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Being Neighborly Ch. 2

"A secret is revealed and triggers are pulled"

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I’m sure Tammy thought I was going to talk about woodworking, and I set out to rectify that right away. “Tammy, I need to talk to you about something that is intensely personal for Liz and me. It’s something that you can never share with anyone and I think you’ll understand why when I tell you. I would have never mentioned it, but oddly enough, you have the final say in what happens, so you need to know.”

I had her attention now. I could see the questioning look on her face as I continued, “I’m not sure what you think of Liz and me with regard to our sex lives. I would assume that if you consider it at all, you probably think it’s pretty mundane. The fact is that we have a pretty amazing sex life. We’re open and honest about our wants, needs, and fantasies. So much so that we made a pact between us years ago.

“We call it ‘Pulling the trigger’, and either of us can do it at any time. It goes like this. If Liz finds a man that she would like to have wild sex with, all she needs to tell me is that she’s pulling the trigger. She gets to have wild sex with him and when she’s done, she’ll come back to me.”

Tammy’s mouth was open in shock. “You let Liz cheat on you? Why?”

I shook my head. “No, it’s not cheating. The rules are implied but very clear. It isn’t about love or an affair. The entire purpose of our pact is for us to have amazing sex with someone she, or I, find attractive. It’s all about sex. Will there be affection? I would hope so, but affection is one thing. Love is another. We feel that our love for each other transcends exploring our sexuality. Sex with a fantasy person made real isn’t an escape from our marriage. It’s a tool for enhancing our marriage. At least in theory.”

Tammy’s eyebrows went up at my last statement. “In theory?”

I nodded. “Liz and I made our pact more than fifteen years ago. In that time, the total number of trigger pulls by both of us has been zero. We just never got around to it. The right person didn’t come along, or if one with potential did, there wasn’t an opportunity. We have to be very careful about doing anything. The last thing we need is for the word to get out. Liz and I don’t need to be the subject of discussion for the church ladies trying to titillate themselves.”

“What’s changed, Dan?”

“Liz wants to pull the trigger. The guy is nearly perfect. He’s handsome, experienced, and has a perfect reason for being at my house. Liz knows that he’s all about sex and could not care less about love. She thinks, and I agree, he would be a hot fuck without the worry of emotional baggage.”

Tammy looked upset and her voice shook. “Is this about me? Does Liz think you did something with me and wants to pay you back?”

“Absolutely not. You haven’t done anything but be wonderful. Liz would never pull the trigger because she was upset with me. We share our problems and work through them together. Pulling the trigger is for fun and nothing else.

“The reason you’re involved isn’t Liz. It’s the man she wants to have sex with. She wants to fuck your ex-husband. She wants to fuck Jeff.”

Tammy sat there stunned for what seemed like hours but was, in fact, less than a minute. Then she let out a laugh. “Well, I’d say she picked well. He is handsome, without a doubt, and he’s an amazing lover. She certainly doesn’t need to worry about him falling in love. I don’t think he’s capable of it.

“I’m warning you, Dan. Jeff is a prideful man. He won’t be happy until he has Liz under his control. Once he conquers her, he’ll drop her and move on to the next woman. He doesn’t give a shit about the damage he leaves behind. He’s been doing this for years and he’s very good at it.”

I smiled, “I had him figured out the first time I met him and you know what? I trust Liz. He has no clue what whirlwind he just reaped. Assuming you approve.”

She was pensive. “Look, Dan, on a personal level, I don’t have a problem with it. I could not care less about Jeff. If he wasn’t such a good father to Tess, I would have shut him out of my life a long time ago. I’m concerned about you and Liz. I have a bad feeling about this. I’ve seen the damage he can do and if he ruins your marriage, I will never forgive myself.”

My hand brushed her hair back and gently held the back of her neck. I didn’t set out to do that and nobody was more surprised than me that I had done it. Her eyes caught mine and I tried my best to reassure her. “I’ll tell Liz everything that you told me, but there is something you need to know about Liz. She has iron in her, an inner strength like none I’ve ever seen. I suspect that when it’s over, and it will be over, Liz will still be Liz, but Jeff will be a changed man.”

I knew she didn’t get it yet, and I understood her concern. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your concern. It’s nice to know that you care about us. We care about you and Tessy very much.”

I could see the light bulb go off in her head, and she started to speak but stifled it. I had a pretty good idea of what she was thinking. Something along the lines of, Does he want to pull the trigger with me? I knew it was too early to have that discussion, if at all, and I let her lapse into silence. Whether I finally asked her or not, I wanted her to have thought it through and be comfortable in her response if the time came that she needed to have one.

I decided to share something else with her. “I do have a bit of an ace in the hole, if you will.”

