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The Crack Of Dawn

"She doesn't know how sexy she is. Others do..."

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I’ve wanted to put this into writing for some time but I don’t really know how or where to start. So I’ll just plow right into it and try to tell the story of how the last few months have become the dirtiest, sleaziest, sluttiest, sex-filled and sex-fulfilled period of my life, and how good it all felt.

The passion pumping, countless orgasms and doing so many things I’d never before dreamed of doing. And also how bad it felt at the same time, to learn I was such a fraud and a tramp and nowhere near being the All-American mom I’d thought I was.

My name is Dawn. Age forty-two, thin, five-feet-five-inches tall, one-hundred-and-twenty-pounds, nice tits that aren’t all that big but look pretty good, and the ass is nice and tight too, thanks to good genes and various workouts. Blonde hair teased in a shoulder-length frizz, green eyes and long legs. I look more like early to mid-thirties, or so I’ve been told.

I have two kids: Ryan, twenty-two, and his sister Gina, eleven months younger. Their father and I divorced when they were in middle school. After their dad left, we were a pretty close family, and Gina and Ryan were very close considering they had lots of the same friends and were so close in age.

Gina looks like me, with a similar size and shape and is a senior in college. Ryan is tall and athletic, with brown hair and gorgeous baby blue eyes, and is nearing the end of his studies to become an architect. With them off to different schools and me on my own, we’ve drifted apart some in recent years.

I’ve dated a few men, but there was never any magic and they usually didn’t click very well with the kids. Once the kids were off to college I dated some younger guys, but that got old pretty quick. I am an educator at an art museum and there is never a shortage of young bohemians who want to score with an older chick. But I have a hard time staying interested in a young person who can’t name the four Beatles.

For a number of years, my life revolved around kids and work, and sex was often an afterthought. The story I’m about to tell you - how I entered this depraved, whorish, mad-fucking stage of my life - began a few months ago.


I have a friend named Ronni. There is only one way to describe Ronni: black and beautiful. She’s an inch or so taller than I, thin and athletic, and her tits put mine to shame, bigger versions sitting up firm and high. She also has a shoulder-length frizz, but hers is not created in a salon, like mine, hers is what she calls ‘ebony chaos’. I find it stunning. I’ve known her for years, but we’ve become closer over time due to our similar interests. She works for one of the museum’s vendors so we’ve had plenty of interaction, which led to us seeing each other socially. She is divorced and has a grown son.

One of the things I liked about Ronni from the start was that she was so easy to talk to. She didn’t have a man in her life. Her ex was a loser and she was glad to be rid of the man-problem, so we bonded easily. We started meeting for a drink every week or two at a local pub and would talk about just about anything; it was okay for us to say anything.

We’d look at the young guys at the pub and quietly joke about them, were they any good in the sack, their penis size, their hideous shirt, the stupid hats they wore on their heads backwards, whatever. We’d laugh at them and flirt with them at the same time, just harmless fun. We’d laugh it up, then say good night and go home.

We talked about everything. Relationships, family, ex-husbands, guys we’d dated, you name it. While I’d tried relationships with younger guys, Ronni tended to just go the one-night stand route: pick up a young guy when she was horny, get her needs taken care of and move on. Gradually as we became more comfortable with one another, not to mention a drink or two or three, the jokes about the young men we’d see at the pub became more and more graphic.

One night we were seated in a booth and saw a clean-cut, good looking kid at the bar checking us out. Tall, blond handsome type, big blue eyes. Joe College.

“You know what we ought to do?” she said. “Take that boy home and fuck his lights out.”

“What? You can’t be serious,” I said. “He’s probably our sons’ age.”

“That don’t make no difference, girl,” she replied, shocked at my naïveté. “Every young man’s fantasy is to go to bed with two women. Shit, I bet that boy would go home with us right now and agree to paint my house if he could fuck the two of us!”

I felt myself blushing, so I took a gulp of my drink. “You have to be kidding, that boy?”

“Could be that boy, could be another. I’m just saying. You want to take him back to your place, have our way?”

Ronni could tell I was embarrassed.

She said, “Oh girl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just here we are, two hot lookin’, salt and pepper cougars sitting here, young eyes always checking us out. They probably all wanna fuck us, and we always goin’ home alone. Seems like if it’s there for the takin’, we should take it. I say we go for it. What about you?”

I chuckled uneasily and demurred.

Ronni glanced at her watch, it was getting late. “Well, let me tell you. Usually, girls night is girls night, but tonight I’m making an exception. I don’t need a steady man, I been there, done that. But I do like some young cock every now and then, and that young man, who has one, is making eyes. If you won’t help me out I’ll have to do it on my own.” She took a pen out of her purse and began scribbling on a cocktail napkin.

