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Big Sister Tried Out As A Centerfold (Part Three)

"Things escalate between a brother and sister.."

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After the experience in the garage with my big sister Annie, we were like ships passing in the night in the house. We didn’t make much eye contact the night everything happened.

When I entered the house, I considered texting her or mentioning that I’d stashed the old Polaroids and the newer ones so that they’d be safe. Then I figured maybe I’d better not even go there. When it came up, I’d deal with it then. I wasn’t even sure if she hated me or if it was going to be weird.

Even still, once I got into the house I just jumped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was covered with dirt from the garage, but I was also covered with the smell and taste of Annie. I think I stood at the sink sniffing my hands and tasting her in my mouth for about ten minutes without moving.

My cock was hard again and I could feel pre-cum oozing out of the tip again. I started jerking off and within a matter of barely ninety seconds, a stream of cum shot out of my cock with such force that it sounded forceful hitting the front of the cabinet supporting the bathroom sink. There was so much cum that I could have filled a bucket with it. My legs were cramping from how tense they felt.

I looked down and saw my knees still red and covered with dirt. That reminded me that this had all just happened. It felt like it had been one-hundred years ago despite the fact that my senses were drunk with her smell, taste and the softness of her skin.

After cleaning up the mess, I jumped into the shower and rinsed off. Before I got out, my cock was rock hard again, replaying the scene in my head. I tried to ignore the message that was telling me and wrapped myself in the towel. I slowly opened the door and ducked into my room seeing the coast was clear of Annie or my Mom and slipped into my room and closed the door.

I went online and started playing games with my friends without making any mention of what had happened that afternoon. In fact, I skipped dinner and basically stayed online until about 4 AM before I crawled into bed still sorta numb from the whole experience.

Annie and I would brush past each other in and around the house for the next couple of days without so much as a protracted second of eye contact. Even when our parents were out, we pretty much stayed clear of each other. It wasn’t hostile. It was just weird.

Friday night came and I was in bed with some music on. I was also fucking around on my phone with some friends. I got a text from Annie, “Please tell me you have the pics you took plus my older ones.” It was about 12:30 AM so my phone was on silent and the vibration scared the fuck out of me. Seeing it came from Annie made my hands shake immediately.

“I do,” was my text back to her.

“TU,” she replied.

Unexpectedly there was a light knock on my door. Annie peaked her head in before I had a chance to get out of bed and open it.

“You decent?” she asked.

“Yeah, come in,” I answered.

“I freaked out when I thought we might have left everything in the garage,” she said.

“No, I looked around before after you left,” I replied. “I took them out.”

“Well… where are they? I wanted to look at the new ones again,” she said.

“Uh ok,” I stammered.

It seemed like everything stopped and then I asked, “do you mean right now?”

“If you have them, I mean… yeah,” said Annie.

I explained that they weren’t in my room. Dad sometimes comes into my room rooting for electrical cords or music or my cigarette stash, so I try to keep anything compromising out of there.

“Jay, I know things got fucking crazy,” said Annie.

“OK,” I started to hold my breath.

“I mean, I feel bad that things have been weird between us ever since.”

“Yeah,” I exhaled.

“Are we okay?” she asked.

“Well… yeah,” I answered. Despite my response, I really wasn’t sure.

The room and the night seemed really silent. My room and Annie’s room are on different floors of the house. Her bedroom and our parents’ room is upstairs. My bedroom is sort of attached to the back of the house on the main floor. Our brother’s old room is upstairs also but my parents converted that into an office that they share when they work from home.

Because of the layout, my room has nothing directly above it. The whole house is basically shaped like a fucked up letter “Z” and my bedroom is the bottom line of the “Z” shape. Tonight, that made the room and everything outside it feel frozen and still.

“Can we talk?” asked Annie.

“Sure,” I said.

Sometimes when we hang out in each other’s rooms we lie on the bed at opposite ends. Annie approached my bed and slid her right knee onto the mattress. I glanced up at her but broke eye contact quickly. The only illumination in the room was from my stereo which is one of those older ones with a huge receiver with blue face lights on it. It looked like an airplane it is so bright. Annie was lit from the side by the blueish lights on the receiver.

She was dressed for bed wearing a pink and red tank top and matching boy-cut shorts. I won’t lie. The matching set fit her snugly and I confess that when I looked up my eyes were immediately drawn to her tits. Even though she was basically a silhouette, I could see the line in the fabric that stretched between her tits. The top just about covered her ribs but left about an inch or two of her belly uncovered.

“I am sorry about everything,” Annie said. She sounded a bit emotional about it.

“Why? You didn’t do anything,” I answered.

“No, it was my idea to do the photos,” she said.

“Annie, I offered,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, but still…” she said.

“Look, Annie. What happened just happened. It was spontaneous,” I said.

