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His For A Price - Part 4

"Derek and Trent reach an agreement that satisfies them both."

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It was late when I showed up at Trent's house, still wearing my work uniform. I'd spent my entire shift at the café trying to imagine every possible scenario that could unfold tonight. Finally, I told myself to get over my wounded pride so I could focus on giving this man exactly what he was paying for. As to why he insisted on paying me a shitload, I had no idea, but I was determined to keep my feelings out of our arrangement.

When Trent opened the door, he didn't greet me with his usual warm smile. Instead, he gave me a measured stare. As the silence stretched on between us, I squirmed under his scrutiny. At least I no longer felt underdressed, since Trent wore only a pair of sweatpants.

"Come in," he finally said.

Though he looked less than thrilled to see me, I fixed a smile on my face and stepped inside. Maybe one glimpse of me was all it took to give him second thoughts about paying so much. Hell, I hadn't even had a chance to shower after work, but it wasn't like he'd given me time to get ready.

Shrugging out of my jacket, I managed to keep my tone light. "So, what'll it be tonight? A blowjob and a fuck?" My smile grew as cool as his voice had been. "What is it that you want, Trent?"

So much for keeping my feelings out of this, I thought. I knew I was being a dick.

Trent folded his arms over his chest. The tightening of his jaw was almost imperceptible, but I noticed it. "I want you in my bedroom. Now."

This time, he followed me, and I sensed his nearness as we made our way through the house. I'd really fucked this up, I realized. Now I was going to discover the consequences of behaving like an asshole.

The lamplight in his room was soft and inviting, unlike the chill between us. I didn't have the chance to get comfortable, however. When I turned to face Trent, he advanced on me. Taking hold of my upper arms, he backed me up against the wall.

"Hey!" I managed to snap. My eyes widened as I searched his face.

Still gripping me tight, Trent pressed his lips to mine. I tasted the liquor in that kiss. While he was far from drunk, I sensed he wasn't as controlled as he'd been before. But that was okay, I told myself. If this was how he wanted me, this was how he'd have me.

His mouth grew more demanding, making me moan. He yanked my shirt from my pants in order to slide his hands beneath it. When he took my bottom lip between his teeth, giving me a forceful nip, I gasped. This man was like a stranger tonight.

Yet my tension eased as his lips traveled to my neck. He sucked my skin hard enough to mark me. Cupping a hand between my thighs, he laughed low and soft. "You might be pissed at me, Derek, but I can still have you ready for fucking in an instant."

"That's what you're paying me for, isn't it?" I retorted.

His smile never faltered while he fondled my cock. "All the money in the world can't make you this hard for me."

Before I could respond, Trent sank to his knees. I watched, incredulous, as he lowered my pants and underwear, exposing my erection. My face flushed when I realized he was right: I'd always be hard and ready for him.

He didn't take me in his mouth right away. Instead, he grasped my dick and gave it a stroke, his touch a gentle contrast to the way he'd grabbed me before. Then he buried his face in my crotch. I heard him take a deep breath, inhaling my scent. It was like he craved it, just the way I craved his.

Without thinking, I wove my fingers through his hair. When he tilted his head back to look at me, his blue eyes were filled with such desire that I actually began trembling. Yet his self-control wasn't entirely gone. By this point, I was aching for his mouth, but his lips merely fluttered against my frenulum in teasing caresses. I writhed while my chest rapidly rose and fell.

Of course, Trent sensed my desperate need; he had me right where he wanted me. A large bead of my precum invited his tongue, and the feel of him licking my tip made my knees buckle. Did he want me to beg? I wondered. I was ready to! I closed my eyes, breathing even faster.

Trent said my name, his voice just above a whisper. When our stares met, he regarded me with that tenderness I'd often glimpsed before. Then he opened his mouth and waited.

It took me a moment to understand he was relinquishing control. I'd tried to convince myself that he considered our relationship a mere game in which he dictated the rules and held all the power. Now, he was turning that power over to me.

Grasping Trent's hair, I guided his ready mouth to my cock. He wrapped his lips around the head but didn't take any more. I couldn't stop myself from thrusting deeper, and he rewarded me with a groan. "Oh, that's what you want?" I breathed.

