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The Enveloping Requirement: Part 5

"Christopher Robertson lands himself in further bother during his disciplinary weekend with his boss lady, at her pristine home."

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The lights had been out in Miss Lexington’s bedroom for around ten minutes. Chris had been lying awake, thinking over the last day and a half, here at Miss Lexington's immaculate home. He wanted to know, what was it about the Sunday Telegraph that Miss Lexington was looking forward to. He thought it was best to get to sleep and see it play out in the morning. Just as he was starting to drift off, he suddenly remembered the message to Charlotte and if she had replied. At that moment, he thought to himself.

‘Shall I ask if there was a reply? No, she said not to disturb her and if anything important came through, she would tell me. But I will ask her in the morning.’

While he was accepting the fact that nothing could be done tonight, he drifted off to sleep.

Chris suddenly awoke around 02:00am. Despite feeling a little uncomfortable as laying on a broadsheet-covered pillow did become quite warm, he found himself facing towards Miss Lexington. He was feeling an ache in his cock and balls due to Miss Lexington using him and emptying him out, but it wasn’t something to complain about and he smiled to himself whilst having those thoughts.

Miss Lexington was fast asleep with her back to him. He moved slowly into a better position and fantasised about spooning her. He wouldn’t dare disturb her, as she had warned him, although not with a direct threat, but he knew to take her requirements seriously.

Laying there for a moment, he thought about maybe just putting his hand on her gently, just to get a connection as he was really starting to like, and have feelings for her. He loved her look, the way dressed and walked, her perfume and most of all, her very British, well-spoken voice. He also thought, for her to use him for sex, she must at least like him.

He moved himself closer to her, with the Telegraph newspaper sheets crinkling and sounding so much louder in the dark of night. She didn’t stir, so Chris placed his hand gently on her thigh. Feeling the smooth satin feel of her nightwear, it gave him a warm feeling as it was the first time he had made official physical contact without her forcing it.

He imagined many scenarios of maybe getting closer and her waking up, leading to them having passionate sex, but he soon dismissed the thoughts as just pure fantasia. He would soak up this moment before he eventually fell back asleep.

It was 09:00 am and the alarm was beeping. Miss Lexington had already been awake a while and was sat up reading. She told Chris he could use the en-suite first, so he climbed out of her newspaper bed, walked in and used the lavatory, then cleaned his teeth. When he returned to the bedroom, he came out to see that Miss Lexington had refreshed the bed with more layers of broadsheets from Saturday’s thick pile of Daily Telegraphs. She pointed at the bed and ordered him to lie down.

“Already?” Chris thought to himself.

Quickly doing as he was told, he got on the fresh sheets and they once again crinkled around him, giving off the same strong newsprint smell. Miss Lexington resumed the female-sung opera music, and then began to bind Chris to her bed, although more firmly this time. Once he was bound, she wrapped and taped him up in the broadsheet pages, covering his body with an open-to-centre page Telegraph. Her facial expression was serious and stern for the whole time she was in the bedroom. She told him abruptly that she was going to the bathroom and then off to get dressed. Chris wondered, why she wrapped his arms and legs in Telegraph pages when the bed was covered already.

‘She does like to rub the broadsheets she covers me in too, perhaps she likes the feel?’ he thought to himself.

Miss Lexington came out of the en-suite, still dressed in her satin pyjamas and got some clothes from the giant mirrored wardrobe. She then left the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Chris lay there for thirty minutes looking around the room. Looking at his arms, he saw the Telegraph pages that were taped round them before looking in the centre of the headboard. There he saw that she had draped some fresh Telegraph sheets over the chromed bars on the headboard, obviously ready for when they finished a sexual encounter. He moved a little to get comfier and on his backside, he could feel the smoothness of the broadsheets. He also recognised some of the opera music that had played previously during the disciplinary sessions in this bedroom. His mind was thinking over many things until he heard a distant noise on the stairs and on the landing from behind the door. He awaited with a rising pulse for Miss Lexington’s imminent arrival in the bedroom.

