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Looks Can Be Deceiving - Part I

"A young man is seduced by a dominating woman"

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I'd like to share something that happened to me a while ago.

I'd just turned twenty-one, back in my college days. I spent the summer tending bar in a resort area near my hometown. One day, I had to drive up to the University to take care of some personal business, and finished up rather late in the afternoon. I was in a hurry to make it home in time to get ready for a date.

I was about twenty minutes away from home when I noticed a black Pathfinder broken down on the side of the road. I slowed down and saw that the driver was a woman, who waved me down. When she came up to my car, she explained that her car had quit on her, and had been stranded for the past half-hour because no one would stop.

I don't know that much about engines, and told her so, but gamely offered to drop her off at a telephone to call for a truck. She smiled and asked if I wouldn't mind just dropping her off at her house.

My face fell a little as the chances of being on time for my date got a little more remote, but I said sure, and asked her where she lived. I guess the shock on my face when she named my own town was pretty obvious, because she burst out laughing. Her laughter was quite attractive, and totally out of context with her appearance.

Let me explain: she appeared to be in her early thirties, was rather tall, dressed in baggy, gray sweats, and her dark hair was piled up under a baseball cap. She was wearing some out-of-style Buddy Holly glasses, and no make-up, and was not someone you might expect to turn any heads on a beach.

For the record, I'm nothing special myself. I'm 6' tall, and while I'm not particularly muscular, I do keep myself in shape. I've got light brown hair and dark brown eyes, and I've been told by girlfriends that my best features are my "clean-cut" appearance, my "cute" ass, and my "bedroom" eyes.

She grinned and explained that she'd just moved to the area, and had the tools at her house to fix the problem in her engine, but didn't know anyone she could call for a ride. If I dropped her off at home, she could get the tools and ride her bicycle back to fix the Pathfinder. I told her to hop in, and started getting better acquainted with her.

She told me that her name was Jordan, and was getting her house ready for her roommate, who was finishing up affairs back east. Listening to her speak, I realized that she was obviously well-educated, and was clearly financially successful. She asked about me, and as I told her about myself, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself opening up to her. I mentioned that I worked at a rather popular bar, and on impulse, I invited her to stop by sometime.

She thanked me for the offer and promised me she'd consider it.

Then I turned into her driveway, and saw her house. It was a large, older house, and had obviously been recently remodeled. The paint was fresh, the lawn still had lines from where the sod had been laid, and the garage was not quite completed. I complimented her on it, and she offered to show me around. I had to decline, but for some reason, I felt uncomfortable at the idea of explaining that I was running late for a date. The awkward silence hung in the air for a moment, then she smiled again and thanked me for the ride.

I sped down her driveway and rushed home, jumped into the shower, and pulled up in front of my date's apartment right on time.

I needn't have rushed.

Kristy still wasn't ready, and I found myself entertained by a trio of kids, with Kool-aid stains around their mouths, chasing each other with squirt guns. Kristy came out and told them to play outside, and apologized for the wet spots on my shirt and slacks. She said we could leave as soon as her sister, Tammy, showed up to watch the kids, then launched into a monologue about her ex-husband's faults.

When Tammy arrived, she conferred with her in the kitchen for a few minutes, then came out and introduced us. Tammy boldly appraised me and told me that if Kristy couldn't satisfy me, to look her up.

Kristy glared at her, and the two of them started bitching at one another until I cleared my throat and reminded Kristy that we were running late.

The monologue resumed in the car, and by the time the maitre'd seated us, I felt a certain kinship with her ex-husband. Kristy paused in her harangue long enough to wolf down a meal even larger than mine, polish off a full bottle of wine, and devour some creation on their dessert menu that looked like it contained as many calories as I'd consumed all day!

I was daydreaming about my earlier conversation with Jordan when I suddenly realized that Kristy was asking where we were going after dinner. I quickly came up with an excuse about being tired from all the driving I'd done that day and told her that as much as I'd like to go dancing, we'd just have to do it some other time, when I wasn't so tired.

She was sullenly quiet throughout the ride back to her apartment, but when I pulled into a parking space, she slid over to me and, resting her hand on my belt buckle, asked if I wouldn't like to come up and watch some television with her.

I covered a yawn and promised that I'd love to if I wasn't so tired. She looked a little disappointed and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. She asked if I would reconsider, as she slid her skirt a few inches up her leg.

I must admit, Kristy had a very attractive figure, but pausing for a second to remember the rest of the evening, I sadly shook my head no.

Her pout disappeared in a flash as she snatched her purse, got out and slammed her door, then stalked into her apartment building. I watched her storm up the sidewalk to her door, and promised myself that I would exact my vengeance on the "friend" who had arranged this little date.

