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Jared Morgan, blue-jeaned rock guiatarist and practised seducer, has committed himself to helping with an art project by old flame Vanessa and her friend Cherry. Having turned down multiple sexual opportunities en route, he wonders exactly what this 'project' will involve...

Jared sensed another shared smile between himself and Vanessa, as he passed through the deserted lobby. Who else would be there and whether they would be smiling too, he could only surmise. During the ascent in the building’s antique but well-maintained elevator he mused that any movie version of his adventure would inevitably culminate in horror; however, he assured himself that Vanessa wouldn’t have anything too unsettling planned. The doors presently glided apart and he strolled down the hallway adopting nonchalance at odds with his audibly thumping heart.

“Bring it on,” he breathed once he’d knocked on the door, sensing a moment of scrutiny through the peephole. Then a vision of lightly-freckled sexiness opened up to him and shattered the tension with her smile.

“Goddamn, Mr. Morgan, who knew you’d prove dependable?”

She wasn’t markedly different standing there in the entryway to the apartment, from when they had last met; her red locks tumbled a little further if anything down her back. Her eyes were all emerald sparkle, her grin crooked with a mischief she clearly felt no need to disguise. Barefoot, she was at least five inches shorter than him. The only garment he could be sure she was wearing was an oversized man’s shirt, its white cotton speckled with paint. The artist was ready to create.

“Dependable’s my middle name,” he told her, returning the grin.

“Horny-bastard’s your middle name,” she said, inserting the hyphen with a stroke of her finger.

“And you can depend on that.”

“Hell, I know I can. It’s why you’re here.” She succumbed to laughter and reached up to draw him into an embrace. “C’m’ere, you filthy fucker and gimme a hug.” The affectionate moment reminded him of how shapely that supple frame of hers truly was. He returned her hug, the warmth of friendship swelling within him in synchronisation with his dick.

On releasing him she glanced down as though to monitor developments in his pelvic region. Then she claimed his wrist and drew him inside. “Shut the door and come meet the rest of the team.”

Team? What the fuck …

She led him into the impressively capacious apartment’s main room. It had high ceilings and a row of skylights built into the slanting eaves, splashing natural light all over the place. The hardwood floor was varnished, but protected by paint-mottled sheeting wherever art was being pursued. The whole place was a shrine to artistic endeavour and it was pretty clear from the range of disciplines on display that more than one artist made use of the place. A potter’s wheel stood in one corner, one recently in use from the sculptures placed on a shelf beside it. Across from it was a desk strewn with hand-drawn sketches and drawing implements. One side of the room was taken up with an oil-painted neon cityscape full of fractured light like the night was cracking apart. Then there were the female nudes on another wall, beautiful but abstract, alongside a series of portraits almost photo-realistic in their attention to detail.

All this Jared took in briefly, before registering the other members of the ‘team’. There were two of them, seated on a period-styled chaise-lounge—that was what those were called, right?—the type a Parisian whore might have reclined on a hundred years ago while being painted. One of these two must be Cherry, the instigator of the project … which would, of course, make her the team-leader. He guessed it to be the imperious-looking black girl who regarded him a moment before blinking with lazy dispassion. Her pretty companion on the seat was meeker in aspect, but brimmed nonetheless with interest as he walked over to greet them.

“This,” Vanessa said, indicating the former and confirming Jared’s guess, “is Cherry, my good friend and co-artistic conspirator. And this is her friend Jaylee.”

Cherry made no motion, but Jaylee raised a tentative hand in welcome, her lips hinting a smile. “Hi.”

“Artist’s model?” Jared inquired, having stalled in his intentions to shake the girls’ hands. Jaylee’s long fair hair was in loose ringlets and she wore large, hooped earrings. She was dressed in a silk kimono with her feet curled under her, so that it was impossible to say whether or not she was wearing a stitch else. Her pert features were made up with heavy mascara, eye liner and lip-gloss, and they lit with excitement and pride in response to his question.