I reached around her and used the mouse to bring up my security program. “I have cameras located all over the place. Our house was robbed when we first got married and they got away with it. It pissed me off, but it also scared me. They could have just as easily shown up when Liz and I were asleep. Along with various burglar sensors, I can access cameras all over my property on my computer or on my cell phone. Any liaisons between Liz and Jeff will happen here and I will be monitoring things closely.”

Tammy was watching Liz as she stood talking to Jeff in our living room. The sound was clear and even though Jeff was pulling Liz close, we could both hear him talking. “Give me a kiss, Liz. I want to taste your sweet mouth.”

Liz gave him a friendly shove. “Not gonna happen with Tessy in the house.”

He tried to pull her close again. “She won’t care. She’s too little to think anything of it.”

Liz put her hands on his chest and shoved him back. “If you want more than kicked out of my house, you will do what I ask. I will not have your daughter see me kissing you or anything else that she could misunderstand. It would be confusing for her at best. If you can’t be discrete, then we have nothing more to talk about.”

He hesitated and I knew that Liz had won this round. It would be fun watching her ‘Rope a Dope’ Jeff. He would continue to try and exert control while she continued to yank it back from his grasping hands. What Jeff and Tammy didn’t understand was that for Liz, half the fun was the mental jostling between her and her potential lover. The seduction, the back and forth, and the jostling for control were all part of the enjoyment. Pulling the trigger was about all those things and sex.

I hope you aren’t asking yourself how I would know. I married the woman, for goodness sake. Does anybody think for one minute she didn’t bring her ‘A’ game from the day we met? Liz isn’t a control freak at all. She’s perfectly willing to share in the decision-making process and will gladly step back if a competent person steps forward to lead. She enjoys taking the control freaks down a peg or two and that is especially true with so-called alpha males that are really just controlling assholes. She finds it hilarious.

Jeff rather grumpily collected Tessy and left. Liz was shaking her head as she watched them out the window. I could tell by the look on her face that she had doubts about the guy. Maybe a bit of hot dick wasn’t worth the hassle in this case? Then her face transformed, and I knew she was all in. That look of determination ensured that Jeff’s life was going to change, whether he was ready or not. I felt like petting a Himalayan cat and laughing evilly.

Tammy asked the obvious question. “What happens when they get together somewhere else?”

I shook my head. “They won’t be until Liz and I decide he’s not a danger to her.”

Tammy stood to leave and I stood along with her. “Do you have any plans this evening?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t really know anyone these days.”

I nodded. “Well, that’s bad and good. It’s bad that you don’t have a social life but it’s good that you’re free tonight. You’re going to dinner and dancing with Liz and me. I’ll pick you up in your driveway at six-thirty. Please wear a fun dress you can dance in. The restaurant isn’t formal.”

She started to protest but I cut her off. “No, you don’t need to say anything. You’re going out with us and the discussion is over. Now move along and get your cute butt ready.”

She tilted her head and shot me a grin. “Cute butt, huh? What would Liz think of that little statement?”

I chuckled. “I’d say there’s about a hundred percent chance that she would agree with me. When you call her to find out what she’s wearing tonight, ask her.”

I walked with Tammy to the edge of the driveway. She went across the street and I went into the house, anxious to hear what Liz had to say. She was waiting for me in the kitchen, practically tapping her foot with impatience, and her eyebrow raised in question.

Of course, I had to torture her a little bit first. “We got the painting done today and it looks great. You’ll have to go take a look the first chance you get… OH! I have amazing news. Tammy wants to work with me on Tess’s bedroom furniture. She wants to learn how to work with wood. Isn’t that awesome?

“I thought we could work on Saturday or Sunday, depending on if we need your help watching Tess. Would you be willing to do that?”

She chuckled. “I know what you’re doing and you will pay. I think it’s wonderful that she wants to learn. You’ve always wanted to teach someone and I’ll be happy to watch Tess. Now, stop fucking around and tell me!”

I laughed and then held my hands up as she gave me her alleged stern look. “Ok, ok. I talked to Tammy and she couldn’t care less about what you do with him. He burned all his bridges with her. She said that if he wasn’t such a good father to Tessy she would have shut him out of her life long ago.

“What she is concerned about is you. She’s afraid you’re not ready for someone like him. He likes to seduce women and control them. He takes pleasure in enticing women away from their husbands or boyfriends and when he has them under his thumb, he drops them and moves on to the next. For him, it’s all about being the big dick on the block. She claims he’s been very successful at it and has hurt a lot of people.”

Liz’s face was unreadable, which meant she wanted me to answer her next question before she would give away her thoughts. “What was your response to that?”

I paused for dramatic effect. “Well… I said that when it was all over, you would still be you, but he would be a changed man.”

A grin lit her face and her arms flew around my neck. “I knew you’d get it.”

