The train seemed like it would run on forever. Sitting in his black and white police cruiser, several cars back waiting in line, police officer, Bugs Parr, squirmed impatiently in his seat. Leaning forward, he stretched his neck to see if he could see the end of the long noisy freight train.
“Goddamn if that ain’t the longest fuckin’ train I’ve seen in ages,” Sergeant Wilson said as he rolled his passenger side window down and spit.
Hanging his arm out the window he sucked his teeth and said, “When the caboose comes by and the gate goes up, pop the blues and hit the siren. I’m hungry as hell.”
“Me too, Sarge,” Bugs grunted. “Damn, my stomach is growling.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.”
“I thought that box of Krispy Kremes would hold us.” Bugs began to drum his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Damn, Bugs,” the sergeant growled, “You damn nearly ate the whole box of donuts, I only got four.” He counted four fingers on his hand to himself. “Yep, you had eight god-damned donuts.”
Bugs chuckled, “Well, I’m a big guy.”
“You damn right, you’re big ole tall lard ass,” Sarge laughed out the side of his mouth then leaned forward as something caught his attention. “There’s the fucking caboose! As soon as that gate lifts, light this thing up.”
As the caboose passed and the gate lifted, the traffic started to move forward through the junction. Bugs reached forward and switched on the blue lights and the siren. Vehicles scrambled left and right to let the police cruiser with its emergency blue lights and loud siren pass.
Bugs gunned the accelerator and the powerful engine of the cruiser sped past the chaotic mess of cars. The inertia of the sudden acceleration pushed both officers back in their seats.
“Up here at Highway 50, go right and we’ll hit the Waffle House at Main Street,” Sarge commanded.
“Good idea,” Bugs chirped, “that’s the best damn Waffle House in town.”
Wiping off a table by the front window, Doreen heard the siren and noticed a city police cruiser speeding down the street with its blue lights on.
“Wilbur!” she yelled, “we got some customers comin’.”
As soon as she said that, the cruiser’s siren and lights stopped as it slowed and pulled into the Waffle House parking lot.
After snapping off his seat belt, Bugs grabbed the radio and called in, “Laurie, this is Bugs, we’re taking a 10-40.”
The radio cracked back. “Bugs, which Waffle House are y’all at?”
“Corner of Main and State Fifty.”
“Gotcha,” Laurie quipped over the radio.
Bugs and Sarge exited their cruiser and as soon as they saw Doreen through the large glass windows, they both attempted to suck in their beer gut stomachs. They straightened their shoulders and strolled to the front doors, looking as straight and tall as possible. Bugs at well over six feet tall had no problem, but for the sergeant, who was a bit squatty, especially next to Bugs, it was a real challenge.
“Who is it, Doreen?” snapped Wilbur.
“Oh, it’s just Sarge and Bugs.”
“Bugs owes me twenty-five dollars on the god-dammed Duke-Wisconsin game,” Wilbur said as he put out his cigarette and attempted to fan the smoke away.
“One day you’re gonna get caught,” fussed Doreen, “As well as bein’ against company policy, there’s a city ordinance against smokin’ in restaurants.”
“Fuck that shit!” Wilbur leaned into the grill as he began scraping the grease off with a spatula.
Coming through the door, Bugs noticed Wilbur at the grill. “Wilbur, I gotta getcha that twenty-five for the game. How’s next Friday, it’s payday?”
“No prob, Bugs,” Wilbur grunted, “I ain’t in no hurry.”
“Shit far!” Sarge belted out, “After the way you got waxed on the Michigan State-Kentucky game, I’d think you’d need ole Bugs's twenty-five right away.” The sergeant chuckled under his breath.
Wilbur seemed irritated. “Who’s cookin’ your food today?”
“Just funnin’ witcha, Wilbur.” Sarge nudged Bugs toward a seat at the counter.
Wilbur walked through the employee door mumbling under his breath.
“We better sit up here, Bugs,” Sarge cornered his eyes toward the employee door in the back. “I hope I didn’t piss ole Wilbur off, but maybe we should keep an eye on his cookin’ anyhow.”
The two hefty policeman took seats on counter stools right in front of the grill.
“Y’all know Wilbur wouldn’t do nothin’ like that to you fellas,” interjected Doreen, “some Yankees passin’ through maybe, but no way to you boys.”
“Would y’all believe we had some Canadians in here the other day?”
“Ah, no shit!” Bugs grinned as he eyed the menu.
“Yep, they sounded like Yankees when they talked, but they was real pale and right friendly.” Doreen leaned over the counter, her low buttoned waitress blouse exposed her very ample cleavage.
Both Bugs and the Sarge attempted to discreetly eye her breasts. Doreen smiled.
“Canadians, huh? We don’t get too many of them.” Bugs eyes locked uncontrollably onto her cleavage. “I heard unlike Yankees, they’re friendly.”
“Y’all like what y’all see?” Doreen, who was in her mid-thirties, wore her bleached blonde hair tall and big. She had always been considered very attractive and though she wasn’t as trim as she used to be, her curvy figure was still considered very sexy. And her breasts were well known and appreciated in town.
“Those are nice,” Bugs grinned. The Sarge leaned back, furled his eye brows and stared at Bugs.
Doreen straightened up and placed her hands firmly on her hips. “I was talkin’ ‘bout the menu, Bugs!”
She was actually quite pleased, since she had meant for them to notice her cleavage to begin with.
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” Bugs was obviously startled. “I, uh, I think… yeah, give me the breakfast, All-Star Special with the eggs over easy, bacon and make the hash browns scattered and smothered, and I’ll have sweet tea.”
Doreen scribbled on her order pad, turned to the Sarge and smiled as she waited for his order.
“An All-Star Special breakfast, too, eggs scrambled well, sausage, and grits instead of hashbrowns, lots of extra butter and give me a coffee, black, no sugar.”
“Okay, sweeties.” Doreen tore the order tickets out of her pad and clipped them above the grill.
Wilbur burst through the back door. “You yahoos figure out what ya want for lunch?”
“They’re having breakfast, honey, All-Star Specials.”
“A salad every now and then wouldn’t hurt ‘em.” Wilbur eyed the two tickets above the grill.
As Wilbur got to work cooking on the grill, Doreen started the waffles. In just a few minutes the two orders were dished up and Doreen sat their plates down in front of them on the counter.
“Here ya go, sweeties.”
“Damn, this looks and smells dee-liscious!” Bugs’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“I’ll get you two honeys some more sweet tea and coffee.”
Within a few minutes, Bugs and the sergeant cleaned up their plates as if they hadn’t eaten in a week.
“Y’all must’ve been hungry,” exclaimed Doreen as she saw them finishing off their last bites of food. “I hadn’t seen food disappear that fast since the high school football team came by after winning the region championship game last fall.”
“Yep, that was a good team, but I don’t expect a repeat.” Sarge wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Why’s that?” asked Doreen.
“Nearly all seniors,” Sarge said, “the boys comin’ up are small and inexperienced.”
“Aw,” answered Doreen. “Everyone always complains when they don’t win.”
About then they heard a siren in the distance. Bugs, Sarge, Doreen and Wilbur all cranked their heads toward the front window. Coming around the corner on two wheels, blue lights flashing, was a two-toned brown county sheriff’s car. As it approached the Waffle House the siren went silent and the flashing lights stopped.
