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Inher-Tit-Ance Pt. 1 of 2

"When he inherited his grandfather's cabin, he had no clue it came complete with a busty nudist neighbor and her equally busty friends."

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It was a bittersweet day.

With the paychecks for going on my first couple of big jobs in the bank, I could safely afford my apartment, truck, as well as the property tax, maintenance, and electric bill on my grandfather’s old hunting and fishing cabin.  The boss had even quietly given me a cash bonus once he saw my welds and how efficiently I laid them down on that first warehouse project.  He told me that he’d do everything in his power to match anybody else’s job offers as well.

When you’re working for a company with a glowing twenty-year track record, that’s a nice little bit of job security right there.

Mom and Dad had been trying to convince me to sell his cabin ever since Grandpa passed away.  I was the only one in the family who ever enjoyed outdoor activities, so keeping the land was incomprehensible to them.  It was nothing more than paying for something that should have been a windfall as far as they were concerned.

Which is why Grandpa left it to me in the first place.  He knew I wouldn’t let it get turned into a subdivision or something.  As long as I was alive, kicking, and could afford it, the place would stay exactly as it was – wild and peaceful.

Now that I’d started paying back this year’s property taxes to Dad, and I would be handling it going forward, their biggest cudgel was gone.  With any luck, I wouldn’t hear about selling the place ever again.

The sun had only just completely risen above the horizon when I finished loading up the truck and headed out for a five-day weekend at the cabin.  After two months of constantly being on the road or under a welding helmet, I needed it.

I keenly felt my grandfather’s absence from the moment I turned off the highway onto the gravel.  I had to pause and wipe my eyes on my sleeve before getting out of the truck when I pulled up in front of the gate about twenty minutes later.

The meter wasn’t showing the disconnect reading it had the last time I came out to do some mowing of the trails, so I assumed they’d turned the power on like they were supposed to.  I’d know soon enough.

I unlocked the gate, drove through, and closed it up behind me.  The twin trails of gravel beyond the gate were looking even more spotty and overgrown than last time I was out, so I made a mental note.  Once I put down a full driveway again, I’d probably get a good decade or two out of it with proper maintenance.

When I pulled up, I saw the door was closed, and none of the windows that I could see were broken, which was a good start.  I parked the truck, unlocked the door, and flipped on the porch light.

The dull yellow glow of the old incandescent bug light confirmed that the power was on.  I could almost hear Grandpa bragging about how he’d screwed that bulb in back in 1989 and it was still going.  I turned the light off and gave the inside of the cabin a look-see.  Since everything looked good, I headed back to my truck and grabbed my toolbox.

The pump didn’t give me a lot of grief, so soon enough I had running water.  With the basic necessities up and running, I unloaded the truck.  

By the time I was fully set up for the long weekend, I still had a little time left before noon.  As far as I was concerned, that was a sign.  I grabbed my fishing poles, and went to see if I could catch myself some lunch.


The temptation to sit on the porch overstuffed with freshly-caught catfish and drinking ice-cold beer for the rest of the day was powerful, but there were chores to do.  I wanted to get everything out of the way as soon as possible, so I could use the rest of my time off simply enjoying myself and reminiscing about Grandpa.  The place was so closely associated with him to me that I could almost feel his presence.

I hiked down to the gate and started following the fence line west.  The fence itself looked good, and every No Trespassing sign I passed was intact, legible, and at an appropriate distance from the last.  I would absolutely need to get the weed-whacker out and spend most of a day trimming along the fence, but it wasn’t going to be this weekend.

Despite spending so much time on the property with my grandfather, nothing looked familiar as I neared the northwest corner of the land.  We’d never been up there for some reason.  I hadn’t really thought about it before, but since I had to go that way, my curiosity was piqued.

That doubled as I twisted through some undergrowth and saw a spot that had obviously been mowed up to the fence at one point.  Amidst that tall grass was a wooden bench that I knew was my grandfather’s handiwork, which was facing the fence.  The fence wire between the two posts in front of the bench looked newer than all the rest.  On the other side was a lawn, marking it as belonging to the one neighbor who actually had a house abutting the property.  Every other property was all woods or had cabins like Grandpa’s.  I’d never met a neighbor in all the years I had visited, but the bench suggested Grandpa had a relationship with them.

As I approached, I could tell that the bench wasn’t weathered enough to have been out there for very long.  He must have built it only a few years before he died.  I wondered what had inspired him to haul that lumber all the way up there from the cabin when he was already having a bit of trouble getting around.

As I stepped into the clearing, I heard a woman’s voice say, “Oh, hello.  You must be Kevin.”

I turned, and I knew my eyes must have been as wide as dinner plates when I saw them.  In the yard on the other side of the fence were two blonde women somewhere around my mother’s age, and they were stark naked.  Both had easily the biggest tits I’d ever seen bare and in person, and they were walking toward me with easy smiles.

“You are Kevin, right?” one of the women asked.

I tore my eyes away from the bouncing boobies and bent down as if I was inspecting the bench.  “Uhm...  I... Yes, I’m Kevin.”

