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Chad and I just lay there for a while, holding each other and exchanging pillow talk. It almost felt like a dream. I’d imagined that night so many times that it hardly seemed real. My ass was sore from the pounding it had gotten, and I’m guessing Chad’s was too. But neither of us was complaining.

After about an hour, we opened the wine Chad had brought. True to form, he’d gone for the good stuff, with a nice Merlot out of Napa. He poured me a glass like we were on a date, after which he poured a glass for himself.

It seemed weirdly romantic to be sitting there naked with just a single light shining through the window. A bunch of now-rumpled sheets lay tangled beneath us. I leaned against Chad’s body and took a deep breath. Some of his scent was totally familiar, but some of it wasn’t. It still turned me on either way.

“So,” I eventually said, “tell me about that cologne you’ve got on.”

Chad sipped his wine. “You like it?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s just... I don’t remember you ever wearing anything like that. Deodorant, sure, but not cologne.”

“Well... I tried to pick it out based on flavors you like. Are you saying I picked right?”

I shrugged. “Apparently so.”

“Do you want me to wear it more often?”

“I mean... as long as you promise not to wear anything else....”

“Baby, I’ll wear whatever you want me to.”

“Ha!” I said, and I ran my hand across his bare thighs. “I like this outfit just fine.”

“So this is how you want me to look when we’re out and about?”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“You know you love it,” he said. “Speaking of which... what do you want to do while you’re in town?”

I set my glass down. “I dunno,” I said, “I-I mean I came here for you.”

“Do you want to see Dad?”

I had to admit I had mixed feelings about Chad’s father. Part of me did want to meet him, but another part thought back to the stories I’d heard. “Is he in any shape to meet me?”

“Well, I try not to overstimulate him,” he said. “You’ve gotta remember, it’s a long road back. He’s talking now, but not in full sentences. And he doesn’t have any filters, so he’ll say crazy shit and you have to let it slide. But as long as you keep that stuff in mind... I mean, he’s been my life for the last two months. So if that’s what you really want to see, you might as well....”

I stared at Chad’s face. He seemed so much more mature than before. Part of it was his beard, but even his eyes looked a little more grizzled, a little older, a little wiser. He definitely wasn’t the devil-may-care frat boy I’d first met. “So,” I said, “what about down the road?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well... how long is he going to need you?”

“I dunno,” he said. “My family’s been trying to figure that out. My mom keeps volunteering for stuff, and she’s made a couple trips out here, but I know her heart isn’t in it. Which I guess makes sense... I mean, if she didn’t want to be with him to begin with, why would she want to be with him now?”

“Wait,” I said. “Isn’t that between her and your dad?”

“Probably... but that’s the kind of shit I’ve been dealing with.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said. “It’s not your fault.”

“But if you’re putting your life on hold for your parents... where does that leave you?”

Chad gave off a faint chuckle. “You sound like my aunt.”

“I-I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s great that you’re doing this. I’m just saying you can’t lose sight of your own life.”

“Which is practically word-for-word what Pam would’ve said.”

I clutched Chad’s body. “In that case... I’m glad I’m not the only one watching out for you.”

“Yeah.” Chad put his hand on my chest. “I’m hoping we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I was trying to get them to move him to San Diego, to the Naval Hospital there... but apparently his next step is a rehab facility. Pam lives in L.A., and there’s a place there that’s supposed to be good. So that’s probably our best bet.”

“So your aunt would take care of him?”

“Basically,” he said. “I mean, he’ll need professional care for a while, maybe indefinitely. But yeah, Pam wants to take a more active role. She and Dad were always close.”

I looked Chad in the eyes. “I hope they all appreciate what you’ve done,” I said. “It’s a helluva lot for you to take on.”

“Yeah, well....” He took a gulp of wine. “Maybe someday Dad will appreciate it too. At least that’s my hope.”

I didn’t say a word. I knew how long Chad had yearned for his dad’s approval. I suspected that was the real reason he was taking care of him, though he’d never outright admitted it. “I just want you back with me,” I said without thinking.

“You’ve got me now.”

“You know what I mean. Back at school... so we could just hang out and chill like we used to.”

“Believe me, you don’t think I want that too? You know how nice it would be to have my biggest worry be a paper or something? Shit.” He put his arm around me. “I mean, this semester is pretty much shot, at least for me. Even so, you bet my ass will get over there as soon as I can.”

