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For the Fourth of July, Thaxter hosted a party at his house.  He made clear that everyone was welcome, and he let us all bring friends.  We figured Ryan and Marcos were just the right types to enjoy a gay pool party, and sure enough, they jumped at the invite.  Chad and I brought a case of craft beer, while Ryan and Marcos brought homemade tamales.  Some of the bar’s regulars brought pretzels, chips, cupcakes, and other snacks.

We spent the first hour or so milling around the patio.  Thaxter’s place wasn’t as fancy as Chad’s, but it made for a great party space.  Some of the guests were inside, watching Jaws, while the rest of us chatted and basked in the sun.

Jean-Jacques made quite a splash, both literally and figuratively, when he jumped in the water.  He was wearing tight red Speedos, which left very little to the imagination.  I knew he was European and all, but even so, it was a little weird to see my customer practically naked.

“Mm,” Ryan said as he watched Jean-Jacques climb back out of the pool.  Ryan seemed to focus on Jean-Jacques’s bulge, which swung back and forth which each step, dripping water along the way.  He leaned over to Marcos.  “I’d love to get some of that inside me....”

“Wait,” Marcos said.  “I thought we agreed it was my turn to bottom.”

“Maybe we can do both,” Ryan said.  “We’d just need someone to service us.”

Chad and I were sitting right beside them, but neither of us said a word.  I couldn’t tell if Ryan was hitting on us, or Jean-Jacques, or both.  Jean-Jacques didn’t seem to have heard him; he just made another dive, swum underwater for a moment, then came up for air.

I cleared my throat, but before I could say anything, I heard commotion nearby.  It was over by the front door.  From where I was sitting, I couldn’t see much, but I could make out a big-haired woman.

“I know he’s in there,” the woman was saying.  “You’ve got to let me in.”

Thaxter’s husband Bruce was running interference.  “I’m sorry,” he said, “who are you?”

“That’s none of your business,” she snapped.

Chad and I exchanged glances.  I was probably less surprised than he was, since I’d seen these kinds of spectacles before.  At the bar, it was not unusual to have jealous lovers show up and make trouble.  It was always especially interesting when the lovers in question were girlfriends or wives.

Bruce kept trying to talk to the woman.  She didn’t seem to want any part of it.

“Don’t tell me to quiet down!” she yelled.  “I saw my child in there!”

Oh shit, I thought.  She wasn’t a jealous lover at all.  I’d never seen an angry mom show up like this.  I was dying to know more.  I tried to get a good look at her face, to see if I could recognize her, but Bruce was in the way.

“Look,” Bruce was saying.  “I’m not going let you bother our friends—”

“Your friends?  Is that what you call them these days?”


“I want to know how you people sleep at night.  The way you’re corrupting these boys—”

“You need to go.”

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

“You’re on my property,” he said.  “If you don’t leave, I’m calling the police.”

The woman scoffed, turned on her heels, and stomped away.  “You... you... you sodomites!

A bunch of us burst out laughing.  “Sodomites?” Ryan asked.

“Hey lady, sodomy’s great!” yelled my co-worker Kyle.  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!”

“Honestly,” Thaxter said, “what century are we in?  Does she think we’re Oscar Wilde?”

Bruce shut the door and turned back to us.  “Wow,” he said.  “I feel bad for her kids.”

“Yeah, no kidding.”

The twins peeked out from behind a tablecloth.  “Is she gone?”

“Yes,” Bruce said.  “You’re okay.”

I hadn’t realized Mason and Madison had been hiding.  They climbed out from under their table.  “Sorry about that.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Holy shit,” Kyle said.  “That lady’s your mom?”

“She just found out about us being gay,” Mason said.  “She still doesn’t know the half of it.  But you can see she’s not exactly taking it well.”

“We always knew she wouldn’t,” Madison said.

“That’s terrible,” Jean-Jacques said.

“That’s why we’re here,” Thaxter said.  “I went through the same thing myself, way back when.  Anything you need, just tell me.”

“Thanks man.”  Mason reached for the cooler.  “Right now we need a drink more than anything else.”

The twins grabbed a pair of beers, then sat down beside us.  Madison let out a loud sigh.

“If it makes you feel any better,” Chad said, “my dad’s a homophobe too.  Except he’s buddy-buddy with his lesbian sister.”

“Say what?” Mason asked.  “How the hell does that work?”

“Damned if I know,” Chad said.  “I think he’s in denial about her being gay.  But that’s just the start of it.  My family gets more fucked up from there.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.”

“Well,” Chad said, “I guess it is what it is.”

I put my arm around Chad’s shoulders.  I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but I did want to make him feel supported.  Chad just looked at me and nodded.

We did our best to kick back and relax.  It was definitely nice to get a change of scenery.  Apart from Chad’s family drama, he and I had both been working unusually long hours.  In Chad’s case, working for a congressman, he’d had to plan a bunch of stuff for the Fourth.  In my case, San Diego Pride fell around the same time, and the bar had gotten quite a bit busier.  It did feel good to escape from all that, at least for that day.

“So Scott,” Jean-Jacques said as he swam up to us, “are we still on for the Cockpit next week?”

“Definitely,” I said.

“What’s the Cockpit?” Ryan asked Jean-Jacques.  He acted pretty flirtatious, even though his boyfriend was right there.

