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Poker Night Ch. 1

"It’s not the game that counts but how it ends"

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Author's Notes

"There is no hidden messages or life lessons to be discovered within this story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It was pure fun to write and I hope it will be fun to read."

It is important to understand that over the last five years, I have considered myself a traditional wife. I fell in love with my husband Dan and eventually married him. That’s it. From then on, it was the two of us alone together forever.

Like I say, I’m traditional, not conservative. What I mean by that is that Dan and I have a wonderfully inventive sex life. I love having sex with my husband, but that stuff is between the two of us and nobody else’s business. Everyone except Dan sees me as a normal, somewhat reserved, traditional wife. That’s the way I was raised and that’s the way I had committed to living.

While we had an active and rewarding sex life, and we enjoyed some sexy talk to spice things up, we never delved into including others in our fantasies. It wasn’t sexy to me as a wife, it was cheating, and I didn’t like it. Dan understood my feelings on the subject and never once mentioned anything nasty.

I had a wonderful job opportunity that was literally life-changing for both of us. We had to relocate for my golden opportunity, which meant that Dan had to resign from his job. Dan had a bunch of resumes out there but hadn’t pinned anything down yet. It wasn’t a big deal because my new job paid more than enough for us to live just fine. It was a matter of pride for Dan and his need to do something useful. I knew the job hunt was praying on Dan’s mind, and I did my best to boost his spirits during his search. I suppose that our situation set us up for what followed.

Here we were, completely uprooted from our previous lives and trying to settle into our new circumstances. We were in a much better house with a much larger mortgage and were totally dependent on my income. It was just a bit scary and I looked forward to the cushion that Dan’s employment would provide.

To top it all off, we were alone on our own little island. We had no friends or acquaintances. Our families were hundreds of miles away and we lived nearly a mile from our nearest neighbor. My husband and I love each other dearly, but we both needed friends. Men need other men that they can share things with, that they can’t share with their wives because their wives just don’t get it. The same can be said for women. Dan and I were not unique in this regard.

I was in my office, deep into studying contracts and working hard to get a handle on my new job. I was confident that I would be excellent at my job once I got up to speed. The getting up to speed part took a lot of hours and I often stayed late. It was a temporary thing and I thought that within a few weeks, I would be off and running. I would also be working normal hours for the most part.

Dan was constantly on my mind. He was alone at home, and my long hours just made his loneliness that much worse. Add to that the fact that I was exhausted most of the time, which meant that he wasn’t getting that much sex from me. I wanted him to have some fun and make some friends so that he wouldn’t feel so alone. I could see the very real problem of him dropping into depression and all of the problems that came with that.

It was late and I thought the office was empty. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my boss, Ted, knocked on the door frame to my office. Ted is a fit and handsome man in his early forties. I may be married, but I still notice nice-looking men. Noticing is as far as I‘ve gone since I met Dan. Well, maybe a little more than that in my head, but that’s private. I would never admit that I have thoughts that might be considered inappropriate for a married woman, and I certainly won’t discuss them. I smiled a bit nervously. “Sorry, you startled me. I thought I was alone.”

Ted walked over to my desk. “I’m the one that should be sorry. I never meant to startle you. I do have something I would like to discuss with you if you have a moment.”

I closed the file I had been studying. I planned to leave as soon as Ted and I finished talking. Ted settled into the chair in front of my desk. “Mark from Product Development, Ray from Production, myself, and another guy named Charlie have a monthly poker game. It just so happens that Charlie is moving away, and we need a fourth player. I was wondering if Dan might like to take the place of Charlie.

“Before you answer, you need to know that our poker games are kind of unique. We take turns having the poker game at our respective houses. The wife plays hostess and provides the prizes at the end of the game. We are all very good poker players but don’t play for big money. Usually, the big winner for the night is up a few hundred, and that’s if he pretty much cleans out the other guys.

“I’m hosting our next game this Friday. It would be great if Dan could play. I have to tell you though, once he is in, he has to stay in until he has hosted the game at least once. It’s only fair since he will enjoy the game at the other player’s homes. Do you think he would be interested? If he is, would you mind hosting a game?”

