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The Jared Chronicles: Jared and the Cherry Project - Part 6

"Jared shows 'Red' how he REALLY feels about the project."

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Jared has completed his work on the project, been rewarded by each of the girls in turn and given the most spectacular release of his sexual career. But now it's just him and the woman who lured him there - Vanessa. 

The redhead had thrown on her shirt and it clung about her courtesy of a single button beneath her breasts. She had brushed out her hair into voluminous waves and was holding the moulding tube. “Good job,” she said, peering down it. “I got exactly what I need. It’s gonna make another you.” She spun it around so he could stare down its channel at the phallus-shaped space in the latex. “Maybe you’ll help me with the next stage?”

“Now why would I do that?” he asked, his cock turning fully hard again at the sight of her. “After you lured me here to be fucked with and then plotted and planned with your scary girlfriend.”

“’Cos you like me too much to get mad at me?” Vanessa suggested, adopting a coquettish Jaylee pose complete with lip-gnaw. “’Cos you’re such a sweetie, Mr. Rockstar and I got a big ol’ crush?” Her tone hardened. “’Cos we just gave you a contender for the best orgasm of your entire life?”

It was no lie. His body was still simmering from it. “You’ll have to let me go first,” he told her. “I can only hope you got the key from Cherry …”

“Key?” Vanessa gave a bewildered frown. “Key, oh yeah, let me see … Did she take that or leave it? Fuck. Oops …” She glanced around in confusion before her face lit with a smile. “D’oh, stupid.” The tiny gold key to his freedom spilled out on its chain from her clenched fist. “Peek-a-boo.”

“Very funny, Red. What are the odds on your using it?”

She considered a moment, before looping the key-chain around her neck. Oh shit, so they were playing this game again … “Tell you what,” she said, “I’ll give you a nice sponge bath and then we’ll see. How does that sound? Wait here.”

“What am I gonna do,” he shouted after her as she made for the bathroom, “run you down like a bull?”

“That’d be funny,” she called over running water. “Watching you concuss yourself on one of Cherry’s sculptures.”

She was good to her word—returning with a steaming plastic bowl of water and a large sponge with which she began to wash him from shoulders downwards. There was something genuinely solicitous about her attentions to him. Aside from the three-girl hand-and-mouth job it was the closest he’d had that day to being pampered. “So why’d you do all this?” he asked as she sponged copious amounts of cum from his breastbone and rinsed it out in the bowl. “Hell of a lot of work.”

“I guess,” she said, lifting his cock with one hand so she could move the sponge in circles on his belly, “’cos I knew you could take it. Actually no, that’s not quite right. I wanted to see if you could take it.”

“Really—so it was all some kind of test. How’d I do?”

She looked at him and there was warmth in her gaze. “Well, I took outrageous liberties with what I like to think has become our friendship—and you reacted by being the most fucking fun possible. So I’d say you passed with flying colours.”

“Okay, good—I’m glad I entertained. But … why?”

“Question.” She rinsed and sponged some more, mopping up the semen from his groin. “How much fun have you had today? Honestly?”

He rolled his eyes and fought the grin that wanted to form on his lips. “Okay—a lot.”

“A whole fucking lot, I’d say.” Vanessa raised his re-forged erection from his stomach and effectively jacked its length with the sponge as she rendered it clean. “And I enjoyed the look on your face. Make that all the different conflicting looks. So different from when you were on stage Friday night, strutting your rock-guitarist stuff.”

“So you were there.” He’d had it in mind to call her on what seemed like a broken promise. “Incognito?”

“Lurking in a corner. I wanted to see what you looked like on stage.”


“Oh, you look good, no denying it. It’s no wonder you have your little fangirls going crazy, but … I wanted to see what else was there beyond that contained arrogance thing you have going. It set me plotting with Cherry even more than before. I’m afraid I riled her way up, hinting at all your bad-boy adventures … but it all worked out. Your reaction was what I’d hoped and more.” She graced him with an enigmatic smile. “And that, Rockstar, is all the answer you get.”

“So,” he said, fully aware of his bulging cock once more along with the sway of Vanessa’s tits beneath the shirt, “what now?”