The car slowed suddenly and pulled into the parking lot. Two heavy set county deputies in brown uniforms piled out of the car adjusting their large bellies over their belt buckles.
“We got us a couple of deputy dogs,” Doreen snipped.
Bugs and the Sarge spun around on their counter stools to greet the two deputies as they came through the door.
“What are you fellas up to?” bellowed Sarge.
“Why, howdy, Sarge,” said the portliest of the two deputies. ”You too, Bugs.”
“Wazzup, Petey?” countered Bugs.
The two deputies took the counter stools just past Sarge and Bugs.
“Ah, the usual.” Petey grabbed a menu. “Been ticketing out-of-staters on the interstate.”
“What y’all been writin’ ‘em up for?” Sarge looked at Bugs and winked.
Petey’s partner cleared his throat. “Ah, hell. nothin’, we get creative. They ain’t gonna drive all the way back to challenge it.”
“Hell, we wrote two New Jersey tags up for illegal window tint.” Petey laughed.
“Just how dark was the tint?” Sarge asked.
“Tweren’t no tint, really,” Petey said, before he and his deputy partner broke into laughter.
Bugs shook his head and groaned. “Y’all are liable to end up on one of them TV exposés like 60 Minutes.”
“Hell, if they do I’ll get a fresh haircut for the TV,” quipped Petey, “make my old lady proud.”
Nodding at Doreen, Sarge waved his ticket. “C’mon, Bugs, let’s pay up and go make this town safe.”
As the sergeant and Bugs stepped over to the cash register to pay, Petey exclaimed, “Hey! The county high cheerleaders got ‘em a fundraiser goin’ after school over at Burton’s Corner.”
“Yeah,” Sarge answered while handing Doreen some cash.
“They got some real good prices on Krispy Kremes.”
Raising an eyebrow, Bugs perked up and he nudged the Sarge in the side.
“After school at Burton’s Corner, huh?”
Sarge grunted and scratched his chin, “We better get two boxes then, cause Bugs can eat one all by himself.”
“I heard that,” laughed Petey.
Doreen handed Sarge his change. “Y’all have a great day, sweeties.”
“You too, Doreen," Sarge answered.
“Oh, I will, I’m getting off in an hour.” She looked at the sergeant and Bugs and smiled.
“You behave then, Doreen.”
“You know me, I don’t intend to.” Doreen giggled and winked.
As Bugs and the Sarge were pulling their cruiser out of the parking lot, Bugs quizzed, “Why do you think Doreen told us what time she was gettin’ off work?”
“Why?” The sergeant wrinkled his forehead as he thought. “What are you thinkin’?”
Bugs sighed and grinned. “She kept shoving her titties at us.”
“I dunno.” Sarge scratched his chin and furrowed his eyebrow as he thought.
With one hand on the steering wheel, Bugs’s other hand hung out the cruiser window as he drummed on the side of the car with his fingers. “I think she was coming on to us.”
“Hmmm, she’d be getting off at what?”
“Two o’clock,” answered Bugs.
The Sarge slowly rubbed his chin and smiled. “Well, I got an idea…”
2:10 pm
Doreen’s car sputtered before the engine roared to life. Smoke bellowed out the tail pipe as she aimed the rusty old Buick onto the highway. She had not gone more than a quarter of a mile before she heard a siren behind her.
Doreen quickly noticed the blue lights of a black and white city cruiser that was tailing her bumper.
“What the hell?” she mumbled to herself as she pulled over onto the side of the road.
As soon as Doreen saw Sarge and Bugs exit the cruiser, she pulled her rear view mirror toward her so she could check out her hair and make-up. Quickly grabbing a tube of lipstick from her purse, Doreen dabbed her lips before she adjusted her hair and undid the top button of her blouse.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” said Sarge tapping on her window, “could you please roll the window down?”
Doreen rolled the window down and pushed her cleavage forward so Sarge could get a good view.
In her best Scarlett O’Hara-style fake southern accent she declared, “Why Sarge, what on earth did you pull me over for?”
“Well, Doreen…”
Doreen interrupted again doing the phony accent. “Oh, gee, did I forget to signal or maybe I have a problem with my ta-a-ailpipe?” She looked straight at Sarge’s crotch and raised her eyebrows before looking back up at him and smiling.
“We’ve heard you’ve been a bad girl.”
“Oh! I have, have I? Been bad, huh?”
“Yes, very bad,” confirmed Bugs, who was leaning in the passenger side window.
Doreen quickly turned toward Bugs, “Well, hmmm, what do you big strapping officers plan to do about that?”
Tapping the handcuffs attached to his belt Sarge said, “Ma’am, I’ve got handcuffs.”
“Uh, oooh!” Doreen’s mouth hung open, “Just who’s been talking down at the station?”
Sarge’s eyebrow twitched and he looked over the top of the car at Bugs. Bugs raised his eyebrows and grinned, giving a thumbs up and nod of approval.
“I do believe we need to use these on you,” Sarge nodded.
“Hmmm, be-ins’ I’ve got some food from work that needs to go in the fridge,” Doreen pointed one of her long red fingernails at the take-out styrofoam boxes next to her on the seat. “Why don’t you boys follow me to my trailer. I’ve got cold beer in the fridge.”
“By all means, Doreen,” answered the sergeant, “we’ll follow right behind.”
Giggling, the sergeant and Bugs trotted back to their police cruiser.
As Bugs turned the key in the ignition he said, “I’ll be damned if she didn’t take the bait.”
“Yep,” answered Sarge. “Me and ole Sparky Hopper used to pull this years back, way before Sparky made Captain.”
“Aw, really?”
“Sure, we used to do real good pickin’ up waitresses from the old Western Sizzlin’.”
Bugs shook his head, “I sho’nuff miss the old Western Sizzlin’, they had the best t-bones in town.”
“They had some fine big tittied waitresses, too,” declared Sarge. “I knew one that could suck the shine off chrome. Damn, could she give some head.”
“Whatever happened to her?”
“She went and got married to Preacher Brewster over at Cold Springs Fire-Baptized Church.” The sergeant shook his head. “They got five kids now.”
“That’s too bad,” answered Bugs. “Oh, Doreen’s pullin’ in. This trailer park ain’t too bad.”
“You’re right, we don’t get too many calls out here, hmmm, a domestic violence every now ‘n then.”
“Here ’tis.” Bugs pulled into the gravel parking space next to Doreen.
“Laurie,” Sarge spoke into the microphone, “Bugs and I are takin’ a 10-10.”
“Where y’all at, Sarge?” Laurie’s voice cracked over the radio.
“Out near Sundown Heights.”
“Gotcha Sarge, I’ll radio if I needya.”
“C’mon on in, boys.” Opening the front door of her trailer, Doreen stood facing the guys, with one hand on her hips, she twisted in a sexy swivel.
They followed her in after she unlocked the door, Doreen motioned toward the refrigerator.
“Get yourselves a cold one if you won’t get in trouble, drinkin’ on duty ’n all.”
“I got breath mints,” Bugs quipped.
“Well, open ‘er up and toss me one,” barked the sergeant.
Sarge caught the can of beer in one hand before popping the top. Cold beer foamed out of the top of the can as he turned it up and almost gulped it down all at once.
“Aaaah,” sighed the sergeant. “That hit the spot.”
The sudden crinkling of aluminum being crushed announced that Bugs had quickly downed his can of beer. He tossed it across the kitchen into the trash can.