The bedroom door opened and Miss Lexington walked into the room, wearing her spectacles and dressed in a white blouse, and a black pencil skirt that had a big, round buckle on the front. She had her high-heels on that always made her look so much taller, and added to her dominant vibe. Her hair was styled in a tight bun and in her ear lobes, she wore small hoops of pearls. In her left arm, she was holding a large pile of Sunday Telegraph broadsheet newspapers. She walked slowly towards her dresser and placed them on the top. Chris had already gone rock hard as he knew what was coming. He began to think about her comments from Friday.

“She’s been out to get The Sunday Telegraph. This is what she’s been looking forward to, but why?”

Miss Lexington slowly walked over to the door and closed it. Returning to her dresser, she began spraying herself with more perfume. She then picked up a copy of the Sunday edition, and walked over to the side of the bed, leaning over Chris. Using her right hand, she picked up and threw the Saturday edition she had laid over him to the side. She then opened the fresh Sunday broadsheet to the centre page and laid it over his body. A puzzles supplement that had been in the fold, was picked up and draped over the headboard. He smelt the scent of the strong, fresh Sunday Telegraph newsprint as she laid it down, then the overpowering scent of her perfume drifted over him.

He was receiving a harsher tone from her, and her face was as stern as he had ever seen it. There was a bottle of champagne about a quarter full from the previous night’s session. She used the glasses that had been used the previous night, and poured the fine wine out before she came to the side of the bed and firmly spoke.

“Sip this, Christopher, then swirl it around your mouth and swallow,” she said firmly.

He did as he was told. He lifted his head off the broadsheet-covered pillow and took a long sip before swallowing it. It was warmer than last night's glass but still a nice aftertaste. Miss Lexington, with her dominant female walk, went over to her dresser and poured a full glass. She took a long sip and then placed the glass down. The female opera had taken a more dramatic play and rang around the room. She looked over at the floor-to-ceiling mirrored wardrobe and could see the reflection of Chris, bound to her bed, and enveloped in her newspapers. He was watching her every movement and his erectile penis was poking up out at the bottom of the broadsheet. She sniggered to herself, sipping some more champagne.

Placing the half-full glass back on the dresser, Miss Lexington moved her right hand over to the pile of broadsheets and picked up another Sunday Telegraph. As she held it out in front of her, the fold opened out to full length, causing a puzzle’s supplement to drop to the floor.

She turned round and came towards the bed, holding it in front of her. Climbing on, the news sheets crinkled under her as she moved up the bed. Chris’ hard cock began to throb. All Chris saw for that moment once again was Miss Lexington’s stern face and her fingers round each side of the front page, which was a headline about Buckingham Palace and a picture of a big Hollywood actress who he couldn’t remember the name of, all dolled up in a red dress.

She began lowering the broadsheet onto him and he then saw the shape of her breasts in her blouse. He felt the slight weight upon his body from the broadsheet newspaper, and Miss Lexington rubbed her hands up the back page, before she got comfy, laying next to him. Lifting up, and locking her right leg over Chris’, he felt the heel of her shoe prodding his calf. She then pushed her breasts through her blouse into his side. She rubbed the Sunday Telegraph with her right hand and Chris saw the nice quality material of her white blouse.

She then made her way to his hard cock and gently stroked it. She took hold of it with a firm grip, making Chris tense up. Looking at him with her face just a few centimetres away from his, she spoke.

“I’ve been looking forward to this, but there is one thing I need to discuss with you, Christopher!” she said, with her head tilted back and her eyes looking down at him through her spectacles.

Strong perfume, followed by the champagne on her breath, shot up his nostrils as she continued speaking

“Placing your hand on my satin nightwear during the night without my say-so, that is a liberty I did not grant!” she said loud and firm.

“So, because of taking such a liberty, it will result in an extension to your disciplinary, I’m afraid,” she said in her professional tone.

With that, she masturbated his cock hard and fast whilst still speaking as she thrust her hand holding his penis, and she continued to speak.

