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The Explorers--Chapter 4

"Nineteen-year-olds Sally and Peter discover love and beauty and the excitement of sexual adventures...."

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Author's Notes

"This story continues with more chapters. Sorry that Chapter 4 took a little long to get out. I hope you enjoy! Feedback always welcome!"

CHAPTER FOUR—Daffodils and Adventures

Sally woke up hearing the birds singing outside her window. She took a shower, put on hot water for coffee, and watered her plants. She sat down in front of the window when her coffee was ready and gazed out at what looked to be a beautiful spring day. She remembered, cheerfully, that it was a drawing class day. She also knew that she had plans to meet Barbara and a couple of other friends at the diner for breakfast in about twenty minutes.

As she walked through her front doorway to the outside, she noticed the smell and touch on her face of the cool, humid morning air. The sun would be heating things up soon, though. She glanced over to a flower bed managed by the real estate company at the side of the front stoop and noticed that the daffodils there were up. Too intertwined, close together and tied up, they hadn’t bloomed last year. She wondered about this year.

She walked quickly down to the diner five blocks away, with her book bag slung over her shoulder. The 1950s-style diner was set back from the road, with a parking lot in front which was already full. As she crossed the lot, she saw through the large front windows that Barbara and Gennie were already sitting at a table. She waved to Laura, who was also heading across the lot towards the front steps of the diner. Sally and Laura sat down with the others, exchanging “good mornings.” Barbara looked like she was still waking up and Laura seemed most interested in a coffee as well. Gennie looked down at her menu. The waiter, a handsome young man, came up to take their orders. After he left, both Barbara and Laura made remarks and made Sally laugh. They chatted on about nothing important.

After their orders came, Sally and Barbara could see that Gennie was not sleepy— instead, she looked down in the dumps.

“What’s up, girl?” Barbara asked.

“Ruddy dumped me,” she let out, unable to stop a few tears from welling up in her eyes. Gennie was a quiet, introverted young woman. A month or so ago, she had become close friends with a senior named Ruddy, who they all thought was a good guy. Sally knew they had been sleeping together. Gennie had been so happy the last time she had seen her, talking enthusiastically about the fun times they’d had.

“What?!” Barbara blurted out. They all listened as Gennie explained. It seemed that Ruddy had not been around at all during the last week, and hadn’t even called her. Yesterday evening, she had gone looking for him, and found him leaving the gym. They had had a long talk. The upshot of it was that Ruddy didn’t think that she was the right girl for him. She was totally surprised and upset—she hadn’t seen this coming at all— she’d thought everything was fine.

“Has he been seeing someone else?” Laura asked. Gennie replied that it didn’t seem so. She didn’t understand.

They all felt hurt. It seemed so unfair. The mood at the table dampened and they fell to finishing their breakfasts. Barbara told Gennie that things would look up in due course. Laura and Gennie made plans to talk more after morning classes. They paid their checks and headed out for the day, with Laura, Barbara and Sally each a bit more somber than when they had come in.

As Sally walked to the art building for her advanced sculpture class, she thought in an abstract way that she had not known much misfortune in her life. Had she just been lucky?

The lecture at sculpture class took her mind happily into another world and as she left class, she had that bounce in her step again. She headed home for some chores, a little studying, and some lunch. She talked to an old friend in Kansas City on the phone who happened to call.

As she walked back to the art building for drawing class, she looked forward to seeing Peter, but she also wondered what kind of spirits he would be in. What had he really thought of yesterday? She realized a bit anxiously that she had no idea, other than the nice remark he had made as he had left.

She was early once again. She waited to watch him come in. He was coming, wasn’t he? Finally, he walked through the doorway. But he shuffled over to his desk and sat down without looking at her. He didn’t look back.

“Oh my gosh!” she thought to herself with dismay. Something was wrong. It seemed similar to that other day in class when he avoided her. Her stomach was tied in knots all through the lesson. She had acted like a fool yesterday and now Peter didn’t want anything to do with her. How could she have behaved so weird? She felt her face flush. She felt like she wanted to cry—which was something she didn’t do often. Rats!

But she was wrong. After class, Peter walked back to her desk with a smile on his face.

“How are you today?” he asked merrily. She greeted him back with one the warmest smiles he had seen from her, telling him how glad she was to see him in front of her.

“Just fine!” she replied as she stood up, still looking at him. She felt like giving him a hug, but didn’t. They decided to buy some cold drinks before Peter needed to leave for swim practice. They didn’t talk about the day before. Peter noticed that now-familiar bounce in Sally’s step. She looked so fresh and cheerful. Peter told her a story about a silly escapade he had in high school which made her laugh hard. He loved watching her laugh!

Peter told her he would be swimming in another meet this Saturday. It would be at home.

“Are spectators allowed?” Sally asked. He tilted his head and nodded.

“Can I come?” she asked, impulsively.

“Sure!” he replied enthusiastically. He told her it would start at nine and where to go. He told her what races he would be in. They also agreed it would be fun to meet up afterwards at the rec pool.

