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Date Night - Chapter XVII

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When Charlotte and Jamie arrived at Perrone’s, Julie and Tyler were already there. Julie looked stunning in a classic ‘little black dress’ that showed off her toned arms and shapely legs, and the black heels she wore added even more elegance to her sleek, athletic body.

Charlotte looked just as sexy in a little red number that highlighted her round hips, while the plunging neckline showed off plenty of her magnificent cleavage. She also wore a pair of matching red pumps that elevated her ass, making it look even more ripe and juicy as it stretched the fabric to its limits.

“You look sensational, Char,” Julie said as she hugged her friend.

“You too, Jules, I love that dress,” Charlotte replied, and then she added, “And look at our dates; I can’t believe I was able to get Jamie into a pair of slacks and a sport coat!”

“I know, Tyler has to wear a sport coat at school, so he hates wearing one any other time, but they both look so handsome,” Julie said as she gave Jamie a hug.

Charlotte hugged Tyler too, and then Julie led them to the host podium.

“Good evening, Dr. Alexander, how are you this evening?” the pretty young hostess asked.

“Fine, Rachel, so nice to see you,” Julie replied, and then she said, “Mr. Alexander is traveling, so we decided to have a Mother/Son date night with our friends; these are the Bradley’s, and of course you know my son Tyler.”

“It’s so nice to meet you both, and always good to see you, Tyler,” Rachel replied sweetly, and then she said, “Right this way please,” as she led them to their table.

The Alexander’s were regulars at Perrone’s, but Charlotte had only been there a couple of times, and it was the first visit for Jamie. Rachel passed out the four menus, and then asked if Julie wanted to see a wine list.

“No, I think we’ll just have a bottle of the Rombauer, it’s my favorite chardonnay,” Julie replied, and then she said, “If that’s okay with you, Char.”

“It sounds perfect,” Charlotte said to her friend.

“And what about for the young men?” Rachel asked, correctly assuming they weren’t drinking age.

“I’ll have a Coke please,” Tyler replied politely.

“And I’ll have the same, thank you,” Jamie said, also being very polite.

“So a bottle of the Rombauer Chardonnay for the ladies, and two Cokes for the gentlemen, I’ll have your server bring your drinks right over,” Rachel said.

Then Julie said, “Oh, and Rachel, could you have the Cokes served in wine glasses? We’re celebrating a special evening.

“Certainly,” Rachel replied, and then she asked, “Is it someone’s birthday?”

“No, we’re just celebrating good friends,” Julie replied as she winked at Charlotte.

Rachel left the table, and the boys watched her very cute ass as she did. Once she was out of earshot, Julie leaned in and said, “See, Char, one cute young girl and the old women are out.”

Both Tyler and Jamie knew they had been busted checking Rachel out, and Tyler decided to just own up to it when he said, “What can I say, she has a nice butt.”

“Yes she does,” Charlotte agreed as she put her hand on Jamie’s thigh underneath the tablecloth, and then as she secretly slid it up between his legs to grab his package, she said, “But remember, you’re our dates tonight.”

Jamie couldn’t believe his mom had grabbed his penis right under the table, but he didn’t say anything as a server came to the table with their drinks.

“Good evening, Luis,” Julie said as the handsome young server put the empty wine glasses on the table.

“Good evening Dr. Alexander, so nice to see you again,” Luis said as he gave the boys their wine glasses filled with Coke. Then as he opened the bottle of wine and served Julie a tasting, he said, “We’re so glad to have you and your guests dining with us; may I tell you about the special dishes our chef is offering this evening?”

“Please do,” Julie replied, and then she sampled the wine and then nodded her approval.

After Luis told them about the specials, the boys both ordered the aged bone-in rib eye steak, and Charlotte and Julie ordered the fresh catch of the day.

When Luis left the table, Charlotte raised her glass and said, “I’d like to propose a toast.”

The other three raised their glasses, and then Charlotte said, “To new friends, and a weekend of firsts for the best sons two mothers could ever want,” and then she winked at Julie as they all tapped their glasses together.

The dinner was superb, as was the wine and the conversation, and when the check came, Julie insisted on paying it. Charlotte protested, but her friend said, “Char, you’ve been paying me to take care of your son for years, and besides, if it wasn’t for you and Jamie, this weekend would never have happened, so please let me take care of this.”

Charlotte could tell she wasn’t going to change her friend’s mind, so she said, “Okay Jules, but next time it’s my treat.”

“Deal,” Julie said as she gave Luis the check and her credit card, and after the bill was paid they walked across the parking lot to the theater multiplex.

The boys wanted to see an action movie, but the women wanted to see the newest romance comedy. After a brief discussion, Jamie and Tyler were reminded of what was waiting for them when they got home, so they quickly ended their protest and agreed to let their mothers choose the movie.

