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Caught Watching Porn Chap 4 : Dad's Punishment

"Grace's Dad is caught stealing and needs to be spanked"

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Grace, sixteen, was on her way to the shopping mall and in particular the shop where her dad, Dan, had been caught stealing. Her mum, Angela, thirty-eight, was with her.

Dan, forty, had separated from Angela, Grace, and Rosie's mum, but did stay in touch. Now that he had been caught stealing, he knew that under the new procedures, and in order to cut costs by the authorities, both the thief and the victim could agree that the adult responsible for the thief could spank the thief at the place where the theft was carried out. If a home then every member of the family living at that address could watch. If it was a shop or commercial premises then the spanking can be watched by two members of staff. That would be the penalty for the theft.

The alternative was that the police were called and the thief had to go to court and then be sent to a discipline centre or even prison. Dan didn't want that and the manager of the shop was happy enough to agree to a spanking, and so Dan had messaged Angela, explained what he had been caught doing, and asked her to come and deal with him.

Whilst Dan and Angela had stayed in contact, Dan was not aware of the change within the family, and that both Angela and Rose were subject to the disciplinary control of Grace, even though she was just sixteen. That was why Angela was going with Grace to the shop, so she would be able to confirm that Grace was the right person to spank Dan.

Grace and Angela walked into the shop and were directed to the manager. The manager was Janet, who was also thirty-eight, like Angela. Janet was the one who agreed she would accept Dan being spanked so long as she and one of the assistants, Stephanie, could watch. It turned out that Stephanie was seventeen and Janet's daughter and Janet thought it would be good for Stephanie to watch so she could see how thieves were dealt with.

Janet and Stephanie led Grace and Angela to the room where Dan was, which was on the first floor. When they walked in, Dan did look tense, but smiled towards Angela, before saying, "Sorry about this, Angela, but I appreciate you coming here to give me a spanking."

However, he did recall whilst waiting for Angela to arrive how he was once caught watching porn by her and she was furious with him, but never mentioned it again. Equally, he never dared watch porn again, at least not in the house, and often wondered if Angela split from him because of that time that she had caught him. In all the years that Dan was married to Angela, he had fantasised about being spanked by her, which was why he was watching spanking porn. He wasn't actually submissive, and at work was the alpha male, but it was just something he had in his head and couldn't get rid of. So, whilst this wasn't planned, in a way, he saw it as realising that long-held fantasy.

Dan wasn't anywhere near as happy, though, when Angela explained, "Actually, Dan, I won't be the one spanking you. I have come with Grace but to explain that disciplinary control in the family is with Grace. That applies to me, Rose, and my sister Joanna, who now lives with us."

Dan was open-mouthed being told that and he looked from Angela to Grace and back to Angela again. He even got out, "How, the--" but stopped, clearly speechless.

Angela decided she should explain and said, "It was agreed that I would spank Rose, first of all, after I caught her watching porn on her computer just a few months ago. She was eighteen but I wasn't having that in my house. Me spanking Grace quickly followed and she was already sixteen. However, soon after that, it was clear that the most responsible person in the household was Grace. In fact, since we have been subject to her disciplinary control both Rose and I have become far more responsible, but still not as responsible or reliable as Grace. Joanna saw the benefit of being subject to Grace's disciplinary control which was why she came to live with us. She has also improved in that way, but only because she, like Rose and I, get spanked on a very regular basis. In fact, as well as being spanked, Grace uses a rather vicious cane on each of us. It all helps, and we all know Grace only punishes us when we deserve it, so there are no complaints."

Janet was happily listening to that explanation and had to admit she was rather intrigued to find that this particular thief was going to be spanked by his daughter who was just sixteen. However, to make sure that it happened, she interrupted the discussion and said sternly, "Just so we are clear, either this spanking happens now, or the matter will be referred to the police."

Dan looked shocked at that threat, and whilst he knew that if he was at the office he would have given a very sharp retort, here, he definitely couldn't because he was outed as a thief, and so replied, "Of course, I will accept my daughter spanks me."

Janet kept a straight face as she replied, "Good. Now let's get going."

Grace was very annoyed that her dad thought that it was okay to steal. She really didn't know what he was thinking of because he certainly had enough money to buy the things that he had been caught trying to steal. So, she thought that she should deal with him as though she was carrying out the punishment at home, and ordered, "Right, dad, whichever one I am spanking at home, they always have to get undressed. So, I want you naked when you go across my lap."