The woman who had spoken said, “I knew it.  Your grandfather talked about you all the time, and the resemblance is there in spades.  I’m Marissa and this is my friend Candice.”

By the time she had finished speaking, I could see that they were just on the other side of the fence.  It felt extremely rude to keep looking away from them, so I turned and tried to make eye contact.

The other blonde waved and said, “Hello.”

“Hello,” I responded.  My eyes – despite my best efforts and intentions – kept drifting to those enormous tits.

Marissa chuckled.  “Okay.  Elephant in the room,” she said while holding out her hands and gesturing toward her bared body – as if it needed any highlighting.  “I guess Warren never told you I was a nudist.”

“No, he never mentioned that.  Sorry, I just...”

“Oh, it’s quite okay.  I can imagine you’d be a bit flustered by two naked old ladies walking up on you out of the blue.”

I wouldn’t say old ladies, I thought.  They were both a little thick, but certainly not overweight.  Despite repeatedly forcing my eyes back to their faces, my instinctual glances at their bodies had blood rushing between my legs.  They were good-looking, and those giant tits were like magnets for my eyes.

“Just unexpected,” I said.

Marissa held out her left hand with the palm up and said, “Unexpected good?”  She then lifted her right hand, mirroring the hand gesture on the other side.  “Unexpected bad?”

“Oh, good.  It’s nice to meet you,” I said, forcing myself to make conversation and struggling with the absurdity of it.

“Well, that’s good,” Marissa said.  “I just wanted to introduce myself.  I was so sorry to hear that Warren passed.  He was a lovely man.  I always enjoyed talking to him.”

“Thanks.  I miss him a lot.”

“So do I,” she agreed.  “We’ll leave you be.”  She lifted a finger and her eyes widened as if just remembering something.  “Oh, but I do have a few friends from the resort coming over for the weekend, if you’d like to join?  We’ll have plenty of booze, fresh-squeezed lemonade, snacks, and a potluck.  You’re more than welcome.”

The absurdity of the situation finally got the better of me and there was laughter in my voice when I said, “I’ll think about it.”

They both smiled and chuckled.  “Just one thing.  It is a Nude Day celebration, so...”  She mimed plucking at a shirt that wasn’t there.

“Gotcha,” I said, giving her a thumbs-up.

“Hope to see you.  Bye,” Marissa said.

“Bye,” Candice echoed, and both women waved.

“Bye,” I responded, and awkwardly waved back.

The two women turned and strolled back to the house.  I couldn’t resist a look.  Their butts were a little big, but still quite nice.  They were also swaying rather hypnotically as the women sauntered across the lawn with their hands floating at their sides in a way that absolutely screamed femininity.

Grandpa, you dirty old goat, I thought as I looked away before one of them glanced over their shoulder and caught me ogling them.  That certainly explained why he’d put in the effort to haul lumber all the way to the corner of the property.  I couldn’t really blame him, either.  They looked pretty good to me, and to him, they would have been hot young girls half his age.

It made me wonder if he’d done more than look.  He’d always talked about Grandma fondly and often grew misty-eyed when he did, but the bench proved he wasn’t beyond the call of feminine whiles despite missing her and obviously still loving her dearly.

I would never know, so I continued down the fence line before my eyes drifted back to the display of attractive flesh just the other side of the fence.  Once I was behind what I believed was sufficient cover of undergrowth, I adjusted my erection, which had hardened in somewhat of a bind in my shorts.

I made it almost to the northeast corner of the property before my thoughts more or less focused in on the task at hand.


When I woke up in the morning to perfect silence, it was sheer bliss.  I will admit I was missing my air-conditioning as the rising sun rapidly warmed the cabin, but it meant I didn’t remotely need an alarm clock.

I fired up the Coleman stove, put on a pot of coffee, and then walked out onto the porch in just the cloth shorts I’d slept in.  The morning air was scented with earth and trees.  Birdsong greeted me from every quarter.  I could almost hear my grandfather singing that couple of verses of an old song about a beautiful morning, because he did it religiously every time we stepped out onto the porch when we were out there.

I quite nearly did it myself.

I sat on the bench my grandfather had made, sipping coffee and taking in the morning.  When my cup was empty, my stomach was grumbling, so I went inside to make breakfast.

As I was pulling bacon and eggs out of the cooler, I came to a decision I had been pondering for a while.  I was going to buy a fridge for the place.  Even a long weekend meant that I could only have fresh food and cold beer for a couple of days without running back into town.  Once I had the opportunity to take a real vacation, it would be nice to have a stocked fridge so I didn’t have to leave.

A window unit was still up for debate, but I was inching ever closer that way as the heat of the day increased.

I’d dragged the ladder and brush out of the shed to sweep the chimney after finishing my inspection of the fence line, and then mowed the trails, so I no longer had anything hanging over my head.  I could simply enjoy myself.

Of course, the thought of hiking over to the neighbor’s place and joining the party crossed my mind.  I’ll admit that I cranked one out fantasizing about Marissa before going to sleep.  Suffice to say my last relationship hadn’t ended well, and the sex had stopped some time before that.  Then I had that run of projects at work that had me on the road.  So, I hadn’t had sex in about six months at the time, and I was feeling it.