I was at work, a few nights later, when I noticed a gorgeous woman come in the front door. She was breathtaking. She had long, dark hair, which wildly framed a ravishing face, and beautiful blue eyes.

The neckline of her black silk blouse plunged enticingly low, revealing the firm, tanned slopes of her breasts. Her matching silk skirt was exceptionally short and exposed her long legs in all their firm, tanned glory. As she approached the bar, I realized that she had to be at least 6'0".

I welcomed her to the bar and asked her what she'd like to drink, and she surprised me by laughing. Finally, I recognized her. It was Jordan!

I wasn't able to hide my shock and received another musical laugh from this beautiful woman.

She sat down and explained that the day I'd met her, she'd been on her way back from a friend's house. She'd fallen into his swimming pool and had borrowed the sweats from her friend instead of making the two-hour drive home in her soaking clothes.

Also trashed that day were her contact lenses, lost in the pool. She said she knew how unflattering her glasses were, but she'd left them in the car for use in emergencies and hadn't brought any others with her.

I was speechless while she explained all this to me. I couldn't believe this was the same woman! She was still large, but it was obviously not the product of inactivity, but of long hours spent exercising.

She appeared to be about 150 pounds, all of which seemed to be well-toned muscle. She stayed for the rest of the night, and I was completely captivated by her.

When it was finally time to close up, I asked Walt, the other bartender, to cover for me. Walt had been staring at Jordan ever since she'd arrived, and except for being a little jealous of my luck, wished me the best. I slid him an extra $20 for the favor and offered Jordan a ride home. Jordan declined, but before the disappointment could register on my face, she offered ME a ride in HER car.

As we walked, arm in arm, through the rapidly emptying lot to where her Pathfinder was parked, Jordan whispered in my ear that she hoped I wasn't too tired to enjoy a little fun. She opened my door for me and then walked around to her side. It felt a little bit odd to be on the passive side of a date for a change.

She drove me to her house and gave me a tour of the place by moonlight. Even by moonlight, it was easy to see that the house was quite secluded by the trees surrounding the property.

"You sure won't need to worry about privacy if you want to sunbathe nude," I joked.

"Maybe I like people to watch me when I'm nude," she answered, then darted back to the house, leaving me standing speechless in the backyard.

I slowly walked back to the house, considering the implications. She'd left the door on the rear deck open for me, and as I walked into the living room, she was nowhere to be seen.

"I'd like a Sea Breeze, if you don't mind," she called out from down the hall. "You may have a drink too. I don't think you'll be driving anywhere tonight."

I checked out her bar (fully stocked, of course), and quickly located the cranberry juice in a half-size refrigerator disguised as another cabinet. I poured the vodka into a rock glass for her, and a double shot into another for me. I was looking for the lime to complete my gimlet when I heard her come back into the room.

She'd changed out of her clothes and was wearing a loose, silk pajama-style outfit. The coppery color of the silk caught the light from the lamps around the room and seemed to shimmer like water against her bronzed skin.

"Is that mine?" She sipped the drink as she sat down on a bar stool. "Mmmm. Delicious. What are you drinking?"

"A vodka gimlet, but I can't seem to find any lime."

"Oh, I'll need to pick some up then. What with the move, I'm constantly noticing things I've forgotten to buy." She sipped at her drink again. She seemed to want to say something and was perhaps considering her choice of words. "Bret, are you an adventurous sort of person?"

I paused before I answered, then shrugged. "I suppose it would depend on the adventure."

She set down her drink and asked me bluntly, "Are you willing to be sexually dominated by a woman?"

My mouth gaped open, and without thinking, I raised my glass and downed the contents. The Absolut burned down my throat, and all I could utter for the next minute or so were inarticulate choking sounds.

She waited patiently, until I'd mastered control of my voice again, and asked her to repeat her question.

"Oh, I think you heard me clearly the first time. I want you to consider this carefully. I find you quite attractive, and I believe you feel similarly. But the only way I could be with you is if I were in control. You would have to do, and behave, as I tell you, or what you're obviously hoping to happen, never will."

Her voice was soft, seductive.

"If you answer yes, then we will have ourselves a wonderful time tonight. If you answer no, I will drive you home, or to your car, and you'll never get this chance again."

I hesitated, then I asked her, "What would you like me to do, first?"

She smiled.

"First, I want you to take off your clothes. All of them. And from this moment on, you will address me as "Ma'am". Is that understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

I undressed, folding my clothes and laying them on the counter. Within two minutes, I was standing before her, wearing nothing but a blush.

"Come around here."

I walked out from behind the bar and immediately missed even the small feeling of safety that it had afforded me. I walked slowly across the deep carpet until I stood in front of her.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Kneel down. Lower your forehead to the floor, and cross your wrists behind your back."

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When I'd complied, she softly asked me a simple question.

"Do you trust me, Bret?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I whispered.

