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The Explorers--Chapter 3

"Nineteen-year-olds Sally and Peter discover love and the beauty and excitement of sexual adventures.…"

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Author's Notes

"This story continues with more chapters. I hope you enjoy! Feedback always welcome."

CHAPTER THREE—Sally’s Sculpture Project

Sally resolved to make serious progress over the weekend on the design of her big sculpture project. She went cheerfully to the library first thing Saturday morning. She spent several hours going through a wide variety of art history books.  She analyzed pictures of sculptures, paintings and drawings of the human figure, especially the male figure. She decided firmly that she was going to give a full-sized male figure a try. She did some quick sketches. She thought maybe the best approach was a man in movement—running or walking. She went back to the book stacks and looked through Greek and Roman sculptures, especially of athletes.

Sally soon found herself absorbed in views of men in the nude. She must have spent a half hour looking through various books in search of the more vivid pictures of naked men and studying them closely. Finally, she closed the book she was looking at and stopped herself. What was she doing? She had not decided to make a sculpture of a nude man. Moreover, if she wanted to sculpt a basically nude figure, there were many ways to avoid making intimacies less revealing, with athletic shorts or even the conventional fig leaf. But as she had gone through the books, she had kept coming back to that curiosity—just what was the intimate part of guys really like?

It was true that she had been thinking about sex much more than usual during the last month, especially what it might be like under those bathing suits guys wore. She enjoyed how these thoughts made her feel excited. She also had been spending more time--and pleasant time at that--releasing excited tension at night. She found herself looking forward to it. Was she being “weird”? Was she getting obsessive? She didn’t think so. But she certainly was not at all prepared to talk to anyone about it!

After lunch, Sally wandered over to a bookstore off campus. Perhaps she could find some more information and this was the best place the 1980s schoolgirl knew. Maybe she could find something to help her decide if she was being weird and if so, what to do about it. In the sexuality section, she found a lot of books. She hadn’t realized that people must read a lot about sex. She read through the various titles, with her head tilted to the side. Some of them were a bit bold, she thought, with titles like “How to Please Your Women in Bed”, or “A New Adventure Every Weekend.” Then she saw a little book providing advice to newlywed women about making love to their new husbands. She opened it and leafed through. It was quite explicit and she felt her face flush.  Somehow, she managed to purchase it, together with some other books, without drawing attention.

At home, after dinner, and in the quiet of her room, she pulled the book out and began to look at it intently. There were various chapters, each with specific drawings to help the newlywed wife to better understand the more intimate aspects of her mate. She turned the pages in the first chapter to find a sketch of the male genitals, as she knew them from the art books and as she imagined was under those bathing suits. There was the curved and relaxed penis, draped over an intimate sack below. She carefully studied the sides and tip of the naked hose. She thought the end part was kind of cute. She read on about what parts were sensitive and how men truly enjoyed being touched there. Well, that was a good sign--she thought vaguely that she might enjoy doing the touching someday!

Then Sally turned the page and saw a drawing of a male erection. Wow, what a difference! Kind of shocking, she thought. The gentler, relaxed penis was now transformed into a much larger, longer, and straight stalk.  She carefully observed the prominent tip in this new "boner" mode. The erotic tip looked tauter now, and had a unique, cool helmet shape. Sally also noticed that the bag below had shrunk to become two distinct, tight balls, looking especially naked and intimate. Sally was intrigued. She found the boner mode exciting too, in addition to the gentle and intimate relaxed mode.

After studying this, she turned further through the pages. The book showed various ways for the lady to play with these erections—how to move one’s hands, what to caress, and so on. She took note of the recommendations on how to lightly and pleasantly treat the man’s balls. A section described in detail how to encourage the “end result”, and what this was like. It also described the man’s feelings and how to gage them. She stopped reading and gazed off abstractly for a few minutes. This was all quite interesting. In fact, it seemed like she had missed out on some things that could be fun to explore. The clear message of what men enjoyed also was especially interesting.