“Artist’s muse,” she said, flicking a sideways glance to Cherry as if gauging how much she should say. Her dark-skinned friend’s elegant fingers brushed hair from her ear and stroked her neck, lips gracing her with a smile of approval. “I love what Cherry does. I love what all the girls do here. I’m not an artist. What they create amazes me. I’m just here to—y’know—help.”

You’re a work of art,” Cherry said, fingertips lingering on her Jaylee’s creamy skin as the girl blushed with pleasure. “And you’ll be a whole lot of help, I’ve no doubt.” Vanessa’s fellow artist arose, giving Jared a fuller sense of her physical attributes—not that anything was going unnoticed in his state of heightened arousal. This woman was of an age with Vanessa—inches shy of six foot to begin with, but boosted to Jared’s height with black stiletto boots. She was clad in ripped blue-jeans and a bustiere of sleek purple leather that thrust her ample breasts into prominence. Her skin was polished ebony and her jet-black hair a glossy train down her back. “As for you…” she said, taking a leisurely stroll around Jared to inspect him, “Vanessa assures me you’re perfect. Of course she only means that in one regard and that’s the aspect in which we’re interested.”

“So she’s made clear.” He looked to Vanessa for some clarification of what the hell was going on. The redhead was leaning her weight on one thigh, arms folded in an attitude of enjoyment at how bewildered he was. “However what I’m not totally clear on is my role here,” he admitted, giving the assembled group his most amicable smile.

“It’ll all be like crystal,” Vanessa assured.

“Crystal—is she one of these gals?” He directed a thumb at the nude studies on the wall.

Cherry cocked a exquisitely sculpted eyebrow. “And you told me he was witty.”

“He is,” Vanessa insisted.

She thinks it’s funny.” Jared said, pointing out the tittering Jaylee.

“She’s more polite than I am,” Cherry told him. “Still, you’re not here to entertain us.”

“Let me get you a drink,” Vanessa said, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“Beer,” he told her.

“Water,” was her take-no-shit response, as she departed into the apartment’s kitchenette. “I don’t want you compromised in any way.”

“Compro … Hey, I think I can have one beer without any negative effect on …”

“I’d do what she says,” Cherry said, casting a circumspect glance over his pants region. “It’ll work out better for us all.”

“Fine, but she, out of anyone here, shouldn’t doubt my abilities in that area. Or hasn’t she told you anything about them?”

Cherry gave a wry smirk. “You’d expect her to, would you? Oh she’s told me all I need to know about you.” Something in the woman’s tone led him to suspect that whatever work his cock might be put to that day, it wouldn’t involve servicing the project-manager. Which was truly a shame. Cherry’s austere demeanour was perversely drawing out his inner growl.

“Drink this,” Vanessa said, returning to his side with a glass of water, “and swallow that.” She pressed a yellow pill into his palm.

“You gonna tell me what it is?”

“The guy I got it from calls it ‘The Snake Supercharger’. I’m assured it’s the finest the Dominican Republic has to offer.”

“My Mom told me never to accept any pills offered by strange women,” Jared said, wondering what effect such a pharmaceutical might have on him.

“Jared, sweetheart …” Vanessa’s adopted a deeply hurt tone. “This is me. C’mon, Rockstar.”

Cherry smiled in amusement at her friend’s tactics. Jaylee was giggling again, eyeing him intently. “Go on, take it,” the kimono girl suddenly urged. Cherry shot her a glance that made her falter, but then the dusky-skinned girl smiled benevolently on her friend and turned back to Jared.

She wants you to try it out. And my sweet honey-girl deserves a treat.”

Well that sounded promising.

“Where’s that walk-on-the-wild-side kinda guy I thought I knew?” Vanessa added, at which point Jared gave in. He palmed the pill into the back of his throat and slammed the water in one, gulping it down and thrusting the glass back to Vanessa.

“There—everyone happy?” Hell, what had he just taken? It could be a placebo, or it could be a legitimate drug that would pump his cock to bursting point. Whatever the case, he knew he was in substantially more trouble than he’d bargained for. But the true adventurer had no option but to throw himself further in. “Look,” he said, throwing up his arms in an admission of helplessness, “I genuinely have no fuckin’ idea what’s going on here. Anyone care to enlighten me?”

