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A Weekend To Remember Part 1

"A woman turns fantasy into incestuous reality with her nephew."

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Author's Notes

"The events in this story take place over a single weekend; the story is in two parts solely to comply with the word-count limit."

It was Friday afternoon around three o’clock when heard my doorbell ring, and I went to answer it wearing a lace-up white top over a bra, tight denim shorts, and leather sandals. When I opened the door my favorite nephew, Ari, was standing there holding a duffel bag.

I looked around him and waved to my oldest brother, John, and his wife, Stacy, who were in their car in my driveway. They waved back, then drove away for their long-awaited weekend getaway. Will, my husband, was already on the road with a couple of his buddies, headed for an out-of-town car show and NASCAR race, and I’d volunteered to have Ari stay with me while his parents were away.

After they’d left, I turned to face my nephew. He’d had a recent growth spurt, so he was kind of tall and lanky, but he’d already started to fill out his near-six-feet of height with wiry muscles. With his wavy brown hair and handsome features, I figured that at sixteen and a couple of months he was still a virgin, but I knew he was going to be a heart-breaker when the girls got interested in him, if they weren’t already.

One of my favorite fantasies of late had been teaching a young man about sex, and my heart skipped a beat as I put my hands on Ari’s upper arms and pulled him in for a hug that pressed my big breasts against his chest. He seemed startled at first, but then he relaxed, put his hands around me, and hugged me back. I took that as a possibly encouraging signal and invited him in.

“Come on in, Ari,” I said with a smile as I released him. “Let’s get you settled and decide what to do with the rest of this nice afternoon.”

“Thanks, Aunt Natalie,” he replied, and he followed me down the hall to our guest bedroom. When we got there, he turned to me. “Can we take a swim?”

Perfect, I thought to myself. I think I’ll try to find out if he’s developed any … interesting interests.

“That sounds like a great idea. Put on some trunks and I’ll meet you out by the pool.”

“Okay,” he said enthusiastically, and I left him and headed for my own bedroom. When I got there, I immediately stripped completely and then grabbed my yellow polka-dot tie-on bikini. Its top was two small triangles that covered my nipples and my wide areolas but left a lot of my D-cup breasts exposed. The bottom was a triangle that covered only part of my butt cheeks when I didn’t pull it into my crack to turn it into a thong, and in front it barely covered the puffy lips of my hairless vagina. I stepped into open-toed five-inch stiletto mules that tightened my calf muscles and drew men’s eyes to my long toned legs. I waited impatiently until I was sure Ari would already be outside before leaving my bedroom; I wanted to make an appearance and see his reaction.

When I strolled out to the yard, walking like a runway model so my hips swayed from side to side, Ari was standing next to the pool. He looked me up and down and I saw right away that one part of his recent growth spurt had obviously benefitted his genitals; he had suddenly grown a big erection that was poking into his swim trunks. He tried to turn away and cover himself with his hands to hide it, so I smiled and then reached out and put my hand on his arm.

“It’s okay, Ari, it’s perfectly normal. I’m very flattered that you had that reaction to seeing me.”

“You look … really … sexy in that bikini, Aunt Natalie.”

I arched an eyebrow at him. “What do you know about sexy at your age?”

He blushed. “Well …”

“It’s okay,” I said softly. “You can tell me.”

“Well … one of my friends was on the internet … and he found a couple of free … porn sites, and he and I and a couple of other friends have been … sort of … watching some stuff together.”

“Really? What kinds of stuff?”

He blushed even more, which I found very cute. “It was videos of … men and women … you know … having sex and stuff.”

“It’s still hot out,” I said, “let’s talk in the pool.” I stepped out of my heels and sat down on the pool surround at the deep end, then slid into the water so only my head and shoulders were visible. Ari kicked off his flip-flops and jumped in beside me. “We have to talk,” I said, my face and tone serious.

“What about, Aunt Natalie?”

“You’re sixteen years old, and this weekend I’m responsible for you. So you have to promise me that whatever we share will only be between the two of us or I could be in a lot of trouble. You can’t talk about it with your friends, and you sure as heck can’t tell your parents. Do you understand why that is?”

He thought hard for several seconds. “I … think I do.”

“So make me that promise, Ari. I want to treat you like a responsible young man, so keeping that promise is very important.”

“I promise, Aunt Natalie,” he said solemnly. “I will never say anything to anyone about whatever happens this weekend.”

“Thank you, Ari. I believe you’ll keep that promise.” I let myself show a big smile. “So, you think I look sexy, do you?”

“Of course you do,” he said seriously. “You’re prettier than any of those women in the videos, and …  you have a great body.”

I could feel my nipples hardening from the cool water and pushing against the tiny pieces of fabric covering them, so I tried not to move or otherwise draw his eyes to any specific area. “Why do you say that?”

