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Aunt Sophia - Book Four

"It's holiday time and I find myself on a nudist beach with my gorgeous Aunt"

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You may remember the last time you read my ramblings about my sex teacher and lover, Aunt Sophia, where she treated me to an incredible session with Mistress Alexa and herself. The memories of that still crashed through my brain and I had enjoyed numerous wanks when reliving the occasion.

For the past three weeks, she had been in France, opening up her house in Cap-Feret. I missed her enormously. My girlfriend, Mai had noticed I had not been myself, but I told her I was just down as I still hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do with my life.

Eventually, my dark days were over when Aunt Sophia came back and we had one rendezvous at her place, which meant I was now firing on all cylinders.

Later that week she joined the family for dinner, during which my dad asked what she was going to do for the summer.

‘Well, Adam. I am going to spend the summer in Cap-Feret. I think it is about time I went back and enjoyed the place. There is still quite a bit of work to be done, but I am sure I can find some locals to help out.’

‘What a splendid idea. Maybe you can take our lazy son and get him to help.’

I choked on my food at this point.

Mum looked at me, quizzically.

‘I’m fine, Mum. Just think it might have been nice to ask my opinion.’

I was annoyed with him. He loved to control our lives. But of course, at the same time, I was secretly very happy, as he had offered me a golden opportunity to spend more time with Aunt Sophia.

‘You need to do something, young man, rather than laze about the house.’

‘But Adam. He needs to be studying for his exams.’

‘He can manage to do both, Fiona. I am sure Sophia will find things to keep him busy and help him with his studies.’

I was turning pink at the way the conversation was turning.  Oh yes, she was only too keen for me to continue my studies, of the sexual kind.

‘Fiona. I think it is a great idea. I promise to look after him and keep him out of trouble.’

She smiled at me.

‘What do you say, Jack?’

I was trying very hard to suppress a huge grin. I decided I should be seen to go against the idea. I mean, who wants to spend the summer holidays with their aunt?

‘Thank you, Aunt Sophia. But I would prefer to stay home, do some work and meet up with my mates every now and again. Also, Mai is looking forward to spending time with me.’

‘Oh, don’t worry, Jack. Mai can come as well.’

I kept the pretence up, trying to convince everyone I didn’t want to go. But I knew Dad had made up his mind. If only he knew what his sister and his son got up to when they were together. It would wipe that smug look off his face.

After much debate, mum eventually kowtowed to dad. It was decided I would spend four weeks in her holiday home on the coast of Southwest France. I was buzzing!

I spoke to Mai and she agreed to join us for the final two weeks of the break.

Daisy, my sister was jetting off to some Caribbean island with her rich, twat of a boyfriend. Mum and dad would be spending the summer with some other relatives. So, it was all settled.

Later that day I had some time to speak to my auntie.

‘How the fuck did you wangle that?’

‘Oh, I had spoken with your dad earlier and he was telling me he did not know what to do with you. He didn’t want you lolling around the house. I saw it as the perfect opportunity.’

She reached forward and caressed my cock through my trousers.

‘I am going to fuck you silly for two weeks before Mai arrives.’

I went to grab her, but we heard voices and quickly moved apart.

I could not wait for the trip. I had been to the house a couple of times before. It looked over the Bassin d’ Arcachon (the Arcachon bay). A very short distance away was the Atlantic coast with miles of sandy beaches.

The waves could be huge, and it was a magnet for surfers and boarders. You had to be careful swimming in the sea as there were a lot of strong offshore currents and rip tides. Every summer people drowned along the coast. Even so, I loved the place. It was normally hot, and the food was great.

I said goodbye to Mai, who told me to behave and treat my aunt kindly. She was excited to join us later in the holiday, as she had never been to that part of France.

Two days later we flew out to Bordeaux. Aunt Sophia had arranged for her French car, a smart Citroen 2CV to be left at the airport. It was not a long journey to the house, about forty minutes or so.

When we arrived, we were met by Dominique and Bernard, the elderly couple who were her neighbours and kept an eye on the place. They hugged Aunt Sophia and spoke rapidly. They remembered me from my last visit a few years ago. I found out later they had caught her up on the latest gossip about new houses, holidaymakers and lousy local government officials.

Once we said farewell to them, we took our bags upstairs and unpacked. The house was a bit musty but was clean and tidy.

I lay on the bed, taking in my surroundings.

‘Jack. You cannot just lie there. What would your father say?’

With that, she jumped on top of me, and we had a bit of a wrestle. I cheated by tickling her.

