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Lifeguard 2

"Jill’s light touch on his chest was like a thunderbolt of electricity surging through him."

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Author's Notes

"The continuing sexual saga of the Lifeguard Alex and Caley and Jill"

Jill and Frank: Chapter 1

Frank was in a bad, terrible mood that not even drinking wine with his partners seemed to mitigate. 

He had a reason.

His wife of twenty-seven years had been killed in a car wreck six months prior. She was the only woman he’d been with in his life. She was a remarkable and loving woman. She absolutely loved to fuck Frank. Both worked hard and had few hobbies, especially once the kids were at college, except each other. They found bliss in pleasuring each other. They’d try anything, do anything to satisfy the other. As a result, Frank was always an incredibly happy man. That had ended.

His business was great. He was the CEO of the engineering company he had founded with his partners twenty-five years ago, which as a black man was truly a Herculean feat. How four graduates from a mid-tier college engineering school had outworked, out-thought-and-everything their competitors had thrown at them was the stuff of legend. A black man, a Pakistani, a skinny Hispanic kid, and a ferocious CFO from a white trash trailer park had made it big. They were trusted and just damn good at what they did. As a large government contractor in the Washington, DC area, how little they owed to anyone other than to their own capabilities was immense.

And for twenty-plus years now the partners had made a habit, a ritual of meeting every Friday after work and having a celebratory glass or two of wine. As the company progressed and grew, the restaurants they’d meet at and the wine they’d drink got to be better and better.

Even over a good glass of wine, Frank was miserable.

Finally, Ruth, their CFO said, “Frank, you’ve got to get laid.” 

Frank didn’t think that was particularly funny.

The following week Frank had a relatively normal meeting scheduled with his cyber security company. It was normal only because the company made the keeping of the corporate secrets so secure they never had a problem. Never. The interesting thing about the meeting was that it was always with John Feldman the Founder of Feldman Securities and a real darling of Wall Street both during their IPO and after. John always attended the meetings with Frank’s engineering company partly because they were one of their first customers, but also one of the most interesting. And Frank really enjoyed his conversations with John.

John usually was by himself, but this time he had a tall young man with him, who he introduced as Alex Townsend. Alex may have been young, but he didn’t dress or act young. He was wearing a custom-made suit with a good-looking dress shirt and cufflinks. He couldn’t be more than twenty-four to twenty-five years old. His answers were very much, “Yes sir,” “No sir,” with no sense of condescension or entitlement. He smiled easily.

John, introducing Alex, said, “Frank, as you know we’ve been growing and as the CEO of a public company a lot more of my time is spent doing Wall Street stuff. I’ve always been Mr. Outside. Alex is Mr. Inside. Virtually everything we’ve built the last nine-to-ten years bears Alex's stamp on it.”

Frank’s now thinking to himself, “This kid, young man has had that kind of impact for that long at one of the top cyber security companies in the world? WTF!”

John continued to talk, “ Alex will be taking on more of the day-to-day responsibilities for your account. Actually that’s not quite right as he’s actually been doing virtually all of the work on your account already for the last nine years.”

So this handoff was underway and was soon over. Hands were shaken, cheers were made as everyone headed off to their next meeting. John had a meeting with the CFO to go over budgeting for new projects in the coming year, but Alex asked if Frank could stay for a minute.

Alex said to Frank, “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m having a small get-together Friday night at my place. John and his wife will be there and I think you’ll like the other invitees. It’s pretty casual, I can’t stop my wife from being barefoot on the weekends, so come comfortable.”

Frank barely knew this young man but something about his forthrightness was appealing. He said, “Sure that would be great.” 

Alex said he’d text him the address and told him just to pull up in the drive as someone will take care of his car if he drives.

At the partners' meeting on Friday Frank was in a better mood. He didn’t know why, but for the first time in months, the wine seemed to taste good. Ruth even asked him if he was okay. For some reason Frank smiled, he wasn’t sure why, but he was.

Saturday, after getting cleaned up, Frank headed to the location Alex had sent to him. The mid-rise building was in a great part of Georgetown. As he pulled up to the building he was greeted by a valet who welcomed him as “Mr. Johnson”, going on to say to head inside and take the elevator to the eighth floor. Frank was taken aback about how the valet would know his name, but then realized that this was probably just something Alex was really good at, but he was impressed nonetheless.

Frank easily found the elevator and saw that the floor was the top floor. As he got off the elevator there were only two doorways. He knew that meant that Alex had the entire floor. Now he was really impressed. 

