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No matter how often I lingered in the bathroom after that morning, hoping Kris would burst in for another quick blowjob, it never happened again. Even worse, it didn't seem any more meaningful to her than a basic business transaction - no different that chipping in a couple of bucks towards gas in return for giving her a ride somewhere. It wasn't even worth talking about. After a week I began to wonder if it had really happened at all, or if I'd just imagined the whole thing.

And so, life in the house carried on more or less as usual. The girls did their thing, and I did mine... mostly alone in my room. I did make more effort to socialize occasionally. It was difficult, though. They tried to introduce me to Real Housewives of Atlanta, but I didn't get it. I tried to introduce them to Monty Python, but they just looked bored, which I have to say, I kind of took personally. Eventually we did find some common ground - cooking competition shows. In particular, we enjoyed Hell's Kitchen.

I liked the show because it felt like grad-school. All these chefs were studying and competing to master their craft, dodging all these weird curve-balls, fighting to get the top job, while Gord Ramsey (who, in my mind, was not unlike my advisor, only with a British accent) gave them a kind of tough love. His constant criticism pushed them to perform at ever-higher levels, always challenging them to do better. It was a lot like applying for a grant or writing a thesis.

The girls watched Hell's Kitchen for the personalities, conflicts, and drama. They had their favourites that they cheered, and contestants they despised. And they got so involved in the show, sometimes just screaming at the television. Their excitement was infectious, and I sometimes found myself carried with it when one of their villains finally got the ejection from the contest that they deserved. So, every Thursday night, everyone gathered to watch Hell's Kitchen. That was our thing that we finally began to bond over.

It was during one of these episodes midway through the season that Bri received a phone call. It was her boyfriend. She left the living room so she could talk to him privately. When she returned twenty minutes later, Ramsey was exasperatedly telling both teams that they'd lost that week's challenge.

"Bri, what's wrong?" Mel asked.

I looked over and saw Bri standing in the entry way to the living room. Her face had fallen.

"Mick and I broke up." Just like that, tears began to flow.

"Oh, Bri, I'm so sorry." Mel said.

Both girls got up to give their friend a hug. I felt like my relationship with the girls hadn't gotten to the hugging and consoling stage yet, so I stayed seated. They sat Bri down on the sofa, and listened as she recounted the details of the break-up.

He was good in bed, and at first she'd really thought he might be 'the one.' But he kept ignoring her to go hang out with his rugby buddies. When they were together, they really didn't have much to talk about. He always just wanted to have sex, which was great and all. But she wanted more. When she talked about the future, he called her clingy. During the ensuing fight, she broke up with him. Then he told her she wasn't even that great a lay, and didn't really mean that much to him. How could someone be with another person for three months and mean nothing, Bri demanded to know.

The girls listened and sympathized, though they looked a little bored. Later, I found out from Mel that Bri changed boyfriends like most people changed oil-filters in their cars - about every three or four months. It was fairly routine. But each time, Bri thought that this one was the one. Even though the other girls could see the break-up coming months ahead, Bri still acted like it was the most surprising and heart-breaking thing in the world. And each time, Mel and Kris dutifully consoled her, taking her out for drinks to get over the guy.

The girls talked over the last few minutes of the show, where the contestants pleaded their case to Ramsey. I couldn't hear what was being said, but Ramsey looked perpetually bewildered and fed up with everything. In the end, a likeable but weak contestant who had been barely skating by the last couple of episodes turned in his cook's jacket and went home.

I stood up, looked at Bri, and solemnly said, "I'm sorry for your loss."

The girls looked back at me, slightly puzzled. I recognized it was kind of a weird thing to say, more appropriate for funerals. But I wasn't sure what was appropriate in this situation. Feeling awkward, I hurried back to the safety of my room.

As per their established routine, the girls got ready for a night out. I heard the clacking of heels on wood, the chatter of their voices traveling through the house. After an hour or so, Kris announced that their cab was here. There were the final sounds of the front door opening and closing, and then silence.

By the time they left, I was well into a quest in Fantasy of Armageddon with Magda and the other members of my guild. I was glad the girls were gone. Since I'd moved in, I'd been playing FoA mostly through text chat. Typing was slower, but I was shy about my roommates overhearing my in-game conversations. It wasn't a secret that I played, but I still felt embarrassed at the idea of sitting in a room by myself talking about orcs and trolls to made-up people online. I mean, how much more of a geek could I be? But now with the house to myself, I could use the mic on my headset to communicate with the other guild members.

