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Caught Looking

"My wife was away for the day, and a hot afternoon at the gym turned out satisfying a long time craving."

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Author's Notes

"This story stands alone but is open for continuation with further experiences."

It was a hot and humid late August weekend in New Jersey. My wife Jill spent the day ‘down the shore’, as we Jerseyans say. She and several girlfriends visited Kris, another of the girls, who owned a beach house. A day of sun, surf, tanning, cocktails, barbeque, and possibly an overnight stay if she’d had too much to drink.

Jill left very early Saturday morning to beat the shore traffic on the Garden State Parkway. I puttered around home doing some easy chores and cleaned up a few things from work. Then I spent some time watching porn on my desktop.

I hadn’t been to the gym where we were members for several days, so I decided to go and have a light workout to pass the time.

When I stop at the gym on the way home from my office, I change into my workout stuff in the locker room. That day, as I do when Jill and I go together, I changed into a jock, shorts, and a tee shirt at home and headed out.

When I arrived, I was a little surprised at how few people were there. Many people were probably enjoying the beaches and lakes to beat the heat and humidity.

I wasn’t in the mood for a heavy workout and thought I’d just spend some time on the stationary bike and treadmill. Maybe an hour or so to pass the afternoon. I did half an hour on the bike, cleaned it, and headed over to the treadmills.

That’s when I saw him once again on a weights machine a short distance away. He’s a few inches taller than me and probably twenty or so pounds heftier. He was wearing spandex-type shorts and a cropped sleeveless well-deserved muscle tee. A noticeable bulge silhouetted against the front of the spandex. I’d admired his body during previous visits but tried to be discreet.

I’m in pretty good shape, but not up to where he sets the bar. We’re built differently. I’m sort of lean and lithe where he is more muscular, but not overly so. Though every ripple of muscle on his upper body, arms, and legs is clearly defined.  On top of that seemingly perfect body is a devilishly handsome hairless face topped by a smoothly shaved bald head.

With the sheen of perspiration on his dark brown skin, he looked as if he had been sculpted in chocolate by a Renaissance artist. I was envious.

As it had several times previously, seeing him stirred something deep inside of me. My lifelong stifled attraction to, and curiosity about, certain other men rumbled. For years I had suppressed the urge to explore pleasure with another man.

I thought to myself, here I am married to beautiful and frankly very hot Jill. Nevertheless, once again I had lustful thoughts about this guy. It was confusing and frustrating. I wondered, ”Am I some kind of perv?”

My urges were something I felt I couldn’t discuss with anyone else. Not Jill, my family, or my closest friends. They would never understand. I knew none of them would ever be accepting of how I felt. What would Jill think and how would she react? Would she be at all understanding or revulsed by my urges?

Jill is a free spirit and a go-with-the-flow person. But even so, if I admitted to her that I had an attraction to any man it would probably be a huge mistake. Wouldn’t it?

We often go to the gym together. She works hard at keeping her tight, five-foot-two-inch body, with thirty-four-inch jugs, and gorgeous ass just as it was when we first met.

It always seemed that Jill had been in the vicinity whenever I laid eyes on the guy across the way.  So, I couldn’t simply wander over and make his acquaintance without an explanation to her. Not that I had the balls to approach him anyway. Approaching him and then explaining it to Jill was not a road I was ready to travel.

All those thoughts ran through my mind when I suddenly realized he was coming toward me. He’d left the machine he had been working on and walked straight in my direction as he wiped himself down with a towel.

Oh fuck! He’d caught me looking. When I saw him approach, I turned off the treadmill.

He started, “Hey…hi there, I’m Mik how ya doin’?”

“Hi, I’m Ken. I’m doing fine here inside rather than being out in the heat and humidity.”

“Yeah, I agree. Look, I hope I’m not out of line here, but I saw you looking over at me. To be frank, I’ve noticed you looking my way a few other times recently. So, I’m curious as to why. I’m concerned that maybe you’re someone I’d met previously at a party or something and you might think I was being rude by not acknowledging you.”

“Yeah, no, please that’s not the case at all.”

“Okay. So then what’s going on?”

