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"A hotwife gets something unexpected"

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Joe watched the woman sitting across the pub, a mix of puzzlement and curiosity on his face. He had been there for about an hour nursing a beer while he glanced occasionally at this woman who seemed to intrigue him so much. The place was busy but not packed, and he could hear himself think, which he liked.

He also liked the shape of this woman's lush body as well as her bold gaze. But that wasn't what held his attention. Nor was it the fact that she was sitting with the man obviously a boyfriend or a husband. Neither was it the fact that she was wearing a revealing and tight dress that showed quite a bit of skin as well as ample cleavage. 

No, what puzzled him was that every time the man whispered something in her ear she would either unbutton a button or spread her legs slightly, show her panties, or she would slowly pull over part of her dress to reveal a nipple or more of her thigh. Then she would smile while looking directly into Joe's eyes. He had looked around to see if she included anyone else, but it appeared Joe was the sole beneficiary of her actions.

This had been going on for about a half an hour, and Joe's cock had been intermittently hard and then soft and then hard again and then soft. He could feel precum leaking onto his skin, and since he was going commando, wondered if it would produce a wet spot on his jeans. 

He shifted slightly in his chair and tilted his head, wondering what was going to happen next. The waitress came over, and he ordered another beer. 

He asked her, "Do you see that woman sitting over there in the red dress?"

She said, "Sure." 

Joe followed up with, "Have you seen her here before?"

The waitress leaned in so close that he could feel her whispered reply in his ear. "I sure have, and I think you're going to like what she's got in store."

'Well okay then,' he thought to himself, and he took a long swig of his porter. 

The man wore a black suit and tie, but that did not hide the tent pole in the front of his trousers that Joe now noticed. 'Hmm,' he thought. 'He's getting off on this.' The man leaned over and whispered in the woman's ear once more.  

Aside from the tiny red dress with a hem cut just above mid-thigh, Joe's knowledge of her by now was that she wore black panties, shiny black high heels, no bra, and an elegant double strand of pearls that plunged enticingly down between her breasts. He had not seen yet how far down they went. 

The man leaned back in his seat, and the woman moved her hand up his leg allowing her fingers to brush the top of the tent pole. She smirked. Joe's cock twitched. As if she sensed it, her gaze shifted to Joe's crotch.

Joe blushed. Keeping her gaze on the crotch of Joe's blue jeans, she thoroughly wet a finger, spread her legs, and slid that finger between her thighs. After what seemed like an eternity she lifted her eyes to his, smiling, and only then did Joe realize that his own hard erection was straining mightily against the denim. 

She removed her shiny finger, stood casually and strolled over to the bar next to Joe, leaning forward to give him a clean view of exactly how far down those pearls went, and, cupping Joe's face, gave him a light, lingering kiss on the lips that nearly sent a bolt of cum shooting out of his throbbing member. He could smell her now on his beard where her hand had been, and he inhaled deeply. 

A grin dimpling her pretty face, she said, "Hi, you can call me Belle."

"I'm Joe," he replied, looking into her dark brown eyes. Raising an eyebrow, he tilted his head toward the man in the black suit. In response, she simply slid between his legs and perched herself on his thigh, her breasts now inches from his lips. 

"That's what I came over here to talk with you about," she said.

He knew she could feel his erection. She placed one hand on his other thigh, so close to where the tip of his dick was trapped in his jeans leg that he felt the pressure. It twitched. She squeezed. The waitress chose that moment to come over. 

"Hi Belle," she said, "What'll it be?"

Joe figured there was only one drink for this little vixen. "Whisky. Neat," he said softly, and then moaned as her fingers squeezed his dick in approval. 

Having observed all of this close up and shaking her head with a knowing smile, the waitress patted Joe on the shoulder and sauntered off to fill the order. 

Belle asked, "See these pearls?"

"Yes. Yes I do," said Joe. 

"Well," Belle continued, "I have informed my husband over there that I am going to take them off and put them in my purse here, but only so that they stay clean. I like to take care of my pearls. But when I do that, we have a little problem," she said, a playful pout on her full red lips.

Joe smiled. "I'll bite," he said, "What then would be the problem?"

Leaning even closer, crushing her full bosoms to his neck, she whispered in his ear, "I always have to be wearing a pearl necklace." And she squeezed his dick again. 

