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Getting Mom Interested CH06

"A Son and his girlfriend expand their horizons by figuring out how to get his father involved."

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Mom said nothing when I asked, "So you think maybe someday Dad might want to see me fucking you also?"

But I could tell she was mulling it over, and after a few moments, she finally said, "He just might, Tommy. He just might."

We left the living room and took showers to wash the sweat from our bodies. Afterward, as I dried myself off in my room, Mom came in and said, "Tonight, you're sleeping with me."

Of course, I obliged, even though I knew there would not be much sleep involved. Promptly, I crawled into bed on Dad's side while Mom snuggled next to me before sliding her smooth leg over my thigh as I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her tightly to me. Now totally relaxed while I lay next to Mom, I felt her lazily rubbing her hand across my chest while my palm slid up and down her arm.

I was just about to fall asleep when the phone rang, and Mom moved to answer it. It was Dad calling from his hotel room. Mom then sat up in bed while she talked to him about his trip so far, and I was in such proximity I could hear every word Dad said as they spoke.

But as their conversation continued, I soon heard him say to Mom, "So what are you wearing."

"What am I wearing?"

"Yeah, you know, to bed. What do you have on?" Dad asked.

"Oh!" Mom replied, "So what you 're telling me is you 're feeling a little frisky and thought maybe a little phone sex might help."

"Um... yes I mean it couldn't hurt."

Mom giggled and said, "Well, then. Let me see... I have on my little black baby doll. The one that just about covers my ass."

"Oh... yeah, I know the one. I love that one."

"I thought you might," Mom giggled again."

"But how about tonight instead of the usual type of phone sex, we try something a little different?"

Mom grinned when she looked at me and said, "What did you have in mind, dear?"

"How about a little role-playing this time?"

"And who might we be in this little game?" Mom asked as I watched her hand trail up her body to caress her breast while a gleam appeared in her eyes.

Dad didn't speak for a couple of seconds, and then I heard him say in a husky voice, "How about we pretend we're Tommy and Becky."

I felt my dick twitch as Mom's eyes widened, and a big smile grew on her face.

"Oh... Well. That is something new," Mom said as she reached out and nudged me closer.

"So my husband wants to sink his dick into that little girl's pussy, does he?"

"Um... I have to admit. I got excited seeing Tommy pounding into her like that."

Then Mom got me hot and bothered when she said, "Or maybe it's seeing our son fuck that you like watching, seeing how he can make a girl scream in pleasure when he makes her orgasm.

Dad was voiceless as Mom kept talking and then said seductively, "Or Maybe. Just maybe it's not Becky at all that you want to see, but me, his Mother between our son's legs. Watching him pounding inside my poor little pussy as Daddy used to when we were younger. Making me come repeatedly on his incestuous hard cock."

The phone went silent for a long time before I heard him mumble, "Yesss!"

Mom then pulled my hand to her panties and pushed it inside until I was firmly against her mound. Then she started her little sex game with Dad.

"Oh... Can you picture him, honey? Our son with his hands diving inside my panties, making me wet," she said as she pulled me up to her breast and pushed my face to her nipple.

I took the hint and suckled on her while I tickled her clit with my fingers.

"Oh... Yes... I can feel him getting me excited. His fingers are working on my clit. But I have to stop this. He's my son. It's so wrong. But I can't fight this building urge to grasp his dick in my hands," Mom said as her hand did just what she said, stroking my rigid dick in her palm.

"Yes... Oh yes, honey. Keep going. I can picture you two. This is so fucking hot," I heard Dad groan. It was apparent he was jacking off as Mom and I played our own game.

"He's so hard, and I'm getting so wet, but I shouldn't be. This is our son. My flesh and blood that I'm getting excited by," I heard Mom say while I slipped my fingers inside her burning pussy.

Mom, then moaned into the phone, "Oh fuck! His fingers are inside me now! My son is fingering me! God, no, I have to stop this. I can't let my little boy go any further."

"Yes, honey! Yes, you can! You want him to. You know deep down you really want him to. Just let yourself go. Like you did with your Daddy," I heard Dad say.

Moving my head closer between her legs, I lowered myself down Mom's body, smelling her sweet aroma filling the air as I kissed her wet, swollen pussy lips.

"Oh, Christ! Now he's putting his head between my legs! He's going to eat me! My son is going to taste his Mother's pussy!"

I could hear Dad grunting, and his breath was getting very heavy when he said, "Don't stop him. I know you want this just as much as I do. Let him do it! Let him make you cum."

I parted Mom's pussy lips with my tongue and ran it over her little bud while my fingers sank deep inside her snatch. Mom's juices rapidly spilled out of her pussy as she grasped my hair with her free hand and moved my head from side to side, pulling my face into her pussy.