I put my hand against his cheek. “I can’t wait,” was all I could say.

By the time we finished our wine bottle, we were both pretty tipsy. Part of me wanted to have more sex, but we were both tired, so we did the next best thing. We spooned with my bare chest against his back, my hands clenching his, and my cock against his butt. It felt so comfortable. So relaxing. So right.

I’d forgotten how warm our bodies got under the sheets—or maybe it was just that particular sheet. I draped my arm across Chad’s chest, and I felt it rise and fall. He was pretty still at first, but then he started to fall asleep, and his body twitched a few times. I wasn’t far behind him: I don’t remember much before I dozed off.

I just remember pieces of my dream that night. As usual, it was a mishmash of images and feelings, some more vivid than others. At first, Chad and I seemed inseparable: we were apparently living together, taking the same classes, seeing mutual friends, and generally sharing our lives. But then I dreamt Chad was the one in the hospital, seriously injured, hooked up to tubes and monitors and whatnot. I wasn’t really clear on what had happened: he could’ve been attacked like his dad, or it might’ve been an accident or something. Either way, he just lay there unconscious while equipment whirred and beeped around him. The sight of it felt like a punch to the gut, and I wanted to scream, but somehow I couldn’t move, and no words came out—

Then, of course, I woke up. Once I got my bearings, I felt incredibly relieved to find Chad lying with me in one piece. He was still fast asleep, letting out a loud snore. For once, my reality seemed more enjoyable than any possible dream.

I snuggled up to Chad and held his body tight. I couldn’t help thinking how crazy I was about this man, and I didn’t want anything to happen to him. But I also knew how fragile our lives were. No matter how badly I wanted him, and no matter how badly he might want me, there was just no telling what our futures might hold.

That morning we ran into Seth when he was leaving for work. It turned out Chad’s description had been spot-on. Seth was wearing a suit and tie, ready to go, at an hour when we’d barely rolled out of bed. He was apparently an aide to Chad’s congressman, and he’d known the Collinses since his time in the Navy. He seemed like a nice enough guy: he said to say hi to Chad’s father, and he invited us to come by his office later. But to be honest, I hardly listened to what he was saying. My mind was somewhere else.

When we got dressed, Chad picked out a dress shirt and slacks. He carefully combed his hair, and he even put on his glasses. I hadn’t brought any nice clothes—I’d mostly just packed sweatshirts and jeans—so Chad let me wear some of his.

“Remember where you’re going,” he said. “The place isn’t exactly laid-back.” He checked the mirror one last time, making sure his shit was together. Then he grabbed a laptop bag as we headed for the door.

We walked to the station together, then rode the train to Bethesda. It was kind of a surreal experience. Even after we’d reached our stop, we went up an eerily long set of escalators. The hospital complex was huge, so I depended on Chad to navigate it all.

We kept seeing what looked like military brass in fancy dress uniforms. I forced myself to act as formal as I could, to the point that I was practically marching down the halls. To anyone watching, Chad and I must’ve looked like Army buddies or something. At least I hoped we did; I didn’t want these people to know we were gay.

Chad paused outside his father’s room. He looked at me, then knocked on the door. “Dad?” he asked. “It’s me. It’s Chad.” Finally he opened the door, stepped inside, and signaled for me to follow.

Chad’s father was lying in bed. At first, he looked like any other patient. He was still the strong strapping man I’d seen in pictures, except his head was shaved and he’d put on some weight. A bunch of family pictures and other keepsakes were set up around him. “H-hi,” he finally said.

Chad motioned for me to come forward. “I want you to meet Scott.”

I swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure how to respond; I didn’t want to seem flippant, but I also didn’t want to be awkward. “Nice to meet you,” I said as casually as I could, and I held out my hand.

Chad’s father just stared. He didn’t seem to know what to make of me.

“Dad, do you remember what I told you?”

“Fucking hell.”

“Be polite.” I couldn’t help noticing Chad’s tone; he came across as affectionate without seeming condescending. “I was saying I think you’ll like him—”


“—and he’s in town all this week. So you’ll get plenty of chances to know each other.”


Chad didn’t miss a beat. He’d clearly been through this drill before. “So how are you feeling?”


“Did you tell Dr. Kornberg about your leg cramps?”


“Dr. Kornberg.” Chad pointed to a dry-erase board. “It looks like he was here last night?”

His father looked up and shrugged, but he didn’t say a word.