The thought of walking around with my dick swinging in the wind – or more probably bouncing at full erection – was just too uncomfortable, so I dismissed the notion of joining the party.  Instead, I picked up my fishing poles and headed down the freshly mowed trail to the pond.

With a nice breeze coming in off the water, a cold beer at my side, and a shade tree overhead, I put my lines in the water.  I didn’t have to wait long.  The bell on one pole started ringing after about ten minutes.  I reeled in a catfish that would make a good start on lunch.  One more would be a meal.  A couple more that size and I’d be set for dinner as well.

I slipped the fish into a basket and dropped it in the water.  I nearly lost the bell on my second pole when it suddenly bent toward the water while I was safeguarding my first catch.  Before I could reach the pole, the bend in it vanished, and the sudden snap sent my bell flying off behind where I was fishing.  It was pure, dumb luck that it hadn’t gone the other way and ended up in the pond.

I ran over and knelt down next to my pole.  The line hadn’t gone slack, and it wasn’t bouncing as though the sinker was hopping along the bottom.  A moment later, I grabbed my pole when the fish started running away from the shore and bent the pole again.  I set my hook and a wide grin spread across my face.

That fellow put up a fight.  I had to tweak my drag to make sure he didn’t snap the line.  More than once, he ran back toward me, but he didn’t catch me off-guard, and I used the opportunity to reel in some of the line I’d let him have.  Eventually, the fish tired out, and I got a look at it through the sparkling water.  It was a whopper.

Once the fish was in about a foot of water by the shore, it made one last-ditch effort to escape.  That powerful tail lashed and the fish rolled over and over, splashing water everywhere.  It was all he had, though.  Once the roiling surface settled, I was able to reel the catfish in.

It was a twelve-pounder, and took care of my meal planning for the day.  I snapped a picture of the fish and the scale with my phone, and then pulled out a stringer because he wasn’t going to fit in the basket.  I was done fishing for the day, but I wasn’t going to leave him on the shore flopping and baking in the sun while I packed up, so I gave him a toss out into the water.

I saluted him with my beer, finished it off, and then got to work putting everything back where it belonged in the tackle box.  As I was closing the lid, my brow furrowed because something was off.  I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew something was nagging at the edge of my awareness.

Then suddenly, I knew what it was.  I was hearing music.  It was faint – barely audible – but the silence between two songs had registered enough to give me pause.  I knew where it had to be coming from, and it wasn’t remotely loud enough to be disturbing, so I finished packing up.

As I was about to pull in my catch and head back to the cabin, I turned toward Marissa’s house.  A vision of her and Candice in all their busty glory congealed in my head.

There was nobody around to disturb my gear and the fish were fine out in the water, so I decided there was no harm in a little peek to see who had showed up to the party.  The pond wasn’t all that far away from the corner of the property where she lived, so I headed that way.

The music grew louder, and I was eventually able to discern that it was 80s and 90s rock.  Once I was close to the fence, I could begin to see movement through the trees and undergrowth as Thunderstruck rang out from the speakers.  I steeled myself for the probability of naked guys or people Grandpa’s age as I continued on.

Just before I broke into the mowed clearing, I paused.  I was still more or less concealed there, but I could see out across the yard.

Four more women were with Marissa and Candice under an awning that shaded them from the sun.  One was brunette.  One had sandy blonde hair with lighter highlights.  Another blonde and a redhead rounded out the newcomers.

And every single one of them had tits for days.

“God damn,” I muttered as I let my eyes roam over the titty-fest and adjusted my swelling erection.  A couple of them were a little older, but not ancient.  The brunette and redhead weren’t in quite as good of shape as the rest, but frankly, those bodacious ta-tas did much to distract from a sagging belly and a wider ass.

Candice and Marissa were the odd girls out, because everyone else was sporting a bush.  The other blonde looked to be trimmed, but the rest were letting nature take its course.  They were all dancing to the music, chatting, laughing, and having fun.

I took a couple of steps back as the thought of walking around naked felt less and less uncomfortable in light of who was attending the party – and my decided lack of anyone else touching my dick in months.

I was still wavering as I forced myself to turn around and walk back to the pond.  As I was walking along the shore, another song transition caught my attention, and I looked over my shoulder.

That’s when something snapped in my brain.  I pulled in the basket, let the first catfish go, and then reeled in the stringer.  Before letting that whopper go, I said, “I’ll see you next time.”

The fish had apparently renewed its strength because it splashed me with rapid flicks of its tail as it darted back out into deeper water.

I quickly gathered up my gear and hurried back to the cabin.  I’ll admit that the little head was pretty much in charge at that point.  I stowed my gear, locked up the cabin, and turned on my heel.

I was on a mission with my rock-hard compass pointing toward the true north of big ol’ titties until I was close enough to clearly discern the music again.  That’s when my brain managed to get in a word edgewise.  I slowed – my ears starting to grow warm – but my hard prick kept dragging me steadily forward.

Once I stepped into the clearing and let my eyes take in the female flesh on display again, my brain made a successful flanking maneuver.  Fear and embarrassment washed over me, and I turned to make a retreat.

