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Domme Diaries: The First Time I Caged A Man

"Femdom Domme Journal Entry Short Stories (Lily)"

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Author's Notes

""Domme Diaries is a collection of short stand-alone stories exploring various aspects of femdom (kinks) with Dommes from my longer novels. This story follows Lily Taylor, the FMC from Reluctant Man and my duet trilogy Knot My Type. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thank you for reading my work! I am excited to be a part of this community."

I think anyone who’s surviving the chaos of graduate school would tell you the worst part of it has to be how fucking exhausting it is. That’s what all of my cohorts would say. Every single one of us, physically and mentally drained, clutching onto caffeine as if it’s a lifeline. It’s a wonder we get anything done outside of school.

I’ve been in grad school for my doctorate in Physical Therapy for a year now. It’s as grueling as everyone warned me it would be, and my social life has taken a hit because of it. Most of my classmates seem to have a semblance of balance, but I often feel like I’m just treading water. 

The only silver lining in all of this? My roommate Kate. She’s been a rock, always there with a glass of wine and a listening ear whenever things are getting too much. She’s in a doctorate program too, but for Occupational Therapy, so while we aren’t in the same classes, we can definitely relate to one another, which helps a great deal.

Then there’s Jake. Jake’s my boyfriend. Well… Fuck, I don’t know if I can even call him that. He’s this boy that I go out on random dates with, and fuck a lot. Hella submissive, which is always a plus. And he’s a nice enough guy, laid back and always willing to help me when I need it. But if I’m being really honest, he’s pretty boring. Predictable. Routine. And maybe even a little too much of a pushover. 

Although he loves when I have my dominant pants on and gets really demanding, which I both love and find utterly amusing. I think he’d really love a female-led relationship, but with how intense graduate school is, I can’t handle that yet. Maybe one day.

Lately, I’ve been craving more from Jake. A spark and adventure, something to break the monotony, something to relax me. Maybe it’s the stress of grad school, maybe I’m just tired of the same old thing. Whatever it is, I’ve been itching to shake things up. And, thanks to a random Reddit thread I found, I think I have just the idea.

This weekend, my sweet boy Jake is in for a surprise.

Most of my days blend into each other. Between classes, studying and the very rare nights out, there isn’t a ton of room for excitement. Last night was finally the tipping point, when I finally told Jake about the idea that I’d decided upon for the weekend. I could only hope he’d be up for it.

We were sitting on my tiny couch, watching some mind-numbing sitcom Jake had picked out. Which was fine. Part of me wanted my brain to shut off a little, but part of me was also bored. He was content, laughing at the intended moments, while I was barely paying attention. 

Instead, I’d been absentmindedly edging his—my cock, which was something I loved to do. Jake would occasionally whimper or moan or beg a little in response, but he was a good boy and let me play with my toy.

Eventually, I brought up my idea. “Jake,” I whispered, still stroking his cock a little. The credits for the episode we had been watching were rolling. A countdown started until the next one would play. He glanced at me, so I knew he was paying attention. “Our… relationship… it’s…it’s getting a little routine, don’t you think?”

Jake let out a little whimper of pleasure as I brought him to another edge, and he panted a little before he replied. “I…I guess so, maybe. Did you have something in mind you wanted to do?”

I nodded, slowing my pace on his cock, so he gave me his full attention. “How would you like to try a little femdom experiment this weekend… something a little more exciting that we haven’t tried yet?”

Jake’s eyes lit up a bit, and it made me smile. “Like what?” “Okay, so don’t freak out,” I said, trying to gauge his reaction as I started into the next part. This was something I’d never done before, and neither of us had talked about, but it had piqued my interest when I saw it on a Reddit thread the other day. “What if we played a little game with a chastity cage this weekend? Do you know what I’m talking about? Have you seen one before?”

“The ones that go on your—” Jake looked bashfully down at his very nice, erect cock I was still stroking and swallowed deeply. “You want to put…” “Just for the weekend. I’ve already selected one for you, and everything. Let’s do an experiment and see how much you enjoy it.” Jake looked a mixture of slightly confused and taken by surprise, but also a little aroused, and I thoroughly enjoyed the way his cock was twitching a little and throbbing at the idea. Maybe he wouldn’t outwardly admit it, but some minor part of him liked it.

“So…you’d me like…what’s the word for it…my keyholder? You’d keep the key to the cage for the weekend?” Jake asked, and his voice had got a little shaky and there were many more pants between his words. 

My smile widened, and I leaned into his body, pressing my lips against his ear then, and stroking him faster and rougher again, to build him to another edge. “Exactly, sweet boy. This hard, sexy cock trapped in a little metal cage for a few days, I can wear the key around my neck, until I decide to let my cock out…”

“FUCK, edge…” Jake moaned loudly, and I let my hand lift from him quickly. 