I kept watching Chad as he talked to his old man. I couldn’t help admiring Chad’s patience. There was so much history between those two, and it wasn’t exactly rosy, yet Chad seemed to put that aside. I’d seen his tender side before, but never quite like this.

At one point his dad asked for a Scotch. Chad told him no, but he did offer to get him a Coke. We were just going to get it when we heard a woman’s voice. “Mister Collins?”

I assumed she was talking to Chad’s dad, but Chad himself turned around. “Dr. Batra,” he said.

The doctor was all business. “I want to talk to you about the PNS.”

“Of course,” Chad replied. He pulled some papers from his bag, which I saw were all carefully organized. He and the doctor launched into a jargon-filled talk about PRC’s, Rancho Levels, hemiparesis, perservation, and what the SLP had to say. Most of that stuff was Greek to me, but Chad didn’t bat an eye. He scribbled notes as they spoke.

“Now,” she asked, “is your aunt up to speed on all this?”

“Mostly,” he said. “I gave her a crash course last week. I’m going to share all this with her too.” He patted his bag.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll let you know what happens. Any issues on your end, let me know right away.” Then she shook his hand and strode off down the hall.

I must’ve made a face because Chad looked at me, then frowned. “What?”

“Nothing,” I said.

“No, what is it?”

“I dunno, it’s just... ‘Mister Collins’?”

“Yeah,” he said as he fiddled with his glasses. “Around here, I’m Mister Collins. My dad is Captain Collins. It’s important to get it right.”

“So is that what I’m supposed to call you too?”

“Well... no, of course not.” He leaned in and whispered under his breath. “You’ve got special privileges.”

“I know, I mean, it’s just... you know this world better than I do.”

Chad gave me a wistful look. “Maybe,” he said. He seemed to want to say something more, but he bit his lip.

We got his dad’s Coke, then went back to his bedside. Captain Collins kept wanting to watch T.V., but he fumbled with the remote. Chad tried to teach him how to use it. The old man’s progress came in fits and spurts, and he did get frustrated at times. Chad seemed to take it all in stride.

I kept looking into Chad’s eyes. He was so focused on his dad that he didn’t look back at me. I could still see the care and concern in his expressions. He seemed to move in slow motion, so I could follow every flutter of his eyes, every twitch of his lips. It made me feel really warm inside, watching my man be so selfless.

By lunchtime, his dad was pretty tired, so Chad and I let him be. We wanted to grab a bite anyway, so we took the subway to a restaurant Chad had recommended. As we left the station, I saw a poem carved into stone, which struck me as apropos:

Thus in silence in dreams’ projections,

Returning, resuming, I thread my way through the hospitals;

The hurt and wounded I pacify with soothing hand,

I sit by the restless all the dark night – some are so young;

Some suffer so much – I recall the experience sweet and sad,

… Walt Whitman

I looked out at the neighborhood around us. It kind of looked like Boystown, with lots of brownstone buildings, a few rainbow flags in the windows, and a slightly hipsterish vibe. D.C. being D.C., there were also a few embassies scattered around.

Chad led me to his restaurant, strode through the door, and plopped down at the bar. He immediately let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair.

“Been one of those days?” the bartender asked.

“It always is,” he said, then motioned to me. “Jennifer, this is Scott. Scott, Jennifer.”

“So you’re the famous Scott?”

I wasn’t sure how to take that at first. “Um... I mean....”

“It’s okay, he’s only ever said good things about you.” She slid a coaster to Chad. “You want a Face Plant?”

Chad stretched his shoulders. “Yeah.”

“And Scott?”

”You should get the Loose Cannon,” Chad said. “It’s your kind of beer.”

“O-okay,” I said, “I guess I’ll get that.”

Jennifer nodded and headed down the bar. “I take it you were just with your dad?”

“Yeah,” Chad replied. “It was Scott’s first time.”

“You mean since he’s been in the hospital?”

“No, his first time ever. Which is a helluva way to meet someone....”

I just shrugged. “It was important,” I said. “I’m glad I went.”

“You don’t have to whitewash this shit,” Chad said.

“I’m not.” I waited till Jennifer was out of earshot, then leaned in toward him. “I’m just saying... your family’s a big part of who you are.”

“I guess.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve done more for your dad than anybody else I’ve seen. Definitely anybody our age. I mean, come on: most of the Kap Eps are partying in Cancun right now.”

