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A Learning Experience: Pt. 1 of 2

"Two young friends get a helpful sex lesson from an older sister and her boyfriend."

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Author's Notes

"This story is 99% fiction, but just a little fun something I had an idea for. I hope you enjoy it and will leave me a note telling me your thoughts. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for reading!"

We’d been talking for a while now about “going all the way” with our boyfriends, but neither of us had done it yet. I think Tammy was more hesitant than me, but both of us had the usual fears and concerns about it. We’d never gone beyond touching each other, fondling and such, and the first few times he’d come in his pants before I could even get it out. I’d usually come pretty fast too when he’d use his fingers, and he’d eventually gotten a little better, although he still never lasted more than a few seconds. But for actual sex, him putting it in me, we hadn’t done that yet and there was so much to think about!

Pregnancy, of course, but that was easily overcome, especially for me since I was already on birth control; my parents, mom especially, had been realistic enough to see to that. The other things, the general nervous awkwardness, worries about if it would hurt or if we’d like it, if we’d disappoint our guys, do something wrong, freak out, all kinds of stupid things that enter your mind, those were the issue. I’d later realize that most of them were not important, but back then, that first time was fraught with worry.

Tammy and her boyfriend hadn’t gotten past touching each other through their clothes or maybe him sneaking a hand inside her top to squeeze her boobs. Her boyfriend, Van, was too timid, and Tam was getting frustrated. She was talking about “taking the lead” and making it happen, but she was afraid she’d scare him off.

Brad (my boyfriend) and I had decided that last night, Friday, would be our night, but one of the many things that could go wrong had, of course, and now, as we goofed around in her room, Tammy wanted all the details of what should have been my first time.

“C’mon, Rae, tell me! You promised you would, and I was thinking about you last night and wondering if you were enjoying it.”

“There’s not much to tell.” I had never told her about Brad’s tendency to be very fast, not wanting to embarrass him, and was still reluctant to do so despite my disappointment.

“So then it won’t take long. Tell me! Was it fun, did it feel good?”

I smirked. “You’re right, it didn’t take long. And I don’t know how it feels because we didn’t do it.”

“Why not? You chicken out?”

“No, not that.”

“Tell meee!”

“Okay, just to shut you up – but you can’t tell anyone else I told you!” Tammy is my best friend, and we share everything, but I didn’t want Brad to be hurt or embarrassed. “You swear you won’t tell?”

“Of course, RaeAnn. You know you can trust me.”

“Okay… We were in the car, right, and he found a good place to park on a back street, not near a streetlight or houses. We were kissing and touching, and he was playing with my boobs while I was touching him through his pants. He was really hard and we were both horny, but when I unsnapped and unzipped him and tried to get it out of his pants… well, you know.”


“You know! One thing me and you didn’t talk about.”

“What? He went limp?”

“Ha! No, not that.”

“Oh my god… he came too soon?”

I laughed – I know I shouldn’t because he was so embarrassed and it was horribly awkward, but in retrospect, it was also funny. “Too soon… yeah, I’d say so! I barely get it pulled out and he goes, ‘Oh no!’, and then boom, he was squirting all over the place! His pants and shirt, my hand, his underwear, the car seat, that stuff went everywhere and it just kept shooting out!” At least I hadn’t laughed when it happened, but now we were both hysterical.

When she controlled her giggles, she said, “Oh wow, Rae… What did you do?”

I shrugged, wiping away tears of laughter. “I just held onto it while it kept twitching and squirting. I didn’t think it was ever gonna stop. I guess you can’t stop it once it starts; it has to, you know, run its course!”

She laughed again. “Wow! Oh my god… What did Brad say?”

“He kept apologizing, telling me he was sorry. You know.”

“Has that happened before?”

“Yeah, he gets too excited. I always try to be careful, and he never lasts very long when I’m just, you know, using my hand, but not this bad, not since the first couple of times. It surprised us. So anyhow, it was sort of a disaster. I think maybe knowing we were finally going to do it, we were both nervous and too excited, but it’s different for guys. We’re not… you know, quite so demonstrative.”

She giggled again. “Yeah, I guess. Plus, we can keep going. What did you say to him?”

“I told him it was ok, that I understood. Also that I liked the way it felt when he was doing that, while it was spurting, the way it throbbed and flexed in my hand. God, it felt so hard, so amazing…”


“Oh yes! I love how it feels, even if I was disappointed. He said it felt really good too, even if he didn’t mean to do it. Really messy though, you know?”