As they said goodbye, Sally instinctively put her arm around Peter's waist, pulling him close to her. His arm naturally fit over her shoulder, which he gave a squeeze with his hand as he told her he’d look forward to seeing her Saturday.


Peter was happy as he walked into the pool building. He had felt flustered and somehow uncomfortable when he had left Sally’s the day before, thinking in a vague way that he had somehow made a mess of things. Her bright look after class had changed that. He had a good practice and Coach Tunney even remarked that he seemed more inspired.

As he woke up Saturday and got ready for his meet, he thought of seeing Sally. Hopefully, she would come, otherwise, he would be very disappointed! But when he came out of the locker room with the other guys he saw her in the stands. She waved brightly to him. What a girl! he thought to himself. While some of the other guys had friends routing for them sometimes, this was new for him. He felt a little self-conscious but happy and excited.

Sally watched Peter closely most of the time, even though it was a long meet— about two and a half hours. She smiled at the “Peterish” way he walked around the pool, hints of which somehow remained even as he stood at the starting block for his first race. He swam gracefully, but also powerfully. He won second prize twice and she cheered mightily both times, making him laugh from afar. They had no chance to talk during the meet. When it was over, Sally walked down to the women’s locker room to change into her bathing suit and meet up with Peter at the rec pool. She was looking forward to teasing him about how he had almost fallen in the pool at one point because he had not been paying attention to where he was going.

The women’s locker room was empty, as it was still quite early for recreational swimmers and only the men had a meet that day, apparently. When she had taken off her clothes, she stood in front of the locker naked for an extra moment. She could feel alertness in her body. She ran her hands over her breasts, feeling her nipples, and noticing how good it felt to be touched there. She sighed, put on her bathing suit, and walked out to the rec pool.

Peter had not come out yet. She selected a good spot with two chairs. Looking up to the sky through the glass-paneled ceiling, she noticed it was overcast and decided not to use any sun tan lotion.

She didn’t wait long. Peter came bounding up, grinning. They laughed and carried on, especially as Sally teased him. When they had calmed down, Peter told her about the Olympic pool where they did their practices. He stood next to her as she leaned against the table, pointing out various things. As he talked, Sally glanced at his bare chest and tummy, which she had enjoyed touching the other day. She particularly noticed his tight Speedo swim-meet trunks. Sally looked at how his tight trunks were filled up with a big bundle in front. She saw the contours of a lump there which she guessed must be the tip of his 'boyhood.' The blonde wisps of hair on his tummy followed down directly into the exciting bundle in his Speedo. She had never seen such bold indications of this sexy part of him before, or, for that matter, so close up on any guy. This caused excitement, but she didn’t want to stare, and she looked up at his face while he continued to talk.

They went to get some cold drinks. While they stood in line, Sally, always on the lookout for ideas for her sculpture project, studied Peter’s now familiar bare back again. She glanced further down, also noticing how his tight Speedo revealed the shape of his rear end. He had small, rounded, and appealing buns. She also noticed that, different from her, his hips basically had no shape—his waist ran straight down through to his legs. But she felt embarrassed to be secretly checking him out once again and joined him at the counter.

They went for a swim and horsed around in the water. They sat at the rim of the pool and talked. They went back to their chairs and reclined for a while. It was getting on in the day but they fell silent and content to just enjoy the warmth of the sun through the clouds. Sally lay back and closed her eyes—she especially liked to lie lazily in the sun.

Peter drank from his Coke. He watched Sally as she lay there. Her face looked so peaceful—she looked like she might even be asleep. Her lovely full lips were slightly parted. He thought excitedly of how those beautiful lips had so tenderly kissed him earlier this week. He studied her feminine neck and delicate collarbones. He noticed the blonde, light hair on her arms. He saw how the soft-looking skin of her side under her arms became the fleshy round little mounds of her breasts and how her breasts gently rose and fell as she breathed. Her nipples pressed faintly against her bikini top. Her tummy looked cute and girlish with the little bit of baby fat she had there. He noticed how the downward curve of the top of her bikini bottoms revealed a naked flatness well below her belly button and he watched how her hips created the hints of two lines which disappeared into the triangle of her bikini bottom. Her blue bikini bottoms rose up gently, covering a little hill underneath. Similar to Sally’s lack of experience, Peter had never observed these parts of any girl close up, in real life, even if under a bathing suit. With the inevitable consequence of action in his Speedo, he got up for a visit to the men’s room, carrying his towel discretely in front.

When he got back, Sally was sitting on the edge of her chair, collecting her things. They agreed that they’d try for a bike ride tomorrow afternoon if the weather was nice. Peter told Sally how to find his dorm and they arranged to meet up in front.

Sunday was still a largely overcast day, but the sun did find ways through the clouds at times. It also was warmer. As Sally set forth in the morning for the library, she was especially pleased to notice that the daffodils in front were blooming. She laughed out loud.

Peter was waiting for her at his dorm later at the appointed hour. He watched Sally as she rode up, smiling. Sally wore a halter top and pair of shorts. She looked ready for spring to turn into summer. Peter once again admired how charming she looked, and the attractive lines of her girlish figure. He called out as she pulled up on her bike.

