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The Legend of Dick Touché

"A hillbilly with a huge cock is recruited to make a porn audition video...lights, camera, action!"

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Competition Entry: Sexy Cam Fun
Dexter wondered in amazement at the the multitude of people he saw as he accompanied Betti Bodacious through the airport. He was feeling overwhelmed at all he had seen and experienced in the last couple of days. He wasn’t sure if this possible new life would work for him or not.

“Hey Look!” yelled a young man across the concourse at LAX, “It’s Betti Bodacious!”

Several folks watched and gawked as Betti strutted her sexy walk through the airport. The pleased half smile on her face displayed her approval at being recognized. She was even more pleased when two men stopped her to ask for autographs and get their photo standing on either side of her.

“You must be real famous Miss Bodacious,” Dexter stammered nervously.

“Just a little bit,” she answered.

“We need to hurry though,” she said, “I want you to get some sleep so you’ll be ready for your audition in the morning.”

“Yes ma’am, Miss Bodacious,” answered Dexter.

“I wish you’d just call me Betti,” she said sternly.

“If you insist,” he answered, “But I was taught to call my elders Miss, Mrs. or Mister.”

“My God!” Betti scoffed, “I’m only 33, just 33!”

Awhile later a limousine dropped Dexter Jackson and Betti Bodacious off at the hotel where they were to stay. A uniformed baggage handler loaded their bags onto a cart and accompanied them to the front desk. Miss Bodacious acquired the room cards from the desk clerk and they went to the elevator followed by the uniformed baggage guy.

“Are you a policeman or in the service?” Dexter asked the hotel baggage handler as they stepped into the elevator.

The baggage handler didn’t answer but glared angrily at Dexter, making him very uncomfortable.

“Dexter, he works for the hotel,” informed Betti.

A perplexed Dexter still didn’t understand why the man was wearing a uniform, but he did like riding the elevator. He had only days before ridden an elevator for the first time while in Nashville.

He thought Los Angeles seemed even bigger than Nashville and the air here was so smoky that it looked like something huge was on fire somewhere. He thought it smelled funny too.

“Are you planning on sampling my talents again tonight, Miss Bodacious?” asked Dexter.

The baggage guy cut his eyes at the both of them curiously.

“No, Dexter, not tonight,” she said, “We need to save your energy for the audition tomorrow morning.”

Dexter thought about how Miss Bodacious had sampled his talents over and over the previous three nights. He had been quite intrigued by Miss Bodacious and could not figure out why her breasts were so large and hard. He was truly perplexed about their inflexibility as he had never before experienced breasts that didn’t move or bounce.

She was quite a mystery to him, but she was now his agent and promised him fame and fortune if he could as she said, ‘perform on cue.’ He pondered the meaning of that and found that statement rather profound.

After having a sandwich and warm milk delivered to his room for him, Miss Bodacious tucked Dexter into bed and told him to sleep well and she would wake him up for his shower in the morning. She then left to go to her room.

Dexter found the hotel bed much harder than his feather bed in his folk’s trailer back home in eastern Tennessee. He had lived his entire life there in the Great Smokey Mountains. In fact, the only time that he had ever been out of Tennessee was when he had accompanied his Uncle Rufus to deliver some homemade corn liquor and they ended up being chased by some local sheriff’s deputies. His Uncle Rufus drove really fast to get away, and they hid out just over the state line into North Carolina for a couple of hours. Dexter remembered thinking that North Carolina didn’t look any different from Tennessee.

Sure enough, Miss Bodacious woke Dexter up the next morning. While he showered and shaved, she had pancakes, eggs and milk delivered to his room for breakfast.

“This is a big day for you, Dexter,” stated Miss Bodacious, “Your performance today can mean a highly lucrative career and quite a bit of fame.”

“Have you thought about a stage name?” she queried.

“Stage name?”

“The name we’ll call you for your movies and videos, I was thinking Peter Hungwell would be easy to remember.”

“That sounds too snooty for me.”

“Yea, you’re right, it doesn’t fit you,” she said. “Well, we’ll have to think about that.”

