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“We wore him out,” Kitana giggled.

My breathing was slowly getting back to normal. “While we wait, maybe you can answer a question for me.”

Vista crawled off the couch and into my lap. “Ask, my master.”

“Where’d you learn to suck a dick like that?” I asked.

She pushed her face into the hollow of my jaw and kissed my neck. “You’re large, but not every elf in this world has a tiny cock.”

“Just most of them,” Kitana grumbled.

“Mm. True,” Vista agreed.

“Right. Different topic. The humans only started coming to this world after the world broke, right?”


“Are there any other stories about humans from before that time?”

Vista stirred in my lap and pulled back until she could see my face. “When the world broke,” she said slowly, “most of our records were destroyed.”

“But?” Something in Vista’s voice told me there was more to be said.

“But,” she nodded, “there are verbal myths. Nothing I could verify in all my studies, but before the Dragon came to us, there were humans in the world.”

I met Kitana’s eyes over Vista’s head and raised my eyebrows. “Huh. Just to be clear. There were humans and no Dragon, then there was the Dragon and no humans. And now humans are back.”

Vista frowned as she understood my line of questioning. “Well, yes. But the Dragon is still here. And there have been humans since the breaking.”

Kitana shook her head, urging me to stay silent. I had to agree with her. At least for now, Vista didn’t need to know about the death of the Dragon. The revelation was stunning. Somehow, the Dragon and humans could not exist at the same time in this world.

What did that mean? A thought occurred to me and I had to cough a laugh at the sheer hubris of it. Maybe this world was pulling humans in to find a new Dragon.

“What is it, Master?” Vista asked.

I realized I had been sitting in silence for a few minutes, and my leg was falling asleep where Vista was sitting on me. I brushed my fingers up her ribs and she shivered and giggled before shifting around to press her mouth to mine. We kissed as I ran my hands over her body, exploring her curves.

She was beautiful, sensual, intelligent and lustful. Vista responded to my caress with growing urgency, and by the time she reached down to grab my cock, I was already starting to get hard. She stroked me slowly, using both hands, until I was firm and ready for round two.

“What’s the third challenge?” I asked her.

In response, Vista ducked down and sucked my length into her throat. She bobbed her head a few times, then pulled back, trailing long strings of saliva. Then she turned around and knelt on the edge of the coffee table. She lay forward until she could rest her weight on one shoulder, then reached back and grabbed her ass cheeks.

Vista spread herself for me, pulling apart the lips of her cunt and her asshole winked at me. “Fuck my ass,” she whispered.

Kitana swore under her breath and winced.

I grinned at Kitana’s reaction. One long step forward, and I rested the fat head of my newly slippery cock on her crinkled star. “Are you sure about that?” I asked.

Vista twitched at the contact, then she got a fresh grip on her ass cheeks and pulled herself wider. “I’m going to win,” she said with fierce determination. “I can make you fit. Just… go slow. Please?”

My pulse beat hard in my throat, and I gathered some saliva in my mouth before letting it fall in a wad to where my cock was pressing against her asshole. My aim was good, and it splattered onto her pale purple skin. I used my thumb to gather it up and pressed through her tight ass.

Vista groaned as my thumb slipped inside her. She adjusted herself, spreading her knees wider and arching the small of her back to give me better access. I pulled my thumb out, then spat directly into her hole before it could close up again.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Give it to me!” Vista pleaded.

I scratched my nails down her back, and pressed the head of my cock directly into her. Her asshole resisted the pressure for a moment, then she relaxed and my head popped into her. Vista gasped and her knuckles went white as she gripped herself tight.

The pressure on my cock was intense. I held my hips still and stroked her back gently until the clenching of her ass eased and she took a deep breath. “Oh, Dragon,” she moaned, then pushed her hips back against mine.

My slick cock eased deeper into her and I help still, letting Vista do the work herself. She only had an inch or two inside her, and she moved slowly back and forth, fucking herself. I started pushing into her a little bit at a time, making each stroke slightly deeper than the last.

I was about halfway into her ass when she shuddered to a stop. I leaned forward across her back and caught the tip of her ear with my teeth. Vista yelped and slammed her hips back into mine, burying my cock all the way in her ass to the root.

She froze, then let out a low wail. I started to pull out of her, but she reached back and grabbed my hip, holding me still.