I winced when Marissa called out, “Kevin!”

I looked over my shoulder to see her jogging toward me – one arm unsuccessfully trying to rein in her bouncing breasts.  Those massive mammaries jiggling and jolting from her stride may as well have been a hypnotist’s watch.  I couldn’t look away.

“Hey you,” she said as she reached the fence.  “Happy Nude Day!  So, are you coming to join us?”

“I...  Uhm...  Uh...” I stammered – fairly certain my ears were going to burst into flames.

“Oh, come on.  There’s no need to be embarrassed.  Come join the party.  And don’t worry if you get hard.  We’re not those stodgy naturists who think a man with an erection is the epitome of uncouth behavior.  It’s a perfectly natural thing.”

I was at a complete loss – still fighting off a severe case of fearful shame.

Marissa’s eyes dropped to the bulge in my shorts and widened.  Her smile broadened as well.  Then she looked up at me and said, “It certainly looks like you don’t have anything to be ashamed of.  Good heavens.”

As if the mention had renewed its strength, my dick reasserted itself and started cutting through the fog of fear.

Marissa put a hand on her hip in an unmistakably provocative pose.  Her voice was lower and seductive when she said, “Take a chance.  Get those clothes off and truly embrace nature.”  She glanced at the barrier between us and said, “Well, maybe once you’re on this side of the fence.  We can’t have anything getting caught on the barbed wire.”

That nearly got me, but there were still a few tendrils of white-hot shame wrapped around me.

She glanced at my crotch – letting her eyes linger this time.  Her voice took on that deep, seductive tone again when she said, “I promise you’re going to enjoy it.”

And that was it.  I looked around and noticed a limb that I could reach without having to take a running jump.  When it was obvious what I was up to, Marissa said, “There you go.”

I hopped up, grabbed the limb, and swung over the fence.

“That’s a ten for the dismount from me,” she said and then laughed.  She twitched her eyebrows at me and waved a hand in my direction.

I yanked my shirt over my head and saw her smiling brilliantly when it cleared my eyes.  A quick lift of each foot and a few yanks left me barefoot.  Marissa was wearing a look of anticipation that got me reaching for my shorts in a hurry.

“Well, hello,” she said quietly when my cock popped out of my shorts.

I dropped my shorts to the ground and only then realized I’d left my phone in the pocket.

Marissa said, “Bring them with you and I’ll put your clothes somewhere so they don’t get all full of bugs, and introduce you to everyone.”

The women were all looking our way as I walked at Marissa’s side toward the gathering. Their expressions all looked welcoming – perhaps even aroused.  Without ogling too much, I took in the details of their naked bodies as we drew closer.  Suffice to say I wouldn’t have thrown any of them out of my bed for eating crackers, as the saying goes.

I couldn’t help but notice Marissa’s breasts jiggling in the most enticing way at my side, though.

I saw the older blonde lean in and say something to the redhead, who nodded enthusiastically.  The brunette said something that set them all to chuckling.  Once we were a short distance away, they all gathered together under the awning.

I did take passing notice of the house despite the bared female flesh and big tits.  It was a huge, two-story place.  The back patio was large and made of cut stone or something that looked like it. There was a fire pit, lots of deck furniture, what I assumed was a hot tub, and a whirlpool.  It was a pretty fancy place for being as far out in the sticks as it was.

Marissa said, “Everyone, this is Kevin.  He inherited the property next door from his grandfather.  He was out enjoying nature, so I invited him to come take it to the next level.”

The women all nodded or waved.  More than once during the introduction, I’d caught eyes lingering on my erection as they all unashamedly admired my body.  The brunette did so long enough for the sandy blonde to lean forward and whisper to her, prompting her to snap her eyes upward.

“You already know Candice,” Marissa said while gesturing to her.

“Happy Nude Day,” the other blonde said.

“Happy Nude Day,” I repeated.

Marissa introduced the rest, and we exchanged brief greetings as she went down the line.  The redhead’s name was Denise, and she had the biggest nipples of all the women, but oddly enough the smallest areolae.  The rest of the women were sporting ovals the size of a coke can or bigger around their nipples, but Denise’s were only about twice as big around as the points that capped them.

She was the only one who didn’t shave around her pussy.  The fiery bush between her legs somehow suited her, even though it was nothing I’d ever considered particularly arousing before.  Between that and those big tits, the fact that she was a little older, had a belly, and a big ass kind of faded into the background.

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The older blonde was named Janey.  I assume she was in her fifties, but she’d taken good care of herself.  She was fit and had a flat tummy.  Her tits were the smallest of the group, and from how round they were, I assumed she had implants.  They were still bigger than any I’d ever gotten my hands on.

The brunette was introduced as Vera, and she was about Denise’s age.  She had a belly as well, and her bush was less trimmed than any of the other women’s.  There was something in her eyes and demeanor that said with no doubt that she knew her way around a dick, though.

And finally, there was Anessa.  She was about the same age as Marissa – maybe even a little younger.  She was just as attractive as Marissa and Candice, and had arguably the best legs.