Since they had just finished dinner, nobody was interested in anything from the snack bar, so they found their way to the theater that was showing their movie and went inside. The movie had been out for a few weeks, and the crowd was pretty sparse, so there were plenty of open seats.

When Julie chose a row in the back right of the theater, Tyler said, “Why are we sitting way back here?”

“Because sitting too close to a theater screen is bad for your eyes,” Julie replied, knowing Tyler would accept a medical excuse to explain her choice of seats away.

Tyler entered the row of seats first, but he was surprised when Mrs. Bradley followed him in instead of his mom. Then Jamie slid in next to Charlotte, and Dr. Alexander completed the foursome.

When Tyler reached the fourth seat he stopped, thinking his mom would want to be on the aisle, but Mrs. Bradley said, “Why don’t you keep moving in, Tyler, it’s a little more private over there.”

Tyler thought it was odd that they were moving so far into the corner, but he didn’t want to be disrespectful and disagree with Mrs. Bradley, so he kept moving in until she said, “Okay, this is good.”

A few minutes after they took their seats, the lights were lowered and the feature movie started. It was your typical, cute romance comedy, and even the boys had to admit that even though there were no zombies, car chases or explosions, it wasn’t that bad.

About half way into the movie, Charlotte leaned towards her son, seated between her and Dr. Alexander, and whispered, “Jamie, why don’t you take off your sport coat and get comfortable?”

Jamie was a little warm, so he took of his jacket and put it over the chair in front of him, but Charlotte said, “Just fold it over and put it in your lap honey, I don’t want us to accidentally leave it here.” The teenager was pretty sure he wouldn’t forget it, especially with the two eagle-eyed moms sitting on either side of him, but he did as he was told and laid it over his lap.

When the movie reached a part where the main characters were in bed, the boys were a little surprised to see the female lead showing her boobs and her ass. Jamie was so engrossed in seeing the pretty actress naked that at first, he didn’t even notice Dr. Alexander’s right hand sliding under his jacket and resting on his thigh, but when he realized what was happening, his body trembled.

Jamie’s dick was already semi-erect from watching the nude actress, so when Julie cupped the bulge in his pants, he quickly grew to full erection. The teenager couldn’t believe Dr. Alexander was massaging his hard prick right in the theater, but when he looked at her, he could see her eyes were locked on the screen, acting as if she was doing nothing.

Julie could feel that her young patient’s penis was fully erect now, so after looking around to make sure nobody had sat near them, and that they couldn’t be seen from the video booth behind them, she deftly pulled down his zipper, reached inside his boxers, and released his hard cock. Then she very quietly wrapped her fingers around it, and began stroking him.

Charlotte knew what was going on next to her, so she leaned to her right, put her lips close to Tyler’s ear and whispered, “Why don’t you take off your sport coat too?”

“I’m okay Mrs. Bradley, thanks,” Tyler said, not realizing what was happening only a few feet from him.

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But then the beautiful woman rested her hand on his thigh, and as she brushed her little finger up and down his balls, she said, “Tyler, I’d really like you to take off your sport coat and lay it over your lap.”

Tyler looked to his left, and with the help of the light from the projector, he could see Mrs. Bradley smiling as her finger tickled his scrotum through his pants. Then he looked past her to where Jamie’s jacket covered his lap, and he could see the garment rhythmically rising and falling, telling him that his mom was giving his friend a hand job.

That was all the motivation he needed, and he quickly shucked his jacket and laid it across his thighs. As soon as his lap was covered, he felt Mrs. Bradley’s fingers find his zipper and pull it down, and in a matter of seconds, his hard cock was sticking up through the opening, with her soft hand wrapped around the steel-like shaft.

Neither boy could believe what was happening. They were each getting hand jobs from their friend’s mom in a public place. Even though there were only about twenty or thirty other people in the theater, and they were far away from all of them, there was still a risk involved, and that made them all very nervous, and very excited.

Now all four of them were slumped down into the cushioned theater chairs, to the point where only their heads were visible. But still, they were all managing to keep their eyes on the screen as if nothing was happening.

Tyler was having a hard time concentrating on the movie as he felt his balls beginning to tighten. While Mrs. Bradley stroked his cock with one hand, the other gripped his left wrist and pulled it towards her. When his palm landed on her soft thigh, he could feel the warmth rising from it. Then she pulled his hand upward until it disappeared under her dress, and when he reached the apex of her thighs, he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties.

Julie heard Charlotte let out a slight hiss as Tyler’s fingertips caressed her wet pussy lips, and that was when she leaned towards Jamie, and as she continued stroking his cock, she whispered, “Put your hand between my legs.”

Jamie shuddered as the beautiful woman ran her tongue along the back of his ear, and then he slowly moved his left hand to her lap. He felt her legs part slightly to give him better access, and as his hand moved up her smooth thigh and reached its destination, he was as surprised as Tyler had been to find that Dr. Alexander was also wearing no panties.