He began sucking me off in earnest, making it clear that was exactly what he wanted. Still, I remembered how careful he'd been with me each time I sucked his dick. I wondered if he was letting me use his mouth like this, basically inviting me to face-fuck him, in order to give me a chance to even the score between us. He knew our conversation Wednesday night had left me feeling humiliated, though I'd begun to realize that wasn't his intention. Did he want to give me the opportunity to punish him?

He had to know me better than that, I told myself. Despite all my confusion and shame, I could never be brutal to him.

My fingers maintained their gentle hold on Trent's hair as I pumped my hips, claiming his mouth with shallow thrusts. The way he eagerly sucked me off while carefully squeezing my balls had me groaning. My God, this man was an expert at giving head!

When he needed to pull off, I didn't hesitate to let him. Yet he quickly returned to pleasing me; it was as if his yearning was as strong as mine. I dared to hold him still with both hands while driving my cock between his lips again and again. "Ah, fuck!" My voice became guttural.

Trent finally placed his palms against my ass and drew me toward him, taking my entire dick in his mouth. "Holy shit!" I sounded completely at his mercy. "I'm close!"

He gave my balls yet another gentle squeeze. But just when I tensed up, ready to fill his mouth with my cum, he withdrew from me entirely. I let out a whimper of protest while my dick pulsed, inches from his lips.

Trent's eyes locked with mine. "Come on my face!" he demanded.

The sight of his extended tongue, and the wild arousal in his stare, made me roughly jerk my cock. I shook violently, desperate to orgasm. I was also desperate to see Trent marked with my cum.

The first spurt of semen struck the edge of his mouth. Groaning, I pumped away at my dick, coaxing forth more. It was so fucking hot, seeing my cum land in thick globs on his cheek, and finally on his tongue. "You like that?" I panted.

He swallowed down my seed before gathering more from the corner of his mouth. "I fucking love the way you taste!"

Finally, he climbed to his feet, while I leaned against the wall, waiting for my pulse to slow. Even with my cum on his face, Trent managed to appear commanding as he told me, "I'm going to wash up, and when I get back, I expect you to be in that bed."

I immediately nodded, knowing from past experience that it wouldn't take long for me to recover. If Trent wanted me to fuck him, I'd soon be ready. 

When he returned a few minutes later, I was lying naked in bed, with the sheet covering my lower body. He paused to give me an appreciative stare before taking off his pants. His dick remained semi-hard following the blowjob, and the sight of it made my own respond.

Lifting the sheet, Trent slipped into bed beside me. I immediately moved closer, seeking out his mouth for a kiss. It was deep and sensual, with lots of tongue, which made my cock harden even more. Sliding a hand over Trent's chest and belly, I delighted in the warmth of his skin. But he stopped me before I could stroke his cock. As his fingers circled around my wrist, I looked at him in confusion.

"I want us to talk first," he said.

I had to suppress a sigh. What was there to talk about? I'd thought things were now okay between us, but I was obviously wrong. Trent and I lay on our sides, facing each other, and he rested a hand on my hip. It was all I could do not to kiss him again.

"I know what I said on Wednesday night, about the money, upset you." His stare held mine. "I feel like I owe you an explanation."

"You don't," I insisted. "I understand you wanting to keep things the same. I shouldn't have suggested making a change."

His hand slipped around to my ass so he could give it a firm squeeze through the sheet. "Just bear with me." He spoke in a low and gentle tone. "I said we should keep the same financial arrangement because I know you're still struggling with your attraction to me."

I started to argue, but then I realized Trent was right. It remained difficult for me to fully accept that a man could excite me more than a woman ever had. Swallowing hard, I decided to be honest about how I felt. "I'm coming to terms with it, but yeah, I have to admit you changed my entire world during our first evening together. I mean, I'm not gay," I rushed on. "Guys have hit on me before, but I never gave them a second thought."

Trent's hand was soothing on my back. "Would you have given me a second thought if I hadn't offered to pay you?"

I considered his question for a long moment. "Honestly? I wouldn't have allowed myself to. I was ashamed you got me hard simply by asking me to fuck you. The only way I was able to show up here that first night was by telling myself I couldn't turn down the money."

"Exactly." Trent's eyes were full of tenderness as he regarded me. "And I wanted you to keep being able to tell yourself that, if you needed to. If that's what would allow me to keep seeing you."

I stared at him, completely dumbfounded. "Jesus! How do you know me better than I know myself?"

He laughed softly. "Don't forget I was your age once. I can easily recall being confused and in denial about who I really was."