“Fuck,” Kitana whispered.

I could feel Vista’s asshole flexing around the base of my dick. I reached around and felt for the hanging weight of her breast. Slowly, Vista pushed back against me until my cock was all the way buried in her again. Then she began to fuck me, her strokes gradually coming faster.

The white-knuckled grip on her ass relaxed, then she let go and pushed herself up until she was on hands and knees. Vista tilted her head back to look up at me. Her blue eyes were wet with tears, but there was lust there too.

“More…” she moaned.

“Okay, she wins,” Kitana swallowed. “I give up.”

I gave Vista an experimental thrust and she gasped, pleasure mixed with pain.

“Yes! Give it to me!”

I let her have it, building up speed until I was pounding into her. Vista’s grunts turned into pleasure-filled gasps and she reared back to wrap an arm around my neck. I held her with an arm across her chest and grabbed her swinging tit.

Vista tilted her head back to look at me, her mouth open and panting in need. My cock was sliding easily through her now, her firm ass thumping into my hips with every stroke. I brushed her hair aside and kissed up her neck to the lobe of her ear.

Her panting grew more intense and she cried out. Vista’s fingers laced in with my hand clutching her breast and she squeezed harder, encouraging me to be rougher with her. I bit the lobe of her ear and a shudder ran through Vista’s body.

“I’m going to cum!” she cried.

I kept fucking her ass, trying to keep my strokes consistent through my own rising orgasm. I felt her free hand between her legs, frantically rubbed at her clit. Then her back arched and her asshole clenched tight around the base of my cock, squeezing me too tight to move.

A spasm wracked through her and she let out a breathless yell. The strength puddled out of her and she flopped forward. I barely caught her before she face-planted on the coffee table, and I lowered her down as her legs shook and her abdomen clenched with the force of her orgasm.

Kitana watched Vista tremble with a hand pressed to her mouth and her brown eyes wide in disbelief. My cock was still jammed to the root in Vista’s ass and I could feel her insides flexing as she shuddered. I grunted as my cock abruptly reached the tipping point and I started shooting streams of cum deep inside Vista.

Vista’s clenching asshole kept from cock from going soft. As she slowly came down from her orgasm, she relaxed her asshole enough for me to move again. I gave her an experimental thrust, and Vista shrieked as another series of trembles and muscle spasms raced through her.

Every time she came down from another peak, I would give her a couple more thrusts and send her right back to the top again. After a few minutes of continuous orgasm, she finally reached back and pushed me away.

I pulled out of her asshole and my cock started going limp at last. Kitana was there a moment later with a damp cloth. She gave my dick a few swipes, then folded it over and gently pressed it against Vista’s asshole.

Vista shivered at the contact and moaned. Her chest heaved as she panted after breath and sweat dewed her skin. I bent down and scooped her up into my arms. Vista snugged against my chest whimpering softly.

I carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Like the sitting room, the bedroom was busy with patterned cloth and lace draped over almost every flat surface. I hated it, but it wasn’t my house. I climbed up onto the bed next to Vista and pulled her to me. Kitana followed and lay against my other side, pressed against me from ankle to shoulder.

There were still little tremors going through Vista’s thighs and the muscles in her abdomen would clench randomly as aftershocks sparked through her. I held her and stroked her hair until the last of the tension drained out of her.

Vista finally stirred and gave my chest a little kiss. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum like that,” she murmured.

“That was crazy,” Kitana agreed. “It almost makes me want to try anal too.”

“You haven’t done anal before?” Vista gathered the strength to lift herself up on one arm and look over my chest at Kitana. “Does that mean I won the game?”

I nodded. “Congratulations.”

Vista stretched up and kissed me hungrily. I held her and enjoyed the way her full breasts were pushing against my chest. She eventually came up for air and lay down on top of me. “What comes next?” she asked.

“You’ll help me in my search for my path,” I shrugged. “I’m not sure where we go next, really.”

“I kind of meant more immediately,” Vista purred. “Like, do I move in with you?”

I chuckled. “I’m going to need another addition.”

“Master Jack only has one bed,” Kitana explained. “And it’s only big enough for us.”

“Oh.” Vista frowned and hesitated as she formulated her next question. “How… close are you two? Am I getting in the way of anything?”