She gently fastened about either wrist what felt like a wide leather cuff. I had a moment to wonder where she'd gotten them. When they were both secured, I heard a click, and the cuffs were fastened together. She then placed a leather collar snugly around my neck and locked it with a small padlock.

"Sit up, and watch me now."

I obeyed her and watched as she stepped away from me, unbuttoning her top. She allowed it to fall to the floor and stood before me in a push-up bra made from soft black leather. The brassiere supported her breasts but left her nipples fully exposed.

She stared into my eyes as I looked up at her from my position on the floor. Then she untied her bottoms, and slid them down past her hips to the floor, stepping out of them.

She was wearing a matching leather panty, which was cut high on her hips to emphasize her long legs. A tiny golden rose showed where the side strip fastened to the narrow patch in front.

As she spun in place slowly, I saw that the back of the panty was a narrow thong which left her tight ass exposed. I also saw that there were no tan lines on her perfect body.

She finished her spin, and raised her arms over her head, clearly reveling in the effect her body was having on me. She flexed her biceps, and well-toned muscles leapt into view.

Then she padded over to the stereo, and while soft, relaxing music filled the room, she went through a posing routine that any body-builder would have been proud of. When she finished, she walked back over to her pajamas and pulled a long leather leash out of the pocket of her bottoms. She fastened it to the collar around my neck.

"Come with me!" she ordered.

I followed her down to the basement, which was paneled and carpeted, and paused beside a leather ottoman when she dropped my leash. She told me to kneel over the ottoman, and went to a cabinet which she opened to reveal a small but impressive selection of "toys". She selected a wooden sorority paddle and padded gracefully back over to me.

"Bret, I'm going to spank you now. I'm going to do this because the thought of spanking that firm, young ass of yours has occupied my thoughts for the past few days. I want you to count each blow out loud, and if you feel that you can't take any more, I want you to say the word, "Tangerine". If you say that word, I'll stop, and this will be over. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am. You're going to spank me because you'll take pleasure from it. I want to give you pleasure. Please, spank my ass."

She smiled, and stepping behind me, proceeded to smack my ass with that wooden paddle. I counted each blow, and she finally stopped at fifty. My ass felt like it was on fire, and tears were starting to leak from my eyes, but I had obeyed her.

"Impressive. You can take a spanking. You have potential. Now let's see if your ass can take getting fucked."

She returned to the cabinet and came back with a strap-on dildo. The artificial cock was quite life-like, and about eight inches long, an inch longer than my own rock-hard cock, and even thicker.

She pulled the front of her panties aside and rubbed the plastic cock against her pussy lips. Her lips were fully visible because she had removed all of her pubic hair. It was beautiful. I could see how turned on she was by all the juice flowing out of her pussy.

She stopped after a moment and buckled the huge cock around her waist. The harness was quite impressive, and when she'd finished securing it, it looked like another pair of leather panties with an eight-inch, glistening cock jutting out from the front.

She squeezed a small amount of lubricant from a tube into my upturned asshole and spread it around with the dildo.

"I'm going to fuck you now."

She suddenly grabbed my hips firmly, and with the head of the dildo positioned at my poor, virgin asshole, thrust it forward into my ass. I initially resisted, unused to the sensation, but Jordan would have easily been my equal had the situation been more balanced.

With my wrists buckled together behind my back, bent over an ottoman, there was no contest at all. She pushed the fake cock into my ass until I'd taken it all, then leaned forward, her hard nipples poking into my back. She moaned into my ear, kissing and licking all around it.

"Do you like it, baby? Do you like Miss Jordan's hard cock up your tight little virgin ass? Do you want to get fucked hard by Miss Jordan?"

"Yes, Ma'am. It feels so strange, but it feels great. I can't believe how full my ass feels."

"Do you want me to fuck you hard with it?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am. Fuck me with your big cock."

She reached between us, and I suddenly realized that the dildo was actually a vibrator. As it buzzed away in my ass, Jordan was clearly enjoying the sensations, both from fucking me and from the vibrator rubbing her clit. She pounded my asshole savagely, grunting and making all the sounds that I'd made so many times as I'd fucked some sweet young girl.

"Are you my boy?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am."

"Are you my little bitch?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm your bitch, and I'm your fuck-toy. Fuck me, Ma'am. Fuck my ass. Fuck my ass. Oh, God, I love your hard cock in my ass, Ma'am. Cum for me, Ma'am, please. I want to make you cum, Ma'am."

I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. I'd never have guessed, in a million years, that I could enjoy having a woman ass-fuck me. Jordan was definitely into it, though. I could hear her breath catch as she slumped over me, trembling and spasming as her orgasm rocked through her.

She lay atop me, exhausted, for a couple of minutes before she could even reach down and click off the dildo, still buzzing away in my well-fucked ass.