“Could be fun, right?” I said softly, brushing a gentle kiss against his ear.

Jake could only pant for a moment before he finally nodded. “I…I’ll try it if you want to, Mistress. I love to please you.”

“Good boy,” I replied softly, and got up from where I was sitting. “Stay right there and I’ll go get it.” 

This weekend was going to be anything but boring.

Jake was a ‘grower-not-a-shower’ so we both waited until he’d successfully gotten most of the way flaccid, and I had helped him with an ice pack. Once he was ready, I brought out the metal cage I’d purchased. While Jake sat on the couch, I got between his legs, and I watched him try to steady himself from the imagery. Often, I would suck his cock like this, but tonight would be different. 

I brought his cock and balls through the ring portion of the cage and then secured the part that held his cock, then placed the little tumbler key into the lock and turned it. When I let go, the cage securely trapped him. 

“There we go,” I said, unclasping my necklace I’d been wearing and threading the chastity cage key onto it. Jake watched, wide-eyed in disbelief. “All set. Such a good boy for me.”

Jake still had his eyes glued to the key around my neck. “So, what now?”

“Now,” I replied with a smirk, coming to sit down next to him. He was still naked and looking very vulnerable, with the cage on his cock now. “Now you follow my lead. If you want your freedom, you’re going to have to earn it for a few days, and when I decide to let you out, you’ll be able to get hard again…but for now…” My fingers gently traced along the metal of the cage, making Jake moan.

My first task for him was rather simple. I absolutely hated cooking, and Jake was a pretty good cook when he wanted to be. He was going to make dinner. And normally, I’d help him in the kitchen, but tonight, I was going to sit back and relax while he did it—completely naked.

I enjoyed a movie I’d put on, one that I had watched many years ago, Jurassic Park, while Jake prepared our meals. The smell of garlic and herbs filled the apartment, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of satisfaction every time I’d catch a glance of my sexy submissive, butt-ass-naked with the cage, working away in the kitchen.

As we sat down to eat, and throughout the rest of the evening, Jake’s eyes kept drifting to the key around my neck. The entire night, I felt like I wanted to be a hundred times sluttier, just to get a moan or a desperate plea or frustrated groan from him, as often as I could. Just to enjoy the way his cock looked bulging out of the cage.

And I couldn’t wait for everything I had in store for him

The following morning, I woke up feeling the thrill of anticipation. Today would be the first full day of our little chastity game, and I was eager to see how Jake was going to handle it. I found him already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me once I’d sat up, eyes flitting straight to the key around my neck.

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“Good morning,” I said with a gentle smile. “How did you sleep?”

“Fuck,” Jake moaned, stretching a little. “The cage was so uncomfortable, Mistress. I wanted so badly to get hard this morning, and it just strained against the bars. It still feels so tight. Please—could I—”

I had already crawled across the bed to him, and the second I could reach, I gripped a hold of his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. “If you’re about to ask for your freedom, and it isn’t by using your safe word, then I’m afraid you’re going to have to stop. I can distract you painfully, or in a much more productive way. Which would you rather, sweet boy?”

“The latter,” Jake gasped, and I released his balls, feeling satisfied.

“Good boy,” I smiled, and swung my legs around so I was sitting next to him. “I’d like you to go get coffee started and make mine for me. Then you’re going to help me clean my apartment, minus Kate’s bedroom.”

I smiled and swung my legs around so I was sitting next to him. “I’d like you to go start the coffee and make mine for me. Then, you’re going to help me clean my apartment, excluding Kate’s bedroom. However, you can start the coffee and make mine for me while clothed, since Kate will be home this morning.”

Jake nodded and got up from the bed, fetching his t-shirt with his favorite football team logo across it, and a pair of athletic shorts he had worn the previous night. 

“Any time I’d like to see my caged property, I’d like you to come over to me and present it for inspection,” I said simply, and Jake’s eyes went a little wide looking at me. “You don’t have to do it directly in front of Kate, but if she is in the room, I don’t care. I want you to show me discreetly. Understood?” He nodded, and I smiled at him. “Okay, make coffee, please.”

He didn’t hesitate, leaving the room promptly, headed to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. I watched him in the doorway, noticing Kate’s door was still closed at the moment. It was far too early for her for the weekend. There was something incredibly satisfying about seeing Jake so eager to please me. I enjoyed it very much.

Once we’d both had our coffee, we tackled the apartment. Normally I wasn’t the biggest fan of cleaning, nor was Jake, but today it felt different. Jake worked diligently and followed my instructions without questions. He was extra-attentive to his tasks I’d assigned him, always casting glances at the key at every opportunity, and I beckoned him at random times, just to pull down his shorts to flash the cage.