“Look Mik, I apologize. Uhm, this is embarrassing. A few weeks ago, my wife pointed you out to me. Jill sort of teased me about how she wished my body was put together more like yours. She was kidding, I think. But frankly, since that day, I have been glancing over at you because she’s right you are in great shape and I’m envious of your appearance.”

“Oh man, is that all this is about?  You have no reason to be embarrassed.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear you say that because when I saw you headed this way, I thought maybe you intended to kick my ass for eyeballing you.”

“Hey, there’s no foul in admiring another guy’s body. I do it myself. I’m always checking out other guys here in the gym, on the beach, or anywhere for that matter. I admire other in-shape guys, and women too of course.”

“Okay, so I guess you don’t think I’m some kind of perv then?”

“No, man, I appreciate beauty, appeal, and sensuousness in others, whether male or female. That’s how my partner KC and I live our lives.”

“By the way, you have no cause for concern. Your wife should get off your case. Sure, you’re built differently than me, but you look damn fine to me. I guess you haven’t been quick enough to catch me the times I’ve been checking out you and your wife.”

When I heard that Mik had been ogling Jill and me, it sparked my interest. Why would he admit that, and what about that partner of his? I wanted to know more about this black stud and see where things might take me. My urges started to simmer.

“I never noticed you looking our way, so I guess you were too quick for me. So, um, your partner, I’ve never seen her here with you. Is she not a gym person?”

“KC is not a she. His name is Kyle Curtis, but he prefers KC.”

“Oh, I see. Uhhhh.”

I was surprised at his revelation, but something inside of me was glad to hear it. However, at that moment my reaction kind of froze. I didn’t know what to say in reply.

“Don’t be embarrassed. We met a few years ago. We’re both openly bisexual or poly or whatever label is most appropriate these days.”

“We enjoy sex, obviously with each other, but also with other men and women whenever either of us has a chance for an appealing opportunity. Our relationship is wide open and uninhibited.”

“Call us ‘swingers’ if you like. We both believe that various partners, chosen carefully and safely, are exciting, stimulating, and keep our relationship vigorously alive.”

“Mik, please don’t think my reaction was in any way judgmental, certainly not. I was just surprised. I don’t know anyone who lives the lifestyle of you and KC. I’m curious about it though.”

“Jill and I have talked about the possibility of her and I exploring sex with others. Jill is cautiously open to giving it a try.  We think that playing with other attractive, appealing, sex partners could be fun and very exciting. But we’ve hesitated to get very serious about it because we simply don’t know enough about how to get started, other than internet sites. Plus, we’re unsure what effect playing with others might have on our marriage.”

“Hey, I get it. I’d be happy to discuss it with you if you like. You know, answer any questions, tell you about KC and my relationship.”

“That’d be great Mik. Thanks.”

“Ken, KC, and I bought a large home on the west side of town about a year ago. We chose it because we like to entertain a lot. We have small intimate groups over and sometimes larger parties. It’s spacious with lots of rooms.  Some afford privacy for guests who might want to take advantage of that. We have a large patio surrounded by trees and shrubbery for privacy with a pool and outdoor shower. Perfect for hot humid times like today.”

“How about coming over for a few beers and continuing our conversation? That is if you’re through with your workout. I noticed you came in today in your workout clothes like I did. You could follow me to my place, shower, have a few beers, and continue talking.”

“What about KC? Would he be okay with that?”

“Sure. We’re always looking to make new friends and explore the possibilities. I should say he would be okay with it if he was there, but he’s away on business. Speaking of such things, what about Jill? Is she expecting you home?”

“No Mik. Jill is spending the day down the shore with girlfriends and may wind up spending the night there as well. She and her friends will be partying so she may decide to stay there overnight.”

“So sure, okay.  Thanks for the invitation. I’ll meet you in the parking lot. We can exchange addresses and I’ll follow you to your place.”

I was surprised by his invitation since we’d only just met. I didn’t know what Mik’s intentions were for inviting me to his home to continue our talk, but I was anxious to find out. I was also curious about what I might discover about myself, in the next few hours.

