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The Enveloping Requirement: Part 7

"After the final peculiar, disciplinary of the weekend, Christopher Robertson has a mind full of erotic scenarios, and a big decision to make."

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The autumn glow from outside shone through the voiles and blinds and into the main bedroom. The warm light was shining on Miss Lexington as she undressed. She slowly took down her underwear, and once again, pushed her bottom out as she guided the lingerie down past her knees to the floor. She took her high-heels off and was completely naked. Chris’ cock was throbbing and solid. Even though his cock was quite worn out, it was a sight he was enjoying.

She reached with her right hand to pick up a Sunday Telegraph broadsheet newspaper from her dresser. Taking the extra supplement out, she placed it on her stool. Turning round, she came onto the bed, unfolding the broadsheet before laying it front page down over Chris’ body. Sitting on her knees to the right side of him, the broadsheets were crinkling under her. She placed her left hand on the Telegraph back page covering Chris’ body and held his cock in her right. With a stern expression on her face, she glared at Chris as she slowly started to masturbate him.

She rubbed her left hand all over the Telegraph and slowly thrusted his cock back and forth with her right hand. It was slightly uncomfortable, especially due to the work it had done over this weekend at Miss Lexington’s pleasure, but it was still a pleasant feeling. She then reached for two cock rings on the bedside table, positioning and rolling them down his cock, fitting firmly at the bottom. Miss Lexington then climbed over him into a straddle position, took hold of his hard penis, and guided it into her vagina. As she took the full length, they both let out a gasp of pleasure.

In the buildup to this encounter, Miss Lexington had pleasured herself to orgasm in another bedroom. It had aroused and primed her so much that her clitoral area was very wet and had made the bottom of the broadsheet damp instantly. She firmly placed her hands on Chris, then pushed her chest out and began to ride him firm and slowly.

Over the next ten to fifteen minutes, she rubbed and laid her abdomen and breasts on the broadsheets covering Chris’ body multiple times, rising back up to rub her hands up and down the back page as she rode him. She also slapped his face randomly as she rode him.

Her riding was keeping in time with the female opera playing, and the bottom of the broadsheet newspaper had become a damp lump, as previously, from the thrusting whilst riding and was again, massaging her clitoris. Five more minutes passed, then she closed her eyes as a euphoric orgasm built up, unleashing itself with a gush that sprayed out around Chris’ cock similar to before. She started to shudder, and rode him hard and passionately to get as much pleasure as she could. It was then that Chris erupted whatever he had left, which wasn’t much, and only what she had not drained from him over the weekend.

He arched his back and lifted Miss Lexington up slightly, all in the orgasmic spams that ripped through him. She kept thrusting hard and letting out small moans of pleasure.

Finally, she began to come down from the euphoria while Chris lay with an electrical buzzing through his body. His cock and balls were now well and truly worn out. Miss Lexington lay her breasts on the broadsheet again, and whispered to him with champagne breath.

“I must say, Christopher, that was much more acceptable, and I think you have most certainly learned your place here this weekend, wouldn’t you agree?” she said in her hushed tone.

“Yes, Miss Lexington. I most certainly agree with you. What is your next requirement?” Chris replied, in between short breaths.

“All in good time,” she said in a softer voice.

Miss Lexington then sat up and, taking a Telegraph sheet from the headboard, she held it around the base of Chris’ cock and slid off, plugging herself with it. Next, with the sound of crinkling broadsheets as she moved across the bed, she climbed off and walked in to the en-suite, closing the door behind her.

After fifteen minutes had passed, she then reappeared. She had showered and was in her bathrobe. She picked up her clothes and went off to get dressed. Chris lay there as he had already done so a few times this weekend. He knew all the details of the decor around Meadow View Manor’s main bedroom.

A short while after, Miss Lexington returned to the bedroom, dressed in her black sleeveless jumpsuit with the bow tied at the front. She unstrapped Chris from the broadsheet covered bed and said he could use the shower in the en-suite. He got off the bed, feeling relief in his arms and wrists and then unwrapped the Telegraph sheets from his arms and legs, placing the sheets on top of the pile on the floor where he had received the spankings.

He went for a nice hot shower and after around fifteen minutes; he came out to the bedroom to see Miss Lexington sat on the side of the bed with his clothes next to her. In her hand was his mobile phone. She then spoke loudly.