Cherry almost laughed. She looked mollified by his frank show of confusion, if only a little. “Shall I tell him, or shall you?” she asked Vanessa.

“It’s your project,” the redhead replied. “I’m only, shall we say, the facilitator.”

The ebony empress swung on her heels and walked with a dancer’s grace over to the pottery wheel, reminding Jared that it was she who had taught Vanessa how to swing exotically around a pole. The moves she was demonstrating today, however, were all psychological. “Bring him over here,” she instructed her redheaded friend.

“C’mon, horny boy,” Vanessa cajoled, taking Jared by the hand and leading him. His cock was twitching in response to the swish of cotton around her full curves along with the ass that rounded out the seat of Cherry’s pants. All this before the drug had had time to kick in. Jaylee remained curled on the chaise-lounge, teeth grazing her moist lower lip as she watched. Jared had the sudden unnerving notion that Natalie was a disembodied fourth female presence in the room—and that his one-time babysitter was laughing.

“I sculpt,” Cherry said, fingers trailing against the wheel as Vanessa drew him close.

“She sculpts amazingly,” Jaylee added.

Cherry beamed on her adoring companion. “Thank you, sweetie.” She stroked a fingertip against a piece on the shelf where a series of figurines were displayed—the same girl as ballet dancer, stripper, princess and hooker, exquisite in their painted detail. All versions of Jaylee, Jared was sure. This Cherry girl was talented. He wondered if Vanessa had told her friend about his own lurid artistic efforts and found himself hoping not.

“I normally sculpt the human form,” Cherry went on, “but right now I’m planning something else—rather more provocative. More political than personal.”

“Although as you can see,” Vanessa put in, “her work already deals a lot in people’s presumptions regarding gender.”

“That’s as maybe,” Cherry said, “but I want to create something a bit more direct.”

“You don’t want me as a life model then?” It had been Jared’s one half-baked notion of what the afternoon might entail.

“Yes and no. You see my vision is to create a piece representing the phallocentric nature of American architecture both historical and modern.” Her hand fluttered over the wheel as she said it. “I kind of envisage these monuments to male ego—the Empire State, Sears Tower, Chrysler Building … and then right in the middle of the piece I want … Well I told you all about it, Jaylee. Tell our guest what I want.”

The ringlet-haired young woman looked happy to be included, even as her pretty features coloured. “You want a big dick,” she said, giggling at the humour she drew from the notion.

“Precisely,” Cherry concurred. She fixed Jared with a significant stare. “I want what all those man-made buildings are compensating for—a great, big, rigid dick that packs both length and serious girth while staying hard for a long time. Now looking at your pants there’s a lot going on there, but still … I need a very special kind of specimen. Vanessa here assures me that you got what it takes, right Vee?”

The redhead shrugged in feigned embarrassment. “I guess I do have some experience of said member. It was a while ago. I hope memory hasn’t—y’know, blown it out of proportion.”

Jaylee laughed in delight at Vanessa’s comedic delivery. “God, I hope it hasn’t either,” she said, leaning forward to examine his crotch from the other side of the room. “You got me all intrigued now. Was he good, Vanessa?”

“Passably good,” Vanessa said with a hazy smile at Jared. “He reckons he knows how to use it, that much is true. Jared sees himself as quite the swordsman.”

“I don’t doubt his high opinion of himself, but …” Cherry gave him a look that might have withered another man’s erection. Jared’s wasn’t going away anytime soon, however, whatever words or glances she threw his way. There was way too much head-fucking stimulation going on in this room.

“It’s not self-flattery and it’s not poor memory.” He stroked his bulging self through denim fabric, blood rushing to swell the tumescence. “My genes have served me well.” The familiar image of his father plunging deep into Natalie from behind surfaced once more. You’ve got your father’s cock. Anyone told you that before, Jared? “I’m packin’ the great big rigid dick you’re lookin’ for, Cherry, and I’d be more than happy to give it to you.” She raised that formidable eyebrow once more and instantly he felt his cockiness misplaced. “As long as it stays attached,” he added. “I’m not ready to make that big a sacrifice for art.” Jaylee laughed giddily.