When I pulled into his driveway, he waved me to follow him as he keyed the security lock on a gate which led to a walk to the rear of the home and the very large yard behind it.”

The spacious patio, with pool and large outdoor shower, he’d told me about was just as he’d described. A very large barbeque grill, refrigerator, and wet sink were included. There were also several groupings of outdoor furniture with double-sized chaise lounges, sofas, and single chairs. It was apparent that Mik and KC spared no expense when it came to their home and its furnishings.”

“Wow, Mik this place is terrific.”

“Thanks. Have a seat while I grab us a couple of drinks.”

I sat down on one of the chairs and Mik brought over a tray with two Coronas, shot glasses, and a bottle of tequila. We downed shots of tequila with a toast to new friendships and then started on the beer.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. We chatted small talk and had a few more shots of tequila. Soon it would be evening, and the drinks had me feeling very mellow. I couldn’t stop admiring his body even as we talked. I began to feel increasingly horny.

“So, Ken how long have you and Jill been considering adding some excitement to your marriage? Experimenting with other people for sexual enjoyment?  Have you done anything to get started?”

“We’ve checked out a couple of swinger websites. We’ve chatted online with a few people, both men and women, but never found anyone with whom we felt like going further. Maybe we were just too afraid.”

 “I don’t remember exactly when we began talking about it, but it’s been a lot more frequent since last Christmas.”

“What happened last Christmas?”

“As a joke, I bought an old porn softcover book off the internet and put it in Jill’s stocking on Christmas Eve.  It’s about an interracial threesome. A married white couple invites a black guy to join them for sex.”

“What did Jill think of it?”

“She laughed when she first opened it but didn’t toss it away with the used wrapping paper.”

“Did she ever read it?”

“Oh yeah! One night after Christmas she went up to bed early. I followed about an hour later. When I opened the bedroom door Jill was reading the book with one hand under the blankets. I could see her hand moving and knew she was massaging her pussy.”

“So, you caught her masturbating while reading the story?”

“Exactly, much to my surprise.”

“So, what happened?  Was she embarrassed?”

“Nope, not at all. She looked straight at me, threw open the blanket, continued rubbing her naked smooth pussy, and said, ‘I wanna be fucked.’  I got naked and crawled in with her. The sex was great. Jill was as horny and hot as I’d ever seen her. She was insatiable, like she couldn’t be satisfied. She was moaning things like, “Harder, fuck me harder. Oh fuck! Make me cum, make me cum!”

“I finally shot my load in her wet pussy, after she’d had at least three orgasms, that I counted, maybe more. Afterward, we lay there and talked.”

“I asked her about the story in the book. Just reading about a husband sharing his wife with another guy, particularly a black guy, completely turned her on.” 

“She said she’d been thinking about us sharing with others for a long time and had become increasingly favorable toward doing it. Then reading the book sort of flipped a switch. She told me we should give it a try and become serious about searching for others to bring into our sex lives.”

“Wow, that’s a hot story by itself Ken. So, it seems now both of you are more interested than ever in hooking up with a third person, but you still haven’t found anyone? Jill sounds like she has an itch that needs to be scratched.”

“Exactly. After catching her that night we’ve talked a lot more about it and been a lot more open too. We’re both spending more time online finding sites and chatting with possible partners.”

“Is Jill open to the third being either a male or female? Would she consider the third being a woman or is she set on it being a guy?”

“She’s told me that at some point she’d like to experience the sensuous and gentle touch and feel of another woman and have me pleasure them both. But she thinks we should start with a guy.”

“You know Ken, sometimes when you’re searching for things you find them in the most unlikely places.”

“What do you mean?”

Mik stood up and took off his muscle tee. Then he peeled down and off his spandex shorts, and jockstrap. He stood there naked in front of me, his magnificent black body bared and coated with a glistening sheen of perspiration. His body was smooth and completely hairless. Chiseled ebony male perfection.

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Between his thighs hung about seven thick inches of soft uncut black cock in front of a large set of ping-pong ball-sized testicles. His foreskin was stretched by a large plum-like glans. I was in awe, mesmerized. He looked right at me with a sly grin on his face.