He pressed the doorbell and the door was almost instantly opened by a tall strikingly beautiful multi-racial woman in a soft summer dress and barefoot. She said, “Oh you must be Frank. Alex has told me so much about you. I’m Caley.” Whereupon she reached over and gave him a big hug then kissed each cheek. Even barefoot she was taller than Frank’s 5’9” and her hug was long and luxurious. She had long beautiful auburn hair and had a very nice soft set of breasts; Frank’s breath was taken away. He realized in a nanosecond, yes, it had been too long.

Caley grabbed Frank’s hand and escorted him into the apartment. The apartment was stunning, very open and inviting. There were fifteen-to-sixteen people in attendance including John Feldman who came over with his wife Julia in hand and introduced her to Frank. Julia was a very attractive woman and she was also a great hugger as was John. Frank’s head was spinning as Caley took his hand and started introducing him to all the other guests. 

There was a 6’10” man with his very pregnant wife. Frank recognized him from the Wizards basketball team as one of their young stars. 

There were a number of very lavishly dressed black men that could have been in the music industry if he heard correctly, a couple from New York (something to do with the arts) that came for this party and on and on. More hugs, a few kisses and genuinely nice people all around.

Frank saw Alex approach. Alex was carrying a glass of red wine which he handed to Frank and asked him what he thought. Frank sipped and was overjoyed to realize he had been handed one of his favorite Pinot Noirs. Frank could only smile and again be amazed by all of this. 

Frank, Alex, and Caley were chatting close to the front door of the unit when the doorbell went off again. Caley left Frank and Alex, opened the door and greeted a woman Frank thought might have been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, as if Caley wasn’t beautiful enough, and this woman was a blond hair blue-eyed bouquet of loveliness. 

Caley and the women kissed deeply. Alex then said, “Come on Frank and meet Jill.” Somehow he got his feet unglued from the floor and slowly walked toward Jill. Alex had already got there and he had picked up Jill in one swoop and kissed her ferociously. The three of them were all giggling and laughing and reading each other, like lovers do. 

Frank was mesmerized by this scene. Jill was older than Alex or Caley yet still possessed an incredible fit and curvy physique. Just then Caley said, “Frank, come here  and meet our friend Jill.” In what seemed to be slow motion, Frank headed over to Jill, extended his hand to greet her whereupon Jill pulled him to her and hugged him heart to heart and gave him a kiss on his right cheek. Her left hand was placed lightly on his chest as she kissed his left cheek.

Frank was starstruck by the combination of beauty, grace, sexiness, femininity; and oh my did she smell good. Jill’s light touch on his chest was like a thunderbolt of electricity surging through him.

More chatting and laughing and teasing followed as Frank stood there mute and unable to speak.

The doorbell rang again and Caley told Frank to take Jill to the bar and order a drink.

Jill grabbed Frank’s hand and led the way. As they approached the bar area, Jill dropped Frank’s hand and ran over to the woman behind the bar serving drinks. She was in black pants and a white shirt, but when she saw Jill, she dropped everything, shrieked, “Jill!” and came around the bar to hug her. “Katie, you look wonderful,” Jill said. Frank only then noticed that Katie was six-to-seven months pregnant. Katie and Jill were in a long sensuous hug and kissing deeply. It was erotic, hell it was pornographic Frank thought to himself. So much so, that Frank got a hardon, maybe the first real boner he had in months. Thankfully Frank had the bar obscuring his dilemma and as the two women disengaged, he felt his boner relax somewhat. But not much.

Jill and Katie quickly caught up, promising to get more details later as Katie returned to helping one of the guests who seemed to know Katie as well.

Frank was so mesmerized he had forgotten all about getting a drink for Jill. Jill had already run behind the bar, had grabbed a bottle of already opened wine, a glass, and headed back to where Frank was still using the bar to block his predicament.

Jill said, “Frank, I see you drinking red wine so I hope this is okay,” as she then proceeded to refill his glass with the tremendous Pinot he had already been drinking and pour herself a glass, and say, “Cheers.” and then clicked his glass.

Frank didn’t have a clue what to say to this beautiful woman. Thankfully Jill didn’t need any prompting as she grabbed Frank’s hand and led him out onto the patio overlooking a part of the city. Jill stopped often greeting people she obviously knew, always introducing Frank.

All the people were also, very, very nice and interesting to talk with. After many hugs and kisses with Jill, she seemed to be friends with everyone in attendance, Frank was re-introduced to a group of three women dressed similarly in a high fashion, though understated manner. Two were roughly the same height, the third was taller and looked like a runner, very fit. The two same-sized women looked related, but all of them could all pass as siblings or even triplets. And there was a huge young man with them. He seemed to be in the eye of their storm and didn’t mind it at all. They kept calling him Georgie and giggling. Frank did not catch the joke. He somehow noticed that they all had simple matching gold rings on their left hands.