“It’s a place near the airport.  We’d talked about going to see Flynn Taylor.”

“Flynn Taylor?  Like the porn star?”

“That’s him,” Jean-Jacques said.

“No shit?” Ryan said.  “Man, I’d love to go....”

Jean-Jacques shrugged.  “If you want to come too, the more the merrier.”

“Well, if it’s next week, we can’t make that.  Is he performing somewhere else?  Like L.A.?”

“I don’t know.  I’d need to check.”

“That’d be awesome,” Ryan said.  “Say, how’s the water in there?”

I had to keep from rolling my eyes.  Ryan wasn’t even trying to hide what he was really after.  His shorts made it obvious enough, with his visible hard-on, not to mention his tone of voice.  Not that I particularly blamed him: Jean-Jacques was a good-looking guy, and his French accent added a nice touch.  I just wasn’t into him myself.  Not to mention how Chad and I didn’t sleep with other guys—at least not anymore—unlike Ryan and Marcos.

To no one’s surprise, Ryan ended up getting in the pool.  Marcos did too, and so did the twins.  They all splashed around for a while, constantly laughing and joking.  At one point Marcos pulled down Jean-Jacques’s swimsuit, and he and Ryan played catch with it, while a naked Jean-Jacques tried to get it back.  I couldn’t help watching Jean-Jacques’s gluteal muscles flexing and relaxing while he jumped in and out of the water, till he finally caught his Speedo and put it back on.

By the time sun went down, a lot of the guys had gotten pretty drunk.  We watched the fireworks together, but Thaxter and Bruce knew a lot of people were in no shape to drive, so they offered to let us crash for the night.

Chad and I were still reasonably sober, so we decided to head home.  Thaxter offered us whatever leftovers we wanted, so we wrapped up a bunch of patties, hot dogs, and buns, and we threw them in Chad’s trunk.

We were about to drive away when we saw a glint of light.  From where we were parked, we could see one of Thaxter’s bedrooms.  We saw Ryan pull Jean-Jacques into the room; then they started making out.

“Well,” I said, “it looks like Ryan got what we wanted.”

“Yeah,” Chad said, “and apparently Marcos did too.”

I looked more closely, and sure enough, I could see Marcos just outside the bedroom.  He was busy kissing Kyle, and the two of them were slowly making their way toward the bed.  I felt a little guilty watching them, but I told myself Ryan and Marcos didn’t mind.  After all, those guys had fucked in front of us more than once now; and if they really wanted privacy, they could always close the blinds.

“You can keep touching yourself,” Chad said.  “I know you want to.”

“What?” I asked.

Chad gave me a knowing look.  Then he looked down at my crotch.

I suddenly realized I’d been playing with myself.  I hadn’t even known I was doing it.  But there I was with my hands between my legs.

“It’s cool,” Chad said.  “I know how you are with group sex.  And it’s not exactly a secret I like watching you jack off.”

I wanted to say something, but then I saw Marcos had pulled Kyle onto the bed.  Ryan, meanwhile, had stuck his hand down Jean-Jacques’s Speedo, and was fondling its contents.  All the guys were pretty scantily-clad, since they were still wearing the same stuff they’d worn in the pool.

“Pull your pants down,” Chad said.  “You know you want to....”

I didn’t disagree, but I was just sitting in Chad’s passenger seat, which didn’t seem like the best place to do this.  On the other hand, the fact that we were sitting in a parked car was probably part of the fun.

Chad reached over, and he looked into my eyes as he undid my fly.  I opened my pants and slid them down a few inches.  Chad’s hand responded in kind, and he caressed my crotch.

By now Ryan had slid off his swimsuit, and he was pulling off Jean-Jacques’s.  Within seconds, both guys were naked.  Marcos seemed to enjoy the view as much as I did; he lay back against the bed, and he pulled Kyle toward him.

I felt Chad’s tongue on my cock, and I looked down to see his head in my lap.  He was bobbing up and down, the same way he always did, which felt as awesome as ever.  I still felt a little self-conscious, since after all, we were on a public street.  But at that point it felt so good that I was not about to complain.

Marcos slid off his swimsuit, rolled onto his stomach, and stuck his butt in the air.  Kyle bent down, put his face between Marcos’s cheeks, and started licking away.  As he did, Marcos put his arms around Ryan—who was just a few feet from them—and they shared a sensual kiss.

“Mm,” Chad said as he kept sucking my cock.  He was stretched over the car’s center console, but he didn’t seem to mind.  By now he’d undone his own pants, and he was stroking himself with one hand, while he played with my balls with the other.

Inside the window, Ryan and Marcos had broken off their kiss.  Ryan was still getting rimmed, but he motioned to Jean-Jacques.  I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but I didn’t need to.  I knew Ryan was dying to get fucked, and by all indications, Marcos was too.  I knew all too well that feeling of being hungry for dick.  Chad and I had definitely had times where we both wanted to get fucked; we’d just never gone about it this way.

Marcos lay flat on his stomach, in the same position as Ryan, and he spread his legs for Kyle.  One of them must’ve brought condoms and lube: Jean-Jacques and Kyle both got themselves ready, and they assumed their positions.  Then they slid their cocks inside Ryan and Marcos.