"Hey, this is GodSlayerX7 on mic," I announced. "Finally found my voice again."

"And what a beautiful voice it is," Magda said, with a giggle.

"Get a room!" several other guild members shouted at us. Our relationship was pretty well known, and we were often teased about it.

For the next three hours, the guild battled through a dungeon that was absolutely crawling with enemies. It was tough. I, a dark mage, chaotic neutral, was casting fireballs in all directions. At one point, we encountered a chimera that was slightly above our experience levels. I got poisoned and died, and Magda had to use one of her resurrection spells on me. Eventually, we completed the quest. We were rewarded with gold, experience, better equipment, and several rare status-boosting items.

After the quest, we went back to the village, and sold off the excess items we'd received. Then, taking our leave of the guild, Magda and I retreated to a nearby cave. We switched to a private voice channel just between the two of us.

"Why have you brought me here, GodSlayer?" Magda asked flirtatiously.

"Mmm. I've been wanting to get you alone all night, Magda." I said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. I can't stop thinking about you."

"And what is it you were thinking about?"

"This. Kisses MagdaOrcbane3232 on the lips." We had to actually say what we were doing because on the screen our two avatars were just standing next to each other, breathing and fidgeting.

"Oh! You're bad! Don't you know that dark mages and paladins aren't supposed to be together?"

"Mmm. I don't care. Kisses MagdaOrcbane3232 again."

"Kisses GodSlayerX7 back passionately. I feel I'm coming under your spell."


"Grabs GodSlayerX7's hand and places it on her large beautiful breast."

"That feels amazing. Pulls MagdaOrcbane3232's robe open, roughly."

"Mmm. Yes." Her voice had an aroused sound to it.

"Squeezes MagdaOrcbane3232's breast hard."

"Ooh! Your hands are so firm and rough. I love it."

"Such a pretty little paladin wench."

"Rubs her hand against the front of GodSlayerX7s pants," taking my cue, I began to rub my own hand along the length of my rapidly hardening cock. "I didn't know dark mages had such big horns."

My phone began to vibrate with an incoming call. I looked down at it. It was Kris. I decided to ignore it

"Why don't you take it out and see?" I invited Magda.

"Slips hand into GodSlayerX7s pants," I undid my own pants. "And wraps her fingers around his big hot meaty mage horn." I grasped my erection firmly in my hand, imagining it was her. "It feels so hard! I'd love to harvest it for my collection."

"Your collection?"

"My collection of horns," Magda explained. "I've got a great collection. They give me so much pleasure."

"You can't harvest this one! I'm still using it!" I protested to the sound of her laughter in my ears. "But you can drink the milk from it."

"Milk from a mage horn? Kneels before GodSlayerX7, examining his thick beautiful horn."

"You have much to learn, innocent paladin. I have much to teach you. Grasps MagdaOrcbane3232's hair and guides her face toward his big hard horn."

The phone buzzed again. Again Kris. Again I ignored it. Instead I pulled my cock completely free of my jeans.

"I don't understand. How do I drink the milk?" Magda asked.

"Put it to your lips."

"Puts GodSlayerX7s horn to her lips and kisses it. Like This?"

"Yes, that's good. Now open your mouth."

I was stroking my cock - even though Magda hadn't actually told me to. I was just too turned on to help myself. Interspersed with my fantasy of Magda, I kept thinking about Kris in the shower, what it had actually felt like to have my cock in a girl's mouth, feeling her all around me, sucking, sliding down her throat. Then back to Magda, the golden-haired innocent orphan paladin with the giant breasts on the screen. The two images blended together in my mind.

"Opens mouth, tasting GodSlayerX7s salty pre-cum. Mmm, so good. I want more."

"Yes, suck it, and you'll get plenty more, my dear. Looks down into MagdaOrcbane3232's beautiful deep purple eyes."

The phone buzzed once more. Mel this time. I growled loudly in frustration.

"What is it? Did you just cum?" Magda asked, breaking character.

"No," I said. "It's my roommates. Sorry, just give me a minute."

I muted the mic on the headset, and picked up the phone.

"What?!" I practically shouted.

"Hey, Bill, um..." Mel said. She sounded drunk. "So, we were like wondering if you could like maybe come pick us up?"

"I'm kind of busy at the moment," I said. "Can't you take a cab or uber or something?"