“You look great this morning, Miss Sally!”

“Flattery so early?” she replied. But she was pleased by his remark and smiled back.

They went for a long ride, talking energetically at times, but also having some quiet time, just riding together. The river was high now with water from the melting snow up north. They stopped at Brawley’s for an iced coffee on the way home. As they said goodbye out front afterwards, they exchanged a long, silent, close look. Sally looked closely at Peter’s face—his blondish eyebrows, his slightly freckled cheeks, and his gentle-looking lips. Peter felt overcome with a feeling of affection as he gazed back into Sally’s honest and revealing face. He lightly put his arms around her shoulders, pulled her close, and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. She hugged him around the waist, looked up at his face, and kissed him on the lips. Peter returned her kiss enthusiastically, parting her lovely full lips slightly, enjoying the taste of her mouth, and feeling her tongue lightly with his. It was so wonderful kissing her! Peter held her face in his hands and they exchanged happy, animated close looks silently. He kissed her again softly, and they said goodbye a little awkwardly. Sally got on her bike and rode off, looking back and waving.


Over the next week, Peter and Sally somehow seemed to find a variety of occasions to spend time together—talking after drawing class, or having coffee at Brawley’s. They walked into town and enjoyed a silly supper eating Chinese food while Peter told jokes. Each was getting to know more about the other, including the little quirks and mannerisms which make up a personality. They became more natural touching each other in little ways. This included an affectionate kiss once in a while, but also more passionate wet kisses a couple of times. Sally loved the soft, tender feeling of Peter’s lips against hers, and how he sometimes gently explored her mouth when he kissed her. Peter found that his “friend downstairs” continued to arise inconveniently at such times, but so far he had escaped any obvious embarrassment with Sally.

Peter also found his mind and imagination wandering more often when he was alone. He knew his own body fairly well and had often practiced straightforward means to let off steam. But lately had been somehow different—he found that he enjoyed wondering more explicitly about what it would be like to explore with a girl intimately. It was exciting to think about.

He had had no experience and actually no real foundation to build his imagination on. He had never seen a woman without clothes before. Sure, he had looked at pictures in various magazines and had some ideas from them. But he found those pictures generally unattractive and sometimes bordering on the grotesque. So the images that often were drawn up in his new daydreaming were somehow mixtures of his clear memories of Sally in her bathing suit and vague images drawn from pictures and pop art. However he definitely did not want to allow any fantasizing specifically about Sally—this he found crude and unworthy of the visions he wanted to keep of her.

During that week, Peter had a unique experience. It was late and he was dreamily trying to sleep. He had visions in his mind of a young woman in a bathing suit. As he focused on the image, he was sure that she had brown hair, and was darkly tan, unlike Sally. He imagined gently running his fingers over her lips, arms, and sides. He put his hand lightly on her tummy. He lightly touched around her navel, and below, near the top of her bikini bottoms. He felt himself hardening.

Peter tried a different approach than usual. Other times, he moved quickly to please himself—aiming to reach the conclusion basically as fast as possible. This time, he teased himself only lightly, taking the time to notice how electric this felt.

He let his imagination continue. He gently fondled the young women’s breasts. He imagined that her bathing suit top was removed, but the image of the lady’s nakedness was unclear. They were just modest, unlike what he'd seen in some magazines He imagined playing with his fingertips along the top of the curve of the girl's bikini bottoms, and then lightly touching the rounded hill of her triangle. As his urgency increased, he imagined gently removing the bikini bottoms, yielding an imagination of a soft, pretty spot, fuzzy with pubic hair. In his fantasy, his fingers moved on to lightly rub this beautiful area....and then he came. His hands had continued playing, gently, but insistently, and increasingly up and down. He came, not in a fury of speed and hard work, but in a gentle, full way. This was marvelous!


The weekend approached and Peter was going out of town for another swim meet. Sally spent much of the weekend alone, although she did meet up with a bunch of friends on Saturday night. She was largely busy with schoolwork. On Sunday, she also went for a long walk, down the path towards the river.

As she walked along, Sally thought of how nice it had been the last two weeks spending time with Peter. This new entrance into her life was very welcome and it was now important to her—time with Peter, or even thinking about him, was now one of the high points of her day. She smiled as she thought of his smile, his blonde hair tousled by the wind, and his enthusiastic walk when he was in good spirits.

The greater alertness in her body, and her interest in sexual things, especially certain bundles and lumps, also was exciting. She continued her daydreams. She had gone through her little book more than once. She found she was more easily aroused. She found she had a certain yearning. Where was all that headed?