“Which is what normal college guys do.”

“Maybe so... but I’d rather be here.”

Chad looked into my eyes. He looked like he was about to say something, but he didn’t.

“So,” I finally said, “I take it this is where you’ve been coming to unwind?”

“I’ve pretty much had to... I mean, I couldn’t exactly kick back in the hospital. And it’s not like this is a resort town.”

I nodded. I was glad to at least see Chad get comfortable in a gay neighborhood. I just wished he could be comfortable the rest of the time too. I got why he was putting up a facade, but the real guy on the inside was the one I’d fallen in love with. “Well,” I said, “I don’t think you need to worry. I mean, it’s Washington... you wouldn’t be the first to create a little scandal.”

Chad snorted. “You want to see my name in a headline?”

“I didn’t say that. I just... I want you to be yourself.”

He chewed his lip for a moment, then forced a smile. “I wish it was that easy.”

I wanted to put my arms around him, give him a kiss, and hold him tight. But I knew Chad was still self-conscious about his sexuality. After all, it had taken him long enough to admit his gayness in private. I knew it would take him even longer to acknowledge it in public—at least in front of mixed company.

Jennifer brought us our drinks, took our food orders, and chatted with us. Slowly but surely, Chad started to loosen up. He’d evidently told this girl quite a bit: she knew a helluva lot about him, and about me for that matter. I tried to keep the conversation as neutral as I could.

Jennifer’s job seemed a lot like mine—and the restaurant seemed to harken back to Thaxter’s—so I started picking her brain. Jennifer had some good stories to tell, as most bartenders would. My favorites were about the people she’d caught fucking in the bathrooms.

“Wait a minute,” I said. “Let me back up. You mean this happened more than once?”

“Oh yeah,” she replied. “I even caught some co-workers back there. It was when I was closing, so there weren’t any customers around. But I definitely got an eyeful. If you’ve never seen your co-workers getting it on... let’s just say it was weird having to work with them the next day.”

“Woah,” Chad said. “So you didn’t report them?”

“It’s hard to report them when one of them is your owner.” She clucked her tongue. “Not that I’m complaining, though, at least not that much....”

“So,” Chad said, “were these guys or girls or a combination of both?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Chad and I exchanged glances. I saw a glint in his eyes, so I could tell we were both thinking the same thing. I had to admit I liked the idea of hooking up at work. I hadn’t forgotten some of the adventures Chad and I had had, and I figured a new adventure or two couldn’t hurt.

“Anyway,” she sighed, “those are the joys of my job.”

“I imagine,” was all I could say.

The three of us chatted for an hour or so. When Chad and I left, I was tempted to pull him into an alley and let our naughty sides take over. I had to admit I was dying for a good lay, especially after all the feelings he’d conjured up inside me. I could only imagine how big of a rush we’d get from doing it in public, and how awesome his warm hard cock would feel against mine. But it was still broad daylight, and I wanted to be sensitive. So I forced myself to behave, at least for the moment.

I assumed Chad would show me the city, so I was surprised to hear he’d never really seen it. In all the time he’d been there, he’d apparently never ventured downtown. I couldn’t help feeling sad about that, considering he was a poli sci major, not to mention a history buff. I figured D.C. of all places would be catnip for him.

“Listen,” I said, “just tell me what you feel like doing.”

“For Christ’s sake, Scott—”

“I mean it. You should put yourself first for a change.”

“You make it sound so... I dunno....”

“Like I care about you?”

“I wouldn’t exactly put it that way.”

“Well, I’ll let you in on a secret: I do care about you. So if there’s some other way you want me to put it, just tell me.”

Chad rolled his eyes, and he put on his usual stoic mask. But he never actually pushed back, which I knew was a good sign.

We ended up strolling down the street, checking out the shops and other sights along the way. At first, it looked like any other street, but it wasn’t long before we saw the White House in the distance. I kept a close eye on Chad as we got closer. He seemed to be taking it all in.

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I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. Eventually I broke the silence myself. “Huh,” I said. “This looks kind of small in real life.”

Chad shrugged. “You’ve got to remember, it was built right after the colonial era. I mean, yeah, they’ve done some expansion, but not as much as you’d think. Today most of the so-called White House staff work over there.” He pointed to a much bigger building on the right.

“I love how you know this stuff off the top of your head.”

“Well, it’s important. Power and politics make the world go round.”