Sally read on and turned the page to a chapter about oral sex. She quickly understood the idea. It had not really occurred to her. Sure, she knew what a “blow job” was, but she had never really thought about it and certainly not as something that might involve her. The book was describing how normal this was and how it often was enjoyable for both partners. In fact, the book greatly encouraged the female reader to get over any inhibitions and give this a try! She studied the various suggestions.

In the end, she was still a little confused but fascinated and very hot and wet! She undertook her normal methods for satisfaction. She fell asleep eventually but had a bit of a fitful night. She woke up, took a shower, and sat down for her morning cup of coffee. Her mind revisited what she had read the night before. It occurred to her that perhaps she was a bit more excited and maybe even more obsessed with various sexy thoughts than before she had gone to the bookstore.

“Whatever,” she decided. She packed up her book bag and got on her bike for a ride around the campus, ending up at the library. She threw herself back into her studying, including a number of assignments other than her sculpture project.


Peter’s Saturday had not turned out as well as he had hoped. He didn’t swim as well as he thought he could, finishing fifth in the freestyle. Coach Tunney had scolded him, telling him he had a “motivational problem.” Further, most embarrassingly, his “downstairs friend” had gone hard right during the swim meet! He had managed to calm things down before anyone detected anything but it had added to his general feeling of disgust with himself. He had sat alone quietly on the bus ride home.

Sunday and Monday were OK, but not great, as he struggled through his various assignments. Come Tuesday, he didn’t know if he was looking forward to seeing Sally at drawing or whether he dreaded that, thinking that it was just a matter of time before she began to see him for the less-than-average guy that he was.

When he saw Sally bounce her way into the classroom, give him a cheerful wink, and bounce back to her seat, Peter's mood brightened. She was just irresistibly enthusiastic. As they walked together to Brawley’s for their coffee, she cheerfully told him about her weekend and the progress she had made mapping out her project. When they got their coffees and found a seat, she looked closely at him, detecting a little shadow in his eyes.

“And how are you?” she asked. “How was the meet?” He proceeded to tell her how he hadn’t swum so well and how the coach had given him a hard time.

“Hey—you gave it your best shot at the time, no? And didn’t you tell me that you were swimming for the fun and enjoyment of it and not so much to be the big winner?” She paused and looked at him. “It’s your coach’s job to push you, you know. But don’t let it get to you.”

‘Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said. He looked down at the table, biting his lip a little and drumming his fingers lightly on the table.

Sally reached across the table and grabbed his hand warmly in hers. “OK?” she queried, looking deep into his eyes as he looked up and tilting her head slightly. Her touch and the affection in her eyes melted away his doubt. He sighed and gave out a little laugh.

“Yeah, OK.” And he meant it. “Thanks, Sal,” he added, giving her hand a little squeeze before he let it go.

They talked on. At one point Peter stopped,and asked her,

“What’s that funny look on your face as you are sitting there watching me?”

She shook her head friskily as if awakening from a sleep and said, “Oh, I was just studying the way you look in the light here. I am an artist, after all!” After a pause, she asked, “Still able to come over tomorrow?”

Peter replied enthusiastically that he would like to. Sally gave him directions to her third-floor apartment. When they parted outside, he gave her a gentle rub on her back, telling her thanks again. Although it was a little thing, she noticed: It was nice to be touched by him.


From the moment he woke up, Peter started thinking about going over to Sally’s apartment later. He was not sure what his posing for her sculpture project would be like, but it seemed interesting and he looked forward to spending time with Sally anyway. He intentionally wore baggy cotton pants. He didn’t want any kind of uprising to become vulgarly prominent in front of this nice girl.

Peter bounded up the steps to her apartment building at the appointed time. He was happy and excited, but also felt self-conscious. He rapped three knocks on her door. She opened the door with a smile and a friendly “Hey, Peter!” which made him feel better.

Sally was wearing a loose tee shirt and shorts. She was barefoot. She, and the apartment, smelled “girlish,” which Peter found nice. She gave him a little tour, although it was only an efficiency.

“You know, Sally,” he remarked, “I hadn’t really imagined what your place might look like but now that I see it, it seems to very much have your touch. The plants, the colorful wool rug, the yellow hot water kettle.....” He gestured around the room.