That was a delicate question, and one I didn’t have an answer for. Fortunately, Kitana had one ready to go. “Master Jack fucks who he likes.”

“And I like fucking Kitana,” I agreed. “And you.”

“And Lira,” Kitana added.

“And that little blonde. Tina, right?” Vista grinned. “Okay. I think I understand.”

“Ah, shit,” I sighed. “Lira.”

“That’s the priestess, right?” Vista asked.

“Yeah. I need to tell you something, and Lira has to hear it too.”

“Are you sure, Master Jack?” Kitana asked with a worried look.

“It has to be done. Sooner, rather than later.”

“She’s probably at the church,” Kitana said. “I could go get her.”

“Now?” I asked, surprised.

“Every day matters,” Kitana said pragmatically, and swung her legs off the bed. “In case you have forgotten, I only have a limited time to reach my path. I can brave a little rain. You stay here, I’ll be right back.”

I lay back against the pillows and watched through the open door as Kitana dressed quickly, then she clattered down the stairs and was gone. Vista sighed and her warm breath tickled the hair on my chest.

“Alone again,” she said softly. I felt her shift, then her hand slipped between us and found my cock.

I was somewhere around half-mast. Vista’s proximity would make any warm-blooded male hard, and despite having two fantastic orgasms, round three wouldn’t be too hard to coax out of me.

“You want to fuck again?” I asked.

“I need you to teach me how to get that massive cock all the way inside of me,” she said throatily.

“So, not anal, then.”

She shivered. “I’m not saying never again, Master, but maybe save that for special occasions. I don’t want to get used to your cock in my ass. I want every time to be as mind-blowing as the first.”

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I chuckled. That was fair. The talk of sex combined with Vista’s strokes on my cock was having a predictable effect on me. I hardened up after another minute of Vista’s attentions and she slid the head of my cock into her cunt with a groan.

“How does that little skank fit this cock in her?” she asked breathlessly.

I sat up against the headboard and pulled Vista down to my chest. I got a good grip on her ass and started cycling my hips up into her. “I tied her down the first time,” I growled in her ear. “Maybe that’s what it will take for you.”

“Ooh. Shit. Wait, go slowly. Let me get used to that cock.”

I eased off until I couldn’t feel the firm knot of her cervix pressing against the head of my cock. Vista relaxed and started riding me slowly. Every stroke she took, I could feel her insides clenching around my cock.

“Kitana is a bit of a pain slut,” I murmured. “Anal virginity aside, she gets off on a little bit of hurt.”

“Mm…” Vista’s eyes slid closed and her mouth opened slightly. “Yeah, that makes some sense, then. I like a hard fuck as much as the next gal, but pain isn’t my thing.”

“Except anal,” I grinned.

“Funny thing, after the initial push… it didn’t actually hurt.” Vista opened her eyes and gave me a sly smile. “Just really, really fucking full, and you were hitting spots I didn’t even know existed. I didn’t think I’d get pleasure from having my liver rearranged, but holy Dragon.”

I kissed her and she moaned into my mouth as she fucked me. “Vista,” I said quietly, “you don’t have to force anything. Go as deep as you like, but don’t feel like you have to go farther.”

“That’s sweet of you,” she panted, “but this is something I need to do.”

She pushed deeper and grunted as she reached depth. Vista’s hips paused and she settled her weight harder onto me. I could feel her begin to adjust and I slid slowly into her another two inches. After all the sex of the night, the head of my cock was starting to feel bruised and having Vista practically rest her body weight on it wasn’t helping things. Time to take charge.

“You want to get fucked?” I growled. “Fine.”

I hooked a hand under one of her knees and flipped her over onto her back. Vista gasped as I pinned her to the bed with my forearm and knocked her knees apart with my legs. I socketed my cock back into her and stared into her eyes.

Vista’s deep blue eyes shocked wide open. Her legs came up and her ankles hooked around the back of my thighs. I slowly drove into her until her breath hitched and her gaze went unfocused. Her back arched and a deep moan wrenched out of her.

This was what she wanted. Vista wasn’t into pain, but she was definitely into getting fucked hard. I shifted my weight so my forearm pressed her into the pallet and she couldn’t escape, then I started pounding into her.

Vista cried out with every thrust into her and she clutched at me, not trying to push me away, just desperate to find something, anything, to hold onto. Her nails dug into my chest and the sharp pain of her drawing blood was buried under the rolling waves of sensation and emotion.