“Is that one of your professors talking?”

“Not exactly,” he said. “You know why I picked that major in the first place?”


“I mean... no surprise, my dad wanted me to enlist. He would’ve loved for me to join the Navy like he did. But I knew it wasn’t for me. I kept hearing him gripe about how politicians kept ordering them around... and that’s the part I latched onto. I realized they were the only people who outrank people like him.” He sighed. “I know it sounds shitty now, after all that’s happened, but that was my thinking back then.”

“Sh,” I said as I put my finger on his lips. “You don’t need to apologize. And you sure as hell shouldn’t feel guilty about it.”

“That’s easy for you to say.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your life choices. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

Chad looked like he was about to put his arms around me. But then he paused, stepped away from me, and straightened his posture. “The Secret Service is probably watching us.”

“So? How are we doing anything wrong?”

“I’m just saying.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and headed down the sidewalk. “We should save that stuff for later. When we’re alone.”

I was tempted to object, but I bit my lip. I just followed him down the street.

We spent most of the afternoon exploring the city. We actually did find a hell of a lot to see, especially at the Smithsonian. We checked out the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz, which took me right back to my childhood. We also saw the original Star-Spangled Banner, which was more up Chad’s alley.

We ended up at Seth’s office on Capitol Hill. Seth promised to show us around, but first he had to take a call. While we waited, we chatted with a guy named Tony. He apparently worked for the House Armed Services Committee, and he totally looked the part, with a grey suit and buzz cut.

Tony and Chad hit it off since they basically spoke the same language. Chad launched into a bunch of questions about Middle East policy, the V.A., and other wonky stuff. I could hear the passion in his voice, which I hadn’t heard in a while.

Tony’s eyebrows went up too. “Boy,” he said, “you sure know your politics.”

“I try....”

“So tell me: how long have you boys been together?”

Those words caught me off guard, and Chad visibly flinched. Our straight-acting jig was apparently up. “U-uh....”

“You know,” Tony said, “my husband and I have been together twenty years.”

Husband? I thought. This guy hadn’t set off my gaydar at all.

“Oh,” Chad said, “w-well, I mean, we met about a year ago....”

“How’d you meet? If you don’t mind my asking.”

Chad blinked, then started to loosen up. “Through school,” he said. “It’s... originally his dorm room was down the hall from mine. And we rushed our fraternity together.”

I bit my lip at the thought of the X-rated details he’d left out. Those memories got me pretty hard, though I didn’t let on.

“That’s fantastic,” Tony said. “I met Craig in the service. He works for the State Department now.”

I had to admit I was thrown for a loop. This guy had clearly seen through our charade. I had to wonder if other people had caught on too, or if it took a trained eye. I wanted to ask Tony so many questions: how long had he been out? What was it like being gay in this town? Had it ever held him back?

Tony kept on chatting like it wasn’t a big deal. “So are you boys from Wheeler’s district?”

“I am,” Chad said. “But Scott’s from outside Chicago.”

“Well, maybe you can still use your pull,” Tony said.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been trying to get Wheeler to join the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. So if you can get Seth to talk him into it—”

“Wait... you’re not saying my congressman is gay?”

“No, but he doesn’t have to be. Only a few of the caucus members actually are. The rest of them are allies, though if they were in the club too, they wouldn’t exactly be alone.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know D.C. is gayer than any of the fifty states?”

Chad frowned. “You’re kidding.”

“It’s true. Demographically speaking, it’s one of the gayest cities in the country—right up there with San Francisco. But most people have no idea.”

Chad and I exchanged glances. I was tempted to say something about our charade, but I bit my lip.

“I mean,” Tony said, “we’re not exactly flamboyant queens. Maybe that’s why we fly under the radar. But it’s been that way for years. You know who was the first president to have hired a gay chief of staff?”

Chad shrugged. “I dunno... maybe Obama?”

“It was George Washington himself. In fact, we probably had a gay president too: James Buchanan. Of course, in those days nobody talked about it except maybe in whispers. But nowadays no one bats an eye... at least not among the locals.”

I could sense the wheels turning in Chad’s head. He had a far-off look in his eyes, like he was imagining his future. I was hoping he’d say what was on his mind, but I knew better than to ask.

Seth chose that moment to walk up to us. “All right,” he said. “I’m at a good stopping point. Are you ready to go?”

“Hold on,” Tony said. “What are you boys doing later tonight?”