“Well I’m not gonna stuff it and stick it like a centrepiece in its own right,” Cherry told him. “There’s a less painless way to go about this. Vanessa here has agreed to make a plaster cast.”

“I have done, baby,” Cherry’s fellow-artist affirmed. “I figured it was something fun we could do together since we’re such good friends. And it’s very rock-and-roll, don’t you think? I’ve heard it’s quite the tradition in rock circles.”

That,” Cherry concluded, “is why you’re here.”

“And I get to watch?” Jaylee inquired, her excitement thoroughly peaked.

“Of course you do, honey. That’s as long as the model is—shall we say—sufficient to requirement.”

“In other words,” Vanessa said, “take it out.”

“That’s right, Mister, produce the goods. Give us all a good look. Get over here, Jaylee, baby, I want you in on this.” The girl slid from her seat and fairly dashed over to get a good view.

In other circumstances Jared might have expected himself to whip his cock from his pants at the first prompting, but today’s scenario had somehow stalled him. Still, he had an expectant audience and knew he was equipped to meet their expectations. With the frankness that the occasion demanded, he unbuttoned the crotch of his jeans, took hold of pants and briefs and hauled them free of himself.

“There you are, ladies, that’s what I got.”

Oh my sweet God!” Jaylee’s reaction, as his erection sprang forth, was the type to which he was used. The girl’s hand rushed to cover her dropping jaw and stifle the spontaneous burst of laughter. “Oh fuck, it’s … it’s …

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Vanessa was smiling too. Part of it was amusement at the younger girl’s response, but there was also recognition in the curl of her lips. She was reliving that introduction to his manhood with the new-girl as her proxy. “Oh my, yes—that’s the cock I remembered.”

“My fucking goodness,” Jaylee continued to spout. “It’s phenomenal. It’s huge and … and kinda there, like … like …”

“Like if you saw it in a picture, you’d swear it had been photoshopped?”

“No shit!”

“Like there should be a boinggg sound-effect when it jumps out at you like that.”

“Right, yeah?” Jaylee was in fits. “God, Jared, she chose you well!” Then she faltered once more, like she’d said too much, and looked to Cherry hesitantly. “You don’t mind me saying that, right?”

“Not at all, babydoll. I don’t have a problem with big dicks or with your liking them. But it’s a goddamn shame they tend to be connected to even bigger dicks.” She eyed Jared with ill-disguised cynicism and he wondered what he had done to incur her harshness.

“So,” he inquired, with his cock thrusting from his pants to the apartment ceiling, “do I meet requirements or not for your big art statement?”

Cherry went to him and reaching down touched a manicured finger to the tip of his cock. His whole length twitched and swayed in response, drawing a coo of appreciation from Jaylee. His chief examiner scrutinised him intently, stretching her hand between his legs and drawing her finger from between his balls in a leisurely journey up his underside as she spoke. “Those are good heavy balls. Shaved, but that sac is still bristly, so it’ll need the attention of a razor. I got one all ready. Don’t worry,” she added as he flinched slightly, “it’s a safety. You’re plenty thick, veins already well-defined and they’ll be more so once that pill does its work. Beautifully shaped all the way and Vanessa wasn’t lying about the full nine inches. Tapers slightly as it draws to the head, which is … yes, perfectly formed and in scale with the rest of it. That’s undeniably a nice cock you got there, Mr. Jared Morgan.”

“It’s superb,” Jaylee breathed.

“Yup, it’s one big old king-sized dildo,” Vanessa affirmed.

“Which is why,” Jared said, endeavouring to remain calm under such close inspection, “I’ve never felt the need to create any high-rise buildings.”

Cherry could not help but smile at the line. “True. Ironically that’s what makes you the perfect subject for my project.” She poked him in the chest. “But, frankly, you look ridiculous with it sticking out of your pants, so put it away for now. Either that or get naked.”

His dick was already on display and being universally admired, so it would have suggested a loss of confidence to pack it away again. “I’ll get naked,” he said, peeling his tee-shirt over his head and tossing it away. He kicked off his sneakers and had stepped free of jeans and briefs, baring himself in seconds. “Better?” he inquired of Jaylee, parading himself before her with splayed arms.