“Oh yeah,” I gasped as Chad’s lips ran up my shaft.  He was using his tongue to heighten my sensations, tracing patterns along my dick.  Familiar waves of pleasure were cascading through me.

Ryan and Marcos seemed pretty enraptured themselves.  Jean-Jacques and Kyle were jackhammering away, to the point that I could see the mattress bouncing.  All four of their faces were contorted with pleasure, and their thighs kept shuddering with each thrust.

Chad took his mouth off my dick.  “Now,” he said, “I want to watch you get yourself off.”

“You mean—”

“I’ve never seen you be a voyeur like this.  It’s actually pretty hot.”

“That’s because I’ve never done this before.  The most I’ve ever watched was guys getting naked, like at the gym and stuff—”

“Or the showers at Shaw?”

“Well yeah.”

“There’s a first time for everything, isn’t there?”

I couldn’t argue with that.  I looked back at the house, where the two tops were now making out.  Ryan lifted his ass a few inches, then pressed back against Jean-Jacques’s crotch, apparently trying to get him in deeper.  Marcos threw his head back, and his mouth dropped open, as he savored the cock that was ramming inside him.

I started stroking my dick, but Chad had done such a good job of priming the pump, I was already close.  I wasn’t sure how long I could last.

“Go ahead,” he said.  “You can bust whenever you want to.”  Chad sat back in his seat, and he gripped his own cock.  “I want you to put on a show for me, the same way they’re doing for you.”

I didn’t need to be told twice.  Considering my fetish, the sight of these four guys was enough to get me off.  Coupled with the blowjob I’d just gotten, and the knowledge that Chad was turned on, I couldn’t have stopped myself if I’d wanted to.  I just clutched my penis and pounded away.

Inside the house, Marcos went back to making out with Ryan.  Now all four of the boys’ bodies were connected, either though their lips or their crotches.  They all managed to keep the same rhythm, so their muscles heaved back and forth in one wave after another.

That was all I could take.  I felt my cum surge through my cock, and my body writhed in ecstasy, till I shot all over myself.

Chad wasn’t far behind me.  “Oh yeah,” was all he said as he stroked himself and watched me get off.  Then he went over the edge, and his cum splattered all over his shirt and his pants.

I saw movement nearby, and I suddenly realized we weren’t the only ones watching.  The car in front of us was dark, but I could make out a big-haired woman inside.  She was drinking what looked like a bottle of wine.

“Holy shit,” I said as I realized who it was.  The twins’ mom had apparently been sitting there the whole time.

“Wait a minute,” Chad said.  “Is she doing the same thing we were?”

I squinted.  Sure enough, Mrs. Turner had her hand in her crotch, and she was arching her back.  She seemed to be really into it too, and she never took her eyes off the dudes having sex.

Chad and I exchanged glances.  “Wow,” he said.  “Just wow.  What a hypocrite.”

“I mean,” I said, “a lot of straight guys like watching lesbians fuck.  So if straight girls like watching gay guys—”

“The way she acted, that’s different.”

“Well yeah—”

“I want to give that bitch a piece of my mind.”

“Now wait—”

“I’m not gonna do it.  I’m just saying I want to.”  He chewed his lip.  “You know, that’s actually really sad.  Here she is, on a holiday, getting drunk by herself.  She’s probably craving all that dick she can’t have.”

I nodded, but then I thought of something else.  “Is she gonna be parked here all night?” I asked.  “If she’s as drunk as she looks, she shouldn’t be driving—”

“You think we should call the cops?”

“Well... I mean I wouldn’t want the guys to get in trouble either.”

“What’s to get in trouble for?  They’re in a bedroom.  That’s what a bedroom is there for.”

“I know but... maybe they should be more discreet?”

“I guess, but we probably aren’t the ones to talk....”

Before I could respond, I saw Jean-Jacques’s body start to convulse.  He was apparently cumming.  Ryan seemed to be loving the ride; he jacked himself off, faster and faster, till he busted himself.

I looked over at Chad.  Neither of us seemed in any shape to talk to a cop, at least not in person.  It was pretty obvious what we’d been doing: Chad had zipped up his pants, but his clothes were stained with jizz.  I’d made quite a few cum stains myself, and the whole car smelled of sperm.

Marcos pulled himself up, and he got on his knees.  Kyle kept his dick inside Marcos the while time, grabbed his hips, and started pounding him from behind.  Ryan went down on Marcos, while Jean-Jacques sat back and watched.

It only took a few seconds for Marcos to get off.  He made what looked like a scream—though we could only hear it muffled through the walls—and he unloaded in Ryan’s mouth.  Kyle pulled out of his ass, yanked off his condom, and gave himself a few strokes; then he shot ropes of cum across Marcos’s butt cheeks.

Finally all four of them lay down.  They seemed to be catching their breath.  Then Jean-Jacques reached up and turned off the lights, and they disappeared into the darkness.

I noticed Mrs. Turner had gone totally still.  From where I was sitting, she seemed to have passed out.  It looked like she’d missed the big climax—or climaxes plural.

“Let’s get out of here,” Chad said.

I nodded, and Chad turned the ignition.  As we pulled out of our spot, I tried to catch a good look at Mrs. Turner.  She was fast asleep, with her face against the window, and she was apparently drooling.  Her wine bottle was still visible, and her hand was still in her crotch.