Chad and I looked at each other. “Uh,” Chad said, “I don’t really know.”

“The National Equality Council is holding their big conference this week. They’re doing a cocktail hour at the Kennedy Center. It starts at seven. You should come.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. If anybody asks, tell them I invited you.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out his card. “Hope to see you there.”

I didn’t know what to say, and I don’t think Chad did either. We just thanked him, shook his hand, and followed Seth out the door.

Seth gave us a great tour of the Capitol. We rode a little subway straight into the building. We checked out the visitor center, then went up to the rotunda. We technically got to see the Senate in session, though most of the chamber was empty; a lone senator was giving a speech, apparently for the sake of the T.V. cameras. Chad kept asking questions and pointing out details. I wasn’t nearly as excited, mainly because I kept having flashbacks to eighth-grade civics class. But I loved seeing Chad get so into it.

We ended up spending way more time there than we’d planned. When we finally left, the sun was hanging low in the sky. We had almost a postcard view of the city, with the Mall and the Washington Monument off to the west. Long shadows raked across the ground.

“Hey, let me get your picture,” Seth said.

“Are you sure?” Chad asked.

“Everybody does it.”

Chad looked at me and shrugged. “Okay,” he said as he handed Seth his phone.

For the first time since we’d left the house, I put my arm around Chad. Fortunately he didn’t resist. He just looked into my eyes, then turned to the camera.

I tried to keep a poker face, but to be honest, it was the best I’d felt all day. My boyfriend was letting us be publicly seen together—and be photographed together—as a couple. Right in front of the ultimate center of power.

Seth finished taking our pictures, then handed back the phone. The pictures actually turned out really cool. They were definitely Instagram-worthy, and could easily be profile pics.

That moment set the tone for the evening. After some discussion, we decided to go with Tony’s suggestion, and we headed off to the Kennedy Center. Our cocktail hour was being held on the roof, which had an even better view: it overlooked the Potomac with a panoramic view of the city. The attendees were a who’s-who of gay advocates, from all kinds of organizations, along with a few special guests.

We found Tony and Craig, who took us through the crowd and introduced us to one big name after another. It was pretty surreal. I’d seen a lot of these people on T.V., and I’d heard of others in the news, but I’d never imagined I’d be mingling with them. One woman had fought in the Stonewall Riots and had been an activist ever since. She introduced us to her wife, who had worked on the case of Lawrence v. Texas.

Chad took to this stuff like a duck to water. These people obviously weren’t hiding who they were, nor were they being weird about it. And they came in all shapes and sizes: some had military backgrounds like Tony and Craig, while others were entrepreneurs or artists or who-knows-what-else. But they’d all found a mission in life, and they wanted to make a difference—and in many cases, they did help change the world. It seemed like the sky was the limit for them.

At one point I went to use the bathroom, and when I came back, I found Chad standing all by himself. He had a pensive look on his face as he stared at the lights of the Watergate next door.

I walked up behind him, and I put my cheek against his. “You know,” I said, “I don’t think you told me the truth before. At least not completely.”

Chad turned around to face me. “Say what?”

“You have a real knack for this stuff. Politics and civics, I mean. And I don’t think it’s just because of your dad.”

“Yeah, well... you don’t need to get weird about it.”

“I’m just saying, I want you to do what you love.”

Chad flashed a hint of the grin I loved so much. Then he slid his hand down my back till it rested on my ass. “That’s what I’m already doing.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do.” He pulled me toward him. “I just wish this shit wasn’t so complicated.”

“Me neither,” I replied. Then my eyes met his, and before I knew what was happening, Chad’s lips brushed against mine. He hesitated for a second, but then he seemed to lose all inhibitions. His tongue dove into my mouth, and he clutched my body hard.

“Oh fuck,” he gasped between kisses. He pressed me against the railing, but I wasn’t about to resist. There was something karmic about doing this in front of the Watergate, home of the biggest scandal of all—and in plain view of nearly every other landmark in town.

My dick was rock hard by then. Part of me wanted to just ravage Chad in the bushes or something, and anyone who didn’t like it could go fuck themselves. But it seemed Tony was right: as far as I could tell, no one paid us any mind.

We kept making out till we were both out of breath. I could feel Chad’s boner pressing against my thigh. My heart was pounding, but I forced myself to step back. I knew we had to get back to Seth’s place if we wanted to have a real proper fuck.