As the day progressed, I gave Jake more and more tasks, even helping Kate with a few things once she’d woken up. At one point, I’d had him come over to me while she had been across the room, just to look in his pants again, and I knew Kate had seen it and would ask me about it later. I kind of wanted her too. She was my best friend and the person I always told about my BDSM shenanigans. 

By the evening, the apartment was spotless, and Jake was visibly tired but still seemed motivated. Kate had left again to visit her boyfriend Trevor, leaving the two of us alone for the rest of the evening to our own devices. I sat down on the couch, after removing my clothes, only wearing his chastity cage key around my neck on the necklace.

Jake had been standing in the doorway into the kitchen watching me, eyes wide. I had turned on a movie we both enjoyed and had seen before, but it served as background noise for a bit. Instead, I hiked my legs up onto the couch and spread them wide, letting him view my soaked, very eager pussy. A pussy that was about to give him demands of its own.

“Get on your hands and knees and crawl over here and lick me,” I said, my eyes focused on the television instead of him, my tone serious, but with a bit of a seductive tone. “And if you aren’t over here in ten seconds, I’m going to punish your balls. 10—9—”

He didn’t hesitate. Jake dropped immediately to his knees, keeping his eyes straight on me, and I turned my attention back to him when he did. He crawled obediently across the living room floor and planted himself between my open and spread legs. And just like I’d told him to, he licked me vigorously. 

Something had changed right then. Jake absolutely loved servicing my pussy with his tongue. He loved when I sat on his face. He loved everything about eating me out. And he wasn’t bad at it, at all, not any in the least. But tonight… holy fuck, tonight he was another creature entirely.

“Oh my God,” I moaned loudly, hands suddenly wrapped around the back of his head, shoving him deeper. “Whatever you’re fucking doing, don’t stop. Jesus Christ, Jake! Fuck!” I was gasping for air, already starting to orgasm, and it had barely been seconds. It felt like he was ravenous, like he wanted to fucking devour me, and I KNEW it had to be because of that fucking cage.

And I fucking loved every minute. He broke our record that night—eleven orgasms in one session. Fuck.

“Morning,” I yawned, stretching deeply as I wandered into the kitchen the following day. Jake had already been there, handing me a cup of coffee. “Did you sleep well, sweet boy?”

“Better than the first night,” Jake said in reply, offering me a smile.

“Are we out of creamer?” I asked, noticing there weren’t any in the coffee. He nodded, and I frowned a little. “Okay, well, I have your assignment for this morning. I’d like you to run a few errands, including going to the grocery. Do you think you can handle that for me?”

Jake blinked, looking like he was trying to process the idea. “You want me to go out in the cage?” It finally dawned on him, and his eyes went a little wider.

“That won’t be a problem, will it?” I asked him, curiously. “No one will notice your cage. It’s between me and you. And I rather like the idea of you constantly thinking about my hand wrapped around my property and my ownership while you’re away, don’t you?” 

He studied me for a moment, trying to process it, and then nodded. “Anything you need, Mistress. I want to please you and make you happy.”

Those were some unfamiliar words that had come out of him. He’d said sort of similar things before, those were typically submissive things to say, but that exact phrasing and the intensity of it was something entirely new.

Fuck me, I was loving this cage more and more. 

After breakfast, I gave Jake the list of errands and the grocery list. While he was out, I took time to enjoy some peace and study a bit for school. And my mind would flit to the power dynamic we had going on, which was pretty thrilling, and I was relishing the control I had over him.

When Jake returned in the afternoon, arms full of groceries and other items I’d asked him to pick up, I couldn’t help but smile. He was trying so hard, and it was very endearing. We spent the afternoon with him helping me prepare for an exam the following day, and every so often I’d see the longing look in his eyes.

“You’re being such a good boy for me,” I cooed at him softly. 

“It’s so hard not to think about it, especially with that key around your neck. It’s driving me crazy.”

I leaned in to him, my voice soft and teasing. “That’s the point, Jake. The more you want it, the more desperate you get and the sexier you are. And who knows… I could give you freedom at any moment.”

“I mean, honestly, Lily. I’m kind of loving this. Even though it’s making me a little crazy. It’s challenging and different. I feel constantly desperate for you, constantly wanting to do anything for you I can to make you happy.” He nearly panted the words, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that surprised me. “And I never thought I’d be into something like this, but here we are.”

“This has definitely been very eye-opening,” I agreed, smiling at him. “It’s a new control I’d never imagined having, but I’m feeling a little addicted.” Addicted was definitely one word for it, but fuck me if his little speech he’d just given hadn’t turned me the fuck on. “You’ve done an amazing job this weekend.”

His eyes suddenly lit up with hope. “Does that mean…?” 

“Go lay on the bed and let me ride your face, and then, sweet boy....” I leaned in again, putting my mouth to his ear as I unclasped my necklace with the key. “Maybe I’ll let my sexy erect and edged cock cum.”

Written by loganlovewrites
Contributing Authors
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