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Getting Mom Interested CH04

"Son catches Mom watching him and his girlfriend and wants more."

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My God, did I just really call out my Aunt's name. I pondered as I spied how both of them were staring at me now.

Honestly, I can't even tell you why I thought of her since it's been years since I've seen her and my Uncle. But now I realized there was no way I could find a way out of this when I heard Becky asked, "Who the hell is that?"

"She's my dad's sister."

There was silence in the air before Cathy broke out and laughed again.

"Tommy, you're such a naughty, naughty boy. You want your Dad to fuck his own sister. I was thinking one of us."

Becky relaxed her posture and laughed like her Mother as she sat beside me.

"I think maybe I might be able to change your mind," Becky said as she took hold of my hand and kissed me.

"Well, thank you for the good laugh and excellent fuck, Tommy. I'll let you two be." Cathy said as she got up to leave.

Becky sputtered, "Wait, Mom. I have an idea I want to run by you before you leave."

Oh no! Her ideas usually cause my dick to throb. I thought as Becky, and her Mom walked into the other room, leaving me alone on the sofa.

Ten minutes later, Becky came back with one of her wicked smiles.

"So, do I have to ask what that was about?" I said.

"Oh, it was nothing special, just something I had to discuss with Mom."

"Becky, I know that smile. That was not nothing. That was a something."

"Well, if you must know, it's a surprise. You'll see. And I'm sure you're going to like it."

"Well, I think we had better get going if we're going to make the movies with my parents."

As we walked to my house, I told Becky what Mom and I did in the kitchen. I could tell it got her excited. I think if it weren't for the fact that we had to meet my parents, she'd want to fuck. So I guess telling her now was a good idea.

Becky and I arrived at my home and had dinner with my parents before we departed for the theater. Of course, the girls gabbed and gabbed about everything from clothing to music and so on, and I was happy to see Dad looked just as bored listening to them.

"Well, we better get going if we want good seats," Dad said, and I agreed.

We climbed into Dad's car and headed on the way. Dad, of course, drove with Mom next to him, leaving Becky and me in the back seat. Becky sat behind Dad while I was behind Mom and ass the girls again jibber-jabbered; I again found the conversation dull.

Only as they chatted away, I felt Becky put her hand on my left upper thigh only inches from my crotch. Then without pausing their discussion, I felt her hand unzip my fly and work under my briefs. My eyes widened as I felt my cock hit the open air while her agile fingers stroked my dick to stiffness.

I looked over at Becky, and her eyes never left Mom as she kept talking while jerking me off.

To say I was stunned by her bold action would be an understatement, and I glanced over at my Dad while he concentrated on driving before looking back to Mom and noticed how she also kept talking but caught her eyes shift down to my cock before licking her lips when she turned her head a little further over her shoulder.

My cock head bulged as I felt myself getting close and moved my hand to try and stop Becky, but she wouldn't quit. Instead, she went faster, and I grasped her thigh as my hips involuntarily pushed.

My teeth ground together as I tried to control myself from exploding and felt my legs begin to shake, causing me to grip Becky's thigh hard.

Then just as I was about to shot my load, Becky dove her head down and took my cock in her mouth. My eyes snapped shut as I heaved my ass upward while holding my breath when I felt my sperm being gulped down.

With Becky's mouth wrapped around my cock as my body shook, I couldn't believe how Mom was still talking, as if she and Becky were still engaged in normal conversation. Then, without missing a beat, Becky picked her head up and was right back into the talk.

Trying to control my panting, I saw we were in the parking lot and had just enough time to put my dick away and fix my pants.

As we walked to the theater, I held Becky's hand, and we lagged behind my parents, and when I was sure they couldn't hear, said, "What the hell was that? What if my Dad had seen you?"

"Shh... Lover," she said. "It's not as much fun if it isn't dangerous. Besides, I think your Mom liked it also. I bet she's soaked."

Dad got the tickets, and we looked for some good seats. Unfortunately, the theater had already filled up, and finding four empty chairs was a little tricky. But in the end, we did find some, but they were in the nose bleed section.

Scrunching past multiple people, we piled in and sat down. Dad sat next to Mom, and I sat next to Becky. Of course, we had coats but no place but our laps to set them on while we talk amongst ourselves until the theater darkened and the movie started to play.

Only as it did, I caught Mom whisper something to Dad and saw him shake his head from side to side before she whispered to me, "You two want anything from the concession stand?"

I shook my head before passing what Mom said to Becky, and she replied softly, "Yeah. Some popcorn and a soft drink would be nice."

I told Mom, yes, and she asked me to come with her. So we excused ourselves, passed all the seated people, and headed out of the theater.