"Right, Christopher, here are your clothes. They are all clean and dry. Now, it’s time for you to get dressed and come downstairs, where you will cook us dinner,” she said in a firm manner.

He looked at her and replied.

“Ah, apologies, Miss, I’m not a great cook!” Chris said apologetically.

“Well, that doesn’t matter. Just try, you may surprise me,” she said with a smile.

He agreed. Getting dressed as demanded, she then handed him his phone, which he thanked her for, and put it straight in his pocket, mainly so she didn’t shout at him for not paying attention to her. Miss Lexington just smiled back in acknowledgement. Chris left the bedroom with Miss Lexington following him downstairs to the kitchen.

Arriving in the large kitchen, Chris looked in the fridge where he found chicken, and the one thing he knew how to make, was Chinese chicken noodles. He asked Miss Lexington if she had noodles and spices. She walked to a cupboard and opened it up. Chris found everything he needed and asked if she was happy with his suggestion for dinner, to which she nodded in approval.

Chris got on and cooked up the meal. A while later, dinner was made and served. They spoke over dinner and had a friendly conversation about the Berlin trip. Miss Lexington then told Chris she enjoyed his cooking. He blushed a little and thanked her. It was then time to clean up. Chris loaded the dishwasher and then spoke to Miss Lexington.

“All done, Miss. What do you require of me next?” he asked.

“You may go into the living room and watch whatever you please, Christopher. I have to prepare for the trip tomorrow,” she said with a smile.

Chris was very happy with that, although he didn’t show too much enthusiasm as he didn’t want to rock the boat, he just gave a smile and spoke.

“Why thank you, Miss, I appreciate it,” he said happily.

She smiled and went off upstairs to tidy up the bedroom and pack her suitcase. Chris had the television down in the living room.

After a couple of hours, Miss Lexington reappeared in the living room with her cabin suitcase and stood it up with the handle raised. She then spoke.

“All set to go now, Christopher. We shall leave in half an hour.” she said in a friendly tone.

“Yes, err, of course, Miss Lexington, whatever you require,” Chris replied.

She walked to the kitchen, and she poured them a sparkling elderflower drink. Returning to the living room, she passed Chris his glass. She picked up the remote, sat on the sofa and changed the channel from sports to business news.

Chris sat and looked around at the decor. There were flowers in vases, nice candles, and pristine white ornaments. Miss Lexington then loudly spoke.

“Well Christopher, what an eventful pro-active weekend it has been. I’m sure some serious situational, and business lessons have been learned from this weekend’s events,” she said, whilst looking at him with raised eyebrows.

“Oh yes, Miss Lexington, they certainly have, and I will invest as much as I can in your future projects.” Chris said enthusiastically.

“I’m sure you will, Christopher. I am most certain of it,” Miss Lexington said before finishing her drink.

Miss Lexington sat up and walked around the house, checking everything was secure. Returning to the living room, she announced it was time to take her to the airport. Chris took her cabin suitcase out to the now open garage and placed it in his boot, with Miss Lexington following him out, after securing the house. It was the first time he had been outside since he arrived on Friday. He opened the passenger door for her and she got in. Chris also got in the car and then started the engine. Miss Lexington put the radio station to classical and Chris watched as she tuned it.

“Of course she would," he thought to himself.

During the pleasant drive, they talked about different things related to the company, and she gave him further instructions on what she wanted for the new system. She also told him to give the proposal about her requirements some thought, to which he agreed.

Before long, they arrived at the hotel and Chris parked up and exited the car. He came round to the passenger door of the car to open it, and Miss Lexington stepped out. Shutting the door behind her, he then opened the boot and got out her cabin case. Miss Lexington looked at Chris with a smile and spoke.

“Thank you, Christopher; I see we are well on the way to greater things at LNC!” she said happily.

“Yes, Miss Lexington, we are indeed. Is there anything else you require from me?” Chris replied.

Miss Lexington smiled, and replied.

“Just enjoy your day off tomorrow and be in on time Tuesday morning to get that new system going. I shall see you in the office on Wednesday. Goodbye, Christopher,” she said in a professional tone.

With that, she walked off into the hotel. Chris watched as she walked off, and he replied to her.

“Have no worries, Miss. Please, enjoy your trip,” he exclaimed.

He watched as Miss Lexington walked through the entrance of the hotel, pulling her cabin case behind her, fantasising about being with her in the room for the night. He was also admiring her rear when she suddenly paused. She looked round and glared at him. That was his signal to go.