Marissa said, “Well, I hope I’m not reading the room wrong here...” she let her eyes drop to my erection for a second before saying, “No sense dragging this out and making it awkward.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I would really like a taste of that cock.”

The enthusiastic agreement of the other five women put a pretty big smile on my face.  I was proud of myself when I quipped, “Well, I’m not going to say no.”

Laughter erupted from the women as Marissa put my clothes down on a table, laid a hand on my chest, pushed softly, and nodded toward something behind me.  I glanced over my shoulder, saw a reclined deck chair, and took a step toward it.

I saw Denise whisper something to Vera.  Before I’d even reached the deck chair, the whisper chain caught up with everyone else.  Candice leaned in to whisper to Marissa while I was sitting down.   Marissa shook her head, chuckled, and lifted the knee she’d already placed on the deck chair.  She straddled it instead.

The six women gathered around me, and then leaned in.  I grinned like an idiot as they pressed their tits together and formed a circle of bodacious ta-tas above me.

“You ready for this, honey?” Vera asked.

“Oh yeah,” I answered.

The six women stood up straight again, but Marissa didn’t remain that way for long.  As she sat down, I moved my leg out of the way to make room.  Her butt had barely touched wood before her hand wrapped around mine.

“Oh my lord.  You’re as hard as a fucking rock,” she said excitedly while slowly stroking me.

I glanced to the side when movement in my peripheral vision alerted me to Anessa tossing the cushion from another piece of furniture next to my chair.  Marissa redirected my attention in a hurry when her tongue started sliding up the length of my shaft.

She moaned hungrily as her tongue made a slow journey toward the tip.  She was looking up into my eyes the whole way.  When her tongue passed over the ridge behind the head, she suddenly tilted her head forward and sucked me between her lips.

I groaned as her lips massaged me and her tongue slathered over me.  It was hard to miss Anessa’s breasts moving in like an eclipse from the side.  She barely touched my wrist before I accepted the invitation and reached up to squeeze one of those big, soft tits.

“Mmm hmm,” Marissa moaned around me while twisting her head, adding another dimension of stimulation to her already amazing headjob.

The whump of another cushion landing on the opposite side of the chair was rapidly followed by Denise kneeling on it, turning my head toward her with one hand, and offering up her right breast with the other.

She let out a joyful squeal when I sucked her nipple between my lips.  I maintained my handful of Anessa’s breast and confirmed that hers were as erect as the nipple between my lips when I brushed my thumb over the stiff nub.

All the while, Marissa’s lips and tongue were dispensing delights to the head of my cock.

Anessa reached out and tugged on my chin.  Denise let out a disappointed moan when her nipple slipped from my lips, but it was rapidly followed by a moan when she ran her fingers over my chest.  Anessa gasped when I took her nipple in and sucked it hard.

Two more cushions landed closer to the foot of the chair while I suckled at Anessa’s breast, and more hands joined the redhead’s in exploring my body.

Marissa took me deeper in a quick suck, and then slowly pulled back to the head.  She let it slip from her lips with a slurping pop, and then closed her fingers around it.

“You know, I came so hard fantasizing about you last night,” Marissa said as she stroked me.

Candice sounded playfully indignant when she said, “I’d like to think I had something to do with that.”

Marissa chuckled and kissed my glans.  “Oh, you did.  Mmm...  We’re all bisexual.  That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

I let the nipple between my lips go and answered, “Nope,” while switching to its twin.

“Somehow, I didn’t think it would,” Marissa said with amusement in her voice before engulfing me in her mouth again.

“God, you’re making me so wet,” Anessa moaned.  She leaned back, pulled her nipple from my lips, and then grasped my wrist.  I let her guide it between her legs.  I ran my fingers through the short curls on her mound, and then slipped two between her nether lips.

She wasn’t lying.

Anessa shuddered and whimpered from my touch, and then lifted on my wrist.  I pulled my fingers out and she brought them to her own lips.

Fuck, it was hot watching her savor the taste of her own pussy.

She nodded behind me as she released my hand, and I turned my head to see that Janey had swapped places with Denise.  The redhead was kissing Vera, and both of them had their fingers buried in each other’s pussy.  Janey hefted her big round breasts, gave them a jiggle, and twitched her eyebrows.

I rolled until I could replace her hands with my own.  Squeezing them confirmed my assumption that she had implants, but I’m not one to discriminate.  It was a different sensation fondling them and then sucking them, but just as exciting.

My dick slipped out of Marissa’s mouth while I was sucking and tonguing Janey’s nipples.  I jerked and grunted in surprise when I felt something altogether different between my legs.

Vera’s head was rapidly bobbing in my lap, her lips sliding all the way down to the root with every suck.  Croaks emerged from her throat every time my cock entered it, but it didn’t seem to faze her in the slightest.

“Damn, girl!” Anessa remarked, and then joined in the laughter that erupted from her exclamation.

Vera froze with her lips sealed around the root of my cock and held me there for a few seconds before ever-so-slowly sucking her way back to the tip.  When the head popped out of her mouth, she sniffled and turned toward Candice.  The blonde was quick to take her place.