She never broke the locked gaze with me. I watched her brows knit together and the uncertain mix of pain and pleasure slowly get washed away by a rising tide of ecstasy. My world spun down to the candlelight glowing in her eyes, the gasping, physical rush of hammering into her, and the wet friction of her cunt grasping impossibly tight around my cock.

Vista’s teeth locked against a rising shriek and the veins in her neck stood out as she tensed every muscle in her body. Her eyes screwed up, almost closed, with just a sliver of blue visible through her lashes.

Out of nowhere, I felt a rush of burning pleasure sweep up my body from my groin and I exploded into her. Vista lost her battle with holding in her voice and she screamed. Her eyes rolled up into her head and her back arched, lifting me despite my weight crushing down on her.

I locked my hips forward and found her lips with mine. She was out of it for a moment, then she started kissing me frantically before shuddering and humping her hips against mine, grinding her clit into my pubes.

Only then did I realize I had almost my entire cock inside of her. I pulled out slowly, and she groaned in a mixture of relief and reluctance. I rolled off her and flopped onto my back. My breath was coming hard, and sweat stung in the scratches Vista had given me.

Distantly, I heard footsteps come pounding up the stairs. I found the strength to sit upright as Lira’s head of flaming red hair came into view. The priestess skidded to a halt in the sitting room, her hand pressed to her mouth.

“Jack?” Lira whispered. “What did you do?”

Beside me, Vista stirred and moaned. I gave Lira a tired grin. “Hello, Lira.”

Lira’s eyes flicked down to my chest, then to Vista’s tousled hair. A sudden blush brightened her cheeks and she spun around. “Oh! I heard a scream, and… I thought. I didn’t know you… Dragon!”

I chuckled as Kitana came up the stairs behind Lira and gave me a reproachful look. “Master Jack, we heard you from the street! You’re going to start rumors.”

Vista sat up and dragged a corner of the blanket around to cover herself. “That’s my fault,” she said blissfully. “I can get loud.”

Lira huffed and folded her arms. “I don’t know what your hurry was, Kitana. If I knew I was going to walk in on them fornicating, I wouldn’t have rushed.”

I got off the bed and walked up behind Lira. She stiffened when I put my hands on her shoulders and refused to turn around at my nudge. Well, she had a right to be mad at me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest in a hug.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

“Hmph,” Lira grunted.

“I shouldn’t have sent you away,” I persisted. “I owe you an apology and an explanation.”

Lira finally turned around, then she lifted her hand and slapped me. Her green eyes were narrowed in a fierce glare. “Damn right you do,” she snapped.

“Okay, I deserve that.” I lifted my hands and took a step back.

“I thought you cared!” Lira cried. “Or was it all just a manipulation to get into my robes?”

“Of course I care,” I shook my head. My cheek was still stinging. Lira had an arm on her when she wanted to use it. “I pushed you away because I couldn’t stand lying to you.”

“Lying to me?! About what?”

I took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you the truth. Everything. But first, do you mind if I put some clothes on?”

Lira blinked and her rage puddled out of her. “Oh. Yeah. That would be… good.”

Kitana’s face was unreadable as she brushed past me with Vista’s clothes bundled in her arms. She shut the door to the bedroom and left me with Lira. I pulled my pants on and had to search around for my shirt before spotting it on top of a shelf where Vista had thrown it.

Lira watched me dress with her arms folded and a glare on her face. Once I was decent again, she leveled a finger at an armchair. “Sit. And tell me the truth you’ve been holding back.”

I sat. “We should wait for Vista to join us,” I said. “She needs to hear it too.”

“Damn it, Jack,” Lira growled. “What the fuck does Vista have to do with this?”

“Vista is going to help me find my path.”

Lira’s lip curled. “Is that why you were fucking her?”

“I was having sex with her because she’s a beautiful woman, and we were mutually interested,” I said flatly.

She had the good grace to look away and her arms dropped to her sides. “Sorry,” she muttered.

I sighed. “It’s okay, Lira. You have every right to be upset.”

Lira was silent for a minute, then she said, “Why did you make me leave, Jack? I needed you.” Her voice hitched on unshed tears.

