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Being A Good Dad

"A father is asked to help his daughter out after the birth of her baby."

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Author's Notes

"A story of fantasy only. I hope you like it. Let me know either way. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for reading."

Justin's daughter Brie had recently had her first child. It was kind of an oops for her and her husband. They had only been married for about six months. She was on birth control. The plan was to wait a few years until they could afford to get a house, but she had got sick and had to take a Z-pack which negated the birth control. She and her husband were young and didn't realize she wasn't protected. So, they had sex one night, thinking they were doing the safe thing, and he came inside her.

Nine months later, she had their baby, but they were still so new to this whole parent thing. It had only been a few weeks since the baby was born, and his daughter was feeling so overwhelmed that the whole family was spending a lot of time back at home for some extra help with things like feeding, diapers, and bathing. Not to mention, with her husband away on business trips much of the time, Brie was struggling to get sleep as it seemed she was constantly pumping to feed the baby.

Brie was their only child. Justin and his wife had discussed it and offered to have her stay with them while her husband was away. Even though they had been very excited to have the house to themselves, finally, after Brie got married, they knew what it was like to raise a child, and they wanted to get her to a better place as quickly as possible.

His daughter had always had a slim build, and she never really developed large breasts, even into her twenties. However, with the pregnancy, the breast fairy finally graced her with a visit and her breasts tripled in size. At first, she had no clothes that fit her. She bought a whole new wardrobe between the baby bump and her new tits. She also needed to buy some nursing bras, as the milk she would soon need to feed the new baby came along with her new breasts.

She was producing so much milk, sometimes it would even soak through the padding of the nursing bra and Justin would notice the small wet spot on her nipples start to spread.

He didn't like to know these things about his little girl. He knew she was an adult and married, but he could not take his eyes away from her larger chest. He would grab a glimpse whenever he thought Brie and his wife weren't paying attention, but he would always feel guilty about it after taking a long look.

Also, the times when her milk started to soak her shirt, he couldn't help but become aroused. As her stain of moisture would start to spread, his cock would start to leak pre-cum. He always mentally berated himself when this happened. The fine line between a voluptuous young woman and his daughter was always blurred at these times and he struggled to keep his thoughts more fatherly. It was a good thing that his wife was always around. The thought she might catch him admiring their girl was too much to contemplate. He loved his wife and had never cheated on her. They had a great marriage, even if the sex had faded over the years, which is common with couples who have been together for so long. Certain things get taken for granted and when you know you can always have something, you don't always make time for it anymore because it will be there tomorrow too.

Usually, when the leaking got too much, Justin would excuse himself and head to the bathroom or his office so he could privately readjust his hardening penis. His wife and daughter were not aware of the full extent of his discomfort. They just thought he didn't want to be around the womanly things. He would always hear them whisper and chuckle to each other as he left the room.


One day, his wife came to him and told him that she needed to go away for a business trip for the weekend and asked him if he would stay home with Brie and help her with the baby.

He had not been a big hands-on Dad with Brie. He was from the old school where the mother did most of the rearing, feeding, and bathing. His job was to bring home the money to pay for everything. Not that he wasn't around, they were always on a family vacation or out and doing fun things, but he had only changed one diaper in his life and his wife had never let him be a part of the breastfeeding process, claiming that the milk was for the baby and he wasn't allowed to waste any on his curiosity or desire. He wasn't sure how good he would be to his daughter for a weekend.

Brie's husband was away, again and Justin's wife was leaving Friday afternoon and wouldn't be back till Monday morning.

His wife kissed him on the lips and took his head in her hands, looked him right in the eyes, and said, "You've got this. You are better than you know. It will be fine. Just be here for our daughter and do anything she asks of you. Just having a second pair of hands will be a huge help." Then she smiled and left for her trip.


That afternoon, things were going along normally. Brie had already breastfed the baby and put her down for a nap. The two of them sat quietly in the living room, reading, with the stereo on low for some music, but quiet enough so they could hear the baby monitor if needed.

It was just a typical Friday afternoon around the house and Justin was starting to think that maybe things might not be so bad this weekend.

About ten minutes later, they heard the baby start to cry on the baby monitor.