“Eeewww!” Tammy giggled again. “Sounds cool, though. God, now I’m so horny! Why don’t you call him and have him come over and we can make him do it again since apparently, Van is never going to get that far.”

I laughed. “Oh, sure! He was so embarrassed with just me that he’d die if he did that in front of both of us. But he probably would, if I asked. He loves it; he gets so excited he’s almost shaking.”

“Maybe you could have waited a while and tried again.”

I’d thought of that too, at the time, but he was so embarrassed I think he just wanted to get away. Plus, he was panicked over having that stuff all over his clothes, that he’d have to sneak back into his house and make sure nobody saw him. “He didn’t want to. Too embarrassed, I think, and totally freaked over the big mess on his clothes and in his mom’s car. It was all he could think about, afraid his folks would see him.”

“Yeah, that’s a problem. What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. Be more careful next time, I guess? I wish there was someone I could ask, talk to about it and figure out what to do. I mean, I feel bad for him, but dang… I can’t ask my mom or dad about that, though, and you don’t know any more than I do.”

“You could talk to Kara.” Kara is Tammy’s older sister, about six years older than us, and Tammy was right; Kara would know stuff. Kara has worked as a stripper at a local club called Shotgun Willie’s ever since she turned twenty-one almost a year ago. She’d talked with us on several occasions about her job, and about giving handjobs and lap dances and guys coming in their pants, and Tammy and I eagerly lapped up her stories.

I know I got aroused when she’d talk about it, and Tammy did too. Kara loved her job, even if she didn’t seem to have a lot of respect for the guys that gave her the money, but she liked getting it, she was pretty and had a great figure and I think she liked showing off her body – and talking/bragging about it. Their parents thought she had a job cleaning offices at night for a janitorial service, never questioning how well it seemed to pay. Maybe they just didn’t want to know the truth!

“Do you think she’d talk to me?”

“I bet she would. She likes you, and she can be really nice when she’s not being a pain in my butt. She’s almost always nice now since she knows if she makes me mad I’ll tell mom and dad about her.”

“I’ll bet she could tell me a lot about how to do things better.”

“I think Brad needs that advice more than you do.”

I laughed. “No way! He’d be so humiliated if I suggested that! Wait… you don’t think she’d embarrass him about this, do you? We see her around here sometimes, and…”

“No, Rae, come on! She wouldn’t, I’m sure. She can be a little bitchy and big-sisterly sometimes, but she’s not cruel.”

“Yeah, she’s usually nice to me. Can you call her?”

“Sure. She’s at work, but if she can’t answer she’ll call back when she’s free.”

So that’s what she did, and I listened to her leave a message for her sister to please call her when she got a chance, then followed it with a text to that effect. After that, we had a couple of Diet Pepsis and just hung out and talked.

Tammy kept asking me questions about my debacle with Brad, things like; What did his sperm look like? (Very white and pearly, thick and wet, kind of pretty.) Did I taste it? (No) Did it smell funny? (It had a certain scent, but I sort of liked it.) What did it feel like? (Very warm and slippery – again, I liked it.) Did he go soft right away? (No not right away, but pretty fast.) How far did it shoot out? (I didn’t measure, but it seemed like it was EVERYWHERE!) How big was his thing? (I didn’t have to answer that one, because her phone rang.)

When she answered, Tam put it on speaker so that I could hear what her sister said. There was a lot of loud music in the background, and voices and clinking bottles or something, but we could hear her ok. “Hey, punk, what do you need?”

“Don’t call me that!” Kara would continue to call her that and Tammy would continue to object. It was a tradition now, and I think Tammy secretly liked that her sister had an affectionate nickname for her.

Kara laughed. “Sure, kiddo. What’s up? I don’t have a lot of time.”

“You going back on stage?”

“No, I gotta go wiggle around on some horny guy’s lap, rub on his boner and try to make him come. What did you call for?”

“RaeAnn has some, ummm, relationship problems with her boyfriend and wanted your help.”

“Well… sure, I guess. Why doesn’t she just talk to her parents?”

“They’re not those kinds of questions.”

Kara laughed again. “Ah, I see. You’ve come to the expert.”

Tammy giggled. “Exactly! You know all about that stuff. Will you talk to her?”

“I can’t now, but sure. Is she spending the night with you?”

