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His For A Price - Part 1

"A sexy older man makes Derek an offer he can't refuse."

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He stepped into the café, smiling when our eyes met. I readily smiled back, for this man was one of my best customers. He typically showed up in the afternoon, once the lunchtime rush had subsided. His order was always the same: coffee with cream, no sugar. And his tips were so lavish as to be almost insulting. Almost. I was a poor college student in debt up to my eyeballs, so I was grateful for every penny.

The man strode toward a table by the window, and I quickly followed. As usual, he was dressed in a suit that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe. I was shitty at guessing ages, but I thought he was in his late forties. His hair, entirely silver, provided a striking contrast to his youthful face. His eyes were an astonishing blue; I'd noticed them the first time we met.

"Good afternoon, sir." I made a point to sound friendly but not overly eager. There were only a few other customers in the café, and my manager was on break, so I was prepared to be at this man's beck and call for the next half hour. "Can I get you your usual?"

He leaned back in the chair, stretching out his long legs. "Not today. I'm afraid I don't have much time."

My smile slipped a little. "Something to go then? I can have it ready for you right away."

The man didn't answer for a long moment. Instead, his gaze slowly moved over me. He certainly didn't act like he was in a hurry, I thought. I resisted the impulse to glance down at myself and make sure I appeared presentable. Had I spilled something on my shirt? Were my pants hideously wrinkled?

Finally, he nodded toward the chair across from him. "Have a seat, Derek."

I briefly wondered how he knew my name; he'd never asked for it. Maybe he'd heard my manager, or one of the other servers, refer to me by name at some point. It was surprising to know he'd paid such close attention.

Looking around, I made sure my manager was still out of sight. For some reason, I felt like I'd done something wrong and was about to be reprimanded. After I sat down, the man extended his hand. I gave it a firm shake.

"I'm Trent." His smile was strangely intimate.

I started to say I was pleased to meet him, then realized how dumb that would sound. We'd met plenty of times. Instead, I asked, "What can I do for you, Trent?"

His confident smile widened. "Seeing as how we're both pressed for time, I'll make this quick." He leaned closer to me. As I found myself mirroring his movements, I had no idea why I was so nervous. I was glad we'd gotten the handshake over with, because my palms had grown clammy.

He never once looked away, never so much as blinked, as he said, "I want you to spend an evening with me."

My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open. I felt my face grow hot while I laughed in mild embarrassment. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not, uh, gay. I mean, I'm flattered, but..."

My response didn't seem to disturb Trent in the least. It was as if he'd expected it. He placed his hand on the table, mere inches from mine. Then he stated a number, which at first meant nothing to me. I only gave him a blank look, waiting for an explanation.

"That's how much I'll pay you for one evening."

Even as I froze, my mind reeled at the huge sum. It was more than I made in two weeks at this job, and that was when the tips were good. Part of me feared this was some kind of joke. But as my eyes locked with Trent's, I discovered he was completely serious.

"I don't understand," I managed to sputter. This guy could have almost anyone he wanted. While I was good-looking enough, I had male friends who received a lot more attention from both men and women. Like Trent, I was fit but not ripped. My last girlfriend had always told me how much she loved my dark hair and eyes, even going so far as to nickname me TDH, for tall, dark, and handsome. But I was enough of a realist to know that Trent was way out of my league.

Instead of refusing outright, I asked, "Why me?"

"Because I want you," he said, as if the answer couldn't have been more obvious. "I wouldn't work so hard if it didn't allow me to buy what I want."

I just stared at him, dumbfounded. He talked of buying me the way he would a new car. I wanted to be outraged, but I couldn't muster up the indignation. Not when I hadn't ruled out the possibility of being bought.

"I've vetted you," Trent went on. "And while I understand you're not attracted to men, I hope what I'm willing to pay will convince you to make an exception in my case."

I started to sweat from sheer nervousness. On the few occasions in the past when I'd been approached by a guy, all I had to do was say I was straight, and that was the end of it. Trent, however, seemed determined to have me.