She completed his ablutions, not stopping until he was washed clean. “Well if I let you go now, one of two things will happen,” she said. “Either you’ll put your pants on and walk out the door in an effort to look super-cool, or you’ll throw me down and bang me senseless in a crazy revenge fuck. Whichever way, you’ll try to teach me a lesson. So that leaves me in turn with two options.”

“And those are …?”

“Get you off a couple times more till you’re fucking exhausted and then kick you out … or take my chances.”

“So,” he asked, eyeing her intently, “which is it to be?”

She considered him a moment, hand resting lightly on his arm. “No contest.” Then she undid the single button and brushed the shirt from her body, all posturing discarded along with that single piece of clothing. She scooped her breasts into her palms and massaged them a moment, looking at him all the while, then she paced around the chair, removing the key from around her neck. Jared’s pulse quickened as she fitted the key and the handcuffs clicked apart. She set bracelets and key alike in his naked lap as he massaged his wrists.

“I’ll get it if you take umbrage and go,” she said, strolling towards the apartment’s most secret room, his gaze fixed on the heart-shape of her swaying ass. “But maybe it’d be better between us if you stuck around and we worked things out on the bed. Your call.” She glanced over her shoulder, flicking aside that flaming hair, and then disappeared into what he knew to be the secret boudoir.

Damn. Freedom—and no longer outnumbered. One-to-one with the instigator of the whole crazy afternoon. He found it hard to accept that events had taken this turn. She wants me to … She wants to see what I’ll … Manipulated again. Whatever he did he was playing Vanessa’s game, much like the first time they’d met, on the road to Chicago. Then he’d been able to subvert the rules, but this time … It was like she’d shown him her poker hand and was letting him win. Whatever he did, it was on her terms.

On the other hand he’d spent the past ten years as games-master, so maybe this karma was due. Plus it said much about the impression he’d made on her that she put so much effort into her crazy scheme. And maybe even she had underestimated what she was letting herself in for—offering herself up to the hard-on that had reasserted itself with pulsing life. There were always two ways of looking at things. Right now it was best to go the way that required the least thinking.

Jared hung the key around his neck, gripped the handcuffs and made for the door. His resurgent lust was making all the decisions now and that was how it should be. Life was too short for anything else.

Inside the room all windows were heavily draped and the lighting low. The centrepiece was a huge bed with a dark wooden frame and heavy velvet bedspreads. More striking however were the racks of instruments either side of the bed—paddles, floggers and whips, a whole ass-torturing armoury. Heaven knew what further sado-masochistic wonders lurked within the multi-drawered dresser at the side of the room. He could only assume that this was where Cherry plied the exotic trade that paid rent on the apartment.

All these considerations were secondary however to the girl on the bed. She was lying on her robust front, butt-naked and ready, the butt in question a beautifully pronounced hill in the contours of her body. She had crooked one knee playfully, her heel hovering inches about that lovely ass-curve. And her hair—it was swept back and tumbling over her shoulder in an artful cascade of autumn-red. The emerald of her eyes regarded him through the room’s half-light.

“Mad at me?” she asked, like it was a genuine inquiry.

“Yeah,” he said, his cock thick and rigid under his stroking palm. But he was also impressed, and flattered, and very, very fucking horny. He ignored all the accoutrements the room had to offer. All he wanted in that moment was her naked flesh on his. Casually he walked up to her, hanging the cuffs on the corner of the bed frame. Her head was tilted upwards so she could stare at his resplendent erection, that original item she had so recently worked to replicate. He palmed it in front of her, letting her face fall into its shadow, allowing her gaze to feast on it a moment. Then he gripped her by her luxuriant locks and pulled her upwards from the bed’s surface. “You put me through more fucking torment than a man can stand today,” he told her, his glans brushing her parted lips, “and yeah, you did it with style. Now if you want to pay it back so bad, start now. Suck my fucking cock and suck it good.”

Her mouth stretched wide and captured him with an ease equal to her enthusiasm. His soul rejoiced to see it ... The fiery girl with cascading locks to match—his road-trip partner in crime one year past—with her lips a voluptuous ring of crimson around his shaft, mouth filled with the cock she had made so very hard. She was prying herself up from the covers so she could vacuum up more of him, zealous in her commitment to the task. Her tongue swathed him in its wet blanket and the walls of her mouth closed in around him as she provided a proper full-on sucking.

