Under the street lamps and neon signs, the streets and sidewalks glistened from the recent rain. It always seemed to have just rained around here, leaving puddles and steam coming off the hot concrete. Day or night, it was always humid. But did anyone see this place in the daylight? I don’t know. Like everyone else on this side of the bridge, I seemed to only come out at night.
There may have been a moon out that night, and if so, it was hidden behind the skyscrapers and the lights of the bright neon signs. The streets and sidewalks were bustling with activity; an endless throng of hookers, johns, pimps, and junkies. Then there were the visiting revelers from over the bridge looking for a good time — a party.
Everyone calls this side of the bridge Purgatory. Yeah, you know what that means, right out of Dante’s Divine Comedy, only I don’t see the comedy in it, not at all. I don’t think Dante thought it was funny either.
Just over the bridge is the Metro; it’s massive. But Purgatory here was never incorporated into the city limits. Purgatory is pretty big itself, at least forty city blocks deep and nothing but sin and every form of decadence you can imagine. Technically it’s under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff, but no deputies ever come here.
Purgatory is split into several gang territories, and though there are some alliances, most are enemies. But they all pay homage to one man. Yes, one man informally called the Godfather.
I heard the roar of the engine and looked through the front plate glass window. I saw it approaching. A massive red and chrome beast with brown leather saddlebags. The gorgeous Indian cruiser bike stopped in front of my store and the enormous engine went silent.
Yes, my store, Sonny’s South of the Bridge Spirits. I have, or rather had, the largest liquor, beer and wine store on both sides of the bridge.
I watched as she parked the bike and crawled off the massive beast. How did such a petite woman control that great big Indian? She took her helmet off and slung her long blonde hair from side to side. Women always do that when they take a helmet off, just like dogs always shake when they get wet, only dogs are more loyal. Dressed in tight leather boots that came above her knees, fishnet stockings and the tightest and tiniest black leather hot pants, she cat walked onto the sidewalk and in the front door of my store.
The overhead lights glistened off her bright red glossy lipstick, her eyes hidden under the darkest sunglasses. Hell, lots of people wear sunglasses at night on this side of the bridge. She popped the snaps on her black leather jacket and out popped two of the perkiest tits anyone ever saw. They were barely disguised under her lace red bra.
She approached the counter.
“Hey, Sonny.”
“Hey, Lollipop.” That wasn’t her name, but I’d always called her that.
“I haven’t seen ya in a while, Sonny.”
“I’m always here. I’ve got a small loft upstairs for sleeping, otherwise I’m down here selling the devil’s brew — hair of the dog.”
Bright headlights slowly scanned the front window. Curiously peering out the window onto the street, I saw a shiny black deuce coupe as it crawled by.
“Hector, huh?” Hector was the main muscle for The Godfather. I knew him well, hell, I taught him everything he knew. I used to be the main muscle for The Godfather.
“Yeah, he never let’s me out of his sight.”
“Lollipop – ”
She cut me off before I could finish. “You always liked calling me that didn’t ya, Sonny?”
“Yeah, Tanya. And I know if you’re here, you need something.”
“I can’t take anymore, Sonny.” Tanya dropped her head. I thought she might cry, but she had never cried before. Why would she start now?
“I gotta get out.” Her beautiful blue eyes, nearly lost in a sea of black eye shadow, pitifully stared at me.
“What makes you think I can help you with that, Lollipop?” Tanya was the queen of The Godfather’s harem; he’d never let her go. She was Purgatory’s Alpha female.
“Hell, Sonny,” she leaned over the counter toward me, “you’re the only one that can help.”
“I wouldn’t last two days and you wouldn’t either.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Sonny.” Tanya pulled out a cigarette out of her jacket pocket. That caused me to stare at her almost exposed tits. They were perfect, and I could easily see her large, dark nipples through the red lace.
Lighting the cigarette, she clicked the fancy lighter closed and drew a long drag. Turning her head toward the ceiling, Tanya blew a long plume of smoke upwards and looked out of the corner of her eye at me. I was blatantly still staring at her breasts.
“I know how you feel about me, Sonny.” She leaned back onto the counter toward me. “I’ll owe you big – I’ll be yours if you want me.”
“What makes you think I’ll be any better than Dominick.” Dominick Siegel, that’s the name of The Godfather. He is also my older brother.
“You have a heart.”
I just stared at her. Was she crazy? No, I could see it in her eyes. I could see that she was desperate. These few years with Dominick was stealing her soul. He was the devil, or close to it.
He’d climbed to top of the syndicate. I’d helped him get there. He now owned all the blue blood aristocrats on the other side of the bridge. Everyone that was someone owed him, and even those that weren’t anyone owed him, too.
Looking deeply into Tanya’s eyes, I remembered her as the sixteen year old high school cheerleader from the northern suburbs that crossed the bridge with her friends just to have a good time. Cheerleaders and football players, the All American wholesome types, where they thought they could blow off some steam and go back home.
Pretty girls come over the bridge all of the time, but none of them ever leave. No one goes home.
“Sonny,” Tanya’s eyes were pleading, “you can beat Dominick. You’re the only one that can.”
My shoulders sank and I just stared at the counter. Why did she show up asking me this? I grew up on this side of the bridge and didn’t know anything else. Why did she have to show up and jeopardize what little I had?
“My god, Sonny, you’ve saved his life. He owes you.”
I had saved his life, three times in fact. I could still feel the scar tissue in my shoulder from stopping that bullet meant for him.
“Save my life this time, Sonny.”
I lifted my head and looked at her. “Someone owes me a favor.”
“Sonny, a lot of people owe you favors.”
“That’s true, and I’ve never called in any chips yet.” I caught myself scratching my chin as I thought. “Okay, meet me at half past midnight in the alley behind Ernie’s Diner.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Oh, and tonight, don’t take that goddamn huge ass Indian,” I shook my head, “it’s loud and stands out. Anyone can follow it.”
“I gotcha.” She turned and left. I watched her ass twist as she cat walked out the door on those silvery stilettos.
The engine on the big Indian roared to life and she peeled rubber as she took off down the street, causing about a dozen cursing whores to sprint toward the sidewalks. Lollipop gave them the finger as she sped by.
Stepping outside onto the sidewalk, I took a long look in every direction. I’d grown up here and it was all I knew. Lollipop was right about how I felt about her. I’d been in love with her for a long time. She had known it for a long time. She had seen it in my eyes and I’d seen it in hers, but it was Dominick's world. He was the Godfather of Purgatory and he wanted Tanya, so he had her. She was the only person that could get me out of this hell hole.
I thought about it. Even being the Alpha female in my brother’s world would be a living hell. She’d lasted longer than any of the previous ones. And there was always another one eagerly waiting to take that spot as his number one slut.
I could easily see it from here. The center of Dominick’s empire, The Regal Siegel Grand Hotel and Casino; forty-five floors tall, covered in brightly lit neon tubing. Everything under one roof: gambling, burlesque, strippers, drugs, prostitution, blackmail and murder. It was the grand marquee of Purgatory.
It was almost one o’clock a.m.
