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Crazy Love

"One girl five guys"

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My best friend myself and some of her coworkers decided to hit up a club together since its been awhile since we've all hung out. Shaunie is a regular on the club scene so it was easy to get us in or so we thought. I watched her as she talked to the promoters and couldn't help but recognize them both. I made my way to where she was to give myself a better view... my heart smiled it had been almost two years since I had seen them both. I had gone to college with them and a few of they're other friends. They were some of the coolest guys I had ever met. Real down to earth fun loving guys who love to have fun. Danny, G, Ray, Chris and Mike were all something like a good friend in college we shared a lot of great memories and it excited me to see them. The first one to recognize me was G, he threw his hands up and said...

"What's good Baby Girl?" he extended his arms for a hug I smiled and accepted his embrace. Just standing there with them brought back so many memories. 

"What's the deal, you finally coming out of hiding," asked Danny while he pulled me away from G putting me in his embrace.

"I wasn't hiding, When did you guys come to Cali?"

Before either of the two got to respond 

Shaunie chimed in...

"You know them?"

"Yeah, we went to college together."

"So I know we gettin in here then."She motioned for the rest of the girls that was with us to come on. I shook my head, Danny spoke...

"It's cool Baby Girl you know we gone take care of you. How many of you guys is it?"


"Ahight, G I'ma take them up. I can't wait to see the look on Mike's face when he sees her." They both laughed, I asked

"Is everyone here?"

"Yeah." Danny held my hand as we walked through the crowd making various stops people everywhere was trying to get Danny's attention. I smiled thinking of all the college parties they use to throw and people would beg them to get in free or on a guest list. 

"How long have you guys been out here?" slightly he squeezed my hand, I laughed. He always did to let me know he was right by my side.

"A few months trying to make a name for ourselves. Yo' Baby Girl its good as fuck to see you, we miss you."

"I miss you guys too. I just couldn't stay something, somewhere, would've gone wrong and I couldn't do that to you guys."

"I feel you but at the end of the day you knew it was nothing for us to handle that. We'll holla about it later doe, we all here so you can't get up and bounce the way you did before."

"Same Danny."

"Til' the day I die." He held me at the bottom of the steps for a minute hugging me. We walked upstairs to a VIP room there I found Mike, Ray, and Chris entertaining some females. Not long after the girls were being escorted back downstairs by Danny. Chris and Ray came and gave love and asked me a million and one questions then turned their attention to my friends who didn't seem to mind. Last but not least Mr. Michael Lee he walked over to me hovering over me before he could get anything out tears rolled down my cheeks he wiped them and hugged me tightly and whispered...

"I miss you the shit outta you."

Michael...Michael how can I explain my relationship with him? He was the one that was there from jump a lost Freshman who's mind was everywhere without his help and guadiance I don't think I would've made it through college without him, Danny to but Mike was my strength. You know how your just feeling down and out like nothing is going your way or things are so messed up you think things cant or wont get any better then God sends you someone special to change your view? Thats what he was for me. Somewhere along the line signals got crossed and Danny and Mike began to want more than friendship from me I didn't and couldn't choose between them. So one day when they went out of town to do a party I packed my things and came home to California without either of them knowing. That was one of the hardest things I had ever done. All five of those guys took care of me, they always made sure I was okay. We were a family, to them I was each and everyone of their Baby Girl, which is my nickname that they call me.

My tears flowed I guess I felted more than what I was telling myself. My words were almost a whisper but loud enough for him to hear...

"I miss you too, I miss you like crazy."

"As much as I would like to ask where when and why, this isn't the time or place to do such."

"I agree."

"Know that now that you're here, you can't bounce without us knowing."

"Time meant nothing?"

"Nope, I don't know exactly why you bounced but I can't put the blame all on you like we didn't have a part in it...dig me?"

"Like a shovel." he smiled that made me smile, I wrapped my arms around his waist and took him in as much as I could. He kissed my forehead and said...

"You comin home with me."

"Can't I drove."

"It's nuthin' Baby girl, I'm sure ya girls won't mind. Check this out doe I'm bout to make some rounds and I'll be back."

"Ok." He kissed my forehead again once all the guys left all my girls came over to me, the first one to speak was Shaunie...

"What the fuck Lee? You went to school with all of them?"


"Before we get into that Lee are you okay?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, seeing them just brought back a lot of memories."

"So which one did you date?"

"Neither of them. They all share a place in my heart."

"What was it like being in school with them?"