I didn’t have to think about it, “I’m fine with it and I’ll ask Dan tonight if he is interested. I’m sure he will be. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

I found out much too late that Ted was working under the assumption that his wife Morgan had sat down with me and explained poker night. Morgan was working under the assumption that her husband had explained it to Dan. Both were wrong. Things were about to get interesting.

Ted thanked me and left my office. I was tired and more than ready to go home. I blame the tiredness for missing some details. I should have asked more questions. Later, I regretted that I hadn’t.

As soon as I got home, I poured a glass of wine and sat next to Dan on the couch. I told him about the poker game. It was the most excited I had seen him since we moved. Not only was Dan desperate for something to do, but he also loved to play poker. He’d even played tournaments in Vegas and had placed pretty high in the rankings. His custom pickup truck had been paid for with poker winnings.

He was definitely up for it, but I had to rain on his parade a little bit. “Honey, please keep in mind that you will be playing against my boss and two other guys that are pretty high up in the company. Once you start, you can’t quit. At least, not until we host a poker night. I guess what I am saying is to have fun, but don’t say or do anything that might cause problems for me.

“I don’t think that Ted would hold my job over my head, but why take the chance? All I’m asking is that you go with the flow, be yourself, and don’t burn any bridges. I know the guys will like you given half a chance.”

Dan was almost giddy, “I wouldn’t do anything that might embarrass you anyway, regardless of who I’m playing poker with. I can’t imagine their rules are all that onerous, and I’ll follow them to the letter.

“Don’t worry, babe. I got this!”

The next morning, I told Ted that Dan was looking forward to playing. He gave me the strangest look. If I had to describe it, anticipation would be the word I would use.


It was nearly two in the morning when Dan got home from the poker game. I had been up waiting for him and had expected him hours ago. I was ready to tear him a new asshole when he walked in the door. The look on his face stopped me cold. I have never seen him in such a state. He looked fearful and guilty. I braced myself for the worst, but I wasn’t nearly braced enough for what he told me.

He didn’t say hello, or kiss me, he started talking in a flood, “Beth, I have a lot to tell you! There’s a lot you need to know, and I don’t know how to tell you or even where to begin! I’m so sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do!”

I was getting scared at this point. Had he been in an accident? Did he have an argument with the guys at the poker game? All that ran through my mind as I held up my hands, “Dan!... Dan! Calm down! Sit here on the couch and talk to me calmly. Start from the beginning and go from there.”

He took a few deep breaths and began to tell me about his night, “I showed up at Ted’s house, and his wife, Morgan, answered the door. She showed me in and I was stunned by what she was wearing. I nearly left right then, but I didn’t want to upset Ted, so I stayed. God! I wish I had left!”

I was confused, “What was she wearing that had you that upset?”

He looked at me guiltily, “She was wearing a blouse that was nearly transparent and no bra. I could see her breasts and her hard nipples. She had on a miniskirt that might have been two inches from her crotch and she wasn’t wearing panties! I found that out pretty quickly. She dropped my jacket on the floor and bent over in front of me! I could see all of her!

“It was really strange. She didn’t have any hair on her… you know… her vagina!

“Anyway, she took me to the room that Ted had set up to play poker. He had a nice felt table and the other guys were already sitting when I got there. They must have come early because I was there at five minutes till. I guess that stuff doesn't really matter.

“What happened next does. Morgan asked me what I would like to drink. I told her water would be fine. You know how I get when I drink. I didn’t think a poker night was the best time to get all horny and stuff. The guys started ribbing me and they wouldn’t let up until I asked for a beer. Morgan brought it to me and when she set it down, she leaned over, put her hand right on my crotch, and rubbed her boobs on my arm. I must have jumped pretty high because the guys started laughing!

“I thought Ted would be really pissed about the way his wife was touching me, but he was smiling and laughing with the other guys. We started playing and they are all pretty good, but I’m better. I decided that showing off by taking all their money was probably a bad idea. I tried to stay in the game without winning too much. It was odd, though. I could tell that they were throwing games my way on purpose, and I didn’t understand why until later. I’ll get to that in a minute.