Suddenly, loud country music began to thump and whine throughout the mobile home. Doreen stood over the stereo. “I thought we could use some tunes.”
“Let the games begin,” snickered the sergeant, pulling his handcuffs from his belt.
“What are you gonna do with those, big boy?” Doreen grinned.
Stepping over behind Doreen, Bugs reached around her, cupping her large breasts. “These here are a party and a half.”
“Oh big boy, there ain’t no half party with these,” Doreen quipped. “I just hope you can handle this party, big fella.”
Unbuttoning her blouse, Bugs exposed Doreen’s lacy red bra. “Red, huh!”
“Red hot!” interjected the sergeant.
Bugs slid Doreen’s waitress blouse off and tossed it over to an easy chair. Then in one smooth quick move, he snapped her bra off tossing it away also.
“Oh, damn!” A wide admiring grin came over the sergeant’s face. “Those are nice!”
“You damn right these are nice!” Doreen’s nipples began to harden under Bugs playful pinching.
“Are you fellas gonna talk all day about my tits or get busy gettin’ me nekkid?”
Sarge tossed his handcuffs to Bugs, who slipped them onto Doreen’s wrists and locked them with a quick snap.
“We gotcha now, big girl.” Bugs grinned.
“Watcha gonna do with me?”
The sergeant stepped forward and with one hand took Doreen by the chin, before planting a kiss on her lips. Sliding one hand down to her breasts, he grabbed her by the crotch with his other hand.
Meanwhile, Bugs unzipped her skirt from behind and it slid to the ground around her feet.
“Look, Sarge,” Bugs dropped his head admiringly. He looked over the frilly red lace panties, garter and natural colored thigh stockings that adorned Doreen’s curvaceous figure.
“Damn, Doreen!” The sergeant nodded his head with approval. “That’s some fine ass gear you got on.”
Sarge took Doreen by the hand and led her down the hall of the trailer to her bedroom, as Bugs, with his hands on her hips, followed in the back.
The two strong policemen gently tossed her on the bed.
Doreen, her hands handcuffed behind her, lay on her back and spread her legs. “I guess I’m y’all’s prisoner.”
“Yep, right you are.” Sarge chuckled.
Sarge grabbed Doreen’s panties by the elastic band on her right side while Bugs snatched them at the elastic on her other side. They slid the panties off. Bugs took the panties and dropped them on the sergeant’s head.
“There ya go Sarge.” Bugs grinned and giggled.
Grabbing the red panties off the top of his head, the sergeant gave Bugs a very stern look. Bugs immediately dropped his head in submission and looked away.
“Well?” Her bare pussy exposed, Doreen lay spread eagle before the two cops.
“Oh, nice!” Bugs raised an eyebrow.
“Damn, I sho’ love a shaved beaver,” declared Sarge.
“That’s one pretty pussy, Doreen,” admired Bugs.
“Are y’all gonna stare all day?” Doreen asked, “or get your asses nekkid and do somethin’ about it?”
Suddenly, Sarge and Bugs attacked their clothes with urgent desperation. Bugs had quickly discarded his radio and shirt. His belt and gun came flying off as his black trousers fell to the ground. He spun around as he struggled to kick his shiny black leather shoes off.
Meanwhile, the sergeant, had quickly discarded his black policeman’s shirt, exposing his white sleeveless tank-style undershirt. His hairy chest peeked out the top and his upper arm tattoos showed. Sarge seemed to dance rhythmically as he searched underneath his overhung belly for his belt buckle.
Sarge finally freed the snap on his buckle. His pants dropped to the ground and as he attempted to step out of them, he tripped. Suddenly sprawled out on the floor, the sergeant sat up. “Shit!”
“Are you okay, Sarge?” Despite being handcuffed, Doreen pulled herself up into a sitting position to check on the sergeant.
“Uh, why, yeah,” Sarge moaned, “I’m fine.”
He strained, stretched, groaned, and barely reached his shoes to untie them. In his effort to get off the floor, the sergeant rolled over, his large boxer covered butt, poked upward. The material pulled so tight, forming a wide backside camel toe, that both Doreen and Bugs thought it might tear and snap. But Sarge somehow managed to get to his feet with his underwear all in one piece.
The sergeant stood there triumphantly in his boxers, tank style white undershirt and black socks. His look of victory quickly turned to disbelief.

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Raising an eyebrow in astonishment, he stared at Bugs standing next to him wearing only a leopard print Speedo bikini.
“Oh, my god!” exclaimed Sarge.
“A banana hammock,” giggled Doreen.
Bugs rolled his eyes, gesturing with the open palms of his hands. “Women like these.”
Sarge with a silly grin cornered his eyes away and whispered under his breath, “Yeah, right.”
“Uh!” grunted Bugs.
“Okay,” said the sergeant, “you never mention me falling down and I won’t ever mention those, whatever those panties are you got on.”
“They ain’t panties, Sarge,” Bugs desperately explained. “These are a men’s underwear.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Would you two quit arguing about that damned banana hammock. I wanna get some action!”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” said Sarge.
Simultaneously, Sarge and Bugs moved towards Doreen as she dropped back, spread eagle onto the bed. Colliding just in front of her spread legs, they both backed away and gave each other an annoyed look.
“Guys?” Doreen seemed a little perturbed.
“I’m going down on her first,” demanded Sarge.
Bugs shrugged in protest.
“I outrank you,” added the sergeant.
Bugs backed off enough for the sergeant to crawl on the bed between Doreen’s knees. Grabbing her by the thighs he winked at Doreen and grinned. “Besides, I got more experience at this.”
Doreen rolled her eyes.
Sarge dove in. His fingers gently spread Doreen’s pussy lips apart and his tongue lashed out. The sergeant began to softly caress her hoodie that barely hid her throbbing little clit. In a swirling motion, he teased around her hardening rosebud, then let his tongue slide down the length of her juicy pink labia.
Doreen moaned.
Sarge slid one finger between her plump pussy lips and found her warm moist tunnel of love. Doreen slightly bucked her hips upward. He then pressed another finger into her moistening twat. Doreen’s breathing got deeper and her moans grew louder.
With two fingers already in her damp beaver, the sergeant used his thumb to gently tease Doreen’s little erect clit as he still flicked at it with his warm tongue. Doreen began bucking her hips toward him in a slow rhythmic motion with an ever so slight twist.
Leaning over the bed and pulling Doreen’s arms out from under her, Bugs unlocked her handcuffs.
“That’ll let ya move around a bit.” He grinned.
Soon Sarge pressed his lips full against her and with his tongue massaging against her clit, he began to suck on it. Doreen had begun to pull and twist at her own titty nipples, her breathing ever heavier as she ground her torso from side to side, pulling the sergeant’s head with it.
Bugs stood there watching. He stuffed his hand into his leopard print bikini and began to rub his growing cock. Soon it was at full erection and he was forced to pull it from its berth in that snug fitting banana hammock. By that point, his throbbing pecker was standing at full attention, long, thick and hard.
Watching Doreen squirm and squeeze her tits as the sergeant had his face buried in her twat was more than Bugs could bear. He crawled onto the bed and over to Doreen’s head where he could push his swollen member to her lips.