‘Jack. Get your clothes off. I need a good hard, fuck. Then we need to get to the beach.’

I loved my aunt.

Once I had satisfied her cravings, we packed a picnic and drove to the beach, parking in the pine forest nearby. We struggled over the dunes and eventually made it onto a fairly deserted stretch of beach.

I laid out the towels, pulled off my shirt and stretched out, closing my eyes.

I heard the rustle of clothes and felt her lay next to me.

‘You are a bit overdressed, Jack.’

I was not sure what she meant.  I had on a pair of swim shorts and nothing else. She smiled and pointed down her body. Fuck me! She was totally starkers.

I sat up, quickly.

‘Bloody hell, Aunt Sophia. What are you doing?’

She stretched out on her back.

‘Enjoying the sun on my body.’

‘You can’t lay there like that.’

‘Why not? There is no one else here.’

I looked up and down the beach. In the distance, I saw two women walking our way.

‘You will have to cover up, as we may soon have some neighbours.’

She looked in the direction I indicated but seemed totally non-plussed. What the hell?

I watched as the two women got closer. They were probably in their early twenties. As they walked by, they smiled at us. Aunt Sophia waved and said something to them in French. They both laughed.

I looked at her.

‘What did you say?’

‘Oh, just that I was sorry for the fact you are overdressed.’

I was at a loss as to what she was talking about. Until, that is, the two women stopped a short distance away and stripped off completely.

I was agog.  What the hell was going on?

‘You idiot, Jack. This is the nudist section. Now take your shorts off and rub some sun cream into me before I burn.’

She rolled onto her front and held out the bottle of cream. I was not too keen to go without anything on, so stayed as I was, then started to rub cream into her body. I paid a lot of attention to her fantastic arse, running my finger up the crack and watching her tremble.

‘Enough!’  She said, before rolling onto her back.

I enjoyed covering every millimetre of her body with the cream.  I was such a lucky guy.

I lay on my back, holding the bottle out to her.

‘I will gladly put cream on you, but only when you take those shorts off.’

I managed to wriggle out of them, making sure I did not flash anything in the direction of the other two beachgoers.

She covered my top and bottom half with the cream, leaving my crotch alone.  I was a bit miffed at this.  But I should have known better.  She knelt over me, shielding me from the French women with her body, and poured cream all over my cock and balls.

‘We don’t want these being burnt, now, do we?’

She then proceeded to massage the cream in, getting me hard in an instance. I looked around to make sure no one could see us. Our neighbours were facing towards the sea, wearing nothing but sunglasses. They were not looking in our direction.

I lay there and closed my eyes. This was definitely a first for me.  Naked on a beach and being wanked in the open air. It was horny and naughty at the same time. Every now and then I looked around to ensure no one could see us.

She started off slow and when she heard my breathing increase, she sped up, bringing me that I felt very quickly to the brink. However, I managed to control my orgasm as she had taught me, ensuring I did not ejaculate.

‘Roll over. I need to do your back.’

This was turning out to be a great holiday, and it was only day one!

Once she had finished, she told me she was going to snooze for a while. We had been up early in the morning to catch the flight, so we're both jaded. I decided to sit there and take in the sights.

I watched as our two neighbours stood up and began to rub sun cream into each other. They took their time and were clearly enjoying themselves. In fact, when they finished, they got into a tight embrace and kissed each other deeply. Very sexy.  They walked down to the water, hand in hand and were obviously into each other.

I realised they were lesbians, which surprised me. As being young and a bit dumb, I thought all lesbians looked like blokes.

I lay down next to my gorgeous aunt, kissed her breast and fell into a light sleep.  A short while later it was interrupted by the sound of laughter and splashing.

As I looked towards the sea, I saw our two French friends frolicking together. It was a sight to behold.  One of them was blond and petite, with small breasts and a perky bottom. Her friend was a dark-skinned brunette, with much larger tits and a shapelier physique.

The brunette ran up the beach to get a ball from their belongings. I must say I enjoyed watching her tits bounce as she jogged. She looked over at me, catching me staring at her. She smiled and held out the ball, then beckoned me over, before jogging back to the sea.

Aunt Sophia was still asleep, so I decided to make my way down to the girls. I was conscious of my nakedness but tried to ignore it.

When I got close, she threw the ball to her friend and then dived into the water. She swam a little then jumped up and shook herself. I was staring at her sexy body, watching her ample boobs bounce when I felt the ball hit the back of my head. I turned around to see the blonde laughing at me.

