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“We’re going to be remodeling soon,” is the third thing out of my boss’s mouth when I get to work.


“Remodeling? When?” I ask a little surprised. When does that ever happen?


“In a few of weeks. We’re re-doing the main floor, so we’ll be closed for a few days. It’ll bring in more business when it’s done,” Angela says with coffee in her hand.


“So, I won’t be working?” I ask, hanging my jacket on the coat rack.


“Nope. But you’ll be paid anyways, it’s a non contracted upgrade." She smiles at me and I laugh. Paid time off? Sweet.


I get through the day with as much energy as I can muster from my all-nighter. When the hour hits for me to leave, however, I zombie it all the way home. I was falling asleep somewhere, and I didn't want that to be Aaliyah's couch in the middle of the day.


I don’t see Ethan’s car, and in the back of my mind I know that’s a good thing, but I can’t really concentrate on anything, I’m so fucking tired. The sight of my bed is a glorious one as I shut and lock my bedroom door. I take the handful of necessary step until I’m close enough to flop down onto my soft mattress. Sighing heavily in relief, I kick my shoes off and drift.




I wake up stiff, my joints like rusted metal. I'm still in my slacks and blouse I wore to work, and I groan and start undressing. I find cotton shorts and a t-shirt and re-dress. When I pull my tight shorts over my ass, there's a tap on my door and I freeze.


"Chanel?" Ethan's voice asks from the other side of my door. Fuuuck. I unlock and open my door, and Ethan is six feet back. And the sight of him is bittersweet. The last time we were together, we fucked each other’s brains out and I left. And he still looks deliciously good.


“Hey,” I say, leaning against the door frame.


“Hey, I was just...seeing if you’re ok,” he replies, looking uncertain.


“Yeah I’m fine.” I nod my head and it’s silent for a moment. Ethan opens his mouth and closes it. When he opens it again, nothing comes out for a second.


“I want to apologize,” he says in his sexy, low voice, green eyes penetrating mine. We both know what he's apologizing for and my stomach turns.


“It’s really ok-”


“Chanel please,” he cuts me off and exhales heavily. “I don’t know how I let shit get so out of hand last time you were here. And I don’t-”


“Ethan,” I interject. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry. It was a crazy weekend for everyone. I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of lately. I’m sure we all have. But with what happened, I think...maybe we should give each other some space.” The words burn coming out of my throat, but they need to be said before he can get out any more apologies and make me feel worse. He’s frozen as he stares at me for a moment. Then he clears his throat and collects himself.


“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Ethan says. We stand for another moment in silence, staring at each other. I want to kiss him so badly and hit myself in the face at the same time. Without another word, Ethan turns away and heads up the stairs. I’m a little shocked and I want so badly to say something, but that has been my problem all week. I just..don’t know what to say. When he’s out of view, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.


The last thing I want to do is distance myself from him. He’s still my friend...I think. But I’m not an idiot. Well, I have been lately, but I know it would be stupid not to take a step back right now. He has shit to work out, and so do I. Which reminds me of Eugene and I find my phone.


I talk to Eugene and apologize for my behavior last night, not that he’d complain, and he doesn't. Quite the contrary, but despite our fun, I ask him if we can slow things down..again. Of course I enjoyed what we did, but it was wrong of me to come over like that. He agrees without hesitation and suggests dinner as still an option.


We meet up the next night at a restaurant and eat together. Ever the gentleman, he opens all my doors. Dinner goes smoothly as he asks more about my job, and we talk about his work. At least, what we didn’t get to last time we spoke. It was nice having an astute conversation with someone about their perception of gouache versus impasto painting techniques. And not once did we bring up the sex.


Ethan still gnawed at my thoughts, creeping around the back corner of my mind, and it was distracting. My body has made it clear it still wants Eugene, but I missed Ethan. Then I sigh and roll my eyes at myself. I should try and focus my energy on Eugene.


While Eugene and I eat, Aaliyah texts me to ask what time I’ll be in tonight. Then she suggests I bring Eugene with; her and Dylan want company. Eugene gladly accepts the invitation and soon we're both driving over to Aaliyah’s. We get to the front door and before I can open it, Eugene grabs my arm and pulls me to him, kissing me.


I smile against him and reciprocate. I think not talking about the awesome sex that happened between us may have been a mistake. Soon his hands are tangled in my hair and my knuckles are white as I grip him by his jacket. I pull away gasping, and slap him playfully on his chest. He’s too fucking cute.