Betti Bodacious knew that she on to something special in this Dexter. She had worked quickly to sign him into her stable of porn talent. She knew if Dexter could be as big a hit as she hoped that her career as an agent and producer could really take off. She had just recently decided to work behind the scenes rather than in front of the camera, having been one of the top porn actresses in the business. Betti had made the decision to retire before her looks started to fade.

The week before when she received the email pictures of Dexter’s attributes, she immediately began working on locating and signing him to a multi-year contract. She gave him a rather large signing bonus, much higher than any male talent had ever received, but then again, Dexter was not like any male performer she had ever seen or worked with.

On the ride to the studio, Dexter tried to remember all of the ladies who had sampled his talents over the last four years since his sixteenth birthday. He easily remembered his high school teachers, Mrs. Mundy, Mrs. Gill, Miss Lula Maude Reynolds, and his football coach’s wife, Mrs. Sanders. It was Mrs. Mundy, who originally told him that he was just allowing them to ‘sample his talents.’ He liked that phrase.

He also remembered his cousins Gracie, Lillie, Wylene, and Hanna Leigh, and his old girlfriend, Roslyn. It was Roslyn that emailed his pictures to Betti Bodacious. Also, there were numerous girls whose names he could not remember, girls that drove over to his mountain side trailer from as far away as Memphis State University in the west, Chattanooga in the south, Duke University in the east, and a van full of sorority girls from Ohio in the north. He always did his best to oblige them and as far as he knew none had left disappointed.

Upon their arrival at the production studio Dexter and Betti were greeted at the door by a balding, late middle-aged, short, heavy man. He immediately gave Betti a hug and she kissed his cheek.

“Victor,” she said to the man, “This is Dexter Jackson from Pigeon Hollow, Tennessee.” She continued, “Dexter this is Victor Oslo, president of Vivacious Entertainment.”

“Come in, young man,” Victor said as he pressed his hand around Dexter’s arm, “Let’s go to the set and get started.”

Dexter looked around curiously. He saw two large studio cameras on rollers, stage lights, and other various equipment in front of a large sofa. Two girls dressed in tiny French maids outfits who looked to be about his age of twenty were seated nearby. They were checking him out intently as they both smacked loudly while chewing gum. Dexter wondered if they would be sampling his talent that morning.

“Let’s see what this young man has to offer,” Victor asked emphatically.

Betti obliged saying, “Dexter, please take off all your clothes and show them your marvelous body.”

Dexter looked around at all the people and counted six, including the guys setting up the cameras and lights. “You mean – now?” he reluctantly asked.

“Yes Dexter, show them your goods,” she said.

Dexter obliged and began removing all of his clothes and placed them on a chair.

“Hmmmmmm,” murmured Victor as he perused Dexter’s naked body.

The two girls chomping on their chewing gum sat up in their chairs wide-eyed and the brunette said, “Wow!”

“That’s one rather large flaccid penis,” said Victor, admiring Dexter’s cock.

“It sure is,” beamed Betti proudly.

“And I’m sure you gave it a test run,” Victor replied snickering.

“More like a marathon,” she giggled. “He is the real deal.”

“You wanna to see it grow?” asked Dexter.

“Not just yet Dex,” answered Betti.

“Well, we shall see how he performs under pressure,” said Victor.

“What’s his stage name Betti?” Victor quizzed.

“We don’t have one yet,” she replied.

“Hmmmmmm,” Victor scratched his chin, “How about Smokey Bare, B-A-R-E?”

Betti shrugged inquisitively.

“Well, he’s from the Smoky Mountains,” said Victor and chuckled adding, “And of course he’ll be working naked.”

“Smokey Bare it is!” answered Betti smiling. “Did you hear that Dexter, we’re naming you Smokey Bare.”

Dexter just looked bewildered and could not answer.

Victor then glanced over a short wrinkled script that he pulled from his back pocket. After scanning it he yelled in a commanding voice, “Let’s get started!”

The camera guys slid the lights closer to the large round bed and turned them on. The brightness almost blinded Dexter as it took him by surprise.

They had Dexter put his clothes back on and positioned him sitting on the sofa. Betti told him what they would ask and what he should answer once they began to film.

“Action!” yelled Victor.

Then Dexter unzipped his pants.

Victor turned to Betti and asked, “What’s he doing?”

A confused Betti just shrugged her shoulders.

