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The Next Room

"An unlocked hotel room door leads to hot rough group sex."

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She came walking out of the restaurant, instantly noticeable in the crowd: shoulder-length blond hair with the hint of disarray, a pair of black sunglasses hiding her eyes, a business jacket, worn over a pale blouse. It hinted at an impressive set of breasts hidden from their view. Add to that a tight, short skirt over stockings, the kind of stockings with a seam up the back. You just knew she had garters under that skirt too – n cheap pantyhose for this one. A pair of black high heels put a cap on the entire ensemble.

"The scenery is much nicer this time," Fred said.

In one hand, she held a stylish briefcase. Over her shoulder, she had a leather overnight bag and her purse. Everything about her said 'expensively hot' and 'way out of your league.'

"Well, at least the company put us in a nice hotel," Rick replied. He was looking the other way. "Not like that dump in Chicago."

Rick was right. Their hotel was five-star. The three of us were standing in the lobby with our bags. We had just arrived at the hotel from the airport for a two-day sales convention. The first three floors of the hotel were open and had huge glass windows to the roof. The lobby itself was large, with trees and a fountain. On one side was a small restaurant. On the other, the elevator bank and a small gift shop.

I gave Rick a poke. When he turned, I gestured towards the woman with my head. He gave a quiet whistle at her sight.

"Definitely nicer," I agreed with them both.

The woman stopped, setting her briefcase down. She bent from the waist, not the knees, and the skirt pulled tight over an impressive ass. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a cell phone. The three of us watched her as she talked. My eyes traveled up and down her body in appreciation. I'm sure my buddies were doing the same. After a quick conversation, she put the cell phone away. Picking up her briefcase, she walked towards the elevators, boarded one, and disappeared from our sight.

"Definitely nicer," I said again.


"So that was a wasted afternoon of boring business seminars," Rick complained.

It was several hours later. We were in the elevator, heading to our hotel rooms. The elevator stopped on the twelfth floor, and we got out. It was a short walk to our rooms. I had 1212, Fred and Rick were across the hall in 1213 and 1215.

"What do you want for dinner?" Rick asked. "Sushi, maybe?"

I paused as the two of them tossed their briefcases into their rooms, then we entered mine.

"Damned," Fred exclaimed, "Hell of a view!"

The maid had opened the curtains. The sun was just going down, and the myriad of city lights was coming on. From the twelfth floor, the downtown looked magical. I tossed my briefcase on the bed and went to use the restroom.

"We had sushi in Dallas," I said through the bathroom door. "I'm thinking steak. What do you both think?"

I did not hear an answer, so I flushed, washed my hands then went out. Fred and Rick were standing next to the connecting door that led to the next room. They had my side open, and both had their ears against the door for the other side. I started to say something, but Fred put his finger to his lips for quiet and motioned me over.

"Listen to this," he whispered.

At first, I did not hear anything. Then I started to make something out. Muffled moaning? I turned slightly, and the sounds became clear. Feminine muffled moaning of the lusty kind.

Fred reached down and tried the door handle. We were all surprised when it turned.

"Oh shit," he said quietly, "it's unlocked!"

He pushed it slowly open a crack, careful not to make a sound. As it opened, the moaning became clearer. It definitely was a woman's voice. It sounded like she was having sex.

I put my eyes to the crack of the door. The other two crowded round. The room was well lit, and I could see a woman's figure on the bed. She was naked except for dark stockings with the seam up the back and a pair of black high heels. Her ass was towards us, so I could not see her face. I could see her blond shoulder-length hair, though, as well as tell she was trim and good-looking. She was on her hands and knees on the bed. Between her legs, I saw her bare pussy. She had a vibrator in it, and her hand was pushing the toy slowly in and out. She was moaning quite loudly, clearly excited.

"Fuck," Rick mouthed silently, "look at that!"

The three of us watched the woman masturbate. She slid that vibrator in and out at a pretty good pace. Sometimes she would pull it out completely, then rub it up and down between her pussy lips. We can hear a buzzing as it vibrated.