“Meanwhile, Morgan was making sure I had a full beer in my hand. It was like she was watching and waiting for me to get close to finishing a beer. She would bring me a fresh one and would always grab my crotch and rub her tits on me. Sorry, breasts.

“After a while, I had enough beer in me that I was getting a bit of a buzz, and her constant rubbing on my crotch had an effect on me, if you catch what I’m saying.”

I was nearly speechless at this point but managed to chime in almost on autopilot, “You mean that you got an erection.”

He nodded, “Yes, that’s it exactly. She really seemed to like that because she kept finding other reasons to give me a squeeze. That’s not the craziest part. We played until the normal stop time at exactly eleven and counted our winnings. I had managed to come in third and I was happy. I figured that I showed them I could play without taking all their money.

“That’s when I found out about the prizes. Ray had come in fourth, and Morgan walked right up to him and kissed him! I mean, really kissed him, like you and I kiss in bed!

“I was really confused at that point. I looked at Ted and he was grinning! I couldn’t help it. I just blurted out, “What the hell is going on!”

“Morgan stepped back from Ray and walked over to me. She snuggled up against me and rubbed her crotch against my hard cock. Sorry, penis. She whispered huskily into my ear. “Didn’t Ted give you the details? The hostess is responsible for giving out the prizes at the end of the evening. Fourth place gets to kiss me and touch me wherever they want outside my clothes. Third place, that’s you, gets to kiss me, take my clothes off, and touch me wherever they want. Second place gets to kiss me, touch me, and eat me.

“She said, “eat me.” but she meant oral sex. Anyway, she then said, “First place gets to fuck me. After first place gets his prize, I’m in charge and I get whatever I want from the players, and they have to do what I say. Sometimes, I want a lot.”

My husband is a nice man and he knows how upset I get when people talk about sex in public. He also knows that I prefer to use the proper words for sex organs. I knew he was trying to soften the blow by watching his language, but all it was doing was pissing me off, “Dan! Stop trying to soft-peddle this. Just tell the story and you can apologize for the language at the end. If I have any questions, I’ll ask. OK?”

Dan knew that I wasn’t a virgin when we got married, and he assumed, because I avoid talking about sex, that I was some innocent little girl when he married me. I am the way I am because I was once in love with a guy that set out to educate me in every aspect of sex. He educated me until things got so kinky and crazy that I reached my limit and left him. I guess I overreacted to the craziness and turned into the prude that Dan married. I didn’t see the need to tell Dan about my slut days, although I do have some fond memories.

Dan nodded, “I’ll try. This is difficult and I am afraid you’re going to hate me before I’m done.

“So, Morgan gets into another lip lock with Ray and they really go to town. Ray is running his hands up and down her sides and back. After a little bit, he cups both of her tits and starts rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. Her blouse was so thin I could see her nipples harden and stick out. They went on like that for a while before she broke off the kiss and turned to me.

“I wanted so badly just to leave and come home to you. I kept thinking that we could have a great time in the bedroom because, by that point, I was really horny. I couldn’t do that because I didn’t want to put your job at risk, so I went along with it. I put on a great show, if I do say so myself. If you had seen me, you would have sworn that I loved every second of it.

I broke in at this point. “You’re telling me that out of concern for me, you kissed Morgan, stripped her, and felt her up? And you’re telling me that you didn’t enjoy a second of it, that you were just faking?

“Uh… Yes?”

I gave my husband a stern look. “Look, you! I understand that you felt you needed to do that to protect me, and I guess I’m going to have to live with that part. Don’t for a second try to convince me that you didn’t like it. I know how you get after a few beers when your dick gets hard, and I know what Morgan looks like. She’s hot as a firecracker.

“Admit it. You loved every second of it, but now you’re feeling guilty.”

He looked at his feet. “You know, I would never have played if I had known what was going to happen. Since I didn’t feel like I had a choice, I just went with it. I did like it and I’m sorry.”

I decided to make him squirm a bit. “Sorry for what? Sorry for liking it or for lying to me and pretending you didn’t?”