Chris drove home and arrived at his flat. He slumped down on the sofa and straight away went over the events of the weekend in his mind. He had started to actually have feelings towards Miss Lexington, but he knew it was just pure fantasia to think it would go anywhere.

In his mind, he was hoping it would be very soon he could see her again, and he told himself he was going to work as hard as he could for her. Mainly to be recognised as an important member of her company and core team. Also, to be as close to her as possible. Tired and worn out from the weekend, he drifted off to sleep.

Chris awoke around 3am and got himself into bed. Waking up around 10am, he just took his day off as a chill day, although the events of his disciplinary weekend with Miss Lexington were constantly on his mind.

He sat there thinking, just how odd it was that the sexual encounters heavily involved Daily Telegraph newspapers. Thinking further about it, he liked the sensation of everything that Miss Lexington had done with the broadsheets over the weekend. So much so, he went out to the shop and picked up a couple Daily Telegraph newspapers to take home and occasionally sniff the aroma. It took him straight back to the weekend with Miss Lexington. He found some of the opera music on a music app and later that evening went to bed, taking the Telegraph with him and listening to the opera melodies he recognised from Miss Lexington's bedroom.

He lied there in the dark, thinking over it all again and wondering what she was up to now. He hadn’t heard from Charlotte, but they had agreed to see each other at work.

Suddenly, his phone made a message alert tone. It was Charlotte, saying she was in Berlin with Miss Lexington and would see him on Wednesday. He wondered about what the atmosphere would be like when he saw them both back in the workplace this coming week. Hoping it wasn’t going to be awkward, but knowing Miss Lexington, she would be as professional as always when in the office.

He soon had drifted off to sleep, and it was 6am when he woke, and the alarm was due in five minutes. Getting up, he got ready and left for work at LNC.

Chris arrived at the corporate facility a whole fifteen minutes early. He got straight to work on Miss Lexington’s new system. He did look around during break time at the other employees, thinking how much gossip there would be if any of them knew what he had been used for at the CEO’s home. It was something he would most certainly keep to himself. Not only because of the consequences, but he wanted to be back at her house again, and there was only one way that would be potentially happening again, and that would be to keep quiet.

Another thing that came into his mind, and which caused him an irritating feeling, he was sure there were some other guys in this building who fancied Miss Lexington.

That thought also made him feel good that she had chosen him for her personal pleasure. He liked the strictness, and sexiness that she beamed. Whilst he fantasised about her, he decided in that moment he was going to take Miss Lexington up on her proposal of becoming her requirement.

He acknowledged that he would need to put in a lot of time and effort. Mainly, though, he wanted Miss Lexington to use him in the future, but he knew not to expect anything for certain.

When he got his mind back to working, he worked alongside his co-worker Elizabeth. She learned how to navigate the new system, and they both put in some hard effort throughout the day, right up until it was time to go home.

Chris spent the evening just relaxing at home and thinking about Miss Lexington. She occupied every moment he wasn’t concentrating on something. He messaged Charlotte and said he hoped she was enjoying the trip to Berlin. He then went to sleep with the Daily Telegraph covering his pillow to smell the scent that reminded him of that past weekend with his female boss.

The next day arrived and Chris arrived at LNC and he got on with the usual tasks involved with the new projects. By the afternoon, he hadn’t noticed the time and there was an hour left of the day. There had been no announcement that Miss Lexington and Charlotte had arrived back.

He decided to go up to the top floor, but there was no sign that they were back. He went home and around 8pm received a message from Charlotte. She was saying it was a pleasant trip, and it just took a little longer than thought. She ended the message saying she would see him soon. He replied asking about the trip, and ended his message using a smiley emoji. He then got to sleep.

The next morning, he arrived at work and repeated the previous day. He had received a smiley face emoji from Charlotte but that was all. Later, Chris looked at the clock and saw it was 2 pm. He decided to take a walk up to the top floor. He saw Charlotte sat at her desk next to Miss Lexington’s office.

He approached her to say hello and asked how the trip went. Charlotte told him all about it and how the company was going to be making millions, with further projects down the line. He then got on to asking her about maybe going out sometime. As he asked, she seemed a little awkward and said she was busy for the next few weekends with family. Fair enough, Chris thought. As it was approaching mid-autumn and Christmas was getting closer. He suggested maybe a later date, and Charlotte agreed.