She was late. I was standing, my back against a brick wall with the collar of my overcoat turned up, fedora pulled low, smoking a cigarette. I saw the flash of a cigarette as a shadowy figure came around a corner a block down. The narrow shoulders, cat walking steps and click of heels told me it was a woman.
She stopped at the corner of Ernie’s Diner and flipped her cigarette butt to the sidewalk. She turned her head side to side to see if she had been followed and then ducked into the alley. I grabbed her from behind. She gasped but did not scream.
“Yeah, Sonny, it’s me.”
“You got all you need?”
“There ain’t nothing from there that I want,” she replied.
She reached her arm around mine and held me tight as we eased out of the alley behind Ernie’s. Staying in the shadows, we started down the street into the domain of The Dragons, Purgatory’s Chinese gang.
“Where are we going?” Tanya asked.
“The shipping docks.” I kept looking over my shoulder. “I got us a bucket out of here.”
“The docks?” Tanya glanced around, “Why are we going this way?”
“This is the safest way. It's Dragon territory, and this is the night Dominick let’s them host the cockfights. They’ll all be inside running that.”
We made our way slowly, ducking into doorways and behind corners every time a car slowly rolled by. It was probably just some john from the other side of the bridge, looking to get his lizard drained by one of the cheap street hookers. But still, it could be some of Dominick’s thugs.
The screeching of a couple of alley cats fighting over territory brought us to a halt a couple of times, but it had been a rather uneventful stroll up to that point.
We were almost to the docks when I felt a presence; maybe it was just instinct. I had been in more scrapes than any man I ever knew, so yeah, I knew.
I whispered to Tanya, “Stand against the wall in this shadow and don’t move.”
I stepped out from the shadow, and a dark figure charged me from the corner on my right. Just as my fist cracked the guy’s skull, another figure hurled at me from the left. My left elbow met him at the nose, then I flipped him onto the concrete sidewalk. One more smack and he went limp.
I sensed that it wasn’t over yet and I was right. Just then, a really big guy stepped out from a shadow. Spinning in front of him was a pair of nunchucks. It was Hector.
“Sonny?” Hector’s booming deep voice cracked, “You shouldn’t have got involved. But you like to stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong. I wanted to take you out permanently, but the boss said to take you alive. I guess being his little brother and all.”
“Yeah, Hector,” I declared, “fuck you!”
The nunchucks came at me fast. I knew what to do, but it did hurt. It cost me a broken finger and I’m sure I bruised a couple of ribs, but before Hector realized it, I had him on his knees with the chain of the nunchucks around his neck.
“I taught you everything you know, Hector,” I grunted, “but not everything I know.”
Struggling against the nunchuck chain around his neck proved fruitless. I had crushed Hector’s trachea, and feeling him go limp, I let his lifeless body collapse onto the pavement.
“Hurry, let’s go, Lollipop, before more goons show up.”
We walked fast through the shadows as a fog hovered low over the streets of Purgatory. It got thicker the closer we got to the waterfront.
Before long, we were walking along the rugged brick street along the river. I could finally see the three quarter moon from the docks; it was low in the sky, and the large Nigerian freighter cast a long dark shadow across the brick paved dock.
I could hear the ship’s diesel engines idling, and the crew above were waiting to pull up the gang plank. Tanya and I scurried forward, where we were met by the hulking captain. In dark clothes on, with a cap pulled low and his very dark skin, he looked like a large shadow.
The captain’s thick Nigerian accent was very reassuring. “Is dat you, Sonny?”
“It’s me, Odichi.”
“You got your lady I see.”
“You was followed,” Odichi informed. “I see dem in the shadow by dat warehouse.”
“I know,” I said.
“No worry,” the captain grinned, “my men will not let dem on dis ship. You brotha’s men cannot beat my men.”
“Thanks, Odichi,” I said as I helped Tanya onto the gang plank.
“I owe you my life, Sonny,” Odichi declared, “I owe nothing to you son-ova beetch brotha — oh, I didn’t mean dat da way it–”
Laughing, I cut him off, “No prob, she was a bitch. A real mean bitch.”
Finally onboard, the captain and first mate walked Tanya and I down one of the metal corridors to the guest cabin.
"You be safe here, we ‘bout to pull away now.”
Suddenly the distinct sound of AK-47 fire rang out. I darted to the porthole and saw some of Dominick’s men charging the gangplank as it was lifted. Odichi’s men, well armed with AK-47s, had cut them down.
We quickly felt a jolt accompanied by a loud boom, and I saw that the ship was pulling away from the dock. Still peering through the porthole, I saw a long black limousine speeding around the warehouse corner and stop on the dock where the ship had been moored. Several men with guns poured out, including my brother, Dominick. Helpless, they angrily stared as the ship slowly slid further out into the channel.
A knocking at the door drew my attention away from the porthole.
“Is me, Odichi.”
I opened the door, as Tanya sat on the bunk.
“Permit me please,” Odichi said, “I have brought some tings you may can use — clothes, extra tooth brushes — supplies you need. Soap ’n towels in da shower, you see. I know is late, but we start early, breakfast at seven sharp in da mess. See you den.”
“Thanks, Odichi,” I said, taking the items from him and laying them on a metal table extended from the wall.
“What are these straps attached to the bunk for?” Tanya asked as she sat looking up at me.
“Rough seas, you have to strap yourself into the bunk so you don’t roll off.”
Her eyes widened and she nodded.
I looked at my finger. I had broken fingers before; in fact my crooked fingers had quite a history. It would be sore as hell for a while.
As I started to look at Tanya, I thought back to the innocent sixteen year old cheerleader that had crossed the bridge. Was this the escape she had always wanted? I’d seen her work her way up the only way a woman could in Dominick’s criminal machine. The best looking girls worked their way up as strippers and burlesque dancers. Dominick also used them as the high class prostitutes he used to blackmail the politicians and other rich and powerful men that made the mistake of crossing the bridge to satisfy their lusts. The other, lesser girls, ended up working the streets or the many massage parlors.
Tanya had proven right away to be a huge draw as a stripper, even a marquee name. She was the most gorgeous chick in Purgatory. Dominick soon had big plans for her, and it didn’t take that long for her to move into his personal harem. That meant under my guard. I’d fallen for her quickly back then. But let’s face it, I’d been under his spell as much as she was.
Tanya had seen it in my eyes, and she knew the feelings I had for her. She’d seen it in the way I touched her when I’d help her in and out of the limo. Likewise, I’d seen the same in her eyes. But we were helpless to do anything about, as certain death for one of us would’ve resulted. I figured it would be her, so I left it alone and I quit working for Dominick.
There may have been a moon out that night, and if so, it was hidden behind the skyscrapers and the lights of the bright neon signs. The streets and sidewalks were bustling with activity; an endless throng of hookers, johns, pimps, and junkies. Then there were the visiting revelers from over the bridge looking for a good time — a party.
Everyone calls this side of the bridge Purgatory. Yeah, you know what that means, right out of Dante’s Divine Comedy, only I don’t see the comedy in it, not at all. I don’t think Dante thought it was funny either.
Just over the bridge is the Metro; it’s massive. But Purgatory here was never incorporated into the city limits. Purgatory is pretty big itself, at least forty city blocks deep and nothing but sin and every form of decadence you can imagine. Technically it’s under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff, but no deputies ever come here.