Tyler already had two fingers buried deep inside Mrs. Bradley’s dripping slit, and he could feel her cunt walls tightening around them as he fucked them in and out. Then she suddenly reached down and pulled his wet digits from her aching twat. He thought he may have gotten carried away, but instead she brought his hand to her mouth, and then sucked her own juices from his drenched fingers.

“Mmmm,” she softly moaned as her tongue was bathed with sweet pussy honey. Then she stuck her own hand under her dress and inserted two fingers into her drooling snatch, coating them with her juices before pulling them out and offering them to Tyler, who greedily sucked them clean.

Jamie was first to feel the pressure of orgasm starting to build. As Dr. Alexander expertly stroked his rigid member, she could feel it swelling even more in her fingers. His pleasure centers were nearing the point of overload, and that was when Julie leaned towards him and softly whispered, “Tap my thigh when you’re ready to cum, Jamie.”

The teenager’s head fell back onto the soft chair as Dr. Alexander began stroking him faster. Charlotte could also tell what was happening, and as she kept stroking Tyler’s cock, her eyes focused on her son and her best friend. Just then, Julie felt Jamie tap her thigh as his back began to arch, and in one swift motion she pushed his jacket aside, plunged her head into his lap and sucked his near-bursting cock into her mouth.

A strangled scream formed in Jamie’s throat as Dr. Alexander’s hot mouth encased his hard prick, and then the first orgasmic contraction propelled a powerful shot of thick spunk into the back of her throat.

The force of Jamie’s orgasm caught Julie by surprise at first, and she sputtered a bit as she swallowed the initial burst, but then she regained control of her gag reflex and kept sucking his spewing cock as it launched pearls of rich young sperm into her greedy mouth.

Jamie was gritting his teeth, trying not to make any noise as Dr. Alexander expertly drained his balls. The pleasure her mouth was creating caused his body to tingle from head to toe, and when his cock finally stopped twitching, and the last of his spunk leaked into her mouth, she released his wilting prick and sat back in her chair.

Normally Julie would have shared Jamie’s delicious load with Charlotte in a kiss, but she was sitting too far away, and she didn’t want to draw attention with too much movement, so she broke tradition and swallowed, letting his gooey mass slide down her throat.

In the meantime, Charlotte had re-focused her attention back onto Tyler. The teenager’s fingers were still deep in her pussy as her hand began to masturbate him faster. She could feel him squirming in his seat, so she leaned over and whispered, “Are you ready to shoot?”

When she saw him nod, she whispered, “I want you to cum in my mouth,” and then she followed Julie’s lead, sweeping his jacket aside, diving into his lap, and wrapping her lips around his throbbing prick.

Her lips no sooner sealed around his shaft than the first blast of cum erupted from the swollen head and filled her mouth almost to overflowing. Tyler did his best to control his grunting as his cock twitched and flexed between Mrs. Bradley’s lips. His orgasm was so intense that he involuntarily lifted his ass from the cushioned chair, trying to force his spewing organ into her gullet.

The muscles around Tyler’s prostate were flexing like they were being hit with a cattle prod, causing spurt after spurt of his young seed to be pumped into the beautiful brunette’s mouth. Then as the final spasms eased, and only a trickle of bittersweet young spunk leaked from the tip, he slumped back in his chair, dislodging his cock from Charlotte’s mouth as she swallowed his ejaculate with one gulp.

It took a few moments, but when Jamie and Tyler finally recovered, they continued their manual assault on the women’s pussies. Since they were both so excited from giving their sons blowjobs in a public theater, Charlotte and Julie knew it wouldn’t take long for the boys to make them cum.

Jamie had remembered his training from earlier that day, and he pulled his finger from deep inside Dr. Alexander’s pussy and began rubbing her clit. Almost immediately her body went rigid, and her thighs clamped down on his hand, holding it in place. Then as his wet fingertip frigged the tiny, nerve-filled pea, her back arched and she came.

Julie did her best to be quiet, but her body language made it clear she was having an orgasm. Her ass lifted from the seat momentarily, and her stomach convulsed as her cunt was racked by a serious of muscle spasms. She wanted to scream, but she knew she couldn’t, so she sealed her lips and had the quietest climax of her life.

Now it was Charlotte’s turn. She was still holding onto Tyler’s spent penis as he pushed two fingers deep inside her cunt again, and then he used his thumb to stroke her clit, and that was when she tumbled over the cliff.

Charlotte actually clamped her hand over her mouth to keep quiet as she came. Even though this orgasm wasn’t as intense as when Julie and the boys had licked her pussy, she still wanted to cry out from the exquisite pulsations rippling deep in her belly. Tyler could feel her pussy walls gripping his fingers as she came, and he kept circling her clit with his thumb until she finally squeezed her thighs together, telling him she had had enough.

Once they had all cum, the four of them sank...

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Written by talash
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