He went back to his office and about an hour later, Elizabeth, who had been called to Miss Lexington’s office, came down from the top floor and said to Chris that Miss Lexington had asked to see him, and he was to go to her office in half an hour. A shot of excitement rushed through him. He hadn’t seen Miss Lexington since he dropped her at the airport hotel and he was nervous about seeing her again.

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Half an hour later, he arrived at her office. Charlotte was talking to a colleague inside another, glass walled office. Chris knocked on the door of his strict female boss. He then heard Miss Lexington’s firm tone ask him to enter.

Natasha Lexington was as professional as always. Chris was nervous, but she didn’t act at all any different. It was like he was the same as any other employee. Chris found that very sexy about her. Her confidence, her dominant vibe and aura, along with her professionalism. Her professional attire was something that also really turned him on.

Chris sat in the chair across from Miss Lexington at her desk. He found himself mostly focused on the skirt suit she was wearing, which she had also worn last Friday.

After greeting him, she began to explain about how the Berlin trip had gone and some new data storage files would need creating. But the part of this conversation that turned his stomach upside down with nervous excitement was when she suddenly spoke in a strict tone, the same tone Chris had heard many times, over the previous weekend.

“I need these new data files expanded and ready for Monday afternoon. Now, I’m not in the building tomorrow to go over the details with you and provide assistance, she said in her professional tone.

She paused momentarily whilst staring at him before she continued to speak.

“You will report to my office at Meadow View, as you are required, Christopher!” she said firmly.”

He looked at her and took a moment to answer. His stomach doing somersaults, he replied.

“Y-yes, Miss Lexington, of course, anything you require,” Chris said nervously.

Miss Lexington smiled, holding her stare at Chris, and then spoke.

“Good, you know where to be, and you will be required at 1PM. You may go now,” she said in a pleasant tone.

Chris then replied.

“Thank you, Miss Lexington. I shall be there,” he said clearly whilst looking at her.

Following that, he left the office of his female boss, exchanging goodbyes with Charlotte whilst closing Miss Lexington’s office door on his way out.

He returned to his work area and got ready to go home. His mind was on overload as he wondered what was in store for him this coming weekend.

He slept that night again, laying on the Telegraph newspaper, imagining what Miss Lexington would be up to. After falling asleep, he woke the next morning full of nervous anticipation. He packed some clean clothes into a bag, mainly on the off chance that he may be staying at her home for the weekend. He loaded it into his car and set off.

He arrived at the office and got his head down, and continued working on the beginnings of the new project.

Before long, it was midday. After logging off and leaving the LNC building, he was soon heading to the private estate where Meadow View, Miss Lexington’s immaculate home, was situated.

Chris arrived at his lady boss’ glamorous, private gated housing estate, and as he drove up her drive, he thought to himself how much he actually enjoyed last weekend. He parked in the garage, seeing it had been left open for him, and sighted her top class, 6 series on the other side of the garage building. He then walked up to the door and rang the bell.

Miss Lexington soon opened the door, and Chris noticed she was dressed in a dark grey pinstripe skirt suit, high-heels, and spectacles, with her hair in a pinned up-do. She smiled her professional smile and spoke.

“Well, Christopher Robertson, there is much work for you to do this afternoon,” she said, pleasingly.

She then motioned him into the hallway and he closed the door and took off his shoes.

Although not confirmed in this moment, they would be staying right there the whole weekend once more.

He smelt her perfume in the air and followed her into the living room with its immaculate comfort and brightness. CNBC was on the massive television screen. He saw a pile of Daily Telegraph newspapers on the end of the sofa and became nervously excited, but at the same time told himself not to assume anything.

He then went through to the office. With its strong floral aroma, Miss Lexington set up the new data file storage and secure access she wanted him to create. He got right into it and about two hours later, Miss Lexington, who had left the office about twenty minutes before, returned and handed him a drink of sparkling berry whilst asking for him to continue. He knuckled down into working at her computer and before he knew it; the sky had begun to lose light, and it would soon be dark outside. Miss Lexington had turned on the ambient desk lamp, and not long after, Chris had finished the task. He turned round to Miss Lexington, who was on her office sofa with her laptop, and spoke.

“All complete, is there anything else required, Miss?” he said confidently.

She looked at him and replied.

