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Being A Good Dad - Part II

"Dad continues to follow his wife's orders to the letter."

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Author's Notes

"This is all fantasy. I hope you like Part II and I will try and get to Part III as soon as possible. Writing is my hobby and as such, my work takes priority. I wish I could write more and I wish I was better at it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But I do enjoy doing it. So, be kind in your comments. I don't need them, but tips are always welcome. It just lets me know you enjoy my work."

Brie was quietly feeding her baby in the bedroom and as she was breastfeeding, her thoughts of the afternoon's events came flooding back to her. The feeling of her breasts being emptied made her body feel good. The thought that she cared for the life she had created made her heart feel good and warm and always brought a bit of a tear to her eye. The act of breastfeeding though was now bringing her mind back to the feelings she just had a few hours before while her father's lips were locked on her nipples, drinking the milk that her body was producing at an increased rate. She had read once that a woman's body would produce as much milk as it thought it needed to feed her children. The mother's breasts would compensate if the baby or babies needed more. The thought of wanting to both feed her baby and now, continue to feed her father, was locked into her brain and the more she thought about it, the larger her breasts seemed to become. It was as if she could feel her body manufacturing the milk every second.

She knew that it was wrong and that her dad probably wouldn't want to continue to milk her. After they were done earlier in the day, he had excused himself, slid out from underneath her, and hurried away to his bedroom. She tried to knock on his door and get him to talk to her, but he just made excuses, saying that he needed to clean up and he would see her in a bit.

He said that he had cum in his pants. The thought that her father had cum because of her was something new and exciting and had opened feelings in her that she never knew existed. But the more she thought about it, the wetter it made her. She loved her husband very much, but he hadn't been much interested in her body since she announced to him that she was pregnant. She was horny all the time and now she had found a substitute to help her with not only emptying her milk but to satisfy her urges. The problem is, would her father be willing to take on the job?

She would have to think about this. He was primed as the afternoon was evidence of. But she was his daughter and he still hadn't left his room since they had been together earlier and it was now four hours gone by.

Brie's baby had fallen asleep while feeding and her breasts were still very full. She was uncomfortable and getting hornier by the second thinking about her father nursing on her breasts. She needed to think about this faster.


Justin had excused himself and extricated himself from underneath his daughter. As he came down from the sexual cloud that had engulfed him, he realized that he had cum a bucket load more than he had done in the past ten years. He and his wife didn't have sex much anymore. It was tough to find the time when both of them were in the mood or not sore from day-to-day activities. He guessed that happened to couples as they got older, but he missed being intimate with his wife. He did masturbate quite a lot as a result and depending on how long it had been in between depended on how much he would cum.

He always enjoyed it when it was an excellent release. When it shot out of him and arced up over his stomach to splatter down in big gobs of white, somehow, it was more satisfying than when he just had a small dribble come out. But this time, with his daughters' breast in his mouth and her dry humping him, he came more than he could ever remember. At least that was what it felt like in his pants. He had never cum in his pants before. It was always in or on his wife or on himself.

The experience was both embarrassing and a bit of a turn-on at the same time. However, it didn't change the fact that he had cum due to an experience with his daughter and he wasn't sure how to reconcile that even though he was following his wife's orders, to a degree.

He got to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. The front of his jeans was dark and the stain was huge, taking up his whole groin area and the better part of both thighs. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down his legs. The amount of cream in his boxers was beyond belief. Justin wasn't sure if it was because it was his daughter or that he had been sucking on milk-filled breasts. Regardless, he had to admit, the combination of the two made his cock twitch and bounce as he freed it and replayed the last ten minutes in his head.

There was no way he would be able to hide this amount of cum and he would have to throw these into the wash as soon as possible. If he just tossed them into the hamper, his wife would most definitely see them on Monday when she got back and question him about how it happened. The problem was, he didn't have another pair of clean underwear or jeans at the moment. So, he would have to find a pair of shorts and go commando while he did a load of laundry.

That meant he would need to be extra careful around Brie for the next few hours. Just the thought of her and her full tits was making him harden and swell and there would be no way to hide it with his current wardrobe. Not that he was that well-hung, but if he wasn't careful, he might even pop out of a pants leg in front of his daughter. That wouldn't do.

He heard the door knock and Brie asked him if he was okay. He made excuses and told her he would be out in a bit. But he wasn't sure he would be able to face her any time soon.