“I know.”

“I have been afraid that I did something wrong and that you hated me,” I confessed.


“I mean… yeah… I felt like maybe I forced you or tricked you or whatever…” I said. Now it was me who felt emotional. I was scared. I was also turned on. I wanted to fuck my sister but I didn’t want to lose our friendship. Juggling how to make both of those things a reality was unknown territory for me.

“No Jay, No! I think things just sort of progressed. I mean once I had my clothes off you were going to react,” she said. Then Annie half laughed and said, “shit, if you didn’t even react or something I might have been pissed off!”

That comment broke the ice a bit in the room. It was the first time I laughed since we were in the garage together.

“Well, I guess,” I laughed. “That makes sense.”

“It totally makes sense. I mean I would have reacted if the shoe was on the other foot,” said Annie.

“Except there’s no way I ever would get close to a modeling career,” I laughed.

“Yeah… THAT!” she laughed. “Do you really think I might have a shot?”

“I do Ann. Everything I said the other day was 100% what I feel. It wasn’t like my dick was talking for me,” I said.

“Ha…” she laughed. “No, it wasn’t. I never got a comment from your dick directly, but it was kind of implied.”

Things got quiet in the room again. I was looking at Annie now. She had that blue aura of my stereo surrounding her curves. When she’d turn her body to the side, I could see the outline of her nipples through the cotton material of her tank top. They weren’t fully erect, but I was.

“You know, with a real camera you would look even more amazing,” I said.

“Awww, thanks Jay,” she said.

“The blue light in here is kinda like you’re underwater. It gives you this mermaid kind of silhouette and your skin picks it up like crazy,” I pointed out.

Annie looked down at her legs and started staring at her left and right arm against the stereo glow. I could see her smile.

“I guess it does look kinda cool,” she said.

I sat up facing my sister and we were about three or four feet apart on my bed.

“Annie, can I ask you a question?” I asked nervously.

“Of course you can!” she shrugged off.

“Have you thought about it? I mean since the other day,” I almost stammered.

“Well… of course I have,” she laughed.

“Me too,” I said.

“A lot?” asked Annie.

“Yes. A lot. Or more than a lot,” I confessed. It was like steam escaping to admit it.

“Like, what did you think?” she asked.

“Oh fuck. Are you really going to make me say it?” I laughed.

“YES!” she insisted while play shoving me by the chest.

“You promise you won’t be mad?” I said.

“What? NO! Why? Should I be mad?” she asked.

“Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure how much you want me to say or to censor and keep to myself,” I said.

“Jimmy, we always tell each other the truth. Ask me!”

“OK… I wanted to know how many times you came?”

Annie exhaled heavily. My eyes immediately darted down to her tits and how they moved with that exhale.

“OK, honestly? Either three or four times,” she said with a mild laugh. “One of those might have been a double or it was REEEALLY long so I’m not sure.”

The room was still silent. That answer sort of confirmed what I’d thought in the garage. I knew it seemed like three times but I was too caught up trying not to cum myself to keep track of Annie’s orgasms.

“Now it’s my turn to ask a question,” she said.

“Shoot. Anything.”

“Which part of my body is my hottest feature?” she asked.

This felt like a pressure situation. What if I gave a wrong answer?

“Fuck, Annie. That’s a hard question. You really have a sick body from every angle. The other day everything was so feverish and hot and crazy that I’d have a hard time answering that objectively or rationally or whatever,” I said honestly.

“OK, but if you HAD to pick,” she said.

“Honestly? I’d need to not be in the situation from the other day to answer that honestly.”

I won’t lie to you. My response wasn’t as innocent as it might seem. As we were talking about everything, all I could think of was Annie’s body and seeing her naked again. Now that I said what I said, it sort of hung there like a giant elephant in the room.

“We don’t have a camera right now,” Annie said.

“Nope. No camera,” I agreed.

“Do you mean like full-on naked or if I stand up could you tell me with my clothes on like what I’m wearing now?” she asked.

“Well either and both, actually. They might be two different answers,” I replied.

Annie exhaled and the sound of her audible sigh was either exasperation or tension of a different variety.

“OK, what about this? Whatever I show you, you have to show me of yours,” she proposed. “And that way maybe I will be able to tell what you like most since it should be pretty obvious,” she pointed out. “And after all, I was the one showing everything the other day so it’s kind of fair.”

“OK. Deal. Let’s take off our shirts at the same time,” I said.

I stood up facing Annie. She stood up and slowly turned her back to me. She walked over and locked my bedroom door.

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“Let’s not take any chances,” she said.


I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it onto my bed. The only other thing I was wearing was a pair of boxer briefs extending down to mid-thigh. Annie pulled her arms into her tank top and lifted it from the inside and pulled it over her head. It is a flexible cotton top. The bottom left of her tank hugged her breast and sort of snapped up when she pulled it off.