I nuzzled her neck. “Yeh, but you still had to ask, didn’t you?”

She pulled back and looked at me. “Shouldn’t I have?”

I kissed her nose. “Of course you should, anytime and every time. The only way we keep what we have is to talk to each other. I know you love me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to hear you say it. You knew how I would react to Tammy’s words, but it was important for you to hear me tell you that I still trust you.”

She gave me a smooch, “I have an ulterior motive for screwing him as well. He’s going to be a bit of a project while I have him. He’s damaged a lot of women with his evil ways and he’s setting a bad example for his daughter. I’m either going to wake him up or knock him out. It’s his choice.”

I gave her a stern look. “I know how smart you are, but don’t for a second underestimate this guy. If things get too far outside of his control, he might react badly. I won’t tolerate him abusing you.”

“I won’t either. I should be able to see the signs. He won’t be getting into my panties until his attitude changes anyway. I’ve already set him back on his heels. He was under the impression that I wanted him enough to do what he says. I set him straight on that this evening. If he behaves himself I might give him some of this pussy. If not, he’s gone.

“I know we understand each other but I still need you to tell me if you have a problem with any of this. If you want me to stop, I will. Just be sure to help me understand your reasons.”

I kissed her lips. “I will admit that I’m concerned, but not about you. I can see the potential for him to act badly. I know for a fact that, at this point, he cares for nothing but himself. I don’t like you being in a vulnerable situation with him. I don’t want you being intimate with him anywhere but here until he’s proven himself.”

“I think that’s only smart. Now then, you were talking about teaching woodworking and I was wondering if you could show me how to insert your dowel into my hole?”

I frowned, “Ah, hell! That’s a lesson for later, I’m afraid. I invited Tammy to go out for dinner and dancing with us this evening.”

Liz’s face lit up. “You did! I need to call Tammy so we can decide what to wear. This is going to be fun!”

Precisely at seven, I pulled the car out of our driveway and straight into Tammy’s driveway. I was mildly shocked that we were only half an hour late. I had placed our reservations based on my experience. In other words, an hour later than originally planned. The extra half hour we had before we were seated allowed us to have a quiet drink at the bar. Tammy and Liz were already having a great time and I had high hopes for the evening.

Dinner was fun and we got to explore some deeper details about each other’s lives. The more we learned about Tammy, the more we admired her. Dinner left our bellies full and our brains slightly buzzed. We made our way to the club and had barely placed our drink order when Liz pulled Tammy and me onto the dance floor. We boogied for a while until a slow song came on. Liz snuck behind Tammy and shoved her into my arms. By the time Tammy and I had collected ourselves, a laughing Liz was sitting at our table, sipping her drink.

I shrugged and pulled Tammy into my arms. I held her close as we swayed to the music and enjoyed the feeling of her body against mine. The dance was romantic as hell for me, and from the way that Tammy was snuggling against me, I suspected she was feeling that way too. The song ended too soon for me, but probably that was for the best. I felt a bit floaty as we walked back to our table. Liz took one look at Tammy’s face and gave her a gentle and reassuring smile. I could see the tension leaving Tammy’s shoulders after that. I’m sure Tammy was feeling a bit guilty and I knew it wasn’t because of an innocent dance.

Liz had seen Tammy’s flushed face and had assumed correctly that our slow dance had gotten her motor running. She also suspected that Tammy was feeling guilty about it, and she reassured her in the most relaxed way possible. Our evening continued and Tammy let herself relax and enjoy it. As the evening progressed and the alcohol flowed, we all became a bit more risqué. Liz set the example for Tammy by rubbing her wonderful ass against my crotch during a fast dance. She got me pretty hard before changing places with Tammy.

A giggling Tammy tentatively rubbed her amazing ass against my groin. Her eyes got huge and she jumped when she felt my erection rubbing against her ass. Liz was in front of her dancing, but in reality, she was making it difficult for Tammy to escape. I put my hands on Tammy’s shoulders and gently pulled her back against me. My mouth was next to her ear so that she could hear me over the music. “I hope you aren’t upset with me. You are so beautiful and sexy that I can’t help how my body reacts to you.”

She turned to face me and I could see that she was aroused and fearful. I kissed her forehead and leaned in to talk to her. “I’ll never do anything to hurt you or lose you as my friend. I know you’ve been betrayed, and I promise that I will never do that. You’re safe with me, with us, I promise.”

The timing couldn’t have been better for a slow song to start. I wrapped my arms around Tammy and held her close. Liz started to leave the floor, but I reached out and pulled her close. We had what should have been an awkward three-way slow dance that was surprisingly intimate. Liz and I focused on nestling Tammy in our arms, shielding her from the world, and sharing our affection for her. When the song ended, her eyes were wet with tears as we made our way back to our table.