Doreen eagerly grabbed Bugs’s extra large cock and pulled him even closer. Opening her mouth wide, she was able to get her lips around the monster head of the beast. She was immediately excited just thinking that she would soon have that behemoth inside her twat.
Sarge had not let up teasing, licking and sucking on Doreen’s juicy beaver. Enjoying every second of it, she tingled all over. Doreen wanted to tell the sergeant that his pussy eating skills, easily demonstrated the experience he had mentioned just a few minutes earlier. But that was impossible with a mouth full of cock.
Back on his knees next to her, Bugs let out a long slow moan, almost a gurgle, as Doreen licked, tickled and nibbled his throbbing pecker with her tongue. She grabbed him hard by the buttocks and pulled him tighter. Doreen then pushed her mouth further onto his extra big dick. In fact, Bugs watched in disbelief as he saw his tree trunk of a cock disappear into her mouth.
Sarge was too busy concentrating on performing cunnilingus on Doreen’s pussy to notice the lump appear in her throat. But it was there for sure as Doreen pumped her mouth back and forth on that enormous dong. The throat lump would appear then disappear, only to appear again, a cycle that repeated itself until Doreen had to come up for air.
As she finally gasped for air, the sergeant decided that it was time to do what he considered his trademark twat licking maneuver. He dug his fingers into the upside of Doreen’s vagina, just behind her clitoris while he thumbed her rosebud and sucked it with his tongue.
Having just sucked in a huge breath of air, Doreen was in the middle of an exhale when she felt a quiver build inside her. Soon she spasmed into an orgasm, not just an orgasm but a really deep multiple orgasm. She went cross-eyed and clenched all over. Doreen could barely scream out as her thighs tightened into a near death grip around the sergeant’s head and neck.
By the time her orgasm subsided enough to unclench her thighs around Sarge’s neck, he had turned blue. The sergeant rolled back, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he gasped for air and grabbed his neck. Wobbling a bit, he sat up on the edge of the bed.
‘Damn! I’m not as fast at getting my head out of the way as I used to be,’ he thought to himself.
Bugs had yanked his big goober out of Doreen’s mouth at the very instant he noticed her start to clench. If he had not, he was convinced that she might have accidentally bitten his pecker off.
Doreen’s sweaty tits lifted and dropped, her chest heaving in and out as she recovered from her orgasm. She shook her head from side to side, raising her eyes brows she sighed loudly.
“Oh, Sarge,” exclaimed Doreen, “I’d heard you were a good pussy eater, but damn, you sure ‘nuff proved it today.”
The sergeant, still dizzy from escaping the vice grip between Doreen’s thighs, grunted under his breath. “Yeah, I’ve heard that too.”
“Why I don’t I climb in ‘tween yo legs, Doreen?” Bugs was grinning from ear to ear.
Sarge looked back over his shoulder at the enormous erect pecker between Bugs’s legs.
“No way, I ain’t goin’ after that King Kong.”
“Huh?” Bugs raised his hands in protest.
“Remember, I outrank ya.” At that Sarge whipped his ass around and plopped on his knees between Doreen’s spread legs.
Showing a second wind, the sergeant jerked his boxers off, pulled himself up and pushed his hard cock against Doreen’s wet swollen pussy lips. Doreen grabbed hold of his erect weiner with one hand to help guide it in. Sarge pushed forward and his swollen penis slid into her soaking wet cunt.
“Oooh. Uhmmm, oh yes!” Doreen closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his back. Grabbing both hands full of his white undershirt, she screamed out, “Fuck me, Sarge, fuck me!”
Sarge began pumping his torso back and forth, humping away. The bed shook mightily; bedsprings squeaking and the headboard thumping against the wall. Doreen squealed louder and louder with each thrust.
A neighbor lady out walking her Chihuahua heard the squealing and thumping coming from Doreen’s trailer as she strolled by. She noticed the police car parked out front and tossed her head in disgust.
“C’mon Fifi,” she said to her little dog. “I hate for you to hear the revolting things that nasty trollop is doing.”
She and her Chihuaha walked away in a huff.
Back inside the trailer…
“Ride me cowboy! Ride me!” Doreen had her legs wrapped around Sarge, tugging at his tank top undershirt as hard as she could.
Sarge continued plugging away, his butt shaking like a jack-hammer breaking up cement. Red in the face, the sergeant was grunting and panting.
“Are you okay, Sarge?” asked Bugs as he sat at the edge of the bed watching them.
“Uh huh,” Sarge grunted, “I’m just fine kiddo, don’t ya worry ‘bout me.”
Bugs leaned over to get a closer look at something he saw on the sergeant’s butt. It was a tattoo. ‘Hmmm,’ he thought, ‘I’ll have to ask Sarge about that when he finishes.’
Sarge humped away. Doreen’s legs bounced around him and she continued moaning and screaming as loud as a Pentecostal getting happy at church revival.
“Yeah boy, ole Sarge knows how to please a woman.” Sarge almost choked and coughed but still never slowed down.
“You sure do, Sarge!” shouted Doreen. “You sure do!”
In just minute Sarge grunted hard. “I, uh, I’m gonna cum.”
“Give it to me, Sarge!”
“Oh! I’m cummin’, oh shit!” Sarge turned nearly purple in the face.
“Cum for me, baby!” Doreen was already looking forward to getting that torpedo cock Bugs had waiting for her.
Sarge coughed and came to a stop. He didn’t move for a minute and Doreen and Bugs gave each other a worried look. Just as they both turned to look Sarge in the face, he coughed again and pushed himself off Doreen.
He sat up on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, I feel damn good!”
Just then he started to fall over and Doreen caught him. Sarge shook his head, “Yeah, I’m good, I’m good.” His eyebrow twitched as he sucked in a big breath of air.
“Sarge?” Bugs had to know about the tattoo. “I noticed that tattoo on your ass. It’s a big red heart and says Trudie.”
“Ah, that bitch.” The sergeant exhaled and nodded his head, “She was my fourth wife.”
“What happened with her?” enquired Doreen, sitting cross-legged on the bed.
“Caught her fuckin’ a fireman.”
“Ewww.” Both Doreen and Bugs frowned in disgust.
“Yeah, ewww,” Sarge added.
“Well,” Bugs nodded and rubbed his thick cock which was at about three-fourths of an erection. “I reckon it’s my turn.”
“Yes it is, big guy.” A big toothy smile formed across Doreen’s face. “Bring that thing over here.”
Doreen slid over to the edge of the bed as Bugs stepped in front of her. Her hands slid underneath his crotch and softly stroked his nut sack. She gave it a lick across the sensitive head and ran her tongue down one side and up the other. That did its trick as his cock was almost immediately standing at full mast.
A few more nibbles and kisses had Bugs completely throbbing. “Oh god, Doreen, you sho' got a great tongue.”
“You know it,” she said.
“Come to mama,” Doreen slid back on the bed and spread her legs. Her pink creamy pussy lips were splayed open, inviting him to mount her.
Bugs plopped down on the bed, his knees digging into the mattress as he crawled toward her.
“How ‘bout this.” and Bugs large hands and thick arms grabbed Doreen up by the waist and spun her around onto her hands and knees.
“Wheee!” Doreen squealed as he turned her over. “Do ya want me to bark like a dog, cause I’ve done that before.”
“Nah, I just want you to yell in – deee-light.” Bugs pushed his long thick tallywhacker against her dripping pussy lips. He pressed forward and slowly pushed in as she adjusted to his massive girth.