He squirmed rather nicely before responding. “I’m sorry I lied. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

I gave him my pissed-off look. “We promised each other we would always tell each other the truth. Don’t lie to me again, Dan.”

I could see the sorrow on his face. “I won’t, babe, but the truth about tonight isn’t going to be fun for you to hear.”

I nodded for him to get on with it.

“So, Morgan and I start kissing and she is rubbing me just as much as I’m rubbing her. My hands were shaking like crazy when I tried to unbutton her blouse. She grabbed my cock through my pants, and, well, I just ripped her blouse open. The buttons went flying and her amazing tits were exposed.

“Not that your tits aren’t better, but you know, she still had some awesome titties. Also, I think I owe her a new blouse.

So, anyway, our lips locked again, and her tongue was battling mine and things got a little crazy. The next thing I knew, she was naked, and I was fingering her while she pumped my cock. Oh, I almost forgot. She’d unzipped my pants at some point and pulled my cock out. She seemed quite fascinated with it for some reason. Said something about how she’d never seen one that big, or something.”

My face had to be crimson I was so pissed that the secret was out. I had been successful so far in our marriage at hiding my husband’s wonderful asset. I made sure everything he wore below the waist was loose-fitting and baggy enough so as not to reveal my treasure. I knew that if other women had any idea what he was packing, they’d beat a path to our door. I wasn’t going to lose my husband to some size queen’s seduction. Still, this situation wasn’t his fault. He was just trying to get through it and, apparently, have a great time doing it. I was starting to get just a bit envious.

Dan continued, “Ted had come in second and was getting a bit impatient to get started. He finally walked over to his wife, “Sweetheart, let go of the nice man’s cock now. I’m sure you’ll get to play with it later.”

“She looked up at him in kind of a daze as I removed my fingers from her soaked pussy. She let out a little groan when I did and gave me this hurt look like I took her candy or something. Ted pulled gently on her right arm, which happened to be connected to her right hand. A right hand that was gripping my cock quite firmly. She turned to go with her husband but failed to let go of me and he had to gently remind her to let me go. She didn’t seem to want to but gradually, she did. I was just hoping that Ted wasn’t pissed at me. I didn’t want Ted to give you any grief at work.

“Ted took her over to the couch and laid her down on it. He came in second, so his prize was oral. He started by kissing her with a ton of passion. I could see that they were really getting into it. When their lips parted, they looked at each other with such obvious love that it made me think of you. I heard them whisper their love to each other just before he sucked her nipple into his mouth. After that, she didn’t use many words, she just made sounds.

“He spent a good while sucking on her nipples. It was pretty obvious that her nipples were a major erogenous zone because she was moaning something fierce and grinding her pussy against him. He kissed his way down her body and buried his face in his wife’s pussy. I couldn’t see exactly what he did, but whatever it was, it worked like a charm.

“You know, Morgan looks almost as amazing as you do when she has an orgasm, and she definitely had one. Ted stopped licking but remained between her legs until she fully enjoyed her orgasm. Her eyes seemed to light up, and when he saw that, he moved off her.

“Mark had won first, and he was tired of waiting. His cock was sticking straight out and he practically dove between her legs. He didn’t fool around with foreplay. She’d had plenty of that already and she was smiling as he fed his cock into her. It didn’t take long before he was fucking her pretty vigorously. I think she was pretty close to an orgasm when Mark pulled out and shot his cum on her stomach. I kind of felt sorry for her. It turns out that I shouldn’t have been concerned.

“Now we come to the hard part. Do you remember what I told you that Morgan said about the prizes? Something along the lines of after first place is done, she’s in charge and we guys have to do what she wants? Well… Uh, well, first, she told Ray that she wasn’t feeling it tonight, so maybe next time. Then Mark and Ray start putting on the clothes they had managed to lose after the game. I did tell you they all got naked, didn’t I?

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“I’m fumbling around with my dick sticking out of my pants when Morgan catches my eye. She mouths at me, 'Don’t go anywhere.'”

“Well, I’m standing there, kind of frozen, and I start to put my dick away when she mouths “No” at me. Truth be known, I wasn’t looking forward to stuffing it back in my pants. I was really hard and I knew it was going to be uncomfortable as hell.

