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"Victoria and Joe continue getting to know each other and have a sexy evening out."

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Joe, gasping in pleasure, arched his back and attempted to control his thrusts as he finally came, streams of hot cum bursting down Victoria's throat. Victoria swallowed as much as she could and started to gag, so Joe withdrew a little and finished unloading into her mouth. Cum oozed out of her mouth around his cock and dripped down the sides of her face and neck. 

In the three months since she had hopped on the back of Joe's big cruiser, a lot had changed, resulting in her on this bed, on her back, arms and legs spread-eagled and tied to the corners, her head hanging slightly over the edge of the mattress in order to receive Joe's meaty cock. A large vibrating massager rested between her legs and on her wet pussy. A blindfold was tied snugly over her eyes. 

Victoria was on the verge of coming herself, but was under strict instructions not to allow that to happen. She trembled, quivering with the built-up sexual tension, wanting to release her orgasm but also wanting to please Joe. Feeling his cum fill her mouth and throat while hearing his growls of pleasure nearly put her over the edge, but with an effort she willed herself to remain on just this side of orgasm.

In these past three months, both Victoria and Joe had learned how to artfully tease each other, building tolerance for both pleasure and the right dose of pain to the point where each of them experienced levels of lust, desire and sexual hunger they hadn't known existed. 

Victoria swallowed the rest of Joe's seed as he massaged her firm, small breasts. Joe began rolling her nipples between his fingers, slowly but steadily increasing the pressure and pulling them upwards. They stiffened. He squeezed harder, holding the pressure. The wand continued to vibrate against Victoria's clit, and she began to thrust her hips into it, wondering if she would be allowed to cum yet. Her body shook with the tension, torn between the need to cum and the desire to please Joe. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore she felt his warm breath on her ear, whispering the words she craved: “Imagine Belle, naked, kneeling between your legs with her tongue soft and hot on your pussy … cum for me Vic, cum for me, sugar.” 

And she did, releasing all of that built up energy, shaking and quivering, letting the orgasm crash through her body like the ocean crashing into shoreline cliffs in a storm. 

As they sat in bed, spent, with a glass of Shiraz for her and a stout for him, Victoria reflected on the changes that had swept through her life recently. She had been promoted to a regional manager position, resulting in more frequent travel that came with more responsibility, much better pay, and opportunities to visit beautiful places she hadn't spent much time in before. Her relationship with Joe deepened as well, and they found themselves planning exotic, sexually stimulating and risque weekends. She spent a lot more time at the fitness center and eating right, and as a result her body toned, and she gained muscle definition and a sexual confidence she had never felt before. 

She was amazed and aroused at the variety of sexual experience available to them both, and comforted by Joe's steady presence in her life. She found herself experiencing things she would never have considered doing before she met him. She thought more often about the word love, the one with a capital L. 

The two of them had planned one of those weekends coming up, and she was looking forward to getting away and spending a weekend in this new exciting world. 

A week later, on a warm Friday afternoon, Joe rolled the Valkyrie to a stop into the driveway of this small cottage in the foothills of the mountains a couple of hours away. The home sat in the middle of some acreage, with well-kept grounds and lots of trees and gardens. 

Victoria had found the place on a website that catered to a special crowd - “AirD&S”.  A little corny, sure, but it got the point across and actually had really good reviews. The site featured short term rentals that all came with a room or rooms outfitted with some level of bondage and restraint gear, ranging anywhere from fully equipped and intimidating looking dungeons to plush bedrooms with soft restraints and various accessories. She and Joe, new to this, had chosen one somewhere in the middle and were eager to see it in person. 

They decided to check out the place before unpacking.  As promised, the guest room was fabulous. The king size bed parked in the middle on the huge room, with four polished wood posts on the corners nearly reaching the ceiling. One wall was nothing but ceiling high window looking out over a wooded forest. A small wood stove sat in the corner on tile, and thick carpets and richly colored wallpaper gave the room an elegant feel.  It was lit with beautiful candled sconces and soft indirect lighting. A walk in closet held a fascinating number of risque clothes of various sizes. The large dresser had two drawers filled with various adult toys, though the website stated clearly it was guests’ responsibility to bring their own favorite toys. 

Victoria found the discreet door tucked into a corner of the closet, as described by the owners. It opened onto a set of dimly lit stairs leading down, taking a turn to the left, and then to a landing where there was another door, ornate wrought iron decorating the rich dark wood. Joe pushed it open, and they both stood there, mouths open in astonishment. 

They had read about it online, but seeing it in person was another matter entirely. The walls were plain red brick. The floor was also hand-placed unmortered and uneven stone. Sconces on the walls held candles, and one wall was stocked with whips, leather flails, ropes, chains, cuffs and more. But the large St. Andrew's cross of thick polished wooden timbers in the middle of the room was what caught their gaze. Tiny spotlights around the perimeter shone on the cross, illuminating both the wood, and the possibilities.