There were voices shouting in the background.

"Hey! Hey, bitches! Shut up!" Mel shouted back. I had to hold the phone away from my ear. "I'm trying to see if Bill will give us a ride home." I could hear the other girls laughing in the background, as Mel's voice resumed its normal volume. "Yeah, so, um, can you come and get us?"


"Well, we were talking to these guys all night and everything, and they were going to drive us home, but the fuckers just fucking disappeared."

"Fuckers!" one of the other girls shouted. Probably Bri.

"So we're like stranded, and, um, really, really fucking drunk." Mel broke down into giggling. "...And Kris says she needs to pee."

"Can't you just take a cab?" I repeated irritably. My erection had completely gone.

"Please, Bill?" Mel begged. "Please, please, please, please, please?"

I knew I should just tell them to find their own way home, but I couldn't. Why the hell did I have to be such a nice guy?

"Fine," I said. "Where are you?"

"You know The Pound?"

"Uh huh." The Dog Pound (named after the school mascot) had a reputation as one of the dirtiest bars in town. It was where all the undergrads went to hook-up with each other. I never went myself, but even back when I was a freshman, I used to hear frat-guys talk about 'pounding sluts at the pound.'

"Thanks, Billy," Mel said. "We owe you so so much."

"Okay, just sit tight," I said. "I'll be there in about twenty minutes or so."

"Okay, see you in twenty minutes. Thanks Bill." Before she hung up I heard Mel start shouting again, "Hey, you fucking bitches! Billy Bob Billy Boy is com-" the call disconnected.

I looked back at the computer screen. The two avatars were still just standing next to each other. I switched my microphone back on.

"Hi, Magda?"

"Hi GodSlayer," she responded, sexily. "So are you going to show this sweet innocent paladin how you milk that big hard mage horn of yours?"

"Sorry, I can't," I said apologetically. "I've got to go pick up my stupid drunk roommates."

"Seriously?" Magda sounded as frustrated as I was.

"Yeah, I know."

"Fine. I'll just have to teach myself about horns. Fortunately, I've got one right here that I harvested from a giant. When you touch it like this, it vibrates. Mmm, feels so nice."

I heard a buzzing noise. I wanted so much to stay on voice with her, to listen to her moans as she fucked herself with her vibrator.

"Sorry," I apologized again. "Maybe we can pick this up next time?"

"Maybe," Magda said, noncommittally.

"Bye," I said.

"Mmm. Bye bye," she said, already starting to moan.

I logged out of the game. I knew if I stayed on any longer, I wouldn't be able to pull myself away. With disappointment, I put on my shoes, and headed for my car.


I'd never seen the girls so drunk before. Bri sat up front next to me, and Kris and Mel sat in the backseat. Mel was chatting away excitedly while Kris sleepily leaned her head on Mel's shoulder, fading in and out of the conversation.

They were dressed in sexy club-wear: tight, bright, revealing blouses, and short skirts. As I adjusted the rear-view mirror, I noticed that I could see straight up Kris' skirt. She'd lost her underwear somewhere, and her brown pussy was peaking through her parted thighs as she sprawled in the back seat. But then Mel caught my eye in the mirror. She pushed her friend's knees together, and I felt guilty about taking advantage of the display. I repositioned the mirror for a better view of the road behind me. We drove home with the windows down. I hoped that the fresh air would help to sober them a little.

"This music sucks," Bri complained. I was listening to Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins, and enjoying it quite a bit.

"I could really go for some McDonalds right now," Mel said from the back seat.

"We've got food at home," I argued. I thought maybe if I hurried, I could still catch Magda online, and we could pick up where we left off.

"Why does all your music suck?" Bri asked me, nearly shouting in my ear.

"It doesn't suck," I defended.

"Or Pizza Hut," Mel continued.

" No pepperoni ," Kris said groggily.

"It's sad virgin music!" Bri said accusingly. "Listen to how whiny he is." She did an exaggerated impression of Billy Corgan's singing, "'Today is the greatest day I've ever known.' If it's so great, why does he sound like such a little bitch?"

"I like it," I said.

"Because you're a virgin!" she shouted, and broke out cackling.

"No he's not," Kris mumbled from the back seat with her eyes still closed.

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Mel patted her hair.

"He is," Bri argued. "He admitted it. And this is Virgin music. Look!" She picked up the CD case that had been resting in a tray in the dashboard. "It says right here, V-I-R-G-I-N: Virgin!" Again she laughed at her own wit.