Purgatory is split into several gang territories, and though there are some alliances, most are enemies. But they all pay homage to one man. Yes, one man informally called the Godfather.
I heard the roar of the engine and looked through the front plate glass window. I saw it approaching. A massive red and chrome beast with brown leather saddlebags. The gorgeous Indian cruiser bike stopped in front of my store and the enormous engine went silent.
Yes, my store, Sonny’s South of the Bridge Spirits. I have, or rather had, the largest liquor, beer and wine store on both sides of the bridge.
I watched as she parked the bike and crawled off the massive beast. How did such a petite woman control that great big Indian? She took her helmet off and slung her long blonde hair from side to side. Women always do that when they take a helmet off, just like dogs always shake when they get wet, only dogs are more loyal. Dressed in tight leather boots that came above her knees, fishnet stockings and the tightest and tiniest black leather hot pants, she cat walked onto the sidewalk and in the front door of my store.
The overhead lights glistened off her bright red glossy lipstick, her eyes hidden under the darkest sunglasses. Hell, lots of people wear sunglasses at night on this side of the bridge. She popped the snaps on her black leather jacket and out popped two of the perkiest tits anyone ever saw. They were barely disguised under her lace red bra.
She approached the counter.
“Hey, Sonny.”
“Hey, Lollipop.” That wasn’t her name, but I’d always called her that.
“I haven’t seen ya in a while, Sonny.”
“I’m always here. I’ve got a small loft upstairs for sleeping, otherwise I’m down here selling the devil’s brew — hair of the dog.”
Bright headlights slowly scanned the front window. Curiously peering out the window onto the street, I saw a shiny black deuce coupe as it crawled by.
“Hector, huh?” Hector was the main muscle for The Godfather. I knew him well, hell, I taught him everything he knew. I used to be the main muscle for The Godfather.
“Yeah, he never let’s me out of his sight.”
“Lollipop – ”
She cut me off before I could finish. “You always liked calling me that didn’t ya, Sonny?”
“Yeah, Tanya. And I know if you’re here, you need something.”
“I can’t take anymore, Sonny.” Tanya dropped her head. I thought she might cry, but she had never cried before. Why would she start now?
“I gotta get out.” Her beautiful blue eyes, nearly lost in a sea of black eye shadow, pitifully stared at me.
“What makes you think I can help you with that, Lollipop?” Tanya was the queen of The Godfather’s harem; he’d never let her go. She was Purgatory’s Alpha female.
“Hell, Sonny,” she leaned over the counter toward me, “you’re the only one that can help.”
“I wouldn’t last two days and you wouldn’t either.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Sonny.” Tanya pulled out a cigarette out of her jacket pocket. That caused me to stare at her almost exposed tits. They were perfect, and I could easily see her large, dark nipples through the red lace.
Lighting the cigarette, she clicked the fancy lighter closed and drew a long drag. Turning her head toward the ceiling, Tanya blew a long plume of smoke upwards and looked out of the corner of her eye at me. I was blatantly still staring at her breasts.
“I know how you feel about me, Sonny.” She leaned back onto the counter toward me. “I’ll owe you big – I’ll be yours if you want me.”
“What makes you think I’ll be any better than Dominick.” Dominick Siegel, that’s the name of The Godfather. He is also my older brother.
“You have a heart.”
I just stared at her. Was she crazy? No, I could see it in her eyes. I could see that she was desperate. These few years with Dominick was stealing her soul. He was the devil, or close to it.
He’d climbed to top of the syndicate. I’d helped him get there. He now owned all the blue blood aristocrats on the other side of the bridge. Everyone that was someone owed him, and even those that weren’t anyone owed him, too.
Looking deeply into Tanya’s eyes, I remembered her as the sixteen year old high school cheerleader from the northern suburbs that crossed the bridge with her friends just to have a good time. Cheerleaders and football players, the All American wholesome types, where they thought they could blow off some steam and go back home.
Pretty girls come over the bridge all of the time, but none of them ever leave. No one goes home.
“Sonny,” Tanya’s eyes were pleading, “you can beat Dominick. You’re the only one that can.”
My shoulders sank and I just stared at the counter. Why did she show up asking me this? I grew up on this side of the bridge and didn’t know anything else. Why did she have to show up and jeopardize what little I had?
“My god, Sonny, you’ve saved his life. He owes you.”
I had saved his life, three times in fact. I could still feel the scar tissue in my shoulder from stopping that bullet meant for him.
“Save my life this time, Sonny.”
I lifted my head and looked at her. “Someone owes me a favor.”
“Sonny, a lot of people owe you favors.”
“That’s true, and I’ve never called in any chips yet.” I caught myself scratching my chin as I thought. “Okay, meet me at half past midnight in the alley behind Ernie’s Diner.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Oh, and tonight, don’t take that goddamn huge ass Indian,” I shook my head, “it’s loud and stands out. Anyone can follow it.”
“I gotcha.” She turned and left. I watched her ass twist as she cat walked out the door on those silvery stilettos.
The engine on the big Indian roared to life and she peeled rubber as she took off down the street, causing about a dozen cursing whores to sprint toward the sidewalks. Lollipop gave them the finger as she sped by.
Stepping outside onto the sidewalk, I took a long look in every direction. I’d grown up here and it was all I knew. Lollipop was right about how I felt about her. I’d been in love with her for a long time. She had known it for a long time. She had seen it in my eyes and I’d seen it in hers, but it was Dominick's world. He was the Godfather of Purgatory and he wanted Tanya, so he had her. She was the only person that could get me out of this hell hole.
I thought about it. Even being the Alpha female in my brother’s world would be a living hell. She’d lasted longer than any of the previous ones. And there was always another one eagerly waiting to take that spot as his number one slut.
I could easily see it from here. The center of Dominick’s empire, The Regal Siegel Grand Hotel and Casino; forty-five floors tall, covered in brightly lit neon tubing. Everything under one roof: gambling, burlesque, strippers, drugs, prostitution, blackmail and murder. It was the grand marquee of Purgatory.
It was almost one o’clock a.m.
She was late. I was standing, my back against a brick wall with the collar of my overcoat turned up, fedora pulled low, smoking a cigarette. I saw the flash of a cigarette as a shadowy figure came around a corner a block down. The narrow shoulders, cat walking steps and click of heels told me it was a woman.
She stopped at the corner of Ernie’s Diner and flipped her cigarette butt to the sidewalk. She turned her head side to side to see if she had been followed and then ducked into the alley. I grabbed her from behind. She gasped but did not scream.
“Yeah, Sonny, it’s me.”
“You got all you need?”
“There ain’t nothing from there that I want,” she replied.
She reached her arm around mine and held me tight as we eased out of the alley behind Ernie’s. Staying in the shadows, we started down the street into the domain of The Dragons, Purgatory’s Chinese gang.
“Where are we going?” Tanya asked.
“The shipping docks.” I kept looking over my shoulder. “I got us a bucket out of here.”
“The docks?” Tanya glanced around, “Why are we going this way?”
“This is the safest way. It's Dragon territory, and this is the night Dominick let’s them host the cockfights. They’ll all be inside running that.”