Dan, Janet, and Stephanie all looked shocked at that, although, whilst Dan continued to look shocked, Janet and Stephanie smiled very quickly after that.

Dan glanced towards Janet and saw the smile on her face and knew he had nothing to gain from objecting. It would be humiliating to have to be naked in front of not just Janet, but also Stephanie, neither of whom he was related to. However, he did as he was told and quickly undid his short-sleeved shirt and slipped it down his arms, and caught it. He placed that on the table. He kicked off his sandals and left them by the table. He then undid his shorts and pushed them down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, bent down and scooped them up, and put them with his shirt.

Once he was finished undressing, he turned and looked towards the four women who were staring at him, actually two teenage girls and their mums. He hoped for some sympathy from Grace and Angela, but clearly got none, and certainly wasn't going to get any from Janet or Stephanie.

As they watched Dan get undressed, Stephanie said to Janet, "You see, mum, Grace is actually younger than me, and she is the one that spanks her mum."

Janet snapped back, "I do see that, young lady, but don't forget you are already due a spanking when we get home, so watch your tongue."

Stephanie blushed and winced, but she was used to being spanked by her mum and didn't even feel embarrassed now that Grace and Angela knew. She accepted her mum's disciplinary control over her, just as it seemed Angela accepted Grace's over her.

Janet was happy that she had put her daughter back in her place, and now focused again on Dan who needed to be punished as he was the offender here. In fact, Janet wanted to make sure that the spanking was an effective one, and asked Grace, "I have a lovely thick wooden-backed hairbrush in my bag. Would you care to use that?"

Grace was all about making sure that she taught her dad a serious lesson, and so replied, "Yes, please."

When Janet handed the hairbrush over, Grace actually smirked towards her dad but addressed the women as she said, "I think several dozen spanks with this will make a difference after I have spanked him with my hand."

Janet happily announced, "It will. I know that because I use that very same hairbrush on my daughter's bare bottom when she is naughty." Janet thought that emphasised her position of control over her daughter.

Stephanie blushed when her mum said that, but knew that even though she was seventeen, she so often deserved a spanking. She supposed it must be like Grace and her family, knowing that there shouldn't be an age restriction on being spanked. Rules are rules, and are there to be obeyed, and one of the best, if not the best, retribution for breaking a rule, was a bare-bottom spanking that you can't easily cope with. Stephanie hated being spanked, but readily accepted it as she knew how necessary it was for her.

Grace then happily explained to both Janet and Stephanie, "When my mum and older sister accepted that they were under my disciplinary control, they had to accept other controls. We all shave our pussy lips, as well as our armpits and legs. We deal with our own hygiene when we are good, but when any of those three are naughty, I always make them shower first and then check that their armpits, legs, and pussy lips are clean-shaven. I run my fingers along each area, even their pussy lips, and if I feel anything, then I wash the area myself and use a razor there and then and shave them. Do you do that at home?"

Stephanie blushed again when Janet replied, "I don't, but that does make sense. Stephanie does shave her bush, just like I do, but I haven't thought of shaving her myself."

It was clear that Stephanie wasn't going to argue, and so maybe she wanted that to happen to her. Janet knew from the look on her daughter's face that that was probably the case and fully intended to find out when they went home later on and before she gave her daughter another spanking.

Grace again focused on her dad, went and sat on an upright chair, glared at her dad, and ordered, "Right, dad, get yourself across my lap."

What surprised everyone, when they looked at Dan, was that he had an erection. When Dan saw the looks, he looked down and saw his erection, but knew he couldn't explain it out loud to the women. After all, he was hardly likely to admit to them that he had fantasised about Angela spanking him, so he just blushed.

Janet and Stephanie wondered if it was the way Grace was dressed. She was in a tight-fitting vest top and a very short skirt with bare legs and her arms and legs were well-toned. Most men would look at her and get an erection. They then looked at Angela and saw she was in a sleeveless floral dress and also had bare legs. Stephanie actually felt pangs of desire as she looked at her as she knew that she always fancied women more her mum's age than her own.

Grace wasn't surprised to see the erection and had expected it. She knew from the reaction from her mum, sister, and auntie, as they all had orgasms after their spanking was over, so there was no reason why Dan wouldn't think the same way. It was always the punishment that was the important thing, making it harder than any of them could cope with, so their getting orgasms afterwards didn't change that.

Grace looked towards Janet and asked, "Do you have any tissues?"

Janet smiled because she knew exactly what they would be used for and happily opened a drawer of the desk and lifted out a box of tissues, took out a couple, and gave them to Grace.

