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It wasn’t long after that when we went to see Linda.  This visit turned out to be really different from the earlier ones.  She’d had to sell the house in the divorce, so now she was living in a condo.  Her new place was nice and all, but it obviously wasn’t Chad’s home anymore, and most of his stuff was in storage.  It was one more sign that our lives were changing, and we were all on the cusp of something new.

It did feel good to see our friends again.  Thaxter’s place was doing really well: he’d promoted Kyle to general manager, with instructions to make the place fresh and hip for a new generation.  It was right in line with what I’d recommended, and Thaxter admitted as much.  He said business had picked up quite a bit, and he gave me a lot of credit for that, though it probably had more to do with Dr. Littman’s marketing classes.  Thaxter tried to recruit me to work there again, and I wanted to say yes, but first I needed to see where Chad’s career would take us.

“Fair enough,” Thaxter said.  “Just know I’d love to have you.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“By the way,” he said, “have you been to Point Loma?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant by that.  “Not me personally, no....”

“Our friend Jeff has a place up there,” he said.  “He and his husband have been renting it out for events, and they owe us a favor.  So if you still need a wedding venue—”

“I dunno,” I said.  “I-I mean we haven’t really decided what we want....”

“You should still have a look,” Thaxter said.  “If you don’t like it, that’s fine, but I wanted to let you know.  You know I’ll call in that favor if you want.”

I nodded.  I knew Thaxter was trying to be helpful, but I wasn’t sure I liked this idea.  After all, Chad and I hadn’t even decided which part of the country we wanted to get married in, much less a date or anything else.  “Well,” I said, “we’ve got a lot of shit we need to decide—”

“It’s fine,” Thaxter said.  “I’m not trying to tell you what to do.  I’m just saying: you helped me out, so I can help you too.”

I couldn’t argue with that, so I just nodded.  I was definitely flattered that Thaxter wanted to help us.  It was just that the offer came with some baggage, at least on our end.  I’d never been to this Point Loma, but I’d heard Chad talk about it.  His dad had served at the naval base there, and I wasn’t sure I liked that symbolism.  Most of all, I didn’t want that karma hanging over our heads, not on what was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives.

Chad and I did say yes to having Jean-Jacques do our engagement pictures.  We spent a whole afternoon traipsing around the city, posing every which way, in every setting we could think of.  It was actually a lot of fun, though it was also pretty exhausting, since we were on our feet the whole time.  It was also pretty liberating to be affectionate for the cameras.  We never full-on made out or anything, since we didn’t want to be one of those gross mushy couples, but we did spend plenty of time looking into each other’s eyes.

By the end, the sun had gone down, and the city skyline was all lit up, so we used that as the backdrop for our last few shots.  Jean-Jacques made us stand in front of the water, so he could capture the shimmer on the waves.  I couldn’t help putting my arm around Chad and giving him a soft kiss.  As tired as I was, it was a good kind of tired, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.  It seemed like just the right note to end on—and I couldn’t wait to see the pictures we’d gotten.

The next day was when we took Linda shopping.  It meant a lot of waiting around while she tried on dresses, talked to the salespeople, and generally dithered.  Along the way, Chad and I weighed the pros and cons of what Thaxter had suggested, and we debated what to do.

“Well,” Chad said, “I dunno... it sounds like he could hook us up.  I mean, if he knows a good gay-friendly venue, we might as well check it out.”

“You think so?”

“You’ve gotta admit, it’d be kind of poetic.  Besides, maybe things equal out: if Dad doesn’t support us, at least our friends do.”

“Well... I don’t think it equals out.  If I had a choice between all our friends’ support versus his—or if we could even just have him be neutral—you know I’d rather have his support any day.  Because I know much it means to you.”

Chad shook his head.  “Don’t worry about me.”

“Of course I’m going to worry about you,” I said.  “I mean come on: you’re gonna be my husband.  And we’re in this together.”

Chad just looked into my eyes.  He didn’t say a word, but then again, he didn’t need to.  We were about to kiss, but just then, his mom appeared out of nowhere.  She announced she’d seen all the dresses at that store, and she was ready to go someplace else.

Linda also insisted that we shop for ourselves.  We thought that part could wait till later, but we humored her and picked out some tuxes.  They were too bulky to fit in our luggage, so Linda said we could keep them at her house.