Then she said, “I was hoping to fuck both of you, but I guess I’ll have to settle for college boy one-on-one.” Then she leaned toward me and kissed me on my mouth. “Good night, Dawn,” she said. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She rose from her chair and walked over to the young man and handed him the napkin. She said something, and then he looked up and nodded. She touched his arm, said something else and turned and walked out. A minute later the kid slurped down the rest of his beer and followed her out the door.

I finished my drink and paid the tab. I had goose pimples on my arms, felt a nervous, confused twirl in my stomach. I wasn’t sure if it was caused by my shock at how easily she had picked up College Boy, her kiss, or her saying she hoped to fuck me. I drove home in a daze, confused, surprised, jealous, embarrassed, turned-on and sopping wet. Once home in my bed, I closed my eyes and masturbated and fantasized about what might be going on in Ronni’s bed.


“I’m sorry,” Ronni said when she called the following night. “Sorry I ran out and made you uneasy. But I needed to get laid, you know? But anyway, you didn’t miss much, sista, that boy didn’t know what he was doing. Some bonehead jock with a little dick and zits on his shoulders. Finally, I just sat on his face and sent him on his way. What a dink!”

“You just told him to leave?” I asked.

“No, girl, I just walked out. I didn’t take that boy home, if I did that I’d never get rid of him! I booked a room at the Best Western right down the street. Was hopin’ to get you down there too.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You sorry alright, that’s for sure,” she replied. There was a pregnant pause. Then she continued. “Look, I’m sorry too, but sometimes I get horny and need to get off. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“I wasn’t offended. I guess I was just taken by surprise. I liked your kiss.”

“You did? Oh, Thank God, Lord knows I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.”

“You have?” I asked with genuine surprise.

“Girl, what planet are you living on? I’ve been comin’ on to you, dreamin’ about sinkin’ my face into the Crack of Dawn for I don’t know how long! I know you’re not a prude, so what gives…”

There was dead silence.

“Listen, Dawn, sit tight, I’m coming over. I’m bringing drinks.”

I sat tight.


“So you’ve never had sex with a woman?” Ronni asked as she poured our daiquiris from a plastic jug. We had resumed our discussion and were seated side-by-side on the sofa. “But you liked our kiss?”

“No, I never really had sex with a woman, I always had a boyfriend. And yes, I liked your kiss very much,” I said. “When I got home I masturbated thinking about you and that college boy. But mainly about you.”

Ronni liked that. She went on to tell me that every now and then she’d rent a hotel room and then go out to a bar, pick up a young guy, sometimes two, and take them back to the room and take them around the world. Then she’d leave.

“But last night…” she said. “ I planned on it being both of us. I thought if we could share a man maybe we would…” Her voice trailed off. “May I kiss you again?” she asked.

We kissed, her large mouth taking me in, our tongues plunging, dancing, swirling, our arms clutched, our bodies close. I felt my nipples harden against her, I felt my pussy swell. I felt her hand between my legs.

When our lips parted I said, “I should have been with you last night…”

“Yes!” she said. “I wish you had been there. It would have been fucking awesome.” She started talking dirty. “You ever eat pussy and get fucked at the same time…?”

“Kiss me again,” I said, pulling her face to mine.

We kissed long and deep. It felt good. Our hands roamed a little, I felt her breasts and fine ass, but I was still so uptight. Ronni was smoother, and as the kiss went on her hand eased open my pants, her fingers parted my slimy lips and massaged my underused clit. I adjusted my hips, aiding her access, helping it happen. Her fingers delved deep inside me, pulling out an orgasm that had been buried inside me forever and I came with a gush.

I shuddered and shook as I recovered, and Ronni covered me with kisses. She tried like hell to get me naked and into bed but I resisted. What had happened was unexpected and wonderful but I was uneasy… What was next? I’d fucked a number of guys before but this was uncharted waters for me. Ronni was disappointed that we didn’t go to bed, but she seemed to understand. She told me just to do what felt right, what felt natural, it would all work out. There’s no rulebook.

We shared a long kiss at my front door and I felt her firm breasts pressing into mine, her hands squeezing my ass. As she was leaving, I knew we would be lovers. I just had to get used to the idea.

About twenty minutes later I was getting ready for bed and the phone rang. It was Ronni and she asked me out on a date, dinner on Tuesday night. I accepted of course.

On Tuesday she picked me up and we had dinner at a nice restaurant, with easy conversation about just about everything except what was happening between us, and some nice piano music as a backdrop. After dinner, we walked down by the lake and sat on a bench. We held hands and kissed a couple of times. When she took me home we kissed goodnight on my front porch. I asked her in but she said no, not tonight. She just said not to worry, that when I was ready for some black pussy we’d both know it.