“Hmm, it would seem you need to learn your place in my presence again, Christopher!” Miss Lexington firmly informed him.

Chris’ breathing through his nose increased in speed as she firmly masturbated him.

She slowed to a gentle stroke, as pre-come was pouring out of his cock and going down Miss Lexington’s right thumb. Pausing momentarily, she then let go of his cock and held her hand up, rubbing the sticky liquid between her thumb, index, and middle fingers. She then frowned at him and spoke.

“Even more unacceptable Christopher!” Now as we progress through the day, we shall be discussing some more details related to your disciplinary,” she said, maintaining her professional tone.

Chris was becoming very aroused by her strictness, but also nervous as she came across as stern and serious.

Miss Lexington sat up and used a Telegraph sheet from the headboard to wipe her hand. Screwing that sheet into a ball and throwing it toward the growing pile of sheets, that she used on Chris for arm and leg wrappings. She then turned and sat with her back towards him. Placing one leg over the other, she sat and pondered for a few moments. He could see her pencil skirt, tightly fitting her and her backside shape looked so fine sat against the Telegraph sheets.

‘Wow, female professional clothes and posh broadsheets look sexy together.’ he thought to himself.

Miss Lexington stood up and slowly unbuttoned her skirt, allowing it to just drop to the floor. Slowly, she removed her underwear, that she also allowed to drop to the floor. Chris watched with nervous excitement as he knew she was going to use him.

Stepping out of her underwear, in her heels, she then turned round and climbed back on the bed. Placing her hands on the Sunday Telegraph newspaper covering him, she swung her leg over and positioned herself atop him. Looking down at him, her facial expression was serious as she guided Chris’ rock-solid penis into her vagina.

She took it in deep, then took it back out again to the tip, and then plunged hard down on it to take every millimetre. Repeating this, she carried on slowly and firmly for a few minutes before laying her body against the Telegraph newspapers covering Chris.

As she proceeded to take his penis in and out of her vagina, Chris could smell the powerful scent coming from her perfume-soaked blouse and he could hear the sound of the lacy material rubbing against the news sheets as she moved back and forth slowly riding his cock. She sat up and rubbed her hands up the back page and all Chris saw as he looked at her perfect, manicured hands was them rubbing over the top of an advertisement that took up the whole back page.

Suddenly, Miss Lexington then slapped Chris hard round his face, leaned her head back, pushed her chest out, and rode harder. After around twenty seconds, she slapped his face again a little harder before laying her body back down and slowly riding. A couple minutes of dominance later, she came to a stop and then slipped off his cock and climbed off the bed. She went and sipped her Champagne, then picked up a Sunday Telegraph. She came back to sit on the side of the bed, and began to read it.

Chris just had to lie there and await what she chose to do next, knowing to be quiet and not to question her. He just lie there and looked at how nice she looked sat reading a broadsheet newspaper with her hair up, wearing pearl earrings and spectacles, half-dressed in just her blouse and high heels. He looked at her naked lower half, sat on the edge of the bed atop the broadsheets covering it. The female opera music was perfect for this moment.

Half an hour passed, and Miss Lexington stopped reading, turned round, and climbed back on the bed. She laid the Telegraph she had been reading over Chris and started to play with his cock once more. She leant over to the bedside table and picked up two cock rings, rolling them both to the base of his solid cock.

Straddling atop him, she slid his penis in her vagina, causing them both to gasp, and placing her hands on the back page of the fresh Sunday broadsheet she went into firm but slow riding while rubbing her hands all over him with the occasional slap round the face.

Stopping after a couple of minutes, Miss Lexington held both sides of his cheeks with her right hand and squeezed them together, using her thumb and fingers on either side.

With a strict, and very stern look on her face, she pulled his cheeks together to pucker up his lips, and lowering her breasts into his chest, she spoke right in his face with champagne breath.

“As you have probably noticed, Sunday is the more intense day to your disciplinary weekend, and my oh my, you need to be disciplined, Christopher. You will give me every millimetre of your cock and you will most certainly not be back chatting or questioning me. You will be doing exactly as you are told. I require complete silence unless I require you to make a sound. When you return to my workplace, there will be no more excuses and all files will be in the correct place on my systems. Do we have an understanding?”