And the money... Fuck, I could use that money! I pressed a hand to my forehead as if to steady myself. "What would you expect me to do?" Even as I spoke, I couldn't fully believe what I was saying. Was I actually considering this?

Trent tilted his head slightly. Again, I felt the weight of his scrutiny. "I expect you to suck my cock, and let me suck yours." He leaned closer, holding my stare. "I want you to fuck me, Derek. If you find you can't get hard enough to do so, or if you change your mind, I'll pay you half of what I'm now offering. I think you'll agree it's plenty for a blowjob."

I started breathing faster while contemplating his offer. Without warning, a vivid image imprinted itself in my mind. So clearly, I could picture Trent taking my dick in his mouth. Before I could drive away the thought, my body responded. Even as I fought back a rush of anxiety, I felt my cock stir.

"Uh, I don't think I'll have a problem doing what you want," I told Trent. It was surreal hearing myself say those words.

His grin was downright triumphant. "Perfect. I trust you'll be discreet about our agreement. That's of the utmost importance."

"Of course, sir."

"Trent," he corrected gently. His fingers grazed the top of my hand. That fleeting touch went unnoticed by the few people around us, but I definitely felt it. I was half-hard by the time he took out a business card and offered it to me. "This has my number. Contact me to make further arrangements."

I could only nod as I stared down at the card. Trent climbed to his feet, his movements unhurried. Before leaving, he dropped a fifty-dollar bill on the table. "I look forward to hearing from you, Derek."


Communicating via encrypted texts, Trent and I agreed I would arrive at his house the following evening. We also made arrangements for payment, which would be as discreet as our messages. While I desperately needed to finish a paper for class, I told myself I could take care of it over the weekend. Right now, there was no way I could concentrate on anything academic. I had to prepare for tomorrow night.

My roommate wouldn't be home till after eleven, so I had the apartment to myself for a few more hours. I'd never watched gay porn before, but I figured it wasn't a bad idea to do so now. I wondered if I would respond to it the way I had to Trent. At the very least, I might learn something from seeing two men get it on.

Lying on my bed, the room dark around me, I decided on a scene featuring two guys around my age. One was blond, while the other was dark-haired. They were both insanely muscular, their cocks larger than mine. Phone in hand, I watched the blond suck the other guy's dick. As the blowjob grew more enthusiastic, I made a halfhearted attempt to jerk off. The dark-haired guy began face-fucking the blond with brutal thrusts.

This was doing nothing for me, I realized. Skipping ahead, I reached the point where the blond had his tongue deep inside the other guy's ass. I'd seen enough straight anal sex in porn to be familiar with rimming, and I'd even tried it with a former girlfriend, but she said it felt "dirty." Now, I couldn't help but wonder if this was something else Trent would expect of me.

It was the thought of spreading Trent's cheeks and teasing his hole with my tongue that made my cock finally respond. Shame mingled with my arousal as I resumed stroking. No longer bothering to watch the porn, I lay back and closed my eyes, imagining the man who had propositioned me. Again, I allowed myself to fantasize about him sucking me off. My breathing quickened, and my dick grew harder in my hand.

Then I made myself think about going down on Trent. My mind immediately rebelled, trying to shut the door on that fantasy, but I wrested it open once more. I had to get used to the idea. I let myself imagine how he would smell and taste, and how his dick would feel between my lips. Instead of softening, my own cock pulsed.

"I can do this," I whispered. I refused to dwell on the fact that I could get fully hard while imagining sex with another man. Instead, I wondered if Trent would want me to fuck him from behind, or face to face. Would he expect me to kiss him? I wasn't sure I could be convincing enough in doing that. How would I be able to feign the passion a good kiss required?

Before my doubts got the better of me, I imagined how it would feel to have my dick buried in Trent's ass. I'd never engaged in anal sex before, so I was more than a little curious about how tight he would be. Losing myself in the fantasy of our fucking, I jerked faster, edging toward orgasm. The sound of my heavy breathing filled the room. At that moment, I was convinced I could do whatever Trent asked. I could suck and fuck this man, and if I took pleasure in it, all the better. Either way, I was getting paid.