We made our way slowly, ducking into doorways and behind corners every time a car slowly rolled by. It was probably just some john from the other side of the bridge, looking to get his lizard drained by one of the cheap street hookers. But still, it could be some of Dominick’s thugs.
The screeching of a couple of alley cats fighting over territory brought us to a halt a couple of times, but it had been a rather uneventful stroll up to that point.
We were almost to the docks when I felt a presence; maybe it was just instinct. I had been in more scrapes than any man I ever knew, so yeah, I knew.
I whispered to Tanya, “Stand against the wall in this shadow and don’t move.”
I stepped out from the shadow, and a dark figure charged me from the corner on my right. Just as my fist cracked the guy’s skull, another figure hurled at me from the left. My left elbow met him at the nose, then I flipped him onto the concrete sidewalk. One more smack and he went limp.
I sensed that it wasn’t over yet and I was right. Just then, a really big guy stepped out from a shadow. Spinning in front of him was a pair of nunchucks. It was Hector.
“Sonny?” Hector’s booming deep voice cracked, “You shouldn’t have got involved. But you like to stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong. I wanted to take you out permanently, but the boss said to take you alive. I guess being his little brother and all.”
“Yeah, Hector,” I declared, “fuck you!”
The nunchucks came at me fast. I knew what to do, but it did hurt. It cost me a broken finger and I’m sure I bruised a couple of ribs, but before Hector realized it, I had him on his knees with the chain of the nunchucks around his neck.
“I taught you everything you know, Hector,” I grunted, “but not everything I know.”
Struggling against the nunchuck chain around his neck proved fruitless. I had crushed Hector’s trachea, and feeling him go limp, I let his lifeless body collapse onto the pavement.
“Hurry, let’s go, Lollipop, before more goons show up.”
We walked fast through the shadows as a fog hovered low over the streets of Purgatory. It got thicker the closer we got to the waterfront.
Before long, we were walking along the rugged brick street along the river. I could finally see the three quarter moon from the docks; it was low in the sky, and the large Nigerian freighter cast a long dark shadow across the brick paved dock.
I could hear the ship’s diesel engines idling, and the crew above were waiting to pull up the gang plank. Tanya and I scurried forward, where we were met by the hulking captain. In dark clothes on, with a cap pulled low and his very dark skin, he looked like a large shadow.
The captain’s thick Nigerian accent was very reassuring. “Is dat you, Sonny?”
“It’s me, Odichi.”
“You got your lady I see.”
“You was followed,” Odichi informed. “I see dem in the shadow by dat warehouse.”
“I know,” I said.
“No worry,” the captain grinned, “my men will not let dem on dis ship. You brotha’s men cannot beat my men.”
“Thanks, Odichi,” I said as I helped Tanya onto the gang plank.
“I owe you my life, Sonny,” Odichi declared, “I owe nothing to you son-ova beetch brotha — oh, I didn’t mean dat da way it–”
Laughing, I cut him off, “No prob, she was a bitch. A real mean bitch.”
Finally onboard, the captain and first mate walked Tanya and I down one of the metal corridors to the guest cabin.
"You be safe here, we ‘bout to pull away now.”
Suddenly the distinct sound of AK-47 fire rang out. I darted to the porthole and saw some of Dominick’s men charging the gangplank as it was lifted. Odichi’s men, well armed with AK-47s, had cut them down.
We quickly felt a jolt accompanied by a loud boom, and I saw that the ship was pulling away from the dock. Still peering through the porthole, I saw a long black limousine speeding around the warehouse corner and stop on the dock where the ship had been moored. Several men with guns poured out, including my brother, Dominick. Helpless, they angrily stared as the ship slowly slid further out into the channel.
A knocking at the door drew my attention away from the porthole.
“Is me, Odichi.”
I opened the door, as Tanya sat on the bunk.
“Permit me please,” Odichi said, “I have brought some tings you may can use — clothes, extra tooth brushes — supplies you need. Soap ’n towels in da shower, you see. I know is late, but we start early, breakfast at seven sharp in da mess. See you den.”
“Thanks, Odichi,” I said, taking the items from him and laying them on a metal table extended from the wall.
“What are these straps attached to the bunk for?” Tanya asked as she sat looking up at me.
“Rough seas, you have to strap yourself into the bunk so you don’t roll off.”
Her eyes widened and she nodded.
I looked at my finger. I had broken fingers before; in fact my crooked fingers had quite a history. It would be sore as hell for a while.
As I started to look at Tanya, I thought back to the innocent sixteen year old cheerleader that had crossed the bridge. Was this the escape she had always wanted? I’d seen her work her way up the only way a woman could in Dominick’s criminal machine. The best looking girls worked their way up as strippers and burlesque dancers. Dominick also used them as the high class prostitutes he used to blackmail the politicians and other rich and powerful men that made the mistake of crossing the bridge to satisfy their lusts. The other, lesser girls, ended up working the streets or the many massage parlors.
Tanya had proven right away to be a huge draw as a stripper, even a marquee name. She was the most gorgeous chick in Purgatory. Dominick soon had big plans for her, and it didn’t take that long for her to move into his personal harem. That meant under my guard. I’d fallen for her quickly back then. But let’s face it, I’d been under his spell as much as she was.
Tanya had seen it in my eyes, and she knew the feelings I had for her. She’d seen it in the way I touched her when I’d help her in and out of the limo. Likewise, I’d seen the same in her eyes. But we were helpless to do anything about, as certain death for one of us would’ve resulted. I figured it would be her, so I left it alone and I quit working for Dominick.

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No one had quit working for him before, not and stayed alive that is.
Not knowing the why, Dominick let me go, and even allowed me the liquor store. Yeah, I was his little brother, though not so little. I had the only business in Purgatory that didn’t pay The Godfather a weekly cut. I wasn’t happy and yet I wasn’t unhappy. There were plenty of sluts to be had, but that just satisfied a temporary lust. Then Lollipop showed up that night. Things can change quickly.
“Sonny?” Tanya took my hand, the one that wasn’t hurting. “I really meant it when I said I’d be yours. It’s something I’ve dreamed about a long time.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking about it.”
“Thinking about it? Hell! I’m here right now.” She stood up and pulled me to her. “After all this time, take me. Take me right now, goddammit! I’m tired of waiting.”
I pulled her tight to me and grabbed a fist full of her hair from the back of her head. She buried her mouth against mine. Her warm, wet tongue pressed into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around hers. I could barely breath.
We stood there kissing for what felt like an hour, but it was only a couple of minutes. Her fingers fumbled against my chest, unbuttoning my shirt until it was undone and she tugged it off my shoulders. I pulled off my undershirt and tossed it on the table.
Tanya clawed into my chest. “You’re hard as a rock.”
She kissed my chest then dug her teeth and fingernails into my skin. “I want to taste you. I want to taste every bit of you.”
I shrugged, “Go ahead.”
She smiled.
I started to unbutton Tanya’s shirt. My hands fumbled badly, having that broken finger. “Fuck it,” I said and ripped her blouse open. She had on that red lace bra from earlier.
“Yeah, fuck it, I said.” I reached behind her and yanked the bra off in one almost violent jerk.
