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Poker Night Ch. 2

"Beth’s adventures continue, Dan’s specialness is revealed"

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I was rapidly shedding my traditional wife persona and setting free my natural slut. One thing I had learned from that crazy boyfriend I had before Dan was that I loved sex. In my heart of hearts, I knew I loved to fuck, and I was willing to try a lot of things in that pursuit. There were lines I wouldn’t cross and that had led to the end of my relationship with that boyfriend. I haven’t shared his name, and I’m not going to because he doesn’t matter anymore. The poker club was the catalyst for my re-awakening, and I was looking forward to my turn. Dan couldn’t have been happier.

A few days after I taught Ted and Morgan a lesson, Morgan called me at work. “Hey, Beth! I won’t keep you long. I know you’re busy. The poker wives want to meet you for lunch sometime this week. We all work nearby, so it won’t take a lot of time to meet up, and we can all talk shit about our husbands. Are you in?”

It took me all of a millisecond to agree. I wanted to meet the other women in the poker club. Hell, at this point, the only one I knew was Morgan. We decided to meet up on Wednesday at a local pub and eatery. The lunch crowd there was rather loud and we knew that we could talk freely without being overheard.

Wednesday rolled around and I walked the two blocks to the pub. Morgan had reserved us a table in a relatively quiet corner and she was waiting for me when I arrived. We didn’t have to wait very long before the other two women showed up.

I suppose, at this point, I should describe the four of us. I, of course, am a 5’ 8” tall brunette. I am built rather slim, which tends to exaggerate my c-cup tits. My tits have almost no sag, and my quarter-size nipples are extremely sensitive. I’m told I have an awesome bubble butt and legs for days. Oh, and I have hazel eyes and a bald pussy. Enough about me.

Morgan is about my height with blonde hair, a bit more voluptuous figure, and upturned c-cup tits. She keeps a landing strip above her pussy. If I had that natural blonde hair down there, I would have one too. She is smoking hot and has the sex drive to match. Her bright blue eyes shine with humor, and she loves fucking my husband.

Mark’s wife Andria has my hair color and is a five-inch shorter version of me in most respects. Her eyes are brown, and she has the cutest B-cup tits. She almost never wears a bra because her tits are so perfect and firm. She’s a little pixie and as cute as a button. She isn’t shy either.

Ray’s wife, Jennifer (Jenny), is a fiery redhead with green eyes and the body of a goddess. Her tits are borderline d-cup, and her nipples are ultra-sensitive like mine. She keeps a well-trimmed triangle of red pubic hair that points to her beautiful little pussy.

How do I know so much about them? Hang in there. We’ll get to that.

I hit it off with Jenny and Andria right away. The four of us share a wicked sense of humor. Once Jenny and Andria realized that I wasn’t upset, they saw the humor in my husband's introduction to the poker club. They were also very curious about my husband’s equipment.

Morgan was more than happy to share her personal experience with it. “His cock is perfectly shaped, longer than any cock I’ve ever seen in real life, and the perfect thickness to stretch my pussy in the most wonderful way. Not only that, but he really knows how to use it. Add to that his ability to fuck for hours and you have a major stud.

“I have to warn you guys, I’ve never been fucked so good in my life, not even close. Ted is a wonderful lover, as you well know, but Dan is on a whole new level. Ted doesn’t need to know that, and I suggest that when you find out for yourselves, you don’t tell Ray or Mark either. Our husbands don’t need their egos slammed with that knowledge. They might just decide that Dan is too much of a threat and stop doing poker nights. We can’t have that now, can we?”

Jenny was grinning. “Dan sounds too good to be true, and I, for one, can’t wait to find out for myself. It’s too bad it won’t be my turn for a while.”

I entered the conversation. “Speaking of turns. What do you do if you’re not hosting? Do you all just wait at home until your spent husband shows up?”

Morgan laughed. “Hell no! The three not hosting get together and go clubbing. We drink, dance with strange men, and when they get us all horny, we leave before we get into trouble. We usually go to one of our houses and hang out. Most of the time, we end up sleeping wherever we hang out. We take turns hosting girls’ night.”

I thought that sounded like fun. Then I wondered if Jenny and Andria were the types that didn’t do girls. If so, it would be great fun to test their resolve. Girls’ night could get really interesting. That moment is when it really hit me. I had given up on my prudish little wife act and was rapidly on my way to a controlled slut. I used the word controlled because my slutty ways were only being set free within the poker party group. There was no way in hell I was going to do anything outside that group without Dan’s enthusiastic approval.

I now fully accepted my slut side, and I felt wonderful. “So, Andria is hosting the next party and that means Jenny, Morgan, and me are going clubbing. I need to buy some clothes. I tossed out all my slut wear when Dan and I met.”

Morgan patted my hand, “Don’t you worry about that. You and I are going shopping after work every day until we get you properly equipped.

“Ted’s not working you late anymore, is he? I’ll chew his ass out if he is.”

I shook my head, “Ted never made my work late. I did it on my own so I could get up to speed on my job. I’m in good shape now and normally I don’t need to stay late. Let me give Dan a call and let him know what we are doing. I can’t wait! This is going to be fun!”

After our luncheon broke up, I called Dan. He had some news for me, “Babe! I’m glad you called. Guess who has an interview with Donna Briggs?”