I was still conflicted about reporting her to the cops, but to me, it came down to safety.  Even if Mrs. Turner never left her car, I knew she’d eventually wake up, and I assumed she’d try to drive home.  I didn’t want to risk that, so during our drive back, I did call the police.  I didn’t go into detail of course; I just told them I’d seen a drunk woman behind the wheel, and I left it there.  The dispatcher said she’d send someone out.  Chad and I never saw what happened after that.

With the holiday over, I assumed we’d go back to our routines.  But as it turned out, Chad’s father filed for divorce that same weekend.  Chad and I were there when Linda got served with the papers.  By that point she knew it was coming; after all, she’d originally wanted to initiate it herself.  Even so, it was still a sad moment, and it made their breakup feel very real.

In the days that followed, Linda was hardly ever home.  I don’t know if she was meeting with lawyers or what, but it was just as well.  As much as Chad wanted to be supportive, he also didn’t want to get caught in the middle of their problems.  He also didn’t want to sit around and mope, so he basically buried himself in work.  He stayed at the office even longer than before, and he volunteered for every project he could.  This seemed to win him a lot of points with his boss, which went a long way toward making him feel appreciated.  At the same time, I didn’t like seeing my man under stress.

At one point I suggested canceling our plans with Jean-Jacques.  Under the circumstances, I wasn’t sure it was the time to do something that frivolous.  But Chad told me he still wanted to go.  He needed to get his mind off things, and going to Flynn’s show seemed an ideal way to do it.

The Cockpit turned out to be a nondescript building on a sketchy-looking street.  Its vibe was totally different from Thaxter’s.  There seemed to be no queeny guys in sight, and definitely no drag shows or anything like that.  On the contrary, the place seemed to cater to military guys, so it was full of buzz cuts, square jaws, well-toned bodies, and such.

Jean-Jacques apparently knew the people who worked there.  He got us seats right in front of the stage.  We did have time before the show started, so the three of us just chatted for a while.

“By the way,” Jean-Jacques said, “I like those friends of yours.  Ryan and Marcos?”

“Oh yeah?”

“Kyle and I hooked up with them after.”

I wasn’t sure whether to admit I already knew.  But then I figured I had nothing to lose.  “We saw.”

“You did?”

“As we were leaving.”

Jean-Jacques shrugged.  “Well then,” he said without batting an eye, “I hope you enjoyed the show.”

Chad didn’t say a word.  I could tell he was on pins and needles, and I could only hope he was excited in a good way.  After all, Chad been a fan of Flynn’s for years, having watched his porn since high school.  I was pretty sure Flynn’s stuff had helped Chad realize he liked dudes.  I knew it had to be a weird feeling for Chad, knowing he was about to see this guy in the flesh.

Finally the lights went down, and a cheer went up from the crowd.  A spotlight turned on in the back, and we saw Flynn silhouetted against a sheet.  He made a big show of holding a microphone to his mouth.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked in his familiar baritone voice.

Chad started clapping, and a bunch of others did too.

“I can’t hear you....”

The crowd cheered louder and louder.  A couple guys whistled, and a few others yelled across the room.

“Are you sure?”

Flynn sure knew how to tease his audience.  The room seemed to be going crazy.  Chad’s eyes were as wide as saucers; he seemed to be frozen in anticipation.

“All right boys....”

Flynn’s leg appeared from behind the curtain.  I recognized his trademark tattoo on his ankle.  As the music kept playing, his arms appeared and wrapped around the curtain.  Finally Flynn threw the curtain aside, and his whole body came into view.

Flynn wasn’t bothering with silly costumes, fog, or any of that stuff.  He just danced out on stage in a tank top and tighty-whities.  He almost looked like he was dancing in his bedroom or something.  A single chair was sitting in the middle of the stage; he circled around it, waving his butt at his fans.

I looked over at Chad.  He seemed almost mesmerized by the sight.  I don’t think he realized how hard his dick was straining against his pants.

Flynn made his way along the edge of the stage, waving at the audience, blowing kisses at a few people.  He gestured toward the chair, inviting someone to sit in it, and a bunch of volunteers yelled out.  Then, to my surprise, he looked over at us.

“Holy shit,” I said without thinking.  Before I could say anything else, Flynn winked at Jean-Jacques, and then he motioned for Chad to come over.

“M-me?” seemed to be all Chad could say.

“It’s okay, I don’t bite!”

Chad didn’t need to be told twice.  He didn’t bother with the stairs; he just climbed onstage and jumped in the chair.

I looked over at Jean-Jacques.  I wanted to ask him: was this your doing?  After all, he’d been known to work as Flynn’s photographer, and he seemed to like me and Chad.  But Jean-Jacques just shrugged.

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“Now enjoy,” Flynn said to Chad.  He positioned his body right over Chad’s crotch, the music picked up, and he launched into a lap dance.

I suddenly realized my mouth was hanging open.  I couldn’t stop thinking how Chad had lusted over Flynn’s cock and balls for so long, and now they were literally right within his reach.  I felt a pang of jealousy, but I forced myself to ignore it.  I knew for Chad this was a fantasy come true.

Flynn never actually touched Chad, but he came pretty close, which kept driving Chad wild.  Chad seemed to want to leap from his chair, but he didn’t move a muscle.  He was clearly getting hornier by the second.