Fred opened the door slightly more. From what we could see, it appeared the woman was alone. She continued to masturbate, getting more and more excited as she did. Sometimes she took her hand away, leaving the vibrator sticking in her, and ran a finger up and down between her ass cheeks, teasing her anus. After a few times, she let one of her fingers slide into her asshole to the first joint. As she did this, the toy began to slowly slide from her pussy. She tried to remove her finger and catch the vibrator before it popped out, but she did not succeed. It slid out and dropped on the bed between her legs, still buzzing. I saw her hand reach through her spread legs, trying to find it.

Fred pushed the door soundlessly opened then and walked quickly into the room. She did not hear him enter. While she was searching, Fred walked up to the bed. He grabbed the vibrator and moved it forward until the tip was posed at her pussy. Then he pushed it in. The woman's body gave a start at the vibrator's unexpected touch and turned to look over her shoulder. I could still not see her face because Fred's body was blocking my view, but I could hear her voice.

"What...Who..." she stammered, "what are you doing?"

"Let me do that for you," Fred said as he began to stroke the vibrator in and out of her pussy.


She was clearly confused, saying he should stop, yet her body reacted to his actions. Her hips began moving back and forth, first slowly, then faster, as the vibrator excited her. It was an amazing sight for Rick and me, standing in the door unseen.

"You don't reaaalllly want me to stop," Fred asked, grinning. "Do you?"

He pushed the vibrator all the way into her and stirred it around. That caused the woman to moan loudly and drop her head to the bed.

"I don't know you. Oh god, stop," she said. "Oh god, no, don't stop."

Fred pulled the vibrator out and put it vertically between the lips of the woman's pussy. He slid it up and down, playing the tip across the top of her pussy where her clit was. She moaned deeply at this.

"Now doesn't that feel good?" he asked.

She tossed her head around, making her blond hair dance.

"Oh damned, yes!"

It sounded like the woman was close to having an orgasm. She was moaning almost constantly now. But Fred has always been a bastard. Just before she could come, he pulled the vibrator out of her and stepped back.

"God, don't stop." She said, almost pleading. "Put it back in. Fuck me."

Fred chuckled, looked back at Rick and me in the door, and nodded.

"I think you're being too loud," he said. "Maybe you need something in that mouth to keep you quiet?"

It might seem strange, but then the three of us were old college buddies from the same fraternity. We'd triple-teamed a co-ed or two while in college, so sharing wasn't a problem. I just hoped she did not freak out when she saw us. I saw her face for the first time, and I realized it was the blonde we had seen in the lobby. Her eyes were a striking blue. With her sunglasses removed, I could tell she was older than I first thought. Maybe in her late thirties. She was still gorgeous, though.

As I walked up, I noticed a laptop computer. It was on a chair pulled up next to the bed. It had one of those clip-on video cameras aimed with a view of the bed. Rick and I walked around to stand behind the computer. On the floor, next to the bed, was her overnight bag. It was open and within her reach on the bed. On top of the clothes inside, I could see several more sex toys. A couple of big dildos. An egg vibrator with a controller. A string of anal beads. Even a small riding crop.

"My friends and I heard you from next door," Fred said. He teased her with the vibrator, barely touching the tip against her pussy. "I think some hard cock is much better than cold plastic."

He pushed the vibrator back into her.

"Don't you?" he asked.

I could see her breasts from where I stood. They were impressive. Large, round and topped with stiff nipples.

"Oh yes, fuck me," she moaned in agreement. "All three of you. Fuck me, please!"

Rick immediately started taking off his clothes. I decided to wait a bit and watch the action. I knew I would be joining soon, though.

Fred pulled the vibrator out and tossed it on the bed. Reaching forward, he grabbed the bigger of the two dildos from her bag. I can see the woman had her hand on her pussy, and was masturbating with a finger. He took the dildo and slid the tip between the lips of her pussy. He pushed it around, poking her fingers, getting the toy wet with her juices.

"You're a slut, letting a stranger fuck you with a dildo, aren't you?" he asked.

He raised the dildo to her anus, teasing the little brown hole of her ass with the tip.

"A hot little slut," Fred said again, pushing the dildo into her ass. "A fucking whore."

He pushed it in until just the base was sticking out.

"That feel good, slut? Does it turn you on?"

He slapped her ass a couple of times.

"Oh yes! I'm a whore," she moaned, "I'm a slut."

"Just a worthless piece of meat to fuck?" Fred asked and slapped her ass again.