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I didn't allow myself to come. As close as I was, it took an enormous amount of willpower to stop jerking off, but I figured waiting might make it easier for me to climax when I was with Trent. I wanted to give myself every advantage. And all the while, I told myself this was just about money.

The following evening, I arrived a few minutes early at the gated community where Trent lived. The place even had security, and I kept waiting for someone to tell me I didn't belong there. Instead, I was allowed inside without issue. Trent's house was large, but not obnoxiously so, like some of the surrounding dwellings. Still, all the ostentation served to remind me that I was an outsider. What would Trent's neighbors think, seeing my shitty car parked in his driveway?

Trent didn't keep me waiting at his front door. His smile was warm as he invited me inside. It was strange, seeing him wearing something other than a suit, but I had no problem acknowledging how fine he looked in jeans and a cashmere sweater. I'd chosen to wear a polo shirt and chinos, figuring it was better to dress down than up for this. The evening air had grown a bit too cool for short sleeves, but I was fighting a nervous sweat and didn't mind the chill. Besides, Trent's house was plenty warm.

"Can I get you a drink?" he asked while I took off my shoes. 

"I'm good, thanks." My hands were shaking a little as I placed my phone and keys on a nearby table.

Trent gave me an easy smile. I expected him to draw closer. Instead, he spoke a single word: "Bedroom."

So we were getting right to it then. Part of me was relieved to skip the small talk; I was too anxious to carry on a decent conversation. But another part of me reeled from how fast this was moving. I realized my nerves were getting the better of me when my face grew feverishly hot, and I forced myself to take a deep breath.

My surroundings went by in a blur. All I could really focus on was the man in front of me. My stare dropped to his ass, that those jeans hugged perfectly. Again, I told myself I could do this. I wasn't into guys, but even I had to admit Trent wasn't just any guy.

His bedroom was tastefully furnished. I noticed a large mirror on the far wall, across from the bed, and I guessed it had been strategically placed there. In the soft lamplight, I also saw the lube and condoms on the bedside table.

"Get undressed." Trent's tone was friendly but commanding, and I didn't hesitate to obey. While I stripped naked, he remained fully clothed. I didn't like the subtle power imbalance in that, but I wasn't about to complain. The man was paying me to do what he wanted.

He stood and watched me, arms folded over his chest. I kept my back to him as long as I could. When I finally had to turn around, his gaze traveled over my body, lingering on my cock. I was far too nervous to be aroused, and I prayed it wouldn't be a continual issue. If I couldn't get hard, I'd be leaving here with far less money.

Now, Trent did approach me. He clearly sensed my anxiety, for his palms were soothing as they slid over my shoulders and chest. "Relax," he murmured. "I know you're out of your element here, but I want you to enjoy this as much as possible." His stare held mine. "And I expect you to let me know if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

I immediately nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude toward him. He could have been an asshole about this, barking orders and giving no consideration to how I felt. Instead, he seemed determined to put me at ease. Breathing in, I caught the faintest scent of cologne. I liked it, I realized. I also liked the way he was touching me.

Trent indicated that I should sit on the edge of the bed, in front of that large mirror. I tried not to study my reflection too closely, but I gave it a few glances. Not bad, I assured myself. I'd closely trimmed my pubes and shaved my balls. My body looked plenty toned. My dick, however, remained stubbornly flaccid.

Trent stood before me, momentarily blocking my view of the mirror. Tilting my head back, I watched as he undressed. He was far more leisurely about it than I'd been. I allowed myself to admire his strong, lean form. When he stripped from the waist down, I was relieved to find he didn't have a massive dick. Mine was average in size, while his was a little larger. I liked how veiny his cock was. He was already semi-hard, and I saw he was shaved completely smooth. It felt weird, giving his substantial balls a look of obvious appreciation, but it was as if I couldn't help myself. The man had a nice package.