Victoria's pussy immediately became drenched, and her nipples stiffened, visible through her tight T-shirt. Thoughts raced through her mind and she unconsciously reached over and began fondling Joe's ass. 

Joe paused as he took in the room. Thoughts ran through his head, and he felt Victoria's hand squeezing his butt. He smiled and looked over, noticing her visible arousal. 

“What do you think, sugar?” He asked. 

She whistled softly, and a wicked grin appeared on her face. “I think,” she whispered, “that we're going to have an amazing weekend.”  She kissed him, passionately, and they both began groping each other until both were breathing heavily, their clothes disheveled. 

Finally Joe broke it off, and with a twinkle in his eyes said, “How about we go get ready for a drink at the pub? That'll give my dick a chance to deflate a little, I'd hate to walk in there with this thing already hard as a rock. I mean, we have to leave something for us to do while we're out.” 

Victoria punched him on the shoulder, exclaiming with a delighted smile, “You're terrible!” 

Later that evening, Joe and Victoria rode over to the pub they had chosen, a quiet dark place, good crowd, and found a small table tucked away in the corner. Joe wore his usual jeans and boots, but this time had on a tight white button down shirt. Victoria loved how sexy he looked in that and knew all the other ladies in the bar were eying him. As usual, he was oblivious to their glances, which she found endearing.

She had chosen, at Joe's urging, a short mini-skirt, with a cropped white tank top. She showed a lot of skin and Joe thought she was hot as hell. She was a little nervous showing that much off in public, but she couldn't deny that she was horny because of it. Her pussy was continuously moist, and her nipples hardened repeatedly. She had always been somewhat embarrassed by them because they were so big and thick when erect, in spite of the fact that her boobs were a firm B cup at best. Since meeting Joe, she was more aware of how sexy they were, and she reveled in her new-found confidence.

They ordered their drinks and sat back to scan the crowd, enjoying being out where they knew absolutely no one. Victoria's hand crept up Joe's leg, finding his cock still semi-erect under his jeans. She loved feeling around to his balls, knowing he wore one of his cock rings or straps. She squeezed his ballsack, feeling his meat twitch, and she felt her nipples stiffen again. Victoria began to lightly scrape the head off his cock through the jeans, knowing that this light sensation drove him crazy and that precum would soon soak through the denim. He squirmed and grinned. 

Suddenly, he said in a low voice, “Well would you look at that. Over there to the left, at one of the tables near the front.” 

Victoria looked up, grinning at what she was doing to his now rock hard cock and whispered, “Oohhh my goodness!! It's Belle! But I don't see her husband, I wonder where he is.”

“Maybe he's just in the restroom,” Joe offered. 

Belle was dressed in a short blue cocktail dress, showing a lot of leg and a lot of cleavage. Joe noticed she wasn't wearing the strand of pearls, and he wondered what that meant. She had a glass of wine, and Joe also noticed that there was no other drink at the table. She was alone, he and Victoria concluded. 

They decided just to observe for the time being. Victoria wanted to do the next step in their sexy evening plans. She asked, “Do you have them?” 

“Of course,” Joe replied, reaching into a pocket of his leather jacket. He flourished a deck of cards, smiling. 

“Last winner goes first,” Victoria said, shaking her head. 

Joe shuffled the deck several times, and Victoria cut it and spread the cards out in a fan on the table. Joe picked and groaned. “Three of clubs,” he said, mock woefully. 

Grinning, Victoria chose hers, crowing,”Ha! A ten!” Gloating a bit, she said, “Now you do whatever I say, no matter what!” 

“Yes I do,” Joe said, managing to grin both ruefully and excitedly at the same time. 

Belle appeared at their table just then, hugging both Joe and Victoria unabashedly. She exclaimed, “Oh my god! I haven't seen you in such a long time! I've missed you, where have you been!?”  Belle seated herself next to Victoria, and the two caught each other up one the last several months.

Belle shared that her experience with Joe and Victoria earlier had changed her. She and her husband still went out like they did, but Belle was now much more selective about the men (and women) with whom she played, and sometimes like tonight, she went out alone. She now looked much more often for dominant types, highly aroused by being submissive and used, surprised to learn that she enjoyed being used rather roughly. She would then return home to share the evidence of her wantonness and submissive slutiness with her husband who was more than willing to get off on being a cuckold. 

“Well,” Victoria said. “Joe and I are experimenting a lot more as well!” 

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“Really!!” Belle exclaimed. “Do tell!” Victoria described how in recent months she and Joe had discovered that they enjoyed both dominant as well as submissive roles. They like trading places, and they liked trying new things sexually.