A sad little whimper caused me to turn my attention back to Janey.  I made sure I could see what was happening as Candice bent over to squeeze me between her tits, though.  I had a mouthful of titty while Candice rubbed and stroked me in the warm nest between hers.  Marissa stood up and waved for Anessa to approach.

As the two women were trading places, Candice gave me some wonderful head while still massaging me with those big tits of hers.  Janey moaned and ran her fingers through my hair while I sucked her nipple hard.  I heard the cushion scrunch as Marissa knelt down.  A moment later, she ran her fingertips over my chest and let out a purring moan.

Candice’s lips let me go, but she kept me between her breasts and nodded to Anessa.  The other woman didn’t hesitate to lean in and tickle the head of my dick with quick flicks of her tongue.  After a delightful second, Candice released me from her breasts and leaned back, giving Anessa full access to my cock.

She took advantage of it with a broad-tongued lick.

An excited moan from Janey preceded Marissa’s other hand appearing in my peripheral vision.  Marissa wiped the pussy juice that was coating her fingers on Janey’s other nipple.

I didn’t need to be told to switch nipples and savor the tang of Marissa’s juices from Janey’s breast.

Anessa and Denise were sharing my cock by licking it from opposite sides when Janey gave me a gentle push.  When her nipple slipped from my lips, she cupped my chin and turned me toward Marissa.  I got the hint and rolled onto my hip facing the other way while Janey moved toward the foot of the chair for a turn at my cock.

Marissa had one hand between her legs with three fingers buried inside her.  She reached up to heft one of her breasts in the other hand as I faced her.  Denise took her turn by giving me a noisy, sloppy blowjob and moaning around me at about the time I finally got to touch those titties that I’d been fantasizing about ever since I saw them the day before.

Marissa shuddered and gasped when I pulled the turgid point between my lips.

I gleefully sucked her nipple to encouraging whimpers for a half minute or so before she asked, “Want a little more of that special sauce?”

“Mmm hmm,” I answered without letting her go.

Marissa chuckled and pushed me away just long enough to rub fingers absolutely covered in pussy juice over both nipples.  I smiled, cupped both of her breasts, pushed them together, and lapped up her nectar from both nipples simultaneously.

When Denise let me go, Janey took her turn on my dick with slow, deep sucks.  Marissa encouraged me to turn to Candice, who waited on the other side of me.  It’s all a bit of a blur after that.  It was just a merry-go-round of tits in my face, lips on my dick, and pussy-slick fingers for quite a while.  Whenever I could see anything around the abundance of breasts being pressed in my face, whoever wasn’t sucking my cock at the time was kissing or fingering one of the other women.  Usually both.

Having never seen two girls go at it in real life, it was exciting, to say the least.

I was a bit apprehensive at first when Denise straddled my head.  Once she lowered that hairy pussy to my lips and I got a deep breath of her musk, that was all over.  It took me a second or three to delve a furrow through her fiery curls with my tongue, but the reward was well worth the effort.  She let out a loud yelp and slipped her hands beneath my head as I stabbed my tongue inside her.

I’m not going to pretend that having her pubes scratching my face and tickling my nose was the greatest thing ever, but that pussy tasted good, and feeling her tremble was satisfying, to say the least.   Once I got a good taste of her juices, I went after her clit.

“Holy shit!” she cried out as I sucked her button between my lips and attacked it with my tongue.

Soft laughter rang out from all around – including a muffled chuckle that vibrated through my erection.

Candice asked, “I take it this isn’t his first time?”

Denise yelped, growled, and then answered in an explosion of breath, “Oh fuck no.”

Amidst the laughter that followed, Candice said, “Mmm...  Looks like we have something new to work into our rotation, girls.”

Denise was really starting to grind her pussy into my face and whimper when I felt the hot mouth engulfing my cock vanish.

I heard Marissa say, “I can’t wait any longer.  I’ve got to ride you.”

A prolonged, sad whimper preceded Denise straightening her legs and pulling away.  I tenaciously held on so that her clit slipped from my lips with a slurp.

The redhead was breathing heavily when she looked down at me and said, “T-to be continued.”

I felt Marissa lifting my cock as Denise swung a leg over me.  Then I saw my blonde neighbor straddling me to rub the head of my cock between her folds.  She was certainly wet.

Marissa looked up at me and said, “Don’t worry.  There’s not a single baby-making factory open for business here.  I closed up shop as soon as my daughter was born.”

And with that, she sat on my dick.

Marissa’s head snapped back and she gasped as I penetrated her.  "Oh, my lord,” she groaned.

“Look at that,” Vera said excitedly from where she knelt next to the chair.  “Does that feel good?”

“Oh yeah,” I growled at the same time as Marissa answered, “God, yes.”

Marissa drew in a hissing breath through her teeth as she sank lower.  She felt incredible – tight and satiny.  She groaned once I was buried to the hilt inside her.  The other women called out encouragement...

“Do it.  Ride him.”

“Ride that cock.”

“Get some, girl!”

Marissa took several panting breaths as she shuddered atop me, and then said, “Oh my god, he is so fucking hard.”

Candice straddled the chair immediately behind Marissa, and I watched with a smile as she reached around to heft Marissa’s breasts in her hands and said, “I’ve got the girls.  You concentrate on that cock.”