Flynn stepped back, whipped off his tank top, and twirled it around his head.  Then he tossed it into the audience, where a bunch of guys jumped to catch it.  Now Flynn was mostly naked, except for his tighty-whiteys.  He ran his hands across his chest, and he gyrated his body with the music.

Chad’s boner was obvious by now; his pants had turned into a tent, right in front of everyone, though he didn’t acknowledge it.  I thought I saw a spot of pre-cum, though it was hard to be sure in that lighting.  A bunch of cheers rang out from the audience, wanting to see more.

Flynn danced over to the edge of the stage.  He swiveled his hips around, teasing the catcallers, and he bobbed his head back and forth.  Then he yanked on his underwear, which came right off in his hand.  The crowd let out a cheer—and so did Chad—as Flynn’s famous cock and balls bounced into view.  Flynn was semi-hard at that moment, though I could tell he wouldn’t stay that way for long.

Chad was practically drooling.  Then Flynn bent down in front of him, exposing his pucker.  Chad’s eyes zeroed in on that boyhole, as if he couldn’t look away.  After all, it was the same hole Chad loved to watch getting fucked.

“Looks like your man’s enjoying yourself,” Jean-Jacques said.

I didn’t disagree, but I wasn’t sure how to respond.  To be honest, I was almost in a trance myself.  I hadn’t forgotten all the times Chad and I had gotten off to Flynn, in some form or another, so it was surreal to see Flynn’s anatomy up close and personal.  Not that I was complaining of course, and neither was Chad....

Flynn started dancing in circles, exposing every part of himself to every part of the club.  Cheers rang out from every direction.  The music kept building, and Flynn’s gyrations got more and more exaggerated, basically sexier and sexier.  His dick was visibly getting harder and harder.  Finally he got to the big finish, and he struck a pose at the front of the stage.  Finally the crowd went crazy while Flynn’s whole body froze in place.

Jean-Jacques started clapping, and I suddenly realized I needed to clap too.  Chad didn’t seem to how how to react; after all, he was technically part of the show.  But after a few seconds, Chad did start applauding.

Flynn turned around, in all his naked glory, and he bowed in front of Chad.  Then he took Chad’s arm, held it up, and motioned for the audience to give Chad a hand.

“See?” Jean-Jacques asked.  “I knew you guys would make for good performers.”

I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but the applause would’ve drowned it out anyway.  By the time the club quieted down, Flynn had retreated offstage, while Chad was stumbling toward us.

“Holy shit,” seemed to be all Chad could say.

“How’d you like that?” Jean-Jacques asked.

“I....”  Chad’s voice trailed off for a moment.  Then he swallowed.  “Holy shit,” he said again.

I could tell Chad’s hormones were surging.  He was trying not to let on, but he was crazy horny, basically dying for sex.  I knew it wouldn’t be enough for us to jack off in the car.  We’d need to fuck our brains out the second we got to our bedroom—if we even made it that far.

“Do you still want to go backstage?” Jean-Jacques asked.

Chad and I just looked at each other.  I’d completely forgotten that Jean-Jacques had offered to introduce us.  Come to think of it, I wasn’t sure if we should, at least under those circumstances—

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Chad said.  “That’d be awesome.”

I tried to signal him as discreetly as I could.  Are you sure? was what I wanted to ask.  Then again, I wasn’t about to give him a hard time, considering all the shit he was going through.  If Chad was up for it, I thought, we might as well do it.

Jean-Jacques took us through a door marked “Employees Only,” then took us past a bunch of back areas.  Jean-Jacques stopped in front of a door marked “Green Room,” and he knocked.

“Who is it?” came Flynn’s voice.

“It’s me,” Jean-Jacques said.

“Oh cool.  Come on in.”

Jean-Jacques opened the door, and we stepped inside.  Flynn was standing there in his bathrobe.  He was in an older dressing room lined with mirrors, and he was just setting down his hairbrush.

“This is Chad,” Jean-Jacques said, “and Scott.”

“Hey guys!”

Chad didn’t seem to know how to react.  “Uh....”

“Great job out there tonight.  That crowd seemed to love it.”

Chad’s eyebrows went up at the sound of his idol complimenting him.  “Well,” he said, “I mean I wasn’t expecting to do that....”

“Most guys aren’t, which is part of the fun.  The more you look like a deer in the headlights, the hotter it is.  And I mean that in a good way.”

“I-I guess when you put it like that—”

“So how do you know Jean-Jacques?”

“From Thaxter’s,” I said.

“Is that the place in Hillcrest?”


“I’ve heard of it,” Flynn said.  “I’ve never actually been.”

“If you wanted to perform there too, you could—”

“Do you guys want something to drink?” Flynn asked.

Chad and I looked at each other.  “I’m good,” I said.

“Well, make yourselves comfortable.”  He pointed to a cheap couch.

“Is Vince here?” Chad asked.

“Oh no,” Flynn said.  “We’re not together anymore.  We still do scenes and stuff... but it’s hard to stay a couple when you’re getting to paid to fuck other people.”

I nodded.  I couldn’t argue with that.

“I’ll see him tomorrow though.  In Dallas.”

“Dallas?” Chad asked.  “Isn’t that where—”

“That’s where I got arrested.  I mean, it was years ago, but the studio’s publicity people still talk about it.  Not that I’m complaining.  It’s good for business, and now I guess it’s part of my image.”

