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Nathan's Proposition Chapter 2

"Vince and Nathan's relationship grows"

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A few weeks have passed since Nathan saw Arnie leaving Vince's trailer that evening. Since then, Nathan and his older brother Noah have been to Vince's home a handful of times, but Nathan hasn't brought Arnie up. Not that Vince expects him to. But Nathan must at least suspect that something sexual had happened between the older man and Arnie -- not that Vince cares if the boy suspects anything, but he gets excited imagining Nathan being turned on by it. Maybe the boy has thought about it in the nights since? Maybe he's even become aroused? And touched himself because of it? Vince's cock begins to twitch and wake up from his thoughts. He mentally scolds himself and focuses on the task at hand.

Right now, the two boys are helping him build bookshelves: Vince had purchased the shelves earlier in the day. When the boys had seen him unloading them, they asked if he needed help. The brothers are handy, especially Nathan. The boy has a determined, almost hypnotic look in his hazel eyes as he quietly works. Noah is a hard worker as well, but not a quiet one. He has talked almost nonstop since they began working on the shelves. Vince doesn't mind though. Noah has always been conversational; it's why he and Freddie (Vince's son) are such good friends. Either of them could carry on a conversation with a solid brick wall if they wanted to. Nathan is the opposite. He only contributes to a conversation when he has something to say. Mostly he just nods in agreement or shakes his head.

"Have you seen that Brad Pitt movie from last year, where he's an assassin on the train?" Noah asks Vince.

"I have not."

"You should! It's funny!" Noah tells him.

"He's right, it is pretty funny!" Nathan adds in a quiet but confident tone.

"Did you guys watch it together?" Vince asks.

Noah answers, "No, I watched it at our cousin's house on TV."

"I saw it in the theater with my friends," Nathan informs him.

"You and your friends go to the movies often?" Vince inquires, hoping to keep Nathan talking as long as possible.

"Occasionally. When we can and when there is a movie we all want to see," Nathan tells him.

"What else do you do? Besides going to the theater occasionally, I mean?"

Nathan shrugs at his question. "Mostly we just ride around town and goof off. We go out to eat too. Usually to Waffle House. Not like there's much to do in this town." His hazel eyes meet Vince's dark blue ones for a second after he says that last bit. There's a playful, almost cheeky glint in them. It makes Vince's heart flutter.

Vince chuckles. "That's the truth! Do you ever hang out with Noah and his friends?"

Noah shakes his head. Nathan smirks playfully at his older brother, "No. They are a bit too...redneck for me!" He puts emphasis on the word "redneck" and is obviously teasing Noah with it.

"Bitch," Noah calls him with a smirk.

"Twenty year old infant," Nathan counters.


"Stop trying to be a smart-ass, Noah, because you're not smart."

Vince tries not to, but he sputters and begins laughing. Nathan really burned his brother with that last remark, but also, the calm and nonchalant way they delivered their insults to one another, while each is building a bookshelf, was comical. Vince knows that they are just messing with each other and not being serious.

"Slut," Noah hurls at him. "Oh no wait, you're still a virgin. How sad."

Vince observes Nathan's face to see how he reacts to what Noah just said. The boy's eyes meet Vince's for a slight second before Nathan averts them, his face turns a slight shade of red, but other than that it remains relatively stoic.

"So what if I am still a virgin? I'm only eighteen."

Noah snorts, "I lost mine well before I was eighteen!" he announces with a proud smirk that showcases his handsome features. With his long dark brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes, it isn't any wonder that Noah gets a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

"I've seen some of the girls you've fucked Noah," Nathan tells him in a tone that's slightly disapproving, "I have standards." The look Nathan gave Vince after saying it was very subtle and quick. Vince almost missed it, almost. It made his heart beat faster and caused his face to burn slightly. But did he mean that as a jab towards Vince too? He did see Arnie leave that day.

Also, that's the first time Vince has heard Nathan cuss, ever, and it was "fuck", one of the most crude ones...also Vince's favorite cuss word to use when he's...well, fucking.

"This may be an overshare, but I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty," Vince announces.

Noah looks surprised, no "surprise" there. Nathan of course looks stoic as ever. He only nodded at the older man's words and continued working on the (now) almost completed shelf.

"No way! Our dad told us you had lots of girlfriends back in high school!" Noah says.

Vince chuckles, "I'm not sure how your dad would know that since I was out of high school long before he ever got there! But he is right. I did my fair share of dating then. However, I never sealed the deal, if you will, with any of those girls," Vince admits. "When I was twenty, I met this older woman, a cougar, I guess, who offered to train me in how to please a woman correctly." Of course he's also learned how to please men too since then, but he doesn't add this to his monolog.

Noah makes a face. "I've never been attracted to cougars. The age difference has always bothered me."