“Some awkward handshakes later, you know, because of my exposed cock and all, Ray and Mark left. Morgan stood and hugged her husband, “Honey, would you mind sleeping in the guest room tonight? Dan and I are going to get acquainted.”

“He gave her a nice kiss and left the room. I didn’t see him again, so I guess he went to the guest bedroom. He could have gone to England for all I knew. Morgan took my hand and led me down the hallway to the master bedroom. I didn’t say a word but I was thinking like crazy. I knew what was about to happen, and all I really wanted to do was come home and fuck your brains out. I didn’t leave like I knew I should have. I had gone down a path trying to do the right thing and it led me to Morgan’s bedroom. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I couldn't see a way out that wouldn’t end badly.

“It was at that point I realized that everything would probably end badly anyway. I cheated on you for nothing. Because that’s just what I did. Do you really want to hear the rest?”

I knew that he loved me and had only done what he did for me. I couldn’t find any anger toward him. Morgan and Ted are another story entirely. I also realized something else. My pussy was soaked. I’d been imagining myself in her place and had managed to get myself extremely aroused. I so wanted to hear every little detail of him fucking her. Of course, I didn’t let him know that. I wasn’t going to make this too easy on him. I sighed dramatically. “Yes, tell me the rest.”

“Well, she undressed me first thing and we got on her bed. She had me get on my back and she got on top of me. The next thing I know, her pussy is on my face and my cock is in hers. I’ll be honest honey, by that point, I decided that I might as well enjoy myself. Kind of like a last meal before the electric chair. You know? She did taste pretty good.”

I could only nod as I pictured her straddling his face. I waved for him to continue.

“She orgasmed on my face pretty hard. She kind of lay there on top of me, slowly licking my cock while her body shivered. After a while, she stirred. She turned around and straddled me. She reminded me of you during our first time when she said, “I need to be in control of this monster for our first time. You just lay there and let me do the work.”

“Come to think of it, those may have been your exact words.”

They were. How could I forget the first time I sank down on that wonderful cock? It was the single most amazing sexual thing I had ever done to that point. All the crazy things I did before I met Dan paled in comparison to the orgasmic bliss I experienced on his cock. His next words didn’t surprise me at all.

“She felt really good sliding down my cock. It took her a while and when she took all that she could, she started orgasming again.”

No, not surprised at all, but I’m horny as fuck right now.

“She didn’t move for the longest time, but once she did, she didn’t fuck around. She was grinding her clit against my groin and my cock was moving just a few inches in and out. That seemed to make her very happy for a while. Then she began to slide a little more of my cock in and out. Not long after that, I was rising up to meet her downward thrusts. My cock was nearly sliding out, then almost all the way in. We picked up our speed and she started orgasming again.

“I have to say Morgan loves to fuck almost as much as you do. Her movements got erratic, and I had to grab her hips so I could keep fucking her. Her pussy felt so good and she looked so fucking hot that I couldn’t hold out. I came hard and shot cum into her as vigorously and deeply as I could. She collapsed on top of me and we kissed for a while. She finally rolled off me and we got organized on the bed. She ended up lying with her head on my shoulder and her hand on my cock.

A while later, my cock started getting hard again in her hand. She noticed right away, so rather than pretend it didn’t exist, I proceeded to fuck her brains out with it in the missionary position. After she orgasmed a couple of times, I fucked her from the side, then doggie style. We were back in missionary when I shot my final load for the evening. I lost track of her orgasms somewhere along the way. We kissed for a while and then showered together. She walked me to the front door and kissed me goodbye. She whispered in my ear, “I’ve never been fucked like that in my life. Tell Beth I think she is the luckiest woman in the world, and I am so glad you both wanted to join our poker fun. I’ll give her a call later today.”

“That’s when I realized how late it was. I drove home and here we are. So, what now? Do I need to pack a bag and leave?”

I took my husband’s hand, “Do you have any left for me?”

His hand gently cupped my face, “You know that I do.”

I stood and took his hand, “Then come fuck me. I need it badly right now. We can talk some more after I talk to Morgan.”