“When I saw you checking me out, I was pretty sure this was what you wanted to see. More than just sneak peeks. Was I right?

“Fuck yeah, nothing I imagined compares to seeing you like this. I was attracted to you from the first time I saw you. I’ve been attracted to hot black guys for a long time. But I didn’t know how to approach you or if you’d be interested.”

“By the way, since we’ve been talking about her, I’ve caught Jill checking me out just as often as you have. Another thing you don’t realize is that you never caught me ogling both you and her and imagining the possibilities. Do you think she might like to meet me?”

“Considering the way she’s been since reading that book, it’s very possible.”

“Have you ever been with another guy?”

“No. I’ve wanted to for as long as I can remember. The urge has always been there simmering. Of course, Jill has no idea.”

“Are you sure? Some women have a sense about these things.”

“Uh, yeah. Pretty sure. She’s never said she’s suspected anything.”

 “I think you need to get out of those clothes and take the step you’ve wanted to take.”

“I want to be your first cock. So if you want that too, take off those sweaty clothes and I’ll throw them in the washer with mine. Meanwhile, you can hit the shower over there to cool off. I’ll be right back.”

I took off my tee shirt, shorts, and jock and gave them to him. He brought the jock to his face, inhaled deeply, and smiled at me. Then he reached over, fondled my package with a couple of strokes, and said,’ It’s time for this white dick to get some black on it.”

He went into the house, and I went to the shower.

I turned the shower on and felt the cool water cascading over me. I soaped up, rinsed, and then stood there, eyes closed, in the cool spraying water. It felt wonderful.

Suddenly I felt his arms around my body. He was in the shower with me. His nakedness was pressed against me from behind.

I felt his lips kiss my shoulder and then he gently bit his way from my shoulder to my neck. His fingers tweaked my nipples. I heard a groan of pleasure and realized it came from me. I was hotter than I can ever remember. My cock swelled and hardened.  I wanted whatever this black Adonis was going to do to me.

He continued kissing and biting my neck and shoulders. Then one hand found my cock and began slowly, teasingly stroking it. His other hand began massaging my ass. Then I felt his finger slide down the crack of my ass. It found my opening and began to circle and tease it. I was experiencing feelings I’d never had. I was beyond hot. I was ready to give myself to him and anything he wanted.

“This is just the beginning. I can tell from the way you’re breathing and moaning that you like it.”

“Oh God yeah!”

“Do you like the feel of my blackness against your body? Do you want more?

“Yes, oh fuck yeah, please don’t fucking stop.”

“Turn around.”

I turned and his mouth found mine. His tongue slipped between my lips, and I started to suck it like a newborn at its mother's tit. After a few minutes, we broke the kiss. I could feel his hard black meat jabbing against my belly.

I looked down. His cock was as hard as a piece of rebar.

“Soap me up, Ken. Lather my cock and nuts. Let your hands feel what you’ve wanted. The cock of another man. Feel it, fondle it, want it!”

I soaped him up. Peeled back the foreskin of his uncut cock and cleansed the entire shaft. We rinsed ourselves off and turned off the shower. I cradled his heavy nuts in one hand and stroked his meat with the other. The sight of my white hands embracing his black package was a sight I’ll never forget. I could see a strand of precum leaking from the half-exposed glans of his cock.

We moved to one of the large sofas on the patio.

The time had flown by, and it was dark. The patio was illuminated only by its subtle accent lighting. His beautiful hard black cock looked even hotter in the low light. The head of it was shiny and wet with his precum.

He reached over to a table nearby and poured more tequila. I was already drunk with lust.

Suddenly my cell, which I’d left on that table by the sofa, rang. The display showed it was Jill. I let it go to voicemail. Jill would have to wait.

“That’s Jill isn’t it? Aren’t you going to answer that smokin’ hot wife of yours? Maybe she’d like to join us.”

“Is that something you’d like? For her to join us?”

“Are you kidding? I’ve thought about her since the first time I saw you both. I’ve checked her out a lot in the gym, and to be honest, I think she’s known it too.”

“Well, I’m sure she’s calling to tell me that she is staying at the shore house overnight. So no chance of her joining us. At least not tonight.”