"The best, I just felt like what they were offering was to good to be true I got scared and ran."

"What the fuck was they offering?"

"In college we all shared an apartment me and them all of them. I was like the Mom of the house cooked cleaned we all had our moments of attitudes and what not but they all made sure I had what I wanted especially Mike and Danny. They gave me everything I just thought it was to good to be true. Maybe if one did it but all five of them was doing it and you don't get things like that ever."

"They babied you?"

"In a nutshell."

"They babied you and you left. Shit I can't get one man but yo' ass had five."

"Why did you leave?"

"I felt if I stayed something would have ruined our friendship but we're not here to discuss this were here to have fun."

"We still wanna know."


"Umm hmm." A waitress came letting us know that she would be our server tonight and to get whatever we wanted it was on the house. As everyone began to order I felt Samantha moved into my space and whispered

"I wanna know the real deal, you don't just walk away from five dudes who gave you the world ontop of that you've never said anything about them ever."

"Would you believe someone else if they told you that story?"

"No I'd think they were full of shit but you're suppose to be my best friend, my sister and never have you ever mentioned them. I don't care what these other bitches know I wanna know." I laughed "You kept these muthafuckas under wraps for real what else are you hiding?"


"Yeah right and really do they all look as good as they appear or is it just the lights in the club?"

"They look better."

"Shut the fuck up!!!" I laughed "Are they related?"

"G and Ray are cousins but they all have been friends since jr high. G is the only one who really looks at me like a lil sis. I gotta pee come with me to the bathroom." we got up to go to the restroom and was stopped by Mike who was coming up the stairs...

"Where you goin Lil mama?"

"To the bathroom oh hey my bad Mike, Sam, Sam ...Mike."

"Nice to finally meet you."

"Wish I could say the same but she's never mentioned you."

"I know, she didn't want people to know or better yet judge what they didn't know."

"Well said. Can I ask you a question?"

"Whats up?"

"Do you love my friend?"

"With everything in my body what makes you ask?"

"You've been talking to me but your eyes never left her."

"He's always been that way. I gotta pee Mike."

"Come on I'll take you to the private one."

"You guys go, I don't have to I was just accompanying her."

"You sure?"


Mike and I walked upstairs to an office he led me to the bathroom I did me and came out Mike was sitting on the desk he pulled inbetween his legs wrapping his arms around my waist his hands moved up my back to my face my body shivered at his touch like so many times before I felt his tongue part my lips and come into my mouth kissing him was like riding a bike you never forget how with ease we shared moist kisses 

"What did we do to make you leave?"

"I didn't want to hurt you guys better yet you or him."

"Who said you had to choose, I never did."

"It could never work."

"You never tried."

"Mike do you still feel the same way?"

"Nothing's changed Mami." He kissed my lips, my body could have melted in his hands that's the thing with them just from their touch I crème and taking it any further with them would have been something else in my mind.

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Mike is the only one who's ever gotten to experience all of me. ( I miss it) Who has boyfriends anyway? Yeah we all know it's not a big thing for guys to have to girls, however when have you known a girl to have guys...NEVER!!! "I still love you."

"I still love you as well. I love you enough not to want to hurt you."

"But you did Mami, when you left that shit hurt no phone calls or anything. I'm not worried about you and someone else. I mean I wasn't that shit didn't matter as long as we knew were one another stood with each other I didn't care."

"If you care that much why are you willing to share me?"

"I'm not selfish and I know just as much as I've been there so has they and it wouldn't be fair."

"I have always loved that fact that you were so giving."

"Love me enough to come back home?"

"I can't Mike."

"You can but you won't."

"Mike don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Make me feel bad about my decision."

"I'm not trying to Mami but just as much as this shit hurts you it hurts me too." I laid my head on his chest for a few minutes we stood in silence our arms wrapped around one another. "We can go round for round but you leaving again is nowhere in this solution." I felt his cell vibrate, he reach into his pocket to retrieve it he looked at it and said..."Ima walk you back to your table I gotta go back down stairs for awhile."


Once I sat and Mike disappeared Karen said

"No for real I know I'm being super nosey but what the fuck did you do to these guys?"

"Long story."

"I ain't got nuthin' on my hands but time."

"I need a drink." she laughed and handed me a shot of patron "Where is everyone else?"

"Downstairs shakin it up."

"Sam I don't think I can do it."

"Do what?"

"Be in a relationship with them."

"That's what this is?"