“I’ve seen enough of those videos to know you have a beautiful figure, nice … big … breasts and … great legs and …” His voice trailed off, but I could see that he was staring down through the water at my barely-covered pussy where my camel-toe was clearly visible. I slowly moved my feet apart to give him a better view and his eyes widened, so I pushed off and let myself float across the pool on my belly, giving him a good look at my firm round butt that was mostly bare. After I’d crossed the pool and returned to face him, I continued our conversation, intentionally breathing hard so my breasts moved under the water’s surface.

“So were there any particular kinds of … stuff that … interested you?”

He looked kind of abashed, and I felt a little sorry for him; it had to be embarrassing for him to be revealing this information not just to any adult but to his aunt. So I decided to try to make him feel at least a little more comfortable. I put my hand lightly on his thigh and whispered, “It’s okay, Ari, I understand. I know young men your age get interested in girls and things about sex. I was a teenager myself, you know.”

He beamed at my calling him a young man, and then he smiled nervously. “It’s hard for me to think of you as a teenager, you’re my aunt, nearly the same age as my mother.”

“That’s true, but I was, and I was curious about sex when I was your age, and I’m still curious. Tell me, what do you like to watch?”

He looked away, apparently unable to meet my eyes. “I don’t have any … experience, you know, so I … watch scenes where older women are … like … teaching boys about sex.” He hesitated, then added shyly, “I’m learning some things, but watching isn’t the same, you know?”

I held my breath as he told me that, because I’d fantasized about being that older woman any number of times. “Yes, I know. Did those women make you think about … anyone in particular?”

“Well … in a lot of videos the woman is pretending to be the guy’s … mother.”

“And do you think about your mother that way sometimes?”

He blushed again. “Yes, I do, sometimes. I’ve thought about her with … my dad, having … you know … sex with him.”

The sun had gone down, so it was getting dark and the air was cooling. “Let’s get into the hot tub, okay?”

“Okay,” he replied, so I got out of the pool, deliberately waving my ass in his face as I climbed the ladder, and I turned on the jets. I left the light off and sat down in the hot tub, and Ari, still showing an erection, followed and sat down next to me.

“So, you think about your mom and dad having sex?”

“Yes, I do.”

“But you weren’t thinking about your mom when I came out to the pool, were you?” I teased. “That’s why you got an erection, isn’t it?”

“I guess it was pretty obvious,” he said a bit more firmly.

“Do you jerk off when you’re thinking about your mom and dad having sex?”

He hesitated, then admitted, “Yes, I do.”

“How often do you do that?” Again, he hesitated, and I reassured him. “It’s okay, Ari, you can tell me anything.”

“I do it most days,” he admitted. “Sometimes more than once.”

I glanced down, then looked him in the eyes. “Do you need to do that now? You’re obviously … turned on from seeing me like this.”

It was his turn to glance down and then look up at me. “I’d like to.” He paused for a moment, then surprised me by blurting out, in an accusatory tone, “It’s your fault, you know.”

Oh, God, I thought. That’s a real opening. I like Ari, and he’s really good-looking. Can I bring my fantasy to life? Just take it slow and easy, Natalie, don’t rush things and scare him off.

“You’re right, it is my fault. Maybe I shouldn’t have picked this particular bikini, but I wanted to … you know … see how you would react.”

“Why would you want to see that?” he asked seriously.

I knew I had to go slowly, and I wanted to get him to trust me. I wasn’t really insecure about my looks, but I told him a little white lie. “It’s my turn to be honest with you, Ari. I’m thirty-seven years old, and I sometimes wonder whether I’m still … as attractive as I was a few years ago.”

He snorted, trying to hold back an outright laugh. “Believe me, you don’t have anything to worry about in that direction; you look fantastic.”

“Do you really think so?”

“You saw what happened when I first looked at you, and it’s still … happening.”

Okay, girl, time to see what he’ll go for. “I know, and, like you said, it’s my fault. So I’d like to … take care of it for you.”

That startled him, and he looked at me warily. “What do you mean?”

“Tell me, Ari, what do the women in the videos do when the men they’re with have an erection?”

He looked uncomfortable again for just a moment, but then his expression firmed. “This is still a little awkward, talking with you about this stuff, Aunt Natalie.”

I thought fast. “Okay, I get that, and I have an idea how we can handle it.”

“What kind of an idea?”

“Well, I’m still your Aunt Natalie, but when we’re alone together, talking about things like this, you can think of me as your … older friend, and call me … Jane.”

“Why Jane?”

“Jane is my middle name, but it’s also my secret name. It’s who I think of myself as when I’m having sexy thoughts.”

“Are you having sexy thoughts now?”

“Do you want me to be having sexy thoughts now?” I countered. It’s time for you to make a big decision, Ari.

He pondered that question for a few seconds, then said quietly, “Yes, I think I do … Jane.”