As she walked, she revisited her earlier conclusion that it may not be best to mix her growing sexual interest and her interest in Peter. She clearly did not want to do anything that might jeopardize their growing affectionate friendship. She remembered that awful feeling at her apartment previously when she had thought that her loss of self-restraint might have totally freaked him out. But she also longed for the intimate and flushed excitement and sparks generated the same afternoon. That was now some two and a half weeks ago. She had thought of asking Peter to come by to help her again in her efforts to perfect her sculpture project. The thought of touching Peter like before was so thrilling! True, her project was actually coming along quite well, and, although Peter might be somewhat helpful, she probably didn’t really need much more help figuring it out. Was her desire to ask Peter for help just a ruse to create a situation where opportunities might develop? Was she seeking to manipulate him, or what? She really, really liked this boy! Weird behavior was unacceptable!

She turned around in the middle of the trail and began to head back to campus. She concluded that she might make some mild suggestion about possible assistance on her sculpture project a second time if the subject came up. She did still need some help capturing movement. But she also resolved to be fully and totally honest with him at all times.

The subject did come up, after drawing class on Tuesday. Peter asked her how her sculpture project was coming along.

“OK, I guess,” she replied. “Interested in doing another pose or two?” she asked him directly, but also in a light tone, which didn’t require too serious of an answer.

“Sure. I could do that,” he said simply. Sally felt adrenaline run. Well, it never hurts to ask, she thought! She told him how the sculpture was coming along—she had made some wet clay models already and she thought she could make a pretty good go at it before the deadline in two weeks. But it could definitely improve, she told him. Peter nodded and smiled back at her. They made plans to meet at Sally’s the next afternoon.

Although the discussion had seemed so casual, the excitement which Sally felt as she walked home alone was not. She thought of how it might feel to run her hands over Peter’s warm back and tummy as she had before. Her body tingled. As she walked up the front steps to her apartment building, she told herself: No, no, no, Sally! You absolutely will not get carried away! But all evening long her thoughts returned to tomorrow afternoon —and it seemed like a long evening. The next morning, she picked up her apartment cheerfully—Peter was coming over!

After Peter had parted with Sally, he had felt some excitement building too. He remembered how wonderful it had felt when Sally had touched him with his shirt off.

That night, Peter deliberately relieved the sexual pressure which had built up, to perhaps help avoid too much embarrassment the next day. He didn’t want her to think he was some kind of crude, “thinking of only one thing” kind of guy. Sally was too important to him. On the other hand, his friend below had risen up many times around Sally before and somehow things had worked out.

After lunch on Wednesday, he showered quickly, put on a pair of thick denim jeans and a polo shirt, and headed over to Sally’s.


When a knock sounded close to two o’clock, Sally opened her door and smiled broadly when she saw Peter. Peter took in the sight of her, wearing a small green tee-shirt and baggy white cotton pants, tied with a drawstring. Her pretty bare feet touched the hardwood floor. She asked him in and closed the door softly. Peter took in the sight of the pretty, high-spirited girl and noticed the girlish smell of her place again, as well as the pleasant scent of her freshly washed hair, which was still just a little wet.

“Just a few sec’s, while I finish watering the flowers,” Sally told him.

Peter sat down on the edge of her bed. He felt a slight wetness on his palms, from excitement, and he unconsciously blew on them. He quietly watched Sally watering her plants. She was so beautiful, he thought. He loved the way that she had her hair tucked behind her cute ears and how she absentmindedly put it back when it fell down as she moved around. He also loved the contrast of her blonde hair when it fell against her soft, fair but lightly flushed, cheeks. When she leaned over a group of African violets with her back turned to him, he admired her waist and the gentle bumps of her lower backbone where her shirt had pulled up a little. He felt a rise below the belt. Perhaps last night was irrelevant. Whatever.

Sally picked up several sketchbooks and drawing pencils and threw them on the bed. She stood in front of Peter, gently grabbed both of his hands and helped pull him to his feet. He laughed softly. She put one arm lightly around his waist and gave him a friendly little hug. “Do you think you could take off your shirt once again, young man?” she asked.

Peter pulled his polo shirt over his head and straightened himself up as he stood in front of her. His bare chest felt alive with anticipation. Sally gently ran her fingers along each of his collarbones and then examined the bumps made by his shoulder bones. She then sat for a minute on the bed, drawing a sketch to remember. When she stood up again, she kissed him quickly but affectionately on the lips, and thanked him for being a good sport. “I’m enjoying this,” he replied.

Sally stood very close to his bare chest. She could smell Peter's warm skin. She lightly ran the back of her hand over his chest and across his nipples. She could tell he liked that. She let one set of fingers lightly run up and down the side of his tummy briefly. She sat down and sketched again for some 30 seconds. Peter watched her, quiet and happy. Sally then bounded up once again and walked behind him. She examined his back and ran her thumbs slowly, with pressure, from the top of his neck, straight down his backbone.

“Does that feel good?” she asked, stepping around to look at him. He nodded spiritedly. So she repeated that several times and then took the liberty to run her two outstretched hands back and forth across the warm skin of his back. She ran several fingertips along Peter's belt above his rear. He was wearing his jeans low and she felt the beginning of the wonderful soft tissues of his buns. Her breath became a little heavier.

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She completed a sketch and then changed the mood by asking him to walk around. He walked this way and that, and they both laughed. She got in a few sketches, but then he started to make fun of her when she tried to be serious. Eventually she closed her sketchbook with a pretended angry bang and whipped it down on the bed. “That’s enough of that for now!” she said.