Georgie (George) stretched out a huge hand to shake with Frank. It was a firm hand for sure. As they shook, George said, “Football.” Frank replied, “Wrestling.” A bond of sportsmen was established. George (Georgie) was quickly pulled back into the delirium that was his three gorgeous friends, wife… ahh, Frank wasn’t sure how it all worked...

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Jill and Frank worked the room until they ended up at the edge of the terrace by themselves. Frank was really getting tongue-tied and still wasn’t sure what to say to this ravishing creature. It didn’t matter. Jill broke the ice with another “Cheers!” and sweetly began asking Frank to tell her about himself. Within ten minutes he told Jill about being a wrestler in high school, getting an athletic scholarship, making four friends in engineering school, starting a business with his friends, having a wife and two great kids. He had told Jill about his wife, but not the fact she had died in a car wreck. He stopped. He looked down, not sure what to say. He looked at Jill and said “I’m sorry, I’m not ready for this.” and began to pull away from Jill, she grabbed his hand and stopped him. “Frank, tell me what happened.”

And he did.

At the end of telling his story about his wonderful wife, he had tears in his eyes.

Jill had continued to hold his hand. He looked up into her eyes. She also had tears.

This time, Frank hugged Jill. 

Jill then told Frank the story about her parents' death at an early age and how she had felt alone for a long time. She said that friends who became her family led her back to life.

They sat down on a loveseat just holding hands and not really saying anything. Healing was like that sometimes.

Katie broke the ice by bringing them some food and a refill on the wine. They both realized that they were famished and thanked Katie for her kindness and ate and drank and talked about everything and nothing and it was perfect.

People came by and sat in the seats alongside Frank and Jill and talked about all the grand things in life, art, and travel, and just everything.

Somehow it got to be late, but Jill and Frank didn’t care, they were enjoying each other’s company and presence and time didn’t really factor into anything. 

Caley and Alex then walked out and sat next to Jill and Frank. There were cheers all around as it was now apparent that they were the only ones left at the party.

Frank felt a little sheepish being the last one at the party and he was about to leave, when Alex said, “Frank, the three of us are having dinner at the restaurant Atelier tomorrow night at seven. We would love to have you join us?”

Atelier may have been the most difficult restaurant to get into in the DC area. It was where the top politicos and dealmakers in Washington went to impress. The waiting list to get in was months and months in advance. Frank had never been there.

Jill almost simultaneously with Caley said, “Yes, please join us!”

Frank was always regarded as a very, very smart man. He quickly agreed. Smart man indeed. More cheers all around.

Frank did get up a little unsteadily. Alex saw that said to him. “Frank, let my friend Andrew drive you home. Then we’ll get your car dropped off at your house first thing tomorrow.”

Frank, being a smart man, readily agreed. So all four headed down to see Frank off. As they got to the front door, a slim long-haired man in dark attire was there with a black Porsche Cayenne with the front door open. 

Alex said, “Frank, Andrew may be the finest driver in the world so he’ll take care of you.” Andrew showed no real emotion for the kind words from Alex, but reacted to Caley’s kiss on the cheeks with a slight smile.

Frank got hugs from Alex and Caley and lastly Jill. She hugged him, gave a gentle kiss on the cheek and said, “This was a wonderful night meeting you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

With that Frank was in the SUV with Andrew. Andrew pointed at the address in the GPS, Frank saw it and nodded and they were off. 

Chapter 2

Frank woke up early on Saturday but lay in bed recalling the night before. He had met and married his wife early in college. She was literally his only sexual experience. Being two black people in a predominantly white school they tended to stay to themselves. They both had to work hard to get to and through college, as neither felt prepared based on their high school experience in a low-income community. They succeeded and thrived and as they approached their senior year they had assembled a diverse group of friends, some of whom would become Frank’s business partners. 

Their sex life was spectacular. Both were loving and giving partners and not afraid of exploring their tastes. They had two kids quickly and got wrapped up in raising them, but still made lots of time for each other. They went on vacations alone to the Caribbean staying in remote and secluded places where they saw nobody else. They loved to sunbathe in the nude as it almost always led to stimulating and long sex sessions.

Frank had never thought he’d ever be attracted to a white woman. Plus Jill was strikingly beautiful, someone you’d expect in Playboy magazine or running for Miss America. Mythological. Unattainable.

Frank also began to recall the people who attended the party. They were interesting and diverse and in some ways so weird from his life’s perspective. “Crap,” Frank said to himself. He recalled the three women and the large blond man. Those three and sometimes the man were featured in billboards and ads in the fashion magazines for a national campaign for one of the hottest fashion designers in the US. And now he remembered that they had created a firestorm of controversy and admiration as one of the three was a man. The ads didn’t ever show enough to tell which was which, other than Georgie (there was no doubting he was all man), it was supposed to be a mystery. After seeing them in person he had no idea which one was the male. All three were gorgeous. “Wow.” What did he get himself into?