Looking back, that might’ve been a sign, since we went to see that Jeff guy later that week.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was surprised at how scenic his neighborhood was.  It was on top of a long bluff that jutted out into the ocean, with San Diego Bay on one side and the open Pacific on the other.  Jeff’s place was on a rise, so it had an awesome view on all sides.  We could see Mexico off to the south, downtown and Hillcrest to the east, and Chad’s old neighborhood to the north.

As Jeff showed us around, I started to think Chad had been right: this might actually work.  It wasn’t a conventional venue, but it seemed like a helluva place for a party, which was what he really wanted.  If Chad was cool with the naval base nearby, then so be it.  Plus it seemed to work for me too, since I was so focused on cost, and Jeff agreed to give us a good deal.  It also didn’t hurt that it looked out on the places where we’d spent so much time, where a lot of our relationship had taken shape.

Slowly but surely, we started making decisions.  We put down a deposit with Jeff, and we picked a date that summer.  Then we put together a registry, which was surprisingly fun, since we went through a bunch of stores and scanned whatever we liked.  We also drafted a tentative guest list, and we started thinking about logistics.  Our friend Garrett recommended setting up a website, so we could share the key info without fielding a million e-mails.

Still, no matter how much we did, it always seemed like there was more to figure out.  The invitations.  The officiant.  The rings.  The marriage license.  The schedule.  The dinner menu.  The cake.  The music.  The decorations.  The list went on and on.  I was glad we’d given ourselves plenty of time, since it would’ve been overwhelming any other way.

Then there was the fact that our college years were coming to an end.  Some of our friends were preparing for grad school, but most of us were scoping out the job market.  We were all applying where we could, going on interviews, and hoping we’d get an offer we liked.  There were times when I worried we hadn’t thought far enough ahead.  In particular, part of me regretted scheduling our wedding so close to our graduation, since it meant juggling a helluva lot.

Around Spring Break, our friends started asking about bachelor parties.  This was another area where I thought gay weddings might be different.  We were obviously cool with throwing a party, but there didn’t seem to be much point in having a separate one for each of us.  Apart from the fact that we were both dudes, most of our friends were mutual, not to mention we both liked a lot of the same stuff—including but not limited to dick.  We told our friends were up for whatever, except it should include both of us.  Plus with our schedules that semester, we didn’t have time to travel.  Our friends were good with that, so they scheduled their party for the weekend before the wedding.

It was around that same time that our official invitations went out, and we started getting regular package deliveries.  Most of our wedding gifts weren’t particularly surprising, since they’d obviously come from our registry, but some of them did catch us off guard.

We definitely didn’t expect to get anything from Pam.  Her package came with a card that had a handwritten message:

I’ve got to say that I’m feeling a lot of things as I write this.  I really wish things weren’t so complicated, but I want you to know Gladys and I are incredibly happy for you.

Under normal circumstances, you know we’d come to your wedding in a heartbeat.  I’m still holding out hope that we can make it, though obviously your dad still needs help, so we’ll have to see.  Most of all, we don’t want to make things awkward.  We definitely don’t want to spoil your special day, which I’m sure will be wonderful.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that Gladys and I want you to be happy no matter what that entails.  You don’t need to prove anything to anyone—least of all to us.  We love you just the way you are.

P.S. I apologize in advance if this is a lesbian gift.  We just figured it’s something you probably don’t have, which will come in handy at some point.

With love—Pam.

Chad just sighed when he put down the card.  “She can beat around the bush all she wants,” he said.  “The invitations have two options: either they show up or they don’t.  And I thought I made that pretty clear on Skype.”

“Well,” I said, “it’s still a nice gesture... sending a gift I mean.”

Chad pursed his lips, then unwrapped the package.  It turned out to be an electric drill, with a set of interchangeable drill bits, plus a half-dozen wrenches.  “Well I guess she wasn’t wrong,” he said, “on a couple of levels.”

“Yeah,” I said, but I didn’t say any more.  I didn’t want to make that moment any more awkward than it needed to be.

About a week after that, Chad got the job offer he’d been hoping for, when Seth agreed to hire him as a congressional aide.  Our hope was that he could work in the district office, which would mean living in San Diego after the wedding.  But Seth wanted him to work on Capitol Hill, which would mean moving to D.C.

I could tell Chad wanted to do it, though he was both nervous and excited.  I kept telling him not to worry: I could get a job of my own wherever I wanted, and I knew how much his dreams meant to him, so I was going to support them through thick and through thin.