"Oh God, he found my clit with his tongue! He's doing it! He's flicking his tongue over it while he's fucking me with his fingers! And I'm letting him! I'm letting my son do this to me! Oh god, why? Why am I letting this go on?" Mom yelled as her hand pushed me hard to her pussy.

"Because you love it, honey. You love how he's making you feel. Stop fighting it," Dad said as I raced my tongue over clit while feverishly fucking her with my fingers, causing Mom to buck wildly on my face.

"Oh, no! He's going to! To! To! Oh fuck! Please forgive me, honey, I can't help it. It feels too good. I can't stop him. Fuck, he knows how to eat pussy!

Mom then dropped the phone as both her hands held onto my head while she gyrated her cunt hard over my face and whimpered, "Oh, no! Oh... Oh... Oh... I can feel it! He's going to make me cum. Our son is going to make me cum! I can't stop myself! It feels too good! So fucking good!!! Oh please, god, forgive me!

Mom wasn't kidding, and I felt her cunt tightening on my fingers as her body quivered, and as she went rigid, she yelled, "I'm cumming!!! Christ, I'm coming on my son's mouth!!!"

Dad must have climaxed as well. Loud grunts could be clearly heard over the phone as Mom wailed in pleasure also.

My face was covered with her juices as I slowly backed away from her steamy mound. Then I heard Mom ask in a panting voice, "So how was that, honey? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Oh yes... That was so hot. I came so hard."

Mom then said, "Well, maybe when you get back, we should see if Tommy might be interested in taking my daddy's place for real."

Dad was again silent, and Mom had to finish the conversation by saying, "I'll let you mull that over while you 're away. Just know we miss you and hope you get home real soon. Good night, love," and hung up the phone.

I didn't even have time to say a word before Mom straddled over me and quickly lowered herself down to my dripping dick.

She then said, "Now to finish my poor boy off properly."

Mom soon had me coming again, and I was relieved when she let things settle down for the rest of the night. I don't think my poor dick could handle another fuck-a-thon, and we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day, we played it cool and didn't mess around then either. But I rushed over to Becky's to tell her about Mom and Dad's adventures last night.

Only Becky's Mom answered the door and invited me in. Of course, she was dressed to kill in a white mini sweater skirt, and I felt that familiar tingle in my balls but controlled myself long enough to ask where Becky was.

"She's still getting ready, Tommy. Please sit down, and we'll talk until she comes out.

Oh fuck. I thought, remembering the last conversation we had while I waited.

"So, how are you coming with your aunt? Did you get her interested in your Dad yet?"

"Um... No, she doesn't come by much, so I haven't had a chance."

"Oh... Well, maybe I should talk to your Mom about having a little party and inviting her over. Then you'll get a chance to work on her."

I just blindly agreed with her, not even knowing I did it. My mind wished Becky would come out soon, and the gods must have been listening because my lover finally made her appearance, and we left right then.

As we walked to school, I told Becky everything that Mom had said and what had happened last night. I could see she loved the whole thing. She loved it too much because as we walked down the hall in school, she suddenly pushed me inside a supply closet.

"Tommy, your story got me hornier than hell," she said as her fingers dug at my jeans.

"Hey! Wait... Becky!" I pleaded. But she was very good at getting my pants down, and when she gripped my dick, it was all over for me. I heard the bell ring for our first class just as her mouth covered my wood. This was totally crazy now. I wasn't even sure what punishment there would be for being caught fucking in school. But being expelled quickly came to mind.

I could hear teachers talking as they walked down the hall and held my breath while Becky worked wonderfully on my raging cock with her mouth. I was, once again, in a state of total lust and didn't care if we got caught when I reached down and pulled my sweet lover up from the floor, easing her pants down her slender body.

Becky kissed me as my fingers dug into her panties. Then, working them swiftly inside her moist pussy, she finally whispered in my ear, "Take me now, Tommy!"

Becky wiggled her panties off and turned around, bracing herself on a stack of metal shelves. She then eased her ass back until my cock was between her thighs. Gently, I nudged it into her wetness, and it didn't take long before my throbbing pecker was once again sliding deep inside her hot love canal. Pumping profusely, I fucked her hard as she whimpered and moaned, pushing herself back to meet my every thrust.

We both reached our climaxes quickly; only Becky's moans became louder as I felt her body beginning to orgasm. Quickly I pulled her back into me, covering her mouth with my hand while driving my cock in her until I pushed into her as deep as I could, then held still. Holding her mouth tightly shut, I could hear her muffled screams while her body quivered, making it easy to tell she was climaxing just as I felt my cum mixed with her juices.