She let go of his cheeks, and Chris spoke.

“Yes, Miss Lexington, we have an understanding,” he said nervously.

She looked down from atop him and spoke.

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“Good, but this is only a minute part of said discipline!” she exclaimed.

He just started to let that process in his thoughts, and at that moment she then sat up and began to ride him again, her hands rubbing intensely slow up the back page and intermittent positions of laying her breasts into him and sitting up and rubbing him with a few slaps round the cheeks thrown in.

After about twenty minutes, Miss Lexington had a minor orgasm, followed soon after by Chris experiencing orgasmic spasms as he shot his load up inside her. She lay on him for a few minutes before sitting up and noticing one of her buttons on her white blouse had come undone. She did it up and then picked up one of the Telegraph sheets draped over the headboard and again withdrew off Chris’ cock, catching and plugging the fluids coming out her vagina.

She climbed off the bed and walked into the en-suite. Chris just had to lie there until she came back out. He was becoming very familiar with this main bedroom and opera music in his boss lady’s house.

He could hear the shower going, then after around ten minutes, Miss Lexington arrived back in the bedroom in her bathrobe and picked up her skirt, along with some underwear before walking off to another bedroom.

She returned fully dressed and back in her pencil skirt that Chris loved secretly eyeing up her bum in. She unstrapped him, and ordered that all newspapers on the bed be picked up and placed in a neat pile, and placed beside her window chair. Chris did as he was told, placing all the broadsheets in the growing pile. He then began to unwrap the Telegraph sheets from his arms and legs. Miss Lexington then spoke firmly at him.

“You are to shower now, Christopher. Oh, and make sure you wash and dry all those cock rings that you left in the en-suite before placing them back on the bedside table, something that you should have done already, but I will let this one go for now. You will pick your clothes up and fold them neatly before putting them under my bed, too. I cannot have a mess lying about,” she boomed at him firmly.

“Most certainly, of course, Miss!” Chris replied.

While he showered and removed the cock rings, Miss Lexington went to the next-door bedroom and checked his phone. A few message banners of videos sent by friends and one from Charlotte saying she hoped he was ok and would see him at work. Nothing that seemed troubling and as there was more discipline to be exerted at Meadow View Manor, back in the drawer went the phone. Miss Lexington then returned to her main bedroom and sat in the window chair.

Chris came out of the shower to see Miss Lexington sat with her leg crossed over and her arms on each arm of the window chair. She looked at him and spoke.

“Well, Christopher, it’s time to go downstairs. You will follow me, but first, you will pick up your clothes. They will need to be washed and dried.” she said firmly.

Chris picked up his clothes from beside the bed and followed Miss Lexington out onto the landing.

With nothing on, he had to follow her downstairs. They arrived in the kitchen and Miss Lexington showed him the way to the utility room to put his clothes in for a wash and dry. Once the clothes were washing, they returned to the kitchen where she instructed him to make coffee and croissants. Miss Lexington sat down but told Chris he had to stand at the breakfast bar. Chris remained silent, as he knew to only speak to Miss Lexington if she asked. His cock and balls were aching from all the sex with her, but he would keep that to himself.

Once they had both finished breakfast and Chris had tidied away at Miss Lexington's request, she beckoned him through a double windowed door that led more to the back of the house and in this large open room with skylights, there was a keep fit/gym area with a large tv screen on the wall and a purpose-built hot tub in the corner positioned with the perfect view of the screen.

Towards the back of the wide and open room, there was a large window door that led out to a well-furnished and decorated orangery. Beyond that was a stunning garden with numerous big plants, statues, and fields beyond. Miss Lexington then spoke out loud.

“Right, we are going to have a one-to-one, out-of-office meeting Christopher! Please take a seat in my orangery please!” she said in her professional tone.

Chris, now used to obeying her instantly, walked into her orangery but chose not to sit as he had nothing on. Miss Lexington then spoke.