Doreen’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she felt Bugs’s huge pecker fill her twat. She closed her eyes and moaned in ecstasy.
As Bugs began to thrust into Doreen she quivered and squealed. Her voice began to shake.
“Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Bugs! Oh, Bugs!” Doreen panted and gasped for air as she yelled. “You’re so fucking good!”
Sarge shook his head. “Oh, give me a break,” he mumbled under his breath.
The bed springs again squeaked loudly and in rhythm as the headboard banged hard against the wall. In fact,the entire mobile home seemed to shake and quake with each thrust.
Reaching down, Bugs started to grab Doreen by the hair. Puzzled he didn’t know where he should grab the large hairdo. In fact, it was spayed so stiff that her hair had not moved at all during this entire tryst.
As he ran his hand along her hair, toying with where he should grab it, Doreen yelled out, “Not the hair, that’s a new permanent.”
“I’ve heard that before.” Sitting and watching over his shoulder, Sarge was again mumbling under his breath.
“Uh, okay.” Bugs quickly pulled his hand away from her head and gripped Doreen by the sides of her hips.
Relentlessly, he continued plowing her soaking cunt from behind. Sweat beaded up on his forehead, chest and back, glistening in the reflective sunlight shining through the window. Doreen’s body shook and her large titties bounced with each heaving thrust.
“Oh god, Bugs!” Doreen tossed her head back and growled like a ravaged tigress. “You got the biggest pecker in the county.”
Sarge rolled his eyes.
Minutes passed as Bugs pumped away like the Energizer Bunny; going and going. Cunt juice oozed down Doreen’s inner thighs and her lips quivered as she moaned ever louder.
Between Doreen’s shouting, Bugs’s grunting, the squeaky bed springs, the headboard thumping the wall and the loud country music, it was really loud in there. In fact, the decibel level in that big aluminum trailer was like an indoor rock concert. Sarge found himself getting a headache from it all.
Having already shot his load, the sergeant found himself impatiently hoping that Bugs would hurry and finish so they could leave. He kept eyeing them from his sitting position, annoyed the younger Bugs hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down.
Five minutes later, Sarge was wondering if Bugs endless pounding of Doreen from the rear would ever end. Just then he heard the tone of Bugs’s grunts change. Sarge turned toward them.
Bugs suddenly went tight, his muscles tensed. “Ooh! Oh! Oh, fuck!”
“Give it to me Bugs!” Doreen realized that Bugs was cumming. “Come to mama!”
Finally, Bugs had shot his load. He exploded into Doreen’s soaked twat and slowed his pace down until he stopped. Doreen collapsed on her face. She lay prostate on the bed. Her plump pussy lips creamy and splayed apart.
“Oh my god!” she forced out while catching her breath. “I haven’t been fucked like that in years.”
Bugs dropped to bed next to her. “Damn, I need another beer and could use a few donuts to get my strength back.”
“Goddamn, Bugs,” bellowed the sergeant, “you just barely got through fuckin’ and you want donuts?”
“Yeah, I sure could use a box.” Bugs wiped the sweat off his face. “You wanna go over to Burton’s Corner and buy some Krispy Kreme’s from the cheerleaders?”
“Ugh.” Sarge buried his face in his hands.
Just then a loud crack popped. Sarge jerked his head up.
The sergeant’s shoulder radio in the floor blasted. “Where the hell are y’all?”
Sarge jumped to his feet!
The radio cracked again. “Code 2! Code 2! Bank robbery at TriState Bank and Trust on Highway 50!”
“That’s us!” shouted the sergeant. He dropped to his knees in the floor, shuffling to grab his radio.
“We’re here, Laurie.”
“I’ve been calling y’all. Armed robbers at the bank!” Laurie’s voice sounded desperate.
“We’re on it!” The sergeant pointed at Bugs, who had just sat up on the bed.
“It’s a Code 3 now! Code 3! The robbers have left the bank.”
Bugs jumped to his feet and snatched his uniform from the floor. Like a crazy out of rhythm dance, Bugs and Sarge jumped and bounced around, jerking their uniform trousers on, their gun belts, their radios.
“Y’all gotta run!” shouted Doreen.
Trying to step into his shoes, the sergeant tripped and fell to the floor. Half dressed Bugs and naked Doreen, helped him to his feet.
The two officers scrambled down the trailer hallway with their shirts in their hands.
Across the street from Doreen’s trailer sat the neighbor lady on the porch of her mobile home. With her little Chihuahua in her lap, she was enjoying the nice sunny day. Suddenly the peace was interrupted when the door to Doreen’s trailer swung open. The lady watched in horror as two town cops came scurrying out, struggling to put their shirts on.
In shock, her mouth dropped open. Just then Sarge dropped his gun and had to stop and reholster it before he continued to button his shirt. The lady was further horrified as she saw Doreen appear in the doorway wearing only her bathrobe.
“Y’all boys be careful, ya hear!” Doreen yelled and waved.
Doreen then saw her neighbor staring at her in indignant shock. Doreen snarled back at her and then smiled and waved again at Bugs and Sarge as the engine to their police cruiser roared to life.
“Pop the blues and hit the siren!” ordered the sergeant from the passenger seat.
The siren blared and the blue lights flicked on. Bugs popped the car into gear and slammed the accelerator to the floor board. Suddenly black smoke from the spinning tires bellowed from the rear of the car. The powerful cruiser fishtailed, the spinning tires leaving curvy black marks on the asphalt in front of Doreen’s mobile home.
Bugs jerked the steering wheel hard as the car went around the first corner on two wheels, tires squalling. He gunned it as they hit the straight away that led to the entrance to the trailer park.
“Bugs, slow down before you get the intersection” shouted Sarge who was desperately trying to snap his seat belt.
Bugs, with his adrenaline pumping, didn’t heed the sergeant’s warning. Ignoring the red light at the intersection, Bugs accelerated faster. The speeding black and white cruiser, blue lights flashing, siren blaring, tore onto Highway 50 under the traffic light.
“Watch out!” the sergeant seeing a white sedan heading straight for them, threw his arms up defensively.
The sound of tires squealing, preceded by a split second, the awful crash of metal that followed.
The rear of the police cruiser spun around. The white sedan spun twice counter clockwise until it crashed against the street edge culvert. A wheel cover from the white car continued rolled down the highway until the disc rattled to a stop against the curb.
Sarge jolted awake. Not sure if he’d been out for seconds or minutes, all he could see was the big white airbag, splattered with some blood, in his face. He rubbed his face and realized he had a bloody nose.
The sergeant quickly surveyed his situation and tried opening his passenger door. The handle lifted but the door did not give way until he kicked it. The bent metal squeaked loudly as he strained to push the door open.
Staggering to his feet, Sarge saw the white sedan sitting motionless, half on the road with the front facing the cruiser and its trunk hanging over the culvert. He knew he needed to check on the occupants of the white car. That’s when he saw Bugs on his feet, wobbling in his direction.
“You okay, Bugs?”
“Just a bit dazed, Sarge.”
Nodding toward the white sedan, the sergeant said, “We better check on ‘em.”
Sarge and Bugs staggered up to the white car. Placing his hands on the roof above the back seat door for support, Sarge then stuck his head in the back seat window.