I decided the car was fine where it was and called for a ride home. Liz could bring me back in the morning to get the car. By this point, the alcohol and the evening had conspired to make both women a bit emotional. I let them have the back seat while I sat in front with the driver. I kept him talking and sharing his attention between the road and me. I didn’t want him staring at my wife and friend. I had seen them hugging each other and whispering shortly after we left the club. They were having an emotional moment together and it didn’t feel right for anyone to be watching them.

We arrived home and I paid the driver. Liz and Tammy were standing close together in the driveway. Liz walked over to me. “I’m going over to Tammy’s for a while. I don't want her to be alone right now. Can we do the dowel in the hole thing tomorrow? I’m sorry, hon, but she needs me right now.”

I kissed her. “Of course, honey. She needs a good woman friend right now. She’s had to take in a lot today and I’m sure she’s torn about it all. Take all the time you need. I won’t wait up.”

Liz looked at me pensively. “Dan? I don’t know if anything will happen. I mean, probably, we’ll just talk and stuff.”

I raised an eyebrow. “But?”

She cupped my cheeks. “But I’m drawn to her, Dan. She makes my heart swell. I’ve never been with a woman but I want her if she wants me. Would it be ok if I pulled the trigger with her? It’s not fair to you. Here I am, pulling the trigger twice, and you’re getting nothing. I shouldn’t even ask.”

I’ll admit I was disappointed that it wasn’t me spending the night with Liz, or Tammy, for that matter, but I knew what the right thing to do was. “Of course you can. I think it’s wonderful that you two are connecting, and if she wants you as much as you want her, I don’t see how you could refuse. I can’t think of a better reason to pull the trigger. I will need a full report.”

I kissed her deeply and with a fair amount of tongue while Tammy watched. Our lips parted. “I love you, Liz. Have a good night.”

I paused long enough to give Tammy a kiss on the cheek before marching my tired ass into the house. I was asleep within minutes. I woke around eight in the morning and rolled over to snuggle with Liz. I sat up with a start when I saw that she hadn’t been in bed. The covers on her side were undisturbed. Speculating wildly, I showered and dressed for the day. I messed around in the house for an hour and decided I would drive myself insane if I didn’t get busy with something. I went to the shop and began working on a new story. I came back to earth when my phone alarm alerted me that it was lunchtime.