Speaking of dreams... almost every night, when I fell asleep, I found myself imagining me and Chad together.  Sometimes I had the same dreams I’d had freshman year, when I’d fantasized about him in our communal showers.  Other times I dreamt about our future, imagining him as my husband, with the two of us building our lives together.  Still other times, the images seemed to blend together: I saw the older version of Chad, beard and all, though he was still getting naked in our old dorm.

Every single dream would end with me waking up with a raging case of morning wood.  I would usually roll on my back, stare up at the ceiling, and savor the hormones that were coursing through my body.  On one morning in particular, I remembered what Chad had said on my birthday, when he’d offered to help me explore some of my fantasies.  That, in turn, got me thinking.

Our graduation was right around the corner, so it felt like we were hitting one milestone after another.  Our last time paying rent for our crappy little apartment.  Our last meeting with Wildcat Pride.  Our last papers.  Our last real classes, soon to be followed by our last exams.  At times, it felt like we were doing the same shit we’d always done; but it was weird to think we’d never do it again.  I did want to end our college years on the right note, and I realized we’d never acted out the fantasy that had started it all.

I did a little digging, and it turned out Mike was still living in the dorm, on the same floor where Chad and I had lived freshman year.  Which meant he used the same communal showers that we did.  We’d hardly talked to Mike after the Kap Eps had gotten banned, but once we reconnected, we felt like old buddies.  I guess being in a fraternity will do that to you.

Anyway, Mike could technically stay in the dorm till the day after graduation.  But he was planning to leave as soon as his finals were over, since he still had a year to go before he graduated himself.  Most of the other residents were underclassmen, so they were leaving too.  It was a pretty safe bet the building would be deserted, yet Mike’s key card would still work.

I wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like that.  I knew we wouldn’t get another chance at it, for more reasons than one.  I had to be extra-careful since our families were in town for graduation, the first time both of our families had met, which was kind of a landmark moment in its own right.  But Chad and I made sure we had enough time to ourselves.

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It was actually kind of trippy when we set foot in our old building.  It was basically a blast from the past: we used the same old entrance, though neither of us had been back since the end of freshman year.  Chad was wearing the same tank top and shorts that he’d used to wear back then.  We took the same elevator upstairs, and it still smelled the way we remembered.

When we got to the third floor, Chad’s old room was just off to the left.  I couldn’t help thinking of how I’d originally dreamt of having sex in that room, though we’d never gone through with it, thanks to Chad’s old roommate.

Of course we’d made up for that by fucking in my own room, which was further down the hall.  I couldn’t help pausing in front of my old door, and I thought back to the memories Chad and I had made there—starting with the first time we’d blown each other, hell, the first time either of us had sucked dick.  Not to mention all the sexual experimentation that had followed.

By the time we got to the showers, I was keeping my cock in the waistband of my pants; and even then, it was hard to disguise how horny I was.  I obviously didn’t care if Chad knew, but there was always a risk of running into someone else.

It was definitely weird to set foot in that room.  The place where it had all started.  Where I’d first laid eyes on the man I was going to marry.

The showers were deserted right then, but in my mind’s eye, I could still see all the naked freshmen and sophomores milling around.  Lots of barely-legal cocks and balls, not to mention lots of tight asses.  Including the virgin ass that I’d ended up deflowering.

Chad stepped up behind me, and he put his arms around me.  I felt his boner press into my thigh.  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

“Baby,” I said, “I’ve been ready for this the whole time.”

“That’s the spirit,” he said, and he licked his lips.  He set down his backpack, which held our towels and stuff; then he stripped off his tank top and tossed it aside.

I started undressing too.  Unlike my earlier times here, I wasn’t the least bit nervous.  After all, Chad and I now knew each other’s bodies inside and out, so it wasn’t like we had anything to hide.

Chad pulled down his shorts and his underwear, and his big veiny dick bounced into the open.  I remembered how I used to marvel at the darker skin on his shaft and the lighter skin on his cockhead; in fact, it was one of the first things I’d noticed about Chad.  Of course, since that time, I’d gotten intimately acquainted with his package, to the point that I probably knew it better than he knew it himself.  After all, I knew how it tasted, how it smelled, how it looked up close, and how it felt in either end of my body.

By this point I was naked too, so we both headed for the showerheads.  As Chad walked, his boner swung back and forth, and his ballsack bounced up and down, while his ass muscles flexed and extended.

Instead of showering together, we each got under a separate nozzle, the same way we’d done freshman year.  Then we both turned on the water.