Meanwhile they watched in amazement as Dexter pulled his cock through his unzipped jeans and then placed his hands at his side. With nothing touching his penis it suddenly inflated like an emergency raft.

“Whoa!” exclaimed one of the camera guys.

They all were mesmerized at how quickly Dexter achieved an erection and of course at the size of his hardened pecker.

“Dexter, Dexter!” exclaimed Victor, “We don’t need for your cock to be erect yet. Can you calm that beast down?”

“Sure, Mr. Oslo.”

Then they all again watched in amazement as his enormous pecker deflated quickly and Dexter neatly tucked it back into his jeans.

“Wait until the girls come into scene,” said Victor, “And then let that bad boy out.”

“Okay, Mr. Oslo.”

Victor was standing behind the large camera man and started asking Dexter questions. Dexter did as he had been told, answering that he was from Appalachia and dutifully answered all of Victor’s questions as the camera crew filmed away.

Next the two girls dressed as French maids came in and introduced themselves.

“Hi Smokey,” said the blonde in a very sultry voice as she sat on his left, “I’m Pinkie Velvet.” She then growled like an animal in his ear.

The brunette that sat on his right then licked his other ear and said, “I’m Lizzy Drane.”

Victor thought their names sounded silly and wondered if they had been made up also. The girls began to kiss on his neck and unbutton his shirt. Victor thought it was time to demonstrate his talents to them.

“Are y’all ready for it?” Dexter asked and paused as he pointed to his crotch.

“Yes. Yes! Now!” ordered Victor.

Slowly, the two girls tugged and pulled at his clothes leaving Dexter naked on the sofa. Victor set his mind to hardening his cock again and it immediately rose and rose until it was at full mast.

Lizzy Drane had dropped to her knees and was at eye level with that behemoth right in front of her face. Pinkie quickly joined her and they both took Dexter’s hardened throbbing penis into their hands and began to give it a good wet soaking tongue lashing.

Betti and Victor stood behind the two cameras as the action began. A skinny Goth chick working as a fluffer stood behind them in case she was needed between scenes, but after watching what had just unfolded she had her doubts. Just as Lizzy and Pinkie began to lick Victor’s big pecker, Victor grabbed a small hand held video camera and joined in the video action.

Betti just stood there with her fingers crossed hoping that Dexter would come through for her and give the performance of a lifetime. Then she could imagine the contracts coming in quickly and by the dozens.

The girls licked and slurped all around, up and down on Dexter’s massive cock. They even deep throated the top portion but found the thickness and length just too much to take in the entire thing.

From his experiences Dexter realized the girls needed to get really wet in order to receive his pecker, so he grabbed Pinkie by the hand and pulled her up into the air, making her dizzy as he spun her around upside down and pulled her panties off. He situated her thighs over his shoulders so that he could bury his tongue into her tight little twat while she could still help Lizzy lick on his cock.

His tongue went into action between Pinkie’s legs. Soon enough she found herself pleasantly receiving Dexter’s rather substantial oral abilities. In fact, she realized that his tongue seemed to vibrate and soon she felt an explosive orgasm coming on. She had never had a real orgasm while filming a porn scene before. She didn’t know what to think.

Then it hit her, an orgasm. She let out a loud shrill, “Oh fuck!” Then her legs clamped tightly around Dexter's shoulders squeezing his neck. He didn’t let up. In fact he slid a finger in to add to the excitement as Pinkie’s body quivered with excitement.

Once her orgasm began to subside he gently spun her back around and sat her next to him on the sofa. All the while Lizzy continued licking up and down his unusually endowed shaft. Dexter then grabbed Lizzy spinning her up onto his shoulders in a sitting position. Her legs dangling down his back as her crotch sat almost smothering his face. That was no deterrent to Dexter though as he then demonstrated his rather unique cunnilingus talent upon Lizzy’s sloppy cunt.

Meanwhile Pinkie dropped to her knees in front of the sofa and began to hungrily slobber all over Dexter’s pulsating manhood.

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She made sure she slid her warm wet tongue down his shaft, licking every bit of his balls and scrotum to the best of her experienced ability.