Marissa settled one knee on the chair next to my hips to do exactly that.  At the same time, Vera found a position to kneel a little bit behind her host that gave her an angle of attack on the blonde’s clit.

Marissa moaned in response to the brunette’s circling fingers and began to rock her hips.  “Fuck, you’re so deep,” she groaned.

“God, you feel good,” I responded as she squeezed me with her tight canal.

“Give my leg a smack if I get carried away,” she warned.  A growl rumbled in her throat.  “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to control myself.”

I said, “Then don’t.”

“Fuck yes,” she said in an explosion of breath as she accepted that invitation.

I grunted when she picked up the pace and the distance her hips were traveling on each stroke.  Having my cock wrenched back and forth was a little uncomfortable, but the look in her eyes, the flush rising in her cheeks, and the sight of those big tits quivering in Candice’s hands more than made up for it.

Vera said, “Do it.  Ride that hard young cock.”  Her fingers flashed over Marissa’s clit – keeping up with her host’s enthusiasm.

A muffled squeal finally caused me to glance over at what had been happening in my peripheral vision.  Denise was lying on her back on a cushion with Janey’s face buried between her legs.  Anessa was kneeling over the redhead’s face – which is where the squeal had arisen – and pinching Denise’s big nipples.  Janey certainly didn’t look like she was playing around, and Denise’s writhing added more evidence to that.

A grunt and a much harder slam of Marissa’s hips redirected my gaze to the show in my own lap.

The flush had spread to Marissa’s whole face.  Despite the shade and the breeze, her body was glistening with sweat, and a few droplets were meandering over her skin.  I could feel the slipperiness of her butt against my legs, and Candice was obviously having a more difficult time corralling those big tits.

Marissa whimpered, grunted, and rode me hard.  I could see her features tightening, and my heart rate went up.  She was getting there, and I wasn’t in any danger of coming yet.  A mournful whimper attracted my attention to the action beside me.  The sound was Denise protesting Janey sitting up and leaving her pussy unattended.  Janey’s face wasn’t just damp with sweat.  Her lips and chin were glistening with pussy juice as well.

It appeared that the two blondes were moving to trade places at opposite ends of Denise.  A yelp redirected my attention to Marissa before Anessa and Janey could take up their new positions.  I caught the tail end of Candice whispering something in Marissa’s ear.

Marissa responded to whatever Candice had said with, “God yes.  He’s so hard.  He’s so deep.”

“Are you getting close?” Candice asked – audibly this time.

“Yes!” Marissa cried.

“Do it.  Come for us,” Candice encouraged her.

“Come on that cock,” Vera agreed.

I joined in by saying, “Fuck yes, come for me.”

Marissa’s eyes widened and she yelped again upon hearing that.  Her thrashing hips came to a sudden halt and her eyes narrowed a second later.  Vera kept her fingers thrumming over the blonde’s clit as Marissa adjusted her stance.  Her tight pussy slid up my shaft, and then suddenly reversed course.  A loud clap sounded when her ass slammed into my legs.

Marissa rode me like a woman possessed after that.  She bounced on my dick and whimpered or cried out with every slap of our colliding flesh.  Vera chased Marissa’s clit with remarkable skill, and Candice did her best to keep those tits contained.  She was more or less juggling the slippery globes, which was an amazing show that brought a smile to my face.  I was sweating pretty hard myself.

Guys talk about pussy getting worn out, but I have to tell you that I didn’t feel any evidence of that.  Marissa’s pussy was absolutely milking me as she bounced in my lap.  It set off a warning tickle that caused me to stiffen and clench my teeth.  It had been a while, and I was immediately worried that I was going to come too fast after nothing but my hand for so long.  I steeled my will and prepared to fight.

Marissa let out a dozen deep whimpers at the bottom of every bounce not long after that.  Her ass then descended with a final thunderous clap, she lurched, and loosed a scream.

“Yeah!” I exclaimed as her pussy clenched around me and she began to thrash in climax.

Candice slid one arm around Marissa beneath her boobs, holding her upright.  Vera didn’t let up in the slightest with her flashing fingers.  Marissa bucked and flailed in orgasm, her long blonde hair sticking to her sweat-dampened skin.  I know I had to be grinning like an idiot as I watched her come with a look of profound ecstasy on her face.

It must have been too much, because her hand suddenly lashed out and yanked Vera’s fingers away from her clit.  A weepy whimper escaped Marissa when Vera chuckled and acquiesced to the hand tightly closed around her wrist.

Marissa’s head suddenly fell back limp and came to rest on the soft and convenient pillows that were Candice’s breasts.  Candice moaned and started brushing the strands of hair off Marissa’s face.

I lay there marveling at Marissa’s big tits rising and falling with her panting breaths.  Her pussy continued to erratically clench around me as her orgasm played out and settled into aftershocks.

Denise interrupted the coos and moans by suddenly saying, “I’m so close.  Let me come on his cock.”

Marissa let out one last, pained whimper and lurched off my cock.  An unmistakable slurping sound accompanied me sliding out of her tight canal.  Candice had to support her as Marissa gained her feet.  Denise was just as steady and determined as Marissa was weak and wobbly.  The redhead swung a leg over the chair – her expression filled with hunger.