Chad let the stream spray all over him, and started rotating his body.  As he turned, the light glinted off his wet skin: first his package, then his six-pack, then his biceps, then his butt cheeks.  He poured some body wash on his hands, and he started soaping himself up.

My boner was raging by this point, but I didn’t dare touch it.  I just stood with my back to my showerhead, and I let the water pour through my hair.  At first I resisted the urge to stare, but then I realized I was just being uptight; at this point I could stare all I wanted.

Chad was going through the same routine he’d always had: he scrubbed his pits first, followed by his crotch, then his asscrack.  He worked up a hell of a lather, and for a second, his pubes almost disappeared from view.  Then he stepped back, and the suds poured across his body, and his newly-cleaned pubes reemerged.

I couldn’t resist at that point.  “Oh fuck,” I said as I rushed over to him, and I slammed my lips against his.

Chad stumbled back a few steps, then hit the tiled wall behind him.  But he didn’t resist me; he seemed more than willing to let my tongue in his mouth.  His beard pressed against my face, and I couldn’t help thinking how sexy it felt.  Compared to when we were freshmen—when Chad was just a young clean-shaven jock—by now he was practically a daddy, at least relatively speaking.  And I loved the thought of him becoming much more of a daddy in the years to come.

I pressed him against the wall as we kept making out.  I put my hands on his butt cheeks, and I massaged his glutes.  Our dicks were jousting against one another, which turned me on even more.  I couldn’t help thinking this was literally a dream come true.  If only my freshman self could’ve seen me right then....

“Oh baby,” Chad said between kisses, “you’re so fucking hot....”

“Right back atcha,” I said.  “I mean come on... you got in my pants for a reason.”

“Well, if you want to get technical about it... I don’t ever remember you wearing pants, either in here, or that night we hooked up—”

“You weren’t exactly wearing anything either.”

“Well true....”  Then he kissed me again.  “You know, when I used to come here, hoping to pick up a guy... I just thought, best-case scenario, he could help get me off.  I wasn’t expecting, you know... all of this.”

I looked right into his big chestnut eyes.  I wasn’t sure what to say.  I hadn’t really considered the fact that Chad had dreamt about this too, even if his dreams had been different from mine.  In Chad’s case, he’d obviously wanted to act on his urges for men, without his judgmental father knowing about it.  I’d definitely managed to help him with that first part, though as for the second part... well....

“Fuck, I love you,” he said as he put his hand on my cock.  “You know I fucking go nuts for your dick—”

“I love you too,” I replied, and I forced myself to stop thinking about anything negative.  “Turn around.”

Chad did as he was told, and he swung his body so that he was facing the wall.  I made him spread his legs a little, so that I could get to his boyhole.  Then I got on my knees, and for a second, I just marveled at the eager ass right in front of me.  It seemed to have just the right amount of dark hair, enough to make it look sexy without it being too much.

I dabbed at his sphincter with my fingers, gently at first, teasing him just the way he liked it.  Then I started making my way inside him.

“Shit,” he said as he threw his head back.  “Oh yeah baby....”

The next thing I knew, I had my face in his buttcrack.  I don’t even know which of us made the first move, if Chad shifted his body or if I went in for the kill.  Either way, my mouth hit his pucker, and of course his body responded.

Chad’s sphincter quivered at first, but then it relaxed the way it usually did.  “Oh fuck,” he said as I kept tickling him with my tongue.

I savored the feeling of his flesh, with all those delicate folds of skin, and I found myself wanting to take this further.  “Mm,” was all I could say as I massaged his crack with my lips.

Chad gyrated his body a little, and he pressed his taint against my chin.  I couldn’t resist the urge to play with his balls while I kept massaging his pucker.

By this point, I was totally oblivious to what was going on around us.  The showers were still on, but I wasn’t paying attention.  I was a hundred percent focused on my man.

“C’mere,” Chad said, “I want to kiss you again.”

I wasn’t about to object to that, so I stood up and let him turn around.  I grabbed his arms, held them high up above us, and pressed him against the wall.  Then I started sucking his face.

“Fuck yeah,” he gasped between kisses.  “Now it’s my turn....”

“Your turn for what?”

Chad didn’t answer.  He just wrapped his arms around me, and he swung my body in a 180.  Then he pressed my back against the wall, dropped to his knees, and started sucking my dick.

“Oh shit,” I said as I felt his lips on my shaft.  His tongue darted around, flicking against my cockhead, while his head bobbed up and down.

Now Chad was the one who couldn’t speak.  He just let out a few moans, letting me know how much he loved my anatomy.  The feeling was mutual of course; my nerves were tingling by then, and my balls were starting to boil.