Eager for more of the same, he shoved the fingers of a second hand into her hair and bore her down on him, making her take him into the throat. Her jewelled eyes widened a moment, but she guzzled with renewed vigour, head bobbing even as he plunged bone-hard into that tight liquid passage. Fuck, what a fantastically filthy bitch he had in his grasp. He could make her swallow him down to the balls, he knew, and she’d take it all while scarcely flinching. In fact she expected it. There was no easy way to shock this girl.

Except maybe one ...

The impulse was even stronger than the one to pump her face on his cock. “Come here,” he said, backing away from the bed and drawing her with him, mouth still gorged with his hard length. She had to scramble after him, trying not to fall off the side of the bed. When he pulled his dripping erection from her mouth she grabbed for him, half-climbing, half-stumbling from the mattress, her feet finding the floor.

“What the fuck … You want me to crawl to you?”

“No. Well maybe later.”

He drew her up to her full tiptoed height and put his mouth hard on hers, their lips sealing fast. His hands clasped her back and pulled her tight to him, as his tongue dived into her mouth’s wet cavern. She thrust her tongue in return like she was trying to defend herself, the nails of both hands clutching his back. Locked fast together, her breasts were crushed to his pectoral muscles, his palms sliding down to grip her ass, while his cock stood rigid against her belly. Their mouths were at war, tongues thrashing, lips almost carnivorous in how tightly they sealed. Then somehow, without either of them palpably instigating the moment, everything slowed and relaxed. Their bodies melted into one other, the kiss more luscious and mellow from mouths that had found a natural rhythm.

It sustained longer than Jared had intended and when they broke, they were both breathing deep and slow. Vanessa’s face was flushed, every trace of knowingness erased and replaced with an expression of sheer disconcertion. You weren’t expecting that, were you, Red? Shit … He hadn’t been expecting it either, whatever the fuck it was. They both dropped their gaze, the mutual stare too intimate to bear any longer, even though the embrace lingered.

The moment needed dealing with and Jared did so the best way he knew how—by gripping her ass hard with one hand and spanking hard with the other. She cried out, eyes blazing with sudden anger. This he understood. He clapped his hand to her velvet cheek once again, harder this time, letting the laughter escape from his mouth and the blood throb in his cock. “Catch you off guard?”

“You fucker,” she said, nails digging into the muscle of his back. He slapped both hands to her ass this time, fingers stretching wide to encompass both cheeks and pull her fast to him so that his cock was trapped tight between them.

“This fucker’s gonna shaft you so hard you won’t know what damn city you’re in.”

“Oh yeah?”

This time he held her gaze, letting his burn in response. “Oh yeah.”

He pushed her away from him so that she bumped into the bed and nearly tumbled back onto it. He reached after her and grabbed her by one of her full tits, kneading it insistently. Then he twisted on her lust-hardened nipple and slapped her breast so that she gasped. He fondled it again, wrestling her to him with his other hand slapping tight against her ass and squeezing fingers into the cleft. His mouth found her throat, her neck and her earlobe, kissing with savagery. Their lips locked once more, lingering on each other until tenderness threatened. He swatted it away again with a hand to her ass, then seized her by the hair and roughly molested her tit once more. “Think you’re gonna get it easy?”

“Think you can give it to me as hard as I want it?”

“Fuck yeah,” he said, gripping her by the throat and tit, then pushing her back onto the bed so that she fell in a tangle of red hair. He was grinning when he advanced on her, his cock thrusting out before him like a promise. Her face betrayed a flicker of trepidation and it served to hypercharge his intentions. “Get on your hands and knees.” He flipped her over before she had time to obey, enjoying his freedom to manhandle her into submission.

“Guess I narrowed my options once I turned you loose,” she said over her shoulder, her ass a lewd thrusting provocation.

“You guess right.” He whacked her flank and her body jolted its reaction, red hair flouncing and settling and her neck craning high. Even in her debased state this woman showed a touch of fucking class. He smacked on the other side to create the same effect.

“Skin on skin,” she panted, staring around at him again. “Ever your preference.”

“You think?” He looked around and spied a paddle on the wall equal in length to the one she had used on him. “I’m willing to experiment.”