Joe paused a beat as that sank in. He thought about things for a minute. "Well, I'll tell you what," he said, "I do like a woman in pearls. There's only one thing better than a woman in pearls, though."

Nibbling Joe's ear, Belle asked, "What's that, sugar?"

"Two women, in pearls," he replied as the waitress returned with their drinks. 

Setting them down, she noticed Joe and Belle eyeing her and, looking from one to the other, asked, "What? Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Chuckling, Joe said, "I've seen you two working together. Working me."

At the waitress' wide-eyed look of innocence, Joe said, "Don't deny it, you help Belle pick 'em, don't you?"

Sheepishly grinning, the waitress said, "Well… OK. Sometimes I do, but it's so fun!" She exclaimed mischievously.

"Well, in that case," Joe said, "I think you should get something for your effort!"

Joe had certainly noticed the waitress' taut ass and thighs under her blue jeans, her small and perfectly round breasts displayed exquisitely by her tight white T-shirt, as well as her pretty blue eyes. But he had been distracted by Belle and her red dress. 

Glancing at her name tag, Joe asked, "Is Victoria your real name?"

She nodded, and asked archly, "So what is it you think I should get?"

"I think," Joe said, "you should show us to where you have Belle usually take her victims." Pausing for just a second, Victoria turned, told another waiter that she was going on break and walked quickly to the back. Belle kept nibbling Joe's ear and pressing her full breasts up against his chest, rubbing his now aching dick. 

After a few minutes she stood, removed her necklace and dropped it into her clutch, held out her hand and led Joe around the tables to where her husband sat. As they neared his table, Belle slowed, turned her body carefully so that only her husband could see, and rubbed Joe's bulge in his jeans. Joe could see the husband's rise in excitement as well as Belle's wicked smile.

Joe thought he might as well enjoy what was clearly a game these two got off on, so as she made small talk with her husband, he too discreetly moved his hand around her hips to her lower belly and traced a finger down, down beneath her dress to her moist hot center. Joe loved seeing the husband's wide eyes follow his hand and the look on Belle's face as she gloried in her pussy being fingered by a strange man in front of her husband.

Victoria approached the trio, interrupting, and said to Belle, "Your order is ready, if you'd follow me please?"  She grinned and led the pair to the back, through the kitchen and into a small spartan office.

Belle quickly propped her phone up on a convenient shelf and turned on a video recorder, smiled, and said that she would make sure hubby got to see it all later.

Joe thought for a moment and decided how this was going to go. He said, "I think you're used to being in charge of the guys, aren't you?" It wasn't really a question. Before she could answer, he reached out, took a handful of the front of the thin fabric of her dress and pulled her roughly towards him, grabbing her ass with his other hand and pulling her into him so she could feel his shaft hard as rock under his jeans.

Her eyes wide, she squirmed and struggled a little, her face flushed. "What the...!?" She started to exclaim, but Joe simply grabbed her hair in his fist, pulled her head up and kissed her, long and hard, while kneading a lush breast with his other hand, looking into the camera. He also noticed Victoria, her back against the wall with one hand down her now-unzipped jeans, her other hand up under her shirt squeezing one of her boobs.

Belle came up for air and started to pull away again but Joe spun her around, shoved her face down onto the desk, yanked up her dress, and gave her ass a stinging slap.

"Owww!!" She squealed, her back arching, her legs spreading. She looked back at Joe, her face red, panting, her tits hanging out of her torn dress. Then she looked at the camera, eyes filled with lust and heat.

"I think you're a cumslut, aren't you Belle?" Joe said softly, while he continued to sting her ass with the palm of his hand. "I didn't hear your answer," he said. 

"Yes," she moaned, involuntarily, 'Oh yes, please... Please..." She gasped when he struck her ass so hard it left a clear handprint, and then he pulled aside her panties and dipped a finger in her dripping pussy.

'Victoria," he commanded, glancing down. Without thinking, Victoria came over and dropped to her knees.

Joe grasped her shirt and tugged it up and off over her head, freeing her small but firm tits, her nipples engorged and long, like pencil erasers.