“Jeez,” I scold him as he licks his lips smiling. Grinning madly, I open the door and walk through. We’re greeted by music and laughter and are quickly sucked into the playful atmosphere.


“What are you on?” I ask Aaliyah with a smile, but I’m serious. She’s loopy or something, but I don’t see alcohol anywhere. She’s funny though. A big goofy grin crosses Aaliyah’s face and she sucks in air through her teeth. Her eyes shift to Dylan and back to me.


“Dylan gave me Xanex,” she admits, and Dylan laughs. Ooohhh. I see it now. He’s on it too, maybe almost to her level.


“Do you guys want some?” Dylan asks, looking at Eugene and I. I'm not much of a pill taker, I don’t like to take anything unless I really need to. But I don’t immediately say no, and when Eugene and I look to each other, he quirks an eyebrow at me.


“Sure,” I reply, and look to Dylan. Why the fuck not? His eyes lock with mine as he fishes in his pocket, and I’m suddenly transported back to Thursday night when I watched him fuck Aaliyah senseless. I have the feeling he’s thinking about the same thing at the moment, his eyes penetrating mine. I don't think he ever told her.


I feel my cheeks turn pink, but I don’t break his gaze. A ghost of a smile touches his lips then he looks down and picks out two small, blue, football shaped pills from his palm. Eugene and I each take one and not long after, I’m beginning to feel the effects. I take off my jacket revealing my white blouse and step out of my heels. I help Eugene with his jacket and he quickly scoops me up and takes me to the living room.


My body is starting to feel loose and all I want to do is kiss Eugene. When he rounds the corner though, Aaliyah and Dylan are way ahead of us on the loveseat, sucking face. We plop down on the adjacent couch and Aaliyah pulls away and about has an aneurysm.


“Oh my God!” she gasps, and we all look at her. She turns to me and fumbles off of Dylan’s lap. “Come here,” she says, grabbing my wrist and smiling like an idiot. I don’t resist and climb up to follow her.


“What?” I ask when we get to the kitchen, which is right next to the living room.


“Ssshhh! They can hear,” she hisses at me and I look over and both boys are watching us with confused smiles. She’s funny when she’s fucked up, but I’m just as curious as them. Aaliyah goes to a cupboard and pulls out a plastic bag with baked goods inside. She opens it and holds it up to me and smiles. I catch a whiff of the wafting scent from the bag and gasp. Special brownies.


“Steven?” I ask, and she nods proudly. Her cousin Steven makes the best cannabutter I’ve ever had. When he gets cooking it’s cloud 9. Aaliyah and I haven’t eaten pot brownies in a while though, and this was a treat. I pull one out of the bag and take a bite and she giggles.


“Let’s go share,” she says, and runs back to the living room. Every step I take towards the couch with my mouth full of chocolate, I can feel the Xanex more and more. I get to Eugene and sit right in his lap and hold out a section of brownie. He laughs at me and eats the piece, knowing exactly what it is.


We help each other finish what I grabbed and I start kissing him. Eugene holds me tightly to him and kisses me back deeply. I love his body, he's always passionate when he touches me. I hear Aaliyah giggling some more and talking to Dylan, and when she says my name I finally pull away from Eugene’s mouth.


“Chanel, I saw you kissing Taniyah the morning after that party at your house,” Aaliyah snickers, and I scoff. Of course she would mention that when she’s all fucked up. Her red flag probably went up when Taniyah and I initiated it the night of the party. Before I can reply, Eugene chimes in.


“The same girl you kissed that night? I didn’t get to see that,” he says regretfully.


“Oh dude,” Dylan says shaking his head with seriousness. “You missed out,” he adds, and Aaliyah blushes and playfully slaps him.


“Aaliyah was the other girl?” Eugene asks, looking at Aaliyah then to me. I smile and nod.


“You guys should kiss again,” he says casually. I purse my lips and look over to Aaliyah and Dylan. For a short moment, everyone’s eyes kind of meet one another’s. Me looking to Aaliyah for input, her looking at Dylan, Dylan looks at me when I look at him, who then turns to Eugene making me look at Eugene. Then I just laugh because my medicated brain painted that in a wonderful picture.


“Let’s do it,” I say, the carefree ease just radiating from my body.