“What?” There was a satisfying note of panic in her voice, a realisation that she’d spoken too quickly. He strode out of the bedroom and located the black paddle, the one she had used so thoroughly on him, lying where it had been dropped on the floor.

“You haven’t truly heard the sound this makes till you’ve heard it in your head,” he told her as he approached the bed again, trying it out against his own palm as Cherry had done. “That whip-crack sound right before the heat.”

“Oh God ...” Vanessa’s tone was of someone who’d chosen to do penance, but perhaps not expected it to take this form.

“I’m gonna do you a favour,” Jared said, holding the leather spanker against her ass. “I’m gonna limit this to one smack for every way you’ve been a bad girl today. Now scurry around and hold the bed frame.”

She prowled rather than scurried, glancing around at him with what defiance she could scrape together, whatever she was feeling inside. The bed’s mattress was firm and it supported him when he climbed onto it. Better to approach her ass this way rather than tackle it from the side. She stared around and up at him and he allowed himself a particularly cocky smile; his erection would take on the look of a fucking zeppelin to her, floating above as a reminder of what he was going to do once he’d dished out punishment.

“Stick that ass in the air,” he said, and she jutted it towards him, not diverting her gaze. “Nice. Now take hold of the bed frame. You’ll want to brace yourself like I did.” Once again she obeyed, arms stretching wide so she could take hold of the smooth-polished bars. He turned back and seized the handcuffs from the corner where he’d hung them, but paused as she looked at him and threw the pair aside. “No need for those, since you’re damn well going to do what I say. Now you hold onto those bars and don’t let go till I tell you, okay?”

“Okay,” she said, swallowing visibly as she tensed in preparation. His admiration swelled, as did his cock. There was a sense of privilege at the red-girl giving herself up in this way. Not that it assuaged his lustful anger one iota, when he reached back and swiped at her full cheeks for the first time.

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SMACK. Let her feel its resonance through her body this time. She yelled out, a loud satisfying articulation of the syllable “Oww.”

“Just a warm-up, Red. That one was to get you in the mood.” He steadied himself, raised the paddle far back and let it swing heartily this time, the connection a firm and meaty splat. “That’s for luring me here under dubious pretences,” he told her, pleased with the plash of leather on ass and determined to repeat the sound when he applied a backswing. “And that’s for springing the double-surprise of your friends on me.” He established a rhythm quickly, alternating blows on her cheeks as he swung from one direction, then the other, extracting a hearty yelp each time.

That’s for teasing me with the prospect of Jaylee’s tits and not letting me fuck her properly. That’s for passing on your dirty work to Cherry. That’s for every whack you gave my ass, and that’s for the ones she gave.” He paused while they both regained their breath, admiring the welts that were rising in bright scarlet, then resumed with the same vigour. “That’s for sticking a fucking tube on my cock and that’s for teasing me with your girly-show. That’s for my not getting to fuck back when I was on that chair and that’s for making me beg.”

He aimed the final stroke so that it fell square across the base of both cheeks, where her swollen pussy lips were pouting through her clenched thighs. And that’s for not getting out of my head, you sexy bitch.

“Owwww. Fuck. What was that one for?” she moaned, her hands clenched to the frame so that the muscles stood out on her upper arms. Her whole body was taut and her butt cheeks a compliment to her hair. She deserved kudos for how well she’d taken it.

“That’s for me to know,” he said, tossing the paddle away. “Lemme give you something to take your mind off it.”

He climbed down onto his knees and spread the cheeks he had just welted. The folds of her pussy were slick with arousal and he fingered them apart, inhaling her scent for a moment, before plunging his tongue inside her. His hands reached to clutch her thighs as he savoured and she moaned. Then his writhing tongue desired more access and he lay on his back, pulling himself between her legs and drawing her down onto him with hands that gripped her thrashed ass. He gave her more than she deserved—a tongue that thrust deep inside and fucked her soaking hole, before sliding all the way out to lap her clit.

She was pulsing-hot and he drove her to the edge in minutes. He might have left her hovering on the verge as she had done to him, but the thought of her body shivering with orgasm trounced any further desire for payback. Sliding out from under her he grabbed her ass with one hand and thrust two fingers of the other inside her, pistoning them in and out. She came instantly, her cunt contracting on him as she released a wail of anguished joy that came right from her gut. Every part of her strained, hands tight on the rails as euphoria ravished her. She gushed all over his fingers and palm and he gloried in the beauty of the moment.