Our trip back was mostly a blur. It seemed to take forever, though part of that was probably in my mind. Both Chad and I were horny as hell. I half-hoped the train would empty out so we’d have it to ourselves, but we had no such luck.

When we did get back, we didn’t even make it to the bed. We barely managed to shut the door behind us. We were making out so intensely that we tripped over our feet, and both of us fell to the floor.

Chad landed on top of me, and he immediately fumbled for my crotch. He undid my fly, grabbed my pants, and yanked them down. He untied my shoes and tossed them aside. Then he slid my underwear down my legs, and he pulled off my socks. Then he reached up and gripped my dick. “God yeah,” he said, and without another word, he took my cock in his mouth.

“Oh shit,” I gasped. This was the Chad I loved so much. He was so passionate, so crazy, and so messy—nothing like the uptight guy I’d seen earlier. I wanted him to just take charge and have his way with me. Most of all, I wanted to give him all the pleasure he’d been doing without.

Chad was sucking me so hard that I half-expected to get a hickey. I’d almost forgotten how great his blowjobs really were. I could feel his tongue sliding up and down my shaft, and I could sense my cockhead hitting the back of his throat. He was using his free hand to play with my balls, and as he did, he looked at me over the rims of his glasses.

I grabbed the bed’s foot above me. Fuck, I thought, this man was an expert. I didn’t even know how I deserved him. But I could tell he wanted my dick as badly as I wanted him to have it. I could feel the carpet fibers digging into my back, but I didn’t want him to stop.

Chad spread my legs wider, then started caressing my taint. He flicked his fingers across my skin, almost as if he was playing an instrument. Then he zeroed in on my boyhole. His fingertips circled around it at first—oh fuck, that felt good—before they made their way inside.

“Yeah, baby,” I said. “Come on up here.”

Chad didn’t answer me. He just shot me a look as he kept working my cock.

“I want you to fuck me....”

Chad plunged his fingers deep inside me. It felt really fucking good, but I wanted to take this to the next level. I was so hungry for his cock, I could barely contain myself.

I was still wearing Chad’s dress shirt with a tank top underneath. I reached down near my crotch, and I undid all my buttons till the shirt fell open. Then I grabbed my tank top and pulled everything over my head. Finally I lay back on the floor, fully naked.

Chad hadn’t missed a beat. He was still going to town on my penis, servicing it just the way I loved it. I savored the feeling of his fingers inside me, which seemed to pair perfectly with his oral performance. Fuck, that shit felt so good!

I arched my back and pressed my head against the carpet. I tried to keep my legs from moving around, but sometimes they moved anyway. I could tell I was losing control of my body, not that that was necessarily a bad thing. One foot bumped against the wall, and the other might’ve even kicked Chad, though he didn’t seem to mind.

Chad took his mouth off my dick, then made his way to my ballsack. He kissed it a few times, then ran his tongue around my balls. I felt warm puffs of air on my pubes as his breathing got harder and deeper.

“Aw fuck,” I said. I put my hands on his head, and I ran my fingers through his hair. His polished haircut was quickly getting disheveled.

Chad sucked my right nut, then my left. He pulled his fingers from my hole—which suddenly felt very empty, and thus particularly hungry—and he lifted up my ass. I savored his lips as they tickled my taint. Then, at long last, I felt his tongue on my boyhole.

“Fuck me, please,” I said. “I’m begging you, baby....”

Chad seemed to chuckle as he played with my cunt. He was clearly enjoying himself. He kept his mouth firmly pressed against my ass while he swung his head back and forth, and his nose nuzzled my balls.

If my body was digging this before, it was downright adoring it now. My nerves were tingling, not just in and around my loins, but all the way from my toes to my armpits and beyond. All I could do was let out a moan.

Chad reached up with one hand, and he fondled my cock. I could feel my balls start to boil. I knew if he kept this going, he’d make me cum. At the same time, I didn’t want him to stop.

“Oh yeah....” I let out a loud gasp. “Fuck....”

Chad gripped my dick, harder this time, and he gave it a few tugs. But he also didn’t let up on my boyhole. He started stroking and licking away, faster and faster and faster.

I controlled my body as best I could. But I was fucking loving this. I let him keep going till my sphincter tightened around his tongue, and then the rest of my muscles tensed up. “O-o-o-o-o-o baby!” I yelled as my orgasm hit me, and I shot my load all over myself.