Grace ordered, "Okay, Dad, come in these tissues. I certainly don't want your sex juice staining my skirt."

That got Dan totally humiliated, but when he looked towards Janet and saw her smile, he knew that if he refused she would definitely call the police. So, he sat on a chair, clasped hold of his erect penis, and started to masturbate, pretty much as he had done so many times when alone. In fact, it only took a couple of minutes before he let out some huge erotic gasps, and clearly soaked both tissues.

Grace hadn't been sure what to expect and was just a tiny bit embarrassed watching her own dad masturbate, but she knew he had to because it was a serious comment about his sex juice staining her skirt which would be even more embarrassing for her.

Once Grace saw that her dad had recovered from his orgasm, she took another couple of tissues from the box and handed them to him, and said, "Now dry yourself off."

Dan took the clean tissues and was now feeling pretty much as he always did after masturbating, calm, and not thinking anything erotic. In fact, as he dried his penis, which was now as floppy as ever, he was just thinking about the spanking and was wondering whether the reality would be anywhere near as good as the fantasy, particularly bearing in mind he wasn't feeling any sexual feelings now at all.

Nevertheless, after putting the tissues in the bin next to the desk, he then went and stood by his daughter and saw that her skirt was not just short but had ridden up so that when he bent over her lap his penis was going to lie across her bare thighs. However, that just got him thinking how it would be equally embarrassing if, after he got up, his daughter's bare thighs were soaked in his cum.

The next moment, Dan eased himself down across his daughter's lap and got a close-up view of the floor, but also his daughter's bare legs right next to his face. He certainly hadn't imagined that sight, but more Angela's legs close to his face. However, he did see Angela's legs very close to his face, albeit a little further away than Grace's, although still upside down, as well as the upside-down legs of both Janet and Stephanie. So here he was, the only man in the room, but he was the one about to be spanked, by his daughter who was just sixteen, and none of the women seemed at all concerned about that.

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Grace was used to having her mum across her lap, and her auntie, and now she could see that her dad's bottom would be the same so far as a spanking was concerned. So, feeling quite at home, she rubbed her dad's bottom in circles a few times and then raised her hand which she brought down really hard on his far bottom cheek and saw it surrender pretty much as happened when she spanked her mum, sister, and auntie. Then, in just the same way, she proceeded to spank her dad's bare bottom, initially, as always, on alternate bottom cheeks, before spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and, of course, multiple spanks on three or four different spots on one bottom cheek, spanking each spot at least a dozen times, and then doing the same to three or four different spots on the other bottom cheek.

Grace also did pretty much the same to the backs of her dad's legs and enjoyed the fact that he was squirming around on her lap and gasping, just like her mum, sister, and auntie did.

Dan's thoughts quickly changed about his fantasy to be spanked, at least it did after a few dozen spanks. The spanking certainly hurt much more than he had expected. However, in addition, when fantasising about being spanked by Angela, he always saw that as foreplay to husband and wife lovemaking. That certainly wasn't going to happen between him and Grace, nor, he supposed, between him and Angela. In fact, he knew this was strictly a discipline spanking, carried out under the new rules regarding crime, with nothing sexual about it at all.

Once Grace was happy with the way that she had reddened her dad's bottom and legs, she turned and picked up the hairbrush. She was used to using a cane after a spanking, but because that wasn't available, it only took a few really hard spanks with the hairbrush for her to realise this was actually a good implement to use. Her dad was still across her lap and therefore submissive, although that wasn't so different from being bent over pillows on the bed for the cane, but she knew to give many more spanks with the hairbrush than she gave strokes with the cane.

As Dan quickly started to struggle as spank after spank landed with the hairbrush, he could see that it made no difference that Grace was just sixteen because she was clearly able to give him a very hard spanking. Struggling even more as the spanks continued, he told himself that at least he was getting the spanking he needed in order to avoid the police being called. When he first discovered that it was Grace who was going to spank him, he was worried that the representatives from the shop would claim the spanking was nowhere near hard enough, and therefore the police would still need to be called. He didn't think that was the case now, as he realised his eyes were filled with tears.

Grace continued to thrash her dad with the hairbrush, and although she had to admit that she preferred using the cane as each stroke gave a more intense amount of pain if circumstances dictated like they did today, then the hairbrush was a perfectly sensible alternative. As she spanked her dad, she also did think about his erection, realising that his very floppy penis was resting on her bare thighs,...

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Written by SusanHarper
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