“It’s fine, you can sit down, Christopher,” she said in a friendly tone.

She then went and fetched a clipboard. Chris liked this. He thought to himself about how she was so strict and could be quite mean, but at the same time, so nice, allowing him to use the facilities in her home.

Miss Lexington returned and sat down next to Chris. She sat with her legs crossed and then asked some questions.

“So, Christopher, you would like to move up within my company, is that correct?” she said professionally.

“It is correct, Miss Lexington. I would like to climb the promotion ladder in the company and go as far as you require me to.” Chris replied enthusiastically.

She sat and looked at him, placing the edge of the chrome pen on her lip. She then spoke whilst she wrote down some notes.

“As required,” she whispered.

She then looked at Chris and spoke.

“That’s great to hear. I like ambition, but I want to let you know that I occasionally require my employees in higher positions to exceed expectations for me. Say, a last-minute, end-of-the-day meeting that may go over a couple of hours into the evening on another company premises, for instance. It cannot be missed, and it most certainly will not be missed, and I happen to have too many other commitments to attend. Could you attend to that important meeting on my behalf, even though I need you to finish a deadline?” she said whilst looking right at him.

Chris thought about the scenario and, whilst thinking how nice a warm it was in the orangery, he answered.

“I believe if I’m in a position that you require me to do both I would make sure it was done, even if I had to return to our offices and work later, or even if you required me here in your home office Miss Lexington, I’ve shown you I can complete and fix the glitches, oh and the misplaced files. Also, I’ve already got my head round the new system start-up!” he said confidently.

She smiled her professional smile and spoke.

“Indeed, you have. I feel that I can count on you when required,” she said in a lighter tone, Christopher.

Miss Lexington wrote some notes down, and then, still using her professional tone, she spoke.

“Christopher, you may recall that we were interrupted during a part of your disciplinary last night?” Well, I shall have you know, it was Heidi from Kleintek. She has asked for me to attend an exhibition of their project. I am to be shown our products in action. It’s short notice, but in the business world, you have to make exceptions.” she said in a serious tone.

Chris nodded. He knew what she meant, and he took it on board. Miss Lexington continued to speak.

”I have a flight in the morning and Charlotte will be joining me. I’ve emailed the rest of the core team, and I will need you to drive me to the airport later today. I’m staying at the hotel as I don’t want to be rushing about early tomorrow. Now are we understood, Christopher? she said firmly.

“Yes Miss, I fully understand and, of course, I shall drive you to the hotel at the airport,” Chris said confidently.

Miss Lexington smiled and nodded. She then got up from the chair and walked out of the orangery.

Chris just relaxed, looking out into the garden, watching the birds and the nice view of the distant meadows. Once around fifteen minutes had passed, Chris heard the sound of high heels coming closer, and Miss Lexington returned with two glasses of sparkling elderflower.

She handed one to Chris and then stood looking out of the window. Chris knew to only speak if she required, so he sipped his glass quietly. Once they had both finished their drinks, Miss Lexington ordered him to follow her. They stopped by the hot tub and Miss Lexington spoke.

Would you like to relax in the Jacuzzi, Christopher?“ she said with a pleasant smile.”

Chris looked at her surprisingly.

“Y-yes, that would be nice, thanks Miss,” he said gratefully.

Miss Lexington turned the Jacuzzi on and Chris climbed straight in.

Miss Lexington placed a towel on the edge and said she would be back in twenty minutes. Chris thanked her and got comfy in the warm bubbles.

He had a sudden thought. She would be dominantly strict and quite mean, before turning really nice and gentle toward him. Then she’d return to being dominantly strict and mean again. He knew he was in for another part of the disciplinary in the next hour or so.

Miss Lexington returned after twenty minutes, and as she appeared, Chris was straight-up, and out of the tub to dry himself off. Turning the hot tub off, Miss Lexington spoke.

“Get yourself dried, Christopher and follow me,” she said in a friendly tone.