They had fooled around. Father and daughter had touched each other in a way that was not typical for a dad and daughter but for a man and a woman. He wasn't sure how to reconcile what had happened. She had said through the door that it was okay. That she wasn't upset and asked if he would come out so they could talk about it, but he needed time to think.

He had laid on his bed and replayed what had happened earlier and he couldn't help but reach into his loose-fitting shorts and stroke himself. His cock felt good in his hand. It was warm and hard and pulsing in his grip and every time he thought about the feeling and taste of breast milk shooting into his mouth, he would twitch in his grasp.

As he was lazily massaging himself, Brie had knocked on his door again and the sound of her voice flipped a switch in his brain and he came again, suddenly and with a force akin to the earlier burst when she was on top of him. Luckily he had unzipped his shorts and only soaked his t-shirt this time.

Brie had moved away from the door and he lay there and thought that he couldn't remember when he had cum twice in the same day and that he had never cum so much in so short a time. His breathing started to slow and his heart rate returned to normal but the cum soaked t-shirt was starting to feel cold on his skin so he got up, took it off, and put it in the sink in the bathroom to soak in some hot water since the washing machine was still going with his clothes from earlier.

At this point, Justin decided that a shower was in order since most of his body had been covered in cum during the day. He could smell it on his skin and didn't want to be around his daughter where she could be reminded of what a horrible father he was and how he had failed her by being weak and taking advantage of her in her time of need.


The shower was wonderful and the scalding water had made him feel cleansed of all of his mistakes. He felt like he could finally go out and face his Brie.

Even though his clothes were now freshly cleaned, he was comfortable in his outfit and headed out to the main room in a new t-shirt and shorts. His cock was soft and behaving itself at the moment. He didn't think he had it in him to go a third time anyway. So he wasn't apprehensive about facing his daughter.

As he rounded the corner from the hallway into the living room, she was sitting on the couch, reading under a blanket. It was pulled up to her shoulders and hid her body well. He was grateful for that at the moment.

He asked her if she was hungry and she replied yes, so he offered to make them dinner. Brie said that would be nice and asked if he wanted help. Justin hurriedly replied that he was all set before she could take the blanket down and headed into the kitchen to whip them up something to eat.

They both loved spicy food but he knew that what she ate could affect the taste of her milk for the baby, so he went with some simple pasta and sauce, light on the garlic.

When dinner was ready, he called in and asked if she wanted to eat at the dining room table or on a TV tray in the living room and they could put a movie on while they ate.

Brie opted for the TV tray and movie option and he brought all the food in and set it up for her so she didn't have to take the blanket down or get up.

They ate mostly in silence, the TV being the only source of sound. He could feel her eyes on him, but he stared at the television as if it held the secrets to the Universe.

After dinner, Justin got up, grabbed both dishes, and took them into the kitchen to clean up before settling down to put a movie on.

Before he could walk back into the room, he heard Brie crying, quietly. He stopped at the corner so she couldn't see him and listened momentarily. It broke his heart that she was in tears. He decided that he was being the opposite of a good father to deal with what happened earlier, but in so doing, he was hurting his daughter. That was unacceptable. They were both adults now and they should be able to discuss anything. With the decision made, he turned the corner and froze at the sight before him.


There was Brie, leaning back on the couch, her blanket on the floor at her feet, her shirt pulled up, her bra pulled down, one hand milking a breast and the other down her pants, and she was fingering herself at a rapid pace.

Justin's cock almost broke the zipper on his shorts trying to escape. His hand went to his cock automatically, as if it had a mind of its own. His fingertips were lightly brushing the naked tip as it sprouted out of the top of his shorts. The feeling was incredible.

Like a moth to a flame, he slowly wandered closer to this adult, sexually charged woman, half-naked on the couch in front of him.

Her eyes were closed so she didn't see her father approach or what he was doing. That gave him a bit more bravado and he dropped to his knees on the blanket at her feet, as if he were about to worship a goddess. Because that is what his daughter looked like to him at the moment. A sexual goddess that he wanted to sacrifice to. Anything she asked of him, he would give her. At that moment, he was hypnotized and his actions were not his own, but instinctual and animalistic.