I walked into the kitchen to find my amazing wife positively glowing. Liz is normally a happy person and quick to laugh. She smiles a lot, but it’s rare to see her this over the top. “Wow, Babe! Forget lunch. You need to tell me everything.”

~~~~~{ Liz }~~~~~

Dan walked into the kitchen and I knew the instant that he spotted me. His face transformed into that wonderfully gentle smile of his. That smile tells me that he loves me, and that makes me feel so very warm every time he shares it with me. I don’t remember ever being so relieved. Sure, we made our pact a long time ago and both of us were fine with it. Actually doing it was another thing altogether, and last night made that as real as it gets. I hadn’t realized how worried I was about Dan’s reaction in the cold light of day until I saw that wonderful smile. Suddenly, everything was perfect in my world. I didn’t have to hide how wonderful I felt to save his feelings. I would have hated to do that because I don’t hide things from him. Instead, his loving smile set those feelings free and I basked in them.

He usually fixes his own lunch but today, I wanted to pamper him a little. I didn’t talk about the night before right away. I wanted to get his lunch ready and tell him while he ate. Plus, I wanted to tease him a bit. I knew he was about to explode with questions, and I stifled a laugh while I finished making his sandwich. I did tell him that I would get him back. I carried it over to him and his leg was doing that restless leg thing, hopping up and down at ninety miles an hour. Yep, he was definitely about to explode.

“Dan, do you mind if I talk a little bit about last night?”

He gave me his mock mean look. “Mind hell! You teasing little shit. Stop fucking around and spill, woman!”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed pretty hard and fought it off as best I could. The teasing was turning into torture and that wasn’t fair. “I’m sorry. Really. I mean it…

“Anyway, Tammy and I went to her house and settled in the living room with a glass of wine. I sat down next to her on the couch and nothing was said for the longest time. I was on the verge of breaking the silence when she looked into my eyes. Hers were wet with tears and I instantly wanted to hug her.

I could see her gathering herself. “Liz, I’m so confused and scared. Ever since Dan told me about pulling the trigger, I can’t stop thinking about him. Your husband! I’m thinking about doing to you what my ex-husband did to me and I feel horrible. I love you so much and I want to fuck your husband. In what world is that even close to OK?”

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I caressed her cheek. “In my world, it’s more than OK. It’s perfect. I could search the world and never find another woman I’d want for him more. You are the perfect example of what pulling the trigger is all about. It was never really just about sex. It was always about connecting with new people. People that might become important in our lives. I think that’s why neither of us pulled the trigger before. There was never anyone like you.”

She looked confused. “How does that explain Jeff?”

I grinned, “I never said it couldn’t be just about sex. I’ll admit that I have another motive. I want to beat Jeff at his game in the hope that he will choose to change. I want him to become a man that Tessy can admire.”

I stood and reached for her hand. Her hand met mine and she rose to stand dangerously close to me. “I’ll be clear, Tammy, so there is no doubt in your mind what I think and how I feel. I would love for Dan to pull the trigger with you. I think it would be wonderful for both of you. I know being with you would make Dan very happy, and I want that for him. I also know Dan would make you feel wonderful. He has depths you haven’t seen and discovering them will be so fucking delicious. Don’t be surprised if Dan takes his time. He’s very concerned about you and would never do anything to harm you or your friendship. You may need to prod him a little. You know, let him know you’re interested.”

“Tammy, there is something else I need to tell you. I feel drawn to you in a way that I’ve never felt with a woman before. I understand if you don’t feel that way. I just want you to know that right this moment, it’s taking all my willpower not to kiss you.”

Suddenly she was in my arms and hugging me so tightly that I could barely breathe. I felt her breath on my neck. My lips were so close to her neck that I had to kiss it. I kissed her softly, then kissed up her neck with those same soft kisses. My nose traced her earlobe and I couldn’t help but follow it with the tip of my tongue. I nibbled her earlobe and kissed back down her neck. She abruptly pulled back, looked into my eyes, then suddenly, her lips were mashed against mine.

Her soft lips and sweet kiss were so wonderfully different than any I had experienced with a man. Not better, or worse, just wonderfully different. I couldn’t have resisted her if I had wanted to, and I definitely didn’t want to. I returned her kiss and soon, we were swaying together to a romantic soundtrack that existed only in our minds. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and my hands began to explore.

It was so deliciously different feeling the soft curves of her body through her slinky dress. So unlike your hard muscular body, yet so exciting. It didn’t hurt that her hands were roaming rather freely as well. We weren’t touching the major spots, but we were teasing around them and heightening our arousal to a ridiculous degree. My hesitance, and hers, were gone. It was glaringly clear that we both wanted this to go farther than either of us had imagined.

She was the first to pull away and I thought at least one of us had some semblance of control. She looked deep into my eyes and I could see the desire written on her face. She held my face between her hands. “I don’t know how to do any of this, but I know I want to try. Come to my bed. I want to make love to you.”

She took my hand and led me out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. She dimmed the lights you upgraded for her to a soft and romantic glow before pulling the bedspread down on the sleigh bed that you had surprised her with. I hadn’t been in the room before and I thought it was beautiful and romantic. I could see the wonderful melding of her creative touch and your woodworking. That room alone is worth what the house sold for. It is simply gorgeous.