I was shocked, “The Donna Briggs?”

He was giddy. “Yes, The Donna Briggs! She has an opening that is a perfect fit for me. The interview is kinda weird, though. She wants you and me to attend a small get-together at her penthouse. She’ll interview me during the evening. She said that there would be some interesting people to keep you company while we talk.”

I knew Donna Briggs’s reputation. She was a billionaire business genius known for her kinky ways. “Dan, sweety? Don’t you suppose that she might want to get in your pants? She does have a reputation, you know.”

I could hear the disappointment in his voice. “Yeh, you’re probably right. I’ll tell her I’ve changed my mind.”

I laughed. “No, dear. As long as she’s not using the job offer to get into your pants, I don’t mind if you fuck her. If the job offer is real, it’s fine. I’m drawing a line, though. I don’t want you having an affair with her, and I need to know when and where you’re going to fuck her. I’ll consider future fuckings on a case-by-case basis. You good with that?”

I could tell he was happy again by his tone. “Of course! You know I wouldn’t do anything with another woman without your permission. The invitation is for this Friday evening, so get yourself a nice outfit to wear. Something classy but slutty because you know that’s what Donna will be wearing.”

We got off the phone and I went back to work. Two evenings of shopping after work got me some amazing outfits, and I was very pleased. The bank account, not so much. I modeled each one for Dan and he practically tore them off me. Our sex life was through the roof.

Friday rolled around and before we knew it, we were standing at the penthouse elevator while the security guard made sure we weren’t a threat to the beautiful billionaire. Radio jargon flew back and forth between the security guard and some hidden supervisor. The elevator door finally opened and we were on our way. I told Dan that I hoped it wasn’t going to be that hard to leave.

The elevator door opened to a foyer with yet another guard. He gave us his stern, I’m an alpha dog, look. I laughed in his face. “Really? The guy downstairs wasn’t playing the intimidation game enough for you guys?”

He made a mistake when he stepped toward me. Dan moved between us and gave the guard his own stare. “We are invited guests and you’re being an asshole. If you step toward my wife again, I’m going to put you down hard.”

I could see the rage on the guard’s face as he took the step. Dan put him down hard just as Donna came down the hall. She looked down at the guard, then up at my husband. “Holy shit! I didn’t think you’d knock him out!

“Oh well, I did ask him to test you. I guess now we both know not to fuck with you.”

She bent down, revealing some amazing cleavage, grabbed the guard’s radio, and pressed the talk button. “Hey, Bill! Joe is out on the floor. Would you make sure he gets any help he needs and send up a replacement? Give Joe the day off tomorrow with pay, and let me know if he has any issues.

I could hear Bill’s surprised response. “Someone knocked Joe out! Joe never gets knocked out. He’s got an iron jaw, for goodness sake!

“Sorry, boss, never mind. I’ll take care of him. He’ll probably wake up with a headache and be fine tomorrow. Any chance I can meet the guy that punched his ticket?”

I could hear the humor in Donna’s voice. “That remains to be seen. I’ll let you know.”

She waved for us to follow her, and I heard Joe begin to groan as consciousness began to return. I gave him no more thought. He’d been an ass, even if his boss had put him up to it, and he’d crossed Dan’s line. Now, I was wondering about Donna. A little eccentricity was fine with me, but if she was full-on crazy, we were going to be gone in a heartbeat.

I ended up finding the woman to be funny, articulate, and very sexy. She was wearing a diaphanous gown that was transparent enough to see the half-cup bra and thong she was wearing. She looked sexy as hell, and evil thoughts of molesting her body entered my head.

We entered the main living area, and I caught my breath. Three devastatingly handsome guys stood waiting. They all wore boxer briefs and not a stitch of any other clothing. They were not only devastatingly handsome, but they were also very obviously well-endowed. I thought at that point that she had her little harem and she wouldn’t be that interested in my husband. I should have known better than to let my first impression guide me.

She didn’t fuck around. As soon as we all had a drink in our hand, she started in on Dan with technical questions. I didn’t have a clue as to what they were talking about, but I could see that Dan was holding his own. I soon got bored listening and strolled out into the room, leaving them to talk business.

Within moments I was surrounded by her harem. I will say it was very difficult to look them in the eye. Their hot bodies and substantial bulges were distracting, to say the least. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were all articulate and well-educated. As our conversation progressed, I discovered that all three were executives in Donna’s companies.

That made me take a step back. If Donna thought my husband was going to be the latest member of her harem, she had another thing coming. I was somewhat mollified when I discovered that the three men were single. Chet was the first to share his name, and as I said, quite the hunk. Brian’s muscle definition was otherworldly. His black skin glistened, and I couldn’t help but notice his cock beginning to swell as the conversation took a turn toward intimacy.

Zach introduced himself with a feathery kiss to my neck that sent chills down my body. The next thing I knew, the three men were lightly touching me and were well into my personal space. I thought, Oh Fuck! This could be trouble. I took a moment to look over at my husband. Apparently, they had moved on to the physical part of the interview.

Donna and Dan were kissing with gusto. She had his cock out and was pumping it with her hand. As I watched, she knelt down and took him in her mouth. Yes, things are definitely getting interesting! Dan didn’t look like he was suffering; quite the opposite, in fact.