Peter laughed and leaned back to rest on the kitchen counter. Sally walked up to stand very close to him and said to him in a different, soft voice, close to his ear,

“Although it’s not really necessary for the sculpture thing, would you like a face massage?” Peter smiled and said yes clearly with his eyes and a little nod.

“Then close your eyes and relax, relax, relax,” she said, with her cheek brushing lightly against his as she spoke quietly in his ear. He could feel her breath on his cheek and ear. And he could smell that sweet smell that he had come to recognize as hers.

She was making it up as she went along. She stood so close to him that she could feel the heat from his naked chest and stomach. She could tell that he was hard in the front of his jeans. Her covered breasts touched his bare chest. She ran the fingers of both hands as lightly as she possibly could over the tender skin of his face, brushing his forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, nose, and freckled cheekbones. She ran one finger ever so lightly around the soft, pink lips that she liked so much. She lightly caressed his close-shaven cheeks with the back of her hand, and tenderly massaged his ears. She ran her fingers through his soft blonde hair, letting her fingertips gently massage his head. She enjoyed playing with the strands of hair falling onto his forehead. She reminded him to relax. She very tenderly touched and then lightly tugged his bottom lip with her lips. Although he expected her to kiss him, she didn’t—she brushed her lips lightly and sensuously back and forth across his and then caressed his cheek with her soft cheek. Now she licked his lovely lips gently with her tongue and played with them lightly but wetly with her lips.

Finally, she parted his lips and they slowly and wetly played with the tips of their tongues. As they continued to kiss, she put an arm around his waist, rubbed his bare back, and hugged him close to her, pressing her breasts against him, and feeling his hard front against her. Below, she knew he was very hot and also that she was becoming wet. She stopped. She looked at him, with her face about three inches from his.

“Yes?” she checked with him, whispering. He opened his blue eyes and looked into hers. He had a look of wonder and amazement that told her that she had done well indeed!

“That was the most sensual....” he started, until she gently put her lips to his again.

So Sally continued. She very lightly ran all ten fingertips up and down his broad back, and she could tell that this awoke every nerve. She ran her fingertips like feathers along his arms, under them, and down his sides. She gently caressed his nipples, and then ran a feathery fingertip along the top of his belt, under his belly button. Sally put one knee on the desk chair so that she was lower. She lightly kissed his warm chest and brushed around his erect nipples with her lips, as she continued playing with her fingertips along his sides. Her face was now at his lower torso. She ran her fingers once again slowly and tenderly along his belt and the top of his jeans. She could tell that he was very hard and perhaps very excited right underneath there. This was just the point where she had been that previous day. She felt hot electricity running through her, relentlessly. With her face aflush, she rose up, and softly whispered in his ear.

“Peter,” she said, her heart beating as she dared to ask, “Do you think you might take these heavy jeans off?”

Peter seemed to awaken out of a trance. He stepped back a little, confused. After a moment of silence, he swallowed and said, anxiously,

“I fear that if I do that it may be too revealing.”

She didn’t understand. And she was suddenly concerned: had she just blown it, once again getting too excited, and doing exactly what she didn’t want to do? She could only look back at him, questioning.

Peter sat down on the edge of the bed, sighed deeply, and looked up at her uncomfortably. He tried to explain as straightforwardly as he could.

“Look, Sal. I don’t know if you had already guessed it, but I’ve had no sex experience at all, and I don’t know much about such things. What I do know is with that fantastically excellent touch of yours, I have become seriously huge down there. There is no hiding if I remove these trousers and I have a feeling that you are not going to like being confronted with what is there! It’s embarrassing, actually, and not something so proper to be revealing to such a nice girl as you!”

Sally sat down next to him, put her arm around his back, and gave him a friendly shake. “It’s high time for me to explain a few things too,” she began. She had told herself honesty was the best approach. “I also have had no real sex experience at all. I’ve never seen a guy without his clothes, and I suppose I’m as naïve as they come. But I also find that I am a grown woman, and I do get sexual feelings. And increasingly, I’m bloody curious about certain parts of guys. You know, Peter, it’s my understanding that most women find the idea of highly aroused parts of guys down there attractive and stimulating! I can tell you very honestly that this girl does, even if she's blushing as I says it!” She was now red-faced.

He cherished her forthrightness. But he had no idea what to say. Sally continued.

“I really, really have enjoyed these weeks with you, Peter. You are important to me. The last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable somehow or embarrassed! You’re an attractive, wonderful guy and it might be fun for us two novices to explore some things together. But only if you’re excited about it too. It’s no problem to hold the phone---you’re my best buddy, guy.” A tear or two began to well from the emotion, but she also had a smile of great affection for him.

Peter put his arm around her and held her with her head on his breast as they sat together on the bed. “I understand, I think. I had absolutely no idea how you might be looking at things.” She sat up a little and he looked her in the eyes, holding one of her hands. “You are such a sweetie and you are also important to me.” After a moment, he added, “It would be fun to explore with you.” They smiled at each other and he kissed her. Then he added in a whisper, “Miss Curiosity!” They both laughed and she pounded his legs with her fists in mock anger.