Jordan finally regained enough strength to push herself off me, the sweat from our bodies causing us to stick together. She slowly withdrew the vibrator from my ass, leaving me panting over the ottoman.

I was surprised at how much I missed the presence of the vibrator in my ass. My own hard cock mimicked her fake strap-on as she unbuckled it and tossed it into a corner.

She skimmed her panties off and tossed them after the strap-on. She regained some more of her poise, and walked around in front of me, squatting before me, her hairless pussy seeming to wink at me, conspiratorially.

"That WAS your first time, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You took right to it, though. That's a good thing. I like fucking my lovers in the ass even more than I enjoy getting fucked in my own asshole."

I lifted my head to search her eyes for the truth.

"Oh, yes, Bret. I want to feel your young cock in my own ass, but I disdain lubricants. Soon, you will too."

She rolled over in front of me, resting her shoulders on the carpet, and backed her ass up to my face. I eagerly licked the length of her tasty cunt, and at her command, plunged my tongue into her asshole.

She'd shaved everything, and she must have cleaned herself when she'd disappeared earlier because there was no bad taste at all in her ass. I licked and slurped and sucked until she cried out in another orgasm, her whole body trembling, and quivering.

She sort of half-fell forward, and basked in the afterglow of the orgasm. I'd never seen a person react so strongly when they'd cum.

After a couple of minutes passed again, she rolled over and propped herself against some cushions.

"Bret, I want you to go over to that cabinet, and bring me some more restraints. Two of the smaller ones, and four of the larger ones."

I glanced pointedly over my shoulder at my restrained wrists, and she explained patiently.

"Well, then, if you can't use your hands, you'll have to use your mouth, like a good little puppy."

It was awkward and time-consuming, but I eventually had all the items she'd requested. I watched in puzzlement as she buckled two ankle restraints on me, then placed the remaining ones on herself, using her mouth and teeth at the end, to get the wrist restraints on.

Then she pulled my face forward into her pussy again and ordered me to pleasure her again. While I nuzzled her sex, she freed my wrists, and then told me to stop.

She had me sit before her, and facing away from me, she lowered her tight, steaming cunt onto my cock. I was so hard, I'd thought I'd lost feeling there, but she proved me wrong.

She moaned in delight, echoing my own groan, then surprised me by leaning forward and fastening her left ankle restraint to mine. The right ankle followed. Then she pulled my arms across her front and fastened her wrist restraints to mine.

"Now, you're truly my prisoner," she sighed.

She leaned back until I was completely prone, and then she ordered me to remain inside her while she rolled to the side. We remained connected at our wrists, ankles, and at the groin. When she was on her belly, she told me to start fucking her hot cunt, hard.

Every time I wanted to move my hand or my leg, I realized that Jordan was in the ultimate position of control. When she pulled her knees in, and raised her ass, I had no choice in the matter.

When she lay flat and spread-eagled, I was forced to follow her. I relaxed and got into being her sexual toy. I understood that I was nothing more than a living, breathing dildo, existing for her pleasure.

"I want you to cum in me now, baby!"

She was writhing under me, and with her permission to cum, I exploded. It felt like I was shooting a gallon of semen inside her. She came with me, crying out, and wrapping our arms about her waist.

Once again, I waited until she recovered from her orgasm. She told me to stay inside her, and as my cock finally started to go soft, I could feel her pussy milking and massaging it back to life. It was unbelievable! When I was completely hard again, she whispered the command I'd been waiting for.

"Shove that prick in my ass!"

I withdrew my cock from the velvety sheath of her sopping cunt, and with the help of her/our hand, guided it back to her asshole. She thrust her ass back toward me, and I gasped as it slowly slid into her. The only lubrication was our own cum and secretions.

"Oh, yeah, fuck me with that cock. That's it. You little boy. You little bitch. Fuck my ass! Fuck My Ass!"

Her voice grew louder and more insistent, urging me to greater speed, harder, faster, until she started to spasm with her own orgasm again. That did it for me. I burst loose with my own load of cum, filling her bowels with my jism. We both were gasping from the intensity of the orgasm, trying to get our breath.

When we had recovered, somewhat, she got us on our feet, still linked together, and got us walking back up to the bar. If anyone had been watching from her backyard, they would have been rewarded with a truly unique sight of the two of us, covered in sweat, our mixed cum dribbling down our thighs, still shackled together at the wrists and ankles, as we shuffled across the living room and poured ourselves a fresh drink.

I was at her mercy as she raised the glass, first to my lips, then to her own.

When we'd recovered a bit more, she finally released our wrists and ankles. She left my collar on, and used the leash, draped over her shoulder, to lead me to the shower. She grinned as I cleaned myself up, and then had me wash her as well.

We finally crawled into bed, as the sun started to lighten the sky to the east.

Written by GCKern
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