“That’s okay because at the moment the hot white body I’m interested in is yours.”

He pushed my chest backward until I was lying about three-quarters prone in a corner of the large sofa. His strong hands spread my legs apart so that one was on the sofa cushions and the other foot was on the floor. I was as hard as steel and throbbing in heat. Precum was oozing from the slit.

He got himself between my legs and picked up a glass of tequila.

“I don’t need no fuckin’ lime and salt. Tonight, I’ll take my tequila like this.”

He poured a stream from the glass on my cock. It ran down the shaft, onto my balls, and past them onto my ass crack. Then he gulped what was left in the glass.

He lowered his head and I felt his tongue lick my shaft from my balls up to the underside of its head. It was electric. I was on fire. He kept doing it over and over. His tongue teased and tortured me.

I moaned with pleasure. I urged him on. Begged him not to stop. Then his lips engulfed my cock head and he slid the length into his mouth. He slowly slid his mouth up and down. He teased the head with his tongue. He fucked his mouth with my cock. I was in pleasurable pain. I watched him and it was like watching porn. This beautiful black man sucked my cock and I was overwhelmed with lust for him.

He sucked and licked my rigid meat. I didn’t want it to ever end. I began to lift and thrust my hips trying to drive my cock deeper into the pleasure.

“Oh fuck Mik, you’re so fucking good. I’m beggin’ you don’t stop.  God, please don’t stop. Suck my white cock you black mutha fucker!”

He laughed but never stopped.

My precum mixed with his spit had saturated my nut sack and run down my ass crack. Suddenly once again I felt his finger begin to tease my back hole. It circled and gently probed for a few moments then he applied some pressure.

I was afraid, but I wanted him to go further. I admitted to myself that I’d always wanted to experience these things and I just surrendered to him.

Uhh ahh yeah, do it, give it to me.. give me all of it!

He rammed his finger deep into my ass and massaged my prostate. His sucking became more vigorous. It was too much. My whole body began to tremble. My cock started to spasm. I could feel the cum boiling up through my cock. My nuts were being drained. It felt wonderful and I screamed.

“OH FUCK I’m cummmmmming aaarrgghhh!!!!”

I spewed stream after stream of cum. He continued slowly sucking my cock until the eruption ended. He savored and swallowed all of it.

Moments later I was panting when he rose and put his lips to mine. He kissed me and his tongue pushed some cum into my mouth and shared it with me.

He pushed buttons I didn’t even know I had. Any inhibitions were long gone. Something inside of me had been ignited. I was all-in for anything.

With Jill, after I shot my load, that’s usually the end of things. But I remained hard. I’d just had a mind-blowing orgasm, but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted more.

He rose up from his cum kiss.  He was kneeling on the sofa in front of me with his knees on either side of my hips. His cock stood straight up a foot from my face. It looked magnificent.

The purplish-black head was almost as large as a plum. His foreskin had receded, and the cockhead was almost fully exposed. There was a long strand of sex honey hanging from its slit.

 The shaft was like a textured rock. Veins and ridges of muscle were visible straining against his black skin. His generous ball-filled sack dangled behind it. It was beautiful. I hungered for it and he knew it. He smiled down at me.

“You and I both know this is where you wanted to end up. Every time you looked at me in the gym this is what you thought about. My black dick. You imagined licking and sucking every inch of me, didn’t you?”

“You fucker, you had me pegged from minute one, didn’t you?”

“You’re far from the first white guy, or woman, married or single, who has wanted my black cock. I know the look you all share. When I’m interested, like I am in you, I follow through.”

I sat up, leaned forward, and used my tongue to capture the dangling strand of seminal sweetness. I savored my first taste of another man’s arousal and I wanted more of it. I licked up to the underside of his cock to its head.

He eased backward until he was lying on his back with his legs splayed wide apart. All of his smooth hairless package from his black hole to the tip of his pole with its precum-leaking slit, was visible and accessible to me.

 It was all the invitation I needed. I’d never done this before, but I was more than primed. I was hungry for what was in front of me. For a long time, I’d fantasized about this moment. After many hours of viewing gay-bi porn, and masturbating to it, there was no mystery as to how to take the next step.