I tore my attention from the room and returned it to Tammy. She looked so very beautiful standing there with her need so obvious and her body so enticing. I couldn’t understand how any man would hesitate to give everything he had to be near her. How Jeff would even consider betraying her trust was beyond me, but that was a thought for another day. Right now, I wanted to make love to a woman for the first time and I couldn’t imagine a better choice than Tammy.

I won’t attempt to describe the steps that got us naked together in her bed. Suffice it to say we were both very distracted by the kissing and caressing and didn’t much give a shit about documenting the whole thing. We were entwined in each other’s arms and kissing each other so wonderfully that I never wanted it to end. Her body against mine and her eager mouth kissing mine thrilled me and I would have been more than satisfied if that were the end of it. It wasn’t.

I’ll admit that I was the aggressor if there needs to be one. The reality was that we took our time, and one thing gradually, lovingly, moved into another until I found myself between her legs, raining kisses and sucking her very erect nipples. I was remarkably relaxed as I kissed down her belly. All of my reservations were blown away by the need to make her feel wonderful. She had lost and sacrificed so much and she deserved to feel good. I wanted so much to make her feel good.

Her soft pubes brushed against my chin and I was fully committed. I touched her cleft with my tongue, and when I wasn’t struck with a sudden attack of “Ooh Gross!” I delved deeper. My tongue separated her labia and I truly tasted her for the first time. Her taste was mild yet enticing, and her intimate smell sent a rush through my body. I had no idea how much a woman could excite me. Maybe it was just the perfect woman at the perfect time. I didn’t know and I was way beyond questioning it at the time.

I caressed her with my tongue, and her excited moans excited me as well. Making her cum was the most important thing in the world to me at that moment and I focused my oral attention on achieving that goal. I ran my tongue up and down her slit, giving her clit a slow flick each time. Her hips were moving as she tried to maneuver her clit against my tongue. Another time, maybe one day soon, I will resist her need and flick my tongue around her clit, driving her arousal ever higher. But not last night. Last night she needed me to make her cum and I wanted that more than anything.

I began running my index finger around her vagina, slipping just the tip inside her and gently running it around her entrance. Just the way you do me. My tongue found her clit and I began to suck on it while my tongue flicked across it. I sank my finger into her halfway and continued the gentle caress of her very wet pussy.

Tammy was moaning loudly and her hands were tangled in my hair. She pulled me hard against her soaked pussy and I lapped at her passionately. Her hips jerked and her pussy slammed against my lips as the orgasm she needed so much overwhelmed her. She thrashed and I nearly lost the intimate connection between my mouth and her orgasming pussy. I wrapped my arms around her legs and held them tightly as my tongue continued to ravage her. Her body stiffened and she orgasmed loudly before collapsing back onto the bed. I spent several wonderful minutes gently lapping the cum from her pussy and kissing it all over while she tried to process the wonderful signals her body was sending her.

She twitched and I knew that she had reached that sensitive place and further tongue lashings would be more torture than pleasure. I kissed my way back up her body and when I got near her lips she grabbed me and kissed me as amazing lovers do. Our kiss was wonderfully sexy, loving, and full of want. Any doubts that either of us may have had about sex with another woman were gone. The main thing on my mind was how long I would have to wait before I could do that to her again. I truly hadn’t given a thought to her returning the favor. It didn’t take her long to bring that thought foremost to my mind.

We snuggled and kissed so wonderfully deeply. Her breathing gradually returned to normal and she broke our kiss to smile up at me. I could see the mischief in her eyes and before I could react she had me on my back and was nestled on top of me. She began raining down little kisses on my face. The kisses, while very romantic, also tickled. I started laughing and that just egged Tammy on. She continued with her tickle kisses down my neck and across my shoulders. Somewhere between my shoulders and my nipples, the kisses stopped being ticklish and began to build my arousal to the point that I was ready to scream.

Tammy’s tongue circled the nipple on each of my breasts before her lips wrapped around my left nipple. Her gently sucking while her tongue flicked my nipple had me writhing on the bed. This was something new and it felt amazing. Her soft lips, gentle sucking, and agile tongue made love to my tits. I had never been this aroused by tit play in my life, and in moments she had me on the brink of an orgasm. I groaned in frustration when her mouth left my tit. Frustration soon turned to desperate need as she kissed her way down my belly. My chest was heaving and my heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour in anticipation of her mouth on my pussy.

I played with my nipples and watched as her mouth came closer and closer to my absolutely soaked pussy. She had a smile curling at the corners of her mouth as she closed the distance as slowly as possible. I was ready to grab her head and shove it against my pussy when she finally made contact. Thankfully, the teasing stopped and her amazing tongue began its lovely work. Her loving and gentle mouth brought me closer and closer until I was almost there. I needed the smallest of nudges to take me over the top.

Suddenly her demeanor changed from loving and gentle to something much more lustful. Her finger entered my pussy and found my G-spot. Her mouth sucked my clit and her tongue swirled around it. I think I screamed, but I’m not sure. What I do know is that the orgasm that overwhelmed me was easily one of the most intense of my life.

