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Girlfriend's Mom II

"Pete and Stacy conspire together to be spanked by her mom. An F/fm spanking story"

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Every time Pete visited his girlfriend Stacy's house, there was a tension in the air that only Pete and her mom felt. Ever since her mom spanked him, they had this bond that no one else knew about. Stacy was oblivious to the hints and looks they shared. He had fantasized for days about being punished by her mom again, but the fear of her paddle outweighed his cravings, for now at least.

Pete wasn't the only one fantasizing about his punishment. Stacy's mom had been running the scenario over and over again in her mind as well. She was looking for the next opportunity to spank him again.

As these dynamics simmered in the background, Pete and Stacy continued dating normally. One evening, they were hanging out at Pete's house, talking and making out in the privacy of his bedroom. As Pete held her and kissed her slowly, he asked, "What's something you've always wanted to try in bed that I don't know about?"

Stacy looked up at him, surprised by the question. "I don't know," she said shyly. "Let's do what you want to do."

"C'mon. There's gotta be something you've wanted to do," he prodded. 

Her eyes drifted, her mind fixed on something. "What is it, baby? I won't judge," he encouraged. 

She took a deep breath. "There is something, but I've always been afraid to admit it."

"You don't have to be afraid," he said gently. "I only want to please you and make you feel good. If I am going to do that, I need to know what's on your mind."

Stacy nodded in agreement. She took another deep breath. "I've always kind of wanted to be spanked."

"Spanked?" he asked, looking at her attentively. Her admission caught Pete completely off guard. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but he kept his expression steady, knowing how vulnerable she was in that moment. 

"Yes, I don't know why. It's just this thing I've carried with me," she said thoughtfully. 

Pete knew exactly how that felt. "I understand, Pete said gently. "More than you know." The room was quiet for a few seconds. "I'd like to try it with you if you're up for it," he said, smiling encouragingly. 

"Are you sure?" she asked.

Pete nodded and adjusted himself to a seated position on the bed. He patted his leg, indicating that she should lay herself over. She hesitated at first, then slowly crawled over his lap. Pete rubbed her back, settling her in place. He caressed her bottom gently, enjoying the view. He gave her a couple hand spanks and continued rubbing her bottom. 

"Harder," she said, looking back at him and smiling. Pete happily complied and smacked her ass very hard with his hand. "Oh!" she whimpered. 

"Is that better?" he asked. She nodded. 

"Hm. I think it'll hurt more if I take these down," he said as he pulled her leggings down. She resisted playfully, letting him wrestle them down. He gave her a few hard smacks over her panties. These had her wincing and flinching. "Now, that's much better," Pete exclaimed. 

He loved watching her gorgeous bottom bounce to the smacks of his hand. His dick grew hard, pushing up into her. "I'm really enjoying this," he whispered in her ear as he delivered more stinging spanks. 

Though her ass was stinging, his words made her feel really good. She was worried that he would think this was weird or that he wouldn't like it, but he was really getting into it. She felt comfortable enough to reveal more of what she wanted. "I think I'd like to be scolded," she admitted. 

Pete smiled to himself. Her kink seemed almost exactly aligned with his. "Bad little girls get spanked, and they don't speak unless spoken to while they're being punished. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir," she replied submissively. Her sweet submission turned Pete on even more. He swiftly took her panties down and spanked her bare bottom hard. "This is what happens when you don't obey," he said as he continued spanking her. She wiggled all over his lap, rubbing against his hard cock, driving him crazy. 

Unable to take it anymore, he pulled her off his lap, took his dick out of his pants, and entered her. She was fully aroused, her pussy warm and wet. They passionately made love and collapsed on the bed when they finished. 

"Wow!" Pete exclaimed. "That was incredible." Stacy beamed from ear to ear. They continued to talk into the night. Still curious about her spanking desire, Pete asked, "Is there something you'd like to add or do differently for next time?"

Stacy thought about it for a minute. "That was great and all, but I think I want to be punished. Like, for real."

"What do you mean?" Pete asked. 

"Like more than just for play. I want to be spanked as a consequence of doing something wrong. I want to be held accountable for my actions and punished past the point of enjoyment."

Pete sat, lost in thought. He related to her feelings. 

"Do you know what I mean?" she asked. 

Pete nodded. "There is something I should tell you," he said seriously. 

She looked up at him, worried that he was turned off by the idea. 

"Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I brought you home late?"

Stacy nodded.

"Well, your mom caught me and spanked me for it."

"What?" Stacy said incredulously. 

"Yeah. She spanked me hard with her paddle."

"You're not serious right now."

"I'm dead serious, and so was she."

Stacy still couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Did it hurt?"

"Oh yeah, it hurt. I was sore for days."

"Wait. Did she spank you on the bare bottom?"

Pete nodded. 

Stacy put her hands to her mouth, unsure of how to process the shock and excitement she was feeling. 