Dexter’s tongue worked like a wet vibrator as he lapped at Lizzy’s drenched pussy and soon had her little clit practically dancing. In fact, it was obvious to all watching the production unfold when Lizzy exploded into a clitoral orgasm. She not only screamed out, “OH FUCK I’M CUMMING!” but her legs shot straight out and vibrated like someone had struck a tuning fork. Her back arched backward and she nearly yanked Dexter’s ears off.

“Damn!” exclaimed a very impressed Victor, “This hillbilly can sure eat a mean pussy, I sure hope he fucks just as good!”

Betti, stepping out from behind a camera man so Dexter could see her, used her fore finger to thrust in and out of her fist so that Dexter would know it was time to fuck. He took the queue and sat Lizzy down and grabbed Pinkie by the waist.

Spreading Pinkie’s legs as he placed her in his lap, he then eased her down onto his megacock. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned and growled as her wet drippy twat felt that behemoth slowly press inside her. She wasn’t sure how much she could take, but to hers and everyone’s astonishment he finally pushed about two-thirds of his raging cock into her. She slowly began to press up and down on his cock as her bouncy tits wiggled in Dexter’s face.

Both of the camera men and Victor on the hand-held camera, zoomed in close as Dexter’s cocks spread Pinkie’s labia wide apart. The cameras caught the shiny glare of drenching pussy juice that squished and trickled down that enormous pecker. Pinkie was moaning loudly and she flung her hair about wildly as she yelled over and over, “Oh my God this is good!” “Oh fuck me, fuck me! Damn it’s huge! Huuuuuge!”

It wasn’t long until Dexter’s shiny shaft displayed the ooey gooey sudsy goodness of Pinkie’s cum as she had a long screaming orgasm. She yelled so loud that Victor was afraid the microphone may have been damaged.

Dexter’s tossed the very spent Pinkie gently to the side yelling. “I ain’t got started good yet!”

He then snatched Lizzy and sat her on her knees on the floor in front of the sofa so he could get behind and take her doggie style.

“Snatch or ass?” Dexter quizzed her.

“Oh my God, SNATCH!” Lizzy exclaimed, “Don’t put that monster in my ass!”

He aimed his cock and squeezed her back on him as he pushed his already slick mega-tool into Lizzy’s waiting cunt. For about four seconds she went cross-eyed. He was mostly in and she gasped loudly.

Dexter began to plow her hard. Her body quivered, her titties shook, and her high pitched voice screamed, “Uh!” with every one of his penetrating thrusts. Dexter worked his right hand around her belly so that he could also massage her clit. Soon Lizzy was soaking wet all over from sweat. She was yelling and moaning and her eyes rolled back and forth.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she yelled quivering. “Shit! I’m cumming!”

“Oooooh Fuck, ooooh fuck YES!” she screamed.

Dexter kept pumping!

“Oh stop! Stop!” She desperately yelled out, “I can’t take anymore!”

Dexter pulled his cock out of Lizzy’s dripping snatch.

He looked at the cameras and said, “Who’s next?”

What he did next really sent shock waves through the onlookers. Dexter without using his hands or anything twirled his cock at them all. It bounced up and down and waved.

Stunned silence came over them all. As they stared in amazement Dexter twirled his cock at them again.

“What was that?” yelled Victor. “Damn he waved his dick, did you guys see that?”

They all nodded in agreement.

“It was like a swordsman doing a touché. I’ve never seen anything like it!” Victor exclaimed

“We’ve got to keep this scene going,” Victor said as he looked around and set his eyes on the skinny Goth fluffer girl.

“Oh no!” she said, “I just do hand jobs, I’m just a fluffer.”

“I got to have you for this scene!” demanded Victor.

“Not me!” she exclaimed.

“A thousand dollars to do it!” Victor offered desperately.

“Huh?” she queried as she looked curiously back towards Dexter’s mammoth pecker still standing at attention.

“Make that Two-thousand!”

The fluffer girl looked at Victor and then back at Dexter, gulped and murmured, “Okay.”

“Well!” yelled Victor, “Get naked!”

She started yanking at her clothes as Betti attempted to help her get them off.

Dexter just stood there, naked in front of the sofa, his shiny wet cock erect as ever, even without any manual stimulation.