She looked him all over, her gaze drinking in what a spring season of hard outdoor labour had done to his frame, before lighting once more on his robust extension. “Way better,” she agreed, and she took a stroll all around him in red heels he had not noticed before, eyes sparkling with admiration.

“What about you, Red?” he asked the girl who had got him into all this. “Glad to see it all again?”

“You know,” she said, casting a more circumspect look over his body’s chiselled surface, “it really is a shame to flatter you to this extent—I already knew what an exhibitionist you are. But it’s the price we girls are paying for our fun.” She grew close and stroked his groin, her touch more openly seductive than Cherry’s. He was sure he felt his cock inflate further under her influence.

“Your fun? I thought this was all about the art.”

“That too. What shall we do with him?” she asked Cherry. “Quick tour of the studio?”

“Whatever,” the ebony beauty said dismissively. “Kill some time while the drug kicks in completely.”

She drew Jaylee aside as though to instruct the girl, while Vanessa took him by the arm and guided her nude guest about the place, pointing out all her favourite pieces. He allowed himself to be led, the tour distracting him from the sense that he was an exhibit himself. “Nice for us to get some catch-up time,” Vanessa said, “since this afternoon is such a communal event.” She patted him on the ass so that his cock stirred further. “We get so little time to talk, you and me.”

“True,” he said, sensing Jaylee and maybe even Cherry ogling his naked ass. Smalltalk seemed absurd, but he attempted it anyway. “This artist’s collective—how does it work then? I mean you rent all this space on—what, a weekly basis?”

“Monthly,” Vanessa told him, letting her index finger trickle down his spine to the crack of his ass before proceeding up again, every touch registering as a jolt in his dick. “There are four of us—Cherry and me and a couple of others.”

Thank God they weren’t all here. “So you’re free to use this space whenever you like,” he pursued, “throw ideas around, have naked painting parties, sponge each other down …”

“You’d love to think that’s what we do, wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah …” Fuck, no, don’t go there … Don’t say that stuff! The image was only serving to boost his hardness. He fought to maintain his throwaway attitude as Vanessa’s fingers teased. Christ, he wanted to rip that shirt clean off her and fuck her while the other two watched. “I mean … how can you afford it?”

“You mean rent higher than your cock is right now?”

“Yeah, that.”

“If I told you the answer to that question, I’d have to kill you.”

“And then I’d have to kill her,” Cherry contributed from a distance. “Mind your damn business, Rock-and-Roll.”

“Well if you’re not gonna bare your souls, at least bare your tits,” he said, his frustration leaking through.

“Maybe some of us will,” Cherry said enigmatically, “but you gotta learn a little patience.” The not-quite-promise sent a throb from his balls the length of his cock. He was more aware of his own erectile dimensions than he had been in a long while and fought to refocus.

“So who are these?” he asked, faking unconcern as he indicated Vanessa’s portraits. Another time he’d have been more interested in the array of sharply picked-out faces.

“Friends, acquaintances—anyone with an interesting face and a story behind it.”

One face he recognised from the previous year, an attractive brunette—radiating pride and happily-discarded-innocence. Innocence he’d taken when he fucked her hard on a bed, Vanessa looking on. “Lovely Mallory,” he said. “Painted after the event?”

“Oh yes.” Vanessa’s hand slithering down to cup the base of his ass. Shit, that felt good, agonisingly so. “I’ll never forget the look on her face,” the redhead taunted, “when you thrust your cock deep inside her that first time. I’ll bet her college pussy clutched you good.”

“It did.” Real good. So did yours, Red, while she watched, rubbing herself silly while you fucking rode me ragged. God—how much blood was surging to his cock? He couldn’t have got himself flaccid now if he’d tried.

“You’d like to fuck pretty Jaylee too, wouldn’t you?” Vanessa’s voice was low and husky, her words relentless. “And you’d like to show Cherry what she’s missing. Throw them both down with their asses in the air and pound their pussies sore. Maybe take their asses for good measure.”