"I have an idea," Pete said. "What if you were to do something so bad, she'd have to punish you. We already know she's willing to do it."

Stacy shook her head. "That's crazy."

"Is it?" Pete asked. If you want to be punished for real, I think this is your best chance. I can act like I'm spanking you for real, but we both already know you want it. She doesn't know that. Coming from her, it would be a genuine, authentic punishment."

Stacy was silent, lost in thought. 

"Think about it. If you change your mind, talk to me. We can come up with a game plan."

Stacy drove home, her mind scrambling. 

Nothing was said about Pete's idea the next few times they met, but about a week later, Stacy walked up to Pete and said, "If I'm going to do this, you're doing it with me."

Pete knew exactly what she was talking about and smiled mischievously. "I can do that," he said. He had already been thinking long and hard about how he could insert himself into this scheme. Though the prospect of getting paddled by Stacy's mom again was daunting, he didn't want to be left out.

"Okay, here's what I'm thinking," Pete said, laying out the plot. "You know how your mom hates when we drink."

Stacy nodded. "Yeah, she really hates that."

"Let's come home late and drunk," Pete suggested. 

Stacy took a deep breath, contemplating the idea. "She would be so pissed."

"You said let's do this. This is it."

Stacy looked into Pete's eyes. "I'm in," she said confidently. 

Pete flashed his mischievous smile again. "Let's go get shit-faced."

Stacy's mom had warned them constantly about the negative consequences that alcohol can bring and had forbidden them to drink. When they got home late that night, she was up, waiting for them. 

They stumbled in, obviously drunk. "What the hell is going on?" her mom yelled angrily.

"Oh, nothing," they giggled deliriously.

"I will deal with you two in the morning," she said, clearly annoyed.

They laughed it off, but Pete couldn't keep the trepidation from creeping in the back of his mind. She was angrier than he'd ever seen her. She sent Stacy to bed and ordered Pete to sleep on the couch.

The next morning came quickly. Pete rubbed his eyes groggily, wondering where he was, before suddenly remembering the events from last night. Looking up, he saw Stacy's mom waiting for him, holding that familiar, heavy wooden paddle.

"No, no, please, ma'am, we only had a couple drinks," he begged.

She just raised her eyebrows slightly while maintaining her tight-lipped frown. There was no way he was getting out of this. 

He continued, "It was Stacy's idea. I told her we shouldn't."

"Oh!" she scoffed. "Well, since you're so eager to pass the blame, you'll get extra. I sure hope you aren't lying to me," she said coldly. "Let's take a trip upstairs." She motioned for him to take the lead. He marched up the stairs, putting one foot in front of the other, with her close behind him, holding the paddle by her side. 

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He entered Stacy's room to find her still asleep in her bed. Her mom gently closed the door behind her and ordered Pete to wake Stacy up. He gently shook her awake and waited as she oriented herself. She saw her mom holding the paddle in the background and whispered to Pete, asking what was going on. 

Pete replied in a low voice. "She's really mad about last night, and she got her paddle out." Stacy covered her mouth in fear. Their plan was coming to fruition, and it was too late to back out now. 

"Stacy, whose idea was it to drink last night?" her mom asked.

"Well, we both wanted to," she answered.

Her mom flashed a deathly stare at Pete. "Huh, that's funny, 'cause Pete said it was your idea."

Stacy looked at Pete angrily. "No way, he was totally suggesting we drink more," Stacy said defensively.

"That was after we had already started," he retorted. They continued bickering until they were finally cut off by her mom. 

"Shut up! Both of you. I've had enough! I've warned you over and over again about drinking. Not only did you get drunk, you also drove home drunk. You could've gotten killed or killed somebody else. Your irresponsibility is sickening. Not only that, even after the fact, you spend your time blameshifting and still can't take responsibility for your actions. You both are so immature, it's ridiculous. I'm going to teach you what happens to irresponsible brats so that maybe you'll learn before something horrible happens."

They both looked at each other, wondering if they had taken it too far. 

"Stacy, you're first. Pete, go stand in the corner, facing us. I want you to see your fate. Stacy, get up. Now!"

Pete hurried himself to the corner, hiding the bulge in his pants. Her anger and scolding were an instant turn-on, even though he knew he wasn't going to enjoy the paddle. Stacy climbed out of bed wearing her cute t-shirt and shorts. 

"Take off your clothes and bend over the bed," her mom continued. Stacy balked at her words, looking at Pete.

"Don't worry about him. Now do as you're told!" Embarrassed, Stacy began removing her clothes. Pete watched in silence as she took off her t-shirt first, followed by her shorts. She lowered her panties to the floor and bent over the bed with her beautiful ass facing him. Her mom walked up behind her and rested the heavy paddle against her ass.

"Please," Stacy whimpered. 

"Maybe you'll learn to listen to your mother," her mom replied sternly as she raised the paddle and forcefully brought it down across the center of her cheeks. A powerful smack erupted, followed by a primal screech as Stacy's body contorted in pain. 