“No, that’s the new file save system all in place for the new project that we started this week. I would like to thank you for your efforts today. You are becoming a vital part of my company, Christopher,” she said with a smile.

With that, she motioned him out of the office, and out through the living room to the hallway. His mind was now wondering how this was going, but he acted as normal and walked over to put his shoes on, and then Miss Lexington spoke firmly.

“Err, what do you think you are doing, Christopher?” she said in a strict tone.

Chris looked at her, surprised, and in a nervous tone, he replied.

“I-I’m getting my shoes on and going home, Miss, I’ve completed the task you required, is there anything else?” he said.

She put her hands on her hips and loudly spoke at him with a stern look.

“You may have completed your task and business requirements, but you most certainly have not completed my requirements. My goodness, you have not even started! Take off your shoes and take yourself upstairs and await me on the landing!” she said loudly at him.

His stomach fluttered, and he quickly did as he was told. At the top of the landing, he could hear the female opera music playing from the main bedroom. Miss Lexington came up the stairs after him with the pile of Daily Telegraph broadsheet newspapers laying between her left hand and elbow crease. It was the pile he had seen on the sofa when he had arrived, and his heart rate increased.

Miss Lexington motioned Chris into the bedroom. He was once again back in her ambient lit, brightly decorated, pristine bedroom, and he saw the queen-size bed was covered in Daily Telegraph broadsheets.

There were news sheets also draped over the headboard. His chest was pumping, and he started to become nervously aroused.

Looking at her window chair, a queen size sheet of taped together pages was ready and waiting to be unfolded, and used to cover them both.

Miss Lexington placed the pile of broadsheet newspapers on her dresser, which on the top, had a bucket of ice containing a champagne bottle and two glasses.

She closed the door and returned to the dresser and poured out two glasses of champagne. She then spoke in a firm tone.

“Drink this, Christopher,” she demanded.

Chris obeyed her demand, taking the glass. Once he had drank the champagne, she ordered him to undress and to climb on the bed and lay down. She watched his every movement, all whilst sipping her champagne. He did exactly as he was told, and was then once again restrained, wrapped and taped up, finally being covered in the Daily Telegraph broadsheets. Miss Lexington increased the volume of the female opera and then announced everything was ready.

She slowly took off her skirt and lingerie, letting them drop to the floor. With only her heels on, she then picked up a Daily Telegraph newspaper and climbed on to the bed. Chris’ cock was rock solid and throbbing as she moved up the bed, the broadsheets crinkling under her. She lowered the Telegraph with its headline about tax cuts and a picture of Carol Vordermann in a black outfit on to him. She then laid beside him, rubbing her hand up and around the back page.

Then she took hold of his cock, and with champagne breath, spoke to him.

“My goodness, it feels as if we are back at the beginning again. I’m going to have to provide you with some more discipline and make you understand how serious being a part of my core team in this company is. This weekend, Christopher, the disciplinary is all about you, chatting up all my female employee’s,” she said with wide open eyes.

Chris looked right at her in surprise. Her face was six inches from his and she had hold of his cock, slowly masturbating it. She then spoke loudly.

“Oh, I know all about you and Charlotte’s little chats and flirting. But I also found out, you like to hang about and chat with all the girls, especially the admin staff. Flirting with Charlotte has had to come to an end, I’m afraid. Charlotte also had it brought to her attention, and she mentioned to me that you and Elizabeth may have something going. Now you need to clearly understand, Christopher, I need full professionalism and all staff working at a hundred percent efficiency, with no inappropriate disruption,” Miss Lexington told him firmly.

Chris was waiting for the opportunity to defend those claims. Suddenly, a small silence from Miss Lexington gave him his opportunity and he then spoke.

“Elizabeth? She’s just—”

He tried to explain, but Miss Lexington instantly silenced him by ceasing the masturbation of his cock and holding her left hand up, and with only her her index finger, she placed it over his lips, over-speaking him firmly.

“Not my concern, Christopher, efficiency in my business, and my requirements are what is my concern. Now, silence,” she boomed at him.

The champagne smell on her breath and her perfume mixed with the Telegraph newsprint flowed up his nostrils, making him throb. Chris had a thought come to mind.

“Ah, so that’s why Charlotte was a little off. Miss must have spoken to her about it on the Berlin trip. Damn,” he thought, disappointingly.