I stopped suddenly and turned to my husband, “I love you with all my heart, Dan. If you fall in love with Morgan, or some other woman for that matter, it will kill me. The rest of it? It’s just shit that happened and we will figure it out.”

It was nearly four in the morning before we slept. He’d proven to me yet again that I was the love of his life. Not just with his amazing instrument but with his touch, his words, and his way. You would have had to have been there. Of course, if you had been there, I probably would have screamed and yelled as loud as I could, “Who the fuck are you?” So, there is that.


Morgan called me that afternoon. I stopped her before she could talk much. “Listen, Morgan. I need to talk to you and Ted and I’m not doing it over the phone. I’m coming over and the three of us are going to have a conversation. I’m leaving now and I expect you both to be there.”

Morgan and Ted live relatively nearby and it was a matter of minutes before I rang their doorbell. Ted answered the door wearing a Speedo. Apparently, he’d been swimming in their pool when I called. I walked in without saying a word to him and saw that Morgan was waiting. I gave them both a stern look. “I don’t appreciate being manipulated and I certainly don’t appreciate you guys using the poker game to seduce my husband. I thought you were honorable people, but you used my concerns over my new job to manipulate us both. As far as I am concerned, you used my job to blackmail us into sex. That’s a load of bullshit and I’m not going to take it.

“I took this job as a golden opportunity to better our lives. Now I’m faced with losing everything and starting over in poverty. All because you decided that sex with my husband and me was more important than my career.

“Well, you aren’t getting what you want. I quit and fuck you both for what you did to us!”

I stood to leave and they both looked at me in shock. I walked toward the door and Morgan reached out to stop me. “Beth! Please wait! There has been a terrible mistake!”

I hesitated. I had so much to lose that I had to give her a chance to explain. “I’m listening. This better be good!”

Morgan sighed in relief. “I thought when Ted explained things to you that you understood the game and were happy to join in.”

Ted looked at Morgan in shock. “Wait a minute. I thought you explained it to her!”

Morgan’s mouth fell open. “Holy shit! Oh, God, Beth! I’m so sorry! We thought you knew when you agreed to let Dan join our poker club. I wondered why he seemed so hesitant during the game.”

Ted took my hand and I reluctantly let him. I could tell by the look on his handsome face that he was serious. “Beth, I promise you that your job has nothing to do with the poker game. We would never try to blackmail anyone, especially someone we consider a friend. The poker club was created as a way for us to do some wife-sharing while keeping things secret. If word got out that Morgan and I were having sex with other people, it could ruin me. I’m not blackmailing you, but you could for sure blackmail me.”

Suddenly I felt a great weight lift from me. I was still pissed off, though. “You guys need to re-think your approach to this. You have no idea how fucked up the last twenty-four hours have been. I was scared of losing everything we had worked so hard for. Get your shit together!”

The two of them spent the next half hour apologizing in every way they could. Ted finally brought up the elephant in the room. “Beth, there is one thing more we have to deal with. The poker club rules are inflexible to ensure that we can all trust each other. I can’t stop you from leaving, although I hope you won’t. If you are staying, you will still have to host a poker night. If it was up to me alone, I would say forget about it, but the others won’t want to take the chance.”

Here is where I finally had to be honest with myself. The fact was that I wanted to host the poker night. The idea of having four cocks to play with had me so aroused that it wasn’t funny. I knew that after last night, Dan would be fine with me hosting. He would feel like he owed it to me, and he would likely enjoy it just as much as I would. But after all that had happened, I wasn’t about to make it easy for them. “I just don’t know.”

Ted began to stroke my arm. “I know that caressing your wonderful body and pleasing you would be a privilege.”

Well, that gave me goosebumps. I mean, shit! I was already horny as hell and this stud of a man had just told me that he wants to fuck me! He put his arms around me and I nearly melted. Morgan looked at us and smiled. I shook a finger at her. “Wipe that smile off your face. You’re not getting off that easy. Now, strip and come to me.”

She started to strip and I put my hands on Ted’s chest and pushed him away. “Ted, you stand over there. You are allowed to watch, but you will not touch either of us. You’re being punished and you need to suffer. Take off that speedo. I want to see that big cock of yours. Oh, yes… One more thing. You are not to touch your cock, no matter what happens.