Was I in denial? I wondered. I knew I wasn't lying to myself about not being attracted to men. Of course, Trent was the exception, and there was no lying to myself or to him about that. "What made it all change for you?" I asked.

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His gaze grew a little distant, almost wistful. "I fell in love with an older man. I was around your age and had just finished college. And this man saw through all my bullshit. He made me face everything I'd tried to hide from."

I didn't point out the parallels between Trent's first relationship with a man, and my relationship with him. There was no need to, for he and I were both fully aware of the similarities. Before I could try to convince Trent that I no longer needed his money as an excuse to hide behind, he went on.

"I also want to keep paying you for a purely selfish reason."

Propping myself up, I gave him a quizzical look. "Yeah? And what's that?"

He studied me for a few seconds. "How much do you enjoy working at the café?"

I shook my head, growing even more confused. "I mean, it's okay."

"But nothing you have a deep passion for." A smile began to play at his lips.

"Uh, no, not at all!"

"Good," he said, "because your job is interfering with me seeing you, so I want you to quit." My eyes widened, and he went on to explain. "Quit your job, and I'll pay you twice what you're making now. I'll expect you to be available whenever I contact you, though I'll limit my requests to evening hours and weekends, since you're in school."

I released an unflattering squawk of astonishment. "Wait, are you serious? You're really offering to pay me just to be available for sex whenever you want it?"

"Absolutely." Trent's smile widened; he was clearly enjoying my reaction.

And of course, I never knew when to shut up. "But why wouldn't you just call one of your..." I struggled for the right words. "One of your fuck buddies during the times I'm not available?"

"Because I want you," Trent replied.

I couldn't hide my grin, but it slowly faded as that familiar doubt crept back into my mind. "You might get tired of me, though, and then I'd be out of a job."

He drew me to him for a lingering kiss. "It's far more likely you'll be the one to grow tired of me, Derek. But let's say the arrangement ends for whatever reason. You might meet the love of your life and want out of our relationship altogether. If that happens, I'll give you a kind of... severance pay. Say, the equivalent of two months' salary at the café? That will give you plenty of time to find another job." When I didn't speak, he asked, "Do you trust me to take care of you?"

"I've always trusted you," I said without hesitation. "But if we're going to do this, I won't let you pay me twice what I'm making now."

"Why the hell not?" Trent didn't bother to conceal his exasperation.

"Because it doesn't feel right to me. It feels like I'm taking advantage of your generosity."

He placed a hand against my cheek, his eyes full of affection. "You are the most guileless person I've ever met. There's not even a hint of calculation in you, is there?" Lowering his lips to my neck, he whispered, "It's one of the many reasons I adore you."

After lining my body up perfectly with Trent's, I reached between us to take our cocks in my hand. My stroking and gentle thrusts drew a moan from his lips. "Fuck, that feels good!" he said. "But before we get too carried away, there's one more thing I'd like to discuss."

"How about you discuss it while I'm sucking your dick?" I murmured.

He only smiled and shook his head. "I want your full attention on my words, not my cock." Reluctantly, I stopped jerking us off and waited for him to continue. "I totally understand if you want to keep using condoms, but if you're open to the idea of fucking me bare, I thought you and I could both get checked out. I take PrEP, but I still get screened for STIs regularly."

My quickened breathing sounded too loud, but I couldn't control it. The thought of being inside Trent's ass with no barrier between us had my dick throbbing again. "I'm absolutely on board with getting checked out."

Trent's grin made it clear he was pleased by my response. "Fantastic. And if everything comes back okay, we'll forgo the condoms."

"But..." Again I struggled to phrase my question carefully. "What if you want to keep having sex with your fuck buddies?"

He snorted with laughter. "You make it sound like I'm fucking a different man every night!"

"Aren't you? Or at the very least, every other night?"

"No! I'm not nearly as promiscuous as you imagine, Derek." He was still grinning through his protests. "While I'll readily admit to fucking around plenty in the past, I'm now forty-seven and a borderline workaholic."

"Still, don't you want... variety?"

Trent wrapped his arms around me. "Not since I met you. But if the situation changes, I promise to discuss it with you before I'm intimate with anyone else. And if you meet some lovely college girl you're dying to fuck, just let me know."