“What happened?”

“I mean, the basics of the story are true.  I was hooking up with guys at the airport.  If you grew up in the closet like I did, especially in a place like Texas, those airport bathrooms are like shooting fish in a barrel.  To be honest, I didn’t know how to get dick anywhere else.”


“So yeah, I got arrested for lewd behavior.  The studio makes it sound like it was all over the news, like my dad was the mayor of Dallas.  Actually he was just the mayor of Euless, which is a boring little suburb.  People there did get pissed: the town was pretty old-school, so they didn’t like knowing the mayor’s son was gay.  They almost made my dad quit his job, but he got through it.  And hey: it got me a career in porn.”

Jean-Jacques chuckled.  “Speaking of getting arrested,” he said, “did I tell you about the woman at the party?”

“What party?” Flynn asked.

“Our Fourth of July party.  You wouldn’t have been believed her: she was trying to get in, and she was yelling and screaming—”

“Oh jeez—”

“She got arrested too.”

“Really?” Chad asked.

“Really,” Jean-Jacques said.  “We all woke up to flashing lights.  The police handcuffed her and everything.”

Chad and I looked at each other.  “Woah,” Chad said.

“It sounds like she had it coming,” Flynn said.  “That’s karma for you.”

“I can beat that,” I said.  “We saw a homophobe get sprayed by a skunk once.  Chad even got it on camera.”

“Are you serious?” Flynn asked.

“Totally,” I said, and I gestured to Chad.  “Go ahead, show him.”

Chad pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his video clips.  “It was actually really funny....”

“Wait a minute,” Flynn said.  “What’s that?”

Chad’s eyes opened wide, and he froze.  At first I didn’t know what had happened.  But then I looked more closely, and I caught a glimpse of something else on Chad’s phone.  The thumbnail image showed me and Chad naked.  It was from the sex tape we’d made.

“Th-that’s nothing—”

“That doesn’t look like nothing,” Flynn said.  “That looks hot.”

“Wait a minute,” Jean-Jacques said.  “You never told me about this.”

“I mean... it’s not supposed to be for public consumption—”

“Okay,” Flynn said, “then tell me: how many videos have you watched of me?”

Chad blinked.  He was clearly trying to get his bearings.  “Well... a few....”

“I bet it’s more than a few,” Flynn said.  He licked his lips and smiled.  “How many times have you gotten off to my stuff?”

“I-I... well, I didn’t exactly keep count....”

“Uh-huh,” Flynn said.  “That’s what I thought.  So why can’t I see a video of you?”

Chad looked at me, wanting to know how to respond.  I was caught off guard myself, but at the same time, I had to admit we had nothing to lose.  After all, Flynn had already seen the thumbnail, and it was true we’d watched him have sex more times than we could count.  As for Jean-Jacques, we’d full-on watched him in person, so I couldn’t help thinking fair was fair.

“Okay,” Chad said.  “If you say so....”

Flynn tapped Chad’s phone, and the clip started playing.  It was the part where we were making out in bed, fully clothed, till Chad slid his hand in my pants.

“I want your cock so bad,” he said in the video.

“Hell yeah,” was my response.

“I mean it.... You’re gonna need to pound me so hard....”

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment.  I’d completely forgotten how we’d talked dirty in the tape.  I felt incredibly self-conscious, especially since Flynn was a professional, so he could do this a lot better than we could.

Flynn didn’t seem to complain.  “That’s what I’m talking about,” he said as he watched.

Onscreen, my dick came into view.  “Are you sure you can take it?” I asked Chad.

“Hell yeah.  I’m so fucking horny right now... I’m dying to get that inside me....”

“Maybe I should make you wait.  You know, just for fun....”

“That’s right,” Flynn said as he touched himself though his bathrobe.  “Make him beg for it....”

“You fucking tease!” Chad said in the video.

“That’s the idea.”

Flynn never took his eyes from the screen.  “Oh yeah,” he said.  “Keep going boys....”

I tried to gauge where this was going.  Jean-Jacques also seemed glued to Chad’s phone.  Chad was clearly as nervous as I was; he looked right back at me, but he didn’t say a word.

Flynn reached into his bathrobe and started openly stroking his cock.  Jean-Jacques barely even blinked at the sight.  After all, it was Flynn’s job to get off in front of people.  It was just weird to see him jacking off to our video, instead of us jacking off to his.

Flynn watched the part where I stripped off Chad’s clothes and started sucking his cock.  Flynn glanced over at the real Chad, then looked back at the screen.  Then he licked his lips, as if he wanted to taste my man’s dick for himself.

We all stayed silent for a minute, till the onscreen Chad was practically dying.  “My hole is so ready to get fucked,” he said.  “I don’t know how much longer I can wait....”

“You tell him,” Flynn said.  He gave his cock a long sensual stroke.  “Let him know how bad you want his dick.”

The onscreen Chad did as he was told.  “Make me your bitch,” he said.  “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

I watched myself take my mouth off Chad’s cock.  “I never knew you’d be so demanding.”

“Dude,” he said, “you know I’ve been waiting days to get fucked.  I can’t tell you how bad I need it right now.”

“Holy shit,” Flynn said.  “That’s fucking hot.”  Then he took Chad’s phone in his hands, and he skipped through the rest of our foreplay.  He resumed the video when I started reaming Chad’s ass.