Donna’s, now my, harem had closed what little distance remained between us. They were suddenly touching me everywhere at once. When Chet’s lips met mine, I hesitated for a moment. Let’s face facts. I had a sneaking suspicion about what would happen this evening before we had even got here, although I had no idea how it would happen. I decided at that moment to trust Dan to take control if he thought we were crossing a line he didn’t want to be crossed. I let myself go, which wasn’t a hard decision by any stretch, and soon was lost in my harem’s collective arms.

Their combined hands had me nude in seconds. I looked over at my husband as Zach buried his face in my pussy. Dan was watching me as his cock was being sucked. He smiled and mouthed at me, “You go, girl.”

Well, that cleared things up in a hurry! I let my last reservations go. My harem had lost their boxer briefs somewhere along the way and I happily reached out to grasp Chet and Brian’s cocks. I was soon on my back on the massive bed, being thoroughly eaten by Zach. Chet and Brian were on either side of my face and I was taking turns sucking their big cocks. My first orgasm swept over my body, boosted by the thrill of being serviced by three men.

Zach moved up my body, and the other guys gave him some room. His long hard cock found my opening and was soon gliding deep into me. God, it felt good! He stroked that awesome cock into me until I spasmed my way through my second orgasm.

After that, things got a bit confusing. All I know for sure is that I constantly had a cock in my pussy and one in my mouth. I don’t know how long we had been at it when Brian pulled me on top and sank his amazing black cock into my pussy. Chet got behind me and began lubing up my ass. I looked over at my husband.

Dan had Donna bent over and was driving his cock deep into her. They were both watching us on the bed, and it was obvious from the lust-filled looks on their faces that they liked the show. Chet’s cock penetrated my ass and after a few moments of discomfort, I began to lose my mind. Brian’s cock brushed against my lips and my mouth opened to take him in. My harem began to rock my world.

They fucked me so good, so amazingly, that I lost my ability to think. I was totally lost in the sensation while those big cocks fucked all my holes. I kept orgasming over and over until they began to shoot load after load into my willing body. I remember looking over at my husband as he dumped his cum into Donna’s mouth. Then, I remembered nothing for a while.

I have no idea how much time passed before I became aware of the mouth on my pussy. I blearily looked down and Donna paused long enough to grin up at me. Then she dove back in. By this point, I was absolutely sure that I was fucked out. There was no way I could orgasm again. I was so wrong.

Donna proceeded to show me how wrong I was by bringing me to two massive orgasms. The second one occurred while we were sixty-nining, and I made her climax as well. I finally had to shove her head away from my sensitive pussy. I was now definitely fucked out. She slid up the bed and cuddled with me as she kissed my face and lips. It was just the thing I needed after the fucking I had experienced. I remember Dan joining us on the bed before sleep took me. I woke up some hours later because the bed was bouncing. Dan was fucking Donna and she was having a massive orgasm. I watched blearily as he fucked her into a near coma before blasting his load into her. I fell back asleep as he rolled off her.

I woke to the sun streaming in through the massive windows of the penthouse. Dan was spooning me and caressing me. Donna was already up and gone somewhere. I rolled over and kissed my husband, morning mouth and all, as we reconnected. I know my husband loves me, but I was concerned about what Donna’s expectations might be. I wasn’t going to whore out my husband to this woman.

We eventually got out of bed and showered off the sex from the night before. When we dried off, there were two robes waiting for us. We put them on and ventured out into the main room. Donna was waiting for us in the dining room, seated at the table with a breakfast spread that could feed a dozen people. She smiled at us as we sat down. Not much was said until we had finished eating and were sipping on the best coffee I had ever tasted.

Donna was used to being the one in charge and she wasn’t shy. “Let’s talk about some things. First of all, Beth, your husband is exactly the person for the job and it’s his if you both want it. I will tell you that Dan is by far the best lover I have ever had, and you are a fortunate woman to have earned his love.

“I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to fuck him again, and, with your approval, I would like that very much. You need to know that sex with Dan was never part of the interview or a condition of his getting the job. It was a really fun thing that happened.

“I had thought that we would meet, Dan would complete the interview, and we would have a few drinks. Afterward, I expected that you would leave and my guys would fuck my brains out. Things didn’t turn out that way and I’m glad that they didn’t. Watching you with my guys was the most erotic thing I have ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of erotic things. So, tell me what your concerns are, and I will do my best to reassure you.”

I sat in silence for a moment, getting my thoughts straight. I looked at Dan and he took my hand and smiled lovingly. His support was all I needed. “I agree that Dan will be a definite asset, and there is no doubt in my mind that you will be very pleased with his business skills. My concern has always been that you will steal him away from me or, at the minimum, want him as your sex toy. I’m willing to share him on a case-by-case basis, but that doesn't mean I’m going to let you have him.”

Donna nodded her understanding. “Obviously, I can’t prove I’m telling you the truth, but I sincerely hope that you believe me. Chet, Brian, and Zach are single men that enjoy being with me. They were never coerced in any way. I keep my work and my fun separate. I’m most definitely not a home wrecker and I don’t have affairs with married men. I won’t go behind your back and frankly, I don’t think Dan would do something like that anyway. Having said that, I find you both to be amazing lovers, and I would like to explore that with you. I think the three of us could have a lot of fun together, but that is all it would be, fun.”