“That was my only blouse and bra.” She laughed.
“Sorry ‘bout that.”
“You can buy me a new one.”
“I’ll buy you all the bras and blouses you want.”
“Oh yeah, big guy,” she said as she started to blow in my ear, “where ya going to get the money now that you don’t have your store.”
I laughed. “For starters, I’ve got a fortune in a Grand Cayman account.”
Quickly drawing her fist back, Tanya punched me hard in the chest, “The hell you say?”
Embracing my face, she began kissing me passionately.
Yeah, I know chicks like men that can take care of them. I can do that.
Tanya slowly ran her wet tongue down my chest and back up. I softly squeezed her perky tits and began pinching her nipples; they were quickly getting erect and very hard.
“I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you!” she exclaimed.
“Damn right, you are,” I answered.
We both collapsed onto the bunk, her tearing at the front of my trousers, me pulling at her skirt. She soon had my boxers off. That left her being the only one with anything on, that being her panties.
Tanya laid back on the bed and smiled seductively at me with her legs apart, fanning one leg in and out. Reaching over to her, I clenched her bikini panties with my good hand and violently ripped them off her in one easy yank. Her jaw shot open into a silly grin.
“Do you plan on tearing my undies off me all the time?”
“That’s pretty much my plan,” I smiled.
Pantyless with her legs spread open, my eyes were drawn to her wet glistening pussy lips. Dark pink and swollen, they seemed to beckon me. So I dove onto the bunk between her legs. Pushing my arms underneath her, I wrapped them around her thighs and gently pulled her soaking cunt lips apart.
I probed her twat with my tongue, teasing it. I slid my tongue between her soft labia from top to bottom and up again, flicking it at her clit that had peeked out from its hood as it became aroused. My tongue circled her little clit and I gently sucked it, causing her to quiver all over and exhale a long slow moan.
Her musky aroma and taste aroused my senses. I could feel my cock, as it had swollen and began to throb. I buried my face harder into her crotch, inhaling her delicious aroma as much as possible.
I had wanted to taste this woman for such a long time, feel her in my arms, and ravish her in every way.
I pushed into her more and lifted her ass off the bunk, her thighs wrapped in my arms, her cunt shoved into my face. I wanted Tanya to feel my strength, my muscular power, my ability to dominate and protect.
As my tongue licked, flicked, teased and made love to her clit, I felt her fingers as they clenched my head, digging their way through my hair as she stroked me. Her moans grew louder and her gasps for air almost sounded desperate.
“Oh my god, Sonny!” Tanya’s words were barely audible as she panted them out. “Oh, my god!”
Her legs splayed wider apart, almost limp and helpless as I held her torso off of the bunk, her upper back still lying on the mattress. She floated on my shoulders as I performed the cunnilingus on her I’d dreamed about so often, for so long.
Licking, tasting and sniffing her intoxicating smell almost held me mesmerized. But I could easily feel how hot her skin was and the beads of sweat that had by then slathered her tight, soft buttocks. Her nectar, that salty, sweet, musky cunt juice, was running down my chin, dripping down the corners of her crotch.
The longer I licked her, the more I could feel her thighs clench. I could see her stomach muscles tighten, exhibiting the six-pack tummy that held her perfectly curved, yet firm, physique together. Tanya’s lips trembled, and her voice shook. Her titties heaved as she gasped deeply, groping for air, mixing in moans and cries of pleasure.
“Oh yes! Oh fuck! Yes! Oh Sonny!”
I felt Tanya clench even tighter, her entire body almost rigid in my grasp.
“Ooh! Oooh! Grrr… Fuuu… uuck!”
Thighs squeezed against my neck! Tanya’s feet kicked against my back. Her torso pushed hard against my face, twisted one way then the other. Her inaudible moans screeched and echoed around the room.
Finally, “Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” Her shrill scream announced her orgasm to anyone not below deck.
“Stop, Sonny! Stop!”
I already had, but still held her up on my shoulders. Her body still tensing and climaxing, I slowly lowered her sweaty butt to the bunk. Tanya rolled from one side to the other, pressing the inside of her forearm against her slippery wet vulva.
I enjoyed the show.
Maybe two minutes, possibly three passed. She lay mostly still, occasionally moaning, but more like the purr of a cat.
I waited for a response.
“Yes, Tanya?”
“I’m going to do something you’ll love.” Despite the fact that her eyes were still closed, a sweet smile formed on her lips.
“I look forward to finding out what that is.” I crawled further up on the bunk and sat with my back against the steel wall.
Rolling over onto her hands and knees, Tanya crawled over to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned in to kiss me. My mouth opened to allow her probing tongue. Then she pulled her tongue out and licked my face and chin. Slowly, sensuously, she licked her pussy juice off my face, tasting herself on me.
“On your hands and knees.” Her voice was commanding, as she eyed me intently.
Beginning to get over onto my hands and knees on the bunk mattress, Tanya pointed toward the wall. “Face that way, away from me.”
I shrugged and grinned. “Okay.” Then turned around, my face to the wall, my butt to her face. What was she up to?
Smack! She slapped my ass cheek hard. “Spread those legs apart, big guy.”
I did as she said and immediately sensed her eyes on me.
“Damn, Sonny!” Tanya’s fingers slid down the length of my cock that was no longer totally erect. Her touch though, sent it growing to full attention again. “You are the bigger brother in every way.”
“So I’ve been told.”
I felt Tanya’s fingers slowly start stroking up and down the length of my shaft, as I kept my position on my hands and knees. Her touch felt wonderful. I have to say it was quite masterful.
Then, much to my surprise, Tanya pressed her face hard between my ass cheeks. Her warm wet tongue pushed firmly against my asshole.
I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled when I felt her tongue slide from my asshole down to my balls, back to my asshole, upward and back down.
Then, and there is only one way to describe it, Tanya motorboated my ass. Her tongue dug in, her face going from one side to another, as she shook her head between my crack. Loudly, she slurped and moaned, she even grunted. Tanya motorboated from side to side, then top to bottom, her tongue licking, probing, lapping all the way.
It hit me. I remembered my prick of a brother, Dominick, telling me that Tanya could rusty trombone better than any chick in Purgatory. He was an ass, but he never lied about stuff like that.
While Tanya’s face and tongue continued working over my rear crevice, her hand expertly stroked my ever throbbing cock. It all felt so good that a few times, I thought I might collapse onto the mattress.
Still playing me like a trombone, Tanya never seemed to tire. The few times I felt like I might blow my load, she knew it beforehand. Her strokes slowed down, she even pulled her face from between my cheeks and smacked my ass real hard. The slap reverberated around the room. Then she clenched my cock at the base, choking off the potential orgasm. I remember well an expensive French whore doing that to me once in Paris.
It seemed to go on forever; Tanya just kept me going, despite me getting weak in the knees. My body was drenched in sweat. I desperately wanted to cum.
Tanya jerked her face from between my ass again and slapped it hard. I couldn’t see it, but I’m sure her hand imprint lasted several minutes.
“I want you to fuck my brains out, Sonny!”
I nodded and turned around. I could barely whisper. “Yeah, yeah, that sounds good.”