“Fuck me faster,” Chad was saying.  “As deep as you can.”

Flynn went back to stroking his cock while he watched me pound away.  By now Chad and I had boners of our own—in real life that is—and so did Jean-Jacques.  I could tell Chad wanted to jack off too, though he didn’t have the nerve.

“Just like that,” the onscreen Chad said between thrusts, “except harder.  Fucking wreck my ass.”

“That’s it,” Flynn said as he whipped off his bathrobe and threw it to the side.  He plopped down naked on the couch, with his raging boner pointing right up, and he motioned to me and Chad.  “C’mere.  Both of you.”

“I... say what?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean.  I want to fuck you.”

“I....”  Chad looked over at me, then looked back at Flynn.  “Are you serious?”

“Hell yeah,” Flynn said.  “You two are fucking hot.”

I could tell Chad wanted it.  His hormones were practically seeping out of his pores.  Not to mention how I knew his sexual tastes as well as anyone—just like he knew mine—and this seemed to be up both of our alleys.  I couldn’t help thinking of what Thaxter had said: enjoy that while it lasts... your bodies won’t stay in that shape forever....  Then there was what Marcos had said about Ryan: I’m not jealous... I just want this dude to get what he likes.  Even if he gets it from somebody else....

I took a deep breath as I gathered up my nerve.  I felt like this was a moment of truth.  Then I leaned over and whispered in Chad’s ear.  “If you want to do it,” I said, “we can.”

“I... what?”

I nodded.  “I trust you.”

“What are you waiting for?” Flynn asked.

Chad looked back and forth a few times.  I could almost see his mind at work.  Then he started shaking his head.


“Listen,” Chad said, “I do need to get fucked right now.  More than anything.”  He wrapped his arms around me.  “And I want this guy to be the one to do it.”

This was a twist I hadn’t expected.  My first thought was that I wasn’t sure he was serious.

“What are you saying?” Flynn asked.  “Aren’t you into me?”

“In porn, yeah, you’re fucking awesome,” Chad said.  “When I was in the closet... I mean, I would’ve given anything for that dick.  And you have no idea how hard you’ve made me cum.”

“Well yeah,” Flynn said.  “That’s the idea.”

Chad nodded.  “Okay... so maybe tonight I return the favor.”  He paused for a moment.  “If you really think I’m that hot... maybe you should be the one who’s getting off to me.”

“You mean you just want me to watch?”

“Yeah, why not?”

Flynn looked at me, then at Jean-Jacques, then back at Chad.  “I’ve never heard anyone say that before.”

I was so flattered that I didn’t know what to do next.  Did Chad really want me that bad?  At least compared to Flynn?

“Are you sure about this?” Flynn asked.  “What if I just join in?”

Chad tightened his grip on my body.  “This boy’s the only one I want,” he replied.

By then, I was practically dying.  All I could think was how much I loved this man.  Chad made me feel so much more than anyone else I’d ever met.

The next thing I knew, my lips were locked against his.  His masculine jaw and bristly beard pressed against my cheek, while his tasty warm tongue ran in circles around mine.  I felt his hand slide under my shirt.  My own hands were practically on autopilot: I opened his fly without thinking about it, and I yanked down his shorts.

It only took a few seconds for us both to get naked.  Chad’s dick was dripping pre-cum, and it seemed almost ready to explode.  I didn’t want him to get off too fast, so I went out of my way not to touch it.

Flynn offered up a stash of condoms, lube, and even a few toys.  The only thing I took was the lube.  Beyond that, Chad’s body offered all the features I needed.

There wasn’t enough room on the couch, so Chad lay down on the floor, and he eagerly spread his legs.  I got into position, and I looked right into his eyes, which were just inches away.  Chad looked right back.

“I love you so much,” he whispered as my dick touched his hole.

“I love you too,” I whispered back.  “More than anything.”  Then I made my way inside.

“Holy fuck,” Flynn said as he went back to stroking his cock.

I could barely see Jean-Jacques from the corner of my eye.  He seemed to be enjoying the show.  At first he just massaged his dick through his pants, but then he pulled it out.

I started making out with Chad, and our surroundings turned into a blur.  I felt Chad’s breath against my face, and I smelled the distinctive odor of his skin.  My tongue explored his teeth and his palate, while my cock explored the other end of his body.

“That is one tight fucking ass,” Flynn said.  “I bet it feels so good to be in there....”

“Mm-hm,” was all I could say.  I never interrupted our kiss, and I didn’t break my rhythm.  Chad ran his hands up and down my back, and he let out a few soft groans as I fucked him.

Jean-Jacques must’ve stripped down too, because the next time I looked up, he was naked too.  I caught a glimpse of him sitting on the couch, next to Flynn, while they jacked off side-by-side.

“Oh baby,” Chad said between kisses.

“Yeah,” Flynn said, “tell us how much you like getting fucked.”

“I fucking love it....”

“You’re sure you’re enjoying that dick up your ass?”

Chad was moaning so hard that he could barely answer.  “Fuck,” he said, “it’s incredible....”  Then he closed his eyes, and he let me pound away.

My own sensations felt incredible too.  My whole body was tingling, and my heart was pounding.  I had to force myself not to cum.  I kept trying to think of something else, but all I could think was how mind-blowing it was to make love to my man.