Shit. I got out of the chair and stepped over to her. Lira gave me a miserable look as I wrapped my arms around her, then she buried her face against my chest. I held Lira and stroked her hair as her shoulders shook in silent sobs.

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know there was anything I could say. Gradually, Lira calmed down. When the bedroom door opened, she dabbed her eyes on the sleeve of her robes and pulled away.

“You’re not off the hook, Jack,” she glared at me.

“I know.” I held up my hands in surrender. “Can you hear me out, at least?”

Lira nodded. She looked about for a place to sit, and settled on perching on the arm of the couch. I went back to the armchair and sat down with a sigh. The night was turning out to be a lot more demanding than I had anticipated.

Vista settled onto the couch on the opposite side as Lira and folded her hands in her lap, the picture of propriety. She had taken the time to put her hair into a loose braid that showed off her high cheekbones.

Kitana sat between the other two and gave me a nervous look. “Okay. We’re ready.”

I took a deep breath. Where should I begin? With the full story of Kitana and I exploring the ruined tunnels? That wasn’t relevant. Better to just rip the bandage off.

“The Dragon is dead.”

Lira just looked at me in non-comprehension, but Vista gasped. “Oh! That’s why…”

I nodded at Vista, but Lira shook her head. “No, you’re wrong. That can’t be. How can the Dragon be dead?”

“He’s been dead for centuries,” I said grimly. “My best guess, is the Dragon’s death caused the world to break. Without him, the elves could no longer reach the flow. The sirens died off, and a new age of humans began.”

Vista’s mouth opened and her eyes widened in understanding. Lira, though, was still in denial. “That’s not possible, Jack. I saw the Dragon! With my own eyes! He was sleeping, as he has been for decades.”

“You saw his corpse,” I said sadly. “I crossed the sands and touched him. The flesh has long since dried away to nothing. Only bones and scales remain.”

“It’s true,” Kitana swallowed. “I saw it as well.” She reached into her belt pouch and pulled out a cloth-wrapped bundle. She unwrapped it, revealing the serrated scale.

Lira was stunned into silence. She could only stare at the scale in Kitana’s hands as the color slowly drained from her face. “Dead?” she whispered hoarsely.

“That’s why I sent you away,” I said sadly. “I didn’t know how to tell you, and I couldn’t lie to you.”

“But… the Dragon protects us! The orcs haven’t attacked because—”

I cut her off. “The orcs have stayed away because Tamara was betraying everyone that went searching for the secrets of the flow. Tamara traded their lives for the orcs to leave Bening alone.”

“Tamara? What happened to her?” Lira pleaded. “The truth, this time!”

“She’s gone,” Kitana answered. “Tamara tried to kill Master Jack and I. Then, since she didn’t have anyone to trade in her place, the orcs took her.”

“And you just left her to that fate?!”

“There were like ten orcs,” Kitana shook her head and her voice was spiked with venom. “There’s no way we could have fought them, and after what Tamara did, it seemed like a fitting fate. She never did get a taste of Master Jack’s cum. At least she died happy, taking endless rounds of orc cock in every hole.”

Lira let out a choked cry and buried her face in her hands. I gave Kitana a severe look and got up to wrap an arm around Lira’s shoulders. I caught the look of confusion on Vista’s face and mouthed “Later” at her.

“Maybe she’s not dead?” Vista asked hesitantly.

I supposed that was possible. It had been almost two months since Tamara had been taken. If she was still alive, she was either wishing for death or her mind was shattered.

“No,” Lira looked up and gave Vista a glare through watery eyes. “She was not a good person, but nobody deserves being an orc fuck slave. Better if she was dead.”

We were quiet for a few minutes, each of us lost in our thoughts. Lira leaned her head against me and I stroked her back slowly.

Eventually, Kitana stirred and looked up at me. “We still don’t have a plan.”

“I don’t know what to do,” Lira sighed. “I still can’t believe the Dragon is dead! No, I believe you, I just… I can’t think right now.”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Vista asked.

“What do you mean?” I looked over at Vista and saw a gleam in her eye.

“It’s a cycle. This world needs a Dragon. The Dragon can’t come from here, so it must be found from outside. From the human world.”

Lira twisted around to look up at me, her eyes wide. “What?!”

Vista nodded. “If Kitana is going to find the flow, then Jack must become the new Dragon.”

Written by Alaristar
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