessing you may want to continue, shall we say, being Jill’s sister, even after the test?”

I didn’t know what to say.

Mom went on. “Honey, if it makes you happy, and especially if it makes you two closer, I see no harm in it. In fact, I can already see a very positive change in both of you. You really do make a beautiful girl. You are darling in that dress. You have feminine features like Jill. I never mentioned this, but I have a friend who told me he is a crossdresser. We’ve talked about it and it is fairly common. I’ve even gone out with him, or I should say her, for a drink. No one could tell she’s not a woman. And, you are more passable than her.”

Jill and I smiled.

“Listen, I’m starved. I had planned we’d go out to dinner. So how about I take my twins out?”

Mom smiled and looked at me. “What do you think?”

“Sure. I’ll go change.”

“No. You look great. I mean my twin girls. I’m fine with it if you are.”

Jill had a big grin. I said, in my most feminine tone, “I’d love to.”

“Looks like I’m taking my twin girls out to dinner for the first time.” We all giggled.

“By the way Mom, Eric goes by Erica when we go out,” Jill injected.

Mom smiled. “That certainly seems appropriate. Okay Erica, are you ready? Let’s all freshen our lipstick and get going.”

We went to a nearby restaurant and had a nice dinner. Mom had questions but seemed very at ease. At one point, an older couple came over and asked Mom, “Are these your twin daughters?“

Mom smiled and said yes.

“They are just beautiful girls,” the woman said.

“Thanks. I think so too.”

Jill and I just smiled and thanked her for the compliment.

I excused myself and went to the Ladies' Room. Mom followed me.

“Well, this is first.” She giggled as we both came out of a stall.

She went to the mirror, took out some lipstick, and applied it. She turned to me. “Here, you need to fix yours as well.”

We smiled as I put the lipstick on. “Erica, don’t you have a purse? I’ll give you one of mine.”

We went for a walk after dinner. Mom stopped to look in a store window. As she was catching up, she said, “Oh my. I can’t tell which one is which from the rear.” We all laughed.

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When we got home, Mom told us she was exhausted and was going to bed. “It’s been a long, and very interesting day. Good night.” She hesitated. “Good night, girls.”

Jill and I sat together. “That went better than I expected,” Jill said. “I’m getting the feeling she won’t mind if you continue being Erica.”

“Yeah, I got that too. Let’s just see how it goes.”

Jill leaned over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes. Jill reached under my skirt.

“Oh, I see I got you aroused. I want you to get a good night’s sleep, so I think I better take care of it.”

Jill quickly pulled down my panties and knelt between my legs. She quickly took me in her mouth and started sucking. It didn’t take long before I exploded in her mouth. After swallowing, she said “There. I hope that helps you sleep better.”

We took off our makeup together and retired to our rooms.

I slept well and woke to a light tap on my door. Mom poked her head in.

“May I come in?” she asked.

“Of course, Mom.”

I hadn’t worn a negligee like I had all week. But I did have white lace panties on.

Mom sat on the bed. “I must say, it’s nice to see Eric. Although, I do like Erica as well. I just want you to know that as far as I’m concerned, I’m fine with either.”

“Thanks, Mom. I appreciate that. I’m not sure how all this happened, but I like being Erica. And it’s brought Jill and I so close.”

“I love hearing that. I assume you need to get ready. Is there anything I can do to help? What are you planning to wear?”

“Jill and I thought something similar to what she wore last time. I'm wearing a grey pleated skirt of hers with a white sweater and a matching jacket. What do you think?”

“That sounds good. Why don’t you get dressed, come downstairs and I’ll give you my opinion.”

She glanced at the dress hanging over the back of the chair next to the bed. The bra I had worn was there. She picked it up. “What a pretty bra. This isn’t one of Jill’s is it?” She just smiled.

I showered and shaved my legs. I put on my bra, panties, and pantyhose. I shaved my face and applied makeup. Just then, Jill came in. “How are you feeling, girl?”

“Pretty good. Mom and I had a nice talk this morning already. She wants me to be Erica whenever I want. She likes what it’s done to us.”

“That’s wonderful. I get my sister.”

I came down to the kitchen. Mom looked me over. “Good morning, Erica. You look lovely.”

“Thanks, Mom. Do you think the outfit is okay?”

“I think so. Good idea to wear ballet flats. And your makeup is not overdone. Did you do it yourself?”

“I did. Jill’s a good teacher.”

“How about I drive you to the test?”

“Really Mom?”