Vince opens his mouth to say something, but Nathan beats him to it, "Age is just a number." He declares. Vince is surprised by this, but not as surprised as Noah. His jaw is practically on the floor now, he stops working and turns towards his younger brother.

"Seriously, Nate? You'd date or fuck a woman in her eighties or nineties?" Vince is sure Noah has turned a little green just thinking about it.

Nathan shrugs nonchalantly. "I won't go seeking out an old person as a potential partner, but if I met one who was a good person and has a good personality, why not?"

Noah gives his brother an incredulous look, "Because they are oollllddd..." he deadpans, dragging out the word "old". He quickly looks away from Nathan to Vince and adds, "No offense, old man!"

"None taken. But remember, if you're lucky, one day you'll be my age! Possibly older!" Vince reminds him with a laugh.

Noah chuckles at that and then a comfortable silence washes over them as they continue to work. The way Noah had said "old" just now makes Vince recall something from a few days ago...


Vince had just pulled his blue pickup truck into his driveway, having just finished running some errands, when Noah came out of his family's trailer onto the front porch, waving him down. Vince waves back and Noah bounds off of the porch and heads over to him. His dark brown hair that's normally braided hangs loose and wild, the curls make it seem shorter than it actually is.

"What's up, Noah?"

"Do you have a minute? I want to show you my knife collection. "

"Uh..." Vince looks from the boy to his truck where a few Walmart bags are seated. He only bought a few groceries this trip, a couple of them being TV dinners that need to be put in the freezer.

"It will only take a minute," Noah tells him., "Or I can help you take your stuff in first?"

Vince thinks it over and decides to just go with him first. It's a cool Fall Saturday afternoon. The food shouldn't spoil anytime soon. "That's okay, you can show me the knives right fast."

Noah beams ear to ear. "Follow me!"

As they approach the trailer, Vince notices that John's car is gone. "Your parents gone?"

"Yeah. They go visit our mamaw and papaw on Saturday. They took Isaac with them. It's just Nate and I home right now." Isaac is their youngest brother. Vince instantly perks up at the mention of Nathan. With luck, he'll get to see him in a matter of seconds. Vince knows that Noah and Nathan share a bedroom, they always have, so he will likely see him in there.

It may be a bit creepy of the older man, but early on the weekday mornings, he watches out his side window (that has a wonderful view of the walkway down to the bus stop, just so he can catch some looks at Nathan as he walks with his little brother to the stop. Just seeing the cute twink from afar improves his day.

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The trailer is quiet when they enter, aside from the living room TV quietly playing in the background. Vince scans the living room for Nathan but is disappointed when he doesn't see him.

"Where's Eli at these days?" he asks Noah, trying to hide his disappointment. Eli is their oldest brother; he's barely a year older than Noah.

"Eli moved in with his friend Braden a few weeks ago," Noah tells him, "I got his room!" he adds excitedly.

"Oh! That's awesome! So you and Nathan don't share a room anymore?"

"Nope! Since Eli moved out, we each have our own space now! It's great!"

"It is! I'm happy for you guys!" Vince does his best to sound happy for them, but once again he has to hide his disappointment at not being able to see Nathan. He follows Noah to what used to be Eli's bedroom. It only takes a few minutes for Noah to show him the knife collection. He has several nice ones with intricate designs on the blades. One belonged to his dad's papaw, "This one is ooollldddd!" Noah had said when he showed it to Vince.

The two of them head back out into the living room. "I'm going to buy some swords soon," Noah informs him.

Placing a hand on the knob of the front door, Vince says, "I can't wait to see them! I have to go put my groceries away now, see you lat---" he stops when he hears the door to the hallway bedroom open and close; Nathan's bedroom door...

Vince's dark blue eyes immediately turn their gaze to the hallway, where a very sweaty and shirtless Nathan appears. Vince stops breathing for a few seconds when he sees the hot (literally, he has sweat dripping off him) boy. All he's wearing aside from his sneakers is a pair of red and blue basketball shorts, giving Vince an eye full. His sandy brown hair is pulled into his signature ponytail and his slim, toned torso glistens underneath the sweat.

What shocks Vince most and turns him on widely, is how hairy Nathan's torso is. It covers everywhere from his pecks all the way down past his navel and disappears beneath his shorts. The shorts do very little to hide what's under them, Vince can clearly see the prominent outline of Nathan's dick through the shorts.

"Oh--uh-- hey Nathan... how are---" blubbering I like an idiot, Nathan actually smiles at Vince, which causes the older man's face to heat up drastically, to get himself out of this situation, Vince does the only thing he can think of..he begins to fake a coughing fit. Which he's very good at.