I wasn't ready to admit that I'd barely glanced at a girl since Trent and I had begun fucking. Instead, I gave him a fervent kiss, full of longing. "I promise I'll always be honest with you." While I stroked his hair, I knew my eyes revealed everything I felt, and the man could read me so easily as it was. But this time, I didn't try to hide from him. "Now that we've finished our discussion, can I give my full attention to your cock again?"

"I'd rather you give it to my ass, because I want you deep inside me."

I grinned at his request. "You know I'm always ready for you."

This time, we lay on our sides, making sure we faced the mirror. I was behind Trent, spooning him, and while kissing his neck, I slid my palm over his chest. When I fondled his hard nipples, he thrust back against me, betraying his excitement.

"Stroke your cock for me," I whispered. He immediately did as I said, starting out with a relaxed, almost languid, rhythm. I knew he'd begin jerking more fervently once I was inside him. "I love watching you do that." I was fully hard, my dick pressing insistently against Trent's ass. He turned his head toward me so I could kiss his mouth. As our tongues danced between our lips, my cock produced ample precum.

Trent sensed just how worked up I was, for he flashed a sexy grin and said, "Fuck me, Derek."

I had my cock sheathed and his ass lubed up in no time. When I positioned my tip at his entrance, exerting the slightest pressure, he let out an eager moan. Yet I made him wait.

Our eyes locked in the mirror, and I was struck by the pleading in his stare. While I was just as desperate to be inside him, I held back. "Your ass is all mine, isn't it?"

He nodded, trying to push back and take more of my dick, but my hand was firm on his hip. "Don't tease, baby. Give me your cock!"

I struggled to hide my grin. This man could get me so horny that I was willing to beg for his mouth, his touch, his ass. It gave me a triumphant rush to know I had the same effect on him. Sliding a little farther inside, I said, "And I'm the only one who gets to stretch your tight hole."

"Yes!" Trent lost all patience then. Reaching around, he cupped my ass, and I allowed him to pull me in even deeper. We both groaned, reveling in our pleasure. Feeling just how tight he was all around my dick, I could no longer keep still. Instead, I took him with gentle, fluid thrusts. In the mirror, I saw his blissful smile.

Since I'd already come once, it wasn't a struggle for me to last. Trent again started masturbating, and when I fondled his nipple, daring to give it a pinch, his moans morphed into cries. My own lust heightened as he pumped away at his dick. The sight of us in that mirror made me pulse deep inside his ass. He looked like a man who loved being taken, while I appeared wild in the grip of my arousal.

Finally, Trent had to stop stroking. "Getting too close!" he panted. His gaze was riveted to my reflection. "My God, you're so gorgeous, Derek! I've wanted you inside me since we first met."

His words made my hips move with a more powerful rhythm. I changed position just a little, fucking him from a slightly different angle, and a victorious grin played at my lips when I managed to home in on his prostate.

"Fuck, yes!" he shouted. "Just like that! Don't stop!"

I broke into a sweat, striving to maintain the same momentum. My efforts soon paid off, for Trent began trembling. Knowing just how close he was brought me to the edge as well. "Come, Trent!" I begged in a strained voice.

He gave his dick a few rough strokes just before his entire body shuddered. Then a helpless moan escaped his lips while the first rope of semen shot out to strike the sheet.

"Oh fuck, I'm right there!" My thrusts grew faster as my balls tightened. Meanwhile, Trent squeezed the head of his cock, as if determined to drain himself of every drop of cum. More gushed forth to coat his fingers. Everywhere I lookedat Trent's face, at his hand gripping his dick, at the mirror with its erotic reflectionit all vividly reminded me just how much I loved fucking this man.

Overwhelmed by my need, I gave a final hard thrust, reaching my own release. As Trent's muscles clenched around my cock, again and again, I let out a choked cry. Without fail, he always knew how to intensify my pleasure.

Once I pulled out and removed the condom, Trent rolled onto his back, wearing a satisfied grin. I slid on top of him, pinning his wrists to the bed. As I held him down, our eyes locked. Then I gave him a fierce kiss, seeking out his tongue with my own. He surrendered completely—to my firm grip, and to my mouth.

When I finally broke the kiss, we were still breathing hard. The intensity in Trent's stare made my heart pound even faster.

"Don't ever doubt how much I want you," he said.

I smiled and stroked his cheek, the way he'd so often caressed mine, before I whispered, "You have me, baby. I'm all yours, whenever you want."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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