Tanya lurched at me; throwing her arms around my neck, she buried her tongue into my mouth. I had to let go of any squeamishness about the fact that she had just been frenching my asshole. It was too late to worry about that.
Tanya pushed me back onto the bed and planted herself on me cowgirl style.
“I thought you wanted ME to fuck YOUR brains out?” I asked.
“Just follow my lead, Sonny,” she ordered, “I’m the expert.”
“Right.” What else could I say at that point?
My cock pulsed as I felt her juicy twat squeeze down on it, slowly engulfing me as she slid her torso downward.
Tanya reached behind her and cupped my nuts. “Balls deep!” She grinned mischievously.
Yes, she had just taken me balls deep.
“You feel great,” she said looking deep into my eyes.
“I’m glad.” I was thinking the same about her.
“You’re thick AND long.”
“Oh, that,” I gulped, “yeah.”
“I’m staking my claim on you, Sonny.”
I could barely breath. “Yeah, I’m good with that.” What the hell is she going to do to me now?
She began grinding back and forth. I’m absolutely sure my eyes rolled back in my head.
Pinching both my facial cheeks, Tanya said, “You’re so damn cute.”
“I’ve never been told I was cute before.” Well, I hadn’t.
With every grinding slide, Tanya’s cunt took my cock for a slippery ride. Tight and squishy, it felt marvelous. No doubt, she’d been taught well; she’d been trained and she had become the master. This woman sure could fuck!
As I watched her slide back and forth, up and down on me, I was loving watching her. Her tits bounced and heaved, sweat drops slinging off them onto me, onto her, onto the bunk and onto the wall. Tanya moaned and screamed, she even growled, and I’d always thought growling while fucking was my domain. I guess not.
I’d looked at her bouncing tits long enough; I grabbed them. I squeezed them and tweaked those nipples of hers. They were rock hard and very noticeably erect.
“Squeeze my tits hard, Sonny!”
I squeezed them harder.
“Harder, Sonny! Pinch my nips and slap my titties!”
So I did. I squeezed her tits hard, pinched her nipples mercilessly and then slapped her hooters.
“Fuck, yes! Sonny! Yes! Again!”
So I found myself squeezing the hell out of her big firm tits, pinching her nipples hard and slapping those breasts as she continued riding me like a thoroughbred race horse.
“Now, Sonny,” Tanya yelled out, “put your finger in my ass!”
If that’s what she wanted, that’s what she would get. I licked the forefinger on my good hand and reached around behind her, as she slid on me. “I’ve got thick fingers, ya know.”
“Do it, Sonny. I’ll love it.”
I shoved my forefinger into her tight asshole. It sure wasn’t the first time I’d had a finger up a chick’s asshole. I searched around until I found the spot that made her purr. She let me know that was it.
“Oh god, yes, Sonny, right there,” Tanya slung her head back and forth, her hair swinging wildly. “Oh yes, I love it!”
“You’re a tiger, babe.” It came out more as a grunt than anything else.
Tanya giggled, “That’s right, Sonny, I’m your tiger.”
An orgasm was trying to build in my balls. I’d been trying to hold it off, but knew I wouldn’t last much longer.
“Lollipop, I’m going to bust a nut soon.”
“Give me two more minutes, Sonny, and I’ll cum with you.” Her voice was shaky, as she panted for air.
‘Two minutes,’ I thought, ‘c’mon now, let’s last two more minutes, just two more minutes.’
I strained my brain to concentrate. My goal was to last two more minutes.
I knew that would be hard to do. I kept using my finger deep inside her asshole, pressing behind her pussy. Then I pressed my other hand against her clit hoodie as she was still humping on top of me.
“Ohhh, grrrrr… god, yes!” she groaned.
I couldn’t last any longer. My nuts were building up a massive explosion. The fire from the rocket was burning and sparking on the launching pad. It was time for lift off and I couldn’t stop it.
“Can’t last, Lollipop,” I grunted.
“Ooohhh do it, do it, Sonny!” Tanya yelled, “I’m, oh fuck, I’m cuuu…”
Slam! Tanya slammed both her fists into my chest. Her body squirmed. Her head twisted and slung so much, I thought she was about to go all Exorcist on me and do a 180 degree neck rotation. My Lollipop was cumming!
Oh yeah, and I was cumming, too. My balls may have bounced and danced, I don’t know, but I could sure feel that explosion shoot all through my scrotum.
“Mmmmm…” was all that I could muster orally.
Meanwhile Tanya’s fingernails had dug into my chest. It felt like more than just my skin. Damn!
“Uuuuu… fuck!” she screamed. Her fingernails ripped their way across my chest.
I felt my cock empty into her hot, wet, juicy snatch. Several deep heavy squirts gushed out of me. Tanya then collapsed onto me. Her sweaty tits squeezed against my wet chest, and she buried her face into my neck. One of her arms wrapped around me, and I placed my around her; we were one big, juicy cuddle.
Her heavy breath brushed against my neck.
“Damn, Lollipop,” I whispered, “that was fucking awesome.”
“Of course it was,” she answered, “'cause it was me.”
“Oh by the way, Sonny,“ she asked, “where the fuck are we going on this big bucket?”
I smiled and chuckled. “Buenos Aires, Lollipop, we’re on the way to Buenos Aires.”
“Do you know someone there?” she asked.
“Yeah, babes, in fact I do.” I reached over to the side table for a cigarette and lighter. “Someone there owes me a real big favor, a huge favor. They owe me their life, and they are very rich and powerful down there.”
“Light me a cig too, Sonny.” Tanya nodded. “Who’d that be?”
Lighting two cigarettes at once in my mouth, I handed one to Tanya. I took a big draw and exhaled several smoke rings then grinned.
“My other brother.”
Her eyes shot open with astonishment. “Another brother?”
“Yep, Lollipop, between me and Dominick. You ain’t the first person I helped escape from Purgatory.”
Tanya shook her head in amazement and drew a long drag on her cigarette. She exhaled and looked at me, then poked my pecker.
“Is that big guy ready for round two?” she smiled. “Time for me to show you my deep throat skills… and I’ll need a good ass fucking before breakfast.”
There will be more Devil’s Harem stories to come… different characters, different time periods, different settings. The Devil’s Harem is all around, it’s always been, and it will always be.
Not knowing the why, Dominick let me go, and even allowed me the liquor store. Yeah, I was his little brother, though not so little. I had the only business in Purgatory that didn’t pay The Godfather a weekly cut. I wasn’t happy and yet I wasn’t unhappy. There were plenty of sluts to be had, but that just satisfied a temporary lust. Then Lollipop showed up that night. Things can change quickly.
“Sonny?” Tanya took my hand, the one that wasn’t hurting. “I really meant it when I said I’d be yours. It’s something I’ve dreamed about a long time.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking about it.”
“Thinking about it? Hell! I’m here right now.” She stood up and pulled me to her. “After all this time, take me. Take me right now, goddammit! I’m tired of waiting.”
I pulled her tight to me and grabbed a fist full of her hair from the back of her head. She buried her mouth against mine. Her warm, wet tongue pressed into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around hers. I could barely breath.
We stood there kissing for what felt like an hour, but it was only a couple of minutes. Her fingers fumbled against my chest, unbuttoning my shirt until it was undone and she tugged it off my shoulders. I pulled off my undershirt and tossed it on the table.