The sergeant shook his head in disbelief. He first saw the bottom of two feet from where the back seat passenger had been thrown forward head first into the front section in the collision. In the floorboard below the man’s feet were several white bank bags stained orange from exploding security dye. Orange dye was all over the inside of the car.
Bugs opened the driver’s side door. The driver, with orange dye on the back of his head, fell out onto the pavement moaning. A gun slid out of his pants pocket. Bugs kicked it away and drew his pistol. He then saw a man moaning slightly conscious in the front passenger seat with an air bag in his face. To his side, a groaning man lay face first across the console.
“Freeze!” Bugs aimed his pistol at the men. “You are under arrest!”
The sergeant still leaning against the car, pulled his radio from its holder on his chest. “Laurie, we got a Signal 4, injured parties.”
“Dispatching the EMT’s now, Sarge.” Laurie cracked over the radio. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, we’re dazed a little.” The sergeant grinned. “Apprehended the bank robbers.”
“You did?” the radio cracked again.
“Yep.” Sarge smiled and said to himself, “I love police work.”
Several other cars had stopped and a crowd of onlookers had gathered.
Wiping his face with his hand, the sergeant smelled pussy on his fingers. He immediately looked down and saw that his black police trousers were unzipped. The bottom of his white undershirt was poking through the opening and he had miss-buttoned most of his shirt.
Sarge, in a panic, looked over at Bugs holding his gun on the perpetrators. Bugs was missing one sock and somehow one of Doreen’s stockings had caught on Bugs’s belt and was hanging in the back like a tail.
He looked up and saw Captain Hopper trotting toward him.
‘Oh well, I’ll think of something,’ Sarge thought.
That all happened ten years ago…
Sarge is now a regional commander with the State Patrol and married for the sixth time.
Bugs is the town police captain.
Doreen founded a successful franchise chain of biscuit shops across the south and you may have seen her in TV commercials.
Wilbur is still a Waffle House cook but has switched to e-cigarettes.
Petey the county deputy, was elected county sheriff, but had to resign when he was the target of a TV News investigative exposé. His old lady left him. Eventually, he won the Powerball Lottery and married a Hooters Calendar Model. They moved to Beverly Hills, California.
Laurie the Dispatcher is still Laurie the Dispatcher.
The bank robbers are serving the last part of their fifteen to twenty-year sentences in the state penitentiary.
“Oh, my god!” exclaimed Sarge.
“A banana hammock,” giggled Doreen.
Bugs rolled his eyes, gesturing with the open palms of his hands. “Women like these.”
Sarge with a silly grin cornered his eyes away and whispered under his breath, “Yeah, right.”
“Uh!” grunted Bugs.
“Okay,” said the sergeant, “you never mention me falling down and I won’t ever mention those, whatever those panties are you got on.”
“They ain’t panties, Sarge,” Bugs desperately explained. “These are a men’s underwear.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Would you two quit arguing about that damned banana hammock. I wanna get some action!”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” said Sarge.
Simultaneously, Sarge and Bugs moved towards Doreen as she dropped back, spread eagle onto the bed. Colliding just in front of her spread legs, they both backed away and gave each other an annoyed look.
“Guys?” Doreen seemed a little perturbed.
“I’m going down on her first,” demanded Sarge.
Bugs shrugged in protest.
“I outrank you,” added the sergeant.
Bugs backed off enough for the sergeant to crawl on the bed between Doreen’s knees. Grabbing her by the thighs he winked at Doreen and grinned. “Besides, I got more experience at this.”
Doreen rolled her eyes.
Sarge dove in. His fingers gently spread Doreen’s pussy lips apart and his tongue lashed out. The sergeant began to softly caress her hoodie that barely hid her throbbing little clit. In a swirling motion, he teased around her hardening rosebud, then let his tongue slide down the length of her juicy pink labia.
Doreen moaned.
Sarge slid one finger between her plump pussy lips and found her warm moist tunnel of love. Doreen slightly bucked her hips upward. He then pressed another finger into her moistening twat. Doreen’s breathing got deeper and her moans grew louder.
With two fingers already in her damp beaver, the sergeant used his thumb to gently tease Doreen’s little erect clit as he still flicked at it with his warm tongue. Doreen began bucking her hips toward him in a slow rhythmic motion with an ever so slight twist.
Leaning over the bed and pulling Doreen’s arms out from under her, Bugs unlocked her handcuffs.
“That’ll let ya move around a bit.” He grinned.
Soon Sarge pressed his lips full against her and with his tongue massaging against her clit, he began to suck on it. Doreen had begun to pull and twist at her own titty nipples, her breathing ever heavier as she ground her torso from side to side, pulling the sergeant’s head with it.
Bugs stood there watching. He stuffed his hand into his leopard print bikini and began to rub his growing cock. Soon it was at full erection and he was forced to pull it from its berth in that snug fitting banana hammock. By that point, his throbbing pecker was standing at full attention, long, thick and hard.
Watching Doreen squirm and squeeze her tits as the sergeant had his face buried in her twat was more than Bugs could bear. He crawled onto the bed and over to Doreen’s head where he could push his swollen member to her lips.
Doreen eagerly grabbed Bugs’s extra large cock and pulled him even closer. Opening her mouth wide, she was able to get her lips around the monster head of the beast. She was immediately excited just thinking that she would soon have that behemoth inside her twat.
Sarge had not let up teasing, licking and sucking on Doreen’s juicy beaver. Enjoying every second of it, she tingled all over. Doreen wanted to tell the sergeant that his pussy eating skills, easily demonstrated the experience he had mentioned just a few minutes earlier. But that was impossible with a mouth full of cock.
Back on his knees next to her, Bugs let out a long slow moan, almost a gurgle, as Doreen licked, tickled and nibbled his throbbing pecker with her tongue. She grabbed him hard by the buttocks and pulled him tighter. Doreen then pushed her mouth further onto his extra big dick. In fact, Bugs watched in disbelief as he saw his tree trunk of a cock disappear into her mouth.
Sarge was too busy concentrating on performing cunnilingus on Doreen’s pussy to notice the lump appear in her throat. But it was there for sure as Doreen pumped her mouth back and forth on that enormous dong. The throat lump would appear then disappear, only to appear again, a cycle that repeated itself until Doreen had to come up for air.
As she finally gasped for air, the sergeant decided that it was time to do what he considered his trademark twat licking maneuver. He dug his fingers into the upside of Doreen’s vagina, just behind her clitoris while he thumbed her rosebud and sucked it with his tongue.
Having just sucked in a huge breath of air, Doreen was in the middle of an exhale when she felt a quiver build inside her. Soon she spasmed into an orgasm, not just an orgasm but a really deep multiple orgasm. She went cross-eyed and clenched all over. Doreen could barely scream out as her thighs tightened into a near death grip around the sergeant’s head and neck.
By the time her orgasm subsided enough to unclench her thighs around Sarge’s neck, he had turned blue. The sergeant rolled back, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he gasped for air and grabbed his neck. Wobbling a bit, he sat up on the edge of the bed.
‘Damn! I’m not as fast at getting my head out of the way as I used to be,’ he thought to himself.
Bugs had yanked his big goober out of Doreen’s mouth at the very instant he noticed her start to clench. If he had not, he was convinced that she might have accidentally bitten his pecker off.
Doreen’s sweaty tits lifted and dropped, her chest heaving in and out as she recovered from her orgasm. She shook her head from side to side, raising her eyes brows she sighed loudly.