“I think we need to make sure you do as you’re told. Morgan, get something to tie his hands behind his back. Tie his hands and make sure he can’t get them loose. Go on! Hurry the fuck up!”

She trotted her tight little ass out of the room and was back in seconds with the belt from a robe. Ted stood placidly as she tied his hands. When she finished, I checked the knot. “Morgan, you little shit! You tied this so that all he has to do is pull the end, and he’s free. You’re going to pay for that!”

I quickly re-tied the knot, then grabbed Morgan by the back of her neck and shoved her toward the couch. I quickly stripped and made her lie down next to me so that our bodies touched. Her nicely formed c-cups pressed against my own. I pressed my leg between hers with my upper thigh pressing against her pussy.

Morgan looked nervous. “Uhm… I don’t do girls.”

I smirked at her. “You do today. Now shut up and kiss me like you mean it.”

I took a quick glance at Ted and saw his raging erection throbbing. The look of lust and helplessness on his face brought a grin to mine. This day went from devastating to a lot of fun, and we were just getting started!

Morgan reluctantly brought her lips to mine and I put my hand behind her head. I held her in place as our kiss progressed from reluctant to accepting and then to enthusiastic. I no longer had to hold her head in place, so I used that hand to begin caressing her. It didn’t take me long before my hand was on her pussy. For someone who didn’t do girls, Morgan’s resistance sure went away in a hurry. She didn’t even try to stop my hand. Once I found her clit, she was mine.

I brought her to the very brink of an orgasm, then stopped. I got off the couch and grabbed my phone. I watched Morgan moving her hand toward her pussy. “Don’t you dare touch yourself. I’ll get back to you in a few minutes.”

I called Dan. “Hi, Honey! Listen. Everything is going to be fine. Right now, I’m teaching Ted and Morgan a lesson. Would you please hurry over here? I could really use your help.”

Of course, he agreed, and I do believe he set a new record for the fastest time from our house to theirs. I let him in, and he studied the room. His eyebrows raised as he noted that we were all naked, that Ted had his hands tied behind his back, and that Morgan was naked on the couch, looking like she needed fucked.

I waved my hand in front of his face to get his attention. “Like I said, I need your help. Get naked and just do what I tell you.”

He didn’t hesitate. In seconds he was naked with his awesome tool sticking out in all its glory. I went back to the couch and stretched out on Morgan. I kissed her hard and she immediately responded. I sucked on her pert tits and fingered her pussy until she was close to cumming. I stopped just in time and she let out a groan of need. I kissed her flushed face, then whispered in her ear, “I know you want to cum, and I promise that you will, but first, you’re going to fuck me. I want your mouth on my lips, my tits, and my pussy. If you do a good job, I might just make sure you have multiple orgasms. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

I think by this point, Morgan had conveniently forgotten that she didn’t do girls. We rolled over on the couch so that I was on the bottom, and she began to kiss me with hunger. I didn’t have to prod her to play with my tits and suck on my nipples. I couldn’t help but giggle when I heard Ted groan.

Morgan kept at my tits until it was obvious that she was avoiding her final destination. “You’ve delayed enough, Morgan. Now, eat my pussy.”

I think that Morgan needed that final order before she could let herself go. What I know is that once she got started, she ate my pussy with enthusiasm and apparent innate skill. She slid a finger in my pussy and rubbed my g-spot while her tongue caressed my clit. I had it together enough to wave Dan over. I pointed at her raised ass and he got the message right away. He moved behind her and slipped his cock into her pussy. He slowly slid it deep and she moaned into my pussy.

Once Dan got going, Morgan practically attacked my pussy. She was so aroused that I think she would have done all kinds of kinky stuff at that moment. What she did do was make me cum on her face. I promised myself right then that Morgan and I were going to have some girl time alone real soon.

I pushed her face away from my sensitive pussy while my husband continued to fuck her. He had a handful of her hair and he pulled her back against him as he pounded her pussy. She having trouble forming words, but Dan and I both could tell she was rapidly approaching a massive orgasm.