Once the Goth fluffer was down to just her black thigh-high stockings and black leather knee-high boots, Betti pushed her into the scene. She seemed clueless as to what she should do, but Dexter grabbed her and planted her on the sofa spreading her skinny stockinged legs apart.

The cameras zoomed in as Dexter began to lap at her puffy pink pussy lips. Soon her pink little clit had swollen out of its hood and was standing up. Dexter’s tongue licked and spun all around it. He saw her getting juicy wet and slid a finger into her twat to stimulate her g-spot.

Right away as he always did, he found it! Dexter was working his finger, licking and sucking on her as she moaned insanely. She began to grind her aroused pussy back into his face.

Suddenly her legs went straight up as stiff as boards. “Oh! Oh!” she yelled.

The fluffer was cumming!

Dexter of course, worked her until she was begging him to stop. He then picked her up in his arms, gripping her under her ass with one of his mountain boy strong arms and hand.

“Ooooooh,” was a soft moan that emanated from all the crew and other Vivacious Entertainment employees who had wandered in during the shoot. They knew what was coming next.

Dexter aimed his cock into her juicy pussy while he held her in the air in front of him. He had decided to fuck her standing up.

Fluffer girl wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders and held on tight as he began to bounce her up and down on his big cock like she was a toy. She screamed and moaned as she held on for dear life. Her head dropped back and gravity pulled at her black hair as Dexter continued to pummel her tight little beaver with his colossal tool.

Her voice quivered and shook as she yelled out in ecstacy, having never been fucked in front of the camera nor by such a humongous pecker. The onlookers' eyes were glued to the action as they were already expecting her to explode into orgasm at any moment.

Much to the amusement of the camera crew both Dexter and fluffer girl were soon covered with a shiny sheen of body sweat. Droplets were pouring off Dexter’s lean muscular hillbilly body. His biceps bulged and his distended triceps tightened, but he showed no signs whatsoever of fatigue. This young man from Appalachia was a fucking machine!

Sure enough fluffer girl didn’t disappoint the excited onlookers as she soon screamed out in a loud shrill that could just about burst eardrums.

“I’mmmm fuuuuucking CUMMING!”

Two building janitors that had arrived upon the scene broke out into applause. The applause proved to be contagious as the camera crew and the onlookers all broke out into applause and cheers.

Dexter let fluffer girl down but her knees almost buckled as she tried to stand. One of the camera guys grabbed her by the hand to steady her. She seemed rather dizzy as she made her way off set, toward the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Dexter again flexed his outstretched hardened cock without the use of his hands. Everyone was just as amazed as they had been earlier.

“Damn!” exclaimed Victor, “There he goes again flexing that touché maneuver with his penis.”
“How does he do that?”

Everyone just shrugged and stared. To their further amazement Dexter had not cum yet. He hadn’t even produced pre-cum dripping from his urethra. Only the creamy shiny wetness from the vaginal fluids and white sudsy girl cum showed on his still hard tallywhacker.

“He ain’t done yet,” informed one of the camera crew.

“No he’s not,” said Victor. “We need one more volunteer.”

Victor turned to Betti Bodacious.

“Oh no!” she protested, “I’m retired from that part of the business.”

“He’s your stud,” said Victor, “Do you want to make this the greatest audition scene of all time or not?”

“Ooooo, alright!” she answered in an aggravated tone.

She began to undress in front of them all and Dexter smiled.

“Miss Bodacious, are you gonna go next?” he asked.

“Yes Dexter, yes!”

“Get some anal lube!” yelled Victor.

“Anal?” yelled Betti.

“Weren’t you the anal queen Betti?” said Victor in more of a statement than a question.

“Lube!” Betti demanded.

Someone grabbed a bottle of lube and seconds later they had Betti naked and bent over the edge the sofa. Pinkie and Lizzy squirted lube all over Betti’s exposed asshole and rubbed it in liberally.

“Okay, okay!” Betti insisted, “I’m ready.”

“Action!” yelled Victor, and the cameras began to roll.

Betti pushed Dexter down on the sofa and started to mount him. Just before she did, Dexter waved his dick again, of course without using his hands.

“Damn!” exclaimed Victor, “How does he do that touché thing with his cock?”