“Oh, Sarge,” exclaimed Doreen, “I’d heard you were a good pussy eater, but damn, you sure ‘nuff proved it today.”
The sergeant, still dizzy from escaping the vice grip between Doreen’s thighs, grunted under his breath. “Yeah, I’ve heard that too.”
“Why I don’t I climb in ‘tween yo legs, Doreen?” Bugs was grinning from ear to ear.
Sarge looked back over his shoulder at the enormous erect pecker between Bugs’s legs.
“No way, I ain’t goin’ after that King Kong.”
“Huh?” Bugs raised his hands in protest.
“Remember, I outrank ya.” At that Sarge whipped his ass around and plopped on his knees between Doreen’s spread legs.
Showing a second wind, the sergeant jerked his boxers off, pulled himself up and pushed his hard cock against Doreen’s wet swollen pussy lips. Doreen grabbed hold of his erect weiner with one hand to help guide it in. Sarge pushed forward and his swollen penis slid into her soaking wet cunt.
“Oooh. Uhmmm, oh yes!” Doreen closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his back. Grabbing both hands full of his white undershirt, she screamed out, “Fuck me, Sarge, fuck me!”
Sarge began pumping his torso back and forth, humping away. The bed shook mightily; bedsprings squeaking and the headboard thumping against the wall. Doreen squealed louder and louder with each thrust.
A neighbor lady out walking her Chihuahua heard the squealing and thumping coming from Doreen’s trailer as she strolled by. She noticed the police car parked out front and tossed her head in disgust.
“C’mon Fifi,” she said to her little dog. “I hate for you to hear the revolting things that nasty trollop is doing.”
She and her Chihuaha walked away in a huff.
Back inside the trailer…
“Ride me cowboy! Ride me!” Doreen had her legs wrapped around Sarge, tugging at his tank top undershirt as hard as she could.
Sarge continued plugging away, his butt shaking like a jack-hammer breaking up cement. Red in the face, the sergeant was grunting and panting.
“Are you okay, Sarge?” asked Bugs as he sat at the edge of the bed watching them.
“Uh huh,” Sarge grunted, “I’m just fine kiddo, don’t ya worry ‘bout me.”
Bugs leaned over to get a closer look at something he saw on the sergeant’s butt. It was a tattoo. ‘Hmmm,’ he thought, ‘I’ll have to ask Sarge about that when he finishes.’
Sarge humped away. Doreen’s legs bounced around him and she continued moaning and screaming as loud as a Pentecostal getting happy at church revival.
“Yeah boy, ole Sarge knows how to please a woman.” Sarge almost choked and coughed but still never slowed down.
“You sure do, Sarge!” shouted Doreen. “You sure do!”
In just minute Sarge grunted hard. “I, uh, I’m gonna cum.”
“Give it to me, Sarge!”
“Oh! I’m cummin’, oh shit!” Sarge turned nearly purple in the face.
“Cum for me, baby!” Doreen was already looking forward to getting that torpedo cock Bugs had waiting for her.
Sarge coughed and came to a stop. He didn’t move for a minute and Doreen and Bugs gave each other a worried look. Just as they both turned to look Sarge in the face, he coughed again and pushed himself off Doreen.
He sat up on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, I feel damn good!”
Just then he started to fall over and Doreen caught him. Sarge shook his head, “Yeah, I’m good, I’m good.” His eyebrow twitched as he sucked in a big breath of air.
“Sarge?” Bugs had to know about the tattoo. “I noticed that tattoo on your ass. It’s a big red heart and says Trudie.”
“Ah, that bitch.” The sergeant exhaled and nodded his head, “She was my fourth wife.”
“What happened with her?” enquired Doreen, sitting cross-legged on the bed.
“Caught her fuckin’ a fireman.”
“Ewww.” Both Doreen and Bugs frowned in disgust.
“Yeah, ewww,” Sarge added.
“Well,” Bugs nodded and rubbed his thick cock which was at about three-fourths of an erection. “I reckon it’s my turn.”
“Yes it is, big guy.” A big toothy smile formed across Doreen’s face. “Bring that thing over here.”
Doreen slid over to the edge of the bed as Bugs stepped in front of her. Her hands slid underneath his crotch and softly stroked his nut sack. She gave it a lick across the sensitive head and ran her tongue down one side and up the other. That did its trick as his cock was almost immediately standing at full mast.
A few more nibbles and kisses had Bugs completely throbbing. “Oh god, Doreen, you sho' got a great tongue.”
“You know it,” she said.
“Come to mama,” Doreen slid back on the bed and spread her legs. Her pink creamy pussy lips were splayed open, inviting him to mount her.
Bugs plopped down on the bed, his knees digging into the mattress as he crawled toward her.
“How ‘bout this.” and Bugs large hands and thick arms grabbed Doreen up by the waist and spun her around onto her hands and knees.
“Wheee!” Doreen squealed as he turned her over. “Do ya want me to bark like a dog, cause I’ve done that before.”
“Nah, I just want you to yell in – deee-light.” Bugs pushed his long thick tallywhacker against her dripping pussy lips. He pressed forward and slowly pushed in as she adjusted to his massive girth.
Doreen’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she felt Bugs’s huge pecker fill her twat. She closed her eyes and moaned in ecstasy.
As Bugs began to thrust into Doreen she quivered and squealed. Her voice began to shake.
“Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Bugs! Oh, Bugs!” Doreen panted and gasped for air as she yelled. “You’re so fucking good!”
Sarge shook his head. “Oh, give me a break,” he mumbled under his breath.
The bed springs again squeaked loudly and in rhythm as the headboard banged hard against the wall. In fact,the entire mobile home seemed to shake and quake with each thrust.
Reaching down, Bugs started to grab Doreen by the hair. Puzzled he didn’t know where he should grab the large hairdo. In fact, it was spayed so stiff that her hair had not moved at all during this entire tryst.
As he ran his hand along her hair, toying with where he should grab it, Doreen yelled out, “Not the hair, that’s a new permanent.”
“I’ve heard that before.” Sitting and watching over his shoulder, Sarge was again mumbling under his breath.
“Uh, okay.” Bugs quickly pulled his hand away from her head and gripped Doreen by the sides of her hips.
Relentlessly, he continued plowing her soaking cunt from behind. Sweat beaded up on his forehead, chest and back, glistening in the reflective sunlight shining through the window. Doreen’s body shook and her large titties bounced with each heaving thrust.
“Oh god, Bugs!” Doreen tossed her head back and growled like a ravaged tigress. “You got the biggest pecker in the county.”
Sarge rolled his eyes.
Minutes passed as Bugs pumped away like the Energizer Bunny; going and going. Cunt juice oozed down Doreen’s inner thighs and her lips quivered as she moaned ever louder.
Between Doreen’s shouting, Bugs’s grunting, the squeaky bed springs, the headboard thumping the wall and the loud country music, it was really loud in there. In fact, the decibel level in that big aluminum trailer was like an indoor rock concert. Sarge found himself getting a headache from it all.
Having already shot his load, the sergeant found himself impatiently hoping that Bugs would hurry and finish so they could leave. He kept eyeing them from his sitting position, annoyed the younger Bugs hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down.
Five minutes later, Sarge was wondering if Bugs endless pounding of Doreen from the rear would ever end. Just then he heard the tone of Bugs’s grunts change. Sarge turned toward them.
