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Nathan's Proposition-- Chapter 3

"Vince and Nathan become intimate."

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Will you be my first?

Those five words coming from Nathan have the potential to send Vince into a frenzy. The older man wants nothing more than to grab the twink by the head and kiss him as hard as he can. To strip the boy completely naked and admire his slim, toned, hairy body. To see his exposed ass and dick for the first time. To taste both of them. The thought of doing any of those things to the boy sitting right next to Vince now is more than enough to make the man's cock become rock hard.

But he manages to hold himself back for now. Nathan isn't ready to be ravaged just yet.

"You want me to take your virginity?" Vince asks him in a calm voice, though he's anything but calm on the inside. The boy he's been lusting after for weeks has just asked him to be his first. It's almost impossible for Vince to stay calm right now, but he's somehow doing so, much to his surprise.

Nathan nods, "I do. But I'm not sure if I want you to fuck me or not. I don't know how I will feel about being a bottom. I'm not even sure if I like men, I mean, I must because I find you attractive, but I do like girls as well, a lot. But something keeps pulling me towards you, I cannot explain it. I've never had these feelings about a man before."

It's clear Nathan is nervous. His right leg is bouncing up and down, and he's fiddling with the key ring that's clipped to his belt loop. Plus, that's the most the boy has ever said in one sitting since Vince started spending time with him and Noah a few weeks ago. The fact that the twink rambles when he's nervous is so adorable to Vince.

Vince wants to touch Nathan right now, he thinks about placing a hand on the boy's knee but decides to hold off in case the gesture scares him off. Instead, he clasps his hands together in front of him. "Nathan, listen to me," he begins, looking right at the boy next to him, "We will move at your pace. And we will not do anything without your say-so. You understand me?"

Nathan nods, "So you will take my virginity?"

Now it's Vince's turn to laugh out loud, "Hell yes I'll take it! And I'll be honored!"

Nathan beams, "Okay. Cool!"

"You have a beautiful smile, Nathan."

The boy's face turns a little pink. "Thank you." He responds quietly.

The two of them look deeply into each other's eyes, studying one another. In Nathan's hazel eyes, Vince sees a boy on the verge of becoming a young man, there's a purity to him. He's kind and not quick to anger. Vince has witnessed these virtues himself these last few weeks. There's also curiosity in Nathan's eyes, and a willingness to learn, and Vince is more than willing to teach him a few things. Of course, there's also doubt in his pretty eyes. As he just told the older man a few moments ago, he has low self-esteem. Vince sees that now.

"May I touch you, Nathan?" Vince kindly asks.

"Um, sure."

Raising his right arm slowly, Vince gently touches the side of Nathan's face, the instant his hand connects with the boy's cheek, Vince feels sparks (as cliche as that is to say). His hand literally tingles from the touch. There is some light stubble on Nathan's face, making it somewhat scratchy, but Vince doesn't mind at all. He spends a few long seconds letting his hand rest on the boy's cheek. Nathan also feels the sparks between them as Vince touches him and looks into his eyes. The man slowly drops his hand and allows it to rest on the boy's knee.

"I don't know if this will help you more at ease or not, but I need you to hear it Nathan," Vince starts, "You do not have to be self-conscious with me. I love everything I see on you. I think you are as close to perfect as it gets."

Nathan snorts, not in an unkind way, "Thank you, Vince. But I'm not even close to perfect."

Vince makes a face, "I disagree." He tells Nathan as he inches his face closer to him. He stops just as their lips are about to touch. Nathan swallows, then does something that almost breaks Vince...the boy licks his lips. Vince grits his teeth, a habit he tries to avoid, but he has to do something to prevent him from attacking the boy here and now.

Nathan notices Vince's reaction and smirks flirtatiously, "Does that turn you on?"

"Just seeing you turns me on, Nathan. You licking your lips like that drives me wild!" Vince answers him, "I almost attacked you!"He laughs as he says it, but is dead serious.