He watched as her hand massaged her tit and was fascinated by the way the milk was squirting out of her nipple. Some were in streams of liquid, others were drops of fluid that seemed to build up and then roll down the curve of her breast, over her bare belly into the opening of her shorts that she had created by pushing her hand inside.

Justin leaned forward, trying not to touch his daughter. He didn't want her to stop what she was doing and her eyes were closed so she wasn't aware of his proximity. Her breathing and moaning were drowning out his own at the moment.

He maneuvered his face in front of her breast so his mouth could enter the stream of milk spurting like a fountain, off of her. The stream hit him in the cheek as he slid into the flow of it. Then, suddenly, his mouth was filled with his daughters' sweet liquid cream. He didn't even try to swallow at first. He just let it hit his tongue and the back of his throat. Then he let his mouth fill up and empty out back onto her body. Some made it down his throat and he tried to swallow without closing his lips. But he found that hard to do. And when his lips did close, the milk stream splattered on his lips and coated his face.

It was warm and felt nice. He enjoyed the feel of the liquid drumming out a beat on his lips and cheek and dripping down his face to his chin to drip off onto her body. He closed his eyes and took in the feeling of the forbidden.

Suddenly, he was completely lost in thought and simply enjoyed being sprayed down with warm mother's milk. He didn't notice that the spray was moving all over his face and he was staying still.

He opened his eyes and looked right into his daughters. They were open, her mouth was too and in the shape of an "O" as she maneuvered her breast around in small circles to coat his face with her milk.

There was an unspoken conversation between them, and they both smiled when they realized that they were both adults and wanted what was about to happen.

Justin wasted no time, he lunged forward and wrapped his mouth around his daughter's nipple, creating a strong suction. His tongue wrapped itself around her nipple and it licked and stimulated her to try and coach as much liquid out of her tit as he possibly could. The cream filled his mouth quickly, and he was having difficulty trying to keep up with swallowing all of it.

He couldn't get it all though. He could not only feel but hear the liquid pushing past his suctioning lips to dribble down her boob.

He drank like a man possessed. He sucked and swallowed and sucked some more. The warm liquid rolled down his chin and his neck, flowing down his chest, and soaking yet another shirt.

His left hand moved up and was squeezing his daughter's breast that he was currently drinking from. The skin was so soft and smooth and it felt amazing in his grasp.

Justin had always been a breast man, ever since he had started looking at porn as a teenager. A large breast always got him hard and stimulated his imagination. His wife's breasts were lovely and he enjoyed playing with them when she let him, but his daughter's milk-filled breasts were beyond his wildest dreams and fantasies.

The way they felt and flowed as he massaged them made him crazy with lust. His cock was bouncing on its own, slapping against his stomach. His hips were humping mid-air.

One of Brie's hands reached up and cupped her father's cheek.

He looked up at her and saw the tears flowing down her cheeks. That made him stop sucking and pull off of her breast.

"Brie, honey, is everything okay?" He started to panic that he had misjudged the whole thing and she was upset that her father was sucking on her breast.

Brie quickly corrected him, "Yes, Daddy. Everything is more than okay. It's perfect. I've never been happier than at this moment. Don't stop. Please, don't ever stop."

She lightly grabbed his chin and moved his mouth to her other breast.

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He complied, letting his daughter guide him and take the lead. As he moved over, he noticed that even though they hadn't been stimulating that tit, it was still expelling milk like a water balloon that had been overfilled and sprung a few leaks.

Justin opened his mouth wide, capturing the milk that was flowing out of his little girl. The moment he applied suction to her nipple, an explosion of milk forced its way into his mouth and flooded his tongue and throat. He almost choked at the volume of milk that was pouring into him, but he adjusted and drank deeply from his daughter's body.

Her hands were on his head, pulling him into her chest, massaging his scalp, crushing him to her breasts as if she couldn't get his mouth hard enough on her nipples.

His hands were kneading both her breasts. The one without his mouth was spraying milk everywhere. He could feel it hitting the side of his face, his shoulder, and even the backs of his calves as it shot past him in an arc to splash down on his legs.

His brain shut down and he went with what his heart and instincts told him to do.

He pulled back from her tit, his lips and teeth lightly pulling her nipple with him, stretching it as far as it would comfortably go, the milk shooting out of her body like a fire hose into his mouth.

Her head leaned back, her mouth went open in a silent scream of ecstasy, her hips arched off the couch and her hand pushed deep...

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Written by Taltos305
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