"Oh yes, god, that's me."

He grabbed the dildo and began to push it in and out of her ass. Rick stepped up and grabbed each side of her head, lifting her face towards his stiff cock. She did not hesitate, immediately opening her mouth. Her lips were a pale red, and she stretched them around Rick's cock.

"What's with the camera?" I asked.

I undid my tie and tucked it into a pocket of my jacket, then removed that as well.

"You got a boyfriend? Is he watching you fuck yourself?" I asked as Fred slapped her on the ass again. "Are you doing a bit of cybersex? Bet he's surprised to see how ready you are to let some strangers fuck his girlfriend."

I hung my jacket on the back of the chair.

"God, yes. My husband," she said as she licked Rick's cock. "He's watching right now."

"What's his name?"

"Bob, his name is Bob."

"Hi, Bob," Fred waved to the camera, from where he was fucking her ass with the dildo. "Hope you enjoy watching us abusing your wife."

"What's your name?" Rick asked her.

The woman hesitated, looking around. Rick had one hand on her head. He twisted his fingers in her hair and roughly pulled her head up to look at him. Fred chuckled behind her. He had taken his clothes off.

"I asked you what your name was bitch!" Rick asked again.

"Barb...Barbara. My name is Barbara."

He lightly slapped her cheek with his cock.

"That's not your name," he said.

I unclip the camera from the laptop. It has several feet of cord. I walk to one side and pan it over the bed and her naked body. Fred had removed the dildo from her ass and is about to stuff his cock in there instead. I could see that even with the rough treatment, she was still fingering herself rapidly.

"Tonight, your name is Fuck Meat," Rick said, slapping her face with his cock again.

I kept the camera pointed at her face, but I could see Fred pushing the head of his cock into her ass.

"Say it!" Rick ordered. "Say, my name is Fuck Meat!"

Fred, with the head of his cock now firmly in her ass, reached forward and grabbed her shoulders.

"Noooo," she moaned.

Whether her refusal was for the name or the cock in her ass, I was not sure. Maybe both.

"Say it bitch!" Rick said.

Fred shoved his hips forward, ramming his cock up her ass. He did not pause once he had it totally in but began fucking her with long deep strokes.

"Come on," I said, putting the camera right down, in front of her face. "Tell your husband what your new name is."

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Her eyes had been half-closed from excitement but went wild at my order. She looked up at me, then down at the camera.

"My name is..." she slowly stammered, "my name is Fuck Meat."

"Good girl," Rick said, then pushed his cock into her mouth. "Yeah, that's a nice little slut. Eat my cock."

The two of them double-teamed her for a few minutes while I walked around the bed with the camera. Rick and Fred had done a few girls without me, and they knew what they were doing. They got into a rhythm of both pushing forward and pulling back, at the same time. Rick held her head firmly and pushed his cock into her mouth to the root. While Fred reached under her and took her stiff nipples between his fingers, pulling on them while he fucked her ass. Little gurgling moans escaped around Rick's cock, and drool dripped down her chin. Her eyes were fluttering and barely open. Clearly, she was enjoying their actions.

"Ready for some of this?" Rick asked me.

I smiled and handed him the camera, then began to undress.

"You're in for a treat now, Fuck Meat," Rick said with a chuckle, pulling his cock from her mouth. "Wait until the 'Treetrunk' gets a hold of you. You'll shit yourself."

Like I'd said, the three of us were frat brothers from college. You do some pretty stupid things when you pledge with a fraternity. Once, we had to streak the campus cafeteria. That had been the first time we had all seen each other naked. Now I do not want to brag, since both Fred and Rick were well endowed, but there was a reason my frat brothers called me 'Treetrunk.'

Fred pulled out of her ass, got off the bed, and came around to her face. "Here, clean me off," he ordered.

Before she could say no, he had his cock, fresh from her ass, down her throat. She struggled a little, but since he had her head firmly in his hands, she could not do anything but clean his cock.

"Look at what you get to take now," Fred said, turning her head towards me. Her eyes went wide, and she mumbled protests around his cock when she saw me. He chuckled. "Eleven inches and thick as your wrists, sweetheart. Get ready to be royally fucked."

As I said, there is a reason they call me 'Treetrunk'.