"I should slap the piss out you."


"Let me retract my statement until I get the whole story. Again I ask what's going on?"

"Mike and Danny want more than my friendship. Ray and Chris want to fuck me. I can't give them more because I don't want to choose but Mike says I don't have to but being with all of them is wrong."

"Says who? Men do that shit all the time my girl gotta girlfriend shit. Are they gay?"


"I say why the fuck not they want you and they cool wit it go for it, fuck what's right or what others think."

"I don't want anything to go wrong."

"Shit happens, live your life. You only got one life to live so live that shit up. You over think everything let it happen."

"I don't want to be consider a hoe."

"I highly doubt either of them guys would consider you a hoe. You lived with them and took care of them."


"Still nothing, live Lee." I'll be back I told Sam as I got up to walk away. I shook my head this is what I've been trying to avoid for the longest I needed and wanted to talk to Ray he was my outlet when I couldn't talk to Mike or Danny. I found Ray at the bar talking to a few people. He looked at me and smiled I asked

"Can we talk?"

We made our way through the crowd out the back door

"What's good baby girl?" he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"I don't know what to do. I leave to get away but nothing's changed."

"Did you really expect it to, be honest?"

"I did."

"Mommy what was built in four years is not going to be knocked down in two. We were a fam ma and I ain't gone front it was hard as hell adjusting to you not being there."

"How could I stay when they wanted a relationship and all of y'all wanted to fuck me?"

"We would've dealt with it. Yeah we all want you and for different reasons one for sure nobody held us down like you and believe me we've tried but still you are the only one and we still got mad love for you. Don't know why but it is what it is."

"If I fuck all of y'all that's hoe shit."

"Nobody's callin you a hoe Mami."

"Not to my face." he palmed my chin tilting my head enough to look in his eyes.

"We'd never disrespect you like that, you've gotta know that we've got so much more love for you than to do that."

"I've heard you guys talk about the women you mess with and how y'all ran trains and shit."

"Hoes that meant nothing you had the world Mami. We gave it all to you."

"What's going to happen when you guys want to settle down and have kids?"

"I don't know ma we not in the future were here now. I can't make you do anything you don't want to do. You know where we stand the door is open." I sighed shook my head and laid it on his torso.

"I'm very tempted to run again."

"Can't Mami we know where you are. You're within arms reach." He bear hugged me. "Go have fun Mami go chill wit cha girls and later we'll got to breakfast." He released me from his grasp.

"Okay." I walked away barely getting away from him he pulled me back and kissed me hard. I thought to myself I don't know if I can handle this.

I went back to VIP and made the most of my night. I didnt want to drink cause I knew it would cloud my judgement so I let the music take me away. At about four fifteen in the morning we all ended up at the serving spoon for breakfast. After breakfast I ended up going home to my apartment that I shared with Sam, the guys weren't happy about it but they respected my decision. Around noon or so I got up in need of affection didn't realize how much I missed it until I hit my lonely bed. Mike opened the door I greeted him with a kiss and hug.

"Where's everyone?"


"Still up before anyone else."

"Yep." He took me up to his room I kicked off my kicks and climbed into his bed he soon followed suit joining me. I cuddled underneath him not long after our lips met as well as our tongues. He pulled me on top of him still kissing me he moved so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. He pulled my dress over my head leaving me in my panties and bra again he kisses my lips then began to head south he stopped at my navel tonguing my belly ring. He stopped there not going any further he made his way back up this time to my neck and earlobe.

"Turn over," he whispered I did. There he unclasp my bra heading back up to my neck then back down my spine. I felt his tongue creep into my crack he gently pushes my legs apart sliding me onto all fours. I felt him place light kisses all over my butt then his tongue in my creases down my slits I moaned hard.

"Ummm baby girl I miss the way you taste." he said as he continued to lick and play with both my butt and pussy.

"I miss the way you make me feel."

"I'm here baby, you don't have to miss it no more. Turn back over...I did he moved down the edge of the bed pulling me with him he inter locked his arms around my thighs then pulled my panties to the side slowly he made his way to my opening gently he caressed my silts with his mouth.... TO BE CONTINUED!!!

Written by D4ddysG1rl
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great begining
Great story! I loved it!
Thank you to all, there will be more to come soon.
great start - looking forward to the sequel - hearing of your pleasure at being the centre of attention.
Hot begining. 5
Interesting start, well for the sequel!
Love love love love, LOVE this! That's the dream! Can't wait for more .