Victoria continued. “So, right before you came over, we drew cards. Joe lost. Now he has to do exactly what I tell him, and if he doesn't do it, he can't cum for a week!  Aces high, we take turns, and last winner draws first. And,” she added with a wicked grin, “I've got just the thing for tonight's challenge!” Belle’s eyes widened, and Joe shook his head, wondering what she was going to make him do. And yet he knew, for a certainty, that he would enjoy it. He began to wonder, not for the first time, about his relationship with Victoria and whether Victoria thought about that as well. He liked her, a lot, and thought maybe he was falling for her.

Victoria went on. “You see that table over there with that group of women?” Joe nodded, clearing the cobwebs. Victoria said in an excited whisper, “You will go over to them and return with a hickey. You have thirty minutes from the time you get up from the table.”

As Joe considered his approach he sipped his beer. Belle teased, “You think you're up to it?” 

“Go get ‘em, Mr. Stud Muffin in boots!” added Victoria. The two women settled back to watch.  

Having planned as best he could, Joe stood and finished the rest of his beer. Victoria started the timer and grinned with anticipation. Joe walked casually up to the table, where four very pretty women in their late twenties and early thirties sat, chatting, drinking, and sizing up the crowd. They looked up at Joe as he approached, but before anyone could say a word, Joe's heel slipped on a piece of ice, and his feet flew out from under him.

He landed on his butt. “Oommph!” Joe grunted. One of the women nearest to him jumped up and knelt down beside him. The group of ladies had noticed Joe earlier, and she was eager to get closer to him. 

“Are you ok?” She asked, concern in her voice as she helped him with sitting up. Her hands felt his shoulders and arms, and she took in his muscular frame and good looks. Noticing just then that he could probably see up her short dress, she got to her feet and held out a hand. 

Joe had noticed, in spite of being a little shook up. He enjoyed getting a glimpse of her trimmed pussy, as she was not wearing any panties. He took the hand and got to his feet, steadying himself. “I think I am, thank you.” Sheepish, he added, “Well that blows my line, I'll probably never win this one.” He glanced ruefully at the table of attractive women.

The woman who helped up him made a quick decision. “Here, sit down. What do you mean by ‘probably never win’?” she asked, curious.

‘Straight to the point,’ Joe thought. He sat, grateful that they weren't just laughing at him. He took in the group. They were young, pretty, and vivacious. None of them wore a wedding band, he noticed, and all were looking at him, expectant expressions on their faces. 

‘Ok,’ he thought to himself. ‘I've already lost at least three minutes. Here goes nothing.’

Out loud, Joe said, “Well do you see those two ladies over there at that table? The one on white and the other in blue?” He asked, nodding in Victoria and Belle’s direction. “The one on the left, in the white top, has made me a dare. And if I don't finish it, I, um, well let's just say I'll have blue balls for a week.” 

A couple of the ladies blushed, but all were curious to find out what the dare was. The one who helped him, a pretty and trim brunette, said playfully, leaning into his arm, “Well don't keep us in suspense, mister!” 

“Well, um, I need to return, from this table after meeting you, with a hickey,” Joe stated, and he leaned back to gauge the reaction. 


And then the one who helped him said, “I don't think that's going to be a problem!” She looked around at her friends. “In fact, we'll do you one better. Four better, actually. Won't we, girls?” She grinned and leaned in to whisper her plan to her friends. 

Holding out her hand again, she stood and said to Joe, “Follow me,” and she winked. “We have to visit the ladies room!” And the four of them herded Joe down the hallway into the ladies room and pushed him to the back, next to the sink and counter. 

Quickly the first one unbuttoned Joe's shirt, tugged it off and tossing it on the counter. “What if someone comes in? Joe stammered. 

“Don't worry about that,” cooed another of the women. “We'll take care of it if it happens.” She then knelt down on her knees and unzipped Joe's jeans. She made a tiny gasp of delight as she pulled Joe's hardening cock out, noticing the steel cock ring around the base of Joe's shaft and balls. 

Joe thought he'd died and gone to heaven. Two of the ladies attached themselves to either side of his neck and started in on the hickies, one of them knelt behind him and started a hickey on his butt-cheek, murmuring approval of his taut booty. 

The one who was kneeling in front was blonde and curvy. He could easily see down the front of her dress, which strained to hold her magnificent breasts. She looked up at him and smiled mischievously. She began to give him a hickey on his lower belly at the base of his cock, sucking and pinching hard.

His cock strained at the confines of the steel ring. The blonde held his balls, packaged nicely by the steel ring, in her left hand and squeezed gently, rhythmically. Unable to take it anymore, she whispered urgently, announcing, “I can't take it anymore! I'm going to suck his dick!” And she did.