She smiled back. For her part, she had been happy to see him standing there when she had opened her door, grinning and full of life. She had felt a little nervous and uncharacteristically awkward, but his cheerful spirit eased that.

At Sally’s suggestion, Peter took off his shoes and became barefoot too. Sally started to talk about her sculpture idea like a professional. He listened, laughing with her occasionally. She told him how she was planning to do a full statue and how she wanted it to look alive—almost as if it could just start walking. After she gave him a glass of cold water, she studied him while he stood quietly. Peter noticed the same look on her face as the day before at the coffee shop.

“You know, Peter, you’ll have to take that shirt off, if you don’t mind, and let me study the handsome chest and back you have,” she told him. He obliged and stood somewhat nervously and awkwardly in front of the kitchenette space. She got him laughing though when she asked him to walk around a bit and swing his arms. Peter noticed that the air felt good against his skin.

Sally observed Peter closely. He had strong, swimmers’ shoulders and his triceps and biceps looked in tone and strong too. His chest and tummy were more boyish—he had little body hair on his front, save a thin line of wispy blonde hair that ran from his belly button down under his belt. As he walked and Sally studied his back, she saw that his strong shoulders and upper back gave way to a thin waist which then became the small buns of his rear.

With her friendly suggestion, Peter sat down on the edge of the bed while she sat in her chair next to the desk. Sally drew a few quick sketches to remember what he looked like from different angles. Peter sat calmly, enjoying watching her while she drew.

Sally got up, and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. She asked him if she could study his face more closely? He laughed a little and turned towards her, so that his face was very close to hers. They exchanged friendly looks. Sally very gently ran her hands over his forehead, his closed eyes and eyebrows. She felt the short, somewhat pudgy shape of his nose. He opened his eyes and looked at her, amused. She smiled back at him, but her eyes then followed the different parts of his face, studying. She lightly brushed a finger across his lips—back and forth once. (It felt so erotic to her to touch them!) She studied those cute ears of his. She lightly put her hands through his hair (it was very nice and soft, she noticed). She put a hand on the side of his face, feeling the warmth of his cheeks. She really, really enjoyed touching him! She wanted very much to kiss him on the lips, so close to her, but she didn’t dare.

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“Does it feel good to be touched on your face?” she asked, looking tenderly at him.

“Yes,” he answered quietly, after a moment. “Your hands are soft and gentle.” “And warm,” he added. He had never been touched like this before. All of the nerves in the skin on his face were now alive. When she touched him, he could feel electricity throughout his body. This had already caused action below his belt. Good that he had the baggy pants, he thought.

She moved on to his neck and collar bones, lightly touching and observing. She loved running her hands along the top of his shoulders, up his neck, and around his collar bones in front, feeling the smooth skin and warmth. She had never touched a guy like this before and she found it fascinating! She could tell from his reaction and the look on his face that he liked it too, even if he looked a little self-conscious. She studied his arms carefully and especially his hands. She kneaded his arm muscles, feeling their texture. She loved touching him and felt a hot rush of arousal run through her body as she felt his warm, bare skin. Peter was breathing a little heavily too.

Sally moved back to her chair, and completed a few more sketches so that she could remember some things. She was still keeping most of her attention on what she needed to learn for her sculpture, but just barely!

“Ok, you?” she asked. “Getting bored, or are you OK?”

“I’m fine,” he said. He was relaxed, and happy to watch her sketching. “Is it OK to continue touching you?” Sally asked, matter-of-factly.

“Sure,” said Peter. “I can’t say that anyone has ever touched me quite like this before, feels good, actually.” It felt wonderfully exciting, but he didn’t quite want to say that.

“O.K.,” she said and she asked him to stand up again. She stood behind and lightly ran both hands over his bare back. His skin was warm, and, especially at the small of his back, soft. She ran her hands up and down his sides, from the belt of his pants to right below his armpits. She had never touched anyone like this before, and she found the soft, warmth of his body really attractive. It was deliciously new and enlivening to feel the smooth skin and the soft fleshiness of his back and the sides of his waist.