She would have continued but my sensitivity was through the roof and I frantically pulled her up. Our lips crashed together in a heated kiss that lasted a lifetime. She kissed me through the wonderful afterglow until we settled into snuggling together and basking in our new closeness. I would never have dared dream that being with a woman could be so wonderful.

We slept and this morning, we showered together. I loved washing her lovely body and I can guarantee that there isn’t an inch of her that wasn’t thoroughly cleaned. She did the same for me, and her gentle caresses as she washed me got me heated all over again. I was practically shaking with need as we dried off. We ran laughing back to bed and were soon entwined in each other’s arms. I was tickled that she had been thinking about a sixty-nine just like I was, and we wasted no time in giving it a shot. To say the experiment was a success would be a gross understatement. We will definitely be doing that again!

So, there you have it. I had sex with a woman for the first time and it was wonderful. Tammy had an amazing evening and she’s definitely interested in having sex with you. As long as your cool, I’d say this was a win for everybody. ”Are you cool with it, Dan? Tell me what you’re feeling.”

Before I could blink, I was in his arms and he was kissing me with such power and lust that my knees went weak. His hard cock pressed into my belly and my hands flew to his pants. I frantically unfastened his belt, button, and zipper, all of which seemed to be covered in grease because my fingers were fumbling. He was as hard as I’ve ever seen him, and I had him in a two-handed grip as I dropped to my knees. My mouth enveloped his hot hardness and I sucked his cock with all the love and need in me. It didn’t take long, not that I was in a hurry. He exploded into my mouth and I swallowed him greedily. I pulled his spent cock from my mouth and smiled up at him.

Dan looked at me with lust written all over his face. “On your feet, woman. Now that we have that one out of the way, it’s time for you to get thoroughly fucked.”

He was right about the time and I was, thoroughly.


Sunday had rolled around, as it will do pretty much every week, and my wonderful wife telling me about her night having sex with our neighbor still occupied my thoughts. In return for her explanation, I had fucked her brains out. Seemed like a fair trade to me. I was curious to see how Tammy was handling her new intimacy with Liz. I was fairly sure that Tammy was second-guessing herself at this point. Liz obviously felt the same way because she called and invited Tammy over for coffee before climbing out of our bed.

After my shower, I delayed my walk to the shop and hung out in the living room while Liz waited for Tammy to show up. I didn’t want her to walk into our kitchen to see both of us waiting for her. She might think we were going to gang up on her or something. She needed to know that life was good and that she had nothing to feel bad about.

I heard the back door open and soft voices. I gave them a few minutes, then walked into the kitchen like I owned the place because I actually do (well, half, anyway). Liz and Tammy were kissing softly and I could see the tracks of Tammy’s tears. Liz held her close and whispered endearing things to her between kisses. Watching them nearly brought tears to my own eyes. They were so beautiful and loving that it made my heart soar.

Their lips parted, and their foreheads touched before they quietly separated. Tammy noticed me then and her eyes got huge. I could see she was about to panic, and I moved close to her. I ran my thumbs under her green eyes to wipe away her tears. “Don’t cry, sweet Tammy, you’ve done nothing wrong. You did something wonderful for the woman I love with all my heart. I’m not upset. I’m grateful.”

She looked into my eyes questioningly and I gave her a peck on the lips. “Yes, I mean it. You and Liz have found something profoundly special and I want you both to explore it and find all the joy you can. I’m not jealous of Liz, although I’m kinda jealous that I’m not a woman ‘cause it sure sounds like you two had a wonderful time.”

Her arms flew around me and she squeezed me so hard I thought she was going to strain something. I can’t say I was in any hurry to stop her. She finally wound down and gave me a wonderful smile when she let me go. “God! You two are really something special. Never in my life has anyone treated me like you guys do. I don’t know what to say except thank you. Thank you for taking care of Tessy and me, thank you for all the things you both do for us and thank you for making me feel so wanted.”

I smiled and poured coffee for the two of them. I set their cups on the island and prepared to walk over to the shop. I gave Liz a panty-dropping kiss and turned toward the door. “Hey! Where are you going?”

I turned around and Tammy was standing with her hands on her hips. I raised an eyebrow. “I’m going to the shop.”

She walked right up to me. “You’re not going anywhere until you kiss me like you kissed Liz. It’s only fair. You don’t kiss her like that and expect me not to want one too.”

So, I did. I’ll admit that I was expecting something spectacular, but I still wasn’t prepared for the intensity of that kiss. By the time I let her go, she was making little humming noises and my cock was as rigid as my high school principal back in the day. Liz’s loving smile met me as I released Tammy from my arms.

I helped Tammy sit down as she seemed a bit out of it, and Liz let out a chuckle. “If that kiss felt half as good as it looked, I’m surprised you aren’t a puddle on the floor.”

Tammy was a bit spacey as she looked at Liz. “I am… A puddle… Just didn’t make it to the floor.”

Liz laughed and gave her new lover a kiss on the cheek. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

I moseyed to the door, all proud of myself, and made my suave exit. As soon as I got out the back door I struggled to get my erection situated and walked funny all the way to the shop. I needed to get some of the heat I was feeling down on paper. The sex scene I had in mind was perfect for the new story I was writing. That would have to do for now. I wasn’t about to pull the trigger while Liz and Tammy figured out their new normal. Tammy didn’t need the additional anxiety of dealing with my libido right now.