Tammy looked at me, and I shrugged. We hadn’t talked about it, but… I spoke up. “I probably can, I just need to call home and tell them. Are you going to come here?”

Kara paused. “Tell you what, I have a better idea. Why don’t you sneak out and meet me at my place? Tammy has a key, and I get off at one a.m., should be home by one-thirty or so. You guys can snooze on the sofa or use my bed if you want.”

So that’s what we did. I called home and made sure it was ok to stay overnight with Tammy, we told her folks about it, and as soon as things quieted down we snuck out and walked to Kara’s, a small condo in a nice complex. We could have driven but were afraid that the car starting might alert her parents, or they might look out and see it gone.

We were pretty wired, so we put on some music and messed around and had no trouble staying awake. True to her word, Kara showed up about twenty after one, but to our surprise, she’d brought her boyfriend along! Not that we didn’t like Milo, we just weren’t expecting him for what was supposed to be a “girl talk” session. Once we’d all said hello, Kara went to get cleaned up and change clothes after all of her sweaty dancing… and other stuff.

We chatted with Milo while we waited. We’d known him for the few months that he and Kara had been together and both thought he was pretty sexy, tall and lean with a mop of unruly brown hair, a cute smile, and bright blue eyes, but we also thought it was kind of weird that he’d date someone like Kara, who made her money dancing naked and giving other guys lap dances and handjobs. Then again, Kara is a beautiful, sexy girl, as well as very bright and funny, and he seemed devoted to her. I always wondered if he got jealous.

I recalled the first time I’d remarked to Tammy about how handsome and sexy Milo is, and she’d agreed but said he creeped her out because she’d see him looking at her, his eyes roaming over her body, and one time had caught him watching her brushing her teeth in just her underwear when she hadn’t known he was around and left the bathroom door open.

I’d said it was normal for a guy to look at a pretty girl, but she said it was weird because he was so much older than us. I’d said, “We’re both sixteen, Tam; what’s he, twenty-one like Kara?”

She’d replied, “No, he’s twenty-two.”

That made me laugh as I’d responded, “Oh yeah, an ancient, creepy, wrinkled old geezer then – no wonder he weirds you out!”

She’d been upset for a minute because I made fun of her, but then we’d laughed about it and she’d decided that maybe it wasn’t so bad that he looked at her. She was kind of flattered once she thought about it, that an “older man” admired her, and with him being so cute and sexy we both came to like him pretty well, even if he did always check out our bodies. I’d had a birthday since then, and Tammy was closing in on turning seventeen too, but Kara and Milo were still twenty-one and –two, respectively.

We hadn’t expected to see him that night, but it was ok, and he treated us like grown-ups and was so easygoing that he was fun to be around. Plus, the cute/sexy guy thing…

 When Kara came back out her long blond hair was wet from showering, and she was wearing just a long t-shirt. With her nipples sticking out I could tell she was braless, and I was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing panties either, but Kara is very comfortable with being naked. I was a little surprised she’d put anything on at all since she’d been naked around us before, but it was a little cool in her condo. That probably accounted for the nipples.

Milo had gotten a glass of wine for all of us from the box in the fridge – not the first time we’d had wine illegally at Kara’s – and he handed Kara her glass. Tammy and I sat on the overstuffed loveseat and Kara took the matching chair, while Milo perched on the arm beside her.

Kara gave us her thousand-megawatt smile, and as I thought again about how pretty she is, she said, “So ladies, tell me about your problems; Sister Kara’s ‘Sex Ed 101’ is now in session.”

I didn’t know where to start – especially with Milo there – but Tammy blurted out, “It’s about Rae’s boyfriend, Brad. He has this problem when they try to… um… you know….”

Tara laughed. “Spit it out, girls, don’t be shy!”

Before either of us could go on, Milo said, “Oh my god, don’t tell me he can’t get it up!”

I giggled as I looked at him. “No, not that, he, uhhh, he…”

Tammy quickly said, “He comes too fast!”

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Kara and Milo both laughed, and he said, “Ah, a minuteman, huh?”

“A minute… I wish!” I felt myself blush as soon as I said it, but all three of them laughed. Defensively, I said, “He doesn’t mean to, but he can’t help it! He just gets too excited. I feel bad for him because he’s such a nice guy and he gets so embarrassed.”

Kara nodded. “Well, that’s a point in his favor.”

When I just looked at her, no idea what she meant, Milo said, “She means that it’s good that he feels bad about it; he knows he should do better, and wants to, so maybe he’ll be willing to work on it.”