“Fuck it,” Aaliyah says, and we both are just roasted at this point, sliding off our men’s laps and onto the floor. We end up crawling to each other, laughing and smiling, and when we meet, we get off our hands, but stay on our knees, kneeling in front of each other.


I’m looking at my best friend, her face plastered with a bright white smile. She’s fucking gorgeous. Not all Navajo women are good looking, but she’s got a gift. Her eyes are like almonds, in shape and color, framed with thick lashes. Her cheekbones are high, her cinnamon skin is clear and she has curves in all the right places. No one is immune to her looks. I’ve seen it in live action, I can’t go anywhere with her without men and women unable to look away from her face. You’d be praying to God for forgiveness for the crude, obscene things your mind will conjure just looking at her perfectly shaped lips, full and inviting.


Before I can take any more of my own thoughts, I grab a handful of her thick, dark hair and shamelessly start kissing her. It’s not slow and sweet, or too rough either, but thorough and measured.


Her juicy lips make me moan, they’re like fucking pillows. Her hands roam my ass and I make sure my tongue touches every inch inside her mouth. She's tasting me completely, her mouth doing this suction thing every time we pull away, like a vacuum. If I had a dick I’d fuck her mouth and love every minute of it. Her mouth was made for it.


Aaliyah explores my body, as I am doing to hers. My eyes are shut and I'm not even thinking of the ‘show’ we're putting on. I fucking want her. This Xanex is making me feel crazy, my limbs feel detached, but the brownies make me sensitive every time her delicate hands touch my skin.


She has to be thinking the same fucking thing, too, when her fingers find the hem of my shirt. I suddenly remember the boys in the room, but still don’t pay them any mind and raise my arms for her. Aaliyah slides my blouse over my head and throws it. Before we can lock lips again, I take the opportunity to rid her of some clothes. I slide her shirt over her head and she eagerly finds my face again.


Our stomachs and tits are flush against each other and her warm skin on my own makes me tingly. One hand on her neck the other on her waist, I keep her firmly against me while her tongue tries to get down my throat. She fucking likes this. Aaliyah’s never been with a girl before. She’s kissed a few, but this shit is new to her, and she’s enjoying herself.

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I need to take advantage of this opportunity while I can get to it, and I don’t care who’s watching. I start to push against her and I feel her leaning back to sit on her feet. When she’s far enough back, I guide her further until I’m laying on top of her on her living room floor.


Aaliyah’s knees are spread wide with me between them. I’m laying on her body completely, aware the skin to skin contact will be on my side. When I pull away from her mouth, I fuse my lips to her neck and gently bite. I suck and flick her earlobe and she hums the cutest fucking moan.


Slowly, gradually, I make my way down, kissing her collar bones and shoulders. My hands keep at work, sliding up and down her rib cage, her soft skin melting under my fingers. I take the leap and grab two handfuls of her breasts covered by her bra and squeeze, pushing up.


She gasps and her nails scrape my back. Acting quickly, I tug down her bra cups and put a soft, perky nipple in my mouth. Her next gasp is better than the first, releasing a strained hum when she exhales. I suck her flesh and roll my tongue around her hardening nipple. When I move over to tease the other, Aaliyah’s hands are holding my head to her chest. I smile and suck on her until her breathing starts to quicken.


I want to go lower. I push my pelvis into hers and she reciprocates, grinding her barely covered cunt against me. Her little cotton shorts are in the way. With her right nipple in my mouth, I reach down between us and gently press against her pussy. She’s already radiating heat and she pushes to feel more of my hand. Oh yeah. I’m in the clear. I let go of her nipple and scoot lower, kissing and nibbling on her stomach and hips. When I’m finally at the point where my face is in front of her most sensitive spot, she must have realized where exactly I wanted this to go.


“Oh my God,” Aaliyah says in an embarrassed, yet lust filled voice. Oh yeah. We’re not alone, are we?


For the first time since I crawled off of Eugene’s lap, I look at him and he’s enthralled. Beyond entertained, and amazed, and horny. With a small smile my eyes flicker to Dylan on the loveseat. They look the same haha. Both leaning back into a couch, relaxed positions, but stiff somehow. Like they’re waiting for a bomb to go off.


I can imagine the sight from their view; two insanely beautiful girls about to get down right in front of them. Like live action porn. And yes, I do say ‘about to’, because I know Aaliyah isn’t going to stop me. She can’t. My mouth is already on her. With her cotton shorts still on, I pull them and her panties just far away enough to give me access, and my mouth is on her flesh.