I heaved a huge silent sigh of combined relief and anticipation. “Well, that’s good, because I am having sexy thoughts.”

“You are? Why?”

“Because of what we’re … discussing, and because you’re … a really good-looking young man, one I find … attractive.”

That stopped him cold, and his mind was obviously churning frantically. “Me? Attractive? To you? Do you really think so? I’m only sixteen, I don’t have any experience with girls.”

“Yes, I do, and I sort of figured you didn’t have any experience. That too is … attractive, and I want to help you learn some things. So answer my question; what do the women in those videos do?”

“Well … usually the first thing they do is kissing. My mom has kissed me on the cheek, and I’ve done that to her, but I’ve never actually … you know … kissed anyone. Will you teach me how to kiss?”

“Sure.” I turned to face him, and, when he didn’t move, I slowly leaned forward and touched my mouth to his. I kept my lips closed and the pressure very light, and after about ten seconds he pulled back.

“That was … nice,” he said shyly, “but it wasn’t like what I’ve seen other people do.”

“I know, that was just the first step. Let’s try it again.”

Again he waited and I had to make the first move, so I did. But this time, after a few seconds, I parted my lips just enough to slide the very tip of my tongue across his closed lips. Our eyes were open, and I saw his widen in surprise, and then his lips parted and his tongue came out to touch mine. I let them rest together for a couple of seconds, and then I was the one who pulled back. “Was that better?” I asked with a little smile.

“Yes, much better,” he said eagerly. “Let’s keep going.”

“Okay,” I replied, and then I just sat there waiting. It’s time for you to make the first move, I thought, and he did. He leaned towards me, pressed his mouth onto mine, and after a couple of seconds his lips parted and his tongue came questing out. I let him lick my closed lips and then I parted them, and he pressed his mouth harder against mine and sent his tongue part-way into my mouth.

Oh, hell, yeah, I thought, and I closed my eyes. I pushed my tongue out and he thrust his tongue forward more forcefully, pushing mine back and fully extending his, and I felt my nipples get harder and my pussy start to moisten. Yes, yes, keep going, Ari, I silently begged, and he must have heard my mental prayer. He put his arms around me and pulled my body into his, and I almost fainted from the thrill I felt as my mostly-bare breasts contacted his chest. He continued to hold the kiss for another half a minute, and then he pulled back and we both gasped for breath.

“Oh, God, that was great,” he said between deep breaths.

“I liked it too,” I whispered. “So tell me, what else do the women in those videos do?”

He gave me a nervous smile, but then he gave me another opening. “Some of them use their hands to get the guys to …” He waved his hand, obviously looking for a word, and I decided to be a little more forward.

“You can use whatever word comes to mind,” I said gently. “Jane won’t be offended by rough language. You can say come, or shoot, or …”

“Thanks, Jane … they make them come.”

I put my hand lightly on his thigh. He flinched momentarily, but he didn’t pull away. “And would you like me to do that for you?” I purred.

“Gee … would you?”

“You just have to tell me what you want, Ari,” I prompted. He’d shown some initiative when we kissed, and I really wanted him to assert himself. “You can tell me to teach you anything, and I will. You can ask me anything and I’ll give you honest answers. Do you understand me?”

He kind of shook his head, like he was kind of overwhelmed by what I was offering. But then he nodded and said, as firmly as I could have wished for, “Yes, I do, Jane.”

“Then say what you want.”

“Okay,” he whispered. “I want you to jerk me off and make me shoot.”

“Go lie down on the chaise lounge, please,” I said, and he got out of the hot tub, quickly toweled off, and did as I’d directed. I got out and dried myself off, slid my feet into my heels, and sat down next to him. “Lift your hips,” I said next, and when he did I took the waistband of his trunks in both hands and pulled them down past his knees. His erection popped up and slapped against his belly, and my mouth watered; he was big, very big.

“Oh, my,” I said. “That’s beautiful.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice wavering.

“I mean that you have a beautiful cock,” I whispered. “I love its shape and I really love its size.”

“It’s … okay?”

“It’s way more than okay. Your Uncle Will is not small, I think he’s bigger than average, but you’re actually longer and thicker than he is.” I quickly decided to try to get him to be in charge. “May I touch it, please?”

“Of course … Jane … go ahead.”

He didn’t say please back to me, I thought happily. He didn’t ask, he ordered, and that’s a very good sign.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely, and I reached out with my right hand and wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock. His balls were as well developed as his cock, and my mouth was almost dripping with saliva as I contemplated taking them in and rolling them around on my tongue. Slow down, girl, I warned myself. One step at a time.

I slowly began to run my fingers up and down his shaft, going from the base to just below the fat mushroom-shaped head and back down. I watched carefully as his belly tensed and his breathing immediately changed.

“It’s not going to take very long, Jane, I’m...

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Written by PatHarvey
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