“One more thing,” she said. “I was discovering that it is tremendous fun to try to rouse you up and try to make your body feel good. Was I succeeding?” She wouldn’t have been bold enough to ask if she hadn’t thought she’d had some success.

“You’ve been exciting the heck out of me!” he said. It was an understatement.

They sat silent for a moment. Sally gently played with his hair and the back of his neck. After a few minutes, she got up and offered him two hands to pull him up too.

She gently hugged him, feeling his body against hers. She lightly ran her hands up and down his tummy and back again. When she gave him a little hug again, she noticed that he was seriously stiff in front once more. Great!

“Relax again, Peter boy,” she said, and kissed him. She put a knee on the desk chair again, and put her cheek lightly against his tummy, sensing his warmth, and letting him feel her breath. She ran her lips tenderly across the smooth skin of his tummy, and let her fingers play around his belt. She discovered that his belt wasn’t very tight. She looked up at him and Peter's face was a bit flushed but OK. She slowly undid the buckle and the button of his pants. Sally's blood raced! Amazingly this was real and not a dream! Sally excitedly unzipped the boy's jeans and thought to herself again how astounding it was that she was truly doing this for the first time. She saw the tip of Peter's hard penis, covered lightly by his white cotton briefs.

Peter stepped back. He a-matter-of-factly removed his jeans pant-leg by pant-leg. He straightened up, and looked at her, bashfully. Sally was shocked by how naked Peter looked now. She also was surprised and thrilled at how prominent Peter's boner was, pressing against his underpants. Seeing bewilderment in Peter's face, though, she squeezed his hand and smiled at him.

Peter had never felt so exposed with an obviously major erection boldly exhibited in front of anyone, much less a girl. But Sally looked happy and interested. And even if he felt unsure, he did find this new, revealing near-nakedness highly exhilarating.

Sally sat down in the desk chair and lightly ran her hands up and down Peter’s legs. It was fun to touch these new bare parts of him, with their strong muscles but also more intimate, softer parts along his upper thighs. She also had an opportunity to carefully observe the exciting protrusion in his briefs for the first time.

Peter's sex was much bigger than she had expected. His erect penis pushed against his underpants, showing its long and thick shape through his thin cotton undershorts. She was fascinated in particular by the distinct, round shape of its tip, pressed hard against the cloth. She marveled at this new sight, with both intensified curiosity and excitement, but she didn’t want to stare. She gently massaged his legs from feet to thighs. She increasingly ran the fingertips of both hands up across the soft skin of his inner thighs. Sensing that he found this exciting, she continued, also admiring the front of his cotton briefs right in front of her. She was amazed at how Peter's hard boner dominated his whole front: “revealing”—that was the truth! The hard shaft and its tip pushed urgently against his shorts as if wanting desperately to be free.

Sally looked up at Peter again, with a quizzing look on her eyebrows to ask him if he was OK. Peter's face was pinker than usual, but she could tell that he was seriously aroused. The bewildered boy managed a friendly look.

Sally brushed her cheek and then her lips lightly on the warm skin of Peter's tummy and looked down at the boner in his briefs so closely below. Her adrenaline soared. She tentatively touched her buddy's hard penis for the first time. Intrigued, she then eagerly explored up and down, with her thumb and forefinger feeling on each side. His shaft was hard, but it also gave way some if she gently squeezed a little. She found it was delightfully warm. She playfully pulled his long erection just slightly away from his tummy, feeling all around it how wonderfully alive this intimate part of him was. Peter's bonder responded happily to her touch, hardening still, and seemed to demand yet more attention. Sally soon noticed a moist spot emerging on his underpants where Peter's tip was. Peter's erotic helmet tip and its rim were now enticingly visible against the wet cotton cloth. Sally rubbed the beautifully slippery wetness all around the tip of Peter's penis, caressing and fondling. The lovely tip was soft, giving in to her touch, but firm. She returned to stroking his entire hot shaft tenderly up and down, as Peter’s breathing became heavier. Sally lightly ran her fingers down to his balls, teasing tenderly, and tantalizing him along the sides and further underneath.

Peter’s breath caught. He felt like he might cum at any time.

Sally brushed with her fingertips lightly on that wisp of blonde hair which ran alluringly downward into his underpants. She felt a flush of fever. She gently pulled out his undershorts a little, eager to follow the wisps of blonde hair intimately downwards to the nakedness below.

Peter suddenly cleared his throat and said, “Uh, Sally—given the current level of excitement, it will not take much playing around there before you...uh...have a major surprise.”

Sally stopped and took in a deep breath to release some of the frenzy she had worked up. She looked at him affectionately.

“I understand what you’re saying,” she told him quietly. “But has it felt good?” she asked.

He put his hands on her shoulders, and told her, “It feels fantastic. You’ve got me so ‘roused up I’m about to burst. But do you realize....?”