"It's the name of the record label!" I responded. I could feel my face flushing with anger and embarrassment, but hoped it wouldn't be noticeable in the dark. "Richard Branson owns it. They put out the album back in 1993."

Bri was miserable when she was sober, but drunk she was absolutely obnoxious. I made an oath to myself never to pick them up from a bar ever again. They could walk for all I cared. I stepped on the accelerator, eager to get home as quickly as possible.

"I can't believe those guys just took off like that," Mel said.

"I know," Bri agreed. "What a bunch of punk-ass bitches. Fuck. Maybe I should call Mick."

"No, don't do it!" Mel said. "I forbid you to get back together with him."

"I don't want to get back together with him," Bri explained. "I just want his fucking dick."

"In that case..."

The girls laughed. Even Kris gave a sleepy chuckle, though I'm not sure she knew what she was laughing at.

"TMI!" I objected. "Too Much Information!"

"What? Just because you're a virgin, I'm not allowed to say I want to get laid?" Bri complained. "Fuck that!"

"Ugh! Stop! I don't want to know."

Bri leaned out the window, and shouted "I WANT SOME FUCKING COCK!" I saw a couple of guys in the rear-view. They were standing on the sidewalk, staring after my car.

"Bri, for god's sake, get back in here!" I was mortified.

"I NEED SOME DICK INSIDE ME RIGHT NOW!" she continued to shout to no one in particular.

Mel in the back seat was in hysterics. "You're so fucking crazy, girl," she said.

"Crazy for cock," Bri said, finally sitting back in her seat. She pulled out her phone.

"Bri... what are you doing?" Mel asked, accusingly.


"Put that phone away," Mel ordered.

"No!" Bri snapped back petulantly.

"You're making a big mistake that you'll really regret tomorrow," Mel advised. "Trust me."

"Fine. He's not texting back anyway," Bri said sulkily.

"He's probably just asleep."

I glanced at the clock in the dash. It was 2:38 AM. Seven minutes later, we pulled into our driveway. Bri bolted from the car, claiming she was desperate to use the washroom. I helped Mel get Kris out of the back seat and upstairs to her bed. Mel took off her shoes, while I placed a garbage pail next to the bed in case Kris needed to puke during the night. Kris kept muttering 'thank you, thank you,' at us, but she was barely conscious.

After putting Kris to bed, Mel and I went to our separate rooms. I was still feeling restless, worked up from the drive, and Bri's abuse. I decided to log into Fantasy of Armageddon. Magda was long gone. Probably fast asleep. I cursed my roommates.

With my guild offline, I decided to just occupy myself with mindless leveling, which involved randomly walking around killing easy creatures to build up my experience and stats. It's boring as hell, but helpful when it comes to fighting harder enemies, and it would probably put me to sleep. I hadn't been at it for more than 10 minutes when there was a knock at my door.


The door opened, and Bri slipped inside. She was dressed in the over-sized Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey - the same one she'd been wearing when we met. The large neck was pulled down showing off a good deal of cleavage. Her bare thighs emerged from beneath it.

"Bill-Lee goat," she said, giggling.

"What?" I asked. I'd just about run out of patience with this girl.

"I can't sleep," Bri complained. "Mick's being an asshole."

"So what do you want me to do about it?"

"Tell me something, Bill-Lee Goat Gruff," Bri said. "I mean, I know you're a virgin and all, but you're still a guy right?"

"Listen," I said with uncharacteristic assertiveness. "It's late, you're drunk, and I'm really not in the mood for this game."

"You're not gay are you?"

"What? Why would you think I was gay?"

"You're twenty-six and have never had sex with a girl." Bri crossed my bedroom floor and sat on the end of my bed. "I don't know how that happens."

"I'm not gay. I have a girlfriend," I said. "What do you want, Bri?"

"I need a guy's opinion on something," Bri said, leaning back on the bed. The hem of the jersey rode up higher on her thighs. Even though I was annoyed with her, I had to admit that the sight of her bare legs was starting to turn me on.


"Am I... you know..." Bri leaned forward again towards me. The neck of the jersey fell open. She wasn't wearing a bra, and I caught a full glimpse of her breasts, nipples and all, inside. "Do you like me?"

"Like you?" I asked, not wanting to give my honest opinion.

"Yeah. Do you think I'm attractive?" she asked.