Chris got himself dry and put the towel around his waist. He then followed Miss Lexington as she led the way back upstairs.

He went back upstairs behind her, watching her bum and hips sway side to side in her tight pencil skirt as she climbed each step.

Back into the main bedroom once again with the female arias opera playing, he could smell the scent, before actually seeing, that her bed was freshly covered in crisp, smooth Sunday telegraph broadsheets. Miss Lexington told him to close the door, remove his towel, and to come over to the window chair. Doing as he was told, he then came over to the window and she told him to look out and see if he could see a large bucket.

Opening the thick white mesh voiles and moving aside the open floor-to-ceiling blinds, Chris realised it wasn’t a window, but a large window door that led out onto a roof patio with all you would need for a pleasant summer chillax.

He commented on how nice it was when suddenly, he felt a hard smack across his backside.

He jumped, and startled, thought how that had stung. Turning round, he saw Miss Lexington stood there stern-faced and demanding him to bend over the chair. In her hand, Chris saw what looked like a copy of Hello magazine with an extra copy inside the other to thicken it up. He could see the Duchess of Cambridge on the front cover. Miss Lexington demanded him to bend over the window chair.

He was about to plead with her about why she hit his backside so hard, but then realised it was better to do as she said. He had agreed to obey her. Holding on to the chair with his backside out, he braced for the spanks. They soon arrived, and they were hard, precise connections with his buttocks. After approximately ten strikes with the magazine, she asked him a question in a dominant tone.

“Looking at my behind as we came up the stairs, were we Christopher? I want you to think about your answer before you speak!” she said firmly.

Another spank across his backside arrived, and Chris spoke.

“Yes, Miss Lexington, I was looking,” Chris replied in a pleading tone.

He received three more hard spanks on his bottom, with the magazine again, connecting perfectly. Miss Lexington then spoke in a raised tone.

“Did I give you permission to look?” she said abruptly.

“No, Miss Lexington, you didn’t, but—,” Chris said before Miss Lexington cut him short.

Not giving him time to explain, she boomed at him loudly.

“If you are wondering how I know, I saw you in the reflection of the mirror at the top of the stairs!” she said firmly, before allowing Chris to speak.

“I couldn’t help it, Miss, it’s because, well if I’m honest, your backside is a very nice sight,” he said, sounding as honest as he could, and she heard it in his voice.

Speaking loud and clear, she spoke to him

“Well, I thank you for the compliment, Christopher, and most of all, thank you for being honest! It is that type of clarity that is required in these scenarios. You certainly are on the right path in my company!” she said in her firm, professional tone.

Twenty more hard strikes with her magazine to his backside, and then he was firmly told to get to his knees and kiss her high-heeled shoes. Ten kisses each were her demands. He leant down and started to kiss them as she stood with her hands on her hips.

He kissed her left shoe ten times. Then as he was moving to kiss the shoe on her right, he held on to it to steady himself whilst moving closer to reach her shoe as he kissed it.

That was when she told him to sit up straight and look at her. Looking up at her he, he received a hard slap around his right cheek. She looked very unimpressed, and raising her voice firmly, she spoke.

“I said kiss my shoes, not touch them!” she boomed at him firmly.

He received a second, hard slap around his face, followed by a strict telling-off.

“How dare you think you could touch them, Christopher?” I’d have thought you would know better, especially after our discussion earlier about taking your little nighttime liberty with me,” she boomed at him.

Chris looked at her and spoke.

“I am sorry Miss, I didn’t realise, and I didn’t mean to touch them on purpose, I wanted to get closer, so I could kiss your shoe properly,” he said nervously.

Miss Lexington looked down at him and spoke.

“Hmmm, I will give you the benefit of the doubt this time, but my oh my, Christopher, there is more to discuss this weekend following your actions, including jeopardising a project, which we need to finalise a solution to prevent further mishaps, and also for fraternising with my female staff members!” she said firmly.

Chris realised she meant Charlotte. He closed his eyes in dismay and awaited the imminent, serious discipline from Miss Lexington.

To be continued.

Written by Theball80
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