“Yes, I realize what will happen. But I would enjoy making you cum, Peter," she said gently, “unless you want me to stop.”

Peter was totally flummoxed. But he did manage to clumsily convey the idea that continuing would be nice.

“Would you like to lie down on the bed?” Sally asked, delighted with Peter's response. With a little encouragement, Peter walked with her over to the bed and lay down on his back. Excited Sally joined him, kneeling next to him on the bed.

Peter put his arm gently around her waist. “But I have been getting all of the attention so far. How about you?” he asked her, as he lightly rubbed her back and sides, enjoying the feeling of her body.

“What I would like would be to invent another game or two,” Sally told him, smiling and lightly stroking his face. “You----could best relax and concentrate on what might be feeling good.” She straightened up and lightly ran her fingertips over both sides of his face and over his eyes, closing them.


Sally kissed Peter very tenderly and affectionately on the lips. She kissed his face, and along his neck and shoulders. She lightly ran her fingers up and down his body, played with his bare feet, along the inner parts of his legs, along the shaft of his penis in his undershorts, over his tummy, and back up to his neck and face. She kissed him again and encouraged him to continue to relax while she played all over Peter's delightful erection with her fingertips. She brushed her lips along his tummy, his cute belly button, and further below. She looked at the tip of his penis pressing so urgently against his shorts, just a few inches below. Peter was breathing a little heavily. He was in a daze—incredulous and uncomprehending, but also excited. Actually relaxing was out of the question, but no way was he going to stop any of this!

Sally sat back, flush with excitement and anticipation. She had daydreamed what it might be like to pull back the front of a boy's bathing suit to reveal what was underneath. And now this daydream was about to become reality! Electricity ran through her. She watched as her hands gently and slowly pulled the band of his undershorts up and back, revealing Peter's excited and very naked boner. Peter’s breath caught. She removed his underpants, with some help from him.

Sally kissed Peter’s soft, open lips tenderly but fully, with a blend of fondness and erotic excitement that made Peter’s heart pound. His mouth seemed to melt into her tenderness and he felt a rush of happy, warm yearning. Sally looked into his eyes, smiling happily. Her hand gently touched his urgent and hard naked shaft below, igniting intense flames of desire like Peter had never known.

Sally gazed with fascination at Peter’s naked boyhood below. She touched all along his hard, eager shaft, enchanted. It was so much bigger and more impressive than she might have guessed--dominating his whole naked body. It was wonderfully hot to the touch! She let her fingers lightly play with the lovely tip. It was smooth and soft, yielding readily to little squeezes, but bouncing firmly back into its erotic helmet shape. The slippery wetness around the tip of Peter's boner thrilled her. She fingered around the little rim, admiring its cute shape and the intimate pink color which pleasantly surprised her. She saw the little opening of his tip and lightly fingered the soft bump of skin on the underside further down a ways. She very lightly touched his balls, finding them two attractive, tight, little members of the club, each nicely rounded.

She was delighted. Peter’s aroused penis was so intimate, so wonderfully naked, and so utterly erotic. She admired the line of blonde hair leading down from his navel to very light blonde pubic hairs below garnishing his private parts. The lightness and softness of his pretty curls made his sex seem somehow more intimate, and even more naked. Sally explored further, absorbed in the new discovery of how his hard shaft felt in her hand, the wonderful wetness around the soft, pliant tip, and the feel and look of the attractive two rounded balls further below.

Sally paused for a moment, considering the various options to please him which she had learned from her book. It did not take her long to decide.

Sally lightly brushed her lips along the wisp of soft blonde hair on Peter’s tummy and followed it slowly down and down. She kissed him lightly around the underside of his cute balls and excitedly felt the little ridges of skin there with her lips. She brushed her lips along the underside of his boner, breathing on him and feeling the amazing hotness on her sensitive lips. She was delighted to see how this very alive and most sensitive member responded so happily! She kissed up to the pink tip of his erection and enjoyed the intimate, faint, and sweet smell. She tasted the slight saltiness of the soft skin with her tongue. She then slipped the cute, eager, pink tip slowly between her lips and well into her wet mouth. She heard Peter gasp.

Sally found this yet another amazing sensation. Peter’s boner was wonderfully hot in her mouth. It tasted a bit salty. The smooth, soft, spongy texture of the tip felt incredibly exciting against her wet tongue. She loved the feeling of the little rim of his penis helmet, as she lightly rubbed it back and forth across her wet lips and moved the excited pink tip slowly in and out of her mouth. Enchanted, she took Peter's wonderful erection further into her mouth, feeling all along the delightfully excited hardness of his shaft with her tongue. She gently moved his sensual, alive sex in and out between her lips, feeling the wonderful hard warmth against her wet lips. Peter began to pant.

Sally took a little break and lay her cheek on Peter's tummy. She played and explored with her hands while she watched from nearby on Peter’s tummy. It was fun to gently lift his long and hard erection straight out from his body and play with it, squeezing, caressing, and rocking it up and down. It also was fun to lightly tease all over his boyhood, around his balls, and on the wisps of hair below his balls. This caused Peter to become as hard with urgency as ever.