And yours, Red. Yours most of all, you teasing bitch. Goddamn …

“What’s her story?” he asked in a near-futile attempt to distract himself. The blond girl in the portrait he’d specified had a smile sunny enough to melt ice-cream (and mischievous enough to suggest that she might drip it in interesting places). Everything he looked at screamed sex.

“That’s Samantha,” Vanessa said, “the light of my life. And that’s her lovely Shane.” She gestured to the portrait next to it of a fresh-faced male with a hard edge to his jaw. It had an air of someone coming into his manhood and he found himself hoping that the young guy knew how to fuck his girlfriend good.

“Why don’t you paint them together then?” Jared asked, barely interested, but trying to wrest his focus away from his swollen joint.

“Don’t wanna jinx it.” Vanessa’s voice was momentarily distant. “I can only dream of somethin’ as good as they’ve got. Having that connection and the balls to act on it. I don’t believe much in soul mates, but hell, those two …”

She drew one of her subtle artist’s fingers up the cleft of his ass and his whole body shivered with erotic fever. It all seemed to flow to his cock, which had transformed into a prong of lust so huge and hard, he thought it might knock over one of the studio’s easels if he turned about too rapidly. He clutched for his shaft to relieve the pressure with some firm massage and she reached around to slap his knuckles.

“Don’t touch,” she admonished.

“Don’t touch? Hell, Red, have you seen what’s going on down here?”

“Has he got his hand on his dick?” Cherry’s voice cut through their conversation like a polished axe. “You don’t touch without our say-so.”

Jared turned around, his pole swinging buoyantly with the motion. “You don’t expect me to touch this?”

Jaylee’s eyes opened wide with mirth. “My God, it’s getting bigger. I didn’t think that was possible. It’s like Willy Wonka’s given him some special gum to chew!”

Cherry gave a sharp laugh and squeezed her pet affectionately. “Call this place the Fun Factory. And the fun’s only beginning. You’re right, sweet girl, that is truly remarkable. It deserves some special play.”

“Everything’s delineated,” Vanessa remarked, the tails of her shirt brushing his thigh as she nestled close to him, fingertips grazing his nipple so gently that he broke into gooseflesh. Christ, this could be the end of me. Seriously. “You can see every detail, every ridge and contour,” the redhead continued. “That Dominican shit is pumping him hard as steel. He’s right where you want him.”

“Yeah, I think we’re good to go.” Cherry strode up to examine Jared’s phallic marvel. “All we have to do is sustain that and your kit will do the rest, Vee.”

Sustain it? Fucking hell, woman … Jared bottled up his incredulity. She was screwing with him, right? “So,” he asked as conversationally as possible, “how do I get replicated? This I gotta see.”

“You’ll see it, feel it … It’s gonna swallow you up like a big sock, baby,” Vanessa said.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, honey,” Cherry interrupted. “We gotta prep you, remember? Out in the heat all day, you need to shower for starters. Go into the bathroom and rinse down in warm water. Jaylee, sweetheart, go with him and make sure he doesn’t lay a finger on that cock.” The kimono-wrapped girl moved eagerly into action. “Oh, and you can’t touch it either.”

Jaylee’s face fell momentarily. “Damn—rain on my parade, why don’t ya?” Then she shrugged and smiled. “It’s okay, I get it. It’ll be a pleasure just to watch him shower. Shall I …?” Her fingers teased the belt of her kimono.

“I insist on it,” Cherry said, sharing a notably evil smile with Vanessa.

Jaylee’s own smile was coy as she unbelted the garment and let its silk shimmy free of her body.

Jared could only stare as the kimono hit the floor. His cock’s transformation into pure marble was complete.