Tanya clawed into my chest. “You’re hard as a rock.”
She kissed my chest then dug her teeth and fingernails into my skin. “I want to taste you. I want to taste every bit of you.”
I shrugged, “Go ahead.”
She smiled.
I started to unbutton Tanya’s shirt. My hands fumbled badly, having that broken finger. “Fuck it,” I said and ripped her blouse open. She had on that red lace bra from earlier.
“Yeah, fuck it, I said.” I reached behind her and yanked the bra off in one almost violent jerk.
“That was my only blouse and bra.” She laughed.
“Sorry ‘bout that.”
“You can buy me a new one.”
“I’ll buy you all the bras and blouses you want.”
“Oh yeah, big guy,” she said as she started to blow in my ear, “where ya going to get the money now that you don’t have your store.”
I laughed. “For starters, I’ve got a fortune in a Grand Cayman account.”
Quickly drawing her fist back, Tanya punched me hard in the chest, “The hell you say?”
Embracing my face, she began kissing me passionately.
Yeah, I know chicks like men that can take care of them. I can do that.
Tanya slowly ran her wet tongue down my chest and back up. I softly squeezed her perky tits and began pinching her nipples; they were quickly getting erect and very hard.
“I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you!” she exclaimed.
“Damn right, you are,” I answered.
We both collapsed onto the bunk, her tearing at the front of my trousers, me pulling at her skirt. She soon had my boxers off. That left her being the only one with anything on, that being her panties.
Tanya laid back on the bed and smiled seductively at me with her legs apart, fanning one leg in and out. Reaching over to her, I clenched her bikini panties with my good hand and violently ripped them off her in one easy yank. Her jaw shot open into a silly grin.
“Do you plan on tearing my undies off me all the time?”
“That’s pretty much my plan,” I smiled.
Pantyless with her legs spread open, my eyes were drawn to her wet glistening pussy lips. Dark pink and swollen, they seemed to beckon me. So I dove onto the bunk between her legs. Pushing my arms underneath her, I wrapped them around her thighs and gently pulled her soaking cunt lips apart.
I probed her twat with my tongue, teasing it. I slid my tongue between her soft labia from top to bottom and up again, flicking it at her clit that had peeked out from its hood as it became aroused. My tongue circled her little clit and I gently sucked it, causing her to quiver all over and exhale a long slow moan.
Her musky aroma and taste aroused my senses. I could feel my cock, as it had swollen and began to throb. I buried my face harder into her crotch, inhaling her delicious aroma as much as possible.
I had wanted to taste this woman for such a long time, feel her in my arms, and ravish her in every way.
I pushed into her more and lifted her ass off the bunk, her thighs wrapped in my arms, her cunt shoved into my face. I wanted Tanya to feel my strength, my muscular power, my ability to dominate and protect.
As my tongue licked, flicked, teased and made love to her clit, I felt her fingers as they clenched my head, digging their way through my hair as she stroked me. Her moans grew louder and her gasps for air almost sounded desperate.
“Oh my god, Sonny!” Tanya’s words were barely audible as she panted them out. “Oh, my god!”
Her legs splayed wider apart, almost limp and helpless as I held her torso off of the bunk, her upper back still lying on the mattress. She floated on my shoulders as I performed the cunnilingus on her I’d dreamed about so often, for so long.
Licking, tasting and sniffing her intoxicating smell almost held me mesmerized. But I could easily feel how hot her skin was and the beads of sweat that had by then slathered her tight, soft buttocks. Her nectar, that salty, sweet, musky cunt juice, was running down my chin, dripping down the corners of her crotch.
The longer I licked her, the more I could feel her thighs clench. I could see her stomach muscles tighten, exhibiting the six-pack tummy that held her perfectly curved, yet firm, physique together. Tanya’s lips trembled, and her voice shook. Her titties heaved as she gasped deeply, groping for air, mixing in moans and cries of pleasure.
“Oh yes! Oh fuck! Yes! Oh Sonny!”
I felt Tanya clench even tighter, her entire body almost rigid in my grasp.
“Ooh! Oooh! Grrr… Fuuu… uuck!”
Thighs squeezed against my neck! Tanya’s feet kicked against my back. Her torso pushed hard against my face, twisted one way then the other. Her inaudible moans screeched and echoed around the room.
Finally, “Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” Her shrill scream announced her orgasm to anyone not below deck.
“Stop, Sonny! Stop!”
I already had, but still held her up on my shoulders. Her body still tensing and climaxing, I slowly lowered her sweaty butt to the bunk. Tanya rolled from one side to the other, pressing the inside of her forearm against her slippery wet vulva.
I enjoyed the show.
Maybe two minutes, possibly three passed. She lay mostly still, occasionally moaning, but more like the purr of a cat.
I waited for a response.
“Yes, Tanya?”
“I’m going to do something you’ll love.” Despite the fact that her eyes were still closed, a sweet smile formed on her lips.
“I look forward to finding out what that is.” I crawled further up on the bunk and sat with my back against the steel wall.
Rolling over onto her hands and knees, Tanya crawled over to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned in to kiss me. My mouth opened to allow her probing tongue. Then she pulled her tongue out and licked my face and chin. Slowly, sensuously, she licked her pussy juice off my face, tasting herself on me.
“On your hands and knees.” Her voice was commanding, as she eyed me intently.
Beginning to get over onto my hands and knees on the bunk mattress, Tanya pointed toward the wall. “Face that way, away from me.”
I shrugged and grinned. “Okay.” Then turned around, my face to the wall, my butt to her face. What was she up to?
Smack! She slapped my ass cheek hard. “Spread those legs apart, big guy.”
I did as she said and immediately sensed her eyes on me.
“Damn, Sonny!” Tanya’s fingers slid down the length of my cock that was no longer totally erect. Her touch though, sent it growing to full attention again. “You are the bigger brother in every way.”
“So I’ve been told.”
I felt Tanya’s fingers slowly start stroking up and down the length of my shaft, as I kept my position on my hands and knees. Her touch felt wonderful. I have to say it was quite masterful.
Then, much to my surprise, Tanya pressed her face hard between my ass cheeks. Her warm wet tongue pushed firmly against my asshole.
I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled when I felt her tongue slide from my asshole down to my balls, back to my asshole, upward and back down.
Then, and there is only one way to describe it, Tanya motorboated my ass. Her tongue dug in, her face going from one side to another, as she shook her head between my crack. Loudly, she slurped and moaned, she even grunted. Tanya motorboated from side to side, then top to bottom, her tongue licking, probing, lapping all the way.
It hit me. I remembered my prick of a brother, Dominick, telling me that Tanya could rusty trombone better than any chick in Purgatory. He was an ass, but he never lied about stuff like that.
While Tanya’s face and tongue continued working over my rear crevice, her hand expertly stroked my ever throbbing cock. It all felt so good that a few times, I thought I might collapse onto the mattress.
Still playing me like a trombone, Tanya never seemed to tire. The few times I felt like I might blow my load, she knew it beforehand. Her strokes slowed down, she even pulled her face from between my cheeks and smacked my ass real hard. The slap reverberated around the room. Then she clenched my cock at the base, choking off the potential orgasm. I remember well an expensive French whore doing that to me once in Paris.