“Oh shit,” Chad gasped.  “That dick was made for my hole....”

“Are you sure?” Flynn asked.  “You’ve got an awesome dick yourself....”

Chad shook his head.  He clutched my body, then forced himself to form words.  “Not as awesome as this....”

I felt a surge of adrenaline.  Chad’s compliments made me feel like the world’s biggest stud.  Except as far as I was concerned, the world’s biggest stud was the one taking my cock.

“Fuck,” Flynn said.  He took his hand off his crotch, and he leaned back on the couch.  “You guys are gonna make me cum....”

“Why don’t you?” Jean-Jacques asked.

“Not yet,” Flynn said.  “First I think that dick needs some action.”


Flynn pointed to Chad’s cock, which still hadn’t been touched.  “I bet you’re an awesome fucking top....”

I was about to go over the edge, and I was tempted to do it, but I resisted the urge.  I slowed down my thrusts, then finally stopped, and I gave Chad another kiss.

“Come on,” Flynn said.  “I need a good fuck of my own.”

Chad and I exchanged another glance.  Neither of us said a word.

“Here,” Flynn said as he handed Chad the lube.

Chad looked at me one more time.  Then he took the lube in his hands, poured a few drops on his fingers, and rubbed them on his cock.

I pulled out of Chad’s ass.  I wasn’t sure about this, but I was willing to do whatever he wanted.

“C’mere,” Chad said to me.

“You mean—”

“With an ass like that,” he said, “why would I want anything else?”

“Now wait,” Flynn said.

“Dude,” Chad said as he pointed to Jean-Jacques, “if you need a dick, you’ve got one right beside you.”  He turned to me.  “What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and ride me.”

I couldn’t argue with that.  I climbed on top of Chad’s body, and I took his dick in my hand.  Then I aimed it at my pucker, and I lowered my body onto his.

“Fuck,” Flynn said, “lucky bastard....”

I started bucking my body back and forth.  Chad matched my rhythm, the same way he always did, as his warm hard cock slid in and out of me.

“That dick must feel so good....”

“Yeah,” was all I could say.

“I bet it feels really thick,” Jean-Jacques said.

“And meaty,” Flynn said.

I just nodded.  I was breathing too hard to say anything else.

“It must feel great to have that open you up....”

I was so into the sex that I barely realized what was happening.  A porn star was fantasizing about my man.  And he was lamenting that he couldn’t have him.

“Fuck it,” Flynn said as he grabbed the lube.  He dabbed some on his hole, then greased up Jean-Jacques’s shaft.  Then he squatted over Jean-Jacques, and without another word, he took the man’s cock in his ass.

“Help yourself,” Jean-Jacques said as he started thrusting.

I felt Chad’s dick get perilously close to my prostate.  The sensation was great—I fucking loved getting reamed like that—but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last.

“Is this what it feels like?” Flynn asked between gasps.  He was riding Jean-Jacques in a lap dance position.  It looked an awful lot like the lap dance he’d done onstage.

Chad pulled my body toward his, and we went back to making out.  I couldn’t help thinking how fucking lucky I was.  I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve this dude.  Yet here I was, with my lips against his, and I was the one with his penis inside me.

Chad rolled us over so that I was on my back.  I wrapped my legs around him, and he started doing me missionary.  I could tell his breaths were getting deeper and deeper.

“Do you wanna see me cum?” he asked Flynn.

“Oh fuck,” was Flynn’s only response.

Chad’s muscles started to tense up, and he pounded me faster and faster.  Then, at the very last moment, he yanked his dick from my ass.  I almost wanted to protest, but just then, I felt a warm jet on my hole.  Then I felt another, then another.  I could tell my pucker was getting covered in cum.  Chad’s cum.  His most basic essence.  His juices.  His DNA.  Something Flynn would never get.

“O-o-o-o-o-oh yeah!” Flynn yelled as he started cumming himself.  He didn’t even try to aim; he just shot straight in the air.  Some of his jizz went on his chest, and some of it landed on the couch.  The rest of it mostly splattered in his pubes.

Jean-Jacques pulled out of Flynn, and he finished himself off.  It only took him a few seconds till he grunted and busted.

By now I was the only one who hadn’t cum.  Chad positioned his face by my crotch.  “You know what I want you to do,” he said.

“Hell yeah,” I replied.  I got on my knees, and Chad played with my balls while I pounded my shaft.  My freshly-fucked hole tightened up, while more waves of pleasure rolled through me.  Then my orgasm hit, and I blew my load in Chad’s face.

The first rope hit him in the forehead.  The second grazed his cheek.  Then another one went on his nose and mouth, and a few little drops went every which way.

“Fuck,” I said as I felt my muscles relax.

Chad stayed still for a moment, and he let my cum drip across his face.  Then, when it was clear I was finished, he licked his lips and brought some of the globs to his mouth.  “Damn that tastes good....”

“That was incredible,” Flynn said.  “You guys could do this for a living.”

Chad shook his head.  “No,” he said.

“I’m serious.  With that video you made—”

“Not a chance,” Chad said.  “I’m all for having fun, but I would never risk fucking this up.  Or worse yet, letting it go.”  He put his hand on my torso.  “Now that you’ve seen this hunk in action... I think you know why.”

To be continued....

Written by briacon429
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