I wrote for an hour and managed to get my sexy scenario worked out. I was feeling a bit antsy and I’m sure that had nothing to do with kissing two very hot women and writing a sex story. Yeh, right. I started sorting the cherry wood we were going to use for the bedroom set and getting equipment organized for Tammy to begin her training. That got me thinking about teaching and that got me thinking I needed a lesson plan for each piece of equipment. I went back to the computer and began formatting a lesson plan. I had a good start on it when my phone went off with a reminder from Liz that dinner is best eaten while hot. I was shocked it was getting so late.

I walked into the kitchen and didn’t see any place settings on the island. I figured dinner was still up in the air when I heard Liz’s voice in the dining room and headed that way. We hadn’t used the dining room in recent memory and I was wondering what the occasion was. All I know is that when I walked into the room I certainly enjoyed the view.

Candles were lit on the table, providing a romantic light to the room. Liz and Tammy stood on either side of the table facing me, and WOW, were they facing me! Both were wearing slinky dresses that I seriously doubted were allowed in public. Cars would crash, people would walk into walls, and trouser zippers would fail explosively. Chaos and confusion would ensue. Godzilla had nothing on those two. Liz’s dress was a little red number that barely contained her obviously braless tits. The hem may have been lower than her crotch, but then again, it may not have been. The lacy tops of her hose and a few inches of delicious leg were exposed, drawing my eyes down to the CFM heels on her feet, “Daaammnn, Liz! Put the food away. I’m having you for dinner!”

The salacious look she gave me ensured that my cock was as hard as it could possibly get. “Dan dear, who said this was a one-course meal?”

Tammy’s nervous little laugh snapped me back to reality. I turned and fully noticed her for the first time since I’d walked into the room. She was simply amazing. She was wearing a little blue number with the same revealing nature as Liz’s. Her slender legs looked hot as hell and my eyes couldn’t get enough of her. I studied her body inch by inch. The v-cut front of her dress plunged all the way to her navel and barely contained her awesome tits. I could see a substantial amount of side boob and I liked it a lot. When my eyes finally arrived at her face I felt my heart beating hard in my chest. Her face was simply beautiful and the look of insecurity on her face nearly undid me.

I took the two steps needed and wrapped my arms around her. “You are so very beautiful.” I didn’t kiss her because she needed reassurance, and I didn’t kiss her because I saw the need on her face. I kissed her because I had to. She was just too irresistible to allow this chance to pass.

Our lips touched and we kissed deeply. Both of us had wanted this for a while and we were going to enjoy every second of it. My tongue traced her lip and the tip of hers entered my mouth. I didn’t know that there was an ‘on’ button on the tip of my tongue, but she found it and pushed it. Suddenly I wanted so much more than a romantic kiss. Our tongues writhed and our passion grew. I slipped both hands down her back and squeezed her ass with both hands, pulling her hard against my raging erection.

My tongue left her mouth and my lips left hers so I could nibble and lick her neck. She shivered against me as I nibbled her ear, and I felt her hand between us as she squeezed my aching cock. My mouth attacked hers again and our arousal was rapidly taking complete control. My hands left her ass and cupped her tits. My thumbs began to roll her nipples and she moaned into my mouth.

I was on the verge of tearing her dress off and taking her on the dining room table when Liz’s soft voice brought me abruptly back from the brink. “Let’s move this into the bedroom.”

I looked at Tammy, who appeared to be in a bit of a daze, then back to Liz. “Uhhm… what about dinner?”

Liz chuckled. “I didn’t cook anything. I figured we could order a pizza later.”

It was the perfect thing for her to say. The humor of it brought me back to earth a little and allowed me to get control of my nearly animalistic lust for Tammy. She does shit like that all the time and it makes me love her more every fucking time. She wanted this to be perfect for Tammy and me and she knew that while rutting like animals on the dining room table would have been great fun, our first time needed to be a bit more intimate and special than that.

I took Tammy’s hand and reached out for Liz’s hand as well. Liz led us down the hall and into our bedroom. The room was candle lit and I had to admit was very romantic. Liz led us over to the bed and let go of my hand. She looked into my eyes and kissed my lips. “I love you and I know you will make her feel wonderful. I want you to feel wonderful, too, my love.”

She turned toward the door and I blurted, “Aren’t you going to join us?”

She turned to me and gave me that ‘I’m gonna fuck you smile. “Oh, I will, the next time. This time she needs you. This time she needs you to show her that you are the man she thinks you are. I’m so happy for her and for you. She has no idea how wonderful you really are. Show her, my love. Love her. Make her cum her ass off. Leave her a quivering mess on the bed, thrilled like never before in her life that she took a chance. That she let herself go and a wonderful man made her so very glad that she did.”

I quirked a smile at her. “Set the bar kinda high, didn’t ya?”

She chuckled. “I love you so much, but there is no bar with you. High or low doesn’t matter. The man I love will be himself and that’s all that she’ll ever want and more than she would have ever dreamed.”

I kissed her hard, and our lips separated. For the first time my lovely wife kissed my goodbye as I prepared to make love to another woman. Milestones in a marriage don’t get much bigger than that. “It’s a good thing all of this is recorded. I’m going to hold all that shit you said over your head for fucking ages.”

It took her a second before her eyebrows went up. She had forgotten about the surveillance equipment and suddenly, a smile lit her face. “Oh, that’s perfect. Fuck this hanging out and waiting. I’m going to the shop, kick back in your recliner, and play with my pussy while I watch you two fuck each other stupid. Oooh… Uhm… I think I came a little bit there.” She grinned, gave me a smack on the lips, and left.

Written by Woodart
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