This caused her left breast to bounce down once the material let go of it. That instant seemed to move in slow motion and would play over in my head at the strangest times. My cock started to stir immediately.

“Are we OK?” she asked.

“Yeah, totally.”

“How do they look?” she asked.

“They look incredible Annie. Your tits are really perfect.”

“Wow, perfect!” she almost sparkled as she repeated my words. “And I can see that you’re not lying,” she said, glancing down at my growing hard-on.

I wasn’t prepared for that response. My cock was way ahead of me both figuratively and literally in this case.

“OK, bottoms now too,” said Annie.

With that, Annie slid down her shorts and I could see her smooth pussy in the blue light. I hesitated.

“Hey,” she said. “You have to drop yours, Jimmy! No fair!”

“Oh, yeah,” I stammered and dropped my briefs.

I was hard as a rock and standing straight out pointing at Annie. I could feel the heat of my own erection without even touching it.

“OK, so what is my hottest feature?” she asked.

“Could you turn around?” I asked.

Annie turned around revealing her ass to me. The additional weight she’d gained since the old Polaroid shots and today really made her ass look incredibly better than when she was younger. She turned back to face me.


“Can I turn on the light?” I pressed my luck.

“REALLY, Jimmy? You’re such a fucker!” she laughed. “Go ahead!”

I switched on my desk light and angled it towards her body. There were no shadows nor places to hide now. I could see every angle, curve, and crease. I could see the pink of Annie’s nipples against her white skin. I could see how the tips of her nipples were darker than the areola. I could follow the curve of her tits down to the curve of her hips. And between her hips, I could see her pussy that I was desperate to taste again.

“OK, in this light Annie I have to say your tits look incredible. I’m not sure I would have said the same in the garage because of the angle and the lighting because your pussy was really gorgeous when we were shooting pictures,” I said.

“Can I ask you a question?” she said.

“Go ahead,” I replied.

“So you touched me the other day. I mean you did everything, basically,” she continued.

“Well NOT everything, everything,” I corrected.

“Holy shit,” she laughed, “OK, you didn’t get it inside me!”


“Jimmy James… are you saying you wanted to?” she asked.

“Well yes and no,” I said.

“No? Why not?” she asked with some surprise.

“Well, I didn’t want it to end. And I think if I had gone to the next step that I would have cum basically within seconds because it was so fucking hot,” I confessed. “So the other day I was really happy just doing what we did.”

“OK so now, can I touch you?” she asked.


Annie started walking towards me, looking me in the eyes as she started walking. When she was barely a foot in front of me she extended her right arm. Her soft hand made contact with my balls and I could feel them retracting and getting tighter. My cock actually twitched when I felt the contact of her skin.

“Is this OK?” she asked.


Annie moved her hand to my cock and wrapped it around my shaft. She gently moved the skin up and down. My eyes were closing as I tried to get back to that out-of-body experience in order to prevent myself from cumming too fast. She flipped her hand over so that her thumb and index finger were now closer to the head of my cock. As she switched to that position, the tip of my cock made contact with her bare stomach. I heard her gasp when the sensation of pre-cum touched her skin.

“Shit, Jimmy you’re so hard and hot!”

I didn’t respond to her and she kept slowly stroking my cock. As my body started to sway, my torso came into contact with her hardened nipples. On instinct, I raised my arms and started caressing her perfect 36C tits and gently stroking and bending the nipples with my thumbs.

We started looking into each other's eyes as this physical contact progressed. Annie tilted her head to the side and it looked like an invitation so I leaned in and kissed her lips and began teasing them with my tongue. She started returning the favor and put her left hand behind my head pulling my mouth to hers while she continued stroking my cock.

My hands began moving from Annie’s tits to her ribs and slowly to her ass cheeks. I started pulling her into me while she strained to continue stroking my cock. Soon, she pushed my cock down towards her pussy and I could feel the folds of her lips teasing the head and shaft of my cock. We were dry humping while standing in the middle of my bedroom in the quiet night. The only sound I was aware of was the wetness of our mouths kissing.

I started backing up towards my bed while also pulling Annie with me by her ass. As I reached the bed, I began to lower myself down to a seating position. I kissed my way down past her tits as I went.

As she did earlier, Annie lowered one knee onto my mattress. This time though, she was fully naked and so was I. I watched her stunning tits hanging towards my face as she began to wrap her knees to either side of my legs. Her skin was flawless and smooth and white. Her nipples looked ever darker pink now. I slid my hands up from her ass to her hips and pulled her gently up towards me. Annie let my cock fall flat against my stomach.

She moved up and straddled my hips. Her nipples dragged against my chest, torturing...

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Written by NYklubrat
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