"Unzip me and suck my dick while Belle here watches," he ordered. Victoria gently withdrew Joe's hard dick, pulled down his jeans and began to lick and suck. He could see Belle, frustrated that her friend was sucking Joe's cock while she was forced to do nothing but watch. Victoria took her time, easing her throat further and further down until her lips pressed against the base of his shaft. Gagging slightly, she withdrew, letting saliva and precum drip down her chin onto her tits, and then she began face-fucking Joe rhythmically, her throat finally relaxed.

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Joe moaned in pleasure with Victoria's eager mouth and tongue working his slick cock while Belle watched, squirming with increasing impatience. 

Belle, her face a picture of lust and desire, began to plead with Joe, not caring that her husband would hear this later. "Joe, fuck me," she moaned, her voice low and husky. "Fuck me, please!" She began to finger her pussy.

Belle wanted desperately to cum and to have Joe's cum on her, or in her; she did not care where. "Let me suck your balls while Vickie sucks your cock," she pleaded. "I'll even let you fuck me in the ass," she finally said in a low voice. That was something her husband had begged her to do for a long time but Belle had refused.

Smiling, Joe finally thought of how he was best going to take advantage of the situation. Gently he smoothed Belle's ass, lifted her to a standing position, and tugged off her dress. Belle smiled in anticipation. He gestured for her to kneel next to Victoria, and she did, her eyes focused on Joe's cock.

"You want me to fuck you?" He asked softly. 

"Yes, oh yes, please," she murmured. 

"You're going to have to earn it."

Belle flushed and frowned, confused, and he continued, "Let's find out how good you are with your hands before I let you use your mouth. I want you to stroke me and make me cum on Victoria's tits. After that, if you lick every drop off of her tits, then I'll let you go back to your hubby."

Joe continued with his instructions. "For one week, you will suck his cock every day and drink his cum. You, however, will not be allowed to fuck, or be fucked, or even touch yourself. You are not allowed to cum for one week."  

Belle began to protest, but Joe just looked at her, and she subsided. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Victoria as she listened to all of this, her breathing growing more rapid, her eyes wide, and her fingers unconsciously sliding into her thoroughly wet pussy. 

Slowly, Belle wrapped her fingers over the head of Joe's stiff dick, then dripped some saliva onto it and began to twist, slide, and stroke, slowly, then faster, lightly, then harder. Joe's eyes rolled upward in pleasure, and he moaned. Joe let his fingers gather a handful of Belle's thick dark hair and he guided her head gently but firmly closer to the shiny red head of his engorged cock.

But before her tongue could reach out, he pulled her head back, shaking his head a little. He was torturing her, and she knew it. A part of her thrilled at that knowledge because she found herself wanting him more than she'd ever wanted a man before. She felt a little ashamed at that, thinking of her husband, and she remembered that she had offered Joe her ass too if he wanted it. But, she admitted to herself, she loved it and she succumbed to the feeling.

Belle looked over at her friend. Victoria was still on her knees, her legs slightly apart and her back arched, thrusting her well-formed and taut breasts upward, nipples long and hard. Belle could feel Joe tensing, and despite being in a submissive role that was new and unfamiliar to her, it never failed to ignite her lust when she was in the driver's seat causing a man to cum. 

She felt the tingling in her lower belly and nipples, and the sweetness flood through her lower belly and pussy as she slowed her strokes, tightened her grip, and aimed his impressive, veined, throbbing manhood at her friend's trim and trembling body.

Soon enough, Joe's body clenched, and gush after gush of hot thick semen streamed from his thick meat, raining down onto Victoria's face, neck, breasts and belly. Vickie's body shook as she felt the physical impact of the thick cum on her skin. She attempted to control her own orgasm, her fingers buried deep in her swollen cunt, her cries muffled. After Joe's orgasm subsided, Victoria fell back onto the floor, spent, her legs and belly still quivering.

Joe's eyes opened, and he returned to the moment and held Belle's eyes for a moment. She had never done this next part before - have any kind of sex with a woman. In spite of her flirting and other naughty wife behavior, she had always stuck to men and blowjobs. But she really wanted to please Joe for some perverse reason she was unable to articulate, and so she lowered her head to her friend's sticky sweet-sour skin drenched in cum, and she licked.