The cameras were rolling and the lights shown brightly off of Betti Bodacious’s tight ass. She grabbed Dexter’s huge engorged penis and she held it in place as she slid her shiny well lubricated ass down on him. Her sphincter spread as it slid down on that monstrosity but could only go a short distance.

“Are you gonna make it?” questioned Victor.

Betti moaned and grimaced and forced her ass down further. Finally her tight bum gave way and collapsed around the behemoth cock. Her eyes crossed and she grunted loudly at the impalement.

Having been the critically acclaimed experienced professional, Betti wasn’t going to let the biggest cock ever to push its way up her rump, keep her from giving a great show. She began to thrust herself up and down and even managed a wiggle or two upon that magnificent organ. She turned her head back towards the cameras and gave them a great big smile before she drew her lips into a circle and made the most seductive sex face.

The camera crew and onlookers were in awe at the anal show before them. Victor was elated as he knew that he was filming the audition of the ages. Everyone knew they were experiencing porn history.

Betti’s hard surgically enhanced tits kept bopping Dexter in his face. He still couldn’t figure out why they were so tight and had no bounce. She moaned and groaned and produced one great sex face after another.

Dexter’s extra large cock stimulated Betti like no other anal fuck she had ever received. Things got even better for her when Dexter slid his thumbs down and started manipulating her clit. Betti could tell that she was soon going to have an orgasm, something that she very rarely did while filming a live sex scene.

The lights and the physical activity had really heated up the studio. The camera guys were catching the action and sporting pup tents in their trousers as they filmed away. They caught the glistening sweat that ran down Betti’s back, down her crack and settling onto Dexter’s balls.

Soon Betti Bodacious couldn’t hold back any longer. Her body convulsed and she exploded into an orgasm. She screamed out, “Oh my God!” and in her excitement nearly punched Dexter in the eye with one of her hard tits.

“Oh my God! I’m cumming!” yelled Betti.

She came to a sudden stop, wrapping her arms around Dexter’s body tightly. Then Betti exhaled loudly. She turned toward Victor and the camera crew while fanning herself with her hand.

“That’s it for me!” she said.

Dexter eased her off of him and stood up. He smiled and waved his dick again.

“There he goes again! yelled Victor. “There he goes again, doing that dick touché!”

“Dick touché,” Victor said under his breath while scratching his chin, “Dick touché?”

Victor lifted his hand with forefinger extended in excitement. A light had just gone off in his head.

“Dick Touché! That’s it, not Smokey Bare, Dick Touché!”

He looked wild eyed at Dexter and then at Betti, Victor pointed dramatically at Dexter and yelled, “You are Dick Touché!”

Betti beamed with excitement as she knew that was the perfect name for Dexter, a highly marketable name.

“Dick Touché it is,” she said proudly.

Dexter stood tall and proud, as he really liked the name also, though he wasn’t sure what touché meant.

Victor gazed down at Dexter’s still erect monster cock and exclaimed, “Dick Touché still hasn’t cum yet.”

We need to find someone to finish him off. He looked eagerly around the room. All the faces were peeled curiously on his, the girls were shaking their heads no. They couldn’t take anymore.

Just then Victor’s wife, Boopsie, walked in bringing Victor his lunch from home.

“Boopsie dear!” exclaimed Victor, “I need a great favor.”

Boopsie stopped a few feet from the set as she stood holding Victor’s lunch in a bag. She looked dumbfounded at Dexter standing there naked. Upon catching a glimpse of his enormous erect penis, she emphatically asked, “My God. who is that?”

“That honey,” answered Victor sheepishly, “Is Dick Touché, and we need someone to finish him off in this scene.”

Victor looked at his wife, his eyes pleading.

“Oh NO! Victor!” Boopsie yelled, “I quit doing that years ago.”

“But you still look awesome, honey” he pleaded, “I’ve literally spent thousands and thousands of dollars on your cosmetic surgeries.”

“Oh no, Victor!”

“Please, dear!” he pleaded, as she turned quickly and ran toward the door with Victor chasing after her.

Eventually Victor caught up to her and that was the day that a legend was born. The legend of Dick Touché, the porn superstar whose audition used up two porn stars, one fluffer, a just retired pornstar, and the wife of the producer.

The rest is history...

Copyright ©2013 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.
Written by Buz
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