Dan increased the speed and power of his strokes and I watched in fascination. He was fucking the living shit out of her. I had never watched my husband fuck before, and it was hot as hell. I needed some dick soon and I had an idea about how I was going to get it.

Morgan began to cum on my husband’s cock and he let out a loud groan as he began to shoot his cum into her spasming pussy. Morgan’s orgasm had her off in La La Land. Dan gently lowered her to the couch and pulled his wet cock from her pussy. She lay there with this funny little smile on her face and barely a brain cell functioning.

I looked over at Ted and he was trying to rub his cock against the cabinet door. He was desperate to cum, but the door wasn’t being much help. I grinned at him, and he growled at me. I turned back to the couch and dropped down on my knees next to Morgan. Her legs were splayed open, and I pulled her ass to the edge of the couch. She let out a loud squeal when my tongue slid up her clit. I ate her pussy and tasted my husband’s cum. I felt both her hands on the back of my head, and her hips rose from the couch, forcing her pussy hard against my face. She was racked with another orgasm that, from my perspective, with my face buried in her crotch, seemed to last forever.

I stood up and left Morgan to get her senses back while I walked over to her husband. I grabbed his cock and used it to lead him over to the recliner. I sat down on the edge of the recliner and threw a leg over each arm of the chair. My pussy was as exposed as it could possibly be, and I pulled Ted’s cock toward me. I really liked Ted’s cock. It was perfectly shaped and impressively large. I was really looking forward to feeling it in me.

I rubbed his cock up and down my slit, further teasing him before I pulled the first few inches into my pussy. I let go of his cock and grabbed his hips. I pulled and pushed his hips until he’d given me a few awesome strokes before pushing him back until his cock was again pointing at the ceiling. His groan of need made me giggle again. The man was ready to explode, and I knew that I had tortured him enough. I reached around and untied his hands.

As soon as his hands came free, he was on me. He shoved my shoulders and I fell back. My head was against the back of the recliner, forcing it forward. I had a great view of his cock as he plunged it into me. He began long stroking my pussy and I knew it wouldn’t take him long before he shot his load. I was ok with that because I was on the verge of a massive orgasm myself. His timing was wonderful. I screamed as my orgasm took possession of my body. The feeling of his cum jetting into me took it to another level.

I lay there panting with beads of sweat rolling down my tits, and I beckoned Morgan to me. She rose from the couch and walked over. I didn’t have to say a word. She dropped down and buried her face in my pussy. She licked me so good that soon my hands were pulling her head tight against me as she sucked my clit. The orgasm that followed was one of my personal best. I don’t remember much after that for a while.

When I caught up to what was going on around me, Morgan was resting her head on my thigh, Ted was lying on the couch with a content look on his face, and my husband was staring at me with lust in his eyes and a massive erection. I grinned at him and he politely moved Morgan aside. He entered me nice and easy, then rocked my world. God, I love that man!

A while later, I came back to life. Morgan and I cleaned up in the bathroom and got dressed. We all met in the living room, and I gave Ted and Morgan a fake stern look. “I hope you have learned your lesson. Don’t make me come over here and do that again!”

Morgan pulled me into her arms and kissed me deeply. When we came up for air, she smiled. “We may need a refresher on a regular basis just to be safe.

“Oh, by the way. It’s your turn for poker night after the next one.”

Ted gave me a huge hug and kissed me thoroughly. He let me go and looked at Dan and me. “Your job is just that, your job. It will always be separate from our fun activities. Please believe that we would never stoop to blackmail to get what we want. I consider myself an ethical man in all parts of my life and I can’t imagine coercing someone into sex. I don’t think it would be much fun forcing someone to have sex against their will.

Dan and I went home. I decided that it was time to share my experiences with him from before we met. He demonstrated his understanding until I had to beg him to stop. My pussy was worn out and I needed a break.

Chapter 2 cumming soon. What happens at the next poker game? What will Beth do when it’s her turn? What’s so magical about Dan’s cock? How many angels can sit on the head of a pin? These and many other questions might be answered in the next chapter. Or not.

Written by Woodart
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