His cock was an edifice of lust once more and he pulled his fingers from inside her so that it could replace them there. The fitting of the head between her soaking labia was wordless and he made no pithy comment, either, before commencing his time inside her. She knew what was on the way and her body, however addled by orgasm, was already tense again in readiness. No pleasantries were required, it seemed, between such good fuck-friends. Gripping her ass he gave it to her, every inch of the art project’s prototype, in a single cunt-storming thrust. Here it is, Red, take it fucking all!

There was an especial delight in finally burying himself inside Vanessa. Jaylee had been a sweet-bodied prospect any vaguely heterosexual man would have enjoyed and Cherry was a sculpted goddess, simultaneously forbidding and desirable. But this was the girl he had truly come to fuck—even before she had stacked up additional reasons. Her pussy sucked him in like she had been waiting for this too and he grasped her butt cheeks tight, holding himself there, relishing how her hot interior caressed him from tip to root. It felt like a homecoming.

When her scream had subsided and he had established his throbbing presence inside her, he withdrew and hammered home again, drawing out another impassioned cry, reinforcing the sense of how much he belonged here. This was what he’d waited for. This was what he’d fucking craved. No audience was required either—it was enough that she felt him and clenched around all his thick inches in response. He pulled out and slammed back into place, huge for her and loving that she was so pulsing-wet for him. Each sobbing cry she uttered, each contraction of her cunt around him was a joy. Take it, Red, take it, you fucking tease. She was warmed up now and ready to deal with him full-force.

His fingers curled deeper in to the flesh of her ass and he cut loose, ramming and retracting in a steady rhythm. She had swallowed up his full length like a greedy whore and now he made her take it on every thrust, revelling in the smack of his groin against her chastened ass. “That’s it, Red, you wanted it this hard—so fucking deal with it.” The sentiment was juvenile, he knew, but damned satisfying too, letting her know who was in charge. Or at least pretending that was the case … He whacked the swell of her cheek and kneaded it with his palm, enjoying the possession of this ass above all asses. How she loved to taunt him, playfully mock and satirise everything about him. Well, let her try and satirise this.

He shafted deep, surveying her beautiful form as he fucked her. Her fingers were wrapped fast around the bars of the bed-frame, whole body absorbing the shock of each impact. Her long back was curved, accentuating the contours of her ass, and beneath her, her breasts were visible shuddering with each quake that his pelvis smacked through her. And that amazing hair had all flounced down one side of her neck in a flaming cascade—like she was a legit movie star caught doing hard-core porn.

He looked down as well to appreciate the sight of his thick cock sliding in and out of her stretched hole, enjoying how she soaked those striving inches at his base. Strands of thick red pubic hair were sticking to him as he pistoned back and forth—how gorgeously dirty, how unique to her. The image drove him to new heights of hard-fucking insanity; he cracked a palm against her already-warmed ass, clamped hands on her shoulder and her tit and whaled into her with his cock, driving deep on each meaty thrust.

“Let go,” he told her. “Let go of the fucking bed.”

She released her grip and he pulled her almost upright from the knees, gripping hard and spearing her as he clutched. Penetrating deep.

“Some quality us-time at last, don’t ya think, Red?” he said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, we haven’t had a lot of that,” she answered, struggling to force out the words. “What are the chances of you calling me by my name, by the way? That’d be nice.”

“Okay … I’m really enjoying fuckin’ the shit out of you, Vanessa. That better?”

“Yeah, way better. More respectful. Now shut the fuck up and get on with it.”

He did shut up, and he made sure she did the same, at least as far as linguistic coherence was concerned. Climbing from his knees, he pushed her upper body down so that her ass formed the top of a sexy arch. Feet planted firmly, body squatting over hers, he fucked downwards, leaning his body weight into every deep-shafting stroke. There was only one way to screw the friend who had teased him in his dreams for a year before she got to do it in person—hard and nasty as fuck. He couldn’t let those glossy red curls go to waste either, now could he? Gripping a handful, he hauled on her thick tresses, bending her neck and back into an erotic curve once more. He used his grip on her hair and shoulder to brace himself, as his cock savaged her cunt.