His mind was soon brought back to the attention of Miss Lexington as she took a firm hold of his erect penis and resumed masturbating him slowly before she increased the speed and intensity.

Soon, she began to rub his body up and down, rubbing her hands up his bound and wrapped arms, then back around and over his body, down to his broadsheet wrapped legs. She tickled his perineum, before stroking his cock. She repeated this process with her perfect, manicured hands for a few minutes before resuming masturbating Chris again. Soon after slowing to a halt, she sat up and took a cock ring from the bedside table. Placing it on the tip, she rolled it down his throbbing, erect cock. She climbed over and straddled him, positioning his penis in line with her vagina. Slowly the tip of his cock entered the moist outer lips of her vagina, and she slowly slid down on to it, taking the full length before rising back up and then back down again. Once Chris’ cock was fully lubricated in Miss Lexington’s vaginal fluids she rode a little firmer. They both let out a small gasp as Miss Lexington lowered her body against his and Chris saw the shape of her breasts in her suit jacket and blouse pushing into the back page of the Daily Telegraph. He loved it.

She then whispered in his left ear.

“You can not date Charlotte, Christopher. You are my requirement, and you are my requirement only. We will discuss this further tomorrow, and in the presence of the Saturday edition of the Daily Telegraph. You will also provide me with your answer and explanation for the proposal I gave you last weekend,” she said with a strict tone.

With that, she thrust down on his cock and sat up, placing her hands on the back page of the Daily Telegraph covering his body and firmly began to rub her hands up and down and ride him. A minute later, the opera music exploded into a dramatic harmonic chorus and she upped the intensity and passion of how she was riding him.

After approximately ten minutes of boob pressing, rubbing and slapping whilst being ridden, Chris erupted his load as Miss Lexington started to experience a mild orgasm, causing the bed to shake from how vigorously she rode him. Once the climax subsided, she lay on him for a minute, just while they both caught their breaths. She then sat up, took a Telegraph page from the headboard, held it around the base of Chris’ cock and slowly slid off and plugged her vagina with it. She climbed off the bed and headed to the en suite. Chris pretty much knew the routine now after last weekend and today.

He would be spending the weekend with Miss Lexington, and subject to her requirements. He spent more time in her main bedroom, bound to her broadsheet newspaper covered bed. Over the course of that weekend, he was wrapped and taped up in the broadsheets, magazine spanked, slapped and ridden at various intervals. She required the use of his tongue a lot more often than the previous weekend. Sleeping at night time in the newspaper bed with her, he occasionally would attempt to put himself near her if he woke in the night, and if she discovered, which ninety percent of the time she did, it would result in a harder magazine spanking. He kissed her high-heels countless times. He was made to worship her in many ways.

During a bedroom disciplinary that weekend, whilst covered in the Saturday edition of the Daily Telegraph, Chris answered to Miss Lexington that he would become her requirement. As she laid naked next to him, rubbing the broadsheet with her right hand, and the heel of her right foot’s shoe prodding his right calf, he gave a satisfactory explanation why, and one that she was happy with. Later that day, he found himself being spanked by her thick magazines, just for going on a little too long with the explanation that had misplaced the timing of the female opera singer coinciding with Miss Lexington beginning her disciplinary riding.

Throughout the coming months and beyond, he would spend nearly every other weekend, with only a maximum of two weeks intervals, with Miss Lexington at her pristine modern manor. Chris did as he was told, and he would obey whatever Miss Lexington asked of him. He had the utmost respect for her and accepted he would never be “with” her, but he knew by being her requirement, he had the best of both ‘single’ and ‘required’ worlds. She asserted her dominance and authority over him in many ways. He even learned how to cook nice meals, as she always demanded he cooked them both dinner for the days he was at Meadow View. He was most certainly making his way into a core participant and required asset in her company.

He knew exactly how the coming weekend would be when on a Thursday afternoon he would get a call up to the top floor to Miss Lexingtons’ office for the newly scheduled weekly data report meeting.

What had been agreed over dinner on the Saturday night that second weekend was; if at all during a conversation with Miss Lexington in this report meeting she asked him about “file 1B”, he had the weekend to himself. If she asked him about “file 2A” he knew exactly where, when and what time he had to attend and what would be required of him.

The End, for now, but Christopher Robertson and Miss Lexington will return in-,

Business Trip:

An Enveloping Requirement Story.

Written by Theball80
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