Brie looked up from her book, put it down, and with an exasperated cry of, "Are you kidding me?!" she stood up off the couch. Her shirt was soaked with breast milk. Two long streaks ran from her nipples down to her pants. Justin looked up from his book to see the sight of his daughter's soaked shirt and had to put his book down over his lap as his penis got hard incredibly fast.

"What happened, sweetie?" he asked Brie as if he didn't know. He thought she had just fed her daughter so he wasn't sure why she was dribbling milk now.

"Well, Daddy. A woman can lactate when they hear a baby crying. It's an automatic reaction to the sound of hunger. I was told it could be a possibility, but, when I hear a baby cry, my breasts think they need to feed a whole village. And they aren't stopping either. I can feel the milk pouring out of me. I need to get these things off and get some dry clothes. Would you go check on the baby, please?" With that, she pulled her shirt up and off her body right there in the middle of the floor and right in front of him.

His cock jumped in his pants at the sight of his daughters' large breasts. The milk had soaked her bra and turned it translucent. He could see the dark ring of her nipple and aureole. Her cleavage and belly were glistening with breast milk. As he watched her, the baby cried again and he saw his daughters' breasts pulse to expel more milk and new drops of white ambrosia dripped down from under her bra and ran down her abs.

She was oblivious to the effect she was having on her father. In her mind, it was just her dad sitting across from her. The man who raised her. The man who held her when she was sad or skinned a knee. The man would take her on the roller coaster as many times as she wanted to until she threw up. What she didn't realize was that he was still a man.

Justin's eyes were wide as if they didn't want to miss a moment of this amazing view. His mouth hung open in awe at the sight of his daughter's body glistening and shiny with her milk. Most disturbing was the size of his cock in his pants. That was larger and harder than ever before.

He realized he was staring and caught himself before his daughter noticed. He didn't want to make things awkward all weekend. "Um, is there anything I can do to help, sweetie?" he asked her, with eyes averted.

"No, Daddy. I think I am just going to get cleaned up." She reached behind her, undid the bra hooks, and slid them off her body. She was in the process of turning around as she did and he caught a glimpse of the side of one of her breasts. It was round and smooth and there was a lovely shadow underneath it between it and her body.

His eyes were locked on the image and as he watched her walk down the hall to her old room to change into dry clothes, the vision of his daughter's breast was burned on his retinas like an afterimage when you stare into a light for too long and close your eyes.

As she closed her door, he reached down, removing the book from his lap. His hand readjusted his hard cock and the feeling of his fingers pressing into the swell of his penis sent a jolt of electricity over his whole body. It felt so good that he almost wanted to cry for joy right then and there. He gave his swollen meat a few more light squeezes, loving the sensation.

His eyes closed, his head went back, and his hand started to press against his groin. His fingers were working the length of his shaft through his shorts. He wasn't imagining anyone else doing it. He masturbated, but not often. With so many people in the house, it was tough to find alone time and it had been a while since he had been able to relieve the pressure. Although he loved when his wife stroked him, no one knew the best way to jerk him off more than him. He had been doing it his whole life. He knew just the right pressure points and the sensitive spots to not only make himself cum but also how to keep himself edging for a long time.

Suddenly, as he was getting close to a mind-bending climax, he heard his daughter say, "Daddy, can you help me please?"

Justin came back to reality and opened his eyes. His hand let go of the lump in his pants and he jumped up to see what his Brie needed him to do. Before he went to her room he readjusted his lump again as the head had poked up and out of the waistband. That would not be acceptable as he entered his daughter's room.

"Coming, sweetie!" he yelled down the hall.

As he entered her room, she was facing away from him and still not wearing a shirt. Her back was exposed and her new bra straps were draped but not hooked together. He could see her arms were crossed in front of her, holding the bra up against her breasts.

"What do you need, honey?" he asked, trying to sound as dad-like as possible.

She turned her face to the side so she could kind of see him and said, "I am having a hard time hooking my bra on. It's a smaller size than I need but it's the only clean one I've got. If it weren't for the lactation, I'd just assume to go without a bra for the rest of the night. Can you help me hook this one closed?" she asked.

"Of course, honey. Your Mom said I was to do whatever you asked this weekend." He walked over, very aware that his cock had pulsed with excitement again at the thought of his daughter going braless all weekend.