Despite my anxiety, my own cock began to stiffen. Trent smiled at the sight of my growing arousal before dropping to his knees. When he positioned himself between my spread legs, I couldn't control my quickened breathing.

"Relax," he said again, sliding his hands over my thighs. I wondered if he could sense me trembling. "I just want you to feel good, Derek." He looked up at me, his stare filled with heat, and I nodded my assent. The intensity in his gorgeous blue eyes made my pulse race.

When he grasped my cock and gave it a stroke, I drew in a sharp breath. For a moment, I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by what was happening. With the pad of his thumb, Trent caressed my tip, his touch almost teasing.

Then I felt his lips along the length of my shaft. His warm breath wafted over my skin. Looking down at him once more, I swallowed hard. The sweep of his tongue against my flesh served to strengthen my erection. It was clear I no longer needed to worry about getting aroused. In the back of my mind, I feared what it meant, the way my body so readily responded to Trent's mouth.

He got my cock nice and wet, lavishing attention on every inch. I released a moan while he nuzzled my balls, inhaling my scent. All the while, his hand continued its stroking. When he began licking and sucking my sac, I made a sound like a helpless whimper. Fuck, that felt good! His mouth was eagerly pleasuring me; he seemed to derive a deep satisfaction in heightening my excitement.

Our stares met once more, and whatever he saw in my face encouraged him to wrap his lips around my dick. My gaze drifted to the mirror. It was as if I was looking at a stranger; there was something vulnerable, almost needy, in my heavy-lidded eyes and slackened jaw.

I also couldn't help but admire Trent's glorious ass, so muscular and firm. The sight of us in the mirror, coupled with the sensation of his tongue exploring my slit, made me crave more. And my God, he gave it to me! While gently grasping my dick, Trent kissed and licked my frenulum. His expert mouth soon had my precum readily flowing, and he was quick to lap it up. 

By the time he began sucking me off in earnest, I was unable to suppress my pleasured groans. "Ah, fuck yes!" All my inhibitions retreated, banished by abject need. He moaned around my dick, then took me deep. My stare moved from our reflections to his face. The enthusiasm he displayed in practically swallowing my cock had my balls tightening.

When Trent pulled off, I actually whined in protest. He was far from finished with me, however. Circling his lips around my cockhead, he looked up at me with such blatant lust that I thought I'd come any second. I'd never before been attracted to a man, but seeing my dick slide deeper into his mouth drove me fucking wild! His lips glided effortlessly along my shaft as his cheeks hollowed. Stroking me with a steady, relentless rhythm, he was determined to bring me to climax.

"Gonna come!" I said in a strained voice.

If anything, my warning made Trent double down on his efforts. He fondled my balls while his mouth continued its blissful suction. Looking toward the mirror, I saw my rapt expression, and Trent's head bobbing up and down as he took me in his throat, again and again and again. I gasped at the fierce tension gripping my muscles, pulling me taut. Then I erupted in his mouth, crying out from the force of my orgasm.

Trent drew back a little, but his mouth persisted in draining me of every drop. I violently shuddered while my dick pulsed between his lips. He took his time licking me clean, gathering up all traces of semen from my skin. A little had escaped his mouth, and his tongue swept out to collect it as well. It was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen; no woman had ever been so eager for my cum.

Trent finally stood, his cock looming out from him. I was surprised he was still so hard, for he'd given his dick only a few strokes while sucking me off. But it was as if my arousal fueled his. My mouth watered while I gazed at his erection. Not even post-nut clarity could dampen my lust.

He leaned toward me until our mouths were only inches apart. I simultaneously craved and dreaded our first kiss. He must have sensed my apprehension, for he wove his fingers through my hair, tilting my head back. His lips grazed my jaw before traveling to my neck. "We don't have to go any further," he said. "I'll be happy to pay you what you're owed." I closed my eyes, releasing a pleasured sigh at the feel of his tongue against my skin. "What is it that you want, Derek?"

I dared to circle my fingers around Trent's cock, and he rewarded me with a moan. Then I whispered, "I want you."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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