"I guess..." I said. "Why?"

"Is there anything wrong with me?" Bri continued, standing. She grabbed the Jersey, and pulled it up over her head, revealing her beautiful naked White body beneath. Her pussy was shaved smooth, her belly curved very slightly - not fat, but neither was it the flat, toned stomach of someone who spent a lot of time attending to her figure, each breast was a big beautiful globe topped with wonderful large pink nipples.

"Why can't I keep a guy?" Bri asked pitifully. She spun in a slow circle so I could see the crescent of her back. From the shoulder-blades down to the big round ass. "What's the matter with me, Bill?"

As her eyes came around to meet mine again they were brimming with tears. I was seeing a side of Bri I'd never seen before. Not the loud, rude, obnoxious, and objectionable girl, but one who could be vulnerable, and authentic.

"Nothing," I said. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're beautiful."

She came to where I was sitting, and fell into my lap. Her arms closed around my neck. Instinctively I wrapped mine around the naked girl, holding her near to me. Her skin felt so soft beneath my fingers. She buried her face in my chest. For a few minutes, we stayed like that, feeling the presence of each other. Finally, she lifted her head, and looked me in the eyes. There was no more of the peevishness or pettiness in them. I felt like I was seeing Bri - really seeing her - for the first time. Slowly, she leaned in, and pressed her lips to mine. I could still taste vodka and fruit juice on them. Her tongue slipped inside my mouth, and tagged my own tongue.

My erection grew and strained through my pants, pressing against her bare buttocks. I'm sure she felt it. After a minute, she broke off our kissing and stood up. She took my hand and pulled me towards my bed. I followed her, unsure exactly what was supposed to happen next. All the jerk-off fantasies all these years hadn't come close to preparing me for this.

Maybe she was right, I reasoned with myself. Online relationships weren't real. This - what was happening right now - was real. Magda was just a fun fantasy. It wasn't like we'd actually agreed to be exclusive or committed to each other.

Bri bent in front of me, and lifted my shirt. As she did so, her lips followed, brushing a trail across my stomach and chest. Then she grabbed me by the waist of my pants. Her fingers brushed thrillingly through my pubic hair, as pulled me towards her.

"You're so shy," she giggled.

She made quick work of the button on my jeans, and slid them down to my ankles, underwear and all. My cock pointed towards her abdomen. She grasped it in her hand, her fingers wrapping tightly around the shaft.

"Hmm, not bad, Bill," she commented. "Not too bad at all. I think this'll do just fine. Now, lie down."

She gave me a gentle shove backwards. I climbed onto the bed with my head on the pillow, and my hard cock reaching towards the ceiling. Bri climbed over top of me. She reached one hand between her legs, and rubbed her clit.

"Taste me," she said. Her hand came away from her pussy, slick with her own juices. She inserted her fingers into my mouth. I sucked them clean, savouring the slightly sweet tangy flavour. "How does it taste?"

"Amazing," I said.

"Try to last longer than a minute," Bri said.

She grabbed my cock again, and rubbed the head up and down her warm wet slit. Then, slowly, she descended on it until her pelvis met mine. The feeling of being totally consumed by Bri's hot slippery pussy was indescribable. It felt far better than I'd ever imagined with just the palm of my hand (or Kris' mouth) for comparison.

Bri began to rock her hips back and forth. The movement was slow at first. I looked up past her beautiful big round breasts, into her face. Her breathing was becoming harder. She took hold of my hands which had been lying limply by my sides, and placed them on her tits. Instinctively, I squeezed them. I could feel the hard little nubs of her nipples poking into my palms.

A low sexy groan came from Bri's throat. She placed her hands on my chest and leaned forward, staring down into my eyes. Her hair fell in a blonde curtain around her face creating a sense of privacy and intimacy between us. This view was just for me. I felt her hips lift and fall back again.

"Grab my ass," Bri instructed, "Pull my lips apart."

I did as she instructed. My hands reached behind and beneath her bouncing ass, squeezing it. I allowed my fingers to probe between the bottom of her cheeks, and dip into the wetness surrounding my rock hard cock.

"Spread them." Bri ordered.

I pulled her labia apart, while squeezing her ass hard. Bri cried out.

"Fuck, that feels so good, Bill. Keep doing that."

She kept up her motions for a minute longer, and then sat up straight on top of me. I felt myself going deeper inside her than ever. I moaned loudly.