‘Do you want to stare at Monique all day, or would you like to play “piggy in the middle?”  She enquired.

Her French accent was so sexy.

I chucked the ball at her and she caught it easily.

They decided I was to be the “pig.” I was more than happy as they jumped around, throwing the ball and trying to avoid me. They were very good at it, so I decided to cheat by grabbing the brunette one.  She screamed and fell into the water.

Being the gentleman, I went to help her up but as I did so, a wave caught me from behind and I fell on top of her, feeling her breasts pushing into my chest. I was quite happy. I stayed like that for longer than was strictly necessary, then apologised and helped her to her feet.  She told me it was fine.

I was having such a good time I had forgotten all about Sophia. Until that is, I heard her call my name. I turned around and saw her standing on the water’s edge, hands-on-hips, staring at me. I waved and smiled, but she seemed none too impressed with me.

I walked over to her, and as I approached, she turned and walked up the beach. I was at a loss as to what was the matter with her.

‘Hey. What’s wrong.’ I enquired.

‘What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I saw you getting a feel of that French tart. No doubt you think you can grope other women when I’m not around!’

‘Whoa. What the fuck has got into you?’

‘I brought you on this holiday. I don’t expect you to fondle other women when my back is turned.’

Her voice was raised, and I noticed her nipples had become engorged. She certainly was angry. What didn’t help was me starting to laugh.

‘Oh. You think it’s funny, do you?’

‘Aunt Sophia. Wait a minute. You’ve got hold of the wrong end of the stick. And you are going to laugh at yourself in a moment.’

‘I don’t fucking think so, young man!’

She started to pack things up. Moaning about her ungrateful I was.

As she knelt down, I pushed her over and pinned her to the ground.

She started to wriggle violently.

I kissed her on the lips and after a while, she returned my kiss. When I pulled away, she calmed down a little.

‘I’m sorry I upset you, but you should know that those two gorgeous women are lesbians. And there is no way I would cheat on you.’

‘Oh, they are?’

‘Yep. We just had a bit of fun. They are very nice.’

‘I’m sorry, Jack. Our first argument – over nothing. Can you forgive me?’

‘I think you will need a good spanking when we get home.’

‘Oh goody.’

A short while later the two French beauties came over to us, plonked themselves down and started up a conversation. Monique introduced her girlfriend, Giselle and Aunt Sophia gave our names but kept the fact we were related quiet.

The three women were very comfortable sitting there, totally starkers. And after a while, I forgot about our nudity. Although it was strange holding a normal conversation whilst wearing nothing but sunglasses.

We had quite a laugh and arranged to come to the same stretch of beach tomorrow. It was obvious they both enjoyed looking at my Sophia, who was flattered by their attention.

Once we got home, Aunt Sophia was desperate to be fucked. I think being ogled by the two French ladies had got her all horny.

We had barely got in the house when she ripped off her clothes and threw herself on the sofa. She smiled at me and opened her legs high and wide.

I told her to wait there, as I needed a piss. I dashed upstairs, relieved myself, then went to her bedside cabinet and got a length of rope and cat o’ nine tails.

When I came down, she saw what I was holding and immediately turned over, putting her arms behind her and pushing her arse in the air.

‘You have been a very jealous and angry aunty today, so you must be punished.’

She went to say something, and as she did so, I whacked her hard on the arse with the flat of my hand.

‘You can only speak when I ask you a question.’

I placed her on the floor, tying her hands together behind her back, passing the length of rope around her throat, making sure she was not too uncomfortable.

I hit her a few more times, watching as her arse cheeks turned red.

‘You were a bad girl today. Do you think you need to be punished?’

‘Oh, yes!’

I started on her with the whip. At first, I used soft strokes against her pussy lips and delighted in watching them engorge and open. I then whipped her behind several times until she started to grunt, at which point I knew I should stop.

My cock was rigid and needed some action, so I walked around in front of her, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to a kneeling position.

‘You should not get angry with me again. If you do, the punishment will be worse. Do you understand?’

She nodded.

I placed my dick against her lips. Her tongue darted out and licked the tip. I slapped her face, not very hard. She gave me a look of shock.

‘I will tell you what you can and can’t do. And you must obey.’

She nodded once more.

I pushed my cock into her mouth, feeling it hit the back of her throat. I grabbed her head and started to fuck her face, quite violently. Her eyes were wide, but she knew I was in control.

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I pulled out and slapped her face with my cock, before stuffing it back in and resuming. I felt in total control and was loving the power. I knew I could last forever....

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Written by DickT67
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