As she slid her lips over the tip and down his shaft, the brunette whispered back, “Don't let him cum!!” And she returned to the hickey that was beginning to develop on that side of his neck. 

Joe became lost in the sensation of not just one hot woman sucking on his body but four, and he had to concentrate so as not to cum. He wanted to save that for later, something he knew Victoria expected, and he was glad to do it.

The door opened, and two more ladies walked in, astonishment on their faces as they took in the scene. The brunette on his neck quipped, “Well, don't just stand there, come get some of this!” 

The two hesitated for just a second, and then one retorted, “What happens in the ladies' room stays in the ladies' room, doesn't it?” And with eager grins, the two joined in. One stood in front of him and started to suck on his right nipple, and the other thought for a moment. 

Then a look came across her face, and she took Joe's hand and guided it under her dress to the place where her pussy was growing warm and moist. “I want to cum, sugar, how about you help me with that little thang?” she sang in a soft southern accent. 

Surrounded by beautiful women all doing their level best to pleasure him, Joe surrendered to the sensations. Willing himself not to orgasm, he trembled. He felt himself on the verge more than once, but the blonde who was sucking his cock would sense this and stop, teasing him with her eyes instead as she worshipped his definitely throbbing veined erection. Finally, the brunette stopped, licking her lips. 

“All right, girls, that's enough. He's got to get back to his woman.” Reluctantly, the women ceased what they were doing and rearranged their disheveled clothing. 

“But I haven't cum yet!!” wailed the one who still gripped Joe's hand, working her wet engorged pussy lips. 

“Sorry darling, you'll have to get someone else to help with that,” the brunette said, grinning. She had no doubt that another lucky patron here would benefit from this later. 

Writing hastily on a napkin, the brunette handed Joe a note. “Here, give this to your lucky woman.” She smiled and kissed him gently on the lips. “Have fun!” she added, her eyes twinkling. 

Joe, composing himself and stuffing his rock hard erection down his jeans, and pulling his shirt back on, staggered out of the ladies' room, nearly running into a couple of men with surprised looks on their faces as they opened the men's room door. “Got lost,” Joe muttered, grinning. 

He headed back to where Victoria and Belle waited impatiently. “Finally!” Victoria squealed, pulling Joe down in between her and Belle. “Just barely in time. You only had a couple of minutes left! Let me see!” she demanded, and she and Belle proceeded to inspect Joe for evidence of whether or not he had met the challenge. 

She and Belle exchanged looks and exclamations of delight and surprise as they discovered the two obvious hickies on his neck. Victoria, growing extremely horny, began to feel his cock again, not surprised that he was still super hard. She asked archly, “Is that all? Or are there more around here somewhere?” 

“Oh, before I forget,” Joe remembered suddenly, “Here. This is for you.” He handed Victoria the napkin from the brunette at the other table. She read it out loud. 

“To the woman in white and the woman in blue. We left his cock hard, just for you! XXOO!!”

And Joe filled them in on the where the rest of the hickies were. Victoria shrieked with delighted laughter and raised her glass to the table of ladies, who were watching intently. They giggled and blew kisses at Joe, who blushed a deep red. 

Belle asked, “So, what's next?”

Joe answered. “We usually draw two hands. Since Victoria here won the last round, she draws first.” Looking sideways at Victoria, he leaned over and whispered in her ear. She looked at him for a moment and then nodded, smiling. 

“Belle,” Victoria said. “Would you like to draw as well? You know the rules, and we'd love to have you.”

A full minute passed as Belle thought this over, taking a few sips of her wine. Finally she said, “You know, I've been hoping for a chance to make up for what I did,” she said, glancing at Joe. “I accept, gladly.” With that, she leaned over first to Victoria and then to Joe, kissing each in turn full on the lips, her tongue probing their lips, leaving no doubt as to her desires. 

“That settles that,” said Victoria, and she placed the deck of cards on the table. Joe shuffled. Belle cut. Victoria drew first. “Oh my God,” she yelped as the ace of hearts turned over in front of her. She did a little table happy-dance. Shaking his head in disbelief, Joe nodded to Belle, ”Ladies first,” he said, “I lost last time, anyway.” 

Belle wondered if he intended a double meaning and drew a card. A nine looked up at them, neither terribly bad but not a great draw either. Taking a breath, Joe drew. 

Sighing inwardly, knowing he was in for more torture, he looked at the deuce of diamonds facing up, the last card drawn. 

Victoria grinned. “So, just to be clear, that leaves me in charge of the two of you, with Joe on the bottom. So to speak." Eyes shining, she added, “Of the totem pole, of course!” 

Rising to stand, her nipples stiff and erect under her tight white shirt, Victoria drained her wine and ordered, “Take me home, Joe. Belle, you follow and meet us there. We have an exciting night ahead of us.” 

To be continued…

Written by Joescott
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