But as I turned left to the concession stand, Mom grabbed my arm and pulled me to the right.

"Come this way," she said as she rushed me towards the bathrooms.

"Mom! What are you doing?"

"You're going to fuck me."

"Mom! Now! Here! This is crazy!" I said as she pushed me inside the women's restroom.

Mom rushed me into a stall and fumbled my pants open. Again, my cock was free as she pushed me onto the toilet seat. Quickly Mom reached under her skirt, removed her panties before spreading her legs, and sat down facing me. Her soaked pussy rubbed hard against my dick, and I felt it stiffening as it slid against her clit.

"That's it, Tommy. Oh... Fuck.. I'm so fucking hot... Your little girlfriend got me so fucking wet."

"Oh... Mom... we... have... ohh... fuckk," I moaned as my stiffened dick penetrated her hot cunt.

Mom went up and down faster and faster. Her hands braced against the side of the stall as her body bounced, and I reached for her bobbing breasts.

"Fuck Mom!" I croaked as I felt her juices seeping out and dripping down my nuts. Then, grabbing her waist, I pulled her down harder as my cum once again readied to explode.

"Oh... Yes... oh... fuck me! Give me your cum, son. Mommy wants it..."

I blew my load as my legs shuddered while Mom's cunt tighten on me as she held her pussy down and rocked her hips in place. Then grabbed my neck with both her hands and whimpered as her climax went through her body.

Soon, Mom stopped shaking and eased off my dick. Then, standing up, she put her panties back on and helped me to my feet. Pulling me to her, we kissed before she said, "Thank you, Son. We'd better get back."

I pulled my pants up, and we left the restroom. A theater worker saw us exit the restroom and just shook his head as we passed by while Mom grabbed my hand and chuckled as we rushed to the concession stand.

After we purchased the refreshments and went back to the theater, I carried the drinks while Mom handled the popcorn.

Little did I know I was in for another surprise as we fought our way back to our seats because Becky had relocated and was now sitting where Mom would have been next to Dad. I think Mom was also surprised, but she sat down where Becky was first sitting instead of saying anything. The new seating order was Dad, Becky, me, and then Mom.

I handed Becky her drink and leaned over to ask what's going on.

"That guy over there was giving me the creeps," she said as she pointed to the gentleman sitting next to Mom.

"You two were gone so long I couldn't take being close to him, so I moved next to your Dad. Does your Mom want her seat back?"

I told Mom what had happened and relayed the message, but Mom was okay with the new seating.

However, Halfway through the movie when I had finished my soft drink and was going to set the empty container on the floor next to my feet, my eye happened to see where Becky's hand was. She had covered her lap with her coat, but her arm made it obvious it was located somewhere in Dad's lap.

As I sat up, I began paying closer attention to what was taking place beside me and noticed Dad's coat would shuffle a little every once in a while. Sinfully, I felt myself getting hard.

Becky must be rubbing his thigh. So I thought as I watched intensely as the coat moved more while Dad shifted in his chair.

My God, Becky was getting him excited sitting right next to me, and I liked it, and I almost gasped when the coat stopped moving side to side but began pumping up and down. Faster and faster she went, and I watched as my Father's facial expression changed.

Then I saw how Dad grabbed the arms of the chair as his body sunk lower in the seat. Faster and faster still, her hand pumped until finally, his hand clutched the top of his coat and held it down. I could see his body quivering for a couple of seconds before he moved his hands back to the arms of the chair, and her hand slipped away.

Becky ever so casually leaned over to me and hissed, "So, how'd you like the show?"

I could only nod since I was flabbergasted and then realized how hard my heart was pounding in my chest while feeling the precum dribbling in my pants.

The lights came on, and people began to stand up, and I completely didn't realize the movie had ended and now wondered whether Becky was talking about the movie or what she had done to my Father.

Dad was the first to stand up and, as he did, held his coat next to his waist as we walked out. Then he said he had to use the restroom, and I thought this would give me a chance to talk to Becky, but Mom was right next to us as we waited for Dad's return.

Once Dad came back, he had his coat on, and it was quiet on the drive home. About halfway home, Becky leaned over rested her head on my shoulder while I just held her hand as the image of her and Dad danced in my brain.

Only as it did, I began to wonder if maybe I wasn't enough for her and that she might actually want my Dad instead.

We stopped at Becky's house, but before I walked her to the door, Becky asked my Mom to stop over and see the clothes they had talked about. She said her Mom would be out so that it would be just the two of them. Mom agreed, and as I walked Becky to her door, I was unable to ask about what had happened with Dad. So instead, I just kissed her and held her tight as I feared the worst. I didn't want to lose her and again let my heart talk.

"Becky... I love you," I said as I felt my eyes swell up.