Then Frank remembered he was invited to dinner at seven at the hottest restaurant in the city. His wife had always bought what few clothes an engineer would need. He wasn’t picky and no matter how many times his wife bugged him about it, he didn’t really care about dressing up.

Tonight was different. He needed to be on top of his game.

Frank also recalled his wife buying him a few items at a store in the city. He decided to go there and see if he could find anything to wear. He looked at one of the shirts he had from the store, it really was nice, so he punched in the name of the store on his cellphone and was pleasantly surprised to see it was only ten to fifteen minutes away.

Frank went to get his car keys and remembered he’d been driven home and Alex was going to have his car dropped off at his house. He noticed a text message, opened it, and read: “Your car is just outside on the street. You’ll find the keys in your mailbox. Andrew” With that Frank retrieved his keys and headed to the store.

One of the reasons Frank didn’t shop was that when he was growing up he never had money to buy anything nice. And even when the business was doing great. He was still somewhat intimidated going shopping. With a new purpose, Frank walked into the store. The store was beautiful. Very casual and laid back and superbly finished out. He walked around a bit and was approached by an attractive young woman who asked him if he’d like a glass of champagne to start the day.

“Well of course I would,” Frank heard himself say.

The young lady was walking over to a bar to retrieve the champagne, when he heard, “Frank, Frank is that you?” Frank turned and saw Sam Reynolds, the Wizards basketball player from the night before. Sam walked over and hugged Frank like old friends even though they had just met. Frank had talked for some time with Sam and his wife Beatrice on the terrace. They were really nice and very much in love.

Sam then asked Frank, “So how do you know Alex and Caley?”

Frank then went on to explain that he did business with Alex and he invited him over and he’d only met Caley last night. The young lady returned and said, “Do you know Alex and Caley?” so he told the story again. It seems that Alex was well known and liked everywhere he went as was Caley. Sam then introduced Frank to Ingrid and told him he was in good hands as he ambled off for his own fitting.

Frank was nonplussed but somehow through all of this managed to say to Ingrid that he was going to Atelier restaurant for dinner with Alex, Caley, and Jill - did she know Jill too? Ingrid started bubbling over about Jill and how wonderful she was and how she’s been in the store many times. It seemed the store sold men’s and women’s clothes and also tuxedos for women, and Jill had purchased several tuxedos from the store.

Then Ingrid continued, “But for tonight you need a smart suit with a white shirt with French cuffs.” She grabbed Frank’s hand and took him over to a rack of really beautiful suits. He could have chosen any of them; they were so good-looking,  like nothing he had ever purchased. Ingrid steered him to a medium grey window pane. It was perfect. Frank was afraid to look at the price, but also realized that this wasn’t any woman he was seeing tonight and he could easily afford whatever it cost.

Frank asked, “If I buy this can it be ready for tonight?”

Ingrid replied, “Dear, we can make that work. We work with lots of athletes and people coming into town for events, so last-minute work is a must for us. Plus it’s obvious you're an athlete and you’ll need extra fitting to account for your physique. We can fit Sam, so we can fit you as well.”

With that Frank was off to the fitting room. A few measurements were made and a beautiful white shirt was provided for the fitting. The jacket was a pretty easy fit in the shoulders but the waistline of the jacket and the pants were a different matter. Frank had large thighs and a narrow waist, and he was definitely hanging well to the left. The fitting was done by a darling Latino woman who seemed delighted at looking at the front of the pants Frank was trying on. She kept adjusting the pants, sometimes with her hands brushing Frank’s tool and she kept saying “Ay caramba...” and continued smiling and fitting.

Once the suit and pants, and shirt were off to alterations, Ingrid suggested a haircut, manicure and pedicure in their styling salon. Frank had joined his wife many times on vacation at the spa, but not for a while, and he readily agreed.

Frank had a bevy of attractive young men and women helping him in his spa experience. More champagne was delivered and a light lunch too. He felt bad about not being able to share this with his wife. Yet his wife was always a positive person. They had worked hand-in-hand to build a great place for their children, the people that worked for them and for themselves. She always enjoyed life. Frank knew she would want him to remember her yet knew she would want him to go on living, something he hadn’t been doing.

Frank left the spa, buffed, manicured, and trimmed up. After a final fitting (it was perfect and Frank thought to himself he looked pretty good) the suit and shirt were placed in a handsome bag and he was ready. He never had asked the price, but when the bill came back, it wasn’t nearly as bad as he would have imagined. He even took a few minutes and bought a few more things with Ingrid showing the way. She even suggested a cologne which was added to the bags. Frank took the final bill and added in a $500 tip for Ingrid and the team that had made him so welcome. Off he went.

Written by GhostedWriter97
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