"Mmm, you like me like this, Billy?"

"Yes," I answered. "Very much."

"Tell me," she said, breathing hard as she began to grind again against me. "Tell me what you like."

"It feels so good," I answered. "You're so hot, and wet. I love the way you feel on me."

"Yes, Bill," she encouraged. "I love the way that your cock is so big and hard inside me. Mm... I want to feel you fuck me, okay?"

"Uh, sure," I said uncertainly. I was okay with Bri in control, but I wasn't sure how good my own performance would be. "Just remember it's my first time."

"I know, Bill," Bri said with a hint of impatience.

My cock slipped out of her, covered in her juices. Bri crawled off the bed.

"Come here," she instructed.

I did. She bent over my bed, pushing her ass out towards me. I could see her pussy lips, wet and sloppily smeared with her juices.

"Stick it in," she said.

I ran my cock between her thighs, and pressed against the crease between her soft lips. Slowly, I entered Bri, until I could feel my balls against her. Then slowly I withdrew, and repeated the motion.

"Come on, Bill, stop teasing and fuck me!" Bri demanded.

"I didn't want to hurt you," I said. "I don't really know what I'm doing."

"You're not going to hurt me," Bri said. "Just give me that big fucking cock of yours! I want to feel it slamming into my pussy! Stop being such a fucking virgin!"

That got my blood up, reminding me of what a bitch she'd been to me since we first met. I thrust hard into her.

"Yeah, that's it, virgin, give it to me!"

I had tried to be sensitive and gentlemanly, but now that was gone. In its place was all the frustration and irritation with Bri and every other pretty girl who had treated me like shit in my life. I aggressively pounded into Bri's wet hole, letting all of it go into her. My balls slapped wetly against her clit.

"Fuck, Bill, fuck!" Bri was shouting. "Fuck me, you fucking virgin! You fucking nerd virgin! Oh Jesus, you fuck so good."

Bri reached between her legs and rubbed her clit as I continued to slam into her from behind.

"Smack my ass," Bri instructed."Do it! Hard!"

My palm connected against her big white buttocks with a loud crack, setting the soft flesh jiggling slightly.

"Oohh..." Bri moaned. As my hand came away, a red ghost of its presence remained. "Again!" she ordered. Another crack, another hand print, this time on the opposite cheek.

My hands kneaded her buttocks while I pushed further into her with every thrust. I could feel Bri working her clit with even more intensity as I watched the muscles of her back move.

"Keep fucking me, Billy-goat-virgin-boy," Bri instructed, "You're going to make me cum soon."

Within a minute, I felt Bri's body tense up and begin to tremble.

"Ohh, fuuuck, yessss!" she growled, and then bit the blanket on my bed to keep herself from screaming out and possibly awakening the other girls in the house.

The feeling of her pussy muscles spasming wildly around my cock was more than I could bear. I grabbed her, pulling her forcefully back towards me as my hips rushed forward to meet her ass. My cock was as far inside of Bri as it could possibly go, throbbing uncontrollably. I bent over her. I could feel the semen pumping from deep within my balls out into my roommate, releasing all of the tension and frustration and anger in my cum - all those built-up years of it shooting deep inside Bri.

"Shit," I breathed as the orgasm subsided. "That was..." I didn't have words to complete the sentence.

"Intense?" Bri asked.

"Hm, yeah," I agreed.

I pulled out of Bri, and a large dribble of my cum and her juices leaked out of her pussy and ran down her leg.

"Get me a tissue?" Bri requested. I fetched the box that was conveniently by my bed. She wiped away the mess. I took one myself to rub the juices from my cock.

"Thanks, Bill," she said. "I really needed that." She looked me up and down, "And so did you, admit it."

"Yeah," I said with a small chuckle, "I guess that's been a long time coming."

"Well, Bill," Bri said in a dramatic tone, "You're a virgin no-more. And so I shall take my leave of you."

I didn't correct her. There was no point telling her about Kris in the shower a few weeks earlier. That was between Kris and I - our secret. And this had been different. That had been great, but this seemed more official.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," she replied.

She picked up her hockey jersey from my bedroom floor, and slipped it easily back over her head.

"And Bill..." she said as she reached my bedroom door. "Don't say anything about this to the other girls, okay? Please?"

"Okay," I agreed.


She slipped out the door, and I slipped into bed, feeling more exhausted than I ever had in my life.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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