“Oh. But I don’t…”

Kara cut me off. “Hush, hon’, of course you don’t know. That’s why you asked me. Ok, class is now in session. First, let me tell you that in my line of work, we appreciate the quick guys – the quicker the better - but I completely understand how that’s not so good if you want to enjoy yourself, so… First and most basic, he might try jerking off before he comes to meet you – or you could do it for him then wait awhile. The second time around – or third or fourth – should take longer.”

“He told me he tried that once. It didn’t seem to make much difference.”

Milo asked, “How far ahead of time?”

“I don’t know. A couple hours, maybe?”

He grinned. “Too long! A kid his age, he’s got the chamber reloaded in ten or fifteen minutes at most. That would be the time for round two.”

I was looking at him, blushing because I was picturing him jerking off and imagining how good he’d look naked and aroused, and Kara noticed. “Does having Milo here make you uncomfortable, sweetie?”

“Uh, maybe a little. I’m not used to talking about this kind of stuff. I’m sorry.”

She smiled warmly. I’ve always liked Kara, but never more than that moment. “It’s ok, don’t be embarrassed.” She turned to him. “Babe, why don’t you go in the bedroom and watch TV or something? We’ll call you if we need a male POV.”

“Well, sure I guess, but who knows more about male equipment than a guy that’s got a set dangling between his legs?”

Kara laughed. “I think maybe I do – I’ve handled a lot more sets than you have.”

He grumbled, “Ok, point taken. Call me if you need me.” He stood and wandered off, closing the bedroom door behind him.

Soon we heard the sounds of screeching car tires, explosions, and gunfire, and Kara said, “That will keep him occupied. So then, what else? We covered the pre-sex handjob, but beyond that… try to go slow, I guess. Don’t fondle him too much before you get it out of his pants. Has he ever made the undercover mess?” When I looked blank, she said, “Does he come in his pants? I love making guys do that – no mess for me – but for you and Brad, not so good, huh?”

“No, not good, and yes, he does. Most of the time, in fact.”

Tammy said, “Tell her about last night – they were going to do it, actually have sex for the first time, but… You tell her, Rae.”

I blushed madly but plowed ahead. “Ok, well, I was just getting it out of his pants, all unzipped and everything, and it, you know, went off! Part in his pants, part in my hands, all over him, all over me, the car… it was a mess!”

Kara was laughing, her whole body shaking. When she controlled it, she said, “I’m sorry, I was just picturing the two of you, his cock squirting madly and flopping around like a Water Wiggle and the two of you try to lasso it and get it under control! So, he comes a lot, then?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I guess… seems like a lot.”

“Of course! You have no frame of reference. How many times did he spurt, did you notice?”

“Oh, I noticed, but I didn’t count. Eight or nine, I think, at least. I didn’t think it was ever going to stop!” The wine was making me feel more relaxed, making talking about it a little easier.

She whistled, then laughed. “Ok, first, that’s a lot. Average is probably three or four, plus some trickle-out, little spurts. I can imagine it made quite a mess, but for you, it’s good to know ahead of time. He’s young and horny and juicy, so when he comes in your mouth you’ll be ready for it, and when you do eventually fuck, be ready for a big cleanup so it’s not trickling down your legs for hours or soaking through your panties. Take lots of tissues, maybe even a tampon.”

I was still hung up on that ‘when he comes in your mouth’ line. Yikes!

She paused, then went on, “Or he could wear a condom, but good luck getting that on him without another early spring shower. You did get the lesson about condoms…?”

We laughed. “Yeah, the sex class instructor showed us how to put one on a banana.”

 Kara smiled. “I remember that class. You know, I have never found knowing how to put a condom on a banana to be a useful life skill.” As we giggled, she went on, “Speaking of which, birth control…?”

Tammy said, “She’s on the pill – and you need to tell mom to make a doctor's appointment for me!”

“You tell her yourself, kid – and good for you, RaeAnn, I’m glad you’re smart. Now, back to Brad’s problem…”

I nodded, eager to refocus on him, not me. “Yeah, what else? Any other tricks?”

“Well, there are some things you can do to help him, especially if he’ll listen.”

Great; it came back to me again – but I was eager to hear! “Let’s see; there’s the ‘squeeze’ method, the ‘start/stop’ method, um, also the ‘go slow’ method, and the ‘avoid the most sensitive spots’ method, but those last two are more advanced.”