“You’re gonna make me cum,” I said.

Chad came up for air.  “Not yet,” he said.  “You know I can’t wait to get fucked by that cock....”

“Then what are you waiting for?” I asked.

Chad grinned and stepped back to his showerhead.  He grabbed a bottle of lube—the heavy-duty silicone stuff we’d used in the tub and the pool—and he dabbed a few drops on his hole.  Then he smeared the rest on my cock.

We were so anxious to fuck that we didn’t even step out of the water.  Chad steadied himself by putting his right hand on the showerhead.  Then he lifted his left leg, and he slung it over my shoulder.

“You know what to do,” he said as he pulled me toward him.

Without further ado, my dick slid deep inside his body.  Into its home.  Into where it belonged.  Chad’s innards gave it a warm welcome: they greeted it with a squeeze, followed by a gentle massage.

“Oh yeah,” Chad said as he went for another kiss.  “I love you baby....”

“I love you too,” I said as I started pumping away.  “I don’t want you to forget that for a second.”

“I don’t,” Chad said, “and I won’t....”  But then his lips locked against mine, and his eyes rolled back in his head, and he could only make a few muffled sounds.

I fucked him danseur-style for at least a minute or two.  I forced myself not to cum, and I made sure to avoid Chad’s prostate.  He was clearly enjoying the ride as much as I was, and neither of us wanted this to end.

Water kept splashing every which way as our bodies kept smacking together.  We could almost feel our pores opening up as the steam kept swirling around us.  We made out for as long as we could, till we needed more oxygen; but even then, our lips were never more than an inch apart.

By now my dick was rippling with pleasure, and I could tell Chad’s ass was too.  I still managed to keep myself from going over the edge, but I knew could only keep this going for so long.

Eventually we moved away from the showerhead.  Chad managed to keep my dick inside him the whole time: he rested his weight on his right foot, and he swung his body toward the nearest bench.  Then he lay flat on his back.

For a second, we both stared at each other.  I kept feasting my eyes on the beautiful man beneath me: he was now lying spread-eagled, with his cock fully engorged and his ass happily impaled on my shaft.  This was exactly the image I’d had in my fantasies, all those years before, back when being with Chad had seemed like a pipe dream.  And the real experience was even more erotic, more sensual, more enjoyable than I ever could’ve imagined.

Chad ran his hands up and down my body.  Then he wrapped his legs around my torso.  “Baby,” he gasped, “give it to me good....”

I did as I was told, and I thrust into him as hard as my body could manage.  My balls slammed against his crack, while my abs pressed hard against his cock.  Then I started pistoning faster and faster.  “Like that?”

“O-o-oh God!” he yelled, and he clutched my body tighter.

I hit his prostate gently at first, then a little harder.  I timed it as well as I could, since I was about to pass the point of no return.  Then my ballsack retracted, and a wave of pleasure swept over me.  My muscles seized up for a second, and then I shot my load in his ass.

Some of my jets seemed to hit Chad’s prostate.  Either that, or he just loved the feeling of me spasming inside him.  Either way, he arched his back, and let out a primeval groan.  He never touched his dick; he barely got out the words “HOLY SHIT!” before he started cumming all over himself.

I kept pounding Chad as rope after rope splattered on his body.  Then, when his balls were done unloading their contents, I practically collapsed from exhaustion.

The bench wasn’t big enough for both of us, so I plopped down on the tile floor.  Chad got up for a second, but his legs seemed kind of shaky, so he lay down beside me.

For a minute we just lay there, flat on our backs, while the warm water gurgled all around us.  Both of us were trying to catch our breath, but we mostly just inhaled more steam.

“Fuck,” Chad finally said, “I needed that so bad....”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.  “You and me both,” I replied.

“Was it what you’d hoped for?”

“Let me put it this way,” I said.  “If I’d gotten to do that freshman year, like maybe fall semester... I would’ve thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

Chad paused for a moment, then nodded.  “Me too,” he replied.

We kept lying there for a little while longer, but by that point, our fingers were starting to wrinkle.  We also didn’t want to push our luck, since there’d always been a chance of someone walking in on us.  So we eventually got up, cleaned ourselves off, and put our clothes back on.

By that point, it did feel like our college years had come full circle.  But we both knew it was time to turn the page, stop dwelling on our past, and look ahead to our future.

To be continued... only one more chapter left!

Written by briacon429
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