Nathan nods then grins widely, showing off his pretty, white teeth, "Attack away!" The boy dares him and inches even closer to the older man. For a split second, Vince's resolve collapses, and he tackles Nathan over onto the couch and pins him down. No surprise shows on the boy's face as the older man hovers above him, his arms pinned above his head by Vince's hands, their faces mere inches apart. Nathan continues to smirk at him, looking into his dark blue eyes. It appears that Nathan is becoming more comfortable with Vince, which makes the man happy.

He wants nothing more than to close the small gap between the two of them and kiss this boy. It'd be so easy to do so. Every fiber of his being is screaming at Vince to do it. But he doesn't. Not yet, he tells himself. Instead, he rests his forehead against Nathan's and closes his eyes, enjoying the contact. After several seconds, Vince releases Nathan's arms and climbs off of him. Nathan gives him a quick, disappointed look. "Don't you want to kiss me?" He asks the man.

"Of course I do! But I want you to ask me to kiss you." Vince can tell that Nathan wants a kiss, it's written all over his face. But the man wants to hear the boy verbally say it.

Nathan swallows and leans into Vince, "I want you to kiss me."

That's all Vince needed to hear. He looks deeply into Nathan's hazel eyes and tenderly brings their lips together. Once they connect, a great pleasure washes over the man, literal tingles shoot all over his body. His eyes close as his lips begin to move along in sync with Nathan's. The boy's lips open soon after, inviting Vince's tongue inside, which the man eagerly accepts. Their tongues dance around one another. Vince brings a hand up and grabs Nathan by the back of his head, pulling the boy in closer than ever. Then, Nathan does something that makes Vince freeze up; he bites down slightly on the man's bottom lip. A moan unexpectedly escapes his lips. He loves having his lip bitten. The two pull apart, albeit slowly. Vince opens his blue eyes to see Nathan staring back at him, red-faced and smiling.

"I get the feeling that wasn't your first kiss Nathan."

"It wasn't. I kissed a girl in my sophomore year." He explains, "But that was my first kiss with a man. This was far better!"

Vince beams at the boy. "So, do you want to do this now?" He asks Nathan.

"I do. But my family will wonder where I am and I don't want them interrupting us. Or becoming suspicious."

The man nods in an understanding way, "When do you want to?"

"I'm thinking Saturday. My parents will be going to my grandparents' house. They'll take Isaac with them. Noah is going out with his friends. We'll have all day together." Vince loves the idea of having Nathan at his house an entire day, especially if he's going to be naked, but Saturday is five days away. The days are sure to drag by. It will be agony. But Vince will wait as long as he needs to.

Holding one of Nathan's hands, Vince tells him, "I hope this week flies by!"


Just as Vince had predicted, the days agonizingly dragged by. Each second felt like a minute. Each minute felt like an hour. Each hour felt like a day. Every day seemed like one week.

But Saturday had finally arrived! Vince awoke this morning almost sick with excitement and anticipation. And if he is being honest, some dread as well. He half expected something to come up that would disrupt his day with Nathan. He worried that Uncle Todd would have a relapse. Or that he (or Nathan) would come down with something, it is flu season after all. Not to mention the world has to deal with Covid now. Or, worst of all, Nathan would change his mind. But as luck would have it, none of those things happened. Uncle Todd is fine. Neither Vince nor Nathan is sick. And Nathan assured him that all was going to plan.

*My parents will be leaving around noon* Nathan's early morning text had read.

It was now fifteen until noon. Vince has already checked out his window to see if John's car was gone or not, at least half a dozen times. Each time he saw the gray car still sitting in the driveway, the man would groan. He had already seen Noah leave with his friends an hour ago. Now if only the parents would skedaddle.

Only a moment later, they did just that. Another moment after that, a knock sounded on Vince's front door. With his heart beating loudly, Vince opens his door to see the handsome boy, standing on his front porch. His long sandy brown hair was in the usual ponytail, his face was now clean-shaven, and he wore his red hoodie and black jeans. Vince drinks the boy's appearance before silently inviting him inside, where Nathan removes his shoes.

Once the door is closed, Nathan shocks Vince by grabbing the man by the shoulders and planting an unexpected, but very nice kiss right on the lips. At 5'8, Nathan is only slightly shorter than Vince's 5'10.