Bugs suddenly went tight, his muscles tensed. “Ooh! Oh! Oh, fuck!”
“Give it to me Bugs!” Doreen realized that Bugs was cumming. “Come to mama!”
Finally, Bugs had shot his load. He exploded into Doreen’s soaked twat and slowed his pace down until he stopped. Doreen collapsed on her face. She lay prostate on the bed. Her plump pussy lips creamy and splayed apart.
“Oh my god!” she forced out while catching her breath. “I haven’t been fucked like that in years.”
Bugs dropped to bed next to her. “Damn, I need another beer and could use a few donuts to get my strength back.”
“Goddamn, Bugs,” bellowed the sergeant, “you just barely got through fuckin’ and you want donuts?”
“Yeah, I sure could use a box.” Bugs wiped the sweat off his face. “You wanna go over to Burton’s Corner and buy some Krispy Kreme’s from the cheerleaders?”
“Ugh.” Sarge buried his face in his hands.
Just then a loud crack popped. Sarge jerked his head up.
The sergeant’s shoulder radio in the floor blasted. “Where the hell are y’all?”
Sarge jumped to his feet!
The radio cracked again. “Code 2! Code 2! Bank robbery at TriState Bank and Trust on Highway 50!”
“That’s us!” shouted the sergeant. He dropped to his knees in the floor, shuffling to grab his radio.
“We’re here, Laurie.”
“I’ve been calling y’all. Armed robbers at the bank!” Laurie’s voice sounded desperate.
“We’re on it!” The sergeant pointed at Bugs, who had just sat up on the bed.
“It’s a Code 3 now! Code 3! The robbers have left the bank.”
Bugs jumped to his feet and snatched his uniform from the floor. Like a crazy out of rhythm dance, Bugs and Sarge jumped and bounced around, jerking their uniform trousers on, their gun belts, their radios.
“Y’all gotta run!” shouted Doreen.
Trying to step into his shoes, the sergeant tripped and fell to the floor. Half dressed Bugs and naked Doreen, helped him to his feet.
The two officers scrambled down the trailer hallway with their shirts in their hands.
Across the street from Doreen’s trailer sat the neighbor lady on the porch of her mobile home. With her little Chihuahua in her lap, she was enjoying the nice sunny day. Suddenly the peace was interrupted when the door to Doreen’s trailer swung open. The lady watched in horror as two town cops came scurrying out, struggling to put their shirts on.
In shock, her mouth dropped open. Just then Sarge dropped his gun and had to stop and reholster it before he continued to button his shirt. The lady was further horrified as she saw Doreen appear in the doorway wearing only her bathrobe.
“Y’all boys be careful, ya hear!” Doreen yelled and waved.
Doreen then saw her neighbor staring at her in indignant shock. Doreen snarled back at her and then smiled and waved again at Bugs and Sarge as the engine to their police cruiser roared to life.
“Pop the blues and hit the siren!” ordered the sergeant from the passenger seat.
The siren blared and the blue lights flicked on. Bugs popped the car into gear and slammed the accelerator to the floor board. Suddenly black smoke from the spinning tires bellowed from the rear of the car. The powerful cruiser fishtailed, the spinning tires leaving curvy black marks on the asphalt in front of Doreen’s mobile home.
Bugs jerked the steering wheel hard as the car went around the first corner on two wheels, tires squalling. He gunned it as they hit the straight away that led to the entrance to the trailer park.
“Bugs, slow down before you get the intersection” shouted Sarge who was desperately trying to snap his seat belt.
Bugs, with his adrenaline pumping, didn’t heed the sergeant’s warning. Ignoring the red light at the intersection, Bugs accelerated faster. The speeding black and white cruiser, blue lights flashing, siren blaring, tore onto Highway 50 under the traffic light.
“Watch out!” the sergeant seeing a white sedan heading straight for them, threw his arms up defensively.
The sound of tires squealing, preceded by a split second, the awful crash of metal that followed.
The rear of the police cruiser spun around. The white sedan spun twice counter clockwise until it crashed against the street edge culvert. A wheel cover from the white car continued rolled down the highway until the disc rattled to a stop against the curb.
Sarge jolted awake. Not sure if he’d been out for seconds or minutes, all he could see was the big white airbag, splattered with some blood, in his face. He rubbed his face and realized he had a bloody nose.
The sergeant quickly surveyed his situation and tried opening his passenger door. The handle lifted but the door did not give way until he kicked it. The bent metal squeaked loudly as he strained to push the door open.
Staggering to his feet, Sarge saw the white sedan sitting motionless, half on the road with the front facing the cruiser and its trunk hanging over the culvert. He knew he needed to check on the occupants of the white car. That’s when he saw Bugs on his feet, wobbling in his direction.
“You okay, Bugs?”
“Just a bit dazed, Sarge.”
Nodding toward the white sedan, the sergeant said, “We better check on ‘em.”
Sarge and Bugs staggered up to the white car. Placing his hands on the roof above the back seat door for support, Sarge then stuck his head in the back seat window.
The sergeant shook his head in disbelief. He first saw the bottom of two feet from where the back seat passenger had been thrown forward head first into the front section in the collision. In the floorboard below the man’s feet were several white bank bags stained orange from exploding security dye. Orange dye was all over the inside of the car.
Bugs opened the driver’s side door. The driver, with orange dye on the back of his head, fell out onto the pavement moaning. A gun slid out of his pants pocket. Bugs kicked it away and drew his pistol. He then saw a man moaning slightly conscious in the front passenger seat with an air bag in his face. To his side, a groaning man lay face first across the console.
“Freeze!” Bugs aimed his pistol at the men. “You are under arrest!”
The sergeant still leaning against the car, pulled his radio from its holder on his chest. “Laurie, we got a Signal 4, injured parties.”
“Dispatching the EMT’s now, Sarge.” Laurie cracked over the radio. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, we’re dazed a little.” The sergeant grinned. “Apprehended the bank robbers.”
“You did?” the radio cracked again.
“Yep.” Sarge smiled and said to himself, “I love police work.”
Several other cars had stopped and a crowd of onlookers had gathered.
Wiping his face with his hand, the sergeant smelled pussy on his fingers. He immediately looked down and saw that his black police trousers were unzipped. The bottom of his white undershirt was poking through the opening and he had miss-buttoned most of his shirt.
Sarge, in a panic, looked over at Bugs holding his gun on the perpetrators. Bugs was missing one sock and somehow one of Doreen’s stockings had caught on Bugs’s belt and was hanging in the back like a tail.
He looked up and saw Captain Hopper trotting toward him.
‘Oh well, I’ll think of something,’ Sarge thought.
That all happened ten years ago…
Sarge is now a regional commander with the State Patrol and married for the sixth time.
Bugs is the town police captain.
Doreen founded a successful franchise chain of biscuit shops across the south and you may have seen her in TV commercials.
Wilbur is still a Waffle House cook but has switched to e-cigarettes.
Petey the county deputy, was elected county sheriff, but had to resign when he was the target of a TV News investigative exposé. His old lady left him. Eventually, he won the Powerball Lottery and married a Hooters Calendar Model. They moved to Beverly Hills, California.
Laurie the Dispatcher is still Laurie the Dispatcher.
The bank robbers are serving the last part of their fifteen to twenty-year sentences in the state penitentiary.