Aaliyah gasps and moans and her hands fly to my hair. I lick widely up her slit, her perfect little cunt already wet for me. I can taste her arousal, my tongue pressing eagerly against her. Aaliyah moans loudly, holding my head tightly to her as I ravish her pink folds. She tastes spectacular. After lessening my suction, I move down to shove my tongue into her tight cunt and look up to Dylan's steaming gaze. His eyes are alight with lust as he stares shamelessly at the scene before him. I take a quick glance at Eugene, much the same as Dylan, though he's leaning a little closer.


Briefly I reflect on the fact that we're all on prescription medication and weed brownies, probably all feeling and thinking exactly the same thing. That we're really fucked up, and we feel really good, and there's no chance in hell we're stopping. I close my eyes and drive my tongue deeper into Aaliyah, receiving a moan hot enough to make my head grow a size too big. Probably the two men beside us as well.


Aaliyah's shorts are getting in my way, so I swiftly slide them under her ass on her next thrust, and pull those and her panties off of her legs and toss them. Any reservations she has at my sudden need to expose her disappear when my mouth finds her again.


Her posture immediately relaxes and her legs spread wide when I lick hard up her cunt. I fuck her slick hole with my oral muscle, then leisurely slide it up to flick her sensitive bud when I reach the top. The same moment she screams, I feel hands wrap around me and reach the front of my jeans. A small glance to my right and I know it's Eugene. He easily frees me from the tight, restricting material and slides them down my ass. I help as much as possible without leaving Aaliyah's heat. I'm not going anywhere.


When my pants and panties make it somewhere over by the couch, Eugene snaps the back of my bra and frees my breasts. Now completely naked, bending over between the legs of my best friend, Eugene's takes my entire pussy in his mouth from behind and I groan into Aaliyah's flesh. Her taste gets better and better the more I tease her. I hold onto her thick, tight thighs as her hips gently twitch against my face. Eugene's tongue is unrelenting, trying to make contact with every inch of my wet skin that's anywhere between my legs, I love it.


I look up to watch Aaliyah's face and see Dylan kneeling beside her. With his dick in his hand. She swiftly props herself up on her elbows and opens her mouth like a well trained dog. It's obvious she loves his cock. It's also obvious to see why. The glimpse I got a few days ago was merely that; a glimpse.


As I lick and suck her, I watch Dylan's very thick, smooth dick enter and exit her mouth over and over. My body's insides feel like they're congregating to my middle, my stomach in a sick knot from the scene before me. Me eating Aaliyah, her sucking off her boyfriend while Eugene suffocates my lower region with his mouth. This is nuuuuuuts.


After a minute, Eugene releases my cunt with his mouth and slides a finger inside me. I moan and copy the action inside Aaliyah with my tongue. I feel Eugene's other hand rest on the back of my head and I know he's watching me eat Aaliyah. To placate him, I nudge my head side to side against her wet opening, lapping at her folds.


I hear her hum and look up to see Dylan grabbing her hair tightly and gently pumping into Aaliyah's mouth. She looks up at him through her thick lashes, her gorgeous face beaming with satisfaction. When I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue, her body flexes and Dylan shoves himself into her throat. Fuck she tastes so good.


Eugene's hand leaves the back of my head and as he removes his finger, my insides tighten around him, not wanting him to leave. He does though, only to start pushing the head of his dick into my slick opening. I gasp and groan against Aaliyah who pushes her hips harder against me. Eugene pushes and pulls over and over until finally he's buried deep inside me. With my breathing coming faster, I pull my face away from Aaliyah and slip a finger, then two inside her.


Eugene starts a rhythm and I curl my fingers up to stroke Aaliyah's sweet spot. She gaps and pulls away from Dylan, bucking her hips. Dylan takes the opportunity to pull off his shirt then grabs her head again to re-insert his cock in her mouth. Eugene holds tightly to my hips as he works and I watch Aaliyah and Dylan intently. He has a nice body for his age, subtly muscular, but wonderfully proportioned. I get the same raw, vulgar feeling I got last time I watched him use her.


When I run my thumb over Aaliyah's clit while pressing against her g-spot, she moans loud and sexy, and Dylan moves quickly. Fast as lightning, he grabs her, turns her and lays her on her back, her head on the floor in front of me. On my hands and knees, I watch him guide his monster to the channel between her legs, and moan with her when he enters.