"Stick your butt back out," her mom warned menacingly. 

Stacy stuck her butt out as Pete looked on in amazement. Her ass was already red where the paddle had connected. Pete watched as Stacy was paddled hard twenty times. She was sobbing and moving all over the place as her mom demanded she stay in place repeatedly. Her body was so beautiful, Pete could hardly contain himself. His thoughts were interrupted when Stacy's mom addressed him, "It's your turn, Pete."

She sent Stacy to the corner and ordered Pete to strip naked. He removed his clothes as Stacy watched from the corner with tears still running down her cheeks. He bent over the bed, showing all to Stacy and her mom. His body shuddered as he felt the paddle rub against his bare ass. She raised the paddle and landed a powerful smack, making his entire body tense as he grunted incoherently. He was determined not to cry in front of Stacy, as he held his position as well as he could. Stacy's mom continued paddling him hard with no breaks until she reached twenty. He had successfully held back tears, but he could not hold the position as the paddle repeatedly peppered his bare ass all over. 

She sent him to stand next to Stacy. Pete thought that wasn't so bad considering his last spanking, but then his blood ran cold. Her mom commanded Stacy to go retrieve a belt from the master bedroom downstairs. As soon as Stacy left to obey, her mom suddenly moved in front of Pete, grabbed his penis tightly, and shoved him back into the wall. She kissed him deeply and whispered in his ear. "I'm so fucking horny for you."

Hearing Stacy coming back up the stairs, she released Pete, leaving him aghast and incredibly aroused. Stacy re-entered the room, holding the belt. Her mom immediately told her to get in position. "Get on the bed on all fours. I want you on your knees and elbows with your face in the covers and your ass in the air. Stacy did as she was told, giving Pete a spectacular view. Her mom positioned herself on the side of the bed and began whipping Stacy's exposed ass. Using her entire body, she swung the belt with all her might, connecting with Stacy's tender ass over and over again. Pete's penis stood at attention as he watched his girlfriend get punished. 

After fifty lashes, her mom ordered them to trade spots. Pete got on all fours on the bed and buried his face in the covers as he stuck his ass up in the air. His dick and balls swung freely between his legs, on display for Stacy and her mom to see. Her mom immediately began whipping him. She used her full range of motion to swing the belt, following through across his ass, which was stretched to the max in his position. The pain bit deeply as she rained the belt down all over his ass fifty times. 

Pete took his harsh punishment relatively well. The belt was not nearly as scary as the paddle, but unfortunately, she wasn't done with the paddle. She ordered Stacy to join Pete on the bed, matching his position. She set the belt down and grabbed the paddle again. Stacy looked at Pete in fear as they awaited the paddle once again. With both of their asses high in the air, her mom started paddling them hard, alternating between Pete and Stacy, one after another. After several swats, she gave Stacy five hard swats in succession, then gave Pete's ass the same treatment and continued beating them until they were both crying loudly into the covers. 

"I sure hope you two are learning your lesson."

"We arrre!" they both cried out in unison.

She continued paddling them until they were both deeply bruised and sobbing. She finally stopped and set the paddle down. She stood watching them cry for a few minutes before ordering Stacy to stay in her room for two hours and think about her actions. She motioned for Pete to follow her out of the room. He picked up his clothes and followed her down the stairs, where she directed him to her bedroom. "Put your clothes down and get on my bed, laying on your back."

Pete obediently laid down on her bed and watched as she teasingly stripped in front of him. His eyes traveled all over her delicious body, causing him to once again become fully erect. She slipped her panties down, stepped out of them, and mounted him. She lowered herself onto his cock, allowing her weight to slide herself down all the way to the base of his dick. He moaned softly as she lowered her chest down to his mouth. He gratefully sucked on her tits as she moved herself up and down on his body. 

Picking up the intensity, she pinned his wrists to the bed and began aggressively bouncing up and down on him. He lay there helplessly as she pleasured herself on his cock until her body contorted in immense pleasure, straining to keep quiet as she entered an explosive orgasm. Her repeated convulsions squeezed around his shaft, taking him over the edge as well. 

They quickly and quietly cleaned up, not wanting to alert Stacy to what was going on. She sent Pete home with a bruised ass and a smile on his face. He felt amazing after orchestrating this whole thing, giving both of them what they truly wanted. 

When Pete and Stacy met up the next day, Stacy was elated. "I can't believe that worked!" she exclaimed. "That was crazy!" Pete beamed. "My ass hurts so bad!" she continued excitedly. 

"Mine too," he said in agreement. "She was so mad."

"I know. I was so scared in the moment."

"That's the point. Isn't it?"

"Exactly!" she agreed. 

"Wanna do it again?" Pete asked.

"Ohh man. Maybe later," Stacy replied, rubbing her ass. 

They continued connecting over their mutual punishment and began plotting how to earn another one.

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Written by Petesandman
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