While she continued to suck Fred, I walked around behind her. I climbed up on the bed between her legs. Fred had done a petty good job of fucking her ass. It still gaped open. She must be really enjoying the treatment we were putting her through because pussy juices are running down both of her legs and wetting the sheets. I decided I would get a little of that myself first.

She gave a jump when the head of my cock made contact with her pussy. Fred laughed from his end, and I could see him push his hips forward. She had no choice but to move back. This caused the lips of her pussy to part, and wrap themselves around the head of my cock. She was very wet and very warm. I put both my hands on her hips, and I let her move rearward until she was as far back as I thought she could get. Then winking at Fred, I shoved myself forward hard.

A scream of pure lust rips from her throat, muffled by Fred's cock. I got about half my length in her. I pulled her back a bit, then pushed forward again. As I slowly sunk into her, I could feel her body start to shiver, and her pussy got really wet. She was coming around my cock. I got balls deep and held it there, enjoying her pussy milking my cock as she had her orgasm. After a minute or so, I started fucking her.

It only took a couple of dozen strokes, and I was moving easily in and out. Her pussy was still tight as a glove one size small, but she had juiced so much when she had cum that I almost expected my cock to squeak as it fucked her. She had had one orgasm so far but was still highly turned on. Moans and 'oh my gods' kept coming from her mouth.

I had my hands around her waist, and I slid a thumb down the crack of her ass. I rubbed it across her gaping anus then pushed it inside of her. Pushing down, I could feel my cock through the flesh of her asshole. Taking my other hand, I slipped it under her and cupped her stomach. I could feel my cock there too, under the skin of her belly. I pressed both hands together, squeezing her around my cock. I really started stroking it in and out. Another scream of lust came out of her mouth, and she came again, twitching and bucking around my cock.

Fred had pulled his cock out of her mouth when she had cum. He was standing next to Rick. Both of them were stroking their cocks with their hands. Rick still had the camera and had it pointed towards her face.

"Time for a little face cream, Fuck Meat."

Rick grabbed the back of her head and lifted her face up.

"Open wide," he ordered.

Rick moaned, and big spurts of cum shot out the head of his cock. It hit her in the face splattering her across the forehead and down her nose. She gasped, and her mouth opened and closed. Just as Rick was finishing, Fred moaned, and stroking his cock rapidly, started coming too. His cum hit her face a little lower, dripping across her lips and into her mouth. I felt her pussy clench around my cock as she came a third time.

All this fucking was getting me close to my own orgasm. Now I liked pussy as much as the next guy. This woman seemed to be enjoying the rough pace we were putting her through too much to just waste it on a pussy shot. I gave her a few more deep strokes, then slowly pulled my cock out of her.

Rick and Fred had pulled up chairs next to the computer. As I climbed off the bed, Rick grinned. He saw I still had a hard-on.

The woman had her head hanging down. I grabbed the back of her head and lifted it, so I could look at her face. Rick and Fred must have been saving it up because there was a hell of a lot of ropy drips of cum across her face. She had a dazed look that only women brought to the edge of sexual frenzy get.

"On your back, Fuck Meat," I ordered her. "I'm gonna get a bit of that mouth."

She lay down on the bed and rolled over. I took her under each arm and pulled her forward until her neck was on the edge of the bed and her head hung over it upside down.

"Ready for a bit of face fucking, slut?" I asked, slowly stroking my cock with my hand. "I'm gonna shove this dick so far down your throat it comes out of your ass."

She gave a little shiver. From the excitement of what was to come? Or from fear?

I positioned the head of his cock between her lips. They stretched wide and almost could not reach. She struggled a bit at the pressure but did not try and get away from my cock.

"I can''s too big," she protested, "it won't fit."

I laughed a little.

"Sure it will," I said. "You're just going to have to work for it."

I started with short strokes, letting the head of my cock pop in and out of her mouth. She may have been hesitant at first, but soon I felt her tongue flicking across the head when I pulled almost out.

"How's that taste, bitch?" I asked. "That's your pussy juice on my cock."

Soon I was going deep enough I could feel a tightness around the tip of my cock. I could tell I was approaching the entrance of her throat. I put my hands around her neck and pulled her head further off the bed. I knew from experience this would line her throat up straight and make it easier for me to go deep.