Tentative at first, and then eagerly, she sucked and licked, scooping it into her lips with her fingers and licking her friend's skin clean. As she felt Victoria's hard erect nipples inside her mouth, Belle felt something she had never felt before. Victoria responded. Her nipples stayed hard, and her pussy ached again, wanting to cum again, and she began to writhe on the floor unable to resist the tonguing ministrations of her hot friend. She pushed Belle's head lower, towards the sticky sweetness of her swollen lips.

Belle resisted, a little, and then felt the sting of Joe's hand on her ass. Crying out as much from the surprise as from the sting, she allowed her friend to guide her face, and she then discovered what she had been missing. 

Two of Vickie's orgasms later, they lay exhausted on the floor together. Joe had already pulled his jeans and boots back on, and as he stepped toward the door, he turned back with one final instruction for Belle.

"Next Friday, I'll meet you and your husband here like we did today, same time. I'll ask you if you've been a good girl or not. If you have, I'll give you that pearl necklace. If not…" He tilted his head and left the thought unfinished.

"And," he added softly, "I'll know if you are lying. Don't lie," he said, shaking his head.  He shut the door quietly on the way out. 

One week later...

Joe, sipping an old-school pale ale, watched the woman sitting across the pub. Unlike last week, Belle was wearing a short blue mini skirt and a tight white peasant blouse with the tail ends tied snugly up under the bottoms of her beautiful breasts. 

Victoria, warm and attentive to Joe's every need, was also wearing a relatively short skirt and a tight white polo shirt. Her nipples also were hard and on full display underneath the thin fabric. 

Joe, for his part, today wore the same clothes he wore last week - comfortable blue jeans, a snug t-shirt that fit tight across his shoulders and comfortable well-worn boots. Victoria sidled up to him and whispered, "Belle is practically drooling over there. She can't wait for her pearl necklace!" 

Joe whispered back, "In that case I hope she did what she was told," smiling at Victoria. Victoria flushed a dark red at that, seeming suddenly shy, but as she turned to get him another beer, her breast brushed firmly across him, and Joe felt his cock stirring as her rock-hard nipple grazed his arm.

Looking back at Belle, he saw the man whisper into her ear, and she loosened her top so that it just barely stayed tied, her breasts now nearly free, swaying within the tiny article of clothing. She snuck her fingers into the top and pinched her nipples, one at a time until they both were rock hard, jutting out like little pointers. The man's trousers tented.

Victoria returned with his second beer, and Belle stood and walked slowly over to them after turning to give her husband an absent-minded peck on the cheek, bending over far enough to allow her skirt to ride up, briefly showing her trimmed pussy framed by her lush ass. A young guy at a nearby table did a fast double take, but she had already stood and was sashaying over to Joe and Victoria. 

Belle gave Victoria a quick hug and then turned to Joe, giving him a long, moist kiss, crushing her breasts against his arm and pressing her lower belly up against his leg. Her hand slithered up his thigh and started to creep towards his cock, which was now lengthening down his jeans. 

Joe placed his hand on hers, stopping it from moving. She stopped, a look of confusion suddenly coming over her pretty face. 

Looking into her eyes, he asked, slowly, clearly and distinctly, "So Belle. Have you been a good girl??" He waited, watching her closely. 

Belle shifted, eyes glancing away briefly towards her husband, and then she replied, "Of course, you! I've been very good!" She added, huskily.  

Joe had known the instant her eyes left his.  He merely stood up, moving her off him, and said, smiling ruefully, "I told you I'd know if you were lying."  He turned, placed some cash on the bar and headed for the door. 

Belle, for her part, at least acknowledged her misdeed by nodding, then shaking her head and smiling sadly, and she headed slowly back to hubby. 

Joe was out the door and was about to put his helmet on before stepping onto his beautifully maintained Honda Valkyrie, when he heard someone calling out. 

"Joe!! Joe, wait up!" A clear high voice called. 

He turned his head to see Victoria running across the parking lot to where his bike was parked. Breathlessly, she ran up to him, and then, looking up into his eyes shyly, she smiled and said softly, "Joe, I've been a good girl." 

Grinning broadly and looking into her sparkling blue eyes, he said, "I know," and he handed her his spare helmet, adding, Let's get out of here and go somewhere we can get to know each other better. What do you say?"

Victoria grinned and shivered, her eyes radiant and eager, her nipples also showing how eager they were to find out just exactly what it would be like to be a good girl… and a naughty girl. 

To Be Continued

Written by Joescott
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