Taking a few moments to calm down and catch our breath, we fixed our clothes as best we could. When we opened the door to duck back out into the hallway, a teacher was just turning the corner. She spoke and asked where we were going.

"We were headed to class and running late," I said, hoping she bought my fib. I was glad she asked no more questions and just waved us on.

The following two days were back to almost normal. I would go over to Becky's for a bit of hanky panky after school and then go home to Mom. We would then fuck in her bed until we passed out from exhaustion.

Dad was coming home today, and I once again was to pick him up at the airport but before I left, Becky asked me if I ever downloaded any more porno movies.

"Um. Not lately. Why?" I questioned.

"Oh... No special reason. I'll see you tonight, lover," she said with a smile.

When Dad and I got home from the airport, Becky was already at my house wearing a very short pink skirt and a thin, tight white top. It was plain to see she was braless since her nipples were prominent—hard and jutting straight out. And my cock actually jumped when she then gave me a quick wink before my attention was drawn towards Mom when Dad went over to kiss her.

What the fuck? I thought as I then noticed her choice of clothing.

Mom was dressed similarly to Becky. Only it was a red mini skirt that zipped up the side, and her top was a white buttoned blouse. She had left the three top buttons undone and as I watched how Dad kissed her passionately while they both embraced; I felt Becky pulling on my arm, guiding me into the living room. I assumed to give them some privacy until I saw my laptop lying on the coffee table already pulled into the TV.

"What the hell is this?" I said.

Becky just giggled, "A little surprise for later."

Looking her in the face, I said, "Becky... What are you up to?"

"Sh... All in good time, lover," Becky smiled.

I didn't even have time to say another word because Mom was calling us back out into the dining room for dinner.

Mom had made Dad his favorite meal, and we all sat down to eat. Only as we started eating our meal, Becky slyly rested her hand down on my thigh while looking at my father and said, "So Tommy told me something about you having a sister?"

I almost choked on my food when she said that and quickly looked at her to only see her smiling in my Dad's direction.

"Oh yes. I have a younger sister," Dad replied as Becky motioned her hand up further and brushed it over my groin, almost causing me to groan.

"Were you two close growing up?" Beck said as it was becoming harder for me to control my body from moving when she meticulously eased my zipper down causing me to almost choke on my food again.

"Not really," Dad replied. "But mostly, we got along okay."

"Does she live around here?" Beck then asked while I did my best not to show the excitement she was giving me when she fumbled around inside my pants.

"Yes, she lives just on the other side of town with her husband," I heard Dad reply while I lightly squirmed in my chair when Becky's hand pulled my cock completely out.

Swallowing hard, I lowered my head and tried my best to keep eating while Becky stroked my cock. I honestly couldn't believe she was doing this to me while we sat so close to my father and then heard my Mother ask, "Everything alright, Tommy?"

"Mm-hmm," I replied while Becky gave my dick a hard squeeze right at that moment, causing me to drop my fork on my plate.

Quickly Becky said, "You sure you're okay, Tommy, you look a little peaked. Maybe you're getting sick again?"

"Nnno. I'm fffine," I croaked as her hand now raced over my shaft causing my cum to dribble out of the tip of my dick. Fuck, she was going to make me come any second and I'm sure she knew it, but she calmly kept talking.

"You know," Becky said. "Your wife and I were talking earlier, and I realized you haven't met my mom yet."

"No I haven't," Dad said.

"Hmm..." Becky replied. "Maybe I can talk my Mom into having a little get-together over at our house some night and you can have your sister come also that way we can meet everyone at once."

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"That sounds like a great idea Becky, but I haven't talked with my sister in quite some time now," Dad answered while I was grinding my teeth trying to hold out from coming. Only it was too late because Becky then twisted her palm over the top of my dick causing some of my sperm to release.

However, I closed my eyes and softly grunted under my breath while my hand tightened around my folk and exploded fully when Becky said, "That's a shame. I bet she tastes as sweet as your wife."

"What was that?" Dad replied.

"I said I bet she's as sweet as your wife."

"Oh. Um, yeah. I think you'd like her."

I looked at him and then at Mom and noticed the smirk on her face and replied as calmly as I could, "The meal was great, Mom."

Becky then eased her hand out from under the table and I watched as she licked her fingers before saying, "Yes, it was. I can't recall when I tasted something this good."

Thankfully, Becky didn't try any more sexual stunts, and the conversation changed into Dad explaining what he did on his trip, giving me a chance to put my dick back inside my pants before we all finished eating.  

However, we remained at the table and talked for a long period before Mom suggested we should go watch TV in the living room. So the three of us sat on the couch while Mom turned on the television before sitting herself down between my Dad and me.

It was kind of tight to have all four of us on the sofa and as we watched...

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Written by bob03567
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