Then she asked me out on another date. "Friday night, I’ll pick you up at seven."

I said, "Fine, what are we going to do?"

“It’s a surprise,” she said.


“So where are you taking me?” I asked Ronni, after we’d kissed and I’d gotten into the passenger side of her sedan.

“Girl, we’re going to a party. A party guaranteed to get our love buttons enlarged.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“It’s a sex party. Anything goes. You can watch or get involved or jerk off, whatever makes you happy. All girls. Well, mostly girls, anyway.”

“What does that mean? I don’t know about this…”

“Oh come on, Dawn, you gonna love this. Big bunch of women, all ages, watching male dancers gyrate around taking off their clothes and flopping their dicks in our faces.”

I laughed nervously and said, “I swear you are a bad influence on me!”

“Well, God knows I’m tryin’ to be, if you’d just cooperate! Let it go, girl, this will be fun.”

We got there and we went inside. The place was pretty big, a meeting hall of some kind, with some rectangular tables filling up with females of all ages, shapes and sizes. We got a pitcher of drinks at the bar and took them to two seats at the end of one table near the front.

In a few minutes the house lights dimmed, the spots came on and the pulsating music began. Strobe lights flashed. Out onto the floor came Batman and Robin. In full costume from their masks to their capes to their gloves to their boots. And they were incredible dancers, swerving and curving to the raucous beat. All the girls were hooting and hollering at them, moving with the beat, shouting out all kinds of encouragement and all the things they’d like to do to them.

After a few minutes, they jumped down from the risers and Batman pulled an embarrassed middle-aged woman out of her seat and walked her up to Robin. Soon this lady was unsnapping some until-then unseen snaps along Robin’s side, and in a heartbeat, off came Robin’s shirt. A hundred women screamed. Then Batman danced over our way and when he was about ten feet away, he pulled a young ebony hottie up by the hand and she helped him out of his shirt and now we had two topless superheroes dancing at opposite ends and all the women were getting louder and hornier.

“All right,” Ronni shouted, “Batman likes the sistas! That is one twerky motherfucker!”

Across the way, Robin’s tights were coming off with help from a chunky blonde, and he was dancing only in a mask, a cape, and his boots. Oh, and a skimpy, stringy, black and white striped thong that barely contained what looked to be a rather large slab of meat.

But I soon lost all interest in Robin because now Batman was now four seats away and his tights were being peeled off by a young Asian girl. Once the tights were off, Batman was reduced to a mask, cape, boots, gloves and his little black and white-striped thong. And dangling on a string from the front of the thong was a whistle! Batman’s package was dressed-up as a referee! Well, that Asian girl burst out laughing but in about a second and a half she was on her knees in front of Batman and was blowing his whistle.

Soon there was whistling coming from over in Robin-land too. Batman eased closer to our table and soon another gal was blowing, then a third, a fourth and so on. Batman was kissing one girl, another one was blowing his whistle and a third one was running her fingers all over his bare ass. And Batman kept moving to the beat with sexy agility.

My eyes were on his referee suit, because it was obvious Batman was very well-endowed, and his meaty mass was growing inside that little pouch. Before long, some chick was brave enough to yank it off and out popped his massive member. It was only half erect but still, it was huge. As we watched, he moved toward us while receiving various kisses and licks, and soon his cock was long, thick and hard.

Batman was about six feet tall and slim, and that rod looked like a horse dick on his lean frame. He paused before an embarrassed-looking woman on the other side of Ronni. The woman touched the purple monster tentatively, then gave it a dainty kiss and backed away. Batman kept his gyrations going and soon was standing right in front of Ronni.

He was shaved clean, and above his cock, slightly to the right was a tattoo of a woman’s lips. Ronni reached over and touched him there and rubbed gently. It was real. As the music pumped and the crowd watched and waited, Ronni looked up at Batman standing before her and held up one finger, asking us to wait a second. Then she reached into her purse and brought out a lipstick, opened it and slathered it on her plump lips. Ruby-red. Then she handed it to me.

Ronni took his cock in her hands and looked up at Batman’s face. He gave her a little nod. Then she pressed her face to his groin and kissed him. She did this three more times, on his thighs and scrotum, each impression of her lips a shade lighter than the last. Then she grabbed the lipstick from me, reapplied it to her lips, and handed it back.

She looked at me, pointed at the lipstick in my hand and then touched my lips and winked. Then she started licking that long dick up and down the shaft. Then she took it into her mouth.

I watched with amazement as she sucked him. Awed at how she...

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Written by jackrussell
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