It seemed to go on forever; Tanya just kept me going, despite me getting weak in the knees. My body was drenched in sweat. I desperately wanted to cum.
Tanya jerked her face from between my ass again and slapped it hard. I couldn’t see it, but I’m sure her hand imprint lasted several minutes.
“I want you to fuck my brains out, Sonny!”
I nodded and turned around. I could barely whisper. “Yeah, yeah, that sounds good.”
Tanya lurched at me; throwing her arms around my neck, she buried her tongue into my mouth. I had to let go of any squeamishness about the fact that she had just been frenching my asshole. It was too late to worry about that.
Tanya pushed me back onto the bed and planted herself on me cowgirl style.
“I thought you wanted ME to fuck YOUR brains out?” I asked.
“Just follow my lead, Sonny,” she ordered, “I’m the expert.”
“Right.” What else could I say at that point?
My cock pulsed as I felt her juicy twat squeeze down on it, slowly engulfing me as she slid her torso downward.
Tanya reached behind her and cupped my nuts. “Balls deep!” She grinned mischievously.
Yes, she had just taken me balls deep.
“You feel great,” she said looking deep into my eyes.
“I’m glad.” I was thinking the same about her.
“You’re thick AND long.”
“Oh, that,” I gulped, “yeah.”
“I’m staking my claim on you, Sonny.”
I could barely breath. “Yeah, I’m good with that.” What the hell is she going to do to me now?
She began grinding back and forth. I’m absolutely sure my eyes rolled back in my head.
Pinching both my facial cheeks, Tanya said, “You’re so damn cute.”
“I’ve never been told I was cute before.” Well, I hadn’t.
With every grinding slide, Tanya’s cunt took my cock for a slippery ride. Tight and squishy, it felt marvelous. No doubt, she’d been taught well; she’d been trained and she had become the master. This woman sure could fuck!
As I watched her slide back and forth, up and down on me, I was loving watching her. Her tits bounced and heaved, sweat drops slinging off them onto me, onto her, onto the bunk and onto the wall. Tanya moaned and screamed, she even growled, and I’d always thought growling while fucking was my domain. I guess not.
I’d looked at her bouncing tits long enough; I grabbed them. I squeezed them and tweaked those nipples of hers. They were rock hard and very noticeably erect.
“Squeeze my tits hard, Sonny!”
I squeezed them harder.
“Harder, Sonny! Pinch my nips and slap my titties!”
So I did. I squeezed her tits hard, pinched her nipples mercilessly and then slapped her hooters.
“Fuck, yes! Sonny! Yes! Again!”
So I found myself squeezing the hell out of her big firm tits, pinching her nipples hard and slapping those breasts as she continued riding me like a thoroughbred race horse.
“Now, Sonny,” Tanya yelled out, “put your finger in my ass!”
If that’s what she wanted, that’s what she would get. I licked the forefinger on my good hand and reached around behind her, as she slid on me. “I’ve got thick fingers, ya know.”
“Do it, Sonny. I’ll love it.”
I shoved my forefinger into her tight asshole. It sure wasn’t the first time I’d had a finger up a chick’s asshole. I searched around until I found the spot that made her purr. She let me know that was it.
“Oh god, yes, Sonny, right there,” Tanya slung her head back and forth, her hair swinging wildly. “Oh yes, I love it!”
“You’re a tiger, babe.” It came out more as a grunt than anything else.
Tanya giggled, “That’s right, Sonny, I’m your tiger.”
An orgasm was trying to build in my balls. I’d been trying to hold it off, but knew I wouldn’t last much longer.
“Lollipop, I’m going to bust a nut soon.”
“Give me two more minutes, Sonny, and I’ll cum with you.” Her voice was shaky, as she panted for air.
‘Two minutes,’ I thought, ‘c’mon now, let’s last two more minutes, just two more minutes.’
I strained my brain to concentrate. My goal was to last two more minutes.
I knew that would be hard to do. I kept using my finger deep inside her asshole, pressing behind her pussy. Then I pressed my other hand against her clit hoodie as she was still humping on top of me.
“Ohhh, grrrrr… god, yes!” she groaned.
I couldn’t last any longer. My nuts were building up a massive explosion. The fire from the rocket was burning and sparking on the launching pad. It was time for lift off and I couldn’t stop it.
“Can’t last, Lollipop,” I grunted.
“Ooohhh do it, do it, Sonny!” Tanya yelled, “I’m, oh fuck, I’m cuuu…”
Slam! Tanya slammed both her fists into my chest. Her body squirmed. Her head twisted and slung so much, I thought she was about to go all Exorcist on me and do a 180 degree neck rotation. My Lollipop was cumming!
Oh yeah, and I was cumming, too. My balls may have bounced and danced, I don’t know, but I could sure feel that explosion shoot all through my scrotum.
“Mmmmm…” was all that I could muster orally.
Meanwhile Tanya’s fingernails had dug into my chest. It felt like more than just my skin. Damn!
“Uuuuu… fuck!” she screamed. Her fingernails ripped their way across my chest.
I felt my cock empty into her hot, wet, juicy snatch. Several deep heavy squirts gushed out of me. Tanya then collapsed onto me. Her sweaty tits squeezed against my wet chest, and she buried her face into my neck. One of her arms wrapped around me, and I placed my around her; we were one big, juicy cuddle.
Her heavy breath brushed against my neck.
“Damn, Lollipop,” I whispered, “that was fucking awesome.”
“Of course it was,” she answered, “'cause it was me.”
“Oh by the way, Sonny,“ she asked, “where the fuck are we going on this big bucket?”
I smiled and chuckled. “Buenos Aires, Lollipop, we’re on the way to Buenos Aires.”
“Do you know someone there?” she asked.
“Yeah, babes, in fact I do.” I reached over to the side table for a cigarette and lighter. “Someone there owes me a real big favor, a huge favor. They owe me their life, and they are very rich and powerful down there.”
“Light me a cig too, Sonny.” Tanya nodded. “Who’d that be?”
Lighting two cigarettes at once in my mouth, I handed one to Tanya. I took a big draw and exhaled several smoke rings then grinned.
“My other brother.”
Her eyes shot open with astonishment. “Another brother?”
“Yep, Lollipop, between me and Dominick. You ain’t the first person I helped escape from Purgatory.”
Tanya shook her head in amazement and drew a long drag on her cigarette. She exhaled and looked at me, then poked my pecker.
“Is that big guy ready for round two?” she smiled. “Time for me to show you my deep throat skills… and I’ll need a good ass fucking before breakfast.”
There will be more Devil’s Harem stories to come… different characters, different time periods, different settings. The Devil’s Harem is all around, it’s always been, and it will always be.
This was excellent and it's not too often I come across crime-dramas on here. I've dabbled a bit because I find the fusion of crime and erotica to be a match made in... well Heaven may not be appropriate 😈. I felt vibes of Sin City but it was far and away its own thing. Would definitely get Frank Miller's vigorous nod of approval.
I definitely will add the other Devil's Harem tales to my reading queue. Great stuff, Buz!