Somehow, I knew that she was sincere. I also knew how amazing my husband is and promised myself that I would keep my eyes open. Regardless of her sincerity, I suspected that it wouldn’t be long before she developed feelings for my husband. I stood and walked around the table. I pulled Donna to her feet and wrapped her in my arms. The kiss that followed left her breathless. “Donna, I believe you. I also think that you will fall in love with my husband, given the time. You need to keep those feelings under control. Keep things in the friends-with-benefits zone and we will be fine. Cross the line and you will never see us again.”

Donna looked into my eyes. “I’m starting to get those feelings for you, Beth, and I understand. If I get to the point where my feelings are getting the best of me, I will break things off between us. Dan’s job is an entirely separate thing and I promise that I won’t let our private lives interfere with that. Now, would you please kiss me again?”

I gave my answer with my mouth and tongue. Soon, my hands were working her body and Dan watched as I pushed her back on the table and dove between her beautiful legs. I admit that I loved eating her pussy, and the orgasm that followed seemed to indicate that she loved being eaten by me.

Half an hour later, Dan and I were dressed and leaving the strangest job interview in history.


Poker night rolled around and Dan left for Andria and Mark’s house. I secretly wished Andria well handling my husband's big cock and finished getting ready. My slut-wear for the evening was a barely legal, low-cut, and nearly transparent top, along with a mini-skirt that barely covered my ass. I wore pull-up stockings that left a few inches of exposed thigh before the hem of the skirt failed miserably to hide the view farther north. I wore a thong but no bra and rounded out the outfit with a pair of CFM heels. I looked ready to fuck, and in truth, I was. I carried a small clutch with an adjustable wrist strap. My clutch and my drink were never going to be out of my sight.

Morgan and Jenny arrived in the taxi and giggled as I flashed the driver entering the car. We arrived at the club and proceeded to dance our asses off. It wasn’t long before the men started sniffing around. We culled the best out of the herd until each of us had two guys and were soon flirting heavily. It was loads of fun and I eventually allowed my two hunks to take a few freedoms with my body.

Around midnight, I decided that we either needed to leave, or I was going to get my brains fucked out. I called a taxi, and we said our goodbyes with some intense kisses. I know my two guys were severely disappointed and surely had a near-terminal case of blue balls. Oh well, I told them I was married and wasn’t looking to bed anyone when we started talking. I’m sure that they thought they could change my mind. Too bad they don’t play poker.

We arrived at my house and settled in the living room with fresh drinks in our hands. I had the music playing low so we women could talk but just loud enough so that we had to sit close. I was planning to seduce Jenny and as soon as she settled on the couch, I nestled in next to her. She looked at me kind of funny for a moment but was soon deep in conversation.

I steered our talk toward sex and asked her to tell us about the last time she hosted the poker game. My strategy was to get her to make herself horny by talking about her hosting. I would then continue my seduction. I had high hopes that Morgan would be my wing woman and help me in my endeavor.

I could see the excitement in Jenny’s eyes as she thought back to that night. “We haven’t been doing the whole poker night thing for very long. It all kind of started when Ted, Morgan, Ray, and I got together one Friday and started playing cards. The drinks flowed, we smoked a bit of pot, and the conversation turned to things sexual. One thing kind of led to another and we started playing strip poker. I suppose occasionally, strip poker ends when someone decides that they have shown enough. Ours ended when we all got naked and started playing for favors. We started out fooling around, one thing led to another, and the next thing I know, I have Ted’s cock in me and he fucked me into oblivion.

“Afterward, we all decided that the guys’ Friday poker night might just be an opportunity to have a bit of fun. Jenny hosted the first one and had a great time. The bitch wouldn’t stop talking about it and it was making me crazy. I talked Andria into letting me go next and I spent the rest of the month obsessing over every little detail. In hindsight, I could have saved myself a lot of work. I could have been dressed in a coverall and the guys wouldn’t have cared. They wanted me naked anyway.

“During the game, the guys took advantage of my nearly naked state to cop a ton of feels. By the time the game was over, I was so fucking turned on that it was all I could do not to run to the bedroom and get out my little vibrating friend. Charlie had come in last, followed by my hubby, then Ted, and finally Mark.

“Charlie was an amazing kisser and he got me really revved up before my hubby took over. Ray made me cum while stripping me and I was soaked by the time Ted planted his mouth on my pussy. One more orgasm later, it was Mark’s turn. I thought Mark was going to lose his mind when he saw me on the couch with my legs spread and my arms open. He was shaking so much when he tried to stick his cock in me that I had to help him.

“I really like Mark’s cock and I especially like the way he uses it. He fucked me into two more orgasms before I swallowed his dick and the cum that shot out of it. He has the tastiest cum.

“Anyway, the guys started grabbing their clothes and I wasn’t done yet. That’s how the rule about the hostess taking over came about. Needless to say, they didn’t have a problem with me wanting more. Before they left, I got double-penetrated and triple-penetrated for the first time in my life. I finished off the night giving Mark one last fuck just because he had been so sweet.

“I was completely spent, and Ray had to carry me to bed. I had never been so utterly satisfied in my life. Ray said I had a smile on my face even in my sleep. God, every time I think of that first time, it makes me horny as hell all over again. Anyway, that’s my story.”