Vera stood my pussy-creamed cock upright, and Denise’s hairy pussy enveloped it.

More evidence that the worn-out pussy thing was complete bullshit.  I’m not going to say that either of them were like teenagers, but Denise’s pussy was every bit as tight as Marissa’s, and felt incredible.

That proved worrisome when she started riding me hard from the get-go.

Without restraining hands, her huge tits were swinging wildly and clapping together whenever her big ass smacked into my legs.  Denise grunted with effort – the sound spiking in time with the twin claps at the end of every bounce.  Vera added to that sweet symphony of sex by spanking the redhead’s ass.

Denise had said she was close, but apparently not close enough.  I pinched my eyes shut and clenched my teeth as her pussy milked me.  The itch in my dick intensified and my balls tightened despite the effort to block out at least one element of stimulation.

I was on the cusp of the point of no return when she suddenly wailed and fell forward with those big, sweaty tits squished against my chest.  Denise lurched, bucked, and yelped atop me as orgasm wracked her body.

Grunting growls rumbled in my throat as the redhead’s tight pussy and thrashing continued to threaten to push me over the edge.  I held out long enough for her to settle into the aftershocks and gasp for breath.

My throbbing dick had calmed just enough for me to chuckle when she muttered, “Jesus fucking Christ,” with her cheek resting on my shoulder.

Candice stepped in beside us and gave Denise’s ass a playful slap.  “Give somebody else a turn.”

Denise let out a weak groan and shook her head.  Despite that, she planted her hands on the deck chair and pushed up on wobbly arms.  With some help from Janey and Vera, she gained her feet.  She had barely cleared the way before Candice swung a leg over the chair.

“Wait, I’m too close,” I hurriedly said.

“You’re about to come?” she asked.

I nodded.

Candice let out a hungry moan and said, “Fucking give it to me.  Fill me up.”

A chorus of coos, moans, and chuckles rang out from the other women as Candice grabbed my dick.  A moment later, I was balls deep in a pussy that I was no longer surprised was delightfully tight.

Candice leaned forward onto her hands, letting those big tits hang in front of me and swing as she rocked forward and back on my dick.  Her expression was pure, naughty anticipation as she stared into my eyes and fucked me.

Candice playfully demanded, “Give it to me.  Give me that cum.  I want it.  I want your cum deep inside me.  Give it to me.  Shoot that hot load deep in my pussy.  Fucking fill me up.”

“Oh fuck,” I loudly growled, because that was inevitable at that point.

Candice kept it up.  “That’s it.  There you go.  Fucking do it.  Uh-huh.  Uh-huh.  Gimme that cum.  Gimme that cum.  Gimme that cum.”

And I did.  I bellowed like a beast, jammed my cock up into her pussy, and exploded inside her.

Candice squealed.  “Oh, I feel it!  Yes!  Fill that pussy up!”

Somewhere in the red-hot haze of blasting cum into Candice’s pussy, I realized I was once again surrounded by bared female flesh and massive titties.  The rest of the women echoed Candice’s continued demands to fill her up.

After months of not getting my dick wet, I just kept pulsing and pulsing until I was feeling light-headed.  Soft hands caressed my sweaty skin as my hips bucked uncontrollably.

After what felt like forever, I gasped and collapsed – spent.

Candice moaned in delight and wiggled her hips, setting me off again.  I closed my eyes and breathed hard.

I wasn’t even remotely prepared when she slid off my dick.  I ended up holding onto the edge of the chair in a white-knuckled grip.

Almost immediately, I felt cum drizzling onto my bouncing cock.  Nearly as quickly, a tongue was lapping it up.  The shock caused my eyes to snap open, and I saw it was Marissa licking up our mingled juices.

“Save some for me,” Candice said.  She then yelped when I heard a slurp coming from near the foot of the chair.

A dimming of the light on my eyelids prompted me to peek after a few seconds.  I shuddered when I saw Marissa letting my cum dribble off her tongue into Candice’s waiting mouth.  The women then locked lips to share my cum in a kiss.  I saw Janey burying her face in Candice’s ass right as my cock screamed at me to stop.

Closing my eyes only helped so much with all the slurping and moaning that was going on.  I assume they all got a taste from the sounds.  As much cum as I’d blasted into her, there was plenty to go around.

About the time my heart and breathing were calming down, I felt a towel dabbing at my forehead.  I risked opening my eyes and saw it was Marissa.  She twitched her eyebrows, licked her lips, and said, “Yummy!”

“Holy fuck,” I muttered while shivering.

Marissa blotted up the sweat on my face, and then said, “I think it’s about time for a dip in the whirlpool.  I’m dying here.”

I had to agree, but my body didn’t feel like cooperating.  Marissa obviously sensed it, because she moved to the side of the chair and lifted my hand to hold my wrist.

Despite the assistance, it took me three attempts to sit up.  My legs wobbled like a newborn foal when I tried to stand up, but eventually, the lure of blissfully cold water got me slowly moving.

Written by RejectReality
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