“Of course. Jill obviously can’t, and I wouldn’t want you being pulled over on the way.”

“You always make sense, Mom.”

Jill came in and asked if I was ready.

“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “She needs a purse. No woman goes anywhere without her purse. I’ll go get one. And Jill, give Erica one of your wallets. And some lipstick.”

“Sorry, Mom. I should have thought of all that. I’m glad you’re back.” We all smiled.

I took the purse and put Jill’s Driver’s License in the wallet, along with my cell, and a tube of lipstick. I was ready.

Mom looked at me.”Shall we go, Erica? Oops, I mean Jill.” We all laughed.

We pulled up. She kissed me and told me she’d pick me up at four.

I went in. I showed Jill’s license. The man looked and said, “Good luck, Jill.”

It was a different test of course. But I felt good about it.

I finished up and left. I saw Mom waiting in the car, and I headed for it. Halfway there, I heard a male voice. “Jill, hey Jill.”

I turned and realized it was a guy Jill had dated a couple of years ago. “Oh geez. What now?” I thought.

Luckily I remembered his name. In my best Jill voice, I said, “Oh hi, Phil. How have you been?”

“Good. I see we both took the GRE. You look great, by the way.”

We chatted a bit. Then he asked if I wanted to go have a drink with him. Just then Mom walked up.

“Hey Jill, we should get going. We have that dinner party to get to.”

“I know, Mom. You remember Phil. We dated for a while.”

Oh yes. Hi Phil. Sorry to steal my girl away, but we need to get going.”

Mom and I headed to the car. “Thanks, Mom. You saved me, or Jill, from an awkward situation.”

“I figured. So Phil thought you were Jill. You really are her identical twin.” Mom giggled.

We got home and Jill asked how it went. Mom told her about Phil.

“Wow, Erica. He thought you were me?”

Mom looked at us both. “Well, it looks like you two pulled this off. Congratulations. From what you’ve both said, I’m assuming you both want Erica to stay around.”

Jill and I looked at each other. Jill spoke first.

“I’ve gotten accustomed to having a twin sister. So I’d like to keep her around.”

Mom looked at me. “I’ve already told you that I just want you to be happy. If you want to continue dressing, or should I say, being a girl, I’m fine with it. So I guess it’s up to you.”

I thought for a few moments. “Can we just play this by ear? I admit I like being Erica and being Jill’s sister. “Maybe I won’t be able to do this all the time. So, if you’re okay with it Mom, I’d like to be Erica when I can.”

Mom responded. “As far as I’m concerned, you can be Erica all you want. I kind of like having twin daughters. It’s fun. So why don’t we all get dolled up, and go out to a nice restaurant to celebrate?”

Jill and I both smiled.

“Okay, girls. Go put on nice dresses. I’m anxious to see Erica in a fancy dress.”

We all went upstairs. Jill and I stripped to our bras and panties in her room as we looked through her closet. She pulled out two dresses and held them up to me. We decided on a darling black pencil dress for me. Jill told me to change into a black lace bra and panties that she handed to me. She decided on a dark burgundy sweater dress. We went to the bathroom to do our makeup. We applied more eye makeup than we ever had, and lash-lengthening mascara. We were standing at the mirror when Mom came in wearing just a bra and panties.

“Oops. Excuse me, girls. Well, isn’t this something? All three of us in our bras and panties.” We all laughed.

“Jill, do you have some eyeliner I could borrow?”

“I love that black bra and panties set, Erica.” Mom smiled at me and left.

Jill and I looked at each other and giggled.

When we came downstairs, Mom looked at us. We were each wearing three-inch heels. “Wow. I do have two beautiful daughters. Erica, you have certainly mastered the womanly art of walking in high heels.”

“Isn’t she great, Mom?” Jill gushed.

“You both look great. I love those dresses. Jill, is that one of yours Erica has on?”

“Yes, it is. I think she looks better than me in it.”

Mom responded, “We need to take Erica shopping for her own clothes, and lingerie.”

We started to leave. “Erica, don’t forget your purse, dear.” Mom turned to Jill. “You’ve done a great job Jill, but she still needs a little refining.” We all laughed.

We went to a very nice restaurant and ordered a bottle of wine. Mom seemed to be completely at ease with her new daughter. “I can’t believe how much you two look alike. You two even act alike. It’s amazing.”

Jill added, “Mom, I’m so glad you are supportive of what we did. I know Erica wants to continue being a girl. Are you...

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Written by RachelTG
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