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I could tell by the flush across her chest and the look on her face that she was very aroused. I knew that if I went at her directly by trying to kiss her, she would panic and stop me. I looked over at Morgan and she grinned at me. It was like she read my mind. She stood up from the chair and I stood to meet her. Our lips met and we kissed deeply. I love kissing women. Sure, I love kissing men too, but there is something about the soft lips and the gentle lust they express that really does it for me.

Somewhere along the way, Morgan and I nearly forgot about Jenny. Our kiss became less loving and more lust filled. Our hands began to caress and touch. Morgan unbuttoned my blouse and cupped my breast while her fingertips played across my nipple. I let out a groan and looked over Morgan’s shoulder as she lowered her head to my breast. I got a great view of Jenny with her hand under her dress. She was obviously diddling herself while she watched Morgan and I go at it.

I pulled Morgan’s head up and turned it toward Jenny. Morgan figured it out right away. We sat down on either side of Jenny, and I tilted her chin up and kissed her. It wasn’t long before our tongues met. We were getting into it pretty good when I handed her off to Morgan. Morgan gave her the same treatment while I explored Jenny’s amazing body. It didn’t take long before I had a finger in her pussy and a nipple in my mouth. The rest was easy.

Morgan and I continued to take turns winding up Jenny until we had her nearly begging for it. I pulled her to her feet, and the three of us headed to the bedroom. It was time to get comfortable and do this right.

Jenny was the center of our attention. I kissed her while Morgan stripped what little clothes Jenny had off. I didn’t give her time to think. I pushed her onto the bed and immediately dove for her pussy. Even after all the dancing we had done, she tasted sweet and smelled divine. Morgan was alternating between kisses and nipples while I ate Jenny. A few minutes in, Jenny began thrusting her hips against my face as she began to orgasm. I continued to lick her clit until she peaked, then gently licked her labia after she came down the other side.

I pulled my head back and looked up her body. I caught her eyes and smiled. She gave me a lust-filled grin back. I couldn’t get to her mouth and kiss her fast enough. I shared her taste with her while Morgan moved down her body on her way to her turn. I could tell instantly when Morgan started eating Jenny’s pussy. The intensity of our kiss shot up to ten. I thought that Jenny’s clit would be too sensitive, and she would eventually push Morgan away. She eventually did, but only after cumming all over Morgan’s face.

After that, it was surprisingly easy to get Jenny to return the favor. We formed our own little daisy chain and made each other cum so good. The three of us were trading deep kisses when Dan came home from the poker game. He grinned before kissing me goodnight and went to the guest room. He understood completely that I needed alone time with my friends and was happy to give it to me. My husband is so sweet!

I am not sure who woke who, but the three of us woke up late and cuddled. We wanted more than that, but nature and morning mouth called. Dan and I have a large shower with plenty of room for fun and games. We did the usual morning duties and got into the shower together. We began washing each other and things got out of hand pretty quickly after that. When we went to the kitchen to get some brunch, all of our faces had that ‘I just orgasmed my ass off!’ look. Dan chuckled when we paraded into the room.

We had a fun meal before Dan drove my friends home. I’m sure that their husbands were in for a surprise when their wives told them about our evening. The guys can’t have all the fun!


When Dan came back from dropping the girls off, he had a surprise for me. “Would you like to see what happened last night?”

I looked at him skeptically. “How do you propose to do that?”

His grin was infectious. “It just so happens that Andria’s husband Mark has quite the camera setup in his house. It also just happens that he likes to record poker night. Guess what else Mark likes to do?”

I was grinning back now. “Oh, I don’t know… Share what he records?”

Dan grabbed the laptop and began linking it to the television. “Got it in one guess! Get comfortable on the couch and I'll join you in a moment.”

Dan returned with iced tea for both of us and we snuggled on the couch. Dan grabbed the laptop. “It will take hours to go through all the video, so let me give you the highlights of the game and we can watch the fun that happened afterward.

“First of all, I have to say that Andria is one hot little spinner! I think she may have a higher sex drive than you do, assuming that is even possible. Until last night I had never met her and had no idea what to expect. Mark opened the door and I found that I had gotten there before Ted and Ray. Andria came walking into the room and I think my mouth was hanging open. I know I was staring.

“She was a petite vision. You can see on the computer what she was wearing. I’ve never seen a body stocking like that without legs or sleeves, a deep v-front that dipped almost to her pussy, and a similar back that turned into a kind of thong thingy at her ass. You can see it was a crimson-red color and that it is nearly transparent, but the silky feel of it was really awesome.

“She saw the state I was in and grinned at me as she walked right up to me. She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hello kiss that quickly turned into something else. Within seconds her legs were wrapped around my waist and our tongues were going at it. Her greeting had my cock ragingly hard. She finally came up for air when Mark gave her a little smack on the ass. “Now honey, we have all evening. Let Dan have a beer while you calm down.”

“She giggled, then released her grip on my waist with her legs. She slid down my body like a gymnast and managed to rub herself from crotch to mouth on my cock. She ended up kneeling on the floor with her cheek pressed against my erection. “Mark? Sweetheart? Can you and the other guys play poker while Dan and I get acquainted in the bedroom?”

“Mark’s response wasn’t a surprise when he said, “Andria! Behave!”