I was intrigued – and thirsty for knowledge! “What’s the squeeze method? Just squeeze it?” I made a tight fist like I was squeezing the juice out of a lemon. Kara laughed.

“Not exactly like that. I guess it would be more accurate to call it the pinch method. You pinch his cock.”

“Ouch! I don’t think he’d like that… just pinch it?” I pinched my fingertips together.

“No, no, not like that! You pinch it or squeeze it, the shaft, not just the skin, between your thumb and one or two fingers, right at the base, and hold it until the urge passes; he’ll have to tell you when he’s about to come and when he’s under control, of course. And it depends on him getting his cock out in the open and exposed and in the full upright position without exploding first, so there’s that.”

I nodded sadly. “Yeah, there’s that.” I admired the way she so easily said things like “cock”; I still found it awkward to say that and usually said “thing”, or referred to it some other way. “So I just squeeze the base of his, um, cock?”

She grinned. “His cock, yes! Good girl! You’re getting there. You know what? We could use some visual teaching aids; I’ll be right back.” She slid off the chair and crossed to the bedroom, her t-shirt barely covering her perfect bottom. She’s very sexy, so I can understand why men pay her to do the things she does and why she makes good money, even if I can’t figure out how Milo deals with it.

When she came back, she had a large, very realistic-looking fake cock in her hand. She paused just outside her bedroom door and held it up. “You know, I was going to use this dildo as a prop, to show you how to handle a cock, but I have a better idea.”

She stuck her head back into the bedroom and we could hear her talking to Milo, but not what she was saying, and then she turned back to us. “Come on in here and we’ll proceed with the lesson.”

We immediately stood up and went to her bedroom. As we entered, she looked at Tammy. “I meant just RaeAnn. You sure you want to be in here?”

Tammy frowned. “Well, yeah; I don’t wanna be left out, I wanna know stuff too!”

Kara laughed. “Well, okay, but don’t go all weird on me.” Tammy rolled her eyes dramatically, and we went on in. Milo was still lying on the bed, and he reached for the remote and turned off the TV. Kara smiled at him and said, “Ok, stud, get naked. Everything off!”

Our jaws probably dropped, but he hesitated. “Your sister too? I thought you said just Rae.”

Kara asked, “Does it matter?”

He shrugged. “I suppose not.” He grinned and raised his eyebrows at us, then sat on the edge of the bed and stripped off his socks before he stood and tugged his t-shirt over his head. He had a nice, muscular chest and shoulders, not great big muscles, but very well defined and in all the right places, like a marble male statue; his tummy looked like several rows of hard blocks. I already understood his attraction to Kara, who is so sexy and perfect, but now I understood that it was a two-way street. I thought he was just beautiful, and my heart was pounding and I had all kinds of butterflies and other flutters down low in my tummy. I felt all hot and wet where it mattered, like when Brad was touching me, or the way I got when he’d pulse and throb and come all over my hands.

As Milo unbuttoned and unzipped his pants he turned sideways to us and then turned his back to us as he slid them down and stepped out of them, leaving him in just tiny red bikini underwear as he laid his pants over a chair back. Nice butt, muscular legs… I wasn’t seeing anything I didn’t like so far! He turned back toward us, and both Tammy and I had our eyes locked on the obscenely bulging pouch of his underwear. It didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination, and even that was eliminated when Kara said, “Those too, stud.”

He grinned at us and slowly slid his underwear down his legs. His soft cock flopped out and hung down over his bulging ball sack, long and thick even though it wasn’t erect… yet. He was entirely smooth down there, which I guess I hadn’t thought about and sort of expected; Kara was too, and she’d explained the process to me and Tam and guided us the first time. We’d stayed with it, so we were too, but that had been a weird day!

Milo stood upright and faced us, completely unashamed, no embarrassment - unlike me when I managed to tear my eyes away from his big, smooth, gorgeous male equipment and saw him watching us, a small grin on his lips, and felt the blood rush to my face.

Tammy whispered, “Oh, fucking wow,” and it broke the tension, all of us laughing at her betraying her true thoughts even as she turned bright red.

Kara said, “This, ladies, is what a fine example of the male species looks like.” Milo grinned as she went on, “So, what do you think?” He turned in a slow circle, giving us the full 360-degree view.

I said, “He’s gorgeous,” at the same time that Tammy said, “It’s huge!” Everyone laughed again as Tammy continued to blush.