He reached down and took up both sides of her bra. As he pulled them together, he heard her gasp. "Are you okay, honey?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy. It's just with the smaller size, it's pulling my breasts up and together and they are so sensitive right now. Plus the material is rubbing against my nipples which is not helping. Also, with the extra pressure, it feels like I'm pumping without even trying," she replied.

Justin's brain had shut down at some point. He was pulling the straps together over and over and due to his angle above her, was watching her breasts lift and fall and jiggle and he couldn't stop.

"Daddy?" she asked, "Everything okay back there?"

No, he thought to himself, and yes. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm trying. It's really hard. The two sides don't even come close to connecting though. Is there any way you could just go without till you did some laundry?"

There was a pause as she thought about it. She shyly turned toward him a little and he tried to look into her eyes and not her voluptuous chest.

"I could do that, Daddy, but I would need to release some serious milk from my breasts. They are so full, even after I pumped. The crying made them fill right back up. If I go without the bra, they are just going to continue to leak all over me and soak my clean shirt. But I'm so tired. Can you help me, please?" she was almost in tears.

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For the third time in as many hours, Justin heard the words of his wife, "Do whatever she asks you to do."

"Of course, honey. Tell me what you need me to do," he said.

"Well, we can do this one of two ways. We can get the pumps and you can hold one and I can hold one and we can get them emptied in half the time." Here she paused and looked away.

"And what is the second way?" he asked.

She turned to her father and said with sincerity, but shyly, "You could nurse me."

There was a long, awkward silence in the bedroom at that point. Justin stared at his daughter, not sure he heard her right. Brie looked shyly at the floor, not daring to look at her father.

Brie let her husband nurse her when she was producing too much milk. They usually ended up having sex because she was so sensitive there, not because her husband enjoyed milking her. He found it a chore, taking time away from his video games. But this was her father. She would have to reign in her normal feelings and make this clinical. She didn't think her father wanted to hear how wet she was getting because he was stimulating her.

Meanwhile, Justin was trying to will his cock to calm down. It was like trying to keep the Sun from coming up in the morning. The thought of not only seeing his daughter's breasts but also helping to milk them, was more than he could handle. He didn't want to freak her out though. There was no way his daughter thought about her father that way and if she saw his hard-on, she might get offended and scared and it could ruin their relationship forever.

Finally, he said, "Let's do the second thing you said," he couldn't even say the words. "Just tell me what to do. Your Mom never let me do this." His heart started beating faster at hearing himself agree to this.

Brie's heart started to beat faster as well. This hadn't been part of her plans at all when she woke up this morning.

"Okay, so this is what we need to do," she started as she let her bra fall away from her body and exposed her naked breasts to her father.

"Just pick a side and wrap your hands around it. Then, you are going to press down toward my nipple, like you are squeezing toothpaste out of a tube..." Before she could warn him how fast and how much would come out, he had already grabbed a hold of her left tit and squeezed. Her milk squirted out of her nipple like a firehouse and soaked her father's chest.

Justin could feel the liquid soak his shirt. It was so warm and plastered his shirt to his chest. He stopped squeezing and just took in the moment. He couldn't believe how amazing it was to help his daughter do this. It wasn't completely sexual. It was a Dad helping out his daughter. But it was affecting him. He could feel it jumping in his shorts.

Brie was startled by the sudden expelling of liquid. It felt good on many levels, first, just the lessening of the liquid in her breast. Second, her father's hands were soft and warm and he put just the right amount of pressure on her. Not too hard and not too soft. She hated to admit it, but her father milked her better than her husband. She was feeling both relieved and turned on. It was so confusing and arousing and she knew she should stop and just go pump by herself, but she was so tired, she couldn't face the time it would take to pump both breasts.

Justin stood there before his daughter, his fingers touching her breast. "Was that okay honey? Did I do it too hard? Should I stop?"

"No!" she said a bit too quickly. "Please, continue. But you got your shirt all wet. There is a better way you know, if you want?" she said, hopefully.

"What way is that?" he asked

"Well," she hesitated, "You could always drink my milk instead of just pumping. That way you can stay dry and we won't get milk all over the floor." She waited and stared into her father's eyes. Her breasts pulsating with the need to be emptied.

Justin looked down into his daughter's face and saw the need there. He finally saw the same thing that he was feeling. She wanted this to happen. She wasn't upset...

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Written by Taltos305
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