“Mmm,” he mumbled as he kept licking my butt.

“Shit,” I gasped as the last few ropes dribbled out of my cock. They pooled near my bellybutton, and a few drops trickled down my side.

Chad lifted his head. “That’s what I’m talking about,” he said. Then he kissed the underside of my leg. “That’s for the first time we had phone sex.”


“I wanted to get fucked so bad that night,” he said. “But you got me so damn horny, I busted my nut way sooner than I expected. Not that I didn’t want it....” He licked his lips. “I’m just returning the favor.”

I looked down at Chad. He was still fully clothed, to the point that he’d kept his glasses on the whole time. He looked like he could’ve been headed for a meeting, except his face was a little flushed. “Speaking of returning the favor,” I said, “how do you want to get off?”

“However you want to make me,” he said.

“I want to make you cum so hard you don’t know what hit you.”

Chad licked his lips. At first, I thought he’d pull me up to the bed, but he left me lying on the floor. He reached down to my abs and gathered up my jizz. Then he dabbed it on my cunt, unzipped his fly, and pulled out his boner.

I felt my heart skip a beat. I could tell where he was going with this. I lifted my legs again, and I offered him my ass.

Chad positioned his cock against my ring. He paused for a moment, then pressed forward and eased his way inside me.

“Fuck yeah,” I said. “Oh shit, that feels so good....”

Chad slowly started his thrusts. I felt his long hard shaft rubbing against my interior, back and forth, in and out... fuck, I loved that. It was just what my body was craving.

I couldn’t get over the sight of Chad having sex with me fully clothed. It was weird to feel his anatomy inside me yet not be able to see it. I flashed back to my fantasy about doing it at work, and I imagined this was what it must feel like. Then I envisioned Chad as some big powerbroker, like the people we’d met that night, except way more randy than met the eye. My kinky side was eating this up.

Chad pressed his chest against mine, and he gave me a kiss. As he did, I caught a whiff of a musky, manly smell, which wasn’t gross at all, but it had clearly come from my ass a few moments before. Chad and I started making out, and I savored that amazingly talented butt-munching mouth of his, while I clutched his body as tightly as I could.

I groaned involuntarily, as if my body had a life of its own. Having Chad’s cock in my ass was the most incredible sensation. I thrust back against him, syncing my rhythm as best I could. Chad responded in kind, pounding me harder and harder.

After a few minutes, Chad broke off our kiss, and he leaned up. As he did, I saw some of my cum had smeared on his shirt. That stain seemed perfectly becoming on him, and it turned me on even further than before. Chad seemed to feel the same way. He positioned my legs, so my feet were pressed against his shoulders. Then he pistoned into me even harder.

“Cum for me,” I said, “oh God....”

Chad’s grunts got louder and louder, and they came closer and closer together. I knew he was nearing the point of no return. I tightened my sphincter as hard as I could, then worked my torso so my ass was milking his cock.

“I love you, baby,” I said as I looked into his eyes. “I love you so much....”

Chad seemed about to respond, but then his body shuddered. I felt his dick twitch inside me, and a moment later I felt his juices filling me up. Fuck, I never got tired of that! I grabbed his ass and forced him as deep into me as he could go. Then, when Chad eventually stopped shooting, he collapsed on top of me.

We were both silent at first, except for our heavy breathing. Chad swallowed hard, then kissed my neck. I just lay on the floor and played with his hair.

“Whew,” he finally said. “Fuck, I needed that.”

“Me too,” I replied.

He shifted his body a little. “You know I love you too....”

“I do.”

“And... I can’t believe we only have a week together. Aw fuck, I wish it was more....”

“I know... but it’s like you said. Hopefully we won’t be apart for too long, if everything goes according to plan—”

“Yeah,” he said, “but I’m still going to miss you.”

I held Chad even tighter, and I opened my mouth without thinking. “If you really want to make the best of it....” Then my voice trailed off.

“Then what?”

I debated whether to finish my sentence. Then I figured I might as well. “Well,” I said, “we could always make a sex tape or something.”

“Say what?”

“I mean, think about it,” I said. “I already have naked pictures of you... and you’ve got jackoff videos of me. We might as well take it to the next level. It can be something we watch when we’re apart... well, if you want.”

Chad blinked. He looked a little nervous, but at the same time, I could feel his dick get hard again inside me. “Woah,” he said. “Are you serious?”

To be continued....

Written by briacon429
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