Milo said, “Thanks, girls. I’m not huge – although I’ll gladly accept ‘gorgeous’. I’m bigger than average in that department, but there are bigger guys.”

Kara cautioned, “Although if you’ve ever looked at porn – and I feel sure you have – you need to be aware that most of those guys aren’t real. They’re CGI, like the dinosaurs in ‘Jurassic Park’. All movie magic, there are no real cocks that size. This is what a very nicely hung guy looks like in real life – and it looks even better hard, but we’ll get to that in a minute.”

Milo was just standing there grinning, naked and at ease with it, and my eyes kept going back to his junk. I couldn’t help it, I was fascinated! Tammy said, “Is that true? Those porn guys aren’t really the way they look?”

Her sister laughed. “Well, I see we have a porn fan in the audience. No, hon’, they’re real – most of them, anyway - but don’t expect to find one like that loose in nature. They’re very rare.”

Tam said, “Oh,” and the disappointment in her voice made me laugh.

“What do you care? You’re still a virgin, you haven’t even tried a tiny one yet, and you sound like you’re so disappointed that every guy isn’t built like some freako porn star!”

She pouted. “I know, I just thought it looked like fun… and Van is definitely not big, not like Milo. Besides, you’re a virgin too, so shut up!”

“Not for lack of trying!” That made them all laugh again, aware of Brad’s problem and why I was still a virgin. Brad was also not blessed on the same scale as Milo, even during the brief moments I’d seen it hard before it went off, but to me, he had seemed like a very nice size to start with; those bigger ones looked positively scary! I didn’t tell them that, though; I’d already revealed Brad’s most problematic shortcoming, no reason to reveal another.

Kara interrupted us. “Ok, girls, stop it! Like I said, Milo is bigger than average, which you’ll notice even more when we get him hard, something we’ll work on soon. First, everyone get naked – no clothes in Professor Kara’s Sex Ed class!”

I was surprised. “Us get naked? Why? We’re not going to do anything.”

Milo answered. “Hey, it’s only fair! You’ve seen me naked, and Kara is.” That was true; Kara had already shucked her t-shirt and stood there stark naked and amazing – but she was used to that, and her being there naked made me even more reluctant, not wanting my body to be compared to her perfection. Milo went on, “No, Rae, we’re not going to do anything like that, I promise, but don’t be so shy about your body. I’ve seen you in your swimsuit down at the pool, and in shorts and a halter top, and you have a very sexy little figure. You’re hot; be proud of it.”

I blushed with pleasure but was still reluctant. Still, I was so horny I sort of did want to be naked with them and, with Milo’s encouragement, let them see me. Mostly I desperately wanted to touch him; if this was part of making that possible, well… I started by unbuttoning my shorts even as I pretended to grumble about it. Tammy held back, and Kara noticed.

“You too, kid.”

“I’m not getting naked with all of you – especially with my sister!”

“I’ve seen you naked before, you know, and besides, I already am.”

“That was nothing, just changing clothes and all. This is, like, sex stuff. It’s different.”

“Yes, it is. You don’t mind looking at Milo naked, and your friend Rae is working on it.” She was right; I was down to bra and panties. Kara spun in front of us. “Look, no big deal, right? It’s not embarrassing.”

Tammy snorted. “Hah! Yeah, but you’re naked most of the time so you’re used to it. You take your clothes off for a living, in front of strangers and everything.”

“Yup. So strip or go.”

“I wanna hear all this stuff too!” She stuck her lip out. “It’s not fair – you’re my sister.”

“But that’s what’s creeping you out, you said.”

Tammy nodded. “Yeah, that does add a layer of ick.”

Kara considered. “Look, you can stay until we start that kind of stuff, and then if you still feel that way, leave. If you decide you’re cool with it though, the clothes come off. OK?”

Tammy was still pouting, but she nodded assent. I slowly slipped my bra off and added it to my stack of clothes, very self-conscious now. I like my breasts and I think they’re nice, but I was always envious of Kara’s. Hers are a little bigger than mine – not much – but they’re such a perfect shape and she has nice, dark rose-colored nipples that stand proudly erect and perfect. Mine are pale pink and smaller and don’t cap off my boobs like hers do. They were very hard, however!

I realized that Milo and Kara were both checking me out. I blushed anew, but Milo said, “Wow, RaeAnn, great tits! Really nice.”

I think I got even redder, and I know I got wetter.

Written by Wet_n_willing
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