The girl was pure fuckability. The softness of her curves was tempered by exercise, her skin was creamy. Nude she would have been a mouthwatering proposition and the lingerie scraps she wore only heightened the effect. Rip me clean off, the ensemble screamed. The black-lace half-cups of her bra were sequined with scarlet to compliment her fuck-me shoes; they caressed her apple-round tits lovingly like his hands now itched to do. Her panty was a matching band of lace that traced the V of her inner thighs in a dynamic downward plunge. Everything was waxed clean down there and no doubt ready to provide a juicy welcome for a stiff cock. And then there were her stockings. Christ! Hold-ups, fucking hold-ups. Do they know what that does to me? Does she know, the little tease? Have these girls read my fucking mind? The stockings were gauzy and banded in black—slightly ripped as well, just perfect. Add that to the hooped earrings and overly made-up pertness of her features and the effect was complete—angel transformed into sexy slut.

“Oh he likes you,” Vanessa said, fingers stretching to tantalize his groin. “Where’s all your smart talk now, Rockstar?”

“It’s kinda gone,” he replied, his throat dry. “Congratulations.”

“What I love about her,” Cherry said, her hands creeping over Jaylee’s flesh, “is how she’s all so taut—but still so, so feminine. Know what I mean, Jared?” Jaylee was melting deliciously under what was clearly a familiar touch. Cherry knew this girl very well, that much was clear. He imagined the ebony girl investigating every hot nook, even though it caused his cock to ache.

“I know exactly what you mean.”

“You want her to soap her hands and slide them all over your big pulsing prick, don’t you?” She palmed Jaylee’s stomach and upper chest from behind. “Don’t you, Jared?”

“Yeah. You got me, I do.” Vanessa’s lips pressed moist against his shoulder blade. Goddamn …

“Well she’s not going to.” Cherry took pleasure in her cruelty. “Go shower and look at her while you do it. Don’t take your eyes off her hot body. And dream of her smooth salving palms on your shaft.”

“Okay, you’re killin’ me. Happy?”

“I could touch him some,” Jaylee said, her eyes beseeching.

Jared pounced on the suggestion. “Yeah, what she said. She’s been good. She deserves a treat.”

“Not gonna happen.”

“We could cut a deal,” Vanessa said, and Jared thanked her inwardly. He wanted to kiss her as well as fuck her. Cherry however arched that eyebrow at her friend’s departure from their script. “He gets some touchy-feely palm action from Jaylee,” the redhead explained, “if he pays for it after.”

“Pays how?” Cherry inquired.

“I got an idea. I’ll share it with you while he showers.”

“Can I, please?” Jaylee smiled at Jared while snuggling her gorgeous form into her friend’s caress. “I wanna touch him, if only a little.”

Cherry’s gaze was stern upon him. “Okay, yeah, I’ll go with that. But …” She whispered into Jaylee’s ear and the girl bit her lip with quiet delight.

“Gotcha.” She brought her hot girlish self to Jared, reaching out to him. “Hands are okay,” she said, and he found himself being led again. This was fine, though. This was good. He saw how she was looking at him. If he got the beta-girl on her own, he could take some serious initiative with her and the others could scheme all they damn well liked.

Then Cherry’s voice stopped him and his sweet treat.

“You don’t touch her,” that steely voice said. “He tries to jump you in there, you tell me and the deal’s off.”

“I didn’t know we had a deal,” he said, looking back at her.

“Then let’s make it now. We got all kinds of treats we can give you,” she said.

“Prizes to be earned,” Vanessa added.

“Wonders to blow your dumb-ass mind.”

“And if you blow this, you’ll walk outta here and never know what they were.”

“What you could have felt.”

“How crazy-good it could’ve been.”

Jared stared at both the alpha-females and shuddered inside like he was being haunted. There were two Natalies here to torment him.

“What about your sculpture?” he said, keeping it as laconic as he could. “You kick me out, it doesn’t get made.”

“Fuck the sculpture,” Cherry said.

“Yeah,” Vanessa said. “Fuck it. Think we can’t find another big hard dick in New York City? Go have your shower.”

Damn—Red was getting bad-ass like her ebony friend. What had come over the girl? There was no winning the current battle, he knew, so without attempting another word he let Jaylee grip him by the fingers and lead him to the bathroom. He tried not to obsess on the sway of her virtually naked butt-cheeks as he went. This was going to be excruciating. Unless, that was, he could find a way of twisting it to his own advantage...


Written by Jaymal
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