For Peter too, this tender touch was a totally new experience. It felt absolutely wonderful. His whole body responded with rising electricity.

Sally continued and felt her face flush. As she rubbed his bare back, she noticed the beginning of his buns below, and the crease between them just under the waistband of his cotton underpants. She suddenly yearned to follow down and explore more! She could feel excitement running through every part of her body now. She breathed in deeply to gain control.

Sally moved around in front of Peter, and looked him in the eyes. His face was slightly flushed too. He looked calm but also a little serious and still self-conscious. She smiled he returned what she thought was the most charming, young-boyish smile that she had ever seen. Without any thought whatsoever, she impulsively kissed him softly, but lingeringly on the lips. His lips were warm and very soft against hers. She could not recall any kiss as tender. She put her arm around his bare back lightly, and felt his warm chest against her breasts. She kissed him further, gently but more intensely. Peter’s soft smooth lips felt so wonderful against hers! Further, for the first time that she could remember, she felt a hard something bulging in the front of his pants, pressed slightly against the bottom of her tummy. Now that was truly exciting!

Peter stepped, or stumbled, backward. She saw that he was at a loss. She backed off, smiled at him, and told him that the Professor had said that they should get to know their subjects, even if that meant tasting them! She had at least kept to her promise not to take a bite out of him! He laughed and seemed to relax a little. He gently kissed Salley on the forehead. She looked at him closely and fondly in the eyes. His eyes had softened and calmly but enthusiastically gazed back at hers. She picked up his hands, and studied them closely, feeling the warmth of his palms against hers. He couldn’t help but let his hand warm the side of her soft, flush cheek. She smiled back at him again.

When he had put his hands back at his sides, she stood back a bit and lightly moved the back of a hand along his chest. This didn’t have anything to do with her sculpture project but her urge to touch Peter's bare chest and tummy was uncontrollable!

“Does that feel good?” she asked him. She knew damn well from his look that it did. He replied that it felt wonderful. But if she had known him just a little better, she might have detected a tenseness in his voice.

“Well, then, just relax for a minute or two,” she told him. She kissed him gently on the cheek.

She moved her chair closer and sat down on her knees in the chair in front of him, so that her head was at about the middle of his torso. She gently moved her outstretched hands over his chest, messaging a little. His body was smooth and warm, and she could tell that he enjoyed her touch from his breathing. She caressed all around his nipples with the warm palms of her hands. She lightly ran her fingers up and down his sides, touching just along the top of his belt, and then running back up again. She could see a few goosebumps appear on the side of his stomach. She moved the back of her hands over his tummy and played around his cute belly button.

Sally saw the front of Peter’s cotton pants move, although she couldn’t really ascertain much, as they were so baggy. She let her fingers play lightly on his tummy, up and down his sides, and then on his tummy again. She was sure that the front of his pants was tense. She was just some inches from where she knew Peter's "boyhood" was. She imagined that he had a beautiful boner right there. She could think of nothing else, she was now totally overcome with heat and excitement. She wanted so much to touch there!  She moved her thumbs very gently along the top of his belt, and then lightly touched the lines above his hips which would disappear into his pants. She ran the back of her hand up and down the little wisp of hair that disappeared into his pants.  She was desperate with desire to unlatch the button of his pants, and move on! How to do that? What excuse? What to tell him besides how much she wanted to explore?

Suddenly Sally's hot trance broke as she heard a fire engine outside. It got louder and louder, until, amazingly, it seemed to stop right under her window.

Peter ran over to the window and looked down. “Check it out,” he cried, “I’ll be back in a minute.” He walked over to the bathroom, went inside, and gently but firmly closed the door.

Peter was dying of heat. When Sally had caressed his back, the electricity had shot through his body, and he had become incredibly hard. He had tried to adjust the situation, to make it less obvious. Then she suddenly kissed him. It was a lovely kiss, such that he had never experienced. She tasted wonderful. Peter had loved the feeling of her lips, and how her tongue had just barely touched him. And he had loved the feel of her breasts pressing against him. She must have noticed his “friend downstairs” when she had held him close. She must have thought that pretty crude—so unlike her gentle touch.