Sally rubbed Peter's sensitive shaft with its firm, upward-pressed tip gently across her cheek. She then licked wetly around the smooth tip, and put her mouth tenderly around it again. She tasted the saltiness of more pre-cum from new arousal. She gently squeezed Peter's boner in her mouth with her lips and lightly sucked. The intimacy of his private parts in her mouth, the taste, the feeling of the tip of his penis against her tongue, and the hot hardness of his shaft moving in and out against her lips was overpoweringly sensual! Once again, Peter began to pant softly.

Sally continued, in feverish excitement. She moved her lips as far down Peter's wet boner as she dared. Peter's sex was big and hot inside of her mouth now. She slowly moved her lips up and down, feeling him back and forth across her tongue. Sally heard Peter gasp, and murmur something. As he began to pant, she continued, even a little faster, moving her lips up and down his erection in her mouth, pressing it wetly, and sucking more. Peter whimpered a little and then just exploded. He tried to pull back but couldn't, cumming fully into the swirling wetness of Sally's mouth. Sally was surprised at how Peter's warm stickiness shot so intensely into her mouth and by how much there was. But Sally stuck with it, continuing to move Peter's boner in and out. She swallowed. But then heard a strange cry from Peter as more sticky cum shot across her tongue. Continuing further nevertheless, Sally swallowed again. She felt Peter then begin to relax and heard him utter a long, involuntary sigh.


Sally put her head on Peter's chest and snuggled up next to him. They lay quietly for a moment, both wondering what had just happened. After a while, Peter shifted so that he could see her face.

“Are you OK?” he asked. His raised eyebrow told her that he was concerned that she was not.

“Much better than OK,” she answered with a smile, as she pulled her head up. Peter looked at her incredulously. She kissed him tenderly, looked back at him peacefully, and nodded her head, as if to say, “Yes, really.” She lay down with her cheek on his chest again. She felt relaxed and content. Peter’s breathing slowed and kept to a steady rhythm. They lay there for some minutes. Maybe Peter dozed off once or twice. She lifted her head slowly, and gazed at him. He looked so peaceful as he lay with his eyes closed. She gently kissed his cheek and lay back down. He lightly played with her ear and stroked her cheek, making her feel even closer to him.

After a few more moments, she propped her head up on her elbow, looking at him. He rolled over to face her directly and smiled. She gently played with his hair on his forehead as she looked at him.

“Did you enjoy this?” she asked him. Same usual direct approach.

“Yes,” he answered without any hesitation, with his eyes telling her the same. But I never in a million years would have imagined this when I woke up this morning! he thought to himself.

“You?” he asked her.

“Absolutely!” she said, adding a bright smile. "I enjoyed everything a lot!"

“How in the world did you come up with such ideas, Sal?” Peter asked.

“I found a little book at the bookstore some time ago. It gave me some pointers.” They lapsed again into quiet thoughts.

“Another question,” he said, more energetically, sitting up. “Isn’t it kind of strange that I am lying here naked and you are lying next to me with all of your clothes on?”

She looked down at him. He had covered his legs and tummy with the throw from the foot of her bed, but she knew very well that he had nothing on under that. She was lying with her tee shirt and cotton pants on. She didn’t know what to say.

“I mean, how about you?” he asked. “I liked all the attention you gave me, but.....maybe you some attention too?” he asked, feeling a bit clumsy. “Or....”

“I sure felt a lot of excitement, Peter!” she said animatedly. "My body felt super hot." She felt cold now because her underpants had gotten so wet.

“Did it feel good when your body got excited?” he asked.

“Yes. But I wasn’t thinking about that so much, actually.” She was telling the truth.

“If you’d like, this guy might enjoy trying to see what might excite you further, you know.” Peter ventured.

“Hmm,” she said, with a coy smile and giving him a sideways glance as she got up. She went to the sink and washed her face. She was surprised about this. For some reason, she had not thought about him giving attention to her body. Somehow, it had not really occurred to her. She had not suspected that he would be so interested. Nice surprise, actually. After she dried her face with a towel, she turned around and watched him putting on his clothes. She knew that he had to get going. When he stood up, she went over to him and gave him a friendly hug.

“Well, guy, would you like to come over again some time?” she asked him, brazenly, but trying to be casual.

“Yes!” he answered, clearly. “And particularly if I get a chance to be Explorer.”

“You’re on, Mr. Curiosity,” she said. They both laughed. They each thought for a moment. Pensively, Sally mused out loud, “I told my parents weeks ago that I would visit this weekend... Umm, let’s see. And Monday is already crazy... How about Tuesday after drawing class?”

Peter nodded, enthusiastically.

“It’s a date, then!” Peter exclaimed, with a broad smile. As he got up to leave, Sally kissed him tenderly. He left, hesitantly, looking back several times at Sally standing in her open doorway, watching him with a smile. What an afternoon it had turned out to be!

After Peter had left, Sally sat down, once again wondering happily what next life had in store for her.

Written by RD7007
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