“That’s it, lick my cock and tongue my balls. Use your hungry mouth on all of me like you’ve been wanting to do. Swallow my juices and serve my blackness. Be my white cum dump tonight. You horny white muthafucker!”

We’d only just met each other a few hours ago. But he’d known from the first time he caught me looking that I wanted his cock.

I wrapped my lips around his plum-sized cockhead and engulfed it. As I did, it felt completely natural. Like I’d been doing it all my life. I slid my mouth down his shaft until it was gagging me. I pulled back until only the tip was in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head.

 I continued sucking. My mouth slid up and down his delicious meat. He was streaming precum. I loved tasting every drop of it. He continued moaning with pleasure. He urged me on and taunted me about being a white cocksucker.  A slave to black cock.

Before long, my slobber mixed with his precum had run down and bathed his ball sack and ass crack with wetness. I continued to suck his cock and with one hand began to fondle his nuts. Then I coated one finger with the fluid around his rear opening and slid it two knuckles deep into his black hole.

“Ahhh ohhh God yeah.  Fill my hole. Do me, white boy! Do me!”

I pulled my mouth from his cock and lifted his package with my wet hand. Then buried my face between his thighs and replaced my finger in his ass with my tongue. My tongue probed and licked his tunnel. His hips began thrusting upward and he moaned in pleasurable agony. I didn’t want to stop I couldn’t get enough of him.

“Yeah muthafucker, yeah don’t stop, keep going at my ass, eat meeeee!”

Moments later, he suddenly grunted.

“Uugh…ahhhh…I’m gonna cum…..oh fuck I’m CUMMING!!”

I quickly stopped rimming his ass and wrapped my mouth around his cock. Jets of cum splashed across my tongue and flooded my mouth. Seven, eight, nine powerful shots. Then three or four weaker pulses of his black seed added to the copious load that overflowed my mouth. His juice had run down my chin and onto his balls and belly.

I’d fantasized about this moment for years and wondered how I’d react. Would I be repelled and spit it out, would it make me sick? None of those were the case. I savored the slightly salty yet somehow delicious taste of his cum. I loved the texture of it in my mouth.

I swallowed all that I could then I licked more from his shaft and belly enjoying every drop.

His eyes were closed, and he wasn’t even breathing hard as he enjoyed the afterglow of his gut-wrenching orgasm. I crawled up to him face to face. I brought my lips to his. He licked the remnants of his seed from my face.

“You’re a quick study, Ken. For a first-timer, you hit a home run. I think you and I are gonna play a lot more innings in our game. Now that you’ve taken the first step, I think we’re going to share a lot more.”

“I’ve wanted this for a long time, and it all felt so natural to me. I want more. More new experiences.”

“We’ll go as far and as kinky as you want. We can talk later about what might come next. But let's hit the shower again. Then I'll get the clothes finished and barbeque something for us to eat. I’m famished.”

We showered, dressed, and enjoyed the food. I thanked him and we agreed to get together for a drink in a day or so back at his place to talk about what might come next. I picked up my cell and headed to my car when I realized I’d never played Jill’s message.

I figured it waited this long a little longer wouldn’t matter. It was a quick drive home. Once inside I turned on the TV to watch the end of the Yankees game I’d recorded.  I went to my voicemail and clicked on Jill’s message.

“Hey babe, ahm gonna stay down here at Kris’ house tanight. Erm…we all had a lot to drink and we’re still partying. Uhhhh yeah so yeah, anyway, we were on the beach this afternoon an’ one of the girls got caught in a rip current. A couple a young hunky lifeguards went out into the ocean to bring her in. Ta thank them, Kris invited all the lifeguards here tonight to party with us. YEAH I’LL BE RIGHT BACK KWAN! There’s like six or uhhh I don’t know how fuckin’ many of them are here. The party is getting pretty hot so ahm gonna stay overnite here.’ S’long, babe!”

Hmmm, Jill’s speech was slurred so it was obvious she was drunk or a little high on something.

Partying with young hunks? Don’t know how many there are? And who the fuck was Kwan?

Written by blewklaw
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