Aaliyah claws the rug beneath us and arches her back and I hear Eugene groan behind me. He thrusts himself sharply into me and I scream.


"More," I beg him, and he does it again. When I moan again, Dylan thrusts deeply into Aaliyah causing her to scoot forward on the floor slightly. Her face now directly below mine, I lean down and kiss her. Aaliyah's hands come up and wrap around my neck as her tongue eagerly finds mine. Around and around, she swirls her wet muscle against my own while we're both being fucked senseless.


My body is singing from all the stimulation. Time passes and I have no idea if it's been hours or minutes. I'm so caught up in the massive body high coursing through my veins. I feel like I want to cum; this is so fucking hot, but my body just keeps going.


When I need space to breathe, I pull away from Aaliyah's mouth and push up on my hands. I flip my long hair off of my neck and over my left shoulder, and when I look up, Dylan's watching me. Breathing heavily through my mouth, I keep eye contact and he pushes his hips roughly into my best friend. When she scoots another couple inches, I lean forward and glide my hand over Aaliyah's right breast, her nipples standing at attention.


"Yes," Aaliyah sings in a soft, seductive voice and I think all of our stomachs flip, Eugene fucking me harder, Dylan groaning. I can't help myself, I reach further down her hot body until I get to the top of her slit and start rubbing her, Dylan penetrating her.


Aaliyah screams and arches off the floor. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum," Aaliyah moans, and Dylan pounds into her. My manicured fingers continue their assault on her clit until her body stills, then vigorously twitches with her orgasm.


My index and middle fingers are pressing with precision as Dylan holds her hips, burying himself in her, and she moans obscenities. Her perfect body writhing beneath me makes my heart pound. After a minute, she pulls my hand away and pushes on Dylan, her body spasming on the floor.


Dylan pulls out of her and starts stroking his dick. He still needs to cum. As I watch him with his hand wrapped around himself, I realize something. Somewhere on the way to this very interesting place we're at, it was decided there were boundaries. Aaliyah and I can meet in the middle, in the safe zone, but the boys are staying on their side of the fence. It's odd how we all seemed to understand without it being spoken.


So when the urge to have my mouth on Dylan comes over me, I'm surprised I'm capable of being so savage toward him. To want to feel him. Though I know it would never happen, fucked up or not, I wouldn't do that to Aaliyah. So instead, I opt for a slightly different approach.


I look behind me and smile at Eugene and pull away from his grasp. His dick slides out of me and I turn to lay on my back. As I go, I pull on Aaliyah and surprisingly she's responsive. Dylan helps her when I guide her to straddle my face. I open my legs and Eugene happily takes his place once again. Aaliyah automatically lifts her leg and puts her hot, used cunt in front of my mouth. Her back is to Eugene, and right as my tongue makes contact with her, I look up and see Dylan putting his dick back in her mouth.


Eugene's pace gets more and more intense as I tongue fuck Aaliyah's pussy straddling my face. He's close, his dick somehow getting harder and harder. I eat Aaliyah with impatience, hungry to taste her and Dylan. I have a good view from here, the front of Aaliyah's tight body, her firm tits and flat stomach. I can see her mouth open wide as Dylan stands above me, in front of her, fucking her face. I can see his smooth balls swaying with his motion, his fingers tangled in her black hair.


My building feeling is still present, and I finally start to feel like it may be possible for me to cum. I moan loudly into Aaliyah's dripping hole and lick her clit. She gently moves her hips back and forth against me.


I start meeting Eugene's thrusts with my own hips, pushing up off the floor. I felt him release my left thigh and brush his thumb against my sensitive bud while trying to maintain his rhythm. I jerk and scream and beg for more. I feel myself climbing, and again, I don't know how long it's been. All I know is I feel fucking amazing, the universe focusing at the apex of my thighs. I eat Aaliyah greedily, and when I suck her in just the right spot, she reaches down and pulls on my hair.


In the same moment, Eugene slams into me and I tip. "FUCK!" I scream against Aaliyah, and lick her fiercely while I have one of the craziest orgasms of my life. My body combusts, my tight cunt constricting over and over around Eugene.


I'm barely aware of the fact that Eugene joins me, jerking his hips as he fills me with hot cum. Or the fact that Aaliyah finally moves away from my face. I'm so deep under the strong current of my climax, when I finally come down, I feel like I've run a marathon.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.



Written by TangerineSky
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