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"Wow! That was nice!" Vince tells him.

"I've wanted to kiss you again ever since that night you kissed me for the first time," Nathan tells him. The two had seen each other since that evening, but Noah and/or John were with them too, so they had to act normal. Which was difficult for both of them. Nathan removed his red hoodie, revealing a thin gray t-shirt underneath that clung nicely to his muscles. After he places the hoodie on the couch, Vince wraps the boy up in his arms. It takes Nathan a second to respond, but he eventually returns the hug.

"Are you still up for this?" Vince whispers in his ear.

Nathan pulls back, "Yes." He replies instantly.

Vince smiles warmly. "I've thought long and hard about this. And I know what I want to do to you first."

Nathan's eyebrows rise a little bit, "Oh. Did you make a list?"

Vince chuckles, "Not quite. But I would like for this to be longer than a one-day hookup. Is that okay?"

"I would like that too."

"Good. I'm happy to hear that!"

"So what do you want to do to me first?" Nathan asks in an eager but nervous tone.

Taking the boy by the hand, Vince leads him down the hallway of his trailer to the very end where his bedroom is. He has a comfortable queen-sized bed that takes up most of the space. The bedroom has a connected bathroom with it. After entering the bedroom, Vince shuts and locks the door. "I want to give you blowjobs," Vince tells him in a seductive tone.

Nathan swallows, causing his Adam's apple to bobble, "Blowjobs? Plural?"

Vince nods. "Do you remember that cougar I mentioned to you and Noah earlier this week?"

Nathan nods.

"That's how she began my training. With oral. Once I mastered it, we moved on to another lesson. I want to do the same thing with you. If you are okay with it."

"I am." Nathan begins, "it's just...well."

"Well, what?"

The boy's face is a bright crimson now, indicating his embarrassment.

Vince walks up to him and places his hands on the boy's arms. He can feel his hard muscles under them. "Remember Nathan, you don't have to be self-conscious with me."

His words seem to calm the boy some. He nods again and exhales deeply, "I'm afraid I'll cum early. Sometimes when I jack off, I cum within a minute or two."

Vince smiles affectionately at him, "That's okay Nathan. It's normal. And you can learn to control it. I'll help you."

"Okay." He says. The two of them begin to kiss again. It starts off slow and tender before picking up, and soon they are making out noisily and sloppily. Neither of them is holding back this time. Each of their hands explores one another over their clothes. Vince reaches down and squeezes one of Nathan's buttocks, loving the feel of it. When Nathan begins to remove his gray t-shirt, Vince stops him. "No, let me, please. "

Nathan nods to Vince, giving him the o.k.. Vince pulls the boy's gray shirt off his body, exposing his bare, slim, toned, and hairy torso. Vince sucks in a breath as he studies the boy's body. Even though his stomach is covered with thick, dark hair, his abs are still very visible, and they look great! "Lay on the bed," Vince tells him.

Nathan complies and lies down with his head on one of Vince's pillows. Vince joins him, sitting on his knees at the boy's feet. He reaches up to the boy's belt and undoes it. He unbuttons his pants and lowers the zipper, then in one swift motion, Vince removes the jeans off of Nathan, exposing his black and blue boxers, and best of all, Nathan's dick is already rock hard, standing at attention.

The man lowers his head to Nathan's crotch and begins teasing his dick with his tongue through the boxers. A soft moan escapes Nathan. Precum is already oozing through the front of his boxers. Vince laughs, "You're so wet already buddy!"

Nathan nods with a smile, "Sorry."

"Don't you dare apologize. It turns me on!"

Placing his fingers under the waistband of the boy's boxers, lowers them slowly down Nathan's hairy legs, past his knees, and finally, they are completely gone. The sight in front of Vince is a beautiful one; Nathan lying on his bed in all of his naked glory. Vince's blue eyes look the boy up and down, admiring him. His gaze especially lingers on Nathan's rock-hard, cut dick. It looks to be six inches long and has a magnificent mushroom head. It's leaking precum so profusely that Vince thinks the boy has already shot his first load.