Sweat and moaning, the scent of a woman’s arousal and the clutch of her hot sex on his recklessly thrusting shaft—it was heady and magnificent, never more so than when she came. He pumped all through the orgasm that creamed him, loving the messiness and the feral yowling that Cherry would have been hard-pressed to beat. Vanessa contracted hard around him, her orgasm long and intense. He reined it under control with his dual grip on hair and shoulder, letting it manifest in her voice and maybe her tits as it shuddered free of her.

“That’s my girl,” he seethed through his teeth, continuing to ram deep.

“Since … Since when am I your girl?” she muttered, as he shoved her face side-on to the covers once more and pile-drove her from above.

“You’re my girl right now. This ass is all mine.”

“Only ‘cos I’m lending it to you awhile.”

“Better make the most of it then, hadn’t I?”

He gripped her hard and put his back into the hardest work he’d done that summer, lawn-digging included. You fuck with me, Red, you take the consequences. That was one of the thoughts spinning in his head as he did her; another was how much she must have wanted this to push him so far. You couldn’t fall short of a woman’s expectations. Not this woman. Not when she’d gone to such extraordinary lengths. You had to respect that degree of determination, and you had to reward it with one hell of a fucking. The chemicals he’d taken backed up his lust and his determination as he gave her cunt the work-out it so clearly needed. You’re gonna keep taking this till that pussy gets me off.

By the time he got there, Vanessa was fingering between her legs, bringing herself to another climax. He’d felt good to sustain even longer, but the sheer excitement she was manifesting, combined with his repeated vertical plunge insider her, brought him to a sudden moment of urgency. He opened up and emptied another load, this time deep inside the woman whose face and freckled body haunted his nights more than Natalie ever could. She squeezed in response, milking the cum from his balls, as well she might, the tormenting sexy goddess. His roar was extended and full, like a lead-singer venting on stage, every muscle in his body locked tight as he pumped her full and himself free. Then when he was done, he pulled his cock all the sticky way out and collapsed panting onto the bed beside her.

“Fuck,” was all he could manage.

“Ditto,” she said, raising her head giddily, before slumping over onto her side. Then moments later, “Damn, my pussy’s gonna be sore in the morning.”

“Good. ‘Cos I’ll be bringin’ a soft cushion around with me the next few days.”

“Figured you’d paid me back for that one,” she said, poking his upper arm with a finger.

“Hell no. You and the queen bitch avenger layin’ into me, eggin’ each other on? I went easy on you.”

“Only ‘cos you wanted to fuck me so bad. And you got in some good swipes. Trust me, this ass knows.”

“Guess we both got our butts warmed tonight.”

“Yeah. Yeah, we did.” Their gazes remained on each other and they laughed, a moment of sexy post-climactic camaraderie.

“So,” he said, when the amusement had finally subsided and they’d properly caught their breath, “the cock mould, the Cherry fuckin’ Project—was that all just a ploy to get me here and then screw with me?”

“Oh no, it’ll get used, I promise. Once I’ve kicked your ass out of here I’ll do the next part. That was legit.”

“And the rest of it?”

“Blame it on Sammy. My friend—the blond girl in the portrait? I thought I was a game-player, but lately she’s been pushing me to new heights. Plus …” She considered a moment. “… I guess I wanted to see how you’d react with your hands tied—figuratively and literally. It’s what made you the man you are, after all.”

He blinked and stared at her, head lazing on a pillow. “God, you been analysin’ those drawings along with your friend …”

“Yup. The summer of young Jared’s training all those years ago. Quite an image—you with your hands tied behind your back being teased crazy by the girl with the feather. What was her name?”


“Right. I look at you with her and then remember how fucking alpha-male you were with me and Mallory that night. I guess I wanted to see what it would be like, all that masculine energy restrained.” There was no irony in her voice for once. She reached out and stroked his arm. “I wasn’t disappointed. And you had fun too …”

He caught her hand in his and brushed her fingers with his thumb. “Oh yeah.”

“Cherry not too scary?”

He laughed. “She knew how to play her part well—so did her little friend. I’ll bet she’s pretty fuckin’ scary when she’s showin’ a guy around this bedroom.”