"I love you too, Tommy.," Becky replied as she read my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't want to lose you."

Becky kissed close to my ear and whispered, "I'm not going anywhere, Lover, and make sure you come with your mom tomorrow," she then turned and entered her house.

I went to the car feeling a little better by her reassurance and thought it would all be talked about the next day.

That night, I didn't sleep much. Not because Mom came in; she kept her word and stayed in her own bed. I couldn't sleep from rehashing the exciting, sex-filled day and could only imagine what I had in store for me tomorrow.

The following day, I awoke early and could smell breakfast cooking which meant it had to be Sunday morning. So I hopped out of bed and went right for the shower.

While I was enjoying the hot spray across my back, I caught the outline of a person standing by the shower door and slid it open, and there was Dad.

This isn't good. I thought as I asked, "What's up?" while I turned the water off.

"I wanted to talk to you alone before talking to your mother."

"About what, Dad?" I forced it out of my mouth, reaching for a towel.

"I have to leave town for a week on business, and the last time that happened, your Mother didn't talk to me for a week. I was hoping you could help me out and convince her it is necessary."

"I can try, Dad."

"Good... Good.." he said, as he turned for the door.

"Hey, Dad. What did you think of the movie last night?"

Dad stopped quickly and said, without turning around said, "I.. Umm... I thought it was okay for a chick flick."

"Yeah... me too," I replied as he walked away.

As I dressed, I could hear my parents downstairs, and the tones of their voices didn't sound inviting and went downstairs just as Mom finished lecturing Dad about why she didn't find his leaving too appealing.

"Tommy, can you please explain to your mother how important it is that I attend this business trip?"

"Mom, I know you don't want Dad to go, but if his new promotion requires him to leave once in a while, I don't see the problem. I mean, it's not like you're going to be home alone while he's gone. I'll still be here."

I watched as Mom's face went from anger to one of joy.

"I guess you're right. I'll still have my strong young man at home to take care of me," Mom said.

"Soo.. wait.. what?" Dad replied.

"It's okay, dear," Mom said with a bit of a grin. "I'm fine with your leaving us. I'll discuss this more with you when I get back."

"Get back?... From where?"

"Don't you remember? Becky invited me over today."

"Oh.. yeah... Okay then," Dad said.

"I'll walk you over there, Mom."

"Thank you, honey," Mom said as she took my hand, and we walked out the door.

On the walk over, Mom kept holding my hand and began to ask me questions.

"So. How come you stuck up for your Father back there? You want him to leave us for a week?"

"Well, no... Not really, but he did ask me to help him convince you that it was a good idea. I also think it might be fun. Don't you?" I replied as I watched a big smile spread across Mom's face.

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"I think it just might," Mom said as we walked up to Becky's door.

I didn't even get a chance to knock before the door opened. "Hey!... I'm glad you both came. I was hoping Tommy would be with you. I think he's going to like seeing you in the new clothes I got."

"I didn't know I was going to be putting on a show for my son, but that does sound very tempting," Mom said as we entered their house.

"So, your mom isn't around today, Becky?" Mom asked. "I was hoping to meet her."

"No, she's not right now. But she feels the same about meeting you. I've told her so much about you already," Becky said as she walked us into their living room.

"Okay, Tommy, if you don't mind, just take a seat here while I show your Mom where the clothes are. We'll be right out." With that, they both left for Becky's room.

I found it hard to believe. Mom could fit into anything Becky had. I mean, Mom is slim and fit, but Becky is still much more petite.

Unless Becky is talking about her Mother's wardrobe! I thought. "Oh shit!" I said as I remembered how short and sexy those outfits were.

Becky came out a few minutes later and walked over to me on the couch. But Mom wasn't in sight yet.

"She's just finishing up changing. She'll be out in a minute. I think you're going to enjoy this morning," Becky said as she plopped onto the couch next to me. "Remember I said I had a surprise for you. Well, today is it."

Before I could ask more, surprise, Mom walked out, and my mouth dropped open. Mom had on the same super short white skirt, and stocking's that Cathy had worn the other day, and my cock stiffened as Mom's chest pressed tightly to the sheer shirt material, while her areolas could clearly be seen.

Mom sashayed closer and stood in front of us as my mouth watered, seeing her nipples poking hard against the flimsy shirt.

And as Mom spun around and said. "What do you think?" The skirt lifted up, revealing nothing but the white lace garter and her naked ass.

My cock raged in my pants as the only thing I could say was, "That's so fucking hot!"

"I totally agree," Becky said as she stood up and embraced my Mother, and before I knew it, they were rubbing against each other and kissing passionately.

Becky moved Mom over to the couch and gave...

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Written by bob03567
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