"Here we go!" I said.

I pushed my hips forward, sliding my cock firmly into her mouth. I felt it hit that tightness, and I paused. She gagged, and as she did, I pushed myself forward. I felt a pop. She coughed and choked, but I kept pushing forward until my balls hit her nose. I held myself there for a moment.

"See, I told you it would fit," I laughed.

I pulled my hips back and let my cock come completely out of her mouth. She turned her head and coughed several times, gasping big gulps of air. I looked into her eyes, and there was a weird mix of lust and apprehension in them. She was clearly turned on by what I was doing to her but scared at the same time. I gave her a questioning glance, and after a moment, she nodded.

"Okay then, Fuck Meat," I told her, "prepare to suck some cock."

Putting both hands around her head, I begin to feed her my cock. This was not a blowjob. It was a porn star skull-fuck. I used her throat like I had used her pussy, ramming it again and again down her throat. Spit dribbles out of her mouth and down her face.

The outline of the head of my cock was visible in her throat each time I pushed it forward. Her neck bulged. I bet it hurt, but then she seemed to like a little pain with the pleasure. I brought one hand down to the side of her neck. When next I pushed my cock down her throat, I paused. I let my thumb rub my cock through the skin of her throat. I felt her gag at the pressure several times. It caused me to groan. The way her throat squeezed my cock each time she gagged was heaven.

I face fucked her for several minutes, calling her names and verbally abusing her. Then I pointed at the overnight bag. Fred picked up the riding crop for me. I took it and slapped her tit with the tip. It caused her body to twitch. I did it again harder. Her nipples had been erect before, now they seem to want to poke out like two little red fingers. I keep hitting her breasts and nipples as I face fuck her. Occasionally, I would also give her pussy a smack. She screamed at that. Luckily the sound was muffled by my cock, or someone might have come knocking on her hotel room door and interrupted us.

Finally, I lay the riding crop across her chest, letting it rest in the hollow above her breasts and under her neck. Her breasts were a nice shade of red from the whipping. I pulled my cock from her mouth. There was spit and cum all over her face. Her blond hair was tousled and wet. Streaks of tear-filled mascara ran from her eyes. She was breathing heavily, taking big gasps of air. Her eyes positively glowed with excitement at the rough treatment.

"Better take a big breath, Fuck Meat," I ordered. "Cause when I stick my cock back in there this time, I'm gonna keep it there until I cum!"

Rubbing my cock all over her face, I slapped her with it a couple of times. Then I put my cock back between her lips.

"And I don't care if you choke!" I promised.

I shoved my cock forward, and her eyes went wide. I picked the riding crop back up. This time, while I fucked her throat, I begin spanking her pussy with the crop. The spanking seems to bring on her orgasm. Her body began to tremble. I had guessed she had a serious masochistic streak in her, after the way she let herself be abused. I was right.

Rick had stood up and was beside me next to her head. He had the camera in one hand, and the other hand was stroking his cock. Fred had stood up too, sporting another hard-on as well. What I had been doing to the blond had gotten them both horny and ready for another pop.

With a big groan, I pulled my cock from her mouth. I then aimed it at her face. Spurt, after spurt, shot out of the tip. I'm sure she must feel like a fire hose is gushing on her. I coated her face and hair then before I finished, I shoved my spurting cock back into her mouth. I buried myself to the balls. I could see her throat working as she swallowed the last of my cum.

She was moaning, almost screaming around the invading cock as she came and came repeatedly. Rick and Fred both moaned, then they too started coming. They shot cum across her face while my cock was down her throat.

"Oh yeah, drink that cum down slut," Fred muttered as Rick caught it all with the camera.

I let my cock slide from her mouth, and for several moments we all just stood there trying to catch our breath. The woman lay there on the bed. With a finger, she slowly pushed the cum on her face into her mouth, trying to get every drop. She was exhausted but clearly satisfied.

Taking the camera from Rick, I panned it up and down her well fucked body, then turned and placed it back on the computer.

"I hope you liked watching your wife, Bob, while I turned her into a cum drinking whore," I looked directly into the camera. "You can thank me when she gets home."

I folded the laptop closed and looked at Fred and Rick.

"So, did we ever figure out what we wanted for dinner?"

Written by silenceinthedark
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