“God yes, I’ve seen her in action. Shit, I’ve helped her out on occasion—you know, kind of played magician’s assistant when she’s working her bag of tricks.”

“I’ll bet you have.” It was an intriguing thought. “She’s okay, I can’t help but like her style. Natalie … Now there was scary.”

The inner flare of anger must have registered on his face, for Vanessa squeezed his hand. “God, she did a number on you. I didn’t mean to fuck with you—well I did, I totally meant to, but not in a bad way.”

“Today was all good fucking. Well. Mostly.” He shifted onto his side to ease the smarting in his ass.

“Stirred up a few ghosts?”

“I …” Natalie’s mocking face hovered before him, although in Vanessa’s presence it had lost some of its power to rile. “I’ll tell you about it someday. Gotta go take a piss.”

“You total charmer.”

“I’ll scrub up after. I remember your rules …”

His cock had slackened just enough to allow urination, but he had to divert his thoughts manfully away from all he had experienced that afternoon to finish. Not easy in the bathroom where Jaylee had so recently teased him. Already the whole occasion was taking on a dreamlike air, although the ache in his balls and ever-present burn on the surface of his ass testified to its reality.

True to his word he stepped in the shower and splashed down his pelvis region afterwards, his erection returning almost immediately the warm water sluiced him. The Dominican Republic had a lot to answer for. Vanessa met him naked on the way out and looked approvingly over his rinsed body. “Good boy. Even rock gods shouldn’t let their personal hygiene slip.” He glanced back at her gently swaying ass and noted with satisfaction its rosy contrast to her skin’s usual milkiness. Payback was sweet.

He picked up the cock mould from the coffee table and twirled it in his hands a moment, smiling at the audacity with which it had been employed. Then he set it back for Vanessa’s later use. Cherry’s ironic art project should be something to see, his cock a great sprouting centrepiece.

He located his jeans and his cell, checking for messages, while the shower hissed in the background. Two messages. The first was from Max: “All right, the J-man? You missed one fuck of a session. Thanks for sending Eddie—I was totally drowning, but he shored things up. Christ, it was all we could do to keep up with those girls. I’m wrung out. Give me a shout if you want to meet up for a beer. Later, mate.”

Then the usually laid-back Eddie: “Holy shit, dude, those girls – they made a fuckin’ man outa me. Damn! The one called Silkie—fuckin’ Silkie, dude, what she couldn’t do with her tongue … And her friend … Her friend was an even bigger freak. Good God. Look, I’m grateful and all, but what the hell had you goin’ on to turn down that prize? I hope it was damn-well life-changing. Tell me it was, or I owe you big-time. Got Jack and Jim on standby for later if you wanna swap war stories. Bye.”

Life-changing … Jared wasn’t sure, but he knew he wouldn’t be sharing too many details over whiskey shots later. He knew too that he’d be jacking off like a demon to the events of that day for months to come. Longer, maybe. To thoughts of sweet juicy Jaylee and her formidable uber-bitch girlfriend with their extravagant torture routine … But most of all to the red-headed architect of the whole crazy event. The one still available to him and currently soaping herself in the shower. Too good to waste …

He stroked his cock to full stiffness and strode back into the bathroom.

“You not gone yet?” She turned to him with soap bubbles shining on her tits and strands of red hair slick about her shoulders, gaze dropping to his groin. “Damn—is that thing aimed at me? Again?”

“Yeah, and I figure you should deal with it till it’s pointed at the floor.”

“Hey, I’m sore as it is, buster.”

“You’re sore, I’m sore—fuck it. You got me like this, one way or another, so you can damn well deal with it. You got hands and a mouth, ain’t ya?” He’d said it with as mean a spirit as he could muster, but her smile shot his meanness to shit and he returned a wry grin.

“I can,” she said, “and I have. Though Cherry’d slap me for indulging you so much.”

“Cherry’s not here. It’s you and me, baby.”

“True dat. Okay, what are you waiting for? If you’re gonna bring it, then bring it, Rockstar.”

“Red, it’d be my pleasure.”

He joined her under the jets and they embraced, their kiss long and luscious. Then he brought it as promised and she took it all—like the delightful, devious, flame-haired star she was.

Damn it all, you had to love a girl like that.

(Almost ) THE END

Written by Jaymal
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