Nathan and Noah both look startled, which is surprising for the normally stoic Nathan. Who rushes close to him. "Are you okay?" he asks kindly, "Noah, get him some water!" Noah nods and disappears into the kitchen, leaving a coughing Vince alone with a shirtless and sweaty Nathan. The boy is standing so close that Vince can smell his stench, which he obviously got from working out. Nathan places a hand on his back and begins patting him, to help with the coughing, which of course is doing nothing, but Vince is elated to have the boy touching him in any capacity.

Noah appears then with the water and hands it to him, Vince takes a long gulp of it. "Thanks. I appreciate the water. I don't know what brought that on!"

"You aren't allergic to dogs, are you? Ours is in my room right now, but this couch is practically his." Nathan says to him while motioning to the sofa right next to them.

"No. I don't have any allergies. I must've gotten choked on my spit," he says with a laugh. Then, feeling brazen, he looks right at Nathan and adds, "I don't choke easily." He swears he sees the boy's Adam's apple move, indicating a gulp from him. Noah was responding to a text, so he didn't hear what Vince had just said to his younger brother.


The memory makes Vince smile. Oh how he wishes he could have gotten a picture of Nathan in his shorts..

"My shelf is done," Nathan declares.

"Mine too!" Noah adds.

"Thanks for helping with them, guys! I really appreciate you taking time out of your evening to help me!"

"No problem! We had nothing else to do!" Nathan tells him.

Vince inspects the bookshelves and is very pleased with them. He hands each boy a $50 bill. "For your time."

"Wow! Thanks, Vince!" Noah exclaims.

"Yeah, thank you," Nathan echoes.

Vince waves them off. "Don't mention it." Even though he didn't ask them for help, the older man doesn't mind paying them for it.

After that, the brothers leave and Vince calls his uncle Todd to check up.on him. Something he has done daily since leaving his uncle. Todd assures his nephew that he's fine, except for having to give up all of his fried, high-cholesterol foods. "I think the healthy food is worse for me than the other is," he jokingly said. Once Vince is satisfied that Todd is okay, he hangs up and hears a quiet knock coming from the front door. It's Nathan. Unfortunately, he isn't shirtless.

"Hey Nathan! Forget something?"

"My phone, actually. "

"Oh.. come on in."

As soon as they are back in Vince's living room, he spots Nathan's phone on the coffee table. "I don't know how I missed it," Vince says as he grabs it and hands it to Nathan.

"I'm glad you didn't," Nathan begins quietly, "I left it on purpose. I want to talk to you alone, without my brother here. "

Vince doesn't even try to hide his surprise, "You do? Is everything all right?"

Nathan quickly nods. "Yes. I'm okay. I wanted to ask you something, but it's stupid and I probably shouldn't." The nerves are apparent in his voice, even though he's managing to speak plainly despite them.

"Hey, it's okay, buddy. You can ask me anything. What is it?" Vince now notices how red Nathan's face is. It's a deep shade of scarlet and he can't maintain eye contact with the older man.

Nathan takes a deep breath and sits down on the couch. "I want to ask you something personal. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't answer and, tell me to fuck off." Hearing his crush swear again both shocked and excited Vince.

"I would never tell you to fuck off Nathan. Now what is it?" The anticipation is killing Vince at this point. He sits next to the boy.

"Are you into guys? I saw Arnie Williams leaving here a few weeks ago and I know he is gay and he sleeps around a lot. But I know you like women too because of, well, Freddie. Plus I've met some of your girlfriends over the years. But like I said, Arnie was here. I don't think you are just friends with him. Plus, I've seen you looking at me many times now. Like you find me attractive, that is. So do you? Think I'm attractive, I mean. And are you into men as well as women?" Nathan finally finishes his ramble and releases a big breath.

Vince processes what was just said before answering, "Yes. I like guys and gals. I'm bi." Nathan nods as if he expected this answer, which Vince is sure he did. "And I think you're sexy as fuck!" Nathan's hazel eyes widen, then he smiles even wider.

"You do? Seriously?"

Vince nods, "I promise."

Nathan lets out an honest-to-God laugh, startling Vince. "I'm so glad! And flattered!"

"Wait, are you surprised?"

Nathan nods, "Yes I am. I don't have the highest self-esteem. Despite what you think."

Vince is truly shocked by this revelation. Nathan doesn't realize how good-looking he is.

"Can I ask you something else? I have a...proposition for you," Nathan asks nervously.

Vince swallows and nods to the boy.

After a long pause, Nathan swallows and asks, "Will you be my first?"

‐-------Author's Note------

Thank you for reading this far! I'm sorry there wasn't any sex in this chapter! I had meant for there to be some, but time constraints forced me to cut it. But I PROMISE there will be some sexy scenes next chapter, which I'm working on now!!!

Written by ArcherWright2151
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