But he hasn't.

"Let me clean this up for you," Vince says as he takes Nathan's dick in his hand and sticks it in his mouth, using his tongue to lap up all of the cum oozing out of the tip. Nathan gasps the second Vince's tongue touches his cockhead and tenses up. "Relax Nathan."

"It just feels so fucking good!"

"Just you wait." Vince chuckles. The man takes Nathan's manhood back into his mouth and begins bobbing his head up and down, going all the way down to the boy's balls. He feels the tip of his dick touch the back of his throat. Nathan lets out a louder moan this time.

"Oh fuck!" He calls out.

Vince continues working on Nathan's dick as the boy grips the blanket tightly, a handful in each hand, trying not to squirm out of Vince's grip, not that he wants to, but the sensation is so pleasurable that his body is almost moving on its own. The man's head is moving up and down, up and down on the boy's dick quickly now, each time he goes down, he deep throats the boy's dick. He's going so fast now that it's causing those slurping/gagging sounds. Meanwhile, Nathan is a moaning mess, letting out many "Ohs" and "Ahs". He isn't as loud as most other guys Vince has been with, but it isn't surprising, given how quiet the boy is.

Vince feels the pressure building up in Nathan's balls. It won't be long now.

"I'm going to cum." Nathan warns him. The man just keeps sucking him until lets out a loud "OH FUCK!!" As his slim body is rocked by an intense orgasm. Vince tastes his reward. Nathan releases several globs of salty cum in the man's mouth. He swallows every drop.

"You lasted longer than two minutes!"

Nathan has gone still, except for the trembling caused by the orgasm he just experienced. He stares up at the ceiling with his hazel eyes, face red, and his arms and legs both spread out wide on the bed. "How was that?" Vince asks him as he crawls up the bed and lies next to the boy.

"It was epic!" He tells the man in his typical quiet tone but with a huge smile on his face.

Vince reaches over and places a hand on the boy's hairy peck and begins fondling one of the hard nipples. "Is this okay?"

Nathan simply nods. They lay like that for a few minutes, the only sound is of Nathan's panting. Looking down, Vince sees that the boy's dick is still hard, causing the man to grin. "Ready for round two?"

Nathan looks at him, "Yes!"

Vince gets back into place with his head at Nathan's crotch. He begins by stroking the shaft of Nathan's six-inch dick this time. Precum begins to leak out again, causing Vince to smile. He remembers how it was when he was a teen and how his cock would get hard and leaky at the drop of a hat. Nathan is quiet while he's being stroked until the man flicks his tongue out and licks him from the tip of his dick to the base of it. This action solicits a gasp from the boy. Then Vince moves down to his ballsack, where he licks and sucks on each testicle. This gets another, louder gasp from Nathan. "This time, I want you to try and hold your load in for at least five minutes," Vince tells him.

"I'll try," Nathan says to him. Vince takes his manhood back into his mouth. At the three-minute mark, he feels the orgasm building back up inside Nathan. He orders the boy to hold it off. Which he manages to do.

Nathan lasts the entire five minutes. He releases so much cum this time that it explodes out of Vince's mouth.

A look of embarrassment crosses Nathan's face, "I'm sor---"

Vince silences him with his hand as he slurps up the cum that fell onto the boy, "Don't apologize for this. Ever."

The next hour passes quickly. Vince sucks Nathan off a third time.

Then a fourth...

And even a fifth...

By the fifth time, Nathan is almost completely spent. He's sprawled out on the bed, face as red as a tomato, his hazel eyes closed, but not asleep.

"What time should we expect your family back?"

Nathan swallows, "My mom..texts before they....leave. Usually, they come home around six or so...." he answers Vince in between his panted breathing.

Vince smiles devilishly as he checks the time, "So I have you for roughly another FIVE hours! I hope you aren't finished yet. I plan on making you cum at least a dozen more times before you leave!"

Nathan gives him a cute look of shock that makes Vince laugh loudly. "But first, we need food.

Written by ArcherWright2151
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