Then, when she had caressed his chest, the hardness below almost hurt. When she moved her fingers up and down his sides, it sent energy screaming through his whole system, but especially below the belt. When she had actually played around near his belt, he thought that he might just plain burst. He felt embarrassed and flustered, but also very charged up. When the fire engine came, it was a chance for escape.

Peter took down his pants, and saw that he had left some pre-cum on his underpants. He cleaned up a bit, and packaged all back together to try to look presentable. He took a deep breath and slowly walked back into Sally’s room.

The commotion outside had died down. Sally appeared calm, but inside, she too was flustered.

“I hope I didn’t drive you too crazy,” she said. Well, to be honest, he thought, she had driven him most crazy indeed. But he shook his head, and smiled back at her a little absently. He didn’t know what to say. He simply asked,

“OK, then?”

She nodded. He reached for his shirt and put it back on. He continued to feel a little awkward, and stayed silent. As he readied to leave, though, he come over to her, put his hand on her shoulder, and said quietly in her ear, in almost a whisper,

“I liked the way you touched me, Artist Lady.” He gave her a sideways glance and friendly smile, kissed her very lightly on her forehead, and was gone.


After Peter left, Sally sat for a long time, trying to sort through what had just happened. So much was totally new and unfamiliar to her. She felt a bit drained. She felt somehow disappointed. She felt foolish and out of control.

First, she sorted through her thoughts about Peter. She had grown fond of him! She liked just about everything about him—his looks, his funny and enthusiastic way of walking, his grin, and his shyness. She desperately hoped that she had not made such a fool out of herself that he would avoid her completely now.

Just what had gotten into her? When she touched him, the excitement had overtaken her. Where had her sense of discretion gone? She had just gotten caught up in the thrill of the newness of sensing this boy. Even now, as she thought about it, she noticed that her underpants were still very wet. My gosh.

As she thought further, she realized that somehow, two new things—her fondness of Peter and her awakened sexual awareness—were crossing and merging. She had not expected that. Before, when she had been musing about sexual things she had not been thinking about Peter or any specific guy, but only in the abstract. She had only dreamed up things in her imagination, thinking that someday they might happen. Today, her growing sexual interest and her interest in Peter had uncontrollably come together. Was that a good thing? She was not at all sure! What she did know was that she did not want any of this new sensual obsession thing to undermine her growing friendship with this guy. She must make sure of that.

Having gained a little more clarity, she felt better. She took a shower and went to the store to buy some simple things for dinner, which she cooked and ate while reading through one of the new novels for her English class. She read until late, and decided to turn in.

Sally had felt sleepy but found that she couldn’t sleep. Her mind kept playing through the events of the afternoon. She remembered what the beginning of the crease between Peter’s buns had looked like. She remembered the warmth of his sides and the soft skin of his tummy. She remembered how his soft lips had felt.

Sally allowed her imagination to wander. She didn’t want to imagine Peter, per se, but the images of the afternoon remained vivid. She pictured herself running the back of her hand along soft, wispy hair leading from the navel of an imaginary young man to under his belt. She dreamed of stopping above his belt buckle, undoing it, unbuttoning his pants and taking down his zipper. She imagined pulling down his underwear, revealing an excited and beautiful boner, which was something like the drawings in her book. Her hands were now also moving down to play between her own legs. She imagined playing with curls of pubic hair above the imaginary boy's lovely boyhood. She dreamed of stroking the boy’s excited and straight shaft up and down. At the same time, she continued the gentle rhythmic dance with her fingers which felt so delightful below. As the feeling mounted and intensified, she rubbed her wet and excited magic spot more urgently. The tension and pleasure built to an incredible climax and she gave herself over to the cresting orgasm, cumming harder and longer than she ever remembered before.

Sally lay back, catching her breath. What a great feeling! As she began to doze off, she wondering just what life had in store for her.

Written by RD7007
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