“Well, Ted and Ray came in a few minutes later and Andria gave them a pretty good kiss as well. I was kind of glad they weren’t there when she greeted me. I think I might have got a way better hello than they did. Soon enough, we were sitting around the table playing poker while Andria strutted her cute little ass around serving drinks, grabbing crotches, and being a general erotic distraction.

We took our opportunities to distract her as well. I ran my hand up her inner thigh and let my finger rest along her slit. She would stand there and I could tell she wanted me to rub her pussy with that finger. I would let her stew for a while, then slide my hand back and forth a few times. That would get her going again and I would make her wait again. I’d do that for a few minutes, then pull my hand away so the other guys could get a turn.

“I had decided that I wasn’t going to hold back, and I played to win. The other guys must have felt the same way because the game got serious. Nobody was giving away games or working together. About halfway through, I had to take a piss. I had just finished my latest round of teasing Andria’s pussy, excused myself, and went to the bathroom. When I came out, Andria was waiting for me, “Dan, you have to fuck me right now! You have to! I can’t wait for a second longer!”

“I gently grabbed her wrists as she reached for me and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Andria, I would love to do that, but that isn’t how poker night works. It wouldn’t be fair for the guys, and it wouldn’t be fair for you. Let’s play by the rules and I promise you won’t regret it.”

“She pouts really cutely, but it didn’t work. I walked back to the guys and sat back down. I little while later, Andria brought me a beer and slammed it down on the table hard enough that it foamed out the top. I gave the little fireball a smack on the ass and Mark laughed his ass off. When he calmed down, he grinned at his pouting wife. “There’s no reason to get mad, babe. I told you he wouldn’t do it.”

“She tried to continue pouting but couldn’t pull it off. I saw her mischievous grin as she turned to walk away to get me another beer. This time when she brought it, she set it down with exaggerated gentleness. She started to smirk at me but let out a little moan when my hand went back up her thigh and my finger ran across her slit.

“She settled down with regard to me after that and went back to teasing and being teased. Meanwhile, the game continued, and I was gradually taking their money. By the 11:00 pm stop time, I was comfortably in the lead. Tom came in second, Ray third, and Mark last.”

Dan touched play on the computer, and the video picked up from the end of the game. Andria was so aroused by this point that she was visibly shaking when Mark began kissing her. He spent a good bit of time kissing his wife and that seemed to ease her shaking. None of the men said a word or tried to hurry them along. Mark pulled his lips from his wife’s and looked deep into her eyes. “I love you more than anything. Now, go get your brains fucked out.”

He took her hand and led her to Ray. Ray went for passionate right off the bat. It took him a matter of a few seconds to get her naked and his hands were all over her as his kiss took her breath away. His hand went between her legs, and he began moving it rapidly until she screamed into his mouth as she orgasmed. He held her up until her legs started working again, then kissed her tenderly.

Ted took her hand and led her to the couch. He was tender with her as he kissed her all over. He took a good while to cover her petite body with licks and kisses. By the time he sucked her nipple into his mouth, she was panting heavily with need. He worked his way torturously slowly down her body and when he arrived at her pussy he licked and kissed around it until she screamed out. “Fuckin eat me already!” I decided that Ted liked to torture women.

When he finally began to eat her pussy, it was over almost instantly. She came so hard that she nearly wiggled off the couch. She shoved Ted’s head away from her crotch and lay there panting for several minutes. Then, she looked at Dan and smiled.

Dan walked over to the couch and pulled her to her feet. He turned to Mark. “Do you mind if we use a bed? I want her on top and there really isn’t room on the couch.”

Mark led the way and the group left the picture. The video picked back up when they entered the bedroom. Dan got onto the bed on his back and Andria was on him in a hot minute. She rubbed her pussy on his erection as they made out like teenagers on the bed.

Dan paused the video. “This is the part where she scared me a little. She was so aroused by this point that she practically jumped on my cock. I was really concerned about hurting her. That’s why you’ll see my hands gripping her hips so tight.”

He pressed play again and I watched, astounded, as she tried to plunge her pussy onto his cock. Dan’s grip on her was so tight I could see his fingers sinking into her skin. He kept control of her and gradually lowered her onto his cock. Andria’s hands were on his chest, and she began to move her pelvis, grinding her clit against him while moving his cock just a little in and out.

Gradually she adjusted to the amount of cock she could take, and she began moving more and more of his cock in and out of her pussy. It didn’t take her long before the first orgasm swept over her. She froze and her body shook until it passed, then she collapsed onto Dan’s chest. She started grinding her pussy on him again and Dan kissed her. Their lips remained locked as she picked up the pace.

Everything was fine for a while until she became so aroused that she forgot herself. She tried to take on more of Dan’s cock than she could handle, and Dan had to grab her hips again. Damn, this girl is bound and determined to hurt herself on my husband’s cock!

Dan managed to keep her from hurting herself while still fucking the hell out of her. It looked like she was orgasming continuously for a while. Then, she suddenly froze and let out this keening noise. When she went off this time, I thought she was having a seizure. It was all Dan could do to not only keep her from hurting herself on his cock, but also to keep her from flying off the bed.

She finally collapsed on his chest. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were planting little kisses on Dan’s chest as she shuddered. It was an amazing performance. I certainly didn’t have that level of energy. Mark took one look at her face and waved his hands. “That’s it, guys. I’m sorry but she’s done.”

I could see by the look on Dan’s face that he thought he had ruined the night. The guys were looking at him in amazement. Ray was the first to speak, “Wow, dude! You really know how to fuck! Jenny’s gonna go nuts when she gets a turn.”

I laughed out loud when the guys took turns giving Dan high fives while he lay there with the little brunette on his chest. Mark led the other guys out of the room and Dan rolled Andria off his chest and onto the bed. He then pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her face lightly until her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him and he kissed her softly. “Andria, you are a beautiful and sexy woman, and it has been a joy being with you. You almost hurt yourself and I was worried about you. I hope I didn’t bruise you.”

She smiled up at him. “I know and I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t control myself. You are a wonderful lover for taking care of me and for the most amazing orgasms.”

Dan continued to cuddle her, and within just a few minutes, she was asleep. Dan got up and gently covered her with the blanket. He left the room and the video ended. Then it hit me. Dan hadn’t cum!

I looked at Dan with as much love as I could express. “You didn’t cum. You were so concerned about her that you never orgasmed. Do you know how much I love you right now? I wish I had known last night. I would have invited you to join us.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward our bedroom, “No time like the present to fix that little issue!”


It’s My Turn

Finally! It’s my turn! I took Friday off to prepare, which in hindsight, wasn’t really necessary, but It was my first time and I wanted everything to be perfect. I spent the better part of the morning at the salon, then hit the grocery store and liquor store before heading home. Ted called with a few questions from work that were easily dealt with. I managed to take a nice long nap and woke refreshed and full of energy.

I had a wet crotch all day and kept pouring water down my throat. I wanted to be fully hydrated for the extreme exercise coming my way. I got everything set up in the kitchen and living room, and was an hour away from the start time when I began to put on light makeup. I had an array of loungewear laid out on the bed and made my final selection.

In truth, I wanted to just go naked, but the third-place guy needed something to take off. Anyway, it would be much sexier if I wore something that made the guys wonder what was underneath. I finally settled on a lacy, nearly see-through bra and matching thong in red. It took all of ten seconds to get dressed and I was ready.

Dan came home from work and tried to molest me. I had to run around the kitchen island laughing for a while before he finally let up. I let him kiss me hello, and that was nearly my undoing. Luckily, I managed to squirm out of his arms and run to the bathroom. I locked the door long enough to refresh my smeared makeup. I walked back into the living room just as Ted walked in the door.

Ted took one look at me and swept me into his arms. He planted a lip-lock on me that made my toes curl and probably would have continued if Mark hadn’t shown up right about then. Ray walked in to see Mark and me swapping spit like crazy. Once Ray had his turn, the guys went to the poker table, and I tried to get my legs to work again.

By the time we were halfway through the game, I was in a virtual puddle. I was so fucking horny that I attempted to sit on various laps, but the guys weren’t having it for two reasons. The first was that they loved the fact that I was so ready to fuck and was kept on edge. The second was that they were all intensely into the game. Every one of them was playing for the win, which thrilled me and turned me on just that much more.

My hubby had the lead coming down the stretch, but no matter how good you are, a bad stretch of cards can’t be fixed. He had nothing to work with and soon Ray was closing in on him. Mark and Ted weren’t far behind. It was five minutes to eleven. My thong was soaked through, and Mark was slowly fingering me when the last hand was dealt. The guys gave it their all. No one folded, and eventually, they were ‘all in’. Whoever won this game would take home the biggest pot ever.

I really didn’t care who won or where anyone placed, but it was exciting to watch. Of course, I rooted for my husband, but I knew he was going to get to fuck me anyway. When the cards were finally shown, Ray’s whoop of victory clearly told me who had won. Mark, Ted, and Dan drew cards to see who placed second, third, and last.

I found myself standing in front of my husband. He took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly. “You are the love of my life, and I am so happy that you’re having fun.” Then, he kissed me with that passion that knows no bounds. I could have stayed in his arms like that forever, but his lips left mine and I found myself in Mark’s arms.

Mark leaned in to kiss me and I put a finger on his lips. “Hold up a second. Let’s move this to the bedroom now. I don’t want any interruptions when we get going.”

In short order, we were in the bedroom and Mark pulled me into his arms. He began kissing me while his hands ran up and down my back. Our kiss went on and his hands found their way to my tits. Not satisfied with playing with them encased in my bra, he quickly released it. I let it slide down my arms as his mouth found my nipples. His hands were still wandering and they continued down my body. He grabbed my thong and yanked it down to my thighs. Soon they were on the floor next to my bra and his fingers began to play with my pussy. His mouth found mine as his gentle but skilled fingers brought me to orgasm.

I found myself in Ted’s wonderful arms and he kissed me hard as he guided my body to the bed. He joined me in the middle and started his oral journey at my mouth. A fiercely passionate kiss was followed by light kisses on my neck, then his teeth nipped where his lips had been. His light kisses continued down my chest and around my aching nipples. I was so aroused that all I wanted at that moment was his hard cock plunging into me.

He wasn’t going to give me that yet. He took an agonizingly slow journey down my body before settling between my legs. He licked and kissed my thighs, around my labia, and finally planted a kiss on my clit. My hips flew up to meet his mouth when his tongue swept up between my labia. I was on fire with lust when he finally sucked my clit and flicked it with his tongue. A tender bite later, I was screaming out in joy. He continued to lick me until I collapsed back onto the bed, a spent mess.

While I embraced the afterglow, Ted left and Ray replaced him. Finally, some cock! Ray knew I was desperate for a good fucking by this point, and he didn’t tease me. I felt his big cock head at my entrance, then the amazing feeling of his erection sinking deep into me. The feeling of his fat cock was beyond description. He kissed me hard and began stroking in and out of me. Soon the two of us forgot the world around us. Our total attention was on the sensations coursing through our bodies. His pace increased and I nearly went mad. “Fuck me, Ray! Fuck me hard and fast!”

He did. Oh God, he did. Within moments he was pounding his cock into me. The sweat was flying from both of us. I was thrusting my pussy up to meet his cock and suddenly, I was in the throes of a massive orgasm. I could feel his cum flooding me, adding to the wonderful sensation. He seemed to cum forever and I could feel his and my cum running down my crack. We lay panting and, as oxygen allowed, kissing. I held onto him tight as we enjoyed the afterglow.

Ray slowly slid his spent cock from my pussy and collapsed on the bed next to me. He reached out and caressed my face as he smiled at me in a loving way. He didn’t have to ask if it was good for me any more than I had to ask him. After a few more moments of intimacy between us, I rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. “Nobody goes anywhere. I need to clean up a bit and I will be right back.”

My legs were shaking from the aftermath of my orgasms as I walked to our bathroom. I got into the shower and the feeling of the hot water was pure joy. I cleaned my pussy as best I could and washed the sweat off. I was re-energized as I dried off. I hung the towel up to dry and grabbed the lube on my way back to the bedroom.

I walked into the room and handed the lube to Ted, “Dan, on the bed, on your back. Mark, I’m going to be sucking your cock, so be ready. Ted, I think you know what you’ll be doing.”

I straddled my husband, my pussy resting on his massive cock, and leaned down to kiss him. It didn’t take long, with the kisses and his cock rubbing against me, to get my motor running again. I grabbed his cock and directed it to my wet pussy. Once I had him where I wanted him, I began to lower myself onto him. It felt as wonderful as it always does, yet I am always surprised at how wonderful it truly feels.

I rocked my pussy on his cock and my clit rubbed against him so wonderfully. I felt the bed move as Ted got on behind me. His lubed fingers began to play with my anus, rubbing around it. I continued to grind against my husband as he slowly inserted a finger. He fucked my ass with his fat finger in time with Dan’s slowly thrusting cock. I felt the second finger enter my ass and the warm lube dripping onto my crack. Ted worked his fingers to expand my anus, which just added to my arousal.

His fingers slid from my ass and immediately, his cockhead was pressing, then entering my ass. He slowly introduced his cock to my ass until he was buried in me. I thought I was going to go insane from the sensation, and thought that it couldn’t possibly get any better. Then, my hubby and Ted began to gently thrust in time with each other and I felt the orgasm building deep within me.

They picked up their pace until they were fucking me so good. I felt a cock rub across my lips and opened my mouth. Mark’s cock felt wonderful as it filled my mouth, and I sucked him greedily. The three men settled into a rhythm that quickly brought my orgasm from the depths of me to the surface. It exploded across my body, and I screamed out my ecstasy.

My husband managed to hold off until Ted rocketed jets of cum into my wanton ass. Ted slid his cock from my ass and Dan began to pound my pussy. I felt him expand until it was almost painful, and then he filled me with his amazing cum. I sat on his cock, loving the feel of him in me, and sucked Mark’s cock like it was the last cock in the world. His cum tasted wonderful as he filled my mouth with pulse after pulse.

I let Mark’s cock go after ensuring I had milked it for every drop of precious cum, then laid on my husband’s chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling so very satisfied. I will never in my life forget that night. It was the most erotic and orgasmic sex I had ever experienced. Dan was with me, loving me through it all. I felt Dan’s arms holding me close to his warm body as I faded into sleep.

I woke alone in bed in the late morning. I forced my sore body out of bed and into the shower. I felt much more alive after that and dressed. I went to the kitchen, where Dan had breakfast ready for me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. “I love you, Beth.”

I smiled up at him, “I love you, Dan. More each and every day.”

I was famished and fell onto my breakfast like I hadn’t eaten in a week. Dan brought me another cup of coffee. I looked over at him while I sipped. “You know, honey, poker night is awesome, but I think we need to do some other things too. Maybe get together as couples? I want to watch you fuck. I want to see Morgan, Jenny, and especially, Andria cumming all over your cock.”

He grinned at me. “I think we can probably work something out.”

We did too. We still had poker night and girl’s night. We added some couples nights and sometimes a full-on orgy with all of us. It was great fun, but it had to come to an end for a while. Having babies does occupy your time.

Dan and I have two lovely children now and our sexual adventures are a bit farther apart than before, but we still have them. The four couples are closer than ever, and I doubt that will change. You see, it comes down to the basics. We are all in love with our spouses, now even more than before. Without